Hallie Jackson NOW – Aug. 5 | NBC News NOW


Hallie Jackson NOW - Aug. 5 | NBC News NOW

we're coming on the air fresh off the Market's closing with a massive selloff the biggest one-day losses for the Dow and S&P in two years so should you be in freakout mode probably not should the FED we're going to get into that in just a second then tropical storm Debbie turning deadly today a curfew in place.

Now in Florida hundreds of thousands of people in the dark and the storm is far from finished we're going to take you live to where it's headed and we've got the forecast plus a new development in just the last couple of hours as we hear for the first time from the deputy who shot Sonia Massie what he's now saying about those final few seconds of her.

Life in just a minute then why the Attorney General says a new ruling against Google is a historic win for you and how you search the internet plus a not so upsetting upset at the Paris Olympics Kier Simmons explains and tells us his favorite moment moment of the day as only Kier can that's coming up later in the show hey there I'm hie and we're.

Starting tonight with the worst day for Wall Street in two years with an international market selloff take a look at this you've got the Dow we're about to show you down a thousand points the S&P here it is down 3% NASDAQ down 3 and a half% just about all of it starting with a wave of panic Rippling through Wall Street today after Japan stock.

Market had its worst day since Beverly Hills Cop 2 was in theaters 1987 yikes what is spooking everybody well it signals that the US economy may be slowing down and worries that the FED may be waiting too long to cut interest rates this has all been bubbling since Friday remember when that July jobs report was worse than expected Aon.

Gilchrist will join us for more on the political Fallout but let me start with Brian Chung okay let me just start by like level setting right should people be freaking out melting down heads exploding yes or no no because the the Dow Jones is still up 2.7% year today but yes certainly what happened today was a pretty sharp fallof from the highs.

That we had already seen but the real reason why that's what everyone is trying to find out and it's kind of a three-pronged uh answer here and the first is really it's earning season so a number of companies have been reporting earnings and actually it was investor reaction to some big Tech earnings that last Thursday began some of the.

Sell-offs Thursday was a bad day on Wall Street and then Friday was a bad day as well because the job support which you mentioned that showed 114,000 jobs added in the the month of July that was well below what economists had expected and more importantly it showed the unemployment rate rising to 4.3% that has had some warning signs going.

Although historically that is still relatively low and then today you have the global market selloff Japan then Europe at 9:30 this morning Eastern Time markets open up in the states side and it was not pretty at all but again this has been an extension of what we've already seen as Market Jitters at the end of last week that's really all.

Culminating from okay what's the Federal Reserve going to do now might they try to cut interest rates more aggressively to try to call market SW to see okay might they I mean you know the fed you understand the FED um is that something that seems to be on the table Yeah well you know the interesting thing is that uh just last Wednesday we heard from the.

Federal Reserve chairman who at the time opted not to do anything with interest rates they've been holding those interest rates High which some have said is kind of part of the reason why the jobs data didn't look that good if you're trying to slow this economy and you make borrowing costs that expensive at some point do employers start to lay.

People off and what we saw from that job support is that might be starting to happen so the federal reserve's next announcement is going to be September 18th now after the announcement last week people were saying okay well we expect them to maybe do that first interest rate cut in that September meeting Could It Be by a quarter of a.

Percentage Point that's usually the increments that they move in now you have market pricing uh an overwhelming chance that that cut is not only going to happen in September but it's going to be larger than a quarter of a percentage point it might be by half a percentage point but again J poell the FED uh chair is going to someing to if heces between.

Is it possible that like by the end of the week Brian when you and I are talking again on like let's say Friday that the markets have instituted a turnaround like in other words is this an opportunity now for maybe the markets to improve back where they were absolutely and I've already heard from some.

Economists that have said maybe this is a bit of an overreaction so markets are always fluctuating we'll have to see all right Brian thank you very much it is for that reason Aon Gilchrist that you take what's happening in the political world as it relates to the economy or at least to the markets with a bit of a grain of salt we know that the economy.

Matters to voters it is one of if not the biggest reason that Americans say they plan to head out to the polls not just this year but consistently when it comes to presidential elections what's interesting now interesting now I should say is that you've got Republicans including former president Trump looking to point the finger at the Biden Harris.

Administration for this selloff they've dubbed it in this sort of big talking point push the so-called Kamala crash that said it was only about six months ago that the former president was taking credit when it was good news out of the stock market yeah you're absolutely right we sort of have this Tale of Two economies that.

We've been looking at over the last several months right you talk to some people and they'll tell you that uh their kitchen table situation that the the money in their pockets is is is in a point of uh of crisis in so many cases but when you look at it from a macro perspective you talk to the economic experts as Brian sort of indicated there.

We've seen an economy that's been doing relatively well and so that is something that former president Trump sort of latched on to I want to show you a post from earlier this year on his social media platform where he said this is the Trump stock market because my polls against Biden are so good that investors are projecting that I will win and that.

Will drive the market up everything else is terrible watch the Middle East and record setting inflation has already taken its toll make America great again he said there and the former president spoke about the economy that was doing well when he was out on the campaign Trail earlier this year as well a little bit before he made that post I want you.

To hear what he had to say about the economy and the stock market and the only reason the stock markets are because they think we're going to win the election that's the only reason because that will that will come crashing down if we don't and you fast forward to today what we're seeing today and uh the Trump.

Campaign has said that they place the stock market troubles that we've seen today squarely in the lap of Vice President Harris who is now the person that former president Trump is running against they uh the campaign released a 60-second ad earlier today that showed some media clips of today where different uh news anchor and punds have.

Been talking about this fall in the stock market also sort of splicing in some sound bites of uh vice president Harris saying that bomic is working the Trump campaign for their part trying to say that she has supported the economic policies of President Biden uh and saying that the choice that voters have come this fall is between Trump cash and.

Kamla crash we do want to note that we did reach out to uh the Harris campaign and they have opted not to uh really sort of put their fingers on the SC at this point noting that there is a lot of uh sort of volatility in the market and they didn't want to say too much about where things stand right now but obviously this is an issue that they're.

Going to have to message hie going into uh particularly this week as we will see vice president Harris and her running mate on the campaign Trail uh several days in several States this week yeah big Battleground swing for KL Harris and TBD uh VP pick we'll find out within the next 24 hours we think Aon Gilchrist thank you more on that in just a second.

But we want to get to that powerful and deadly storms slamming Florida tonight we're talking about Debbie making landfall as a category 1 hurricane today look at this water rushing in with flooding now a concern it's hitting up to 6 feet in some spots thanks to a ton of rain and really intense winds up to 80 M an hour you see some of it there.

Some spots are already breaking the record for the wetest day all year with some tornado warnings popping up and some Island communities totally cut off because of how high the water is rising you can see there it's up to the fence lines and bunch of homes covering the curb at least four people have been killed two of them kids hundreds of.

Thousands of people are in the dark hundreds of flights are not taking off and this thing's on the move as other states down south now brace for up to 30 in of rain it's headed to South Carolina and Georgia next we know states of emergency are already in effect there as well as of course in Florida important to note here the Debbie now a tropical.

Storm is a direct result of our warmer climate more rain record high ocean temperatures I want to get to our team on this neologist Bill Kens is joining us with the forecast but first I want to start with Jesse kersch in Florida Jess I'm looking at your live shot there obviously windy it's been rainy talk us through what you've been seeing on the.

Ground yeah and hie it is however a little bit drier I should say a lot drier than it was earlier this morning right now I'm getting hit with a little bit of mist in the face but frankly with this wind gusting I can't tell you if that's precipitation from the sky or just some water shooting off of the O the the gulf which is right behind me.

Here but you can see in the background all of the wind gusting around uh Debbie has moved well past where we are now we are in the Big Bend of Florida we are just southeast of Tallahassee uh and this is the area we were riding out the storm in earlier this morning just Inland from here in Perry Florida uh what I can tell you is we've been.

Driving in the area more broadly there are some roadways that have water across them there are some streets and neighborhoods that have water there are down trees and there are power lines uh that are down as well hie Jesse kersch uh in it there in Florida Jesse thank you Bill let me go to you there Jesse's in Perry Florida we.

Know that Debbie has been downgraded to a tropical storm doesn't mean that the risk is going away where is this storm headed next uh it's right along the Georgia border hle and it's going to be heading up towards South Carolina eventually North Carolina Virginia friends Maryland Delaware you're going to get into this mess too in the days.

Ahead so the center of the storm is located right about here so all the rain is on the east side The Backs side's dry as typical Heavy band of rain we even had a tornado warning over Savannah just about an hour ago no confirmation though but the big problems have been here in North portions of Florida right along Interstate 10 where it crosses with 75.

Downtown Live Oak I've seen pictures of it just recently underwater they are under a flash flood emergency they've had 10 to 15 inches of rain water the business is downtown the water's about 3 fet high on all the businesses so it's very sad scene and life-altering for a lot of the people there so this is the catastrophic stuff and it has stopped.

Raining in that area that's good but now they still have to wait for the Swan River to Peak too and that's not going to Crest for 2 days from now so flat cash flow watches have been extended now all the way up to Raleigh and the Outer Banks includes 16 million people the heaviest and the worst of it looks to be probably somewhere from Savannah to.

Charleston up here to Wilmington this area the coastal plane they call it is going to be in these heavy rainbands about you know 48 hours from now I'm still going to be talking about the same exact areas and that tornado watch does go till about 1:00 a.m. in the morning we haven't had a lot doesn't mean we won't get a couple isolated ones and.

This is that new forecast path from the Hurricane Center just kind of sits here and this is Wednesday afternoon just lingering off the coast of South Carolina it may start to strengthen a little bit especially as we go throughout Wednesday night to Thursday morning Hurricane Center does bring it up to 60 m per wind so if you're paying.

Attention Myrtle Beach Wilmington area you may still get enough wind for some power outages we'll have to watch that closely then just a big rainstorm heading up through North Carolina and into areas of Virginia when we say rain this high risk they don't issue these often for potential for flash flooding and that's what's happening now like.

When you have a whole city that's flooded that's what you get on high risk days and we're going to have three of them in a row rainfall total still potential here of 10 to 20 in from you know outside of Jacksonville through Savannah Charleston Myrtle Beach and eventually hle it's going to make its way North even areas like Washington DC.

And New York have a chance of six to seven inches it's kind of a mixed message though we have a heavy rain event with thunderstorms Philly New York tomorrow night and then this is Debbie on top of that so this is kind of a two-parter in the Northeast real quick bill there's been some comparisons to Hurricane Harvey that hit Texas back in.

