Hallie Jackson NOW – Can also 7 | NBC Recordsdata NOW


Hallie Jackson NOW - Can also 7 | NBC Recordsdata NOW

I'm Aron Gilchrist in for hle Jackson tonight with a Breaking News special report Donald Trump on trial with court just wrapping up after another one of the other biggest names in this case former adult film star Stormy Daniels took the stand just 10t away from the former president offering some new.

Details about an alleged sexual encounter that prosecutors say lit the match that has a former president facing criminal charges for the first time in American history Daniel's saying it all went down in a Tahoe hotel room back in 2006 this now infamous picture allegedly taken hours before that happened and after that she said that after chatting.

Briefly with the future president she emerged from the bathroom to find him on the bed in a t-shirt and boxers she said the room quote spun in slow motion questioning how she quote misread the situation and feeling like she had put herself quote in a bad situation telling the jury she felt there was in her words an imbalance of power that Mr Trump was.

Quote bigger and blocking the the way out but that she still didn't feel threatened by any of that after that she says they had sex now that testimony causing an uproar for the defense who even tried to get the judge to declare a mistrial because of what Daniel said judge didn't go for that though so why is Daniels at the center of this case.

Anyway well because she was paid $130,000 to keep quiet about that encounter and remember nobody is saying that the alleged Affair or the hush money payment were on their own illegal prosecutors charging the former president with 34 counts of falsifying business records alleging it was Mr Trump's coverup of the payments that was.

Illegal and part of a scheme to influence the 2016 election a reminder here Mr Trump pleaded not guilty to those counts and denies the alleged Affair entirely for the next 20 minutes we will EXP explain why everything you just heard matters taking you inside all the rooms cameras couldn't be in our team of reporters and legal and.

Political experts ready to break down everything you need to know let's start with Von hilard outside the courthouse for us today and Von uh before we get into everything that happened today I do want to get first some breaking news out of another of Mr Trump's legal cases I'm just being told about in my ear here this is the federal classified documents.

Case getting delayed indefinitely is it talk to us about that it was scheduled for May 20th right right we're just getting our own eyes on this order here but judge Canon making it clear that the trial over classified documents is delayed indefinitely in Florida this Federal indictment leads to the question of.

Whether this trial would begin before the November election and I think it would be safe to say that this order here from Judge canon in Florida answers that question and so we could very well be looking at a reality that the only criminal trial only one of four that Donald Trump is facing here that will take place before the November election.

Will be this one here that is now on its fourth week in New York over the alleged hush money payment scheme uh that Donald Trump is currently coming into laowa Manhattan every day for that is ongoing Aaron all right V I'm going to ask you to stand by here for just a second turn to Danny savalos our NBC News legal analyst Danny I just want to get your.

Take on what we just learned about happening in Florida the the delay the indefinite delay of proceedings there it's a very interesting development I mean normally in federal court that's the place where cases fly they move very quickly but of course the Trump cases in federal court are obviously different because they involve so many complicated.

Legal issues that delay was almost a certainty so it is very uh very interesting that the court is going to delay this indefinitely uh at some point they need to schedule a trial normally in federal court they'll schedule a trial date and then change it later but indefinitely is an interesting development all right Danny I'll get you.

To hang by for stand by for us here a second and go back to V in New York because V we do need to talk a little bit more about what happened inside that courtroom today take us through uh your read on what happened some of the bombshell moments in the testimony today this was a day that was a long time coming the American public became.

Familiar with Stormy Daniels in 2018 when her story was made public more than a year after Donald Trump was was elected to the White House but of course at that time in 2018 the American public was becoming familiar with what this alleged $130,000 scheme entailed it was paying Stormy Daniels in October of 2016 to.

Keep silent and not have her story become public because of concerns that it could damage Donald Trump's presidential election and today Stormy Daniels came within feed of Donald Trump testifying for hours answering the questions of prosecutors but also Donald Trump's attorneys under cross examination if you just look at some of.

The exchanges between Stormy Daniels and the prosecution you'll see why this was so perent here for the prosecution in their case because of the salacious details that she brought forward including describing that in 206 when she was at a celebrity Golf Tournament in Lake Tahoe she walked out of the bathroom of Donald Trump's hotel room.

And that's when she saw him in a t-shirt and boxers and ultimately had sex with him there and that he according to Daniels testified that oh it was great let's get together again honey bunch the prosecution asked try Daniels did he ever express any concern at that point about his wife finding out stery Daniels testifying here today.

No you know Von this this day started with uh a quick post and then a delete from the former president righty referred to Daniels and said it was unfair that she was testifying today it's it's possible that it was deleted because it potentially violated the judge's gag order that we've been talking about uh for so many weeks now.

About talking about Witnesses for Mr Trump though to give in on this point uh to listen to his lawyer advice here to delete a post on his social media platform that is not an insignificant thing no it was number one Donald Trump doesn't often delete social media posts and number two just yesterday judge marshan directly warned him that he may.

Have no choice despite him being a former president and potentially the next president from putting him in jail he has now violated his gag order 10 times in judge Maran making it clear that another violation could lead him to send him to jail in order to not intimidate Witnesses and so that post was up for a few minutes before being.

Taken down and stery Daniels is a crucial witness here because of what the allegations are that she was bringing forward and the potential that her story could have had ramifications on the 2016 election and therefore for the prosecution making the case to the jury that Donald Trump and Micha Cohen had every reason to try to silence her story.

For the purposes of making sure that her story and the telling of these graphic allegations of her sexual encounter with Donald Trump never got to the public before the election all right Von hilard for us live in New York City tonight Von thank you for that I want to turn to our legal experts Now NBC News legal analyst Danny saalo is still with us here and.

Georgetown law professor Michelle G Goodwin is here on set with us as well Danny I'll start with here you here you said yesterday that you thought the prosecution did didn't even need to put Daniels on the stand uh talk to me about that do you think that they should have followed that bit of advice from you we shall see when cross-examination is over.

Putting Stormy Daniels on the stand was a risk look at exhibit a my exhibit a would be the motion for a mistrial and by the way that motion was probably going to be denied the defense probably knew it would be denied and it was based on stormmy Daniel salacious testimony but it's now in the record and if this case goes up on appeal and 2 years from.

Now it's overturned because of Stormy Daniel's testimony then we can come back and say it was not worth the risk look I think the people could have gotten most of this evidence without Stormy Daniels they already had her lawyer testify they already had plenty of testimony on the uh chaos after the or the need to buy the stormy Daniel story from other.

Sources other Witnesses so I guess the way to answer that question is is that if this case ends up on appeal after a conviction and is overturned because of Stormy Daniels testimony overreaching well then Stormy Daniels was a risk that was not worth it well Michelle let me turn to you here stormy daniels's overreaching it's a question right I.

Mean the judge in this case had a lot to say about stormy Daniel's testimony uh as she was giving it today he said that she was offering too many details as Danny noted she was speaking too fast there were objections that we saw that led to these starts and stops in the courtroom today what impact do you think some of this back and forth and and.

These issues would have on the larger presentation of the case and the jury's interpretation of the facts so that's a very good question here's an opportunity for a woman to tell her story a person who says that she was threatened in 2011 today she told a story that seems to lift up many of the allegations from nearly a dozen women that the former.

President had sexually assaulted them or acted inappropriately some of that got into the record today so one does take note that the defense team immediately move for a mistrial that's likely not going to happen there are some risks uh as the case goes up and might be appealed but there is something to be said about the nation hearing from.

This woman who alleges that she had not been under the influence of alcohol or enough to have uh somehow not remembered why she was staring at a ceiling and having had a sexual encounter with the former president before he was elected well let me turn back to our defense attorney here Danny savalos and ask you about this this mistrial question right.

We saw this motion for the mistrial from the defense after the first part of Daniel's testimony today the judge saying there uh the the quote was things would have been better left unsaid right and then he puts some of the blame on the defense for not objecting more before ruling against the idea of a mistrial here did the defense miss an.

Opportunity there like the judge is saying where they didn't uh protest enough right because what he's talking about is objections and there's a point to be made there that because the defense may not have objected as frequently as they could have they may not have preserved that issue for appeal so that could end up being problematic I.

Believe the defense takes the position they objected in some other way maybe they did it as an ongoing objection it wasn't clear from the Google Doc that we were keeping on Real Time with but here's the thing it doesn't really matter that the mistrial motion was denied the real issue is on appeal will this come up on appeal and you he see.

Judge maran's words right there we just had them up he essentially concedes that it was problematic so if I'm defense counsel and there's a conviction and it goes up on appeal I highlight those words there you go right there at the top I highlight those words and I put them before the the uh the appell division the first department and I say.

Even the judge uh was of the opinion that this was problematic so Michelle was that the point of bringing up a mistrial to say we now have a response to the to the question on the record and they're laying the foundation the defenses absolutely so this is a defense team that has tried to do as much as it.

Possibly could to preserve the opportunity for Donald Trump to be able to stay in this election cycle and continue his election campaigning and so this strategizing across several cases over 90 and diment has been trying to figure out as best as possible how to get rid of these cases and so so the question for a Mist trial today even if.

Stormy Daniels had not taken the stand it is possible that there might have been a motion for a mistrial in this case so we should just be clear about this their interest is in getting rid of this so that he is able to be the boldest candidate that he can be for the Republican ticket Danny I I want to put one more quote up on the screen for.

Folks to look at from uh Trump's defense team that said uh there's no way to unring the bell in our view adding that this is the kind of testimony that makes it impossible to come back from the judge granted the request to strike some items from the record some of Stormy Daniels testimony here uh but the jury already heard it right can you can you.

Unring the Bell can you put the genie back in the bottle once the jury has heard something even if the judge says you didn't hear it you cannot and that's the argument that they need to make which is that essentially this is not a sexual assault case and in a sense it was becoming a sexual assault case this is a false entries and business records.

