Hallie Jackson NOW – Could presumably perchance additionally 22 | NBC Data NOW


Hallie Jackson NOW - Could presumably perchance additionally 22 | NBC Data NOW

we are coming on the Air Tonight with devastating storm slamming States from New York to Texas where a big and apparently very dangerous tornado has just touched down we're watching that plus the potential for more baseball-sized hail and torrential flash floods on the way less than 24 hours.

After another set of deadly Twisters tore through Iowa people pick up the pieces and bracing for what's next we live on the ground then a rare meeting that literally just wrapped up at the White House between President Biden and the president of Kenya as part of this big push to get more police into Haiti why all of it could get derailed unless.

Congress gets on board Plus in tonight's original our look from the field in Idaho on how politics is pushing some folks to pack up and move and how some red State Realtors are helping in that relocation then does Amazon's new AI push mean an overhaul for your El sure looks like it we'll explain we're watching a confirmed big tornado in.

Central Texas just about 24 hours after a different set of Twisters devastated parts of Iowa in Texas search and Recovery teams and rescue teams I should say are on the ground now want to show you though some of the Drone video that we've seen as some people are just starting to pick up the pieces in Greenfield Iowa you can see it here.

People's lives just ripped apart by what officials now think was an ef3 tornado this is the one that we showed you as breaking news last night if you're are watching we had those live pictures in the minutes after the tornado hit this is it now about 24 hours later in the light of day you can see demolished homes and businesses shredded trees.

Smashed cars there's a curfew in place in Greenfield overnight and the sheriff says it could last in his words for some time officials say multiple people are dead we don't know exactly how many yet some others are hurt again the numbers are still TBD we've got our teams covering this from every angle sha Brewster on the ground in Iowa but I.

Want to start first given that tornado that just hit Texas with meteorologist Bill Ken is it still on the ground Bill what do we know uh there's still a tornado warning for it actually just a second ago it just was dropped so here's what we know so let me take you let me familiarize you where you are here first the Dallas here's Fort Worth have.

Heading out on 20 to abing south of there down to San Angelo law enforcement about 15 20 minutes ago reported a large tornado on the ground a strong tornado too and that's why we have this little red icon here it looks like it has just falling apart a little bit but this is still a supercell Thunder storm you can still see what we call the hook echo on.

It and at any point this could once again produce a tornado and the reason of concern with this and I should mention this is out over an open area no damage has been reported from this right now but you can see where San Angelo is here at the city and this is heading in your general direction San Angelo is under a severe thunderstorm warning.

We'll have to wait and see if this does produce a tornado again as it heads in your general direction there's no reason why it couldn't so that's why we have to watch it closely Dallas you've avoided most of the big thunderstorms to your North we've had a lot of flash flooding from PL heading towards Greenville now we of your thunderstorm warning for some.

Hail there I want to take you all the way to Kentucky we got a state of emergency in Raceland Raceland Kentucky this is the Ohio River just to the north here they had a big wind storm go through and they're telling everyone to stay out of the town they have power lines and trees down all over the place so we are widespread today that swath.

Goes all the way from Western New York through Kentucky back down into Texas as we showed you and we do have that thread of tornadoes we showed you the one that we just saw but if as we go through the afternoon and evening here in West East Texas all the way into Arkansas that's where we have additional threats H so tornado watch until 8:00 for the Dallas.

Fort Worth area all the way back towards St Angelo I'll keep you updated on that storm as it does approach the city of St Angelo over the next hour that's going to be critical Bill Karen thank you a very active situation that you are tracking now sha Brewster where you are less active as it relates to the storms but extremely when it comes to the.

Cleanup people trying to figure out where they go next after those devastating Twisters came through right H you heard Bill talk through the threat of tornadoes while we're seeing here the impact of the tornadoes that uh came through just last night you know the damage that you see here in Greenfield so widespread that.

We're not even able to be in that town right now law enforcement keeping us at this Command Center but just look at this video that our team shot throughout the day we went through the town with a police escort we saw homes completely removed from their Foundation cars under homes cars on top of homes the destruction was so widespread hie and.

There was one woman who I talked to a 77-year-old woman who I met who said that uh she got a call from her daughter who said you need to go to the basement right now in true Iowa fashion she actually went outside and instead looked up heard the whistle heard a tornado coming heard what sounded like a tornado coming went to her basement listen to.

The rest of what she told me went to the basement and no more got in the bathroom and pulled me right out and everything was on top of me how long were you stuck under your house about 45 minutes you were confident somebody com somebody was coming why were you so confident we're a small town and we all help each other out I'm glad to be.

Alive she told me that as she was under that or in that basement under her home she was screaming out at one point because she heard people from the outside looking for her and it took 45 minutes for both family and rescue workers to come and ultimately save her H this was just one of the systems of more nearly two dozen reported tornadoes.

Most of them happening in Iowa but also impacting some neighboring states looking at Nebraska Wisconsin this is a major system that is still part of that system that is wreaking havoc on the East Coast or Eastern area of the country at this point as you heard Bill describe Shaq we also talked about that mandatory curfew that's in place I.

Assume that the town communities nearby have shelters set up because people need somewhere to go yeah yeah shelters in the area high school but get this that high school is also acting as a triage Center also acting as a makeshift hospital because the one major hospital here also sustained damage in that tornado this is.

A town of just about 2,000 people so when you have a tornado like the like uh bill was saying that's at least the ef3 it had winds that exceeded 150 mph you can imagine the impact that it's on so many families so many residents so many people here needing help not just for the days but likely the weeks and months to come hie images are still just tough.

To look at chck Brewster thank you very much for being there we'll look for any updates from you throughout the night in just the last few hours parents of the 19 students killed at the Uvalde Texas Elementary School are announcing a new lawsuit against nearly a hundred officers who they say did not adequately respond to a mass shooter I want to show.

You the father of 9-year-old Jackie kazaras there saying something has got to change Justice and accountability has always been my main concern we've been let down so many times the time has come to do the right thing remember nearly 400 officers local state federal showed up to that scene.

But it took 77 minutes 77 minutes before any of them went into the classroom where the shooter had kids trapped in the words of the justice department cascading failures kids calling 911 body cam video that reveals officers heard the shots but did not go inside the attack left 19 fourth graders and two teachers.

Dead marking two years since that horrific day on Friday guad Vegas is joining us now and guad you can hear the the agony two years later in the voice of that father and today to be clear still no criminal charges against any law enforcement officer talk about the aims the goals of this lawsuit because the parents say it is about.

Accountability uh that's exactly what they mentioned hiy uh the attorney representing the family says officers who were there need to be held responsible for the actions that they took that day now this all comes after a Department of Justice review of what happened that review indicating that unprecedented failures enabled the.

Killing of teachers and students that day so we now have this legal action in which uh they are suing 92 officers from the Department of Public Safety these are state troopers now there were hundreds of officers that responded that day local federal and state troopers but they are focusing on those DPS officers who they say failed to follow their.

Training to confront the active shooter now that lawsuit also names the Uvalde School District the principal of Rob Elementary as well as Chief Pete aredondo who is no longer the chief of the school district police uh he was fired and there's been another Chief in place but these are the ones that are being mentioned once again what they.

Want is to hold those responsible accountable for what happened hie guad there was in the words of one attorney who spoke uh one silver lining basically one ray of sunshine that they talked about and that's a settlement that happened explain that right so the lawsuit is going against the state right they're suing.

DPS officers and they do mention the school district but what they want to focus on now is building that bond between the city of Uvalde and and the victims family members so they've announced that the city of walde and the families have agreed on a $2 million settlement that will go to the families of the victims now the attorney says.

They agreed on that number because they didn't want the city to go bankrupt they have to continue to live in Uvalde and the city government has to work with them now uh that also includes other agreements that include creating a commission that will Overlook the creation of a memorial and other things here's the attorney speaking about the.

Settlement today they love you they love living here and they want to stay here they want to stay here and they need you and when you see them on the street if you pass them on the street you know you don't have to look away even if you wear a.

Badge and that's the attorney speaking today now another thing that is uh very interesting uh hi is is that there was an issue with the grave sites of uh the victims and so they are also creating a commission of individuals that will Overlook the maintenance of those grave sites because the attorney said the families uh went through a very.

Difficult time because the city wasn't working with them with the money they spent on those grave sites well all of this just part of that settlement that they hope will bond the city and the victims of the and the family members of these victims as they move forward hie and we should note here guad no response from DPS yet on this lawsuit filed by.

The families I know you'll be watching for that guadas just a very emotional day in Texas thank you to Pennsylvania now in shock tonight in one toown is a suspected Shooter's in custody after killing two people and hurting three others in a workplace shooting right outside Philly the suspect's being described as a disgruntle former.

Employee officials say they opened fire early this morning inside and outside a linen rental and laundry business no ID on the shooter no concrete motive at this point but Aon mclaughin has made her way there she's joining us now what do we know hey hie well I was just speaking with a local resident who says he was.

Home in this area at the time of the shooting he said it was around 8:30 in the morning he heard multiple shots fired he says he immediately called 911 reporting the shooting to authorities dispatch telling him to stay inside of his home now we understand from authorities five people were shot in total two were killed including uh two.