2017 and that they're both slower moving do you think that's a fair assessment or is that overstating it I I'd like to say that Harvey is like once in a lifetime event that was just you know the 45 in rainfall totals but as we go through this climate change driven world right now where the air is warmer it holds more moisture it's more humid so the.

Rainfall events especially with slow moving storms are bigger than they used to be bigger than they should be so here's a chart that we put together so when a you know there's a potential it's almost like if you go through a sprinkler so if you walk through a sprinkler you're going to get more soaked than if you run through a.

Sprinkler so the slower the storm is going say 5 mph it has a potential to doing up to 30 in of rain if it's going say 15 mph it's like 15 inches of rain so that's why when we talk about flooding with these system has nothing to do with tropical storm category you know hurricane major hurricane it has to do with the forward speed and this storm.

Is going to be moving between 5 to 10 miles hour that's why areas have a chance for 25 to 30 Ines of rain and uh yeah High unfortunately you know for a lot of people that live in mountainous areas and stuff too you know they know that we're just getting more of these events than we used to Bill Karens uh thank you very much I.

Appreciate that let's talk about what's happening in the world of politics now because vice president Harris she is set to clinch the Democratic nomination for president in probably looking at the clock about 4550 minutes or so from now when the DNC will make her position at the top of the ticket officially a fish and tomorrow we're going to see the VP.

And her VP pick for the very first time together at a debut rally in Philadelphia obviously they're going to presumably announce whoever that person is beforehand the timing on that is TBD who it is is TBD and tomorrow set to be a big moment in a big week for the Harris campaign as you heard Aon Gilchrist allude to earlier they're.

Going to hit the road on this seven State Battleground Blitz you know who's also going to be in Philly tomorrow former president Trump's running mate JD Vance he's got a speech of his own and maybe some counterprogramming with some events too it's a lot to look for but we've got the best team in the biz all over it yish Al sendor is with us along.

With Garrett h y let me start with you okay so here we are the last 24 hours presumably of this whole vep Stakes watch uh what you got what are you hearing in the group chats and in the texts well the plan is to officially announce tomorrow but of course good reporters like me and you and Garrett are trying to make that even earlier if.

We can deal with it um but that's sort of what we're dealing with we're trying to to get to that but the idea is that they also want a roll out that looks a lot like what Joe Biden did when he picked vice president Harris that means a text message to sort of all these Democratic supporters and funders and sort of just Grassroots folks and then a.

Video roll out so that's what they're hoping for they're hoping this doesn't leak we're hoping it does exactly and the idea being that they want kind of this big um show of Force if you will to come out they don't want to trickling out this outlet that outlet they want to come out sort of Boom here it is let's go yeah there's some reporting out there.

That indicates that maybe Josh Shapiro of PA Tim Waltz of Minnesota are among the top two our reporting seems to suggest there's a lot of there's a couple of other names in the mix we should say including uh the Kentucky Governor Andy Basher that's right and all along I've been told the list is bigger than what's public so it it could.

Be that tomorrow we wake up and um when we haven't broken the news and this person comes out and it's someone we haven't been talking about I would be surprised by that but there is a world where that happens the other thing is that from my understanding she hasn't at least told the people around her who she's picked so there's also the the.

Question of does she really wait till the last minute to to figure out what's going on there um her a big thing for her is going to be chemistry and personal Rapport along with of course governing and and also being an attack dog for the people car covers which is the Republicans who are going to be going after her saying all sorts of.

Stuff they want someone who can stand up for that and they want someone who's not going to undermine her they want someone who's going to be comfortable taking the lead from a woman taking the lead from a black and Indian woman and that's going to be a certain kind of personality so they want someone who's going to be a little bit of a star but doesn't want to.

Overshadow her come this election or 2028 when for all we know she gets primaried even if she does win the election what's so interesting here and you wish you're alluding to this you lived through it when Donald Trump was about to announce his VP pick this a that when they start to make phone calls to say you're not it like sorry so and.

So like you did not get the job that's when we sort of start to catch window of it or we can it sometimes that this is what you're talking about yamish right that those notifications will presumably start to go out when she does make her decision public at least to her Inner Circle sort of privately public it sounds like she's not there yet yeah it.

Sounds like they're going to keep this in a really really close hold because if they start calling people saying hey sorry it's not you then it's going to be the US checking off the list saying well who didn't get the call and that person of course is gonna it's going to be clear if there're at least of the six so there's that issue that's going on as.

Well this it's more than just about sort of the Intrigue and the drama there's like real substantive reasons and you laid some of them out you to why VP pick matters you're seeing some of that with JD Vance this week Donald Trump's not doing much he did his um we'll talk about this his live stream with with a on Kick today but JD Vance is going to.

Be the one doing some counterprogramming or trying to when kamla Harris does make this official look they're not asking for JD Vance to do a lot here but they're trying to get him to break into the news cycle he's doing the traditional bracketing he's going to be in the same media Market at least as the vice president at every one of her stops.

Except for the western state stops he was there last week maybe they wanted to save some money on the plane gas I don't know they're not sending him out there but as a former local news reporter I can tell you this is one of those things where if you're covering this locally you're going to see KLA Harris in the first part of that story and you're.

Gonna see JD Vance in the second half of it the Trump campaign knows their view is that Harris is having a honeymoon right now that she is they believe artificially inflated in the polls and in the media coverage they want to try to get their shots in where they can metaphor Aly speaking and otherwise kind of Ride This Out and kind of let her.

Peak and then they hope come back down on the other side when events take back over the new cycle we have seen we know that Donald Trump himself will be out west later on in the week we did see him today doing this live stream that we just mentioned with with Aiden Ross involving like a Tesla cyber truck and like aach boys rolling stone playlist.

Situation it was quite the watch um but interestingly they're they're making this play and they have been for sort of this gen Z very specific demo younger May but demo Harris a lot of people been talking about brat Etc we've talked about that on the the Democrats aren't going to let gen Z go but the Trump campaign isn't.

Just going to seed it to Democrats either no they're not and and in all things in this election the gender gap here is another big part of this too they are not looking to win over gen Z women by and large they understand that as a group that was probably gone to them before has especially gone to them now in large uh chunks here anyway but.

Having this streamer basically I I'm I'm aging myself out here I was not familiar with kick but Aiden Ross basically started his career as a fortnite streamer and became hugely popular the Trump campaign thinks they were anywhere between 600,000 and a million people watching this stream at any given time today basically all of them young men.

It's also part of the reason that Trump is so involved with things like UFC again another heavily male dominated audience the the gender gap here Cuts both ways vice president doing very well with women Trump doing very well with men particularly young white men their whole strategy is based on juicing those numbers in right all over the country in.

More Trump heavy areas supercharging that turn it up to 11 but you've got the Harris campaign that's like Hey we're going to go on Tik Tok and we're going to be extremely online and try to get some of those those folks to like at least be engaged exactly and that's why also the VP pick is interesting because from the very beginning I was told.

They're looking for a white man they're looking for a middle-aged white man they're looking for someone who's going to reach out to the sort of suburban white voters um that they think Joe Biden could have gotten and then also their internal polling as all of the sort of uncertainty of of Biden's future was going on their internal was showing.

That she was doing better with young people than with Biden so it's very interesting to see sort of how she's going to lean in all that but this is going to be a meme campaign right this is going to be all about gifts and memes and sort of just like what the internet says are GI GS I I'm so old I can't even explain what is going on here the pict.

Going be all that right like I'm like I am now the old reporter who's trying to figure out what the young people think about that's where we've gotten at this Kev before let very youthful reporters go I do need I do need to get to this like this very interesting subset of thing that happened just within the last hour or so in Arizona regarding the fake.

Elector scheme and somebody who's very interesting who might be familiar to our viewers who is apparently in the Layman's parlance flipped she is now cooperating with prosecutors we're talking about Jenna Ellis who was very much in that sort of trump orbit not too long ago not too long ago but very much out of it remember because she went with.

DeSantis in the primary got sort of thrown out of Trump World this could be a little bit of Revenge on her part here to cooperate with the authorities investigating the fake elector scheme in Arizona hi I'm skeptical of the political impact of this just based on what we've seen from these other fake electors cases this is something that.

Has been at the margins of our political and legal discussions over the last year and a half I'm not seeing it break through with voters at least not yet what about legally though could she have Intel on what was going down and some of this stuff yeah but is Trump going to get prosecuted in Arizona before election day probably not Garrett H uh.

Yish thank you both very much it's great to see both of you thanks we've got to get to some breaking news actually it's coming in now from the Pentagon because we're just learning from our team that two rockets have been fired at an Airbase in Iraq according to two defense officials and we have now learned that several Americans have been hurt.

Courtney Cub is standing by she's gotten to a camera there at the Pentagon what else do we know Court yeah there's not a whole lot more now we we first got word of this possible rocket attack about two hours ago it's in uh as you mentioned it's alassad Airbase it's in Anar province which is west of Baghdad you can see it there it's considered Western.

Iraq even though it's sort of central but considered Western Iraq we know at least two rockets were fired at this base and then we know at least one of them impacted the base and as you mentioned we're getting reports that several Americans were injured we don't have a whole lot of fidelity on the nature of those injuries beyond the fact.

That there were injuries involved now keep in mind there are a number of different Iranian backed militia groups that operate in that area and despite the fact it doesn't make the news every day hie they do frequently on a nearly daily basis try to fire off projectiles often rockets and other things at bases both at al-assad and at other bases in.

Iraq housing American troops the majority of them of the those projectiles are generally knocked down hle and we'll bring you more as we learn anything more about the the severity or nature of these injuries because the other piece of this court is that the the the Middle East there's so many around the world are are sort of waiting.

Now with with breath held for any kind of response to what we have seen now with these uh attacks that have been blamed on Israel that have happened in the region as a response to obviously what happened on October 7 exactly and so and and one of the questions has been what could a possible Iranian retaliation or response look.

Like and many people experts believe that it will involve some of these Iranian backed proxy groups in Iraq and Syria other groups that are located down in Yemen we hear about the houthis that they may pay play a part in any retaliation or response but so far officials do not believe that this is sort of the beginning of that sort of of.

Of any kind of retaliation hie Courtney Q will let you get back to work the phones please bring us any updates when you have them thank you we've also got a new update for you on the deadly shooting of a black woman by a white officer in Illinois last month after she called 911 for help the whole thing captured in that disturbing body cam.