Case and then as a secondary issue whether or not it was done to protect a campaign or to influence a campaign or promote a campaign uh or it could be for tax violations what it is not is a sexual assault case so while it is important for Stormy Daniels and women like her to be able to tell their stories this may not be the relevant.

Probative evidence that belongs in this case and when juries hear that kind of prejudicial material they can't unhear it that's why we have mistrials uh and it's true that the mistrial wouldn't prevent Trump from being being repr prosecuted but it would achieve the ultimate goal of of delay which has been long been their goal and that would.

Absolutely achieve it if a Mist trial was granted although it was never going to be granted well Michelle I'll ask you the last question here obviously what we heard today was this salacious testimony I think most people would agree uh that it was sort of unexpected or maybe it was expected but for for a jury having to listen to everything they've heard to.

This point and then to hear today this testimony uh does it get harder to keep their attention if you don't have something equally interesting when you start to get back into records and minutia things that's a really great great question because it centers what this case is about this case is about business records it is actually a.

Misdemeanor to just pay someone off in fact in some instances is not illegal what makes this case rise to the level of felony is the question was there some other crime looking to be concealed in this and in one lane by the testimony that was heard today it actually gives more weight to why there would be an interest in trying to conceal shortly.

Before the presidential election and to silence Stormy Daniels more to come uh with the trial resuming on Thursday uh Michelle Goodwin and Danny savales we appreciate you both being with us today thank you I want to go to NBC's Yasmin vugi now outside the courthouse again for us today she was inside the courtroom during all of this today uh.

Yas but I just want to get your perspective can you break down the atmosphere in the room there we had the former president Stormy Daniels just a few feet away from each other for the first time since the story about their encounter came out uh talk to me about what you what you felt in the room it it's difficult eron to.

Communicate kind of The Surreal nature of what I witnessed today honestly um the former president of the United States presumptive Republican nominee uh for president running for reelection um come November sitting 8 ft away from from Stormy Daniels as she testified today Eric Trump in the courtroom as well Alina habba Boris Epstein along.

With former president's entire legal team the energy in the courtroom was really kind of stunning and you could kind of sense that from the jury as well as they listened especially to direct um initially from the people's attorneys it was like a tennis match that they were watching you know their heads moving back and forth call and.

Response call in response um especially during the time in which they talked about specifically the sexual encounter uh back in 2006 between Stormy Daniels uh and Donald Trump they seemed very engrossed Erin in what it was that stormy had to say about that moment directly contradicting obviously so much of what Donald Trump has repeatedly said.

Over the last um 18 or so years and that he never encountered stormmy Daniels he doesn't know who she is um they never had sex that night um directly um in contradiction um to some of what we have heard from the former president it was a real stunning moment Aon I will say in the courtroom watching that but also the jury kind of taking a page out of the.

Book of Judge Juan Mara and that he didn't want her to go into extreme detail and and constantly kind of stopping and shiding stormmy Daniels and saying listen to the question and answer the question directly you don't need to elaborate any more beyond that I'm curious to know if you sensed a change in the mood in the room as the the.

Cross-examination was happening there the Trump Camp accused Daniels of trying to get a a Payday from her story about the former president what was it like when when his lawyer immediately moved to to go after her to attack her credibility here Susan Susan necklace went after went after Stormy Daniels absolutely.

From the gecko it was not a friendly exchange between um the two women and which she consistently tried to go after stormy Daniel's credibility and this is something that we had predicted right we knew two of the most problematic witnesses that the prosecution we're going to call would be Stormy Daniels and then potentially Michael Cohen uh um.

As well and their problematic past right kind of painting this picture of an individual of a woman who was out to get Donald Trump who had an axe to grind right and that was something that she did very much in that courtman in which she went after stormmy Daniels um at one point saying to Stormy Daniels you want to see Donald Trump in jail don't you.

And stormmy Daniel said I want him to be held accountable this is all about money stormmy isn't it and she says no it's not about it's not about money at all I just want to get the story out there I want to feel protected I don't want to be scared um anymore at one point it seemed as if story D saniels was trying to defend herself to a certain extent.

And much of the social media posts that she has posted one other thing that I do want to talk about Aon just quickly here is the the strategy in which Susan necklace took in attacking Stormy Daniels right talking about kind of The credibility of her timeline what's problematic about that is oftentimes with the former president he is attacked.

About the things that he says on social media the things that he writes in books as well right so using an attack on on on Stormy Daniels that could very much be used against her own client as well that is the former president of the United States a stunning day really all around Aaron in court today stunning for sure Yasin boui and for us outside the.

Courthouse there in lower Manhattan Yasmin thank you there of course is a political angle to all this as well so we bring in our political Pros Hogan gidley a former PR Deputy press secretary in the Trump Administration and Democratic strategist and former Obama Campaign adviser Amisha cross here with us as well Hogan I'll start with.

You here uh this is a situation obviously where uh as someone who knows this this this this the former president this is a situation where uh you've got these details that nobody would want other people to know necessarily being aired out in in for for the public to consume the former president can't say anything about it.

In the courtroom outside the courtroom now what do you think is his mood what do you think is going through his head as he's listening to this T first of all this is fascinating because the judge himself said he was going to allow all this testimony now all of a sudden he's trying to walk it back put the toothpaste back in the tube trying to.

Figure out a way to salvage what he actually created so it's his fault first and foremost second is I believe they put stormy on the on the stand to try and tarnish Donald Trump's reputation to the jury make them hate Donald Trump TR news flash it's Manhattan they already hate Donald Trump okay the judge already hates Donald Trump that's all fine the.

Question becomes how does this play uh should this case continue should there be a conviction should uh he he be he be um not guilty in this whole situation the American people right now are concerned with things that don't have anything to do with what they're talking about in this trial they're worried about their own gas their own groceries.

Their own economy crime in their neighborhoods Etc and so it's fascinating to watch because we have to talk about it it's what's newsy out there for for us but for the American people the the folks out there trying to make ends meet doesn't matter when I still have to wonder though for the Donald Trump that you know is he sitting.

There thinking you know what fine say it all and it'll help me in the end or is he you know drilling a hole in his Li well I'm sure right now he feels it helps because polling shows 67% of the people in this country believe these are politically motivated attacks and 56% of the people believe Joe Biden is part of it so it obviously.

Helps him right now but I guarantee you this he ain't happy he's sitting there and not being able to defend himself those gag orders as I understand it are really designed to protect the defendant so the prosecution can't say things out of court to hurt to hurt the defendant in this case he's just defending himself and getting gagged for it that's a.

Problem so Misha let me turn to you on this because we know we talk about the the impact that these things have on voters and how people watching are then pushed or not pushed to act is there something here for the Biden campaign uh especially as we heard these this level of detail today something here for the Biden campaign to to latch on to to.

Start using as is part of their effort to win over votes um as of today I don't think so I think that um I agree with a couple of your legal analysts a little while ago uh Stormy Daniels was probably not the best person to put on the stand um I think that she hurt the issue more than she carried it quite frankly because she answered a lot of things.

That were not asked and because she came across aggressive um it seemed like there was a vendetta held um she just was not you know either was not coached well or just could not contain herself but I think that for the Biden Camp um they are doing to a certain extent what we just heard um Hogan talk about a moment ago they are focusing on we know.

That um for the current vice president KLA Harris is outdoing her economic tour um they're focused on these kitchen table issues that are the base for their for the voting populace across this country should there be something that comes out of this that looks like a conviction or actual conviction then I think that the American public will be.

Leaning more towards trying to you know jump into this a little more in terms of it being a radar point for them but right now it's just not on it for the overwhelming majority of Americans I I can't help but to wonder though as someone who who covers this white house and who covers the Biden campaign as a part of my my regular job now is is.

There a point at which you they have to to look at the reality of who's getting the attention right we know that so much attention is focused on what's coming out of these courtrooms uh in particular that its courtroom in New York now I would imagine there are a lot of people who didn't know that KLA Harris was was was out this week making uh statements.

About Economic Opportunity that President Biden was on Capitol Hill giving a speech earlier today uh and that the campaign is continuing to have these events around the country while Donald Trump is sitting in a courtroom and people's attention is focused there what's the pivot what's the at what point do they try to grab back some of.

The attention I would say the pivot is not for the Biden Administration the pivot is for news organizations um we know that there's a president who's out on the campaign Trail there's a vice president on the campaign Trail it is a conscious decision to continue to um cover this to the extent that it is happening um irrespective to the issues.

That we know are ranking by polls and otherwise are the top issues for the American public and I think that it's actually um it's problematic because it showcases there was no real lesson learned from 2016 Donald Trump can't afford to run Nationwide ads but media is running those Nationwide ads for him on a regular basis because they continue.

To chase after this hoping to find something that people will latch on to yeah Hogan I'll ask you about that just to wrap up here and you know part of I know that for us in the news media part of our job is to make a record of History right this is a historic moment regardless of who the person is it is a former president that's sitting in a.

Courtroom but he's not out making a ton of campaign speeches and yet you do have these appearances on television that sort of create this quasi campaign effort no and do vot does that resonate with with potential voters and people who are already in his Camp yeah look I think Amisha hits on a great point I also hate the media and the way they.

Cover things so see we're on the same page bringing folks together listen um it's interesting because when he does have these moments going into the courtroom leaving the courtroom he uses it to talk about issues yes he says a few things about the trial here and there but for the most part unconstitutionally he's been gagged he.

Can't do that so he's talking about issues of the economy talking about these college campuses so when he does have those moments he's seizing them to talk about policy talk about issues that matter to the American people and you're right when he has the chance regardless of where he is or what he's doing he's sucking the oxygen out of the room every.