Were killed as well as three other individuals were taken for treatment to a local hospital authorities say the suspect did manage to flee the scene and was arrested in a nearby City authorities calling the shooting a tragedy take a listen the information I have right now is the employee had had some issues with.

Uh fellow employees but nothing that would lead to what happened today I mean this is just everyone's worst nightmare another example of somebody who had access to a firearm who shouldn't have uh and took out whatever uh anger he had for whatever reason on the employees of this poor business now no comment so far from the.

Familyowned business it is a linen and laundry business here serving serving uh businesses in the Chester area authorities say they have yet to establish a motive that is still very much a subject of this ongoing investigation they have not released the names of the shooters nor have they released the names of the victims it is.

Worth noting that this is the 169th mass shooting in the United States just this year and local authorities now calling for change hie Aaron thank you very much live for us there just outside Philly to Washington now in the National conversation on Reproductive Rights front and center yet again as just a few blocks from where I'm sitting Democrats.

On Capitol Hill in the Senate are looking to force a vote now next month to try to federally codify the right to birth control in other words to protect the right to contraceptive access under federal law Senator Chuck Schumer rolling this out today watch Senate Democrats are committed to restoring women's freedoms and will.

Fight to protect access to contraceptives contraception and other reproductive freedoms that are essential safeguards for millions of women to control their own lives their Futures and their bodies so between the lines here right Democrats are essentially looking to put Republicans on the spot highlight GOP.

Divisions on Reproductive Rights all as part of an election year strategy some in the GOP on the Senate side dismissing this as a stunt but it comes just after this guy here the presumptive Republican nominee former president Donald Trump talked about what he might or might not do on contraceptives we told you about this 24 hours ago let me remind.

You well we're looking at that and I'm going to have a policy on that very shortly and I think it's something that you'll find interesting so he said he was looking at a policy on contraceptives he cleaned that up just hours later online writing on Truth social that he has never and will never advocate for.

Restrictions on birth control he says no ban all of this coming as we are seeing a spotlight now on Reproductive Rights broadly abortion access specifically just yesterday we told you how the Louisiana house passed that bill that would criminalize abortion pills two of them specifically by reclassifying them as controlled dangerous substances of.

Course criminalizing possession for anybody without a valid prescription that bill is now headed to the state senate where it's expected to pass sahul kapor is joining us now interesting move by the Dems here Sahel because we know that the Biden campaign uh Democrats more broadly want to see Reproductive Rights front and center you've got Chuck.

Schumer now talking about access to birth control which is broadly supported it is widely popular across the political Spectrum polling shows that something like 80% plus of people of all political Stripes believe that people should have access to birth control this is meant to put Republicans into kind of a political Jam yeah that's exactly.

Right hi the bill is called the right to contraception act it would establish Federal rights in all 50 states to contraception it would prohibit States from making laws that Tinker with that right uh that would prohibit uh States basically making laws that would restrict the sale or use of contraception Senate Republicans now say.

This is unnecessary they say they have no problem with contraception and they accuse Senator Schumer and Democrats of making a political move ahead of an election year where some of them argue that he's nervous about maintaining his majority Let's Play What a couple of Republican Senators had to.

Say he's going to do these sort of political messaging bills because he knows he's under war in a couple of states and he's trying to create create a political foothold for some of his incumbents I it doesn't seem necessary to me I think Republicans support that not sure why you need need to put a bill floor now of course this bill is going.

To need 60 votes in the Senate to break a filibuster that means either nine Republicans support it and move it forward Or democrats can point to these Republicans and say hey they don't even support a right to contraception this is standard politics highly as you know you know the majority party in the Senate frequently tries to find issues that.

Unify their party where the public is on their side that divide the other party and let's uh show some data a recent Navigator poll just shows how overwhelmingly popular the issue of uh contraception is it finds that 74% believe it should be easier to access you don't find those kinds of numbers very often and 16% say fine as it is the.

Numbers who are not sure or want contraception to be more difficult to access or 5% each pretty measly uh this is a poll taken earlier in February this is what Democrats are after Force Republicans to either support the bill or make them pay politically for refusing to as it relates to former president Trump on this particular issue.

He said you'll be hearing about my policy on contraceptions and then just a couple hours later posted on Truth social he did not support a birth control ban but on other issues he has not in fact materialized with a policy um as as he has said he would right yeah absolutely right Trump has really struggled with this issue I mean he is.

The deao leader of a conservative movement that opposes abortion rights and has complicated views on issues like IVF and contraception let's show a timeline here of some of his recent positions he's talked about birth control access said uh he's going to have a policy on that very soon M prone said he'll be doing it over the next.

Week or two it's been well over a week or two he hasn't had it and on down the list on abortion as well he's gone back and forth on this regardless his record H is very clear he has taken Federal uh executive actions to restrict abortion rights uh he has chosen the three justices on the Supreme Court who are instrumental in overturning roie Wade.

That's what you're going to hear Democrats focus on As Trump tries to figure out how he wants to present himself sokor live for us on the hill thank you just down Pennsylvania Avenue at the White House not too long ago just in the last few minutes actually President Biden wrapped up a meeting with Kenya's president the leader the.

First leader of an am Nation to come for a state visit since 2008 here's the president today as we honor 60 years of tie between our countries it's clear that our people are the true strength of this partnership and uh and a partnership that's working well comes Kenya is set to lead a big multinational push sending about a thousand of its own.

Police officers to Haiti to try to bring some peace there after months of violence unrest chaos but the whole thing could get delayed partly because of a new fight in Congress over how much the US should pay for it here's Gabe Gutierrez with armed gangs tightening their grip on Haiti late today William Ruto the president of Kenya arrived at.

The White House for a state visit his country is getting ready to send police to stabilize Haiti part of a larger un effort Kenya has worked side by side with the United States to tackle some of the most significant challenges of our time the UN says more than 15 00 people have been killed in Haiti this year no elections for years violent.

Protests and a mass Prison Break forcing its prime minister to resign and prompting dramatic rescues of Americans trapped in and around the capital portter Prince which is mostly controlled by gangs led by a former police officer nicknamed barbecue some gang members are suspected of having ties to the assassination of Haiti's.

President in 2021 we reported from the neighboring Dominican Republic on the hundreds of Americans evacuated from Haiti this year the UN just announcing that it's launching an air Bridge essentially a humanitarian Corridor in the sky to bring over humanitarian Aid the Biden Administration plan to set aside $300 million to help the Kenyan Le.

Multinational security Force which was expected to deploy police to Haiti this week although a Us official now tells NBC News the timing is still up in the air the procurement of more equipment including armored vehic vehicles and radios is expected by the end of the month hades's on the precipice of becoming uh an allout failed state.

Secretary of State Anthony blinkin testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday as top Republicans try to block more money that the Biden Administration says is necessary to help Hay House Foreign Affairs chair Michael McCall and Senate Foreign Relations ranking member Jim R are blasting the White House for approving a $ 6 million military aid.

Package last month writing in a letter to blinkin the administration is rushing to fund an undefined and indefinite engagement in Haiti without Congressional approval you know I know some people have concerns about the United States being the quote unquote policeman of the world well uh here's a situation where Kenya and a number of.

Other countries have stepped up and are willing to take this on but they need support Gabe Gutierrez is joining us here now on set Gabe how is it that Kenya ended up taking the lead on this FR you mentioned there's a lot of countries involved oh yeah hie so the UN Security Council voted um to put this together together last year and is.

Actually Kenya's president who volunteered for this but there's actually been a lot of push back hie inside the country some critics in Parliament don't think it's a good idea they're accusing the president of doing it for financial gain so there's a lot of internal push back there but as for the US the US has been very clear that.

They don't want to uh contribute troops their own troops but they have really been the primary one of the primary backers for this financially other countries have tried to step in before that hasn't worked what yes what makes people think this time could be any different well that is a big question isn't it I mean we the US involved in.

The 90s when John Patron AR you know the the US tried uh to get this under control it happened again in 2000 and 2000s the UN sent in a peacekeeping force as well that left in 2017 nothing has changed Haiti has still faced a multitude of problems and this time it will be uh police sent in from Kenya we understand that they' been taking French.

Lessons that they've been training the last couple of months but a question becomes one how much is this going to cost and will the US eventually need to get dragged into this uh because there are so many problems in Haiti and really the gangs control about 80% of Porter Prince the the airport just reopened uh just a few days ago but there's a lot of.

Questions about moving forward how much the us will have to get involved here it's an important story Gabe I'm glad you're standing on top of it um from the ground here in Washington thank you very much for being with us so the company responsible for most of the computing power behind the big AI boom Nvidia is just announcing some huge big numbers.

Crazy big numbers in its earnings report look at this sales are up nearly 300% more than 26 billion dollar for the quarter as far as Revenue that's more than a billion dollars more than expected Nvidia has been on a total tear it stock has gone up 200% over the past year the whole stock market I mean that's really what's Driven a lot of the.

Stock market to some of these record highs all of it on the back of nvidia's dominance in making those super Advanced microchips that power AI the company's basically a One-Stop shop for everything from Amazon to Google to Microsoft basically everything AI Investopedia Caleb silver is joining us now so perhaps no surprise that it does.

