‘Gross notion’: Bernie Sanders on Netanyahu addressing Congress as ICC seeks his arrest


‘Gross notion’: Bernie Sanders on Netanyahu addressing Congress as ICC seeks his arrest

How secure Mike Johnson says he's moving ahead with a formal invitation to the Israeli Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to give a joint address to Congress soon. It's expected to be a bipartisan invite and an overwhelming show of unity for Netanyahu as a prosecutor. The chief prosecutor, I should note.

With the International Criminal Court says he plans to seek a warrant for Netanyahu's arrest for alleged war crimes in Gaza. But while most in Congress are standing against the ICC prosecutor in that announcement that he made to CNN's Christiane Amanpour, there is one prominent exception.

He's my source tonight, independent Senator Bernie Sanders. Senator Sanders, welcome back to the source and thank you for being here. What do you make of Netanyahu coming to address Congress? Would you go to that terrible idea of, no, I won't come? Look, you have a.

Prime minister who has created the worst humanitarian disaster in modern history. Israel, of course, had the right to defend itself against a Hamas terrorist attack. But what Netanyahu has done is gone to war against all out war against the entire.

Palestinian people, women and children. 5% of the population is now dead or wounded, 60% of whom are women and children. Some 200,000 housing units have been completely destroyed. Every university in Gaza has been bombed. There is no there is now imminent starvation taking place.

So why you would invite somebody who has done such horrific things to the Palestinian people is something that I think is a very bad idea. Well, it's not just, you know, Speaker Mike Johnson. Senator Schumer is on board with this. I strongly disagree.

Look, what the ICC prosecutor has done is very important. What he has said is there must be war is horrific in general. And I would hope that someday the human race might end war. But what he has said,.

It's got to be stand. It's and as you know, last year he went after Putin of Russia, who has taken kidnaped thousands of Ukrainian children and taken them to Russia. And he said that's a war crime, not to mention Putin starting the largest war in Europe.

Since World War two. What he said about Sinwar, the head of Hamas. So this is the guy who started the war, committed a terrible atrocity on October 7th. He's a war criminal. He is a war criminal. But when Netanyahu goes to war against the entire Palestinian people,.

Kills 35,000, wounded, 77,000 destroys the health care system, their educational system, their civilian infrastructure. You know what? You got to have standards. And if you turn your back on that, then the next guy around the world comes to say, we could destroy the whole thing.

Let's do it. So what do you make of what we heard on this? Because the common refrain to that and what President Biden has said is that it draws a false equivalence between Prime Minister Netanyahu who and this and I don't agree. No one.

That now is the head of a democratic nation. He was elected. That's true. Sinwar is a terrorist head of a terrorist organization. That's true. But what the ICC prosecutor looked at is what they have actually paid,.

What they did and what Sinan Sinwar did, what combusted is, to my mind, are a act of a criminal violation of international law, no question about it. He's a war criminal. What Netanyahu is doing for the Palestinian people is different. But that is also to my mind,.

A clear violation of international law. We saw that video today of the female Israeli soldiers being tied up and basically disgusting. But what Hamas is, you know, what they did is horrific. They are a disgusting terrorist organization.

End of discussion. Sinwar is a war criminal. But does that give the head of a modern, powerful industrialized nation the right to go to war against the entire Palestinian people? I want to read you one thing, which is important.

As you know, Defense Minister of Israel Gehlot has also been. There's a warrant out for his arrest as well. This is what he said. Soon after October 7th, he said, quote, defense minister, quote, I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip.

There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly, end of quote. That is the defense minister of Israel. And you know what? That is exactly what they did yesterday. There is no electricity.

We covered those comments and we've covered also what's been happening. Obviously, they're on this front, though, if those warrants are issued. Countries that are party to the ICC will have to arrest Netanyahu and Galon if they go into those country.

I mean, would you be okay with look. Look, between you and me, I don't think Putin is going to get arrested. I don't think someone's going to arrest that. I don't think that no. Is going to get arrested. But the world community.