Single time in the media just fall for it I wish I had more time to to argue the point with you but no I I appreciate the perspective and I appreciate you both being here to help us uh sort of look at the politics involved with what's happening in in a courtroom uh this week uh and for the weeks to come thank you both uh Hogan and Amisha thank.

You thank you well a lot of other big headlines to get to tonight of course we're going to catch up on all of that for you with our regular programming when that picks up right after a quick break stay with us we are coming on the air tonight as.

Powerful storms sweep across the middle of the country millions of people in the path of baseball-sized hail heavy rain and possibly more tornadoes we are live on the ground with a potentially dangerous night ahead for one of America's biggest cities plus the clock stopped for now on that potential Tick Tock ban here in the US the company now.

Suing the government why it could take years for this whole thing to get sorted out then Aid to Gaza now quote choked off as the Israeli military closes a crucial entry point where that leaves a potential ceasefire deal we're live in Israel for you and police are looking into a shooting just outside Drake's Mansion Just days after some.

Increasingly personal beef between him and Kendrick Lamar what we know about how it happened later in the show hey everybody I'm Aaron Gilchrist in for hle tonight and right now close to 30 million people are under severe storm threats more possibly baseball-sized hail and four potentially dangerous tornadoes in the Midwest and plain.

States including the entire cities of Chicago and Indianapolis now under tornado watches with the threat continuing into late tonight that's after a barrage of really destructive storms nearly 200 barreling across the US with at least one person now dead another's still missing in Oklahoma and take a look at the aftermath here entire.

Homes just pulled apart power lines taken down the nursing home there evacuated two dozen people rescued from homes collapsed around them in the second tornado to hit the town of Barnes doall in just 5 weeks with the worst of it all possibly still yet to come forecasters warning of more severe threats coming as soon as tomorrow for.

125 million people all the way from Texas to Maryland we have Team coverage for you Bill Karen standing by you want to start with Jay Gray on the ground in Oklahoma now Jay talk to us about what you're seeing there we know there are two now uh incidents in just a matter of weeks in that area and it's still not out of the woods yeah no you're.

Absolutely right Aaron overwhelming damage in parts of Bartlesville where we are as uh well as uh around this area we know at least one person was killed as a result of these storms and and this is what it left behind you can see some of the damage and Devastation the metal roofing that was pulled uh from a building a few blocks away power lines.

That were snapped and thrown up against this hotel and the intensity of that wind take a look at the sidewall of this hotel 2x4s pushed through the wall by those winds we talked with a family who rode the storm out inside this hotel listen to what they said it was mostly the loud bangs and crashes that that uh were the first sign.

And we all just went running the suddenness of the severity was shocking I'll start with them go to that pile and then go yeah and look here we are another overwhelming part of all of this is the cleanup they are working so quick to remove some of this debris you can see they're putting power poles back up.

Power down they pulled a lot of the damage over here just behind us and piled that up getting ready to pull it away we talked to folks in the hotel like I talked about they said the sirens were going off for 30 minutes or more and then suddenly just stopped well here's why here is the uh tornado siren ripped from its more ings and pulled.

Down pulled across the street by these Crews uh but that was the warning system it worked up until it didn't there and and it was pulled away wow just amazing Jay Gray for us in Oklahoma tonight Jay thank you let's turn to meteorologist Bill Karens now with the latest here so Bill this is is just the beginning really right there there are more severe.

Storms possibly coming yeah we're already starting to see some active tornado warnings we've had one observe tornado just now in Michigan and this will go for at least the next four to 6 hours then tomorrow we're going to do it all over again tomorrow actually looks a little more scarier than what we're even dealing with this evening and by the way.

Where Jay Gray was located there they did confirm the National Weather Service and to Tulsa that that was an ef4 tornado pretty rare to have one that strong winds of at least 170 miles hour so that was a very significant tornado so here's what we're dealing with now we have areas of storms in lower Michigan and also in Indiana these are the.

Strongest storms tornado watch up for 9:00 that includes Chicago to Fort Wayne to Indianapolis and then this tornado watch which is on the border here of Ohio Michigan and also Indiana is until 11:00 we'll likely get another tornado watch for Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio that will last probably through the middle of the night a little later so.

Here's Indianapolis I have my eyes on you this supercell thunderstorm is rolling right along Interstate 70 severe thunderstorm warning it has a little hook on it at any time this could go to a tornado warning and that should be over the top of Indianapolis in about maybe half hour to 45 minutes from now here's that active tornado warning the.

Sirens are going off uh tornado warning for decar Michigan this is kalamazo this is going to come up here in Cross Interstate 94 in about the next 20 to 30 minutes this is an obser tornado and you can see that hook if there's a tornado on the ground it would be just to the south side of decar a lot of large Hail to the north side of that also so as far.

As the problems go as we go through the rest of this evening we're going to turn our Focus from Indiana push it all through Ohio in Northern Kentucky this will include the Louisville area Cincinnati Lexington Columbus and then we'll watch these storms weakening late tonight through Central portions of Ohio if we get strong tornadoes ones that can.

You know take out a town or at least a portion of it it would be in this hatched area here and again that does include the big cities here along the Ohio river and Columbus and as I mentioned Ain we're going to do this all over again tomorrow huge area 53 million people the enhanced risk is everywhere in the orange I think this could go up.

To a moderate risk tomorrow especially for the Nashville area here in Central and portions of Western Kentucky we once again could be dealing with strong tornadoes this this time it'll be from St Louis to areas of Kentucky to Nashville so Aaron you get the picture we've been setting up in a very dangerous weather pattern for the last.

Couple weeks it continues tonight but this time it's in Indiana and Michigan all right the warning is out let's hope people can stay safe out there bill karon's for us tonight Bill thank you the Israeli military seizing control of a key border crossing in southern Gaza and is now calling the Hamas announcement of accepting a ceasefire.

Deal a sabotage attempt Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying this new action in Rafa overnight isn't the widely expected allout ground assault it's been threatening for months you can see plumes of smoke over Rafa right here in the image on your screen now the situation on the ground looks like this IDF tanks rolling into Rafa soldiers.

Raising the Israeli flag over some parts of that area as well and here you see tanks running over Gaza signs as they cross into that Enclave with Hamas now warning fighting inside Rafa will quote not be a picnic United Nations saying Israel's military operation and the closure of that crucial entry point now uh I'm quoting here choking off key Aid.

To Gaza as we're also hearing new reports about Medics and patients fleeing Rafa's main hospital I want to bring in rap Sanchez now who's following uh every update here from Tel Aviv you've been Gathering the latest Raph what do we know about the situation on the ground in Rafa right now we're hearing these reports about the uh.

Rather from the IDF about new rockets fired from Rafa what do you know yeah Aaron so the IDF saying in the last couple of hours that Hamas fired more Rockets from the Rafa area towards Rim which is where that Festival on October 7th was taking place and also towards the area around the km Shalom Crossing now that second one is really.

Important because that Crossing along with Rafa is one of the key key lifelines for humanitarian getting into Gaza the Rafa Crossing is closed following that Israeli attack into Southern Gaza but the caram Shalom Crossing has also been closed since Sunday after an earlier Hamas rocket attack which killed four Israeli.

Soldiers now when President Biden spoke to prime minister Netanyahu yesterday he got a commitment according to the White House from the Israeli leader to reopen km Shalom the state department today is saying they expect it to be open within the next 24 hours but we have a situation now where the two main lifelines for humanitarian Aid into Gaza.

Are closed the UN is warning they could be just hours away from running out of fuel to distribute Aid inside of Gaza so this is a major major concern that that relative progress that's been made in terms of getting Aid in could all be undone and could be undone pretty quick if those Crossings remain closed Aaron which Raph is partly the reason that the.

The ceasefire deal is such an important element here there was confusion yesterday I know about whether there was actually a deal that Hamas was accepting or what deal that Hamas was accepting and now uh we we are hearing from the Israeli Prime Minister that that this was sort of a tactic being deployed here by Hamas what would it really take for.

The needle to realistically move here and for there to be a deal that Israel can agree to that Hamas would agree to so Israeli negotiators Hamas negotiators are back in Cairo tonight CIA director Bill Burns is there also along with mediators from Qatar and Egypt and as you said Aaron they are basically trying to bridge the gaps between the deal that.

Hamas has agreed to and the deal that Israel has agreed to which are basically separate texts now the White House said earlier that having looked at both of them they feel that the gaps are not on bridg and they are hoping that this Summit in Cairo could lead to a breakthrough could lead to a final agreement we have obviously been here.

Many times before where there has been optimism about a deal only for those hopes to be dashed I'll give you an example of one of the discrepancies between Israel and hamas's positions Hamas is saying it is prepared to release 33 hostages in the first stage of this ceasefire deal but it is saying that while some of those hostages might.

Be alive others would be dead bodies and the Israelis are saying that is a non-starter that they are expecting 33 people to come out alive in that first stage of negotiations so it is gaps like that important gaps that they are trying to bridge in Cairo tonight Aon just about 1 o'clock in the morning there in Tel Aviv where you are Raph we know.

You'll be following this through the night there and for us tomorrow as well ref Sanchez thank you let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one a panel of independent FDA advisers planning to talk about whether to recommend the first MDMA assisted therapy for treating.

PTSD now you might know MDMA as ecstasy or Molly there really hasn't been a review of a new PTSD treatment in decades the drug would be used in combination with some form of psychological Intervention number two NASA and Boeing calling off last night's much anticipated Starliner launch for safety reasons as problem with one of.

The Rockets valves two astronauts were already strapped in when that launch to the International Space Station was scrubbed NASA says they'll try again maybe on Friday number three charged lemonade will soon be history at Panera the company saying today it's phasing out that controversial drink remember lawsuits blamed the super caffeinated.