Video well we're now hearing for the first time since the investigation started from that now former deputy who shot and killed Massie Sean Grayson saying now that he was afraid for his life after Massie allegedly picked up a pot of boiling water he said I'm quoting here I was in fear saying that the other deputy and he he believed were going to.

Receive great bodily harm or death due to being in fear of our safety and life he says I fired my duty weapon Grayson has been fired he's been charged with first-degree murder and has pleaded not guilty NBC's Antonia Hilton is following this one for us this is all part this is all coming out the reason why we know about this is from this new report that.

Has now been released right that's right hiy and these are field reports that give us more insight on into his thinking and other deputies thinking uh that that day on the scene and he is essentially making the case in his writings here that he was terrified for his life we've now most of us have seen this footage of what transpired between.

The deputies and Massie there at her home that he shouts a series of very aggressive commands she at times seems quite confused even at one point actually apologizing and what really to him or that he argues and claims is Central to this is that there's a pot of boiling water that she holds at one point he believes beles that she is.

Going to throw this on him and that this puts his life at risk he writes at one point Sonia stood up from a crouched position grabbing the pot raising it above her head and throwing the boiling substance at me I was in imminent fear of getting boiling liquid to my face or chest which would have caused Great bodily harm or death this is Central to.

What's likely going to be his argument uh if and when he goes to trial he is facing a first-degree murder and misconduct charges for what inspired on July 6th uh although he has pled and maintained his team that he is not guilty so this is certainly the kind of thing that is both going to be part of his argument but certainly the other.

Side to the prosecution already NBC News and others have been reporting that he actually has a long history working in six different departments in four years a number of DUIs and serious misconduct infractions and so they're going to make the case that some of what he says and argues about his story his version of events may not be true and this of.

Course will be Central to that hi Antonia Hilton thank you very much for that update also late today we've got a federal judge handing Google a big loss A Move that has the potential to change how millions of us go online and search for things a judge says Google illegally held a monopoly in Search and in text advertising which basically means online.

Searches the court says Google did that at least partly by paying companies like app Apple and Samsung billions of dollars to have Google automatically handle searches on those Brands phone Google in a statement tonight says the decision recognizes Google offers in their view the best search engine but concludes that we shouldn't be allowed.

To make it easily available Danny savalos is joining us now okay let me start with implications first and then reasoning after that implications first does this going to matter by how any of us look up stuff online on Google sure I mean in the sense that not much will change in the sense that we will pull our phones out and search the way we.

Always have but in the coming months and years it may change if Google is maybe broken up if their practices have to change and really if there is a change that we notice as consumers it might be that it's a different logo that we're searching but mechanically nothing will change about the search and its unbelievable efficiency what the judge.

Found what judge ma found about Google is that they had acted monopolistically we have a very confusing message that we send through capitalism In America which is if you work hard you build up your company you can dominate the industry but don't dominate it too much then you'll be breaking the law and that's antitrust in a nutshell in a overly.

Simplistic nutshell but that's what the judge found that uh Google had engaged in monopolistic practices what the remedy is going to be remains to be seen but it could result in breaking up some of this market share so you you're getting to the question that I had which is on the rationale here if Google is basically saying wait a second we have a.

Search engine we were just trying to allow people to get access to it it sounds like the ruling came into play when they said well no you're doing it too fast and too much do I have that right that's kind that's Google's response I mean Google's response today was look all the judge really found is that we're really good at being a search.

Engine and of course they disagree with the outcome and this is often the case boiled down in antitrust cases is the government saying you're too big and you're engaging in cartel-like Behavior or you're uh dominating the industry to the exclusion of the little guy the little guy in this case is a company called Bing which you may or may not.

Have heard of it's been around for a while it has about somewhere between 5 and 10% of the total market share I mean Google really dominates the industry so that's an example of a little guy that maybe Google is musling out but Google continues to deny these allegations and I expect they're going to continue to fight on this front Danny savalos thank.

You very much for that breakdown we got a lot more coming up including a live shot from one of the next cities in Debb's pth path we're going to take you up the East Coast a bit plus the designs are in for a new state flag for Maine the competitive push just ahead right now as tropical storm Debbie.

Creates that catastrophic damage in parts of Florida it's now South Carolina and Georgia in the path of the storm next with people they bracing for what officials warned could be a once in a thousand year weather event that could as much as 2 and 1/2 ft of rain to a coast that is already drenched you've even got some tornadoes possible over.

The next few days schools some of them have already shut down tomorrow and Wednesday and there's a curfew in place in Savannah Georgia Maggie vesa is not too far from there in Charleston South Carolina talk us through preps Maggie what are you seeing right now is the second wave of the storm as B Karen laid out earlier in the show is getting ready.

To hit right basically we're seeing a lot of sandbags a lot of people kind of walking sort of like ooing as this thing rolls in but I have to tell you Valley it is really picking up in real time the wind is kicking up the rain is kicking up and we just had a press conference from local officials who say that this could be one of the worst rain.

Especially but also wind events that this state has ever seen they're expecting some potential rainfall total some areas of the state seeing they believe up to 30 in of rain over the next couple of days and if it's any kind of preview as to what we could see they're looking at the damage in Florida we have a lot of video of hard hit areas.

Flooded areas and at this point the death count from Hurricane turned tropical storm Debbie is now at 4 including a 13-year-old boy according to the Levy County Sheriff which is just west of Gainesville who uh authorities say was crushed when a tree fell on his home as this storm made landfall Governor Ronda sandis holding a press.

Conference earlier here's part of what he had to say we have uh four confirmed fatalities since the storm has begun are we live or are we we're still Al okay good uh so that's obviously very tragic uh we do think though that Floridians heating the call of being careful particularly on the roads uh has reduced what would.

Otherwise have been because there's been some nasty conditions out there so please take be be very cautious when you're going out now the other uh storm related fatalities in Florida those were all three traffic accidents including a trucker and then authorities say a mother and another teenager uh again as.

The storm kind of made landfall in Florida so Governor Ronda San is highlighting especially on the roads people need to be Sav I mean we talked though hie about this that phrase that once in a thousand year event some officials are saying this could be that's especially true in Savannah Georgia and then parts of South Carolina.

Again this thing is just getting started they're expected to dump rain and bring severe potentially damaging winds to this part of the state potentially into Thursday and Friday H Maggie vesa live for us there in Charleston uh thank you try to stay dry appreciate it let's get you over to the five things our team things you should know about tonight.

Number one Britain's prime minister today holding an emergency security meeting after anti-immigration riots have intensified over the past couple days want to show you some of what it looked like buildings on fire people storming hotels that house Asylum Seekers the violence coming after a stabbing attack that killed three young.

Girls last week police in the UK say more than 400 protesters have been arrested number two look at downtown Buffalo here a tornado sweeping through look at that officials say some roofs were blown off some homes but fortunately nobody was hurt number three prosecutors say today they plan to charge a former Kansas police chief over.

How he handled a newspaper raid last year they think he may have obstructed an official judicial process after part of a statement from a business owner following the raid was not given to investigators they say the staff of the newspaper that was raided did not commit any crimes number four cyber security company crowd.

Strike says it's not its fault that Delta had to cancel thousands of flights after that huge outage a few weeks back Delta says the cancellations cost it like $500 million and that it's planning to take legal action crowd strike says Delta rejected its offer for help on site number five it could be new main Maine's new state flag it won the.

Redesign contest it's got a star and a pine tree that was part of a requirement reference this is Main's current flag here people will get to vote on replacing it this fall coming up later in the show we'll take you overseas with the Israelis bracing for what could be days of attacks we are live with the latest from Tel Aviv then.

Some new video of a pretty bold Smash and grab out west can you see it there we're going to show you it better there it is the bigger look in the local so we just talked about that breaking news that rocket attack at an Airbase in Ira that hurt several Americans coming as tensions are.

Escalating in that region you've got Israel getting ready tonight for what appears to be an imminent retaliatory attack by Iran and Hezbollah after the assassination of senior Hamas and Hezbollah leaders last week in just the last hour or so we've had Secretary of State blinkin talking about what's happening in the area calling this a.

Critical Moment In Time here's what he just said all parties must refrain from escalation all parties must take steps to ease tensions escalation is not in anyone's interests I want to bring in Ellison Barbera who's made her way to Tel Aviv she's joining us now so Ellison uh give.

Us a sense of the Dynamics tonight in Israel yeah I mean look Cy we're in this point where in so many ways things feel normal here life is going on as one would expect in your average big city people have been out by the beach on the boardwalk rollerblading but there's this constant tenseness that everybody knows they are waiting for a massive strike.

From Iran the only question is exactly when will it be how big and possibly how many waves will come an Israeli official who was speaking to our colleague Raph Sanchez he said that they are starting to think that this could be a series of strikes waves is how they're describing it and they also think that it'll come from a couple different angles that the.

More long range weapons will come from the east from Iran but Hezbollah in the north will attack that border as well with other missiles uh rockets and possibly even drones remember back in April we saw Iran carry out what they considered to be a retaliatory strike on Israel because uh Iranian military leaders were killed on a base in.

Damascus Syria on that in that instance they fired over 300 missiles and drones but it was all at once this time it looks like it's going to possibly be based on what Israeli officials are saying could be multiple days people are preparing for it they've been told to make sure there shelters are cleared out they have water they have food batteries.

And possibly to be ready to stay in those shelters for hours or even days if it comes to that hie you've also got I think it's a very visible Fallout when you're looking at the Nations nearly a dozen of them today that are saying hey leave Lebanon if you're there you've got Delta saying it's going to pause flights between New York and Tel Aviv we saw.

That happen with a number of Airlines right after the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel right I mean it just keeps happening too even today just a couple of hours ago Delta sent out alert saying they are suspending all of their New York to Tel Aviv flights through a uh August 31st prior to that we heard km.

Say they were going to stop flights into Tel Aviv until mid October you mentioned all of the flights that have been stopped in Beirut it's just again and again where Airlines and outside people are looking at this and saying hey we don't know what's going to happen but it seems like it won't be nothing people believe what the supreme leader of Iran.

Has said when he says we will exact Revenge we feel it is our duty to extract Revenge because jhia was killed in our territory uh there have been preps reportedly in Cyprus areas where if there needs to be some sort of mass evacuation of foreign citizens from Israel or even Lebanon that they would be able to accommodate that the centcom.

