Gutfeld: Here is now not perfect


Gutfeld: Here is now not perfect

You're so wonderful yes I love you too I love you and I love you happy Wednesday everyone so remember those stories you'd hear about a firefighter who sets a fire so he can ride in and save the day but instead the house burns down that reminds me of Joe and the Border he torches the border and now we're.

Supposed to trust the same guy who started this raging Blaze to put it out you know it's like believing OJ when he said he was going to find his wife's killer he's still looking he is he is so do we give him more matches and gas or look for someone with a fire extinguisher and a pulse that's the question Joe Biden.

Asked America yesterday during a speech that reminded me of Winston Churchill primarily because Winston Churchill is also dead all indications are this bill won't even move forward to the sener floor why a simple reason Donald Trump because Donald Trump thinks it's bad for him politically he'd rather weaponize this.

Issue than actually Solve IT Trump and the Maggie Republicans said no because they're afraid of Donald Trump afraid of Donald Trump the Republicans have to decide who do they serve Donald Trump or the American people every day between now and November the American people are going to know that the only reason the border.

Is not secure is Donald Trump and his Maggie Republican friends folks we've got to move passes toxic politics that is amazing first of all he asks who do the Republicans serve this is the man wearing the Ukrainian flag because they gave money to his kid who do you serve but the short-term Buzz of this woke postering inevitably gave way.

To the reality hangover that was visible yesterday on the president's face look at him it's painful to watch it's got to the point that now Joe just barks Maga whenever he can't make a real argument lucky for him it's only two syllables even luckier Trump is only one but it's his answer for everything he's like a sex addict who only knows.

One position and we're the ones getting screwed but it seems something has finally dawned on Joe that spiteful anti-trump tantrum he threw when he took office reversing roughly 90 Trump irab border policies has now become the defining feature of his administration and he's become a melting angry ice.

Sculpture and then there's Homeland Security director Alejandro maoris sorry it's hard to give a thumbs up to a man who looks like a thumb he's failed miserably to defend our borders so when the House of Representatives voted Tuesday evening to impeach him it should have been what figure skaters call a slam.

Dunk but three Republicans these fellows right here on your screen joined the Dems in voting against what would have been the second ever impeachment of a sitting cabinet official so write down those names so you can vote against them or at least sign them up on grinder our audience doesn't know grinder and good for you Mike Gallagher.

Posted on X why he voted against impeachment quote creating a new lower standard for impeachment will set a dangerous new precedent that will be weaponized against future Republicans Administration it will only further pry openen the Pandora's box of Perpetual impeachment so you get this people those.

GOP defectors didn't vote to impeach Trump didn't vote to impeach because it would lead to the Dems doing it as well do we live in the Twilight Zone sir Gallagher the Dems already impeached Trump not once but twice did we already forget that is Biden's dementia contagious does Maga now stand for making Alzheimer's great.

Again what an argument we don't want to hit them cuz they'll hit us back well then why are you in the damn ring you're fighting for us remember anyway Republicans say they'll try their hand at impeaching mayorcas again maybe in a few years when our Southern border starts at Nebraska yeah but like I told my.

Assistant when she wanted a day off for her mother's funeral don't hold your breath but it's not really about mayorcas it's about Joe we wouldn't have this crisis had B not rescinded Trump's border policies and just left remain in Mexico in place he prefers his policy of remain in basement instead the problem with yesterday was.

That ignored one unignorable fact This Disaster was not occurring under Trump and that the Republican house now are as weak as Jerry nadler's spinter if there's one thing establishment Republicans love to do it's lose gracefully but as they lose so do we cash strapped local governments are now spending billions for the care.

And feeding of new arrivals with no work permits and limited job skills and less respect for the law than ilhan Omar on her wedding night damn I don't even know what that means the video of two NYPD cops assaulted by Venezuelan thugs exposes the issue that Dems had labeled racist just for bringing it up migrant crime.

So Venezuela empties its prisons and we get a crime wave what did you expect they broke the laws in their own country and now they're free to roam in a bigger richer country it's like offering a free bucket of fried Twinkies and then shocked that Joy bayar shows up on the foreign policy front Biden decided to link securing the border to.

Funding for Foreign Wars now let me get this straight Russia's at war with Ukraine Hamas terrorists slaughtered Israeli citizens oh yeah Jo it's Hamas there is some movement and I don't want to I don't want to well maybe choose my words damn there's some movement there's been a response.

From the uh there's been a response from the opposition but um it yes I'm sorry from Hamas oh my God quick somebody gets smelling salts and then put them in a little girl's hair that's not good that is so not good.

At least he didn't say extreme magga Republicans it's Hamas you dumbass maybe ease up on the embalming fluid it's not even funny anymore really I feel bad saying that cuz I this is terrible but those Wars mean America apparently doesn't get a southern border if anybody can explain to me how this works I promise to give you Brian km's home.

Phone number he goes to bed at 8:30 so these countries they have sacred borders but America's looks like Walmart on a Black Friday of course the experts will say look man you got to fight the bad guys over there so they don't come here fine I get that but why not make it harder for them to get in here before.

They flee from the wars that we are fighting there I know I know it it makes too much sense like muting your TV whenever Jesse's on the truth is the Border crisis is like luminol for the crime scene that is the Biden Administration it's detecting blood all over and Joe's Alibi is holding up about as well as the Border.

Itself thanks to his incurable TDS Joe has managed to make our border as incontinent as he is can he stop the flow at all I bet we'll get the same old answer depends welcome tonight's guest he took a night off from banging your ex to be here tonight comedian Jeff D she's so bright Joe Biden keeps.