Drink for at least two deaths Panera says it's listening to customers about what they want to see on the menu number four Apple announcing new versions of its iPad Air and iPad Pro today CEO Tim Cook calling it quote the biggest day for iPad since its introduction the pro will use a new kind of display that will be brighter and more vibrant all the new.

Models will be powered by Apple's new chip and number five Disney's CEO telling investors they're pumping the brakes on Marvel content Bob Iger says the goal is to boost quality they plan to release no more than three Marvel films and two Disney Plus shows every year Deadpool and Wolverine set to be the only Marvel film released in.

2024 but when we come back a scary scene on a highway in Virginia what happened when the bed of a dump truck slammed into a bridge Tik Tok now suing the US government setting up a major legal Showdown that could determine the future of one of the world's most popular apps.

The company filing suit today after President Biden signed a law last month that would force Tik tock tick tock Chinese owner bite dance to either sell the app or be banned in the US Tik Tock writing in the lawsuit that the law is an unprecedented violation of the First Amendment now remember lawmakers don't want Tik Tock to be owned by a Chinese.

Company because of National Security concerns they're worried that China could force the company to hand over Americans data the justice department says it isn't commenting on this new lawsuit Savannah sers is joining me now she's been covering this topic for some time now in Savannah we were expecting this lawsuit right we knew something.

Like this was going to be coming and it being filed effectively pauses the timeline for when Tik Tock has to be sold or be banned we don't know how long of a pause this could be because this could actually go all the way to the Supreme Court right that's exactly right Aaron hi thanks for having me on so yes we were absolutely expecting this after.

President Biden had SED this into law we heard from Tik Tok CEO in a video of course posted on Tik Tok where he vowed legal action and that is that point that we are now at and you're right this timeline is totally interrupted by the fact that they now have this legal challenge so if you remember just a couple weeks ago end of April April 24th.

President Biden signed this bill into law what that did is it says this company parent company of Tik Tock it's called pip dance that's what's Chinese owned partially and the concern here has nine months to divest Tik Tok to basically spin off that platform to to an American buyer to an approved buyer by the US government then the president.

Could also extend that by another 90 days so effectively that puts it at a year until Tik Tok could potentially be banned in the United States if not divested from its parent company but while this legal challenge is in play it's essentially on pause and you're exactly right the operating Theory here is that should this move forward because.

We are anticipating that the US government would file a motion to dismiss this but should this move forward which there's a very good chance it will that then whoever were to lose this whether that's Tik Tok whether that's the US government they would then appeal it the only place that you can appeal from this particular court is the.

Supreme Court so it goes up to the Supreme Court of course that timeline is unknown one other thing that's interesting is this is specifically in the court of appeals for the District of Columbia circuit that's a very specific court and it was actually essentially written into this law that should there be any challenges this would have to.

Come before this particular court it's not a normal trial court it's an appeals court even though this is the first legal action taking place here Aaron so I want to ask you a little bit about the lawsuit itself here right Tik Tok addresses some of the National Security concerns that lawmakers cited in writing the law that the president ultimately.

Signed and they say it's not enough of a reason to restrict free speech talk to us about what this lawsuit lays out yeah so what Tik Tok is essentially saying is that the fact that those are unspecified concerns is not enough and I'll actually read you in here they're saying that you are essentially burdening the free speech of users unless and until the.

President issues a public report on the specific National Security concerns here because Aaron as they'll remember we have not heard anything concrete necessarily lawmakers on Capitol Hill certainly have heard things that they say made them quite concerned about the data of Americans they were getting these security briefings behind closed.

Doors and I asked several lawmakers on Capitol Hill did you hear anything concrete that made you feel that this is a real concern I heard from almost every single one I asked yes full stop without any other details so we will see if this in any type of Discovery phase in a lawsuit here could potentially mean that we get that information Aaron all right.

So much more to come on this Savannah I have a feeling you're going to get to know the DC circuit court building in the months to come youate yeah we'll be right across the street thanks for staying up with us this evening of course you can catch Savannah and her partner Joe frer every morning weekday mornings right here on.

NBC news now starting bright and early at 700 a.m. eastern well NBC News covers hundreds of stories every day and because it's tough to read watch or listen to all of them our bureaus have done it for you we call this segment the local from our Southern Bureau a Tennessee based Sanitation Company saying it will pay nearly $650,000.

For illegally hiring kids a federal investigation found they worked at plants in Iowa and Virginia doing things like sanitizing dangerous equipment at meat processing plants the company says it cooperated with the investigation and wants a safe work environment from our DC Bureau dash cam video catching the terrifying moment of dump truck look at.

This the bed of the truck raised up slammed right into a bridge this is in Northern Virginia you can look you can see it flip right over there the bridge off of i66 was not damaged nobody was hurt here some of the lanes of that Highway were closed for a few hours while while Crews cleaned up that mess and from our Western Bureau look.

Who just wanted to take a dip in the pool those are real bears Mama Bear waiting into a backyard swimming pool in California is the season right you can see her two Cubs there watching it all waiting for their little floaty arms to be put on before they jump in the guy who caught the moment on video here says he used to he's used to.

See seeing all kinds of animals in this area he's right by a national forest near La there was an inflatable Bear right by the pool too just in case you missed that coming up the Boy Scouts doing something it's never done in its nearly Century long history more than a century what it's rebranding looks like.

Next the Boy Scouts of America trying to Rebrand itself changes it name for the first time in its 114-year history it's now going to be known as scouting America that's starting next February on the organization's 115th anniversary the group says the change reflects the continuing efforts to make the program inclusive for everyone and this is a big.

Change that comes after some big issues for the organization as it spends hundreds of millions of dollars to compensate thousands of men who say they were sexually abused as children in this program Laura Barrett is following this one for us joins us now so MOA over the last few years we've really seen uh this Push by the Boy Scouts to try to make.

The organization more inclusive and it it's pretty different now from from how this organization started yeah absolutely Ain I mean it's more than a hundred years old and it's an organization that's known to hold firm on to tradition and so change is naturally difficult but they've made these changes over the last decade.

Especially in light of the turmoil that they faced but back in 2013 they made the decision uh to to start including gay Scouts then shortly after that 2 years later they ended its blanket ban on gay adult leaders as well then in 2017 they allowed trans children who identified as boys to enroll in just boys only programs but then the same.

Year they also announced that girls would be welcome into the program now this was different than the Girl Scouts organization which also caused uh some some confusion and controversy in that sense but they were trying to be more inclusive when it comes uh to the Boy Scouts specifically and then throughout 2018 and 2019 uh there was more.

Inclusivity actions to include girls uh going forward again in that boy scouts umbrella and so uh the president uh said today this was announced at their annual conference the president said that though our name will be new our mission remains unchanged we are committed to teaching young people to be prepared for life and now the name change will.

Officially take effect starting next year uh in February but the president said that they anticipate organizations groups to start identifying with the new name as soon as in the next couple of months Aon yeah at the same time Mora there's been all this turmoil in the last few years for this organization right we had the bankruptcy there.

Settling these claims of sexual abuse uh within the programs where does all that stand well if you think back to it when all of this was unfolding it also was timed out along with the pandemic and so the pandemic really hit this organization hard to start they lost about a million members during that time they they sit at about a million members.

Right now their Peak was at 5 million just to give you some context there understandably it was hard to under to participate in these these organization groups during the pandemic but then they were also hit with these allegations uh lawsuits of sexual abuse and they in 2020 at the same time they filed for bankruptcy protection because of these.

Nearly 300 lawsuits and sex abuse claims and then they reached a settlement an $850 million settlement with thousands of men who said that they were abused as children in 2021 and then just last year a judge upheld this two .4 billion bankruptcy plan uh and basically what that means is it gives the Boy Scout group the organization the ability to.

Operate while they're paying out while they're paying compensation to these men who alleg that they faced uh sexual abuse when they were children and so all of this is still unfolding behind the scenes as the organization Works to put to push forward and Rebrand its image Aon all right more Barrett for us tonight Mora thank you and still to come.

What we know about the shooting outside Drake's home in Toronto that left a security guard seriously hurt stay with us police in Toronto now asking for help from the public to find the suspects involved in a shooting outside Drake's Toronto Mansion a security guard there was seriously hurt.

Listen when officers arrived they located a male who was suffering from an apparent gunshot wound that male was taken to hospital in serious condition so I want to show you some aerial images here of the rapper's home this is in the aftermath of this incident and this of course comes as Drake right now is making a lot of.

Headlines for his Feud with Kendrick Lamar the two rappers releasing multiple new diss tracks going after each other of course now a rep for Drake saying that the singer was not hurt but we still don't know if he was home at the time and we also don't know the motive of the possible suspects here I want to bring in Emily aeta so Emily there's.

Obviously still a lot that we don't know about what's happening right now but walk us through what we do know what can you tell us hey there Aaron well I can tell you at this hour there's still a heavy police presence outside of Drake's Toronto mansion and police say that will continue to be the case in the coming days because there is this active.

Manhunt underway as they try to pin down the suspect or suspects of this driveby shooting police say it happened around 2:00 a.m. this morning a security guard that had been standing near the gates to the mansion had been shot and now is in serious condition it's not clear if Dr was home at the time of the shooting but we know that he is not injured aarin so.

We also don't know the the who or the why here right we don't necessarily know who the suspects are what the motive might be here but we also can't ignore the fact that there's this big feud between Drake and Kendrick Lamar so I can't help but to wonder if that's being looked at is potentially something that could be involved here whether this was.

An overzealous fan of of of kendri Lamar maybe who went to Drake's home what do you think well I'll say this Erin at this point again just underscore I can't underscore a enough that we don't know the motive but even police are acknowledging that they are aware of this increasingly escalating rra battle between Kendrick Lamar and Drake Take a.