Commander in the region today holding these talks everyone is sort of on edge just waiting to see when this will happen but again also doing normal things in between it hie Ellis and Barbara live for us in Tel Aviv tonight Ellison thank you in Bangladesh chaos tonight after a popular Uprising ousted the woman who's LED that country for 20.

Of the last 30 years look at this you've got the military now calling for an interim government to take over after the Prime Minister resigned and then fled Bangladesh forced out by a student-led protest movement that turned deadly David Nora has more on what comes next in our breakdown tonight celebration on the.

Streets of Daka the capital of Bangladesh weeks of deadly protests ousting the country's prime minister from a decade and a half of rule everyone is happy everyone is cheerful everyone is celebrating thousands of protesters storming and looting the prime minister's residence footage from inside showing demonstrators standing on.

Desks pulling art off the walls bringing cushy Furniture into the streets climbing onto the roof even looking through personal photo albums bangad 76-year-old shik Hina fleeing the mob in her country by helicopter and thrusting the eighth most populous nation in the world into uncertainty it all comes after at least.

95 people died in violent clashes in the capital Sunday Vehicles burning in the streets and a statue of H's father the father of Bangladeshi Independence defaced it's the culmination of a protest movement that began in opposition to a hugely unpopular jobs quota system it would have reserved 30% of Highly coveted government positions.

For the families of people who fought in the 1971 Bangladesh War of Independence against Pakistan anger boiling over in a nation struggling with corruption claims poverty and up to 33% youth unemployment student L protests turning violent after the government responded with deadly force even the nature of shik's government they decided to deal.

This movement heavy handed nearly 200 people losing their lives before Sunday that is how it started to spread like wildfire hina's regime becoming autocratic critics say accused of rigging votes attacking freedom of the press and even forcibly disappearing hundreds of dissidents allegations the government has long denied today the.

Chief general of Bangladesh's Army announcing an interim government and urging the demonstrations to end saying I request to you to support the Army and stop the violence murders hooliganism and the protest but for the thousands on the ground the current protest movement is just the beginning this is not just the end of the tyan shik H with this we.

Put an end to the mafia state that she has created we don't want a military government we need a civilian government and we're going to ensure it David Nora NBC News NBC News covers hundreds of stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our Bureau teams have done it for you this is what they tell us is going.

Down in their regions in a segment we call the local out of our Western bureo take a look at this Smash and grab caught on camera out in San Francisco so if you look at the bottom of your screen we're going to show it for you bigger you see these people for of them using hammers to break into a glass case at K Jewelers the store is now closed of.

Course and police are still looking for whoever did it out of our Midwest Bureau a baby chick was born in Iowa that's not usually news but here's what is she's got four legs normally they only have two the owner says there's about one in 10 million chance of this happening and when it does the chicks don't usually survive.

But look at this one happy healthy kicking it good for good for that little chick also you get little of everything on this show folks cuz now we're going to talk about cannabis okay because cannabis sales start tomorrow officially in Ohio I should say recreational Cannabis about a hundred places can start selling them immediately.

Uh there's some staffing and inventory issues so it's not clear if all 100 will start right off the gate still ahead a 10-year-old New York cold case invol involving a dead bear may be solved the presidential candidate who's confessing tonight so the city of New York may be about to reopen a 10-year-old.

Investigation into who dumped a dead bear cub in Central Park because it turns out we know who did it and I bet you the name too Robert F Kennedy Jr ahead of a New York profile out today that was set to reveal this apparently RFK posted a video admitting he ditched the Dead bear after nixing his plans to skin the Cub for meat he says he found.

The bear on the side of the road this was about 10 years ago and put it in his car and apparently ran out of time to drop the barar off at home before a dinner in New York city so he put it in Central Park instead it's just the latest controversial Revelation about the Third Party candidate and of course member of the Kennedy political Dynasty.

The asan fall in this for us okay the whole thing um is not just obviously objectively safe to say yes strange it's also obviously illegal so what happens next here illegal um there are some fines uh by the way we reached out by the way to the DA's office because there were some reporting that the da was actually going to be filing.

Charges on Robert F Kenny Jr uh they did not return request for comment let me just walk you through how quickly as to what happened that day 10 years ago um in October remember I mean the bear was discovered on October 7th in Central Park by two women walking their dogs imagine discovering that lying underneath a bear carcass lying.

Underneath a bicycle so Robert fken Jr is is in Hudson Valley he's going falcony it's something that he um likes to do and he got caught up in the day and he sees that someone had hit a baby cub a bear cub um he decides he's going to pick this Cub off the road put it in his vehicle he's going to skin the bear put the meat in his freezer um he gets.

Kind of caught up in the day of falcony and instead he goes back to the city he realizes he has a dinner um at a steakhouse here in New York City and then has to catch a flight and then says oh no wait though I have a carcass in my back trunk what do I do with that he comes up concocts this plan he's going to drop it off in Central Park he ends.

Up lying underneath his bicycle it's then discovered by these two dock Walkers um the next day was completely not known as to who put that bear cup and how it ended up there by any investig the story was known but no one knew who put it there right because investigators had found that it had been hit by a car.

And it did not happen in Central Park they had figured that out quite quickly once they came upon the bear carcass but they never knew who did it until RFK Jr revealed it um in a post on Sunday and he did it all because of this Revelation that was going to come out this anecdotal story that was told in this really extensive New Yorker piece that.

Was released um this morning and this was part of him kind of getting ahead of the story and you're seeing it right there I mean he's telling story in this tweet that he put out there or this post that he put out there to Roseanne Bar who we know um quite well just a really really H uh bizarre Story and there's push back now right from not just.

Roseanne Bar but from other is saying well you know the media is taking this too far Etc back from RK Jr himself as well and by the way though NYC sanitation department is kind of poking fun um at the whole thing giving instructions as to how to dispose of a carcass you can see there Paddington fuzzy um gummy is that a real tweet is.

That actually from the sanitation actually from the NYC sanitation department people running with it is RFK junr viable right now like talk us through the I'm saying politically here he's on the ballot in only 14 States none of them are the critical Battlegrounds he need to be on for um to talk us through that Dynamic here with.

Maybe the exception of Michigan I guess um where do things stand you and I are old enough to know that certainly third party candidates have um made a bit of a dent in in previous elections right and RFK Jr I think was certainly making a run forward especially before Biden decided to step aside right now especially according to this New York.

Article and some of the polling that we've been looking at he's around 5% it's not a lot right he's not actually in a position to to take the White House but he's certainly in a position where he could actually make a den in either the Trump camp or or the Biden Camp he's on um he's on the poll in in 14 I I should say States or so um and then four.

States Arizona Nevada Georgia Wisconsin um those are all in which he's polling pretty well especially amongst by the way how Latino and young voters so those are all things to keep in mind hence one of the reasons why he wanted to get ahead of this thing and put the story out there on Sunday yeah and Nevada on that list too yasine vuan thank you very.

Much for that breakdown appreciate it still to come we're going to take you to Paris with a stunning upset we'll tell you why the silver and bronze medalists were not too upset about it coming up with Kier Simmons in just a sec let's take it to Paris now where it was another Whirlwind day including the last.

Day of gymnastics uh and it what could be perhaps the last routine at the Olympics for the goat for Simone biles taking home in her signature event not the gold this time but the silver with Jordan Charles getting the bronze the gold instead went to somebody who everybody's been talking about this Olympics uh Rebecca Andra from Brazil.

And look at this moment here The Americans on the podium honor ing to the champ on the floor remember Simone still has three other Golds she's walking home with and they're also making history as the first all black gymnastics Podium finishers ever on the balance beam you had biles and Sunni Lee both falling NBC's Kier Simmons is joining us now.

From Paris okay this marks a bit of a turning point in the games right the gymnastics is over we're baby boy so happy to see you let me tell you um start with gymnastics because we're going to talk about track and Fields and all that fun stuff in a second but this was a big moment especially for Simone biles in what could be maybe her last.

Olympics ever yeah maybe right I mean I think today you be exhausted wouldn't you after all those gold medals so I'm taking the silver on the floor it's good she's got the three Golds then the the one silver and Jordan Charles got that bronze medal after a change in the ratings At first she didn't have that.

Position and then she did and their best friends she and Simone so the relationship between them you know the reaction between them was just wonderful to see I mean there was the slip on the bar there and I think that may have been to do with just hardness and also you know there's there does appear to be a kind of a a kind of a a thing that.

Happens psychologically when one gymnast Falls and another oneit bit like Domino's so there's all that potentially going on I don't know I think we'll find out um but you know will she be back I I don't know I mean I don't know I'm not hodac copy so I I I don't I don't don't know her I don't talk to her every day so I have I mean but she did get married.

And so I suppose for some folks that means maybe she's going to want to have kids and maybe that but you know she's Sone bars um as Sunni Lee said you know she can do anything maybe she'll have the kid come back to to La yeah I got to tell you godess I don't even know Hoda if hod would know if Simone's I don't know if Simone knows of Simone's coming.

Back we don't know what's in her head I mean hod knows her knows everything man I I mean she does I'm not going to I'm not going to fact check you on that one there's also so this is always so interesting because everybody loves to watch gymnastics but then we know that track and field is like the big kind of last week we did swimming Etc.

Everybody's looking at the runners and there have been some really interesting moments on that too right yeah right I mean Noah allows right I mean my goodness amazing yeah he's amazing I mean it just kind of comes out with all this energy and then he you know 100 MERS and then we don't know whether or not he's one and it's photo finish and.

He's standing there and he doesn't think he has one and then he has one and he shouts to camera I told you I told and it's like yeah but you didn't think that you did so yeah we okay but I love it because you know he's there's something isn't there about those sprinters they are showman they are performers not just on the track but before and after you.

Know so you saying B you know that that you remember you know the bolt the lightning bolt Ian so standby apparently he wants his own r what I'm sorry what the the 800 is also an interesting one because like the when you start to get to the middle distance you got the long distance people which like got could not even fathom you got the sprinters insane.

And then you have these people that are doing like you know it's a lot for me or you no offense but like you know for them it's this incredible distance yeah I haven't lived a good enough life to be able to run I don't know 2 meters really I I look like you know when they collapse on the floor like you know trying to suck in the air and like you.

Know Shing them all now they're Gods they're Gods and I I I look like that after I've walked up the stairs to come to this live shop what's your favorite moment K I got to ask you it's been a couple days you've had a weekend I've had a weekend best moment of the day or like the weekend we'll say since we haven't.

