Haitian-Americans in Boston detect in danger amid country’s ongoing turmoil


Haitian-Americans in Boston detect in danger amid country’s ongoing turmoil

Violence and chaos have erupted across Haiti'sPort-au-Prince where gangs have attacked hospitals, police stations, the airport, andmore in their bid to overthrow the government. The Prime Minister is in exile and theUnited States has evacuated the embassy. The humanitarian crisis isgetting worse by the day. In Massachusetts, a robust community ofpatient defendants — a community of Haitian descendants is supporting theirfriends and family from Haiti. What have you seen in Haiti?What have you seen in the last week? Dr. Gabeau: Again, we are seeing what we calllawlessness in a country where there is no government and there is no one to protectanyone, everyone is left on their own while.

The gangs are controlling the country.We are seeing a lack of support from the international community because at this point, weare hoping to really hear this sense of urgency that something needs to be up yesterday and we arestill not seeing that and this is complicated. Tori: There has been since last year, nodemocracy, there was a failed election. Before that, the presidentwas assassinated in 2021. COVID has hit Haiti very hard.Before that there was an earthquake that was devastating, people have saidit sent Haiti into a communitarian crisis. — into a humanitarian crisis.The has not happened in a vacuum. There was history and precedent to set this up.Can you talk how that folds into the call for.

Western humanitarian aid and help fromother nations regarding these crises? Dr. Gabeau: This situation as so many say,it is something that everyone expected, in a way that the institution of the U.S. governmentand Haiti and the way that they decided who can be in power and who cannot be in power.Whether or not the society or community wants it, they will do whateverit takes to support that person. For years, they have not heard our cryfor fair, democratic election in Haiti. They have not listened to any ofthe conditions we happen put in. There was gang violence inHaiti, nothing has been done. You can imagine a young boy who is nine yearsold killed, having this heavy arm in his hands.

So that he can save his life.So many guns are in the street and nothing is being done about it.The police is not there, there is no structure. It is like a preplanned country — destructionof a country and we do not know why they want to destroy the country so badly.That is what we are seeing every day. There is no support whatsoever,they do whatever they want. That is the situation we are in right now.Tori: The Prime Minister's stock right now in Puerto Rico and no onecan get in or out of Haiti. What is going on with that situation?I know he is trying desperately to get back home. What with his plan B in terms of returningif there is no democratic leaders?.

No police or gangs in the streets.What is he hoping to do once he arrives if he can arrive?Dr. Gabeau: I do not think he can arrive. From what we are seeing and hearing.We have not seen him gone back — go back. We can only warn him and that if he goesback to Haiti, there would be civil war. That would cause more harm than good.I think in the U.S., the Biden administration should be listening to the pleas of theHaitian community, all around the world, telling them to stop pumping up thegovernment that is not for the country. They cannot travel, imagine if you havean emergency that you need to be quickly transported here you cannot do it.It is not just the traveler being.

Access to any care, everybody is goingto stay home until something is done. I'm calling for whatever it is to assurepeople that they can stay safe in Haiti and they do not have to be risking their livesgoing outside and fighting and being killed. Something needs to be done and that somethingneeds to be done as soon as possible. Tori: The United States and includingFrance have a debt to Haiti because of a passive colonization and a passed out asyou said supporting and uplifting government that — a past of supporting and upliftinggovernment that Haitians do not support. Dr. Gabeau: Getting our independence.. Was costly.We had to pay for our independence..

Since then, we are workingfor the Western government. They have not done anything to support Haiti.They have been taking everything that we have, even our natural resources, they cometo find out exactly what can they take. That is why we are in the position where we are.There are a number of studies are showing because we are to pay that debt to our friends, allof the instruction that could not be done because we do not have the resources.Today we are still paying for something that could be committed and we do not know what.We are the first free black country in the world that we have to encouragethe other ones to be free. That is costly to us and weare paying it as of today..

Tori: A debt from your own liberation?Dr. Gabeau: Exactly. Tori: Here in Massachusetts we have anincredibly large diaspora of Haitian Americans. What is it like in your communityhere in Boston, Massachusetts, are you hearing from people back home?Are they concerned about the health and safety of their families?What is going on with that? Dr. Gabeau: Every day we areasking what are we doing? Everyone is afraid.My sister who still lives in Haiti, can you imagine, she is going to travel.We do not know the outcome is going to be for anybody at any given time.If they decide they want to go..

Even churches like yesterday theycalled me, the local churches in Haiti. They burned down.Everyone who is in Haiti right now, their lives are in dangerand they are so worried and concerned and we are calling for the urgency for us.Four the Biden administration to do something. Two at least protect lives.By now, nobody can go to remove them.That. .Is how bad the situation is Tori: Your sister, is she able to get food?She constantly hearing — is she constantly hearing gunshots?Does she feel safe in her house?.

Dr. Gabeau: Everyone is trying tomaximize whatever that they have left. They cannot go out.My sister being in Haiti right now, that is what she is doing.Making sure that whatever food that is left that they take it slowly sothat they do not run out of food. If they run out of food, they have to go hungry. My sister is lucky because shecould at least have food at home. Think about the millions of people whohave to eat on the daily every day? They have to go out and find their food.They cannot afford to have extra at home. All of those people are staying inside.They cannot go out..

Thinking about hunger and people who are goingto die because they cannot have access to food. That is how bad the situation is right now.We heard from two families who said my cousins are pregnant and what is going to happen whenit is time for them to deliver their babies? It is a huge humanitarian crisis that isreally requesting urgent intervention. We cannot stay silent and we needto do something and something now. Tori: Massachusetts is the only right toshelter state which guarantees families a roof over their head, a lot of people ofnewly arrived migrants have come from Haiti. Was people unable to leave Haiti now haveyou seen a decline in those numbers? What are you seeing in terms — you workdirectly with people who have come in.

Seeking shelter.Dr. Gabeau: Yes. Every time something is happening in Haiti,we feel the effects here in the U.S.. Right now, everyone, the onlything they are thinking is as soon they can leave, they will leave.The people are coming and they have already been on their way to come.We see people coming. For those who are not in Haiti, those who arethinking maybe things are going to change, after this, we know that some of them are going tocome to leave Haiti because who wants to risk your life when this is the way that the solution is?We will fill in the next few weeks or months depending on when people can travel.Tori: Thank you so much for joining us,.

Gerarlde Gabeau, we appreciate your time.Dr. Gabeau: I appreciate it.

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