Have this Gang Busters earnings report right yeah it is in The Sweet Spot there are story stocks and we all know them from the past Apple Amazon Google and then there's Nvidia which has really dominated making these microprocessors these semiconductors to power power AI to power gaming it has been the company in the middle of it all and it has.

Generated amazing returns you talked about a 200% return in the stock in the past year how about 2, 350% over the past 5 years and it's still growing and it's telling us through this earnings report and past earnings reports that the appetite for AI is real and it's going to last several years this is not a flash in the.

Pan technology this is something that's going to be with us for a while and this is the company that is supplying the microchips that make it all happen um why is it that Nvidia has such a big lead over its competitors I mean it feels almost insurmountable at this point I'm sure the competitors would disagree but what about these other chip.

Makers yeah the other chip makers have been trying and those are the amds of the world and they make great chips as well but Nvidia was early to the market they've been early to every Market they've been in and this is not a Silicon Valley company that just popped up out of nowhere it's been around since 1993 led by Jensen Wong who is kind of a.

Celebrity CEO you showed him earlier in the leather jacket he is worshiped around Wall Street and around silicon Valley because they get to these markets early whether it's gaming or supplying chips for Mining cryptocurrency and now supplying the chips for AI for chat GP Apple Google meta Amazon the biggest companies in the world Nvidia is right.

In the middle of it and shareholders love this company Caleb silver thank you very much some new CNBC reporting today says Amazon's planning to revamp Alexa as they're trying to compete with the Next Generation speaking of AI of AI chat Bots like this one hey how's it going going hey there it's going great how about you I see.

You're rocking an open AI hoodie nice chili that's the new update from chat GPT we've talked about that got open AI into some hot water of her sounding too much like Scarlett Johansson but it can also do things that you're like well wait a second how did it see that guy's hoodie it can see things through a phone's camera it can hold full.

Conversations with users so this Alexa revamp from Amazon is kind of Amazon starting to answer but we might have to pay to see it with sources telling CNBC company's going to charge extra to experience the new stuff Kate Rooney broke that story for CNBC she is joining us now from CNBC San Francisco be okay it's good to see you um Alexa is 10.

Years old I think this year it was like the thing the hot thing everybody loved it now kind of the grandma of the bunch how did that happen totally hie that's that's so ironic it's interesting you you say that you think of how impressive this product was in 2014 and how Blown Away consumers were and how popular this was if you flash forward to today and.

You described it in your intro really well those devices from open Ai and from Google are a lot smarter so the technology has come a long way in the past decade Alexa's really built on sort of the old school version of AI generative AI tends to go a lot deeper it's much more creative and you can have these two-way conversations that right.

Now the way Alexa is built and was designed they poured billions of dollars into the old way of doing things and it's going to take a long time to kind of turn that ship around but they are very much in the process of doing that this was also Jeff B O's passion project people I was talking to that used to work in the Alexa division told me he.

Loved this product he really wanted to pour money and resources into it and then the new CEO Andy jasse is a little bit more disciplined on the cost side isn't a Founder so isn't going to take those big swings and they've been a little bit more sober when it comes to spending on it but what you're talking about the way that Alexa sort of is this.

Big Behemoth if you will is can also work to Amazon's advantage and that millions of people already have alexas right I mean that's something that works in Amazon's favor yeah there's half a billion Alexa enabled devices out there so Engineers you talk to say that's a massive Advantage you've got it in people's homes they trust it to a.

Certain extent and they're going to use it but that can also mean that the bar is higher so if you think about we've talked about chat GPT and what Google's done those are also known for making mistakes if you say you know Alexa open my garage door and it turns on your stove that was one example at engineer gave the bar is so much higher so they.

Need to make sure that when they do roll this out that it works flawless ly so that is one thing that they're they're working against and then it's just a hard thing to do engineering Talent is scarce in Silicon Valley and these big tech companies somebody described it to me as finding an NFL quarterback finding one of these Engineers they're very rare.

They're well paid and so Amazon's got to find the smartest Minds to kind of take it into this new generation of AI and make Alexa something that we're gonna want to use for something other than you know a kitchen time or or just telling you what the weather is yeah or the kids songs or whatever it is Kate Rooney thank you very much appreciate it good.

To see you coming up we got some breaking news out of the campaign Trail guess who Nikki Haley says she's going to vote for come November we got that where you hear it it's coming up in a sec plus a judge pressing pause on the sale of graceand what comes next in Elvis's granddaughter's.

Fight a little bit of breaking news from the campaign trail with former president Trump's biggest former competitor for the Republican nomination Nikki Haley sharing who she plans to vote for in November listen Trump has not been perfect on these policies I have made that clear many many.

Times but Biden has been a catastrophe so I will be voting for Trump Von Hillyard is joining us now V I'm old enough to remember when Nikki Haley was warning of the dangers of a Donald Trump presidency after 2024 it was not a foregone conclusion that she would come to this decision what changed for Nikki Haley I think a.

Lot of this is you know a similar story to8 years ago right she compared Donald Trump back during the 2016 campaign to a kindergartener and she ended up working for his presidential Administration as a un Ambassador and then on January 6 she called it an ugly day and said those who broke the law should be punished right but then she ended up coming back around.

To Donald Trump and she then announced that she was going to run for the presidency herself and try to primary challenge him and there was a lot of tension during the course of that primary campaign her husband was deployed to Africa and Donald Trump made some comments about him and she was quite explicit at the time calling the.

Comments disgusting awful unhinged that someone that makes such comments doesn't deserve to be commander and chief she even went on to say quote the most harm he's ever come across is whether a golf ball hits him on a golf cart these were very tough words that were went from Nicki Haley to Donald Trump yet she finds herself in a position of not.

Having a clear political future and she during these remarks here said that Joe Biden's Administration has been a catastrophe and so in a one verse one option she chose to go with Donald Trump she also said um that Donald Trump would be smart to reach out I'm quoting here to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and.

Not just assume that they're going to be with him I wonder I know we don't know yet CU she literally just said this like 90 seconds ago but I wonder if we will actually see Donald Trump do that considering that to this point his attitude has largely been and I'm I'm sort of paraphrasing it here like hey you're in or you're out like here it's.

It's this or nothing two twofold most of the time Donald Trump is eager to welcome anybody back into the fry no matter how big of enemies they once were he welcomes anybody coming and essentially kissing the ring but then on the other hand of this is that Nikki Haley was somebody who just two weeks ago he was very explicit saying that she.

Would not be under consideration for the vice presidency a lot of his very close allies are very reticent to Nikki Haley and do not trust her and so for Donald Trump he is largely looking at this campaign as one where they believe they can rely on the base of support and they don't necessarily need to meet those Independents or reticent conservatives.

Who willfully voted for Donald or for Joe Biden in the past but instead if they can juice their own support they don't need to try to win over the support of Nikki Haley type voters because they believe that they have enough other type of trump voters around the country to make up for those that they may lose that are more considered.

Themselves like Nikki Haley voters Howe Von hilard uh lots to watch on the campaign Trail today thank you so much that brings us to tonight's original now with in-depth reporting on a topic we've been watching The Divided States of America our special Series this election year and tonight takes us out west to Idaho where Red State Realtors are.

Finding plenty of reasons for relocation on the road outside Boise it's the second largest city in Idaho a tour from two transplants do you regret your decision at all to move from Seattle not one iota Jason and Kelly ksky moved to Idaho from Washington State 2 and a half years ago the elephant in the room is that for.

Political reasons I mean we we're more red Than Blue especially during the lockdown uh was just well that's when it it really kind of hit us it got yeah it got really um egregious the people are great here they liked it so much they moved their careers here too they're both Realtors on a mission we just decided that that was going to be our.

New business model which is you know help people transplant from Washington or California or Oregon here to the boisey area cuz we did it and we know how hard it is how's that business been very very good you can canoe you can clients coming to them through a group called conservative move which provides resources to help people relocate.

Somewhere redder Idaho is one of the fastest growing states in the country behind only Florida last year and part of the draw for some not just the panoramas but the politics more places now are either way more red or way more blue than they used to be according to presidential election data back in 2004 fewer than 200 counties voted in big.

Blowouts a landslide one way or the other but in 2020 that number tripled to nearly 700 including some counties in Texas that states where Kirby Wilbur calls himself a refugee resettlement specialist we're conservative and I think if you're moving and going through this trauma it helps to have someone who understands you and uh agrees with you.

And is able to help you because they've been through the same process people like Emma and Matthew kurs who considered Tennessee too before settling just outside Dallas Kirby knew what we were looking for and not just because he knows us but he knows kind of the environment that we're looking for at the end of the day we did it for our.

Kids MH for a better life for them it works both ways with some agents aiming to help more liberal homeowners leave conservative States for Wilbur it's simple people who know what they like should like where they live Texas isn't perfect but if I may paraphrase Ronald Reagan it's not heaven but it's in the same zip code.

So that group conservative move says in the last couple of years South Carolina has joined Texas and Florida as some of the biggest states where they're seeing clients buying homes let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one Capital police temporarily locking down the RNC headquarters in Washington today.