Talked in a couple days number one I mean I'm just going to yeah I'm going to be and you and to be fair you have told you warned me that you going to ask me these things you know so I'm going to tell you a person a little personal story because I love the tennis and I and I managed to get myself a seat at the final yesterday between jovic and.

Alcaraz and I sat there I'm telling you I sat there every hour of that match thinking I honestly I can't believe that I'm sitting here watching this and there was and they neither guy broke serve in any game both uh sets were ended with a tie break and then jovic takes it and I was proud and then to watch him hug his daughter like that it's like every dad.

Sees that and just goes oh man I it just gives you chills Goosebumps did you shed a tears did cure Simmons have a little little bit of Tears little emot I don't I don't cry much honestly it's it's been a while you've been a long time but it was there was some sort of emotion I'm English you know I mean we don't do emotion but you are proud to be an.

American we have that on tape from last week the record um thank you here we love it um tomorrow night we'll talk again prep your favorite moment thank you Kier appreciate you uh that does it for us for this hour more K and more coverage picking up right now we are coming on the air with tropical.

Storm Debbie turning deadly today set to bring historic rainfall maybe catastrophic flooding look at this this was the scene in Florida but further up north hundreds of thousands of people are at risk we're going to take you live to where it's headed and we've got the forecast plus breaking news overseas as we learn that us Personnel at an air.

Base in Iraq have been hurt in a rocket attack we're going to bring you the latest from the Pentagon in just the last couple of minutes plus a huge sell-off with the biggest daily losses for the Dow and SNP in two years so should you be in freakout mode probably not should the FED we're going to get into that in just a second plus the DNC.

Any minute now set to make things official and name kamla Harris as the party's 2024 Presidential nominee the next big announcement we're waiting on news of her running mate we'll talk through the top contenders ahead of the the first appearance for both of them at a rally tomorrow then why the Attorney General says a new ruling against Google.

Is a historic win for you and how you search the internet that's coming up later in the show hey I'm hiy and tonight we start with that powerful and deadly storm slamming Florida Debbie making landfall along the coast today as a category one hurricane want to show you some of the video here look at this you see it in.

Fort Meyers in Perry in Steinhatchee the water rushing in and you can see here how high it's getting in some spots it was up to 6 feet thanks to a ton of rain and in some places wind up to 80 M an hour some spots are already breaking the record for the wetest day all year you see how much is coming across there in Franklin County with tornado warnings.

Popping up in spots some communities on Islands totally cut off because of how high the flood waters are you see it up to here it's like up to these signs past the curb uh uh this picture by Ernie vanderwalt there at least four people have been killed two of them kids hundred of thousands of people are in the dark no power you've got hundreds of.

Flights not taking off and this storm on the move with other states in the South bracing for up to 30 Ines of rain you've got so much water burying places and that's now going to go to South Carolina it's going to go to Georgia where states of emergency are already in effect Debbie now a tropical storm no longer a hurricane is a direct result of our.

Warmer climate record high ocean temperatures more rainfall meteorologist Bill Karens is standing by with more on that but first I want to bring in Jesse kers in Florida and Jesse like yes this is Florida they they understand hurricanes and storms in Florida but these are coming kind of boom boom boom we've talked about them a lot already.

This year there's a climate connection and I know that you're seeing some damage where you are right yeah and hie by the way we're looking at the second hurricane making us landfall this year weeks earlier than we typically see in a season and so that is a sign of what we're expecting to continue to be a pretty active hurricane.

Season I've got these goggles on as much as just cuz we're on a beach front and I'm I don't want to get sand in my eyes uh you can see what happened here in Kon Beach Florida uh everything that's been blowing around you can see the trees is still blowing around behind me here this is quite different than what we were experiencing this morning we were just.

Inland from here in Perry Florida and when we were in there as Debbie was making landfall I felt like I was getting pelted with hail in the face so that's how strong those wind gusts felt you mentioned they were around 80 mph and while things have been downgraded from the wind and I want to give uh Bill credit for this cuz he said it earlier.

When he and I were talking uh on an earlier program and made a great point just cuz the wind uh uh the wind speeds have gone down that does not mean that the threat is going away because this is going to be about the water and how much rain we get over the next several days in multiple States so we're really at the beginning of what we're expecting.

From Debbie hiy there's also been this sort of weird thing that happened which was a cocaine bust that was kind of brought on by the storm what yeah so according to our station NBC Miami uh US border patrol says that a bunch of bags of cocaine got blown around uh because of this as the storm was unfolding more than a million.

Dollars worth of cocaine and someone found it and that has now been seized by the government according to our local stations reporting so uh strange things happening in this storm and I can tell you also hi where we are now Katon Beach this was an area that was hard hit in Hurricane Adalia last year that was a category 3 storm uh it appears that the.

Damage here from this category 1 hurricane appears to be light in comparison which is good news for a community that is of course still recovering hie yeah no kidding Jesse kers thanks for being there glad you're there glad you and your crew are staying as dry as you can be appreciate it Bill Karens is joining us now okay now a.

Tropical storm what's up with the track because it doesn't mean the danger is over just because Debbie's no longer a hurricane and I think Debbie wants to make a second landfall and that's probably not going to be until maybe Wednesday night come Thursday morning or maybe even Thursday afternoon so the storm itself is just moving right along.

The Georgia Florida border so the storm is supposed to go up in Georgia and then tomorrow come out to seea and then it's over the warmer water so it only have maybe you know 48 Hours 36 hours over the warmer but you know I can look at this you can look at this if I follow on my finger it's pretty much heading du East right now it wants to get back over.

The water and towards Jacksonville if it goes over the water earlier we'll likely have a stronger storm for that second landfall so I'll explain that in a second first thing the emergency going on now this is a flash flood emergency is in areas near Lake City towards live o this area had got the brunt of the heavy rain all day long like two three.

Inches an hour some areas you know 10 to 15 inches of rain uh Live Oaks got water through the downtown into businesses really sad scene setting up there and for the first time now we got flash flood warnings in Georgia we've had a band of heavy rain from Savannah almost down to Brunswick and that continues 16 million people now by the way under.

Flood watches and there's even a tornado warning currently for the Savannah area too so there you flash blood warning and a tornado warning hie Bill Karen's watching all of it keeping you busy this week I'm sure we'll talk again tomorrow Bill thank you now to some breaking news coming into to us here in Washington as we're just learning that President Biden.

Has been briefed on a suspected rocket attack on an Airbase in Iraq an attack that has apparently injured several Americans you're looking at the map there of where this is outside Baghdad Courtney QB's at the Pentagon Forest Court what do we know uh we know that at least several American Personnel who were at that base at the time were.

Injured in this so at least two rockets were fired at alassad Airbase you saw there it's west of Baghdad there are us personnel there but it's actually an Iraqi base uh at least one of those Rockets did impact somewhere on the base causing those injuries but we don't have a whole lot more including any real specificity on the nature of those.

Injuries hie it's not uncommon these days for there to be an attack on a base like al-assad in Iraq but the majority of the projectiles that are fired at the base there or in Baghdad or even up in herbal where they are also Americans stationed the majority of those projectiles are generally either shot down or they don't even reach the base.

So the fact that there were Americans injured here is pretty uncommon us officials are saying they believe that some one of the Iranian back militia groups in the area is likely responsible but they don't yet have confidence in exactly which one could be behind this alley and all of it's happening against the backdrop of increased tensions in.

The region anyway Court that's right so and the big question now is there was some belief that if in fact and when in fact at this point Iran does respond to retaliate for as part of this increased tension that some of these Iranian backed groups might play a part in that including ones in Iraq and in Syria but.

So far it doesn't appear that this is the beginning of a larger response or retaliation by Iran but we're continuing to watch to see if this is part of a of a larger wave of attacks in Iraq in Iraq or Syria or even in the region hie Courtney Q thanks so much for racing to a camera for us on that appreciate it let's take you now to Wall Street with.

Some economic news the markets coming off their worst day in 2 years with an international selloff look at this the Dow is down about a th points today the S&P down 3% NASDAQ down just about three and a half all of it starting with a rave of panic Rippling through Wall Street earlier after the Japanese stock market had its worst day since Beverly.

Hills Cop 2 was in theaters 1987 so what's spooking everybody signed the US economy may be slowing down and concerns the FED may be waiting too long to cut interest rates this has all been bubbling since Friday when that July jobs report was worse than expected eron Gilchrist will join us in a sec to talk about the political followup but let's.

Start with the actual money piece of it with Brian Chung uh no no freakout moment for normal people right for Jay Powell though definitely a bit of a wakeup call is that a fair assessment yeah although if anyone was opening up their 401K you probably got some Shock today now look when it comes to the stock Market yes indeed it was a pretty.

Ugly day with the Dow Jones losing a th000 points it's about 2.6% in percentage points but look at the end of the day this is still coming off of already historical highs you look at the S&P 500 yes that was down 3% in trading today but we hit Market highs very recently over the year the S&P 500 is still up 8.7% so where this is really.

More impactful on the bottom line is going to be with interest rates because now you do Wonder all right well here's the stock market that basically sold off after that disappointing jobs report last week that showed the unemployment rate rising to 4.3% does that spur the Federal Reserve into a more aggressive interest rate cut than people had been.

Anticipating they usually cut interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point after the market action today in tandem with the jobs Market we got uh last week you have the Federal Reserve now expected to cut interest rates by half a percentage point when they next meet in September we'll have to see if they follow through what are the I mean I.

Know I don't want to make you handicap anything if you had a crystal ball I get it you wouldn't be here cuz you'd win Power Ball but like based on your reporting and your expertise here with the FED does that seem you know more than likely less than likely if you could say well I mean here's the challenge right is September 18th a lot.

Of things can happen between now and then and when I talk about a lot of those things I'm thinking about two specific reports one is the inflation report also called the CPI which is going to come out next Wednesday and then the other one is going to be another job support that comes out the first week of September so those are.

Going to be the two uh North Stars if you will that the Federal Reserve will be looking at if both of those numbers come in Weak let's say for example you have inflation that gets uh you know looks a little better and a and a job support that looks even worse than the last one did then you might have even more strong pricing chances that the.

Federal Reserve will cut that aggressively high this has also been an interesting reminder as I was sitting on my couch last night looking at my phone going what's happening in Japan of how interconnected the world's markets really are yep all of it's so interconnected and Traders who are trying to uncover a trade there's.