Look at this even in the last week and a half or so they have exchanged six dis tracks touching on a range of topics from OIC to size shaming to authenticity of music and they've grown increasingly personal and serious one of Kendrick Lamar's video even shows an aerial of Drake's home the home that is now the scene of a shooting we reached out to.

Both other reps for comment but have not heard back yeah and I was about to ask you about that if we had heard anything from from their reps but I wonder have we heard anything directly even about the sort of this this back and forth that's been going on musically between the two is or only in the context of the songs they've.

Been releasing they've really been focusing on the content of the songs Drake has addressed some of the allegations you know in one of the songs Kendrick Lamar suggested that he was a pedophile Drake denying those allegations in one of the songs so we've seen a bit of a back and forth and then some and we could continue to see that.

In the in the days to come Ain because only no press is bad press Emily aett up for us tonight Emily we appreciate it thank you and that wraps it up for this hour coverage picks up right now we are coming on the Air Tonight with another dramatic day in court in.

The cases against former president Donald Trump we're just learning in the last hour or so about one one case in Florida that's been indefinitely delayed we're going to tell you why and what we know about that and also the latest in the hush money trial of the former president what the adult film actress at the center of it all is saying in her.

Testimony today plus powerful storms sweeping across the middle of the country millions of people in the path of rain hail and possibly more tornadoes we are live with the potentially dangerous night ahead for one of America's biggest cities and then the clock stopped for now on that potential Tick Tock ban here in the US the company.

Is suing the federal government why it could take years for this whole thing to get sorted out and Aid to Gaza now quote choked off as the Israeli military closes a crucial entry point where that leaves a potential ceasefire deal we're live in Cairo where those key negotiations are happening plus you won't be seeing those controversial.

Charged lemonades on Panera Bread's menus anymore that's after it was blamed for at least two deaths we're going to talk to an expert about why the drink may have been just too much hey everybody I'm Aaron Gilchrist in for hle Jackson tonight and we are coming on the air with breaking news in just the last hour the judge in former president.

Donald Trump's Florida classified documents case wiping the calendar and any trial start dates making it more possible than ever that the only courtroom where Mr Trump will face a trial before election day will be the one in New York City in which he's been sitting for the last couple of weeks the court there just wrapping up today for.

The day after the other biggest name in the so-called hush money case former adult film star Stormy Daniels took the stand just 10t away from the former president offering some new details about an alleged sexual encounter that prosecutors say really lit the match that has a former president now facing criminal charges for the first time in.

American history Daniel saying it all went down in a hotel room in Tahoe back in 2006 this now infamous picture allegedly taken hours before that happened and that after chatting briefly with the future president she emerged from the bathroom to find him on the bed in a t-shirt and boxers she said the room quote spun in slow motion.

Questioning how she quote misread the situation and feeling like she had put herself quote in a bad situation she told the jury that she felt there was in her words an imbalance of power that Mr Trump was quote bigger and blocking the way out but that she didn't feel threatened by any of that after that she says they had sex now the testimony.

There causing an uproar for the defense who even tried to get the judge to declare a mistrial because of what Daniel said but the judge didn't really go for that so there's the question why is Daniels at the center of this case anyway well that's because she was paid $130,000 to keep quiet about that encounter and you remember nobody's.

Saying the alleged Affair or the hush money payment were on their own illegal prosecutors charging the former president with 34 counts of falsifying business records alleging it was Mr Trump's coverup of the payments that was illegal and part of a scheme to influence the 2016 election and a reminder for you Mr Trump pleaded not.

Guilty to those counts and denies the alleged Affair entirely we have Team coverage for you NBC's Von hilard outside the courthouse so is our senior legal correspondent Laura Jarrett and legal analyst Danny savalos is joining us as well V I'll start with you here in that breaking news in the Florida case talk to us here what does the judge's.

Decision mean for the former president president the possibility that he could see the start of a different trial before the election right federal judge Canon now is indefinitely postponing the indictment the the trial over the classified documents and this leads to unlikely that Donald Trump will face.

These charges in front of a jury before the November election here the judge has set now multiple hearings to hear motions that were brought forward by Donald Trump's defense attorneys to the case motions to dismiss the charges against him so we're looking at the reality that it's likely going to be just this criminal trial here in New.

York when which Donald Trump is currently facing the state charges but potentially also the Federal indictment over the federal election interference charges brought against him here so there's a potential that just one or two of these actual indictments will lead to actual trials here before the November election and likely the classified.

Documents case will not come before a jury before the November election Aaron well Danny savales let me turn to you here what's your your reaction to this decision from Judge Canon to to totally wipe the calendar in this case well this is going to be really controversial because uh judge Canon is saying that the complexity of the issues involved.

Require additional time uh federal court is not normally the place where cases slow down it's normally the place where they speed up uh that is an example of that might be fton County that's a case that you would expect to move glacially against President Trump it's in State Court a in a very congested uh Courthouse in a congested County Federal.

Court by contrast has nowhere near the case load so it is curious that this kind of disc or this kind of scheduling order has come out in federal court uh where things as I said usually move as a rocket docket so Laura Danny used the word curious here this judge has been criticized for what some people have.

Described as a somewhat erratic way that she's handled this case uh what do you make of that this move today and the impact it might have on some of those criticisms well it's certainly not going to dampen those criticism she's essentially made made official Aaron what everybody knew was already going to happen right there was no way that this.

Trial was going to go forward in May but the reason that she's saying it can happen is because the issues are so complex and there are so many motions left to left to resolve those are motions that she is tasked with resolving and has a whole codra of very talented law clerks to help her with that that effort I think that this will.

Not uh sort of uh help any efforts to to suggest that she's been moving expeditiously but there's also no real recourse for Jack Smith here the federal prosecutor who's doing this it's a major blow to him but it's not as if he can appeal this he's really at the mercy of her timeline at this point Aaron all right V let me turn back to you here and.

Get back to the the case that currently is in motion there in New York City stormmy Daniels testifying today uh really something that has been building I think uh over the last couple of weeks we've been watching this trial break down those moments really unprecedented moments inside the courtroom that we heard.

Today right mere feet away from Donald Trump Stormy Daniels testifying not only about the 2006 encounter that she alleges took place at a golf celebrity Tournament in Lake Tahoe in which that day she met Donald Trump and then she says that she was invited by him to dinner that night but instead of going to dinner she wound up at his hotel room.

And that is when she said that she found him and his T-shirt in boxers and at that point that the two had sex and then Daniel said that upon uh uh her leaving there that day that Donald Trump said quote to her oh it was great let's get together again honey bunch to which the prosecutor then asked Stormy Daniels did he express any concern at that point.

About his wife finding out to which Daniels responded no this hits at the heart of the allegations that Stormy Daniels was paid $ 30,000 before the 2016 election here and you're looking at for Donald Trump somebody who is alleging not just that one encounter but the fact that she says that he called her two to three times a week after that.

Encounter in 2006 but then also that he invited her to a Gala for Trump vodka in Janu or January of 2007 in Hollywood and then invited her to Trump Tower in 2007 as well as he dangled she alleges the potential that she could appear on The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice and so for Donald Trump he has issued a blanket statement of denial around the.

Claims that she has made saying only that she met him once when they got a photograph together but what she over the course of hours laid out to these jurs here today was multiple interactions with the former president of United States and ones that if she were to have gone public in October of 2016 the prosecution makes the case.

Could have been damaging to his presidential election mere weeks before uh uh before that November election f v Before I Let You Go I do want to ask you you know the testimony today sort of ended in the middle of the cross-examination by the defense team here where are things going to pick up uh come.

Thursday right she was facing cross-examination from Susan necklace one of the attorneys for Donald Trump who was hitting specifically on a couple different pieces of stories that she has shared over the last 18 years and for the jury calling in to question her recollection of events and her truthfulness and whether events she said.

Took place actually happened we should note they have not gotten into the explicit details around the allegations of that night inside of Donald Trump's hotel room but for the defense attorneys for Donald Trump we should continue to expect that they will ask her more probing questions and also the extent to which she was directly aware that Donald.

Trump was in fact a party to the agreement that she had signed the non-disclosure agreement before the election and that this was not simply just an agreement that was signed by his attorney Michael Cohen unknowingly on his behalf you know Danny we heard the judge in this case talk about some of the.

Testimony that we heard from stormmy Daniels today uh and and it being uh going further than the judge thought was necessary at some points if you're counseling Daniels at this point and we've seen how things went today what's the advice Danny you would give for when cross-examination restarts on Thursday if you're her lawyer or the prosecutors.

In this case answer the question that's asked and then stop talking I know that sounds I'm not being glib it is so critically important where Daniels is having trouble is she's trying to put her spin it she she doesn't want the defense to ever score a point you see this on cross-examination with a witness who just simply won't answer yes or no.

And has to argue each point or add something to the end of it uh sometimes the answer to to to a question is yes or no sometimes the answer helps the defense she's trying to play too much lawyer and lawyer with the actual lawyer and the Rules of Evidence don't allow that the Rules of Evidence are slanted against the witness and in favor of the.

Questioning attorney so it's the same advice lawyers give clients for depositions or trial or anything listen to the question only answer the question asked you're not going to help yourself or anyone else by trying to go beyond that so Laura you you were in the courtroom where this all went down today give us a taste of the atmosphere in the.

Room from your observation with this first instance now of the former president Trump and Stormy Daniels just feet apart from each other uh I think tens and awkward would be putting it pretty mildly Aon uh you have her seated uh merely perhaps 12 feet away from the former president someone she says she hasn't seen or.

Spoke to in nearly two decades she's describing in Vivid lurid sometimes disturbing detail an alleged sexual encounter he has denied since the beginning and still denies and then she's also undergoing a grilling by the defense attorney after they lost uh their mistrial motion which was to be expected but the judge um did sort of.