The Republican National Committee after somebody apparently sent vials of blood to the building according to three sources familiar with that situation Capital police say they're investigating no word yet if a suspect's in custody number two an LA judge today delaying the start of Hunter Biden's trial on tax charges until September it was supposed.

To be early June but his attorneys argue they wouldn't have time to prepare for two Federal trials in the same month Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty number three the prime minister of the UK today calling for a new general election July 4th that'll determine who governs the UK rishy sunak was required to hold a vote by January it comes as.

His conservative party looks likely to lose power after 14 years number four a big legal win today for Elvis Presley's family with a judge in Tennessee blocking the Foreclosure sale of graceand remember we told you about this yesterday Presley's granddaughter has been fighting to stop what she says is a fraudulent scheme to auction the.

Property number five fleet week in New York 36th annual you see the parade of ships here sailing up the Hudson river past the Statue of Liberty in the Freedom Tower the ships are going to be docked around New York City with Public tours available through Memorial Day to an NBC News exclusive now on the White House's plans to move 11 detainees.

Out of Guantanamo Bay into a facility in the Middle East back in October but the plan abruptly called off at the last minute by the Biden Administration apparently because of concerns about Optics after Hamas attacked Israel according to four us officials familiar with the matter now more than seven months later still no date for that.

Transfer to actually happen some officials tell NBC News they're frustrated they think election year politics could be behind the delay and the White House's bigger push to close the Cuban Detention Facility I want to bring in Courtney CU who along with our Carol Lee is behind this reporting uh the latest example here of politics.

Influ influencing policy and this story I know is months in the making tell us more yeah so we were actually tracking this potential transfer of these yemeni men now you of course you know they were they were all from Yemen they'd been at Guantanamo Bay for years never charged with a crime all cleared for release some for years cleared for release but.

Because they were from Yemen the us had a difficult decision uh and and task ahead to figure out where to send them they couldn't send them back to a war torn country that frankly has only gotten worse in the last few months with the attacks with the houthis so they were for it took years for the the Biden Administration to figure out where to.

Send them they came to an agreement over months with Oman as part of this sort of rehabilitation program they had hours and hours of meetings to figure out security guarantees but they were right at that last step Hy in October these men were prepared to leave they were planning to go to Oman and then at the last minute the deal was it was all.

Halted now we have spent months trying to figure out exactly why and we have been told according to these four officials familiar that in fact it was it was politics a number of uh Biden Administration allies mainly Democrats on Capitol Hill told the White House the Optics were too bad that they couldn't they should not go through with this.

Because it was right after the attack on on October 7th they were concerned that it would make the White House look weak now since then we have been tracking this trying to figure out exactly when the men would be would be released it's now been eight months they are still sitting here and officials tell us that they have there has been some.

Frustration over it the biggest concern right now is if they aren't transferred and Donald Trump is reelected president given his history it's possible they will sit in that detention center for another four years hie also worth remembering that the issue of Guantanamo what to do with it whether to move prisoners out how to handle it has been.

A flasho in multiple presidential administrations exactly and remember this Administration has been trying to close Guantanamo they're not the first one to do so this would have made a really dramatic dent in the population they would have gone for the first time in years below 20 people and officials say they are still working on additional.

Transfers after this but at this point it's not clear if or when these men will actually make their way to Oman Courtney qby uh live for us there at the Pentagon Court thank you so much for bringing us that important reporting appreciate it thank NBC News covers hundreds of stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them.

All our Bureau teams have done it for you this is what they tell us is going down in their regions in a segment we call the local out of our Northeast Bureau Big Crane catching on fire in New Jersey look at all that smoke officials think this was an electrical fire they say it didn't spread to a ship nearby or anything else fortunately nobody was.

Hurt and firefighters did managed to get it under control out of our Western Bureau a big fight brewing in one neighborhood in California where some folks are parking RVs right near houses and living in them homeowners in one part of Fremont say the RVs generators are creating issues for them their health the noise the toxic fumes Etc.

People in the RV say they're just trying to get by in a city and a neighborhood where the cost of living is really expensive and back out of our Northeast Bureau the NFL today announcing that Pittsburgh will host the 2026 draft the Steelers owner thinks it'll be I'm quoting here the largest visitor event in the history of the city it comes out.

After this year's record-breaking NFL Draft when more than 775,000 fans showed up in Detroit for it still ahead inside the wild west of million dooll deals for college football players why one star QB is suing a power conference coach coming up and just the last hour or so we're.

Hearing from the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs about those controversial comments by his kicker Harrison bucker remember bucker caught the country's attention with his commencement speech at a Catholic College where he talked about his in his words traditional views about women the lgbtq plus community and abortion with.

His head coach Andy Reid defending the right to make those comments we all respect each other's um you know opinions and not necessarily do we do we go by those but we you know we respect everybody to have a voice it's a great thing about America man MOA Barrett is joining us now interestingly we also heard from Patrick Mahomes of.

Course the star quarterbacks kind of the face of the NFL at least one of them and he seemed to be putting a bit more distance between himself and bucker Fair yeah H and remember this is the first time where're hearing any reaction from Harrison Butter's teammates and that's after we saw a lot of reaction from fans and online and the last week.

And a half uh since the commencement speech and Mahomes went on to point out that he's known bucker for about seven years now now but in the locker room when they're all teammates there's a lot of differing values and they respect each other but they also he he recognizes that they have different opinions on this and so I wanted to hear.

Some of what he responded to and asked about his reaction to buis penson speech today there's certain things he said that I I don't necessarily agree with but I understand the person that he is and he's trying to do whatever he can to to lead people in the right direction and that not might not be the same values as I have at the same time I'm.

Going to judge him by the the character that he shows every single day and that's a great person and so we heard from both momes and Reed expressing frustration about these uh off field distractions as they put it during the off season appearing to refer to the commencement address but also.

Potentially wide receiver Rashi Rice's drama uh around those those charges he's facing on that six car collision in Dallas also those alleged that alleged nightclub assault and so there that's something that they say they need to work together towards as a team and learn from that but either way a lot of attention on the Kansas Kansas City.

Chiefs right now also important to point out we haven't seen any reaction yet from Butter's teammates girlfriend as he put it as we all know her as Taylor Swift nothing from Travis Kelce as of yet either hie MOA Barrett thank you very much appreciate it we are getting a never-before-seen look into the wild west of New Money Rules or the lack of.

Them in college sports with a new lawsuit against the head football coach at the University of Florida from a quarterback who says he got screwed out of millions of dollars we're talking about Jaden rashada according to court documents obtained by our team Rashad's lawyers say quote false and fraudulent Promises by the Florida head coach Billy.

Napier a former staffer and a big-time booster at UF made him changes College commitments so here's the deal Rashad says he had this9 a. half million deal lined up in 2022 from boosters at the University of Miami that's a big rival to Florida but Rashad's lawyers say then he flipped to UF because the coach and booster dangled a deal worth nearly $14.

Million to put it in context the top quarterback in that year's NFL Draft Kenny picket had a nearly identical rookie deal this one's for a kid who was still in high school at the time Rashad says Napier personally promised he'd get a million the day he committed rashada says that never happened to be clear the University of Florida and its Athletic.

Association are not parties in this lawsuit NBC News has reached out to Napier for comment and has not heard back working chesky is all over this one for us here's the bottom line of it all right the idea that this whole thing is exposing what is a very big gray area in this new world of college sports like the school's coaches getting sued but.

The school's you know not really sort of a part of this how does this make sense uh hiy that is an incredibly good question here and I think it all goes to show just how much of a gray area exists right now when it comes to Collegiate Athletics in this specific case you have the coach being sued but not the school because the parties that were trying to.

Set up this Nial deal were specifically separate from the University itself including coach Napier and mentioned in that lawsuit also mentioning that booster who's a multi-millionaire funding a large portion of this payment and then a now defunct organization that works to kind of gather donor money to then funnel into these nil deals so that.

Is why you kind of have this layer of Separation here seeing UF distancing themselves right now I do want to share with you a statement from uh the attorney for Jaden rashada rusty rusty Harden saying sadly unethical and illegal tactics like this are more and more common place in the wild west that is today's football landscape as the.

First scholar athlete to take a stand against such egregious Behavior by adults who should know better Jaden seeks to hold defendants accountable for their actions and to expose the unchecked abuse of power that they shamelessly wielded strong words there but this does go to show hie how much this is evolving in real time here as.

They try to put some of these laws into place when they see the need here's what a sports law expert has to say about this take a listen so there's the vacuum where athletes as recruits understandably want to maximize their market value but they're doing so in a.

World where the law isn't playing a big role and as a result there're misunderstandings there are maybe reneged promises multi-million doll misunderstandings so where do things go from here remains to say uh the defendants staying relatively quiet right now hie but there is a lot of.

Intricacies tucked within this lawsuit a kind of word of mouth promises that may not have been explicitly written down and it's going to be very interesting to see uh how much of this holds up in a court of law seeing as that Jaden is the first one to do this hiy he's good um obviously and people who know more about college football than I do will say that.

He is good but he is not necessarily like the biggest superstar in college football right now which makes think okay well what about for those biggest of the big names right like what does this mean for them uh you know I think a lot of people are definitely going to be watching and waiting to see how this plays out and it.