Something called a carry trade that basically blew up I won't get into the mechanics but these are Traders dealing in Japanese Yen Japanese Yen and then also US stocks they are related Brian Chun thank you friend appreciate that putting in plain English for us as always uh also tonight in the world of politics you've got vice.

President Kam La Harris set to clinch the Democratic nomination really any minute now when the DNC is set to make her position at the top of the ticket officially official like for real for real tomorrow we're going to see the VP and her VP pick appear together for the first time at a rally in Philadelphia they're going to formally announce the.

Ticket sometime beforehand according to a couple of sources familiar but exact timing is TBD and the person the human being still TBD as well could it be the guy on your left Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania maybe could it be the guy on your right Tim Waltz of Minnesota maybe could it be somebody else like Andy Basher of Kentucky maybe with her.

Campaign Harris's campaign saying just the last little bit she still hasn't decided yet they're like hey everybody we get it it's interesting but still no decision tomorrow is going to be a big moment in a big week a big couple of weeks for the Harris Camp she and her running mate are set to hit the ground running on a seven State Battleground.

Blitz JD Vance will also be in Philly tomorrow he's got a speech of his own and looking to hit some of those key Battlegrounds trying to counter program it's a lot to watch out for in the next 24 hours and we've got team coverage Von hilard covering all things Trump for us but let's start with Aaron Gilchrist near the White House next 24 hours are.

Going to be critical we heard from the Harris camp that they're like she hasn't made a decision yet but the clock is ticking because the expectation from folks you and our team are talking to is that we will know by the time we come on the air presumably tomorrow yeah you're absolutely right we expect that decision to be coming down at some point tomorrow.

Likely earlier in the day rather than later because we know there's also this event that vice president Harris and her running mate will hold in Philadelphia to uh announce this new team that the Democrats are going to be putting forward uh for uh the the the election in November you're looking at some of the people who met with vice president.

Harris just yesterday here in Washington they went to her house at the Naval Observatory here to uh to talk with her we know that the from sources that the vice president has said it's very important that whoever she chooses be a person who demonstrates competence who shares some of her core values and someone that she has good chemistry with.

So her being able to sit down and talk to these men uh is something that was really important for her I think it's worth noting as you did hiy that there have been some reports that the process is complete that the vice president has chosen a running mate this is a campaign that is a very tight ship if you will and I'm told that that is how the vice.

President always runs things she she wants this to be a very disciplined process her campaign spokesperson saying on Twitter no she has not made a choice as of yet that's in the last hour or so Hy um there there's also a list of very specific things that she's been looking for right I mean somebody who is going to compliment but not overshadow her for.

Example somebody who can be that sort of more traditional Bulldog role as a VP and be kind of on attack yeah you're absolutely right those are some of the qualities that sources are telling us were really important for vice president Harris or are really important for her as she goes through this process trying to figure.

Out who it is that she's going to tap to be her number two a source familiar saying that she wants somebody who uh can really reach out and appeal to that small group of Voters who may still be undecided about whom they want to vote for whom they want to vote in November she also wants someone who might appeal to uh uh an audience that President.

Biden for example may have been more appealing to than she is perhaps to older voters older white male voters in particular and so these are all quality is that the vice president is trying to consider moving forward when she hits the ground this week with this running mate and hits these states with the exception of Georgia now uh because of.

The storms moving through there she's going to want somebody that she can put up as uh a person who will be a partner in governing who who can help to help her to win the election obviously but also help her to govern should she win in November H and obviously the economy we just talked about it with Brian Chong a huge issue in this campaign in this.

Race and again today a lot of focus there uh yeah you're absolutely right the Trump campaign has been really trying to hit uh the the Biden Administration and vice president Harris in particular over the movement that we saw with the stock market today uh president Trump former president Trump had claimed responsibility for a booming.

Economy earlier in the year but today he talked about the comma crash is the term he used saying that Trump cash is the alternative and that's what he wants voters to be thinking about as they head to the polls in November hi Aaron gilchris live for us outside the White House thank you let's take Devon Hillard now who's been covering the Trump.

Campaign V it's good to see you again friend let's talk about this counterprogramming push here coming from JD Vance looking to um quote unquote bracket in other words show up in some of the same spots or near the same spots that kamla Harris and her yet to be announced running M are going to visit this week that's right and look at JD.

Vance is making these stops in Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania well Donald Trump notably is at his marago Club he does not have another campaign rally until this next Friday night in Boseman Montana where there is a major Senate race there the Republicans are hoping to pick up but of course there's little reason to believe that Donald Trump is.

Not going to win the state of Montana it's not one of those seven Battleground states that the kamla Harris and her soon to be running mate were scheduled to go into at the beginning of this week here but JD Vance this is part of the role that he's going to play on this ticket and when we're talking about vice presidential running mates not only are.

There political ramifications that JD Vance could have in at least providing some counterprogramming especially when you're tuning into local news there that are undoubtedly going to be uh airing parts of the kamla Harris VP running mates rallies but also it really is a moment here for Donald Trump and for JD Vance to reconfigure and reposition.

Themselves knowing that they are now facing a different top of the ticket than they initially intended just earlier today he Donald Trump sat down with with a YouTube streamer at marago in which he said that he had been planning this whole time to face Joe Biden now they have to figure out how they are going to frame kamla Harris and.

How they're going to run against her ahead of the democratic convention here just two weeks from now talk through something else that has happened over the course of the afternoon here as it relates to something going on in Arizona and that so-called fake elector scheme because interestingly somebody who is fairly.

High-profile uh formerly for former president Trump that's Jenna Ellis is now saying we we've learned from court documents she's going to flip essentially she's not saying that publicly but apparently she will be cooperating with prosecutors what does this mean right all of this is looming over the Trump campaign here Jenna Ellis.

Was a key Donald Trump lawyer and Ally in the aftermath of the 20120 election and working directly with Rudy Giuliani in efforts to try to overturn election results with lawsuits in some of these key States notable the last year Jenna Ellis who has also charged along with Donald Trump in Georgia she agreed to plead guilty in order to have the.

Charges dropped against her in state of Georgia and now in Arizona just this spring the Attorney General there she filed the lawsuit or charges I should say against Jenna Ellis and 17 other codefendants as part of the uh fake elector scheme and Jenna Ellis is the first among those 18 to flip the Attorney General Chris May announcing.

That the charges would be dropped against Ellis and that she began cooperating with the attorney general's prosecutors the investigators back in June noting that this was significant for the criminal trial that will await those other 17 defendants in the months ahead hoe ven hilard thank you very much for all of that more to come this week.

For sure let's take you overseas now where the British prime minister today is holding an emergency meeting after anti-immigration riots intensified this weekend want to show you to you some of the people storming hotels that house Asylum Seekers this is a building on fire the the riots starting after a stabbing that killed three young girls.

In the northern city of Southport false claims about the suspect's ethnicity An Origin quickly spread online which fueled some of the violence here's what Kier starmer the new British prime minister said today whatever the apparent motivation this is not protest it is pure violence and we will not tolerate attacks on.

Mosques or our Muslim communities Josh Letterman is joining now and Josh we covered this attack that horrific attack of those of those kids when it happened last week now we have seen night after night these protests it's late where you are obviously in London are you seeing it again tonight um give us a sense of the mood.

There we are seeing it again tonight H in fact there are no signs that these riots are quieting down as we enter week two the big Focus tonight is on Plymouth in Southwestern England where there are two groups of protesters uh basically an anti-immigrant group and then a counter protesting group police are trying to keep them separate but what was really.

Alarming authorities is the fact that this is no longer localized to Southport where that stabbing took place last week this is really mushroomed into something much bigger than that one incident we're seeing uh major incidents all across England over in uh Northern Ireland as you mentioned there was a hotel known for housing Asylum Seekers and these.

Protesters set it on fire really raising concerns about whether the UK is becoming less of a safe place for immigrants and I want you to hear from one Londoner Alice emu who I spoke to about that very issue listen I feel like we could like every country in Europe could improve with immigration and like how we deal with it.

And how we actually help them when they come here but I still feel like it's not dangerous for them you know what I mean I feel like we could help them more but it's not violent in a way a lot of this has been fueled by misinformation on social media the home secretary saying she's going to go after some of these social media companies.

That are not deplatforming essentially uh these conspiracy theories online and today Kier starmer the Prime Minister said he is enacting a standing army of specialized police officers to try to bring these riots under control Josh Letterman live for us there in London Josh thank you for staying on top of it we're going to uh keep checking back.

With you for updates we've also got a breaking update to the deadly shooting of a black woman by a white officer in Illinois last month after she called 911 for help the whole thing captured in that disturbing body cam video we are now hearing for the first time since the investigation began from the former deputy who shot and killed Sonia Massie.

Shan Grayson you see him there saying he was afraid for his life after Massie allegedly picked up a pot of boiling water you see his quote he said I was in fear that the other deputy and he were going to receive great bodily harm or death he goes on to say due to being in fear of our safety and life I fired my duty weapon Grayson has been terminated.

From his job and charged with first degree murder he's pleaded not guilty I want to bring in NBC's Antonia Hilton this is all part this is all coming out the reason why we know about this is from this new report that has now been released right that's right hiy and these are field reports that give us more insight on into his thinking and.

Other deputies thinking uh that day on the scene and he is essentially making the case in his writings here that he was terrified for his life we've now most of us have seen this footage of what transpired between the deputies and Massie there at her home that he shouts a series of very aggressive commands she at times seems quite confused even at.

One point actually apologizing and what really to him or that he argues and claims ESS Central to this is that there's a pot of boiling water that she holds at one point he believes that she is going to throw this on him and that this puts his life at risk he writes at one point Sonia stood up from a crouched position grabbing the pot raising it.

Above her head and throwing the boiling substance at me I was in imminent fear of getting boiling liquid to my face or chest which would have caused Great bodily harm or death this is Central to what's likely going to be his argument uh if and when he goes to trial he is facing a first-degree murder and misconduct charges for what transpired.

On July 6th uh although he has pled and maintained his team that he is not guilty so this is certainly the kind of thing that is both going to be part of his argument but certainly the other side to the prosecution already NBC News and others have been reporting that he actually has a long history working in six different departments in four years.

A number of DUI and serious misconduct infractions and so they're going to make the case at some of what he says and argues about his story his version of events may not be true and this of course will be Central to that hiy Antonia Hilton thank you very much for that update in just the last couple of hours.

