‘Gutfeld!’: Is Kamala Harris a ‘secret weapon’?


‘Gutfeld!’: Is Kamala Harris a ‘secret weapon’?

is kamala's secret role being the dem's Ace in the Hole a recent oped claims Kamala Harris isn't a total train wreck liability to Democrats but in fact their secret weapon for success in the 2024 election it's a weapon so secret no one's seen signs of any success yet the article from Democrat Professor.

Dr Basil schichel describes how the vep could be a big asset to the Democratic party with her high appeal to non-white voters and young people she also scores high with a DEA for obvious reasons that appeal according to the good doctor comes from kamla's Outreach efforts on key issues like abortion rights immigration and economic concerns.

Among gen Z and Millennials but that resume seems weaker than Mitch McConnell's chins smich calls for a stronger defense of Harris against detractors suggesting her leadership embodies the party's aspirations for divers and inclusivity not to mention her advantages over President Biden by having a consistent.

Pulse but let's be real here a comma Harris is less popular than the man she's pretending isn't scile she's not Democrat secret weapon those are censorship ballot harvesting and arresting Donald Trump saying she's a secret weapon for the Dems is like saying kidnapping kids is a secret weapon to sell more cartons of.

Milk thank you Joe for giggling over that sick joke all right Jordan can you sell us on KLA can anybody no I could sell almost anything but I want to repeat myself but does anyone really believe that like when they say that like how could they say like I've listened to her many times I never.

Understand what she's saying and I I'm like waiting for the punch line you're waiting and I'm like and it just doesn't come it's like it's really odd so I mean I don't know L I think she's sharper than Biden because anyone sharper than bed this she's not Cena but I guess she was just kind of born that way I don't really know but either way it's not a.

Secret weapon except for Destruction what if she has reverse senility so as she ages she becomes more coherent have we ever thought of that I mean Benjamin Button yeah Benjamin Button for the brain cat do you think she's a secret weapon or are they trying to distract us from the real secret weapons yeah I I I don't if if if she is.

It's a very very well-kept secret um I also the article really annoyed me because it did that thing where it said the issues Biden's age which it's not it's not his age anybody of any age that was behaving that way I would be deeply deeply deeply concerned about um but also I just I don't think that she's very inspirational to listen.

To on any issue really because it's just like you threw a dictionary into a wood chipper and a bunch of like random words just out and then there's laughter yeah that's what exactly what it's like you might as well do that because it's just a bunch of words that don't really go together and then she's like I did it and then she starts laughing so I think.

That she's having a great ti me but the rest of us I don't I don't think so much I didn't have a question for Joe so he wrote me one uh Joe uh some say that seduction is your secret weapon it's it's more of a a blessing and a curse um but I'll say this if camela was a secret she'd be in.

Joe Biden's garage yes yes and if she were a weapon she'd be in Ukraine um I just don't know what like the point of of hiding her talents would be are we trying to like like go Russia into.

Thinking we're read led by two morons instead of one yes yeah it doesn't seem like a good strategy hey let's hope let's hope all the foreign adversaries think we're really stupid Emily uh what do you make of this story what's the why did this guy write this it makes no sense I know I I don't what amused me too is the line.

Where he said at a time where the color or the the support of people of color is softer than ever Harris's value cannot be overstated softer than ever you mean historical lows of disapproval of this President by Hispanic and black Americans and then he thinks that she's going to somehow elevate it the the last time she was tasked with elevating black.

Support she talked about not Prosecuting for marijuana anymore like nothing is more insulting than telling an entire group of people that their skin color must mean that they equate to whether they are going to be prosecuted for marijuana let alone the hypocrisy and she prosecuted 2,000 people for weed when she was a DA and this is also a.

President that says you're not black if you don't vote for me so the concept that somehow by virtue of her skin color she's going to attract others by the same why don't they just make policies that help all Americans secure the Border how about you help inflation how about you raise the economy everything that helps every American will increase.

Everyone's support for you regardless of color there's no secret weapon about it other than common sense but keep in mind and this is similar to my warning last week about Gavin Newsome is that if she is elevated all of her failures will be swept under the rug and she will just be the first female president and she will become historical and perfect and all of.

Her utter abdication of Duty and and senility growing it will all be swept under the rug and that's sort of the most terrifying part don't you think I think do you think yeah you agree right right I agree with you Emily relax forg God's sake kill me he whiz up next it's I'm sitting next to Joe click here to subscribe to the Fox.

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