Could set a precedent for a formality in way in in how these nil deals are introduced and put in place of course everyone's trying to get those top athletes we do know that you know while he hasn't been necessarily name recognition as other college Superstars he is a strong quarterback in his own right and we know that was the top rated.

QB in the transfer portal he of course leaves Florida to go to Arizona State uh where over the last year he had you know 485 passing yards four TDS three interceptions there Hy but he was injured H in the second game didn't come back towards the end of the season here so there's a lot of potential here that I think schools were betting on when.

They looked at rashada and that's why I think you saw that much money in play uh and that's why we're going to have so many eyes on this going forward as well totally it's super fascinating Morgan chesky thank you for breaking it down I appreciate it that's a wrap for this hour we've got more coverage picking up right.

now we are coming on the Air Tonight with devastating storms slamming States from New York to Texas where a big and possibly dangerous tornado has just touched down in the last hour or so and we're watching for more B ball-sized hail torrential flash floods may be on the way less than 24 hours after deadly.

Twisters tore through Iowa people there are bracing for what's next we'll take you live to the ground plus the breaking news just into us from the campaign Trail Nikki Haley revealing who she will vote for come November and the answer may surprise you then a rare meeting just wrapping up at the White House between President Biden and the.

President of Kenya as part of a big push to bring more police into Haiti why all of it could end up derailed unless Congress gets on board plus the Gang Busters new numbers just in from the company commanding the AI boom way do you hear about their earnings and does Amazon's new AI push mean an overhaul for your Alexa sure looks like it we'll.

Explain later in the show hey I'm hiy and as we come on the air tonight we are seeing very intense and potentially very dangerous weather for millions of people including a big tornado in a rural part of Texas and some flooding reported in Tennessee this comes just 24 hours after we showed you live on this show the devastation in parts of Iowa after.

Tornadoes touch down there look at some of the video that we're just getting in from Arkansas you can see how windy it is all that stuff on the ground bouncing around that's hail and then look at this out of Texas you can see how fast the wind is moving it is just whipping that rain sideways you can see some of the lightning flashing in the sky we're.

Learning tomorrow in Texas FEMA will talk about the damage there with search and rescue teams on the ground after this scene out of Iowa horrific to look at this is drone video now in the town of Greenfield that's that live shop we had for you last night people's lives literally ripped apart by what officials now think was at least an ef3 tornado.

There's a curfew in place for that area overnight and the sheriff says it could last for some time officials say multiple people are dead we do not know the exact number we do know others were hurt we've got our team covering this from every angle Maggie vesa on the ground in Iowa meteorologist Bill Karen standing by and Maggie I want to start.

With you and what it's like where you are people just Reeling I imagine H people are reeling and so much so that they're still in what they call search and rescue mode even though First Responders and officials tell us as you said multiple people are dead but they're going house to house uh block to block in Greenfield to that end the town.

Has been closed all day we've been kept out all day with the exception of one police escort that was brief so we're near where the debris was thrown outside of town we're told by people that some debris was thrown as far as 30 miles uh from where it was picked up by these tornadoes it's just been insane you talked about the fact that it might be.

Or they now believe it's at least at least an ef3 tornado it could be higher an ef3 for reference has Max wind speeds of 165 m per hour so this was incredibly powerful to say the least we talked to several people who live in town today including Donna puit I was speaking to her about just kind of the information they're getting from public officials.

Including the latest info on those deaths this was part of our exchange today take a listen you believe multiple neighbors of yours were killed they were mhm yeah right here we're just going through the motions you know like I said just picking up stuff that our here's our.

Backtuck our refrigerator is over there this little gray car is our car yeah she was so numb to this I mean she was still processing and really said she felt like a zombie uh it it's important to point out that state patrol Iowa's Governor local officials they have all said they cannot give us even a number uh just saying multiple deaths.

Multiple injuries at this point and again they kept emphasizing we're still in search and rescue mode they really want to keep that hope alive but hie just kind of adding to the chaos here one final Point uh the hospital itself here was also damaged so last night injured people were taken first to a local lumber yard to get treatment and.

Then today the triage Center we're told is at the local high school so that's kind of how things are operating here on the ground you talked about the triage tener being at the local high school isn't that also a shelter for people who have nowhere else to go for for this curfew yeah it's two in one I mean they really don't have much usable space at.

This point especially large usable space so they told us they're using it for both at this point Maggie vesa just so scary to see some of those images thank you let me get to Bill Karen because Bill 24 hours ago on this show you were looking at those trees that had been stripped from bark in that live shop from our affiliate and you were talking.

About the absolute worst case scenario which is what we've seen on the ground now you've got this tornado that may have just touched down in Texas is it still on the ground where's this going what do we know it did generate another tornado since we last talked but it's been out over rural areas so I haven't heard of any damage that's the thing.

With tornadoes I mean you can have the strongest tornado out there and if it doesn't hit anything it just dissipates eventually but you know in the case yesterday obviously it went right through the center of town or actually the southwest corner of Greenfield so this is the tornado that we've been talking about this storm that's right.

Over the top of San Angelo St Angelo itself you're under a severe thunderstorm warning and when you see all the bright Reds and the pinks this is producing large hail so everyone in San Angelo right now you're looking out your window and you're seeing hail falling and you're hoping and crossing your fingers that doesn't Dent your car.

This little hook on the back side is if we get a tornado spoon up that's where it we' be these little right icons show you where the two tornadoes were reported earlier today we also have been watching a lot of heavy rain in Arkansas we had a tornado warning with this storm that was just south of Interstate 30 it looks like that has since been dropped.

So that's good just normal Heavy Rain up around Little Rock southwards to AR Arkadelphia then to the north into areas around Nashville you notice how large a part of the country we're touring here we've had some strong thunderstorms roll through now you're getting a little bit of a break stronger storms down by Columbia and you remember Columbia about.

Two weeks ago was hit by a really strong tornado so I'm sure you know they get anytime they have a storm nowadays you know you look out the window and you're just hoping for the best so tornado watch continues to 8:00 that does include the Dallas Fort Worth area but things are looking better for you I think Waco is the next city I'm going to.

Be watching carefully when when the next round is storms go through in about an hour all the way further to the north around Nashville it looks like the worst is just about over with for you and because it's been raining so much lately and it's been pouring in a few spots we have numerous flash flood warnings especially North and North East of.

Dallas up into areas almost into Oklahoma a few spots in Arkansas we have flash flood warnings so you get the idea here with the rainfall from these storms on saturated ground we're going to have additional flash flooding issues right through the overnight and then tomorrow hie guess what we do it all over again but this time we're heading back North.

The worst of it and the best chance of tornadoes will be in Kansas especially Nebraska and Poss South Dakota more wind image and hail in areas of Texas and unfortunately a big heads up hle for all our viewers if you have weekend plans in the midwest Sunday looks like a tornado outbreak is possible so if you're on your vacation for your holiday make sure.

You're paying attention it is just Relentless Bill these folks can't catch a break thank you for staying on top of all of it and you're going to be watching it throughout the night appreciate it elsewhere in Texas in just the last few hours parents of the 19 students killed in yal are revealing a new lawsuit against nearly a 100.

Officers who they say failed to adequately respond to this mass shooting you see the father of 9-year-old Jackie kazaras there saying something has got to change Justice and accountability has always been my main concern we've been let down so many times the time has come to do the right.

Thing remember nearly 400 local state federal officers showed up to this scene but it took 77 minutes 77 minutes before any of them went into the classroom where the shooter had those kids trapped the justice department calling it cascading failures he had kids calling 911 body cam video that reveals officers heard the shots and did not go inside.

The attack left 19 fourth graders and two teachers dead you see their names and faces there it'll be two years Friday since it happened guad Venegas is joining us now in guad we had talked uh last hour about any response from DPS the Texas Department of Public saf to this lawsuit I understand you're just now hearing from them not much but tell.

Us more uh hi yes we reached out to the Department of Public Safety to see if they had a response to this lawsuit which is against 92 of their officers and they did answer and they said they do not discuss pending litigation now the Texas Department of Public Safety has been under a lot of scrutiny from.

The beginning when this shooting happened if you remember two years ago when a lot of the press was present inalde asking for answers it was quite difficult to communicate with them at one point their public information officer had given information that was not completely accurate so it was a lot of back and forth so it's been quite.

Difficult just getting information from the Department of Public Safety and now this is all they're saying about the lawsuit that was announced today hie tell us more about what we heard from some of these attorneys from the family's lawyer uh who really put this push towards restorative justice by of all day front and.

Center so the main thing the attorney wanted to communicate as well as some of the families of the victims that spoke the family members that spoke is that they want officers to be held accountable for what happened that day they believe that officers did not follow their job to confront the shooter as we've discussed many many times and.

They feel like they haven't been held accountable and that's really what they're looking for more than some type of uh economic settlement we know that they also announced a settlement with the city of Uvalde in that settlement they are receiving $2 million now the attorney did say that they capped it at $2 million because the.

Families don't want the city of balde to be bankrupt the attorney said that the state needs to come in with more help because the city just doesn't have all the resources uh necessary uh they did agree as part of that settlement to create a commission that will establish a memorial in town uh they will also have a commission that will Overlook the.