A federal judge handing Google a big loss with the potential to change how Millions of Americans get information online how you search for stuff on the internet with the judge saying that Google illegally held a monopoly in Search and text advertising which basically means online searches the court says Google did that at least.

Partly by paying companies like Apple and Samsung billions of dollars to have Google automatically handle searches on those brand smartphones Google in a statement tonight says the decision recognizes Google offers the best search engine but concludes they say that we shouldn't be allowed to make it easily available.

Danny Salos is joining us now okay let me start with implications first and then reasoning after that implications first does this going to matter by how any of us look up stuff online on Google sure I mean in the sense that not much will change in the sense that we will pull our phones out and search the way we always have but in the coming months.

And years it may change if Google is maybe broken up if their practices have to change and really if there is a change that we notice as consumers it might be that it's a different Lo logo that we're searching but mechanically nothing will change about the search and its unbelievable efficiency what the judge found what judge ma found about.

Google is that they had acted monopolistically we have a very confusing message that we send through capitalism In America which is if you work hard you build up your company you can dominate the industry but don't dominate it too much then you'll be breaking the law and that's antitrust in a nutshell in a overly simplistic.

Nutshell but that's what the judge found that uh Google had engaged in monopolistic practices what the remedy is going to be remains to be seen but it could result in breaking up some of this market share so you you're getting to the question that I had which is on the rationale here if Google is basically saying wait a second we have a search.

Engine we were just trying to allow people to get access to it it sounds like the ruling came into play when they said well no you're doing it too fast and too much do I have that right that's that's Google's response I mean Google's response today was look all the judge really found is that we're really good at being a search engine and of course.

They disagree with the outcome and this is often the case boiled down in antitrust cases is the government saying you're too big and you're engaging in cartel-like Behavior or you're uh dominating the industry to the exclusion of the little guy the little guy in this case is a company called Bing which you may or may not have heard of it's been.

Around for a while it has about somewhere between 5 and 10% of the total market share I mean Google really dominates the industry so that's an example of a little guy that maybe Google is musling out but Google continues to deny these allegations and I expect they're going to continue to fight on this front Danny savalos thank.

You very much for that breakdown coming up new details tonight in the killing of one of the stars of General Hospital Who police now say they're looking for plus why Australia is Raising its Terror Threat Level next right now new flash flood warnings coming in for parts of Georgia in the.

Path of tropical storm Debbie that's already created some bad damage down south in Florida you've got folks further north bracing for what officials warned could be a once in a Thousand-Year weather event one that could bring as much as 2 and a half feet of rain to an already soaked Coast you've even got some tornadoes possible.

In the next few days some schools have shut down tomorrow and Wednesday and there's a curfew in Place starting in just a few hours in Savannah Georgia Maggie vesa is joining us live now and she is in I want to say are you still in Charleston Maggie or did you move to Savannah no we are still in Charleston okay that's a great question if we could.

Move that fast we would no we are in Charleston right now how I mean it's picking up and it was right before our hit in the last hour right you can see it you can hear the wind you can see Almost White Caps kind of here coming in along the shoreline people for a couple of hours were walking around wanting to see it for themselves that's pretty much.

Stopped it's got a lot more intense and we just heard from local officials uh in the last hour or so basically saying hey Charleston we know that you're used to hurricanes we know you're used to flood events but they said this for a lot of reasons is going to be really different they're expecting up to 30 in of rain in some parts especially the eastern part.

Of the state where we are uh over the next few days they're expecting wind gusts kind of for the most part they said in 30 to 40 mph range that's not the main concern but it really is they said the urban flooding the flash flooding and they said in particular areas of Charleston areas of South Carolina that maybe haven't flooded.

Before could very well flood this week and on top of that hie they're asking people to keep food and water enough for each family member for at least three days knowing that this thing could churn over their state and just linger uh into Thursday or Friday we had local officials speaking just a little while ago about asking people to stay informed.

And be careful let's listen to uh part of what they had to say the main thing to remember is to get your information from official sources only don't don't listen to who someone who may not be fully apprised of exactly what the facts are what the implications are uh we'll be opening shelters we'll be the school closings those sorts of.

Things will be open to the local government you know we were just talking to somebody who was walking here in Charleston she was outw walking her Golden Retriever named named Charlie and she said you know people here in Charleston are used to this people here in Charleston are season but she said it is true that when you see what this.

Storm has already done to parts of Florida dumping close to a foot of rain in some areas and with a death count now of four people including a teenager who died when a tree fell on his house the sheriff saying he was crushed she said that really reframes this storm and what could happen here in other parts of the country in the minds of people even.

Again in a city like Charleston where they're used to this kind of weather H so they're taking this one really seriously yeah it looks like it Maggie vesa thanks for bringing us the latest tonight from Charleston appreciate it let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one a tornado sweeping.

Through downtown Buffalo today up in Upstate New York you see it here officials say roofs were blown off some of the homes you see some of the debris flying in the air fortunately they say nobody was hurt number two LAPD releasing some images that show three alleged suspects in the killing of Johnny wer he's the General Hospital.

Star who was shot and killed back in May police say it happened after he confronted some people trying to steal the catalytic converter out of his car police are asking for help to ID those suspects number three the Louisiana governor today defending that controversial new law that requires schools to put up posters of the Ten.

Commandments with Louisiana becoming the first state in the country to mandate this the governor saying in his words just tell your child not to look at them if you don't like it the governor's comments come as the state's attorney general is trying to get a lawsuit filed by a group of parents dismissed number four the cyber security company.

Crowd strike says it's not its fault that Delta had to cancel thousands of flights in that huge outage last month Delta says the cancellations costed half a billion dollars and that it's planning to take legal action crowd strike says Delta rejected its offer for on-site help number three this could be Maine's new flag officials there announcing.

Today it won the redesign a star and a pine tree that was part of a requirement in the contest a call back to Main's flag from the early 20th century this is Maine's current flag it'll be replaced if voters approve the new one in November and will quiz you on both coming up next hour and we come back we'll take you overseas tonight to.

Bangladesh where there is chaos in the streets you see some of those images there down at the bottom of your screen after the country's prime minister was forced out why thousands of protesters there say that's only the beginning plus why certain souvenirs could end up banned soon in Colombia.

Back to that breaking news about a rocket attack on an air base in Iraq that hurts several Americans it's coming as the region is on edge we say that a lot but tonight it takes on a different tone and texture that is because Israel is getting ready tonight for what appears to be an imminent retaliatory attack by Iran and Hezbollah after the.

Assassination of senior Hamas and Hezbollah leaders last week we've already heard now from the Secretary of State Tony blinkin talking about this today late this afternoon call calling this a critical Moment In Time watch all parties must refrain from escalation all parties must take steps to ease.

Tensions escalation is not in anyone's interests and here's a first look we're just getting in literally in the last couple of minutes this is a look with the sit the uh with the National Security team sitting with President Biden in the situation room along with of course vice president Harris there getting an update on developments in the.

Middle East Ellison Barbara is joining us now from Tel Aviv a lot of attention here in the US here in Washington on this moment that's happening where you are Ellison with the secretary saying tonight that the US has been engaged in round the-clock diplomacy it brings up the question where if anywhere is the offramp you know I guess in some ways.

Hie it depends on how we would Define offramp I think the idea of what a lot of people would hope it would be is that we avoid a large scale attack or an escalation entirely that offramp is not going to exist I think it's hard to see how it could exist I think the possibilities of an off-ramp here is going to depend on.

What this retaliatory strike looks like right think back to April again I mention it a lot because it's the best measure we have for comparison of what could happen this time around when Iran fired those 300 drones and missiles at Israel they did it with a lot of warning kind of behind the scenes but a lot of public there there was no question that.

It was going to happen that it was going to be big around the time that it happened people saw it coming all of them were intercepted the question this time around is is this strike going to be measured or calculated in a similar way where the casualty toll be that military personnel or civilians in particular is limited and then Iran can.

Walk away by saying okay we retaliated for what we said you did in our Sovereign territory and for the attack that happened in Beirut now we'll sit this one out so to speak and lean back a little bit or will the strikes cause so much damage here in Israel if they are to get through some of the safeguards Israel has like the Iron Dome that they.

Then also say okay we have no choice but to do something else again that's the big question here hiy you also have a question about the sort of Hamas uh leadership now at this point especially Hamas obviously the Hezbollah assassination made some news last week as well of course uh what do we know about that Dynamic and and moving.

Forward where that goes yeah so it's really interesting because the question is how does this change the structure of these two organizations and does it fundamentally change anything and when we've spoken to experts they pretty much say the same thing not a whole lot these are sort of symbolic kills very big deals but in terms of.

Fundamentally Shifting the structure of either of these organizations I mean when we saw ish there were already three four names that were out in public being floated as his likely and possible Replacements he will be replaced and so will the Commander in Lebanon who was killed in the outskirts of Beirut but what it did was it wildly embarrassed.

Iran right this was sort of two strikes within their own home Hezbollah who they have backed so significantly since its founding in the 80s and then ishia inside of their own territory where the biggest embarrassment is for them in terms of Hamas in particular they really don't have any Main Senior leaders still alive anymore hi the only surviving.

Leadership that most people would know of is yaka senoir and he's in Gaza he's considered to be the Mastermind behind October 7th they havn't found him yet but the other Mastermind who was inside of Gaza Muhammad de he's now dead according to the IDF and ishma Kenia who was the head political leader based in Qatar and also the chief negotiator for.

That hostage dealer ceasefire he's now dead as well hie Ellison barbar live for us tonight in Tel Aviv Ellison thank you let's take you to Bangladesh now where there's been chaos in the streets after an uprising ousted the woman who's LED that country for 20 of the last 30 years the military is now calling for an interim government to take over after.

The Prime Minister resigned and then fled Bangladesh forced out by a student-led protest movement that turned deadly NBC's David Nora has more on what comes next in tonight's breakdown tonight celebration on the streets of Dhaka the capital of Bangladesh weeks of deadly protests ousting the country's prime minister.

From a decade and a half of rule everyone is happy everyone is cheerful everyone is celebrating thousands of protesters storming and looting the prime minister's residence footage from inside showing demonstrators standing on desks pulling art off the walls bringing cushy Furniture into the streets climbing onto the roof even looking.

Through personal photo albums Bangladesh 76-year-old shik Hina fleeing the mob in her country by helicopter and thrusting the eighth most populous nation in the world into uncertainty it all comes after at least 95 people died in violent clashes in the capital Sunday Vehicles burning in the streets and a statue of H's father the.