Walking towards her campaign Communications expert Aaron p and here we go she took OIC and gained weight New York Times bestselling author and fox contributor cattoo and when he plays Monopoly he uses real houses New York Times best-selling author comedian and former.

NWA world champion Jeff you know because you're an expert on immigration I was going to ask you what your solution is but then I watched those clips again of Joe Biden and I realized these are not gaffs anymore this is just the status quo of his behavior it's kind of scary I even.

Feel bad making jokes about it now yeah it's hard to make it funny yeah like it really is like you just watch it go this is embarrassing that's the leader I know have like JFK like we choose to go to the Moon you know that's get jacked up you get hard watching that you watch this you just go ah this is what we're doing yeah it's it's very embarrassing.

It's very also what is the plan just don't talk about it I I at least we have a position here but then you ask people like well you know you you when you go to a country you should probably follow the rules to like get into that country I can't just go to Australia and they go hey don't say that yeah what about these.

Guys beat up a cup they're not even citizen they go whoa whoa racist but what's the plan like can we talk about it like there has to be some other side yeah the only side they are concerned with are for the people coming in it's the most bizarre thing a border actually has two sides and and like if you bring up your.

Concerns you're a bigot right just by talking about it like that's pretty scary also and not very funny that we can't even talk about it without being like this is you're you're problematic what happened to your caller by the way it's uh this is a special cut told it looks I was told it looks good you're like Jeff Dy hip doctor look.

I I'm here to tell you got cancer but what are you doing later eron that is the doctor I'd be that is the doctor you'd be you've only got 3 months to live but two months to love I love that all right Aon I apologize for that um what do you do you think not impeaching mayorcas is a big.

Deal I mean it really I mean it's like I guess life goes on is this a big defeat no it's not because one they'll be able to bring it up again and you know it I think the least surprising part of this is that like it's taking a while to get things done in Congress that's the same song in dance I worked on the hill for years I haven't been there for a few.

Years but really not much has changed the way we make the change here is we elect somebody else to the White House the reason we are facing three and a half to four times more border crossings in a two-year period under Joe Biden than we did under Donald Trump is because of Joe Biden let alone the 90 executive actions that he took away from.

The Trump Administration purely because he said oop Donald Trump that's a no for me building the border wall he stopped doing that part of the border wall was also like Dam infrastructure in Texas and he was like good luck everybody like everything he did has been bad and has only made the Border worse people want to see this end you can't believe like.

You can't be shocked that it's going to take Congress a while to get this right you need a leader in the White House who's willing to take action to get it right because it's clear between Biden and my orcus no one is going to close the southern border of the United States yeah he would rather forgive student loans yeah and will do and has done that.

And then and catch and release people in the United States you enter the country illegally hey you got a one-way ticket you beat an NYPD cop you might make it to California but that's that's that is the tenant of their policy right now the core of their policy is yeah you know cat I was just I I think I was caught off guard watching.

Biden again yes it I think we all know now why he's not doing the Super Bowl interview yes I mean it's bad dead serious what okay if that's your audition tape what gig could you get right no like like just three it's only 3 minutes it there's no only in that 3 minutes okay like the Super Bowl is supposed to be.

Fun I hear and like that was that's like he looks miserable they would you but how why is I mean the thing is why isn't that clip everywhere like I I'm I'm pleading ignorance that is the first time I saw too first time I I mean this the first time because they all look the same you're like oh you know what's crazy is that I don't care what you know.

Party your from what you believe whenever you're watching Joe Biden speak everyone watches him like this like like like what's going to happen you know like that's not like how you should watch them like oh like like like and you're just like heartbroken and scared the whole time this isn't normal none of this is normal it's.

Disturbing he's so sad yeah like this he shouldn't be he shouldn't be have to do that no at at this point they need to pull they need one of those big things to take them away we owe George W bush a big apology we gave that we raped that guy over the coals for saying like fool me once and then you know losing his train of.

Thought this guy every day it's so normal to us now we just go that's how we talk normal I thought he was just split in the diff like he's got a 10 minute speech but if he combines it all together he can get it done in three minutes I I thought it was just a you know I'll say three or four things at the exact same.

Time which is a higher level of thinking that's true which you know we just don't get it my bad Mr President I'll work on my this is just the incident with the the border patrol officers and their horses M his ass should have been out of there yeah and this is on Republicans this this is why we need term limits they care more.

About getting reelected than doing the right thing his his laxidasical effort with the border with the way he treats the men and women who protect the Border how about the mothers who came to Congress he didn't show up because he was quote in a meeting with Mexico you should have brought their asses too but.

It goes back to the same thing Republicans are full of and this proves it they say they want change who care if I know that being a leader and doing the right thing and getting a person this man out here who's failed and there's no one can argue that he hasn't means I might not get reelected but I did my job that was better for my.

People fine next man up so be it I did my part but this says more this you know we always want to go at the left and say when they're doing this this says more about us and the spineless people that supposedly are conservatives that know that this man has cost money is ruined lives there was people that couldn't leave their homes because everyone.

Thought they were whipping black people and think about that that's what and you're serving for pay and that's how you're being treated that's just one didn't show up for the moms then they was ly fine making like border agents were letting people drowned in the water yes it didn't matter what horrible thing that he said but you just didn't want.

Them to come back at you yeah turn in your little pin and your tie and go home yeah all right hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else.

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3 thoughts on “Gutfeld: Here is now not perfect

  1. Stunning Chronic Liars must derive just memories, by necessity to assist tune of the total lies. Now we know why our border is wide initiate, JO'BIDEN requested Egypt to initiate the gate with Mexico. I'm just gratified to gape that Biden did his as soon as a term Press conferences. I will be able to't even be taught about The Binder girl. God Serve Us ! Thank the friggin' Socialists for the Fascism and crime !

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