Grave sites of these victims there's also going to be more training for officers within the police department and more resources when it comes to Mental Health all of this because they say they want to build a new bridge between the police department the city and the community here's the attorney speaking the last thing they would want.

To do was to inflict any financial hardship on their friends and Neighbors in this community their friends and neighbors didn't let them down now the one thing I do want to mention going back to the lawsuit is that the lawsuit is naming the school district as well as Rob El principal and the former Chief of the.

Independent School District uh police department hie quickly um guad just before I let you go there's this other new piece of information that's come out in just the last 24 hours the new head of the eval School District police resigning now he did not he was not there he was not in that role at the time of the Rob.

Elementary scho school shooting two years ago he did not have a leading role but but I wonder how much that speaks to instability more generally in yval right now right so when the shooting happened the chief was Pete Arondo who was heavily criticized and questioned because of that response he was fired from his position and someone took over.

Joshua Gutierrez came in and he became the interim Chief we know that he was focused on rebuilding that police department but you can imagine the amount of challenges that they have been facing not just internally with the changes with the training but also the Public Image that's a very very hard role to fill knowing what's happened in.

Uval and and what it means to represent this police the school the police department of the school district so we'll have to wait and see what they decide moving forward and who can be the new Chief guad Venegas thank you to Pennsylvania now and a town there in shock tonight A suspected shooter in custody after.

Killing two people and hurting three others in a workplace shooting this happened right outside Philly with the suspect being described as a disgruntled former employee officials say this person opened fire early this morning inside and outside the linen rental and laundry business you see in here no ID on the shooter yet no concrete motive.

But Aaron McLaughlin has made her way to Chester she is joining us now what are you hearing from folks on the ground hey hie well I'm standing just outside of the linen company in question not far from here lives a James Pierce 71 years old he said he was inside his home at around 8:30 this morning when he heard eight shots fired he looked out.

The window he says he saw a number of people running from that linen company down the street he says he then called 911 the dispatcher told him to stay inside he said that once the police arrived he says he heard three more shots fired and saw a body outside of the business those were the dramatic events that unfolded this morning there.

Was a police chase that ended in a city not far from here they say they apprehended the suspect authorities today call calling this a tragedy take a listen the information I have right now is the employee had had some issues with uh fellow employees but nothing that would lead to what happened today I mean this is just everyone's worst nightmare.

Another example of somebody who had access to a firearm who shouldn't have uh and took out whatever U anger he had for whatever reason on the employees of this poor business now according to the gun violence archive this is the 169th mass shooting here in the United States authorities here in Chester tonight are.

Calling for change hie Aron mclin live for us from Chester tonight thank you so some breaking news now off the campaign Trail former president Trump's biggest former competitor for the Republican nomination Nikki Haley sharing more about who she will vote for come November listen to what she's saying Trump has not been perfect on.

These policies I made that clear many many times but Biden has been a catastrophe so I will be voting for trump it was not automatically assumed that she would end up coming to that decision during the campaign and listen politics is what it is but she did not have always very kind words for Donald.

Trump here's what you told our Craig Melvin right before the South Carolina primary he is unhinged he is more diminished than he than he was restoring women's freed Von Hill is joining us now V I'm old enough to remember when Nikki Haley was warning of the dangers of a Donald Trump presidency after 2024 it was not a foregone.

Conclusion that she would come to this decision what changed for Nikki Haley I think a lot of this is you know a similar story to eight years ago right she compared Donald Trump back during the 2016 campaign to a kindergartener and she ended up working for his presidential Administration as the UN Ambassador and then on January 6 she.

Called it an ugly day and said those who broke the law should be punished right but then she ended up coming back around to Donald Trump and she then announced that she was going to run for the presidency herself and try to primary challenge him and there was a lot of tension during the course of that primary campaign her husband was.

Deployed to uh Africa and Donald Trump made some comments about him and she was quite explicit at the time calling the comments disgusting awful unhinged that someone that makes such comments doesn't deserved to be commanderin-chief she even went on to say quote the most harm he's ever come across is whether a golf ball hits him on a golf cart these were.

Very tough words that were went from Nicki Haley to Donald Trump yet she finds herself in a position of uh not having a clear political future and she during these remarks here said that Joe Biden's Administration has been a catastrophy and so in a one verse one option she chose to go with Donald Trump she also said um that Donald Trump.

Would be smart to reach out I'm quoting here to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not just assume that they're going to be with him I wonder I know we don't know yet cuz she literally just said this like 90 seconds ago but I wonder if we will actually see Donald Trump do that considering that to this point his.

Attitude has largely been and I'm I'm sort of paraphrasing it here like hey you're in or you're out like here it's it's this or nothing two twofold most of the time Donald Trump is eager to welcome anybody back into the fry no matter how big of enemies they once were he welcomes anybody coming and essentially kissing the ring but then on.

The other hand of this is that Nikki Haley was somebody who just two weeks ago he was very explicit saying that she would not be under consideration for the vice presidency a lot of his very close allies are very reticent to Nikki Haley and do not trust her and so for Donald Trump he is largely looking at this campaign as one where they believe they.

Can rely on the base of support and they don't necessarily need to meet those Independents or risent conservatives who willfully voted for Donald or for Joe Biden in the past but instead if they can juice their own support they don't need to try to win over the support of Nikki Haley type voters because they believe that they have enough other type.

Of trump voters around the country to make up for those that they may lose that are more consider themselves like Nikki Haley voters hie Von hilard uh lots to watch on the campaign Trail today thank you so much to Washington now and Capitol Hill where Senate Democrats are hoping to put Republicans on the spot as it relates to.

Reproductive Rights and specifically the new front in that Repro rights battle birth control you've got top Democrat in the Senate Chuck Schumer revealing today plans to roll out this new bill that would federally protect access to contraceptives listen Senate Democrats are committed to restoring women's freedoms and will.

Fight to protect access to contraceptives contraception and other reproductive freedoms that are essential safeguards for Millions ions of women to control their own lives their Futures and their bodies why today why now well a couple reasons number one this push will be timed to next month of course marking two years since the Supreme.

Court overturned that Landmark abortion access ruling R versus Wade and it comes just today after former president Trump had to clean up these comments listen well we're looking at that and I'm going to have a policy on that very shortly and I think it's something that you'll interesting that's when the former.

President was asked specifically about whether he'd support restricting access to contraceptives just hours later instead of saying we're looking at it he said this he will never and has never advocated for restrictions on birth control or other contraceptives he says there will be no ban it's happening as we're seeing this issue in the spotlight.

Not just in Washington but all around the country with more States restricting access to abortion since row was overturned some of them in some new ways just yesterday we told you about how the Louisiana house moved one step closer to criminalizing abortion drugs two of them by reclassifying them as controlled dangerous substances making it illegal.

Under this plan for anybody without a prescription to have access to them we understand that that bill is going to be reconciled by the state senate before it goes to the governor's desk to sign sah kapor is joining us now okay sah let's talk to us about what the the sort of bigger picture piece of this where you are on Capitol Hill because it seems.

Like Democrats are looking to go on offense on an issue that they see is politically mobilizing for voters come November that's absolutely right hie this goes one of two ways from here either Republicans in the Senate help pass the bill in which case Chuck Schumer and Democrats will claim a policy Victory or they block the bill in.

Which case Democrats beat them over the head with it politically the piece of legislation is called the right to contraception act it would uh establish Federal rights for access to contraceptives and prohibit States from making laws that uh prohibit in any way uh the sale or use of contraception Republicans reacted to this by.

Downplaying the need for it they indicated that it's not really necessary and they suggested there was a political motive on the part of Democrats ticklist he's going to do these sort of political messaging bills because he knows he's underw in a couple of states and he's trying to create create a political foothold for some of his.

Incumbents it doesn't seem necessary to me I think Republicans do support that yeah that's sure why you need now why is Schumer doing this a recent poll by Navigator tells the story here it shows access to birth control is overwhelmingly popular uh 74% of those surveyed said it should be easier to access 16% said it uh the law is fine as.

Is and 5% said they weren't sure only 5% said it should be more difficult to access these are overwhelming numbers rare to find on an issue and Democrats feel very comfortable going on offense on this side of the culture War there's another piece of this just pulling out a bit more um big picture here as it relates to former president Trump.

Because he suggested in that interview again with KD Ka when asked about contraceptives that he would have a plan to reveal shortly in that instance it was just a matter of hours between when he said that and when he put up that true social post clarifying his position on birth control that he has no intention to ever ban it that is not.

Always the case when it comes to the former president and some of these key issues explain that yeah Donald Trump has struggled with this issue repeatedly when it comes to abortion when it comes to Reproductive Rights generally uh now it's happening kind of with contraceptives and myis stone uh he is the de facto leader of the conservative.

Movement and the Republican party you know which has which is very divided on these issues and Trump says something sometimes that's his Instinct and then ends up having to walk it back because it isn't the party line he has said repeatedly when asked about these issues I'll have a statement I'll have a statement it's coming later it's coming.

Later he often offers up deadlines and doesn't stick to them but this is an issue that Trump has very openly said uh he he worries about politically said I could cost Republicans the house the Senate and the White House if they don't play correctly hie it's a rare for rare thing to see him do sah for live for us on the hill tonight sah thank you down.