Sympathize with the defense on some point suggesting that she probably went too far a field and I think that almost raised the stakes Aron because they the judge actually told the prosecution to go out and talk to her and tell her to just answer the question as Danny was saying and she tried to when she came back after the afternoon session but the.

The pressure and the tense uh atmosphere in the room I you could just feel it you could cut it with a knife Susan necklace went after her hard I thought it was an interesting move to have the one female legal member of Trump's team do the cross-examination of Stormy she was Raising her voice stormy was Raising her voice she's being uh sort of.

Cross-examined about things that she said about the former president in the past saying uh Susan is saying to her at one point you hate him don't you she's saying she does H saying she does want to see him go to jail if that's what the the punishment is in this case it was it was very very heated very tense as you would expect Aon and so what do you.

Think the point is Laura I mean to have things become heated during the cross-examination to have uh Mr Trump's lawyers sort of go at Stormy Daniels in this way what do you think is the goal in creating this atmosphere with this particular witness as in any case the hope is that she will slip up and say something that.

Will hurt her credibility on the witness Dan as she's sort of being forced to contend with things that she said in the past her past denials about the encounter ever happening and she's trying to explain her way around that this whole sort of project of cross-examination is to try to just make her look not credible try to make her.

Look like an liar although they went very on a very far DeTour for a long time Aon as they're trying to explain that she was possibly motivated to lie because of an unrelated case and so she wouldn't have to pay legal fees I think the jury was really distracted by all of that and they haven't really gotten to the Crux of why she's there which is.

This alleged encounter that the former president says never happened but we spent hours today on Cross examination and she was never really directly asked about that incident on Cross yet we'll see what happens Thursday yeah got a full day to sort of digest everything from today and we'll all be paying attention again on Thursday uh Laura Von.

Danny thank you all so much well right now close to 30 million people are under severe storm threats more possibly baseball ized hail and more potentially dangerous tornadoes in the Midwest and in the plain States including the entire cities of Chicago and Indianapolis they're now under tornado watches with the threat.

Continuing into late tonight that's after a barrage of just destructive storms nearly 200 barreling across the us at least one person now dead another person still missing in Oklahoma and take a look at the aftermath here entire homes just pulled apart power lines ripped down the nursing home there evacuated two dozen people rescued from.

Homes collapsed around them in the second tornado that hit the town of Barnes doall in just 5 weeks with the worst of it possibly still yet to come forecasters warning of more severe threats coming as soon as tomorrow for 125 million people from Texas all the way to Maryland we have Team coverage for you now Jay Gray is on the ground.

For us in Oklahoma we'll start with meteorologist Bill Karens bill because uh that map behind you is really active right now when we're looking for the threats tonight tonight and then also tomorrow right Aaron I can almost guarantee that damage just like you saw is happening right now we just haven't gotten the pictures in yet because it's.

Literally happened in the last 15 to 20 minutes let me take you through it this is Southern Michigan this is Kalamazoo you're kind of familiar with that you can see the edge of Lake Michigan over there Interstate 94 runs through here and Interstate 69 we have numerous supercell thunderstorms that are all capable of producing a tornado at any.

Point we've had at least two tornadoes that have come down in the last half hour or so and we have part what we call particularly dangerous situations ongoing so kalamazo the worst is over for you you were in the huge Hail to the south of you in Portage you likely were hit by a tornado in the last about 20 minutes that tornado if it's still.

Existing here is just south of East comto everyone is in their shelters here the storm to the south of this one has a real classic hook on it everyone in Union City needs to be underground or possibly interior room you know you're talking about mattresses on top of you pillows whatever it takes to get yourself as far away from the windows in.

The edges of your house because this is a tornado that is heading right over the top of Union City Michigan this one has a history of producing a tornado and damage it just went north of Sherwood and uh north of Leen over the last half hour another tornado was trying to form here to the south of this you get the idea the atmosphere is showing us and.

Telling us it is very ripe for tornadoes today and that that will continue for at least the next three or four hours Indianapolis you're in the clear your storm kind of fell apart over the top of you so that's good for you so our watches this is areas that it's possible for tornadoes in the next about you know 12 hours or so Chicago You're just about.

Clear and all done this is the storms in Southern Michigan we talked about we have a new tornado watch that's up till 1:00 a.m. so well after the sun sets and people go to bed is going to be a very dangerous night for our friends in Cincinnati to Columbus down to the Louisville area it looks like by the time we get to clevel and these storms.

Should be weakening right now Indianapolis towards Fort Wayne is kind of the target zone so Aaron this was the area the Storm Prediction Center told us we had the best chance for strong storms and we're getting them now even to the north of this in Southern Michigan for real the worst risk is later we think it's going to shift further to the South.

And as you mentioned this is a multi-day event once again we had 17 tornadoes yesterday we already got a couple on the ground as we speak and then tomorrow 53 million people are at risk from Arkansas really from Dallas all the way through areas of Kentucky so I'll keep you posted Aon if I get any confirmation about how serious these storms are we.

Know there are tornadoes on the ground doing damage as I speak all right Bill Kens we appreci appreciate that Bill thank you let's go to Jay Gray now in the disaster Zone in Oklahoma uh Jay I mean just the images behind you are just awful walk us through what you're seeing there yeah overwhelming destruction here in Northeastern Oklahoma the cleanup.

Moving quickly as well that's overwhelming in a differ set they're getting a lot done here clearing away debris uh reupping Power PS here and stringing lines but the force of this tornado was Major we just heard from the Oklahoma governor Kevin St who says he's been told it was an F4 tornado that rushed through here which means the.

Winds were at 66 mph or higher we know that in the Barnes doll area 60 to 70 homes destroyed and across this little pocket of Oklahoma 350 more homes destroyed you can see the force of the wind here and what it's done to this Mini Cooper that was just uh torn apart uh this is outside of a hotel where the hurricane struck uh the tornado struck.

We talked with a family that rode it out inside listen to what they had to say it was mostly the loud bangs and crashes that that uh were the first sign and we all just went running the suddenness of the severity was shocking yeah and as we've talked about the cleanup moving very quickly here unfortunately in some areas they're not.

Going to be able to reconstruct what was there before uh those homes that are gone businesses that are gone and a lot of people uh still in this area frankly in shock and wondering what comes next well I mean that's the it's just mindblowing to think about what we're dealing with here Jay this is an area that's now been hit by two tornadoes in.

What a month or so time and now these folks again are having to get ready for more potentially dangerous weather to come their way right no you're absolutely right they're doing all of this work with an eye in the sky and an eye on the radar and and wondering what's going to come next uh they understand tornadoes in this part.

Of the country obviously they see them a lot uh but to be hit backto back like that is just a very uh very difficult blow and and you talk to the families who are dealing with this and they understand uh that that's part of of the deal here but they also say why back to back like this and then you see some of the volunte te moving in from.

Communities around this area and they understand it could have been us and that's why they're here to help while they can that is always the glimmer of hope in these situations that people good people will step up and try to help out as best they can Jay Gray thank you for that reporting and try to stay safe for.

Us all right Tik Tok now suing the US government setting up a major legal Showdown that could determine the future of one of the world's most popular apps the company filing suit today after President Biden's signed a law last month that would force Tik tok's Chinese owner bite dance to either sell the app or be banned in the US Tik Tok writing.

In the lawsuit that the law is an unprecedented violation of the First Amendment now remember lawmakers don't want Tik Tock to be owned by a Chinese company because of National Security concerns they're worried that China could force the company to hand over Americans data justice department says it is not commenting on this News.

Lawsuit Savannah sers joins me now Savannah we were expecting this lawsuit right we knew something like this was going to be coming and it being filed effectively pauses the timeline for when Tik Tok has to be sold or be banned we don't know how long of a pause this could be because this could actually go all the way to the Supreme Court right.

That's exactly right Aaron hi thanks for having me on so yes we were absolutely expecting this after President Biden had SED this into law we heard from Tick Tock CEO in a video of course posted on Tik Tok where he vowed legal action and that is that point that we are now at and you're right this timeline is totally interrupted by the fact that.

They now have this legal challenge so if you remember just a couple weeks ago end of April April 24th President Biden signed this bill into law what that did is it says this company parent company of Tik Tok it's called pite Dance that's what's chinese-owned partially and the concern here has nine months to divest Tik Tok to basically spin off that.

Platform to to an American buyer to an approved buyer by the US government then the president could also extend that by another 90 days so effectively that puts it at a year until Tik Tok could potentially be banned in the United States if not divested from its parent company but while this legal challenge is in play it's essentially on pause and.

You're exactly right the operating Theory here is that should this move forward because we are anticipating that the US government would file a motion to dismiss this but should this move forward which there's a very good chance it will that then whoever were to lose this whether that's Tik Tok whether that's the US government they would then.

Appeal it the only place that you can appeal from this particular court is the Supreme Court so it goes up to the Supreme Court of course that timeline is unknown one other thing that's interesting is this is specifically in the court of appeals for the District of Columbia circuit that's a very specific court and it was actually essentially.

Written into this law that should there be any challenges this would have to come before this particular court it's not a normal trial court it's an appeals court even though this is the first legal action taking place here Aaron so I want to ask you a little bit about the lawsuit itself here right Tik Tok addresses some of the National Security.

Concerns that lawmakers cited in writing the law that the president ultimately and they say it's not enough of a reason to restrict free speech talk to us about what this lawsuit lays out yeah so what Tik Tok is essentially saying is that the fact that those are unspecified concerns is not enough and I'll actually read you in here they're saying that you.

Are essentially burdening the free speech of users unless and until the president issues a public report on the specific National Security concerns here because Aeron as they'll remember we have not heard anything concrete necessarily lawmakers on Capitol Hill certainly have heard things that they say May them quite concerned about the.

