Guess Which Communist Nation is Turning On China?


Guess Which Communist Nation is Turning On China?

The Chinese Communist Party Has its sights set on Vietnam.But Vietnam ain’t having it. Something has changed. And Vietnam isgetting a lot more aggressive towards China. Welcome to China Uncensored, I’m Chris Chappell. The Chinese Communist PartyHas its sights set on Vietnam. A communist betrayal! Who could have guessed?! Last week, China quietly annexed thenortheast corner of the Gulf of Tonkin. The Gulf of Tonkin is nestled betweenVietnam and China’s Hainan Island. And the maritime borders betweenthe two nations look like this.

But now, China’s officialcoastline looks like this, instead. China justified its annexation with theUN Convention of the Law of the Sea It allows countries to simplify their officialcoastlines in a way that smooths out rough edges. It makes marking complex coastlines likeNorway’s a lot easier. Norway’s coastline is edgier than a 14 year-old playing Fortniteonline while quoting old Andrew Dice Clay jokes. But China’s idea of “smoothing out”rough edges clearly wasn’t what the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea had in mind. And it’s definitely a threat to Vietnam. But Vietnam ain’t having it..

Vietnam’s foreign ministry spokeswoman responded by calling on China to respect and abide by the 2000 maritime demarcationagreement and international law. Which went over about how you’d expect. China’s foreign ministry spokesman responded,saying, “It's China's legitimate and lawful right to determine the territorialsea baseline in the [Gulf of Tonkin]”. I don’t know what’s worse, the CCP’sarrogance or their predictability. Hey CCP, your plotlines are as staleas old Andrew Dice Clay jokes! But this isn’t the first time Vietnamhas publicly called China out.

Earlier this year, Vietnam denounced China’soccupation of the Paracel archipelago in 1974. Okay, so that’s a little late, but hey, better late than never. But there areclear parallels to what’s happening today. The Paracel archipelago was territoryheld by the Republic of Vietnam, or South Vietnam at the time, until China invaded. Vietnamese state-run media went so faras to openly call it “China’s invasion”. Which is a bit of a punch in the face for China. But that’s not all Vietnam is doing. Something has changed. And Vietnam is getting alot more aggressive towards China.

I’ll tell you how it’s pushing backagainst the CCP after the break. Welcome back. Remember that whole Vietnam warthing? Well, China is so bad, China is driving Vietnamand the US closer together. But it’s way more than that.Vietnam is creating a group of alliances with a bunch of countriesin the region that all have grievances with China—this is something theCCP does not want happening. Vietnam and Japan established acomprehensive strategic partnership. Vietnam and Indonesia havea new defense cooperation..

Vietnam and the Philippines signed twodeals over South China Sea security. I hope their main understanding of China was, “They’re awful and let’s stopassociating with them immediately.” All of these countries haveterritorial disputes with China. But the decision to go public with these disputesis definitely inspired by the Philippines. The Philippines has been heavily publicizing theirconfrontations with China in the South China Sea. Like when Chinese vesselssurrounded a Filipino boat. Or the Chinese coast guard assaultedFilipino boats with water cannons. The CCP’s goal was to intimidate thePhilippines, to get them to back down..

Instead, they used a bullhorn to leteveryone know China is a bad actor. It seems like Vietnam is learningfrom the Philippines strategy. And this is making China very nervous. Now Vietnamese leaders did meet with Xi Jinpingat the end of 2023 and signed a bunch of deals. But, half the agreements were non-binding. A lotof it was just talk without much real substance. China sees the writing on the wall,so it’s trying to woo Vietnam back. First, by leaving them an out. My favorite Chinese state-run media, theGlobal Times, says it's the Philippines that’s actually creating this united frontagainst China. They aren’t calling out Vietnam.

Recently, top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi met witha Vietnamese delegation in Beijing, expressing how China is ready to strengthen high-levelexchanges with Vietnam and deepen communication. And would you look at that! China’sallowing more durian from Vietnam! Durian diplomacy. It stinks But Vietnam ain’t stupid. And itdefinitely doesn’t have a bad memory. Vietnam fought off a Chinese invasion in 1979… …and clashed with China over the SpratlyIslands in the South China Sea in 1988. And it continues to this day. In 2014 China positioned an oilrig in Vietnamese-claimed waters….

In 2019 Chinese ships aggressively harassed anoil rig within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone… And in 2023 there was a tense standoff after Vietnam announced an expansionof an oil drilling operation. And it looks like Vietnam isn’t going to be quiet about it any more. And it certainlyisn’t going to confront China alone. The CCP hates being exposed. That’swhy they hate China Uncensored. Chinese state-run media even called theshow “disgraceful anti-China garbage.” Which I put on a t-shirtThat you can buy at But it isn’t cheap to make the show. Ihave a whole staff behind me and I don’t.

Make enough from dwindling YouTubead revenue to keep the show afloat. That’s why I need your help. All it takes is a dollar or more anepisode on I make about 16 episodes a month,but if that’s too much for you, You can set a monthly limit. So you could ensure I can keep uncensoring Chinafor even a dollar a month. And as a thank you to everyone whogives on Patreon, I’l answer one of your questions at the end of these episodes. Today’s question come Kurtis Ryan “DearChris, what will China's response be.

Now that the Biden Administration isgoing to place US troops in Taiwan?” Great question Kurtis, and really importantin the context of today’s episode. We now know US Green Berets are beingpermanently stationed in Taiwan. What will the CCP do? A big fat nothing. They talkup a storm, but when push comes to shove, they’re a paper tiger. That’s why it's so important tostand up to them and why it's so great seeing All of China’s neighbors around the East and South China Sea coming together to standup to Chinese Communist aggression. Unless they encounter pushback, they’llkeep going. The time to stand up to the CCP is…well it was yesterday, buttoday is better than tomorrow.

Thanks for your question and your support Kurtis. Be like Kurtis and hit that orangebutton to support the show on Patreon. And in my ongoing attempt to talkabout things YouTube considers too controversial by hiding it gamingcontent, click on this video about the border Crisis in Skyrim. It’s justa game, YouTube, no need to demonetize. Once again, I’m Chris Chappell, thanksfor watching China Uncensored. .

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