Pennsylvania Avenue at the White House President Biden meeting with the Kenyan president a rare meeting the first leader of an African nation to come for a state visit since 2008 here's the president today as we honor 60 years of ties between our countries it's clear that our people are the true strength of this partnership and uh and a.

Partnership that's working well comes as Kenya set to lead a big push to send about a thousand of its own police officers to Haiti to try to bring some kind of Peace there after months of violence and chaos and unrest but it could end up delayed partly because of a new fight in Congress over how much the US should pay for it our Gabe Gutierrez.

Reports with armed gangs tightening their grip on Haiti late today William Ruto the president of Kenya arrived at the White House for a state visit his country is getting ready to send police to stabilize Haiti part of a larger un effort Kenya has worked side by side with the United States to tackle some of the most significant challenges of our.

Time the UN says more than 1,500 people have been killed in Haiti this year no elections for years violent protests and a mass Prison Break forcing its prime minister to resign and prompting dramatic rescues of Americans trapped in and around the capital Porter Prince which is mostly controlled by gangs led by a former.

Police officer nicknamed barbecue some gang members are suspected of having ties to the assassination of ha's president in 2021 we reported from the neighboring Dominican Republic on the hundreds of Americans evacuated from Haiti this year the UN just announcing that it's launching an airbridge essentially a humanitarian Corridor in.

The sky to bring over humanitarian Aid the Biden Administration planed to set aside $300 million to help the Kenyan Le multinational security Force which was expected to deploy police to Haiti this week although a Us official now tells NBC News the timing is still up in the air the procurement of more equipment including armored vehicles and radios is.

Expected by the end of the month Hades on the precipice of becoming uh an allout failed state Secretary of State Anthony blinkin testified on Capital Hill Tuesday as top Republicans try to block more money that the Biden Administration says is necessary to help Haiti house Foreign Affairs chair Michael McCall and Senate Foreign.

Relations ranking member Jim R are blasting the White House for approving a $60 million military aid package last month writing in a letter to blinkin the administration is rushing to fund an undefined and indefinite engagement in Haiti without Congressional approval you know I know some people have concerns about the United States being the quot.

Quote unquote policemen of the world well uh here's a situation where Kenya and a number of other countries have stepped up and are willing to take this on but they need support Gabe Gutierrez is joining us here now on set Gabe how is it that Kenya ended up taking the lead on this front you mentioned there's a lot of countries involved oh yeah hiy.

So the UN Security Council voted um to put this together last year and is actually Kenya's president who volunteered for this but there's actually been a lot of push back hie inside the country aot some critics in Parliament don't think it's a good idea they're accusing the president of doing it for financial gain so there's a lot.

Of internal push back there but as for the US the US has been very clear that they don't want to uh contribute troops their own troops but they have really been the primary one of the primary backers for this finally other countries have tried to step in before that hasn't worked what what makes people think this time could be any different well that is.

A big question isn't it I mean we the US involved in the 90s when John Patron AR you know the the US tried uh to get this under control it happened again in 2000 and 2000s the UN sending a peacekeeping force as well that left in 2017 nothing has changed Haiti has still faced a multitude of problems and this time it will be uh police sent in from Kenya we.

Understand that they've been taking French lessons that they've been training the last couple of months but a question becomes one how much is this going to cost and will the US eventually need to get dragged into this uh because there are so many problems in Haiti and really the gangs control about 80% of Porter prins the the airport just.

Reopened uh just a few days ago but there's a lot of questions about moving forward how much the us will have to get involved here it's an important story Gabe I'm glad you're standing on top of it um from the ground here in Washington thank you very much for being with us coming up a second person in the US is now infected with bird flu according to.

Officials the new details coming in just now about potential risks to every body else plus a new update from Buckingham Palace on Princess Kate's Health when she's expected to return to Royal duties coming up so the company responsible for most of the computing power behind the AI.

Boom is just rolling out some crazy big numbers in its earnings report look at this for NVIDIA sales are up something like 260% Revenue $6 billion that's a billion plus higher than expectations Nvidia has been on an absolute tear it stocks spiked 200% over the past year which has really helped Propel the whole stock.

Market to some record highs it's all on the back of nvidia's dominance in making those really Advanced microchips that power AI the company's basically a One-Stop shop for other companies like Amazon Google and Microsoft so that those places can like do anything with AI Investopedia Caleb silver is joining us now.

So perhaps no surprise that it does have this Gang Busters earnings report right yeah it is in The Sweet Spot there are story stocks and we all know them from the past Apple Amazon Google and then there's Nvidia which has really dominated making these microprocessors these semiconductors to power AI to power gaming it has been the company in.

The middle of it all and it has generated amazing returns you talked about a 200% return in the stock in the past year how about 2, 350% over the past 5 years and it's still growing and it's telling us through this earnings report and past earnings reports that the appetite for AI is real and it's going to last.

Several years this is not a flash in the pan technology this is something that's going to be with us for a while and this is the company that is supplying the microchips that make it all happen um why is it that Nvidia has such a big lead over its competitors I mean it feels almost insurmountable at this point I'm sure the competitors would.

Disagree but what about these other chip makers yeah the other chip makers have been trying and those are the amds of the world and they make great chips as well but Nvidia was early to the market they've been early to every Market they've been in and this is not a Silicon Valley company that just popped up out of nowhere it's been around since.

1993 led by Jensen Wong who is kind of a celebrity CEO you showed him earlier in the leather jacket he is worshiped around Wall Street and around Silicon Valley because they get to these markets early whether it's gaming or supplying chips for Mining cryptocurrency and now supplying the chips for AI for chat GPT Apple Google meta Amazon the biggest.

Companies in the world Nvidia is right in the middle of love it and shareholders love this company Caleb silver thank you very much so Amazon apparently planning to revamp Alexa According to some new reporting from our friends at CNBC is the Company's trying to compete with the next generation of those AI chat Bots.

Like this one hey how's it going hey there it's going great how about you I see you're rocking an open AI hoodie nice choice H how did she know that he was rocking an an open AI hoodie well the chat GPT chatbot the one that got into some hot water for sounding too much like Scarlett Johansson can see things.

Through the phone's camera it can hold full conversations with users so Amazon's like all right we got to answer to this this is how they're starting to do it by apparently revamping Alexa but you're going to have to pay to see it with sources telling CNBC the company's going to charge extra to experience it Kate Rooney broke the story for CNBC.

She's joining us now Alexa 10 years old I think this year it was like the thing the hot thing everybody loved it now kind of the grandma of the bunch how did that happen totally hie that's that's so ironic it's interesting you you say that you think of how impressive this product was in 2014 and how Blown Away consumers were and how popular this was if you.

Flash forward to today and you described it in your intro really well those devices from open Ai and from Google are a lot smarter so the technology has come a long way in the past decade Alexa really built built on sort of the old school version of AI generative AI tends to go a lot deeper it's much more creative and you can have these two-way.

Conversations but right now the way Alexa built and was designed they poured billions of dollars into the old way of doing things and it's going to take a long time to kind of turn that ship around but they are very much in the process of doing that this was also Jeff bezos's passion project people I was talking to that used to work in the.

Alexa division told me he loved this product he really wanted to pour money and resources into it and then the new CEO Andy jasse is a little bit more disciplined on the cost side isn't a Founder so isn't going to take those big swings and they've been a little bit more sober when it comes to spending on it but what you're talking about the way.

That Alexa sort of is this big Behemoth if you will is can also work to Amazon's advantage and that millions of people already have alexas right I mean that's something that works in Amazon's favor yeah there's half a billion Alexa enabled devices out there so Engineers you talk to say that's a massive Advantage you've got it in people's.

Homes they trust it to a certain extent and they're going to use it but that can also mean that the bar is higher so if you think about we've talked about chat GPT and what Google's done those are also known for making mistakes if you say you know Alexa open my garage door and it turns on your stove that was one example an engineer gave the bar is so.

Much higher so they need to make sure that when they do roll this out that it works flawlessly so that is one thing that they're they're working against and then it's just a hard thing to do engineering Talent is scarce in Silicon Valley and these big tech companies somebody described it to to me is finding an NFL quarterback finding one.

Of these Engineers they're very rare they're well paid and so Amazon's got to find the smartest Minds to kind of take it into this new generation of AI and make Alexa something that we're going to want to use for something other than you know a kitchen time or just telling you what the weather is yeah or the kids songs or whatever it is Kate Rooney.

Thank you very much appreciate it good to see you let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one Michigan Health officials say a farm worker has been infected with bird flu linked to dairy cows now this is the second confirmed human case like this in this country apparently this person had mild.

Symptoms but recovered the CDC is checking samples to see if the virus mutated in ways that could let it spread more easily between people number two President Biden canceling more than 7 half billion dollar in federal student loan debt for about 160,000 people this comes after some broader moves to try to get some student loan debt relief failed.

The education department says nearly 5 million people have not benefited from things that the administration did to try to cancel debt number three the prime minister of the UK today calling for a new general election on July 4th to determine who will govern the country Rishi sunak was required to hold a vote by January so now we know when it'll.