Has got to have certain standards or else we move into barbarism and the next country at war will say, look, look what Israel did. We're going to wipe out all the housing. We're going to solve all the children. Hey, that's okay. So what the ICC is trying to do, I think importantly,.

You know, in a crazy world, in a world of so much violence, trying to hold at least some minimum standards of what governments have got to do. Senator Bernie Sanders, thank you for joining us here tonight. Thank you.

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3 thoughts on “‘Gross notion’: Bernie Sanders on Netanyahu addressing Congress as ICC seeks his arrest

  1. now to now not put out of your mind the Vietnamese resistance started by terrorism attacks!! in the occasion you bought others land and sabotage the are living of a nation, what discontinue you inquire to happen next!!

  2. Israel has nothing to discontinue with this world which is ruled by Satan who controls the physical realm: ISRAEL is the SOUL who’ve to RISE ABOVE Esau (furry animate level that can NOT repent) to keep every the soul and his brother in the discontinue. To this level, Israel hardly ever exists yet, nonetheless is quiet a bunch of Esau's walking around projecting their vulgar onto the worldwide locations they are speculated to be a LIGHT unto:nothing in the Bible is regarding the appearance nonetheless precise about Israel (THE SOUL that is fashioned inner the appearance) and HOW God (Hashem “FORMS” the SOUL inner the appearance): SO, whenever you be taught the Bible as physical americans (DONKEYS) then you is seemingly to be an ass for certain:

    The GOOD NEWS is Judah is in a relate to trek that ass to Jerusalem when the Messiah is printed above it:

    Israel are those in WHOM Messiah is printed, the HEART of the temple, the inner court docket the HOLY PLACE where the abomination of DESOLATION is printed when Messiah cuts that covenant in the stony heart (Dan 9) to cleanse and SANCTIFY the center who is the BRIDE OF GOD: Right here’s precisely: A CLEAN HEART. If you happen to bag to that, then you is seemingly to be ISRAEL and it has nothing to discontinue with flesh and blood: The worldwide locations are the body who bag the blood (ANOINTING) thru the center and Christ is the head of the body and God is the head of Christ: IF YOU WANT TO BE THE HEART, PURIFY your desires and you switch genuine into a ROYAL and HOLY PRIESTHOOD: If you happen to don't have to purify your heart, why would God have to Be IN UNION WITH IT?

    Most of the americans discontinue no longer take how HUNTERS AND GATHERES were right here prolonged sooner than the God of the Bible showed up to give them an UPGRADE: It would ranking 6000 years for the upgrade to hit its peak after which like a fruit tree that obtained ripe and its fruit became no longer gathered, started rotting and falling uneaten or broken-down from the tree:

    without the HOLY SPIRIT the BIBLE is a CLOSED BOOK: Simplest the HOLY SPIRIT can OPEN it to adore what’s written in there:

    usually I repeat Christianity went the method in which of Judaism and did now not bring the MESSIAH INTO THE WORLD anymore than the Jews did: Abraham's religions are a curse upon the earth till they invent MESSIAH, the ANOINTING, the CHRIST into the realm: WHO WILL REVEAL THE ARM OF THE LORD? To this level, no longer Jews and NOT Christians: WILL Islam? If Islam does it, then they are the lawful Jews and Christians: TIME WILL TELL:

    Anyway, I am no longer right here to persuade any individual anymore nonetheless I KNOW what I know and I have in mind the truth that the 'gods' who were despatched right here to every delivery up civilizations from Babylon to Egypt to all civilizations from SUMER TO ROME, were given to UPGRADE the evolutionary races and it shall be 6000 years till the gods returned to accept as true with that HARVEST, elevate the wheat to the storehouse and build away with the tares and stuff that doesn’t abet in the EARTHS GARDENING SYSTEM.