Data of Americans they were getting these security briefings behind closed doors and I asked several lawmakers on Capitol Hill did you hear anything concrete that made you feel that this is a real concern I heard from almost every single one I asked yes full stop without any other details so we will see if this in any type of Discovery phase in a.

Lawsuit here could potentially mean that we get that information Aaron all right so much more to come on this saan I have a feeling you're going to get to know the DC circuit court building in the months to come see yeah we'll be right across the street thanks for uh staying up with us this evening of course you can catch.

Savannah and her partner Joe frier every morning weekday mornings right here on NBC news now starting bright and early at 7: a.m. eastern the Israeli military seizing control of a key border crossing in southern Gaza and is now calling the Hamas announcement of accepting a ceasefire deal a sabotage attempt.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying this new action in Rafa we saw overnight is not the widely expected fall out ground assault it's been threatening for months you can see plumes of smoke over Rafa right here and the situation on the ground looks like this IDF tanks rolling into Rafa soldiers raising the Israeli flag there.

As well and here tanks running over Gaza signs as they cross Into The Enclave with Hamas now warning fighting inside Rafa will quote not be a picnic and the United Nation saying Israel's military operation and the closure of that crucial entry point is now and I'm quoting here choking off key Aid to Gaza as we're also hearing new reports that.

Medics and patients are now fleeing Rafa's main hospital I want to bring in Hala garani now who just arrived in Cairo Egypt as I understand it Hala we'll talk more about the situation in Rafa in a second here first though where you are in Cairo this is really significant because this is where these these intense talks uh have been going.

On and are going on I know it's the middle of the night there but help us understand uh what this state of play is now what it's going to take to get to an agreement on a deal so Ain there's been no breakthrough today we understand that talks will resume tomorrow and that in itself is significant because we know the Israeli.

Government had not sent representatives in the previous round that's the round where a proposal was put forth by Egyptian and qari mediators to Hamas that is the proposal that was endorsed and agreed to by Hamas that Israel then said had been softened and modified without its knowledge though it would be difficult to imagine a scenario in which.

The US representative in these talks Bill Burns who's the CIA director would not have um signed off on every aspect of the document that was presented uh to Hamas you said in the intro there that the Israelis are saying this is a sabotage attempt by Hamas well on the Palestinian side they are saying that the Israeli government is trying to.

Sabotage any attempt to come to a ceasefire agreement because they are intent on going militarily into Rafa now where do the disagreements stand one particularly Salient one is that in this three-phase agreement that Hamas agreed to uh there is a promise to release 33 of the remaining hostages inside of the Gaza Strip but there is not a promise.

That those 33 vulnerable hostages so the elderly the ill would all be alive and Israel in particular is very intent on making sure that any first batch of Hostage releases uh contains only live hostages and there's also the demand from Hamas that Israel withdraw end The Siege and uh in a a subsequent phases uh allow for the Reconstruction of the Gaza.

Strip H and uh free movement of people and free return of Palestinians and displaced Gins to their homes Aaron Hala we're also hearing about reports of uh an escalation of the the tension the activity the fighting in Rafa what more do we know about Israel's military plans in that area right now and how Hamas might respond to it and.

What it all means for the civilians more than a million people that are still there well what it means for the civilians as we've been reporting over the last seven months now is more displacement and More Death we know in the last 24 hours uh more than a dozen civilians have been killed uh according to the health Ministry there in Gaza now.

The uh Israeli military has taken hold of the Rafa Crossing for our viewers this is the crossing between Egypt where I am and Gaza and there's a corridor there that had been essentially controlled by the Palestinians since 2005 that the Israeli tanks were now seen operating in uh bulldozing and and and flattening things like the Gaza sign.

And removing Palestinian flags and that is something that has caused quite a bit of consternation uh in the Arab world the Israelis are telling NBC this is not the full-blown offensive that the US has warned again uh but that is is certainly something that is still on the cards Aaron all right Hala gani for us just making her way into Cairo Egypt Hala.

Thank you well President Biden today denouncing a wave of anti-Semitic incidents that have taken place since the Israel Hamas War started and pledging his commitment to the safety of the Jewish people the president drawing parallels between the atro ities of the Holocaust and the October 7th attacks by Hamas on Israel this was in a speech at.

The Holocaust Memorial Museum's day days of remembrance ceremony listen this ancient hatred of Jews didn't begin with the Holocaust it didn't end with the Holocaust either this hatred continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world and requires our continued vigilance and.

Outspokenness now the president's speech comes after weeks of pro Palestinian demonstrations on college campuses across this country that really have inflamed tensions uh in those places Monica Alba joining us now to talk more about this from her post near the White House so Monica uh the White House called this a major speech.

On anti-Semitism in the days leading up to this and it's coming at a time obviously of some real tension in this country over the Israel Hamas War uh what else stood out to you in the president's comments today absolutely Aaron this is really the Collision of these multiple storylines all connected to the October 7th terrorist attacks the.

War that has now gone on for 7 and a half months since then those campus protests and then the ongoing very fragile hostage negotiations that are happening today so the president was mindful of all of those elements when he was speaking and really repeating a message he's talked about for a long time talking about how concerned he is.

And his administration has been about the rise in anti-Semitism but here is how he did link that to what we saw in terms of recent events over the last couple of weeks at many universities Nationwide there is no place on any campus in America any place in America for anti-Semitism or hate speech or threats of violence of any kind violent.

Attacks destroying property is not peaceful protest it's against the law the president had been under some building pressure last week to address the campus protest he really hadn't done so in a formal setting until he did at the end of last week and then the White House said he would have a little bit more to say today in this larger address.

That was more focused on anti-Semitism and that is something that the president has really had to walk a little bit of a fine line on when it comes to talking about the right to freedom of expression and peaceful protests but being very clear about how he completely condemns anything that's violent or anti-semitic aarin you know the president also Monica.

Reiterated his commitment to the security of Israel right and and to its right to exist as an independent Jewish State uh he added uh even when we disagree to his comments still it seems the president feels a need to to say that the United States stands by Israel that's right he has used the word Ironclad repeatedly when he is.

Discussing the US support for Israel at the same time there have been events in the last couple of weeks and months where there have been moments where the US has been very outspoken about what Israel has done that it disagrees with for instance when the Israeli military killed those Aid workers who were with World Central Kitchen in Gaza or when.

There has been it seems some issues with getting more humanitarian Aid into Gaza or protecting those kinds of workers the US has said we have a right to alter policy the president has said if they don't see enough changes from Israel on that so those things are all looming in the background but the US and Israel relationship is one that is still very.

Strong and one the president wants to make very clear on a day like today during a Holocaust Memorial ceremony will remain that way Aaron all right Monica Alba for us outside the White House today Monica thank you we still ahead a Runners Marathon Victory taken away from him we're going to tell you why plus a neighborhood shaken in the.

Middle of the night a home wiped out by an explosion what we know about the cause here that's next when Boeing and NASA may take another crack at that space launch that's in the five things first though Panera Bread saying it's phasing out its controversial charged lemonade that's.

After law suits blame the highly caffeinated drink for at least two deaths a spokesperson for the restaurant chain today saying the Nationwide discontinuation of the charged lemonade comes after a recent menu transformation Panera says a large char charged lemonade with ice has about 302 mg of caffeine that's roughly 3 to four cups.

Of coffee according to the FDA NBC News medical fellow Dr aay sayal joining us now aay good to see you um obviously there's a such thing as having too much caffeine right as an avid coffee drinker I I understand that but at what level does does it become dangerous and what does it do to your body hey eron good good to see you yeah so the FDA has has.

A limit really a guideline what what most adults in this country should follow Aaron and it's about 400 Mig of caffeine um now this isn't a magic number right Aaron so if you're at 399 versus 401 there's not going to be that much of a difference and I think really the key here Erin is people just need to listen to their body so some side.

Effects of having too much caffeine you can start to get you know really fidgety really anxious you can start to have a headache you've you know feel maybe some palpitations um you can see there on your screen some some muscle Tremors really in in severe cases so Aon I think the key takeaway here is really just to listen to your body you don't need to.

Necessarily you know just hit 400 and stop and you don't necessarily need to you know just get get super worried if you're a little bit over that but just really listen to your body um and watch for those signs that we listed yeah there are a ton of caffeinated drinks on the market right now Duncan is still serving that sparked.

Energy drink we've got all these different things that people can pop into a convenience store and and you know buy a huge can of whatever uh what do consumers have to watch out for when you when you're talking about any of these caffeine drinks right so you know the total that that people are that are consuming when we.

Talk about the 400 it's important to keep in mind that things can add up right so if people have a large cup of coffee during the day that's about 200 milligrams and the one in the evening you're already at that 400 when you start to talk about things like pre-workout supplements or energy drinks throughout the day it's easy to see how.

You can go over that number and I think really the the take-home message is those who have heart conditions should be really really careful eron and Pregnant patients um people who are expecting or people who are are currently pregnant um should really Be watchful and talk to their doctor about limiting their caffeine to 200 or even.

Less than that Erin and I guess we all don't you know we don't we don't all read the labels enough a lot of people just sort of buy the thing and and go for it but there's value in reading some of these labels to understand what's in the stuff that we're consuming there is and and most products will have a caffeine you know number listed in.

Milligrams and if you see the word energy on anything um things that are you know if you go to a gas station you're buying this for energy or that for energy there's a good chance there's caffeine or other substances like torine um in it so you definitely want to read the label particularly if you have the heart condition or if you're pregnant.

And erand just just I don't think a lot of people know this but the FDA doesn't really have a safe limit on what's uh good for children in terms of caffeine so under the age of 18 really best to avoid this if you can that's a good point Dr actually SLE we appreciate thank you sir anytime well let's get you over to the five things our team thinks.

You should know about tonight number one officials recovering the body of the sixth and final victim from the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse in Baltimore back in March investigators identified him as 37-year-old Jose Lopez from Baltimore the investigation into that incident is still ongoing number two Minnesota officials say that two people.