Happen his conservative party looks pretty likely to lose power after 14 years number four millions of Americans won't be able to access some of their money for something like two weeks because of a fight between a financial Tech startup and its banking Partners this is according to bankruptcy court filings we're talking about about synaps.

A middleman between fintech Brands and FDIC backed Banks but disagreements with several of synapse' Partners about how much in customer balances it owes is leaving some users stranded without any access to their money number five a big legal win today for the family of Elvis Presley a judge in Tennessee blocking the Foreclosure sale of Graceland it's a.

Story we first told you about yesterday Presley's granddaughter fighting to stop what she says is a fraudulent scheme to auction off the property when we come back the very first comments from two major Chiefs players and its head coach on the controversial commencement address from their kicker it's coming.

up T tonight's original now with in-depth reporting on a topic we've been watching The Divided States of America our special Series this election year and tonight takes us out west to Ida where Red State Realtors are finding plenty of reasons for relocation on the road outside Boise.

It's the second largest city in Idaho a tour from two transplants do you regret your decision at all to move from Seattle not one iota Jason and Kelly ksky moved to Idaho from Washington state two and a half years ago the elephant in the room is that for political reasons I mean we we're more red than blue especially during the.

Lockdown uh was just well that's when it it really kind of hit us it got yeah it got really um egregious the people are great here they liked it so much they moved their careers here too they're both Realtors on a mission we just decided that that was going to be our new business model which is you know help people transplant from Washington.

Or California or Oregon here to the Boise area cuz we did it and we know how hard it is how's that business been very very good you can canoe can some clients coming to them through a group called conservative move which provides resources to help people relocate somewhere redder Idaho is one of the fastest growing states in the country.

Behind only Florida last year and part of the draw for some not just the panoramas but the politics more places now are either way more red or way more blue than they used to be according to presidential election data back in 2004 fewer than 200 counties voted in big blowouts a landslide one way or the other but in 2020 that number tripled to.

Nearly 700 including some counties in Texas that states where Kirby Wilbur calls himself a refugee resettlement specialist we're conservative and I think if you're moving and going through this trauma it helps to have someone who understands you and agrees with you and is able to help you because they've been through the same process people like.

Emma and Matthew kurs who considered Tennessee too before settling just outside Dallas Kirby knew what we were looking for and not just because he knows us but he knows kind of the environment that we're looking for at the end of the day we did it for our kids MH for a better life for them it works both ways with some agents aiming.

To help more liberal homeowners leave conservative States for Wilbur it's simple people who know what they like should like where they live Texas isn't perfect but if I may paraphrase Ronald Reagan it's not heaven but in the same zip code so that group conservative move says in the last couple years it's not.

Just Texas and Florida but South Carolina now as the top three states where they're seeing the company's clients buying homes NBC News covers hundreds of international stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our teams around the world have done it for you here's a look at what they're watching.

In a segment we call the global out of Iran the country's supreme leader and thousands of Iranians mourning the deaths of president rayi and other top officials at a big funeral in tran you remember rayi and the others were killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday it was ruled an accident at the funeral people chanted death to America and death to.

Israel out of the UK Kate Middleton's waiting for the green light from her doctors before she can get back to her royal duties according to a senior Buckingham Palace Aid the aid also says Princess Kate would like some space and privacy to get better after going through treatment for cancer and that of Mexico people there are giving monkeys.

Water and free fruit after more than a hundred of them fell out of trees and died during a very intense Heat Wave temperatures spiked here about 113° there's drought there's these forest fires hitting the area many monkeys were taken in for treatment and vets say the ones who survived are fortunately on the men still ahead.

Inside the wild west of million dooll deals for college football players why one star QB is suing a power conference coach in just the last hour or so we're hearing from the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs about those controversial comments by his kicker.

Harrison bucker remember bucker caught the country's attention with his commencement speech at a Catholic College where he talked about his in his words traditional views about women the lgbtq plus community and abortion with his head coach Andy Reid defending the right to make those comments we respect each other's um you.

Know opinions and not necessarily do we do we go by those but we you know we respect everybody to have a voice it's a great thing about America man Mora Barrett is joining us now interestingly we also heard from Patrick Mahomes of course the star quarterbacks kind of the face of the NFL at least one of them and he seemed to be putting a bit more.

Distance between himself and bucker Fair yeah hi and remember this is the first time we're hearing any reaction from Harrison Butter's teammates and that's after we saw a lot of reaction from fans and online and last week and a half since the commencement speech and Mahomes went on to point out that he's known bucker for about seven years now.

But in the locker room when they're all teammates there's a lot of differing values and they respect each other but they also he he recognizes that they have different opinions on this and so I wanted to hear some of what he responded to and asked about his reaction to butr penson spee today there's certain things that he.

Said that I I don't necessarily agree with but I understand the person that he is and he's trying to do whatever he can to to lead people in the right direction and that not might not be the same values as I have but at the same time I'm going to judge him by the the character that he shows every single day that's a great.

Person and so we heard from both momes and Reed expressing frustration about these uh off field distractions as they put it during the off season appearing to refer to the commencement address but also potentially wide receiver Rashid Rice's drama uh around those those charges he's facing on that six car collision in Dallas also those alleg.

That alleged nightclub assault and so there that's something that they say they need to work together towards as a team and learn from that but either way a lot of attention on the Kansas Kansas City Chiefs uh right now also important to point out we haven't seen any reaction yet from Butter's teammates girlfriend as he put it as we all know.

Her as Taylor Swift nothing from Travis Kelce as of yet either hie Mora Barett thank you very much appreciate it we are getting a never-before-seen look into the wild west of New Money Rules or the lack of them in college sports with a new lawsuit against the head football coach at the University of Florida from a quarterback who says he got screwed.

Out of millions of dollars we're talking about Jaden rashada according to court documents obtained by our team Rashad's lawyers say quote false and fraudulent Promises by the Florida head coach Billy Napier a former staffer and a big-time booster at UF made him change his college commitments so here's the deal Rashad says he had this 95 million deal.

Lined up in 2022 from boosters at the University of Miami that's a big rival to Florida but Rashad's lawyers say then he flipped to UF because the coach and booster dangled a deal worth nearly $14 million to put it in context the top quarterback in that year's NFL Draft Kenny picket had a nearly identical rookie deal this.

One's for a kid who was still in high school at the time rashada says Napier personally promised he'd get a million dollars the day he committed rashada says that never happened to be clear the University of Florida and its Athletic Association are not parties in this lawsuit NBC News has reached out to Napier for comment and has not heard.

Back work and chesky is all over this one for us here's the bottom line of it all right the idea that this whole thing is exposing what is a very big gray area in this new world of college sports like the school's coach is getting sued but the school's you know not really sort of a part of this how does this make sense uh Hy that is an incredibly good.

Question here and I think it all goes to show just how much of a gray area exists right now when it comes to Collegiate Athletics in this specific case you have the coach being sued but not the school because the parties that were trying to set up this nil deal were specifically separate from the University itself including coach Napier it's mentioned in.

That lawsuit also mentioning that booster uh who's a multi-millionaire funding a large portion of this payment and then a now defunct organization that works to kind of gather donor money to then funnel into these niil deals so that is why you kind of have this layer of Separation here seeing UF distancing themselves right now I do want to share.

With you a statement from uh the attorney for Jaden rashada rusty rusty Harden saying sadly unethical and illegal tactics like this are more and more common place in the wild west that is today's college football landscape as the first scholar athlete to take a stand against such egregious Behavior by adults who should know better Jaden.

Seeks to hold defendants accountable for their actions and to expose the unchecked abuse of power that they shamelessly wielded strong words there but this does go to show hie how much is evolving in real time here as they try to put some of these laws into place when they see the need here's what a sports law expert has to say about this.

Take a listen so there's this vacuum where athletes as recruits understandably want to maximize their market value but they're doing so in a world where the law isn't playing a big role and as a result there are misunderstandings there are maybe re promises multi-million doll.

Misunderstandings so where do things go from here remains to say uh the defendants staying relatively quiet right now hie but there is a lot of intricacies tucked within this lawsuit a kind of word of mouth promises that may not have been explicitly written down and it's going to be very interesting to see uh how much of this holds up in a.

Court of law seeing as that Jaden is the first one to do this hi he's good um obviously and people who know more about college football than I do will say that he is good but he is not necessarily like the biggest superstar in college football right now which makes you think okay well what about for those biggest of the big names right like what does.

This mean for them uh you know I think a lot of people are definitely going to be watching and waiting to see how this plays out and it could set a precedent for a formality in way in in how these nil deals are introduced and put in place of course everyone's trying to get those top athletes we do know that you know while.

He hasn't been necessarily name recognition as other college Superstars he is a strong quarterback in his own right and we know that Rashad was the toprated QB in the transfer portal he of course leaves Florida to go to Arizona State uh where over the last year he had you know 485 passing yards four TDS three interceptions there Hy but he was.

Injured H in the second game didn't come back toward WS the end of the season here so there's a lot of potential here that I think schools were betting on when they looked at rashada and that's why I think you saw that much money in play uh and that's why we're going to have so many eyes on this going forward as well totally it's super fascinating.

Morgan chesy thank you for breaking it down I appreciate it it's a wrap for this hour we've got more coverage picking up right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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