Father of Bangladeshi Independence defaced it's the culmination of a protest movement that began in opposition to a hugely unpopular jobs quota system it would have reserved 30% of Highly coveted government positions for the families of people who fought in the 1971 Bangladesh War of Independence against Pakistan anger boiling over in.

Nation struggling with corruption claims poverty and up to 33% youth unemployment student L protests turning violent after the government responded with deadly force given the nature of shik government they decided to deal this movement heavy-handed nearly 200 people losing their lives before Sunday that is how it started to spread like.

Wildfire hina's regime becoming autocratic critics say accused of rigging votes attacking freedom of the press and even forcibly disappearing hundreds of dissidents allegations the government has long denied today the chief general of Bangladesh's Army announcing an interim government and urging the demonstrations to end saying.

I request you all to support the Army and stop the violence murders hooliganism and the protest but for the thousands on the ground the current protest movement is just the beginning this is not just the end of the Tiant shikina with this we put an end to the mafia state that she has created we don't want a military government we need.

A civilian government and we're going to ensure it David Nora NBC News NBC News covers hundreds of other International stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our teams around the world have done it for you here's a look at what they're watching in a segment we call the global out of.

Australia the prime minister and other officials are raising the terror Threat Level in that country from possible to probable because of what they describe as an increase in extremist views in Australia they say there's now a 50% chance of an attack being planned in the next year officials say this decision was not a direct response to tensions in.

The Middle East and that there's no imminent immediate threat of an attack out of Italy look at this video Mount Etna in Italy erupting some new images here you can see wow that big sort of red piece in the middle and then obviously all the smoke the ash up into the sky the lava coming up 6 miles above sea level nearby airports had to divert.

Some flights Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world have Columbia Congress there in that country considering whether or not to ban all souvenirs related to Pablo Escobar it proposes fines for people who sell anything that shows the infamous drug lord it would also allow police to find people who wear merch glorifying ES.

Bar Congress still has to debate and then vote on the law coming up why New York City May reopen a 10-year-old investigation into a dead bear cup and what it has to do with RFK Jr next so the city of New York may be about to reopen a 10-year-old investigation into who dumped a dead.

Bear cub in Central Park because it turns out we know who did it and I bet you know the name too Robert F Kennedy Jr ahead of a New York profile out today that was set to reveal this apparently RFK posted a video admitting he ditched the Dead bear after nixing his plans to skin the Cub for meat he says he found.

The bear on the side of the road this was about 10 years ago and put it in his car and apparently ran out of time to drop the bear off at home before a dinner in New York city so he put it in Central Park instead it's just the latest controversial Revelation about the Third Party candidate and of course member of the Kennedy political Dynasty.

Asan fall in this Forest okay the whole thing um is not just obviously objectively safe to say yes strange it's also obviously illegal so what happens next year illegal um there are some fines by the way we reached out by the way to the DA's office because there was some reporting that the da was actually going to be filing charges on.

Robert F keny Jr uh they did not return request for comment let me just walk you through how quickly as to what happened that day 10 years ago um in October remember I mean the bear was discovered on October 7th in Central Park by two women walking their dogs imagine discovering that lying underneath a bear carcass lying underneath a bicycle so.

Robert fky Jr is is in Hudson Valley he's going falcony it's something that he um likes to do and he got caught up in the day and he sees that someone had hit a baby cub a bear cub um he decides he's going to pick this Cub off the road put it in his vehicle he's going to skin the bear put the meat in his freezer um he gets kind of caught up in the day of.

Falcony and instead goes back to the city he realizes he has a dinner um at a steakhous here in New York City and then has to catch a flight and then says oh no wait though I have a carcass in my back trunk what do I do with that he comes up concocts this plan he's going to drop it off in Central Park he ends up lying underneath his bicycle it's.

Then discovered by these two dock Walkers um the next day was completely not known as to who put that bear cup and how it ended up there by any investigators the story was known but no one knew knew who put it there right because investigators had found that it had been hit by a car and it did not happen in Central Park they had figured.

That out quite quickly once they came upon the bear carcass but they never knew who did it until RFK Jr revealed it um in a post on Sunday and he did it all because of this Revelation that was going to come out this anecdotal story that was told in this really extensive New Yorker piece that was released um this morning and this was part of him.

Kind of getting ahead of the story and you're seeing it right there I mean he's telling this story in this tweet that he put out there or this post that he put out there to Roseanne Bar who we know um quite well just a really really H uh bizarre Story and there's push back now right from not just Roseanne Bar but from mother saying well you know the.

Media has taking this too far Etc back from rsk Jr himself as well and by the way though NYC sanitation department is kind of poking fun um at the whole thing giving instructions as to how to dispose of a carcass you can see there Paddington fuzzy um gummy is that a real tweet is that actually from the sanitation it's actually from the NYC.

Department people running with it is RFK Jun viable right now like talk us through the I'm saying politically here he's on the ballot in only 14 States none of them are the critical Battlegrounds he need to be on for um to talk us through that Dynamic here with maybe the exception of Michigan I guess um where do think Dan you and I are old.

Enough to know that certainly third party candidates have um made a bit of a dent in in previous elections right and RFK Jr I think was certainly making a run for it especially before Biden decided to step aside right now especially according to this New York article and some of the polling that we've been looking at he's around 5%.

It's not a lot right he's not actually in a position to to take the White House but he's certainly in a position where he could actually make a den in either the Trump camp or or the Biden Camp he's on um he's on the poll in 14 I I should say States or so um and then four states Arizona Nevada Georgia Wisconsin um those are all in which he's polling.

Pretty well especially amongst by the way how Latino and young voters so those are all things to keep in mind hence one of the reasons why he wanted to get ahead of this thing and put the story out there on Sunday yeah and Nevada on that list too yasine vuan thank you very much for that breakdown appreciate it still to come we're going to take you to.

Paris with a stunning upset we'll tell you why the silver and bronze medalists were not too upset about it coming up with Kier Simmons in just a sec let's take it to Paris now where it was another Whirlwind day including the last day of gymnastics uh and it will could be perhaps the last routine at the.

Olympics for the goat for Simone biles taking home in her signature event not the gold this time but the silver with Jordan Charles getting the bronze the gold instead went to somebody who everybody's been talking about this Olympics uh Rebecca Andra from Brazil and look at this moment here The Americans on the podium honoring to the.

Champ on the floor remember Simone still has three other Golds she's is walking home with and they're also making history as the first all black gymnastics Podium finishers ever on the balance beam you had biles and Sunni Lee both falling and wec's Kier Simmons is joining us now from Paris okay this marks a bit of a turning point in the.

Games right the gymnastics is over we're baby boy so happy to see you let me tell you um start with gymnastics because we're going to talk about track and Fields and all that fun stuff in a second but this was a big moment especially for Simone biles in what could be maybe her last Olympics ever yeah maybe right I mean I think today.

You'd be exhausted wouldn't you after all those gold medals so I'm taking the silver on the floor it's good she's got the three Golds then the the one silver and Jordan Charles got that bronze medal after a change in the ratings At first she didn't have that position and then she did and their best friends she and Simone so the relationship between them.

You know the reaction between them was just wonderful to see I mean there was the slip on the bar there and I think that may have been to do with just hardness and also you know there's there does appear to be a kind of a a kind of a a thing that happens psychologically when one gymnast Falls and another one it's bit like Domino's so there's all.

That potentially going on I don't know I think we'll find out um but you know will she be back I I don't know I mean I don't know I'm not hod copy so I I I don't I don't know her I don't talk to her every day so I have I mean but they she did get married and so I suppose for some folks that means maybe she's going to want to have kids and maybe that but.

You know she's Simone bar um as Sun Lee said you know she can do anything maybe she'll have the kid come back to to La yeah I got to tell you God bless I don't even know Hoda if hod would know if Simone's I don't know if Simone knows if Simone's coming back we don't know what's in her head I mean hod knows Hoda knows everything man I I mean she does.

I'm not going to I'm not going to fact check on that one there's also so this is always so interesting because everybody loves to watch gymnastics but then we know that track and field is like the big kind of last week we did swimming Etc everybody's looking at the runners there have been some really interesting moments on that too right.

Yeah right I mean no allows right I mean my goodness amazing yeah he's amazing I mean he just kind of comes out with all this energy and then he you know 100 meters and then we don't know whether or not he's won and it's a photo finish and he's standing there and he doesn't think he has one and then he has one and he shouts into the camera I told you I told.

And it's like yeah you didn't think that you did so yeah we okay but I love it because you know he's there's something isn't there about those sprinters they are showman they are performers not just on the track but before and after you know so you say bolt you know that that you remember you know the bolt the lightning bolt I course so stand by.

Apparently wants his own range what I'm sorry what the 800 is also an interesting one because like the when you start to get to the middle distance you got the long distance people which like got could not even fathom you got the sprinters insane and then you have these people that are doing like you know it's a lot for me or you no offense.

But like you know for them it's this incredible distance yeah I haven't lived the a good enough life to be able to run I don't know 2 meters really I I look like you know when they collapse on the floor like you know trying to suck in the air and like you know Shing them all now they're Gods they're Gods and I I look like that.

After I've walked up the stairs to come to this live shop what's your favorite moment K I got to ask you it's been a couple days you've had a weekend I've had a weekend best moment of the day or like the weekend we'll say since we haven't talked in a couple days number oneor I mean I'm just going to yeah I'm going to.

Be and you and to be fair you have told you warned me that you were going to ask me these things you know so I'm going to tell you a person little personal story cuz I love the tennis and and I managed to get myself a seat at the final yesterday between jovic and alcaraz and sat there I'm telling you I sat there every hour of that match thinking I.

Honestly I can't believe that I'm sitting here watching this and there was and they neither guy broke serve in any game both uh sets where ended with a tie break and then jovic takes it and I was proud and then to watch him hug his daughter like that he's like every dad sees that and just goes oh man I it just gives you chills Goosebumps did you shed.

A tear did cure Simon have a little little bit of Tears em I don't I don't cry much honestly it's it's been a while' been a long time but it was there was some sort of emotion I'm English you know I mean we don't do emotion but you are proud to be an American we have that on tape from last week the record um thank.

You Kier we love it um tomorrow night we'll talk again prep your favorite moment thank you Kier appreciate you uh that does it for us for this hour more Kier and more coverage picking up right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC.

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