    The earth would be the KINGDOM as it’s in heaven (where the gods reach from and what they INTENDED to position inner us (Kingdom of heaven inner) so the earth shall be crammed with the GLORY of YHVH the LORD whoever him to be:

    Now we accept as true with got to enter the Kingdom (Malchut) as a shrimp one, hence a CHILD SHALL LEAD them. The full Christ legend is regarding the “seed of Hashem/God” which Christ is in us, being born thru our heart and this shrimp seed is extra highly fantastic than the general vessel of self-esteem (ego) picked up throughout our life time. The shrimp seed is so highly fantastic, that it rapid turns into the root of Jesse, David brings thru our heart, (circumcision) that raises the wearisome (gets the soul out of the vessel of self-esteem self-esteem all is self-esteem), and releases the SOUL upon Eagle's wings into the desolate tract (a new section of our brain) where Hashem thru his SEED that develops into MAN.

    Jesus is that MAN which is no longer a sexual being nonetheless a SPIRITUAL “WILL” that guides and transforms us from faith to the faith of the Son of God that raises the wearisome bones of the home of Israel, and from glory (vailed from Israel) to the glory that can absorb the earth (BRAIN) as the waters (Torah) that covers the ocean (subconscious) making it unsleeping in all directions:

    Christ is the ANOINTING that is the RICHES (adore) of Israel, the LIVING WATER inner us that our tree (brain) of LIFE is planted by, so we take Torah as a tree of life. The anointing comes by the HOLY SPIRIT of Hashem and right here’s what I will discontinue this with.

    team spirit (Yichud) where Judah comes from and Yachida comes from, is precise by the FORCE of Hashem that unifies and this is his HOLY SPIRIT (Ruach Qodesh) without which all religions are mere rhetoric. No topic how principal one loves the rhetoric of their faith and I admire mine to no discontinue, I know that without the Holy Spirit which brings regarding the center circumcision Jews are looking forward to and Christ the Christians are looking forward to and GENERAL PEACE the realm is looking forward to, it will NOT exist in us without the HOLY SPIRIT. Right here’s why King David prayed, discontinue no longer ranking your HOLY SPIRIT from me, once he experienced it. David, knew this is what gave him Hashem, and the general recordsdata of Hashem that he would ever need or be in a relate to know.

    The cause the HOLY Spirit is so significant is due to the quiz, if I am OPEN to mysticism (which is garbage without holiness) how can I know I am no longer being misled. The HOLY SPIRIT from its inception in you, from the principle second of receiving it, raises the bar so high nonetheless also so COMPLETE in you that this is the ONLY STATE where there don’t appear to be any extra questions: It is a sense finishing touch and WHOLENESS (HOLINESS) so you know, as YOU are identified straight. Now comes the work of conserving this consciousness and trusting that this can proceed to woo, handbook, design an increasing number of to itself which is the essence of Hashem, of God. We precise know truly that there is NONE BESIDE HIM and that he is ONE and his name is ONE once we expertise that UNITY with him. NOW we now accept as true with a plumb-line from hell to heaven, from North to South and East to West, that can absorb the brain (earth) with GLORY as the waters duvet the ocean: In my EXPERIENCE, till I experienced HELL in me, the void in me (da'at) I would per chance no longer delivery up being FILLED because I had to search the worst section and bag the OIL, the ANOINTING in there, to design cease it would lawful amplify in me in four levels YHVH thru the “SHIN” (three fold flame coming from the SINGLE level) Singularity that Hashem is in us.

    I know from the Holy Spirit that if Abraham's kids discontinue no longer reach collectively, their lives will an increasing number of be a bigger and bigger curse on this planet: It is time to search out the COMMON denominator and it’s no longer the “method you gape God or Hashem or “Allah or Jesus Christ” BUT THE WAY THE HOLY SPIRIT will existing these inner your heart and renew your mind. ONLY then will you gape what has been missing and why Abraham's kids had been perpetuators of Adam's curse as a change of HEALERS and a LIGHT for the worldwide locations.

    IF Abraham's kids discontinue no longer turn genuine into a light-weight to the realm, so the MEEK INHERIT AN EARTH WORTH INHERITING, then they would per chance flip out to be the tares as a change of the WHEAT they usually would per chance remain the TAIL (of the serpent) and no longer the head of the GOD THEY CLAIM TO BELIEVE IN:

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