Are dead after a major house explosion early this morning you can see all the damage and the debris here authorities are working to figure out what exactly caused that blast number three NASA and Boeing calling off last night's much anticipated Starliner launch for safety reasons there's a problem with one of the rocket valves apparently two.

Astronauts were actually already strapped in when that launch to the International Space Station was scrubbed last night NASA says they will try again maybe on Friday number four Disney's CEO telling investors they're pumping the brakes on Marvel content Bob Iger saying the goal here is to boost the quality they plan to release no more than three.

Marvel films and two Disney Plus shows every year Deadpool and Wolverine set to be the only Marvel film released this year and number five the winner of a Southern California men's Marathon just got disqualified because of water so here's what happened here the you see it here the Man's father apparently passed him a drink but this was not a part of.

An official hydration station he was actually on a bicycle you see it right there all of that is against the rules the runner says that some stations weren't ready when he got there and he didn't know he did anything wrong well coming up an apparent attempt to assassinate Ukraine's president allegedly stopped in its tracks what.

We're learning about that on the same day Vladimir Putin is sworn in for a fifth term in Russia plus a deadly accident brings Malaysia's capital city to a halt the major damage Left Behind after a huge tree came down that's next officials in Ukraine tonight saying they foiled a Russian plot to.

Assassinate President Vladimir zilinski and other top Ukrainian military and political figures you see one of the suspects here in new video just released by the security service of Ukraine the two Ukrainian Colonels accused of participating in that plot have been arrested on suspicion of treason which carries a life sentence now the head of.

The Ukrainian State security service says the plot was for an attack leading up to president Russian President Vladimir Putin's inauguration for fifth term on Tuesday zalinsky said in 2022 there have been at least 10 attempts to assassinate him over the course of the war with Russia Megan Fitzgerald joins me now to talk a little bit more about.

This so Megan uh what do we know about the details of the plot here and and the two Colonels who've been arrested well Erin as you mentioned those two Colonels who are arrested uh were in the very agency that's supposed to protect top officials uh we also know that they were recruited before the war broke out and that this was a plan that Ukraine says.

Was devised by Russia's Federal Security Service uh Ukraine says that the original plan was for the ass V ination to be carried out just before Putin's inauguration which of course was today uh but look as you mentioned this isn't the first attempt at the assassination of President zalinsky uh Ukrainian officials say since the war broke out in.

February of 2022 there have been at least 10 assassination attempts one of the latest ones was uh just last month with a Polish man who was arrested by authorities uh for this alleged plot said to be backed by Russia as for this latest attempt aarin uh so far Russia has not responded to these accusations and Megan we knew that.

Vladimir Putin had been reelected to this fifth term uh sort of can you offer some context on this what does this mean uh for for Global Affairs for the war in Ukraine well yeah it likely means that we're not going to see an end to this war anytime soon we continue to see Russia making these advancements on the front lines in Ukraine as this war rages.

On into the third year and in fact in Putin's inauguration speech today he talked a lot about the War uh we heard him talk about a United Russia uh this idea of doing everything in its power to secure its Sovereign and prosperous future uh Putin also spoke directly to the West essentially saying that the efforts to undermine him have failed uh.

And that Putin is stronger than ever Aon all right Megan Fitzgerald for us in our London Bureau tonight Megan thank you well NBC News covers hundreds of international stories every day and because it's tough to read watch or listen to all of them our teams around the world have done that for you we call this segment the global from Australia a.

Woman pleading not guilty today to killing her ex-husband's family members with poisonous mushrooms we told you about this story about a month ago uh the woman's ex-husband's parents and aunt died days after eating a meal at her home she is set to go to court later this month out of Malaysia Today a tree fell across one of the busiest roads in.

The capital city there killing one person and hurting two others you can see it blocking the road here officials say it also damaged more than a dozen cars and some of the branches fell on a monor rail track delaying some trains and out of Sweden the first day of competition wrapping up at Eurovision that's the big song contest where.

Countries from all over the globe pull out all the stops and all the Sparkles lots of uh crop tops and sequins all the things 10 countries made it through here and some others are going to compete Thursday for a chance at Saturday's final this year's security super tight here Israel is one of the countries competing and Euro Visions expecting.

Tens of thousands of pro Palestinian protesters there we still ahead the Boy Scouts as you've known them will soon be history why the more than Century old organization is rebranding stay with us the Boy Scouts of America trying to Rebrand itself changing its name for the.

First time in its 114-year history it's now going to be known as scouting America that's starting next February on the organization's 115th anniversary the group says the change reflects the continuing efforts to make the program inclusive for everyone and this is a big change that comes at are some big issues for the organization as it spends.

Hundreds of millions of dollars to compensate thousands of men who say they were sexually abused as children in this program laa Barrett is following this one for us and joins us now so Mora over the last few years we've really seen uh this Push by the Boy Scouts to try to make the organization more inclusive and it it's pretty different now from from.

How this organization started yeah absolutely Aaron I mean it's more than a hundred years old and it's an organization that's known to hold firm on to tradition and so change is naturally difficult but they've made these changes over the last decade especially in light of the turmoil that they faced but back in 2013 they made.

The decision uh to start including gay Scouts then shortly after that two years later they ended its blanket ban on gay adult leaders as well then in 2017 they allowed trans children who identified as boys to enroll in just boys only programs but then the same year they also announced that girls would be welcome into the program now this was.

Different than the Girl Scout organization which also caused uh some some confusion and controversy in that sense but they were trying to be more inclusive when it comes to the Boy Scouts specifically and then throughout 2018 and 2019 uh there was more inclusivity actions to include girls uh going forward again in that boy scouts.

Umbrella and so uh the president uh said today this was announced at their annual conference the president said that though our name will be new our Mion remains unchanged we are committed to teaching young people to be prepared for life and now the name change will officially take effect starting next year uh in February but the president.

Said that they anticipate organizations groups to start identifying with the new name as soon as in the next couple of months Aon yeah at the same time Mora there's been all this turmoil in the last few years for this organization right we had the bankruptcy there settling these claims of sexual abuse uh within the programs where does all that.

Stand well if you think back to it when all of this was unfolding it also was timed out along with the pandemic and so the pandemic really hit this organization hard to start they lost about a million members during that time they they sit at about a million members right now their Peak was at 5 million just to give you some context there.

Understandably it was hard to under to participate in these these organization groups during the pandemic but then they were also hit with these allegations uh lawsuits of sexual abuse and they in 20120 at the same time they filed for bankruptcy protection because of these nearly 300 lawsuits and sex abuse claims and then they reached a settlement an.

$850 million settlement with thousands of men who said that they were abused as children in 2021 and then just last year a judge upheld this $2.4 billion bankruptcy plan uh and basically what that means is it gives the Boy Scout group the organization the ability to operate while they're paying out while they're paying compensation to these men.

Who alleged that they faced uh sexual abuse when they were children and so all of this is still unfolding behind the scenes as the organization Works to put to push forward and Rebrand its image Aaron all right more Barrett for us tonight morea thank you and still to come what we know about the shooting outside Drake's home in Toronto that.

Left a security guard seriously hurt stay with us police in Toronto now asking for help from the public to find the suspects involved in a shooting outside Drake's Toronto Mansion a security guard there was seriously hurt listen when officers arrived they located a male who was suffering from an.

Apparent gunshot wound that male was taken to hospital in serious condition so I want to show you some aerial images here of the rapper's home this is in the aftermath of this incident and this of course comes as Drake right now is making a lot of headlines for his Feud with Kendrick Lamar the two rappers releasing multiple.

New diss tracks going after each other of course now a rep for Drake saying that the singer was not hurt but we still don't know if he was home at the time and we also don't know the motive of the possible suspects here I want to bring in Emily aeta so Emily there's obviously still a lot that we don't know about what's happening right now but.

Walk us through what we do know what can you tell us hey there Aaron well I can tell you at this hour there's still a heavy police presence outside of Drake's Toronto mansion and police say that will continue to be the case in the coming days because there is this active Manhunt underway as they try to pin down the suspect or suspects of this driveby.

Shooting police say it happened around 2:00 a.m. this morning a security guard that had been standing near the gates to the mansion had been shot and now is in serious condition it's not clear if Drake was home at the time of the shooting but we know that he is not injured aarin so we also don't know the the who or the why here right we don't.

Necessarily know who the suspects are what the motive might be here but we also can't ignore the fact that there's this big feud between Drake and Kendrick Lamar so I can't help but to wonder if that's being looked at is potentially something that could be involved here whether this was an overzealous fan of of of Kendra Lamar maybe who went to.

Drake's home what do you think well I'll say this Erin at this point again just underscore I can't underscore enough that we don't know the motive but even police are acknowledging that they're aware of this increasingly escalating WRA battle between Kendrick Lamar and Drake Take a look at this even in the last week and a half or so they have.

Exchanged six diss tracks touching on a range of topics from OIC to size shaming to authenticity of music and they've grown increasingly personal and serious one of Kendrick Lamar's video even shows an aerial of Drake's home the home that is now the scene of a shooting we reached out to both of the Reps for comment but have not heard back Erin.

Yeah and I was about to ask you about that if we had heard anything from from their reps but I wonder have we heard anything directly even about the sort of this this back and forth that's been going on musically between the two is or only in the the context of the songs they've been releasing they've really been focusing on the content of the.

Songs Drake has addressed some of the allegations you know in one of the songs Kendrick Lamar suggested that he was a pedophile Drake denying those allegations in one of the songs so we've seen a bit of a back and forth and then some and we could continue to see that in the in the days to come Ain because only no press is bad press Emily aeta.

For us tonight Emily we appreciate it thank you and that wraps it up for this hour coverage picks up right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or or follow us on social media

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