Hallie Jackson NOW – Feb. 5 | NBC Records NOW


Hallie Jackson NOW - Feb. 5 | NBC Records NOW

we're coming on the Air Tonight with a ferocious and deadly storm lashing Southern California cars swamped in mud from landslides look at this roads washed out nearly half a million people still do not have power with officials saying this Relentless downpour is about to get even more intense we'll have a.

Live report coming up in the show plus the stunning revelation from Buckingham Palace announcing King Charles has cancer and is going to step away from the public eye who's rushing to be by his side and some of the important details the palace is leaving out plus a mixed bag for Boeing tonight where some of their newest planes are really close.

To getting cleared to fly while another glitch means some 737s aren't leaving the factory anytime soon then why is Donald Trump already claiming victory in a state he's not even technically on the primary ballot for everything you ever wanted to know about Nevada caucus confusion in tonight's breakdown and a closer look at the grammy speech that.

Has everyone talking about the award Beyonce has never won that's a later on in the show hey there I'm hiy and tonight we start with that dangerous and deadly situation out west want to show this to you here massive mudslides in the Hollywood Hills in La look at this with storms in California just getting pummeled throughout the state this is.

Just one of dozens of mudslides you're seeing homes damaged people evacuating so much water I mean you can see how treacherous it is already falling trees have killed three people with Millions more still in danger in California and the risk is not even close to being over further north in San Jose you're going to see it here Rescuers in rafts to pull.

Out three people three dogs and nine puppies there they are after they were trapped in the flooding more than 30 million people are under flood watch hundreds of thousands without power police reporting dozens of road Rescue calls with cars trying to maneuver through the rain Santa Barbara Airport closed until until further notice.

Meteorologists say this area hasn't seen a storm this bad since 2010 schools are shutting down counties across the state issuing evacuation warnings in states of emergency for some of the spots most at risk of flash floods even Disneyland's closing its doors early today our team is all over this one Ellen Lopez is on the ground in Ventura California.

Meteorologist Bill Karens is standing by too Ellen let me go to you first something like a month of rain getting dumped on La in just a day what do you seeing what are you hearing yeah that's absolutely right hie and you can see here why we are in one of those counties under a state of emergency all of this debris came in.

Because we saw 7 to 11 ft waves rush in bringing all of this debris onto the beach here onto the shoreline and you know it's not over yet we saw a little break in the action but now we're back at it we're seeing rain picking up these bands of moisture that are coming in and you know what this is going to continue on throughout the night and into.

Tomorrow but one of the things I want you to take a listen to is one of those areas hardest hit you mentioned it earlier in the Hollywood Hills someone who experienced something they had never seen before we were just you pretty you know scared we came out we looked and and it was was just whole street was see these.

See these bricks over here those those big boulders they were like all the way up they were all the way across the street they've been cleared up since then so the street was just just a a mess and that mess is going to continue and they're expecting flash flood threats continuing throughout the night and you.

Know what H we're not going to see Sunshine here until Thursday this is something that Californians are not used to we know that reported right now two deaths at least two deaths that's in the northern part of the state and officials here are warning listen the worst of this is not over yet so stay alert and stay vigilant and stay off the roads if.

You can hly yeah no kidding nobody should be trying to drive through some of this stuff Ellen Lopez a dramatic scene there where you are in Ventura thank you Bill Karen let me bring you in now at the National Weather Service calling this a potentially historic bomb Cyclone what is that mean it's just a fast growing storm this one had the.

Intensity with winds 100 150 M hour in the mountains and of course we've seen the damage from all the rainfall and the problem now is that it's stalled off the California coast and the atmospheric River portion of it is stuck right over Los Angeles I mean this is you know as bad as the storm and many people will ever live through in Downtown LA so.

They've already picked up over 6 and 1/2 in since yesterday at midnight so we're looking at the possibility of heading now towards top 1 2 or three of the two rainiest days in La history which started keeping weather records 147 years ago so we to get to about 7 and A2 inches and we may get there this may end up being the wetest two days ever in La.

History uh recorded history and you can see here here's downtown LA this is more heavy rain streaming in this box to the north up here is a new flash flood warning so anyone driving the for 405 anyone heading up towards the Hollywood Hills uh vanise north of Malibu this is the problem Region 5 to 10 Ines has already fallen and now we're getting.

Downpours again it was a little break earlier today but now it's really picked up rainfall totals in addition to what we've already had could be another 1 to three Ines so this is really historic stuff in the LA area hie we're hoping that it's spread apart far enough that we can minimize the flooding concerns you know doing this in one day is a lot.

Better than doing it in you know doing it in two days excuse me is a lot better than doing it in one yeah that's right give that water a chance to recede a bit as we talk about the potential for historic weather in California there's also the potential on a separate issue here that we might actually be seeing Category 6 hurricanes because the.

Hurricanes have been getting so intense Coast to Coast that the weather servic is considering like naming them in a different way tell me about that okay so we have what we call the sapper Simpsons scale we've all heard you know category 1 2 3 four and five is the highest what this study did is there's flaws in this this only the Sapp for Simpsons scale we.

Only describe hurricane categories based on the wind has nothing to do with how much rain they produce nothing to do with the storm are just only wind and what they were saying in this study is that well we're getting ones that are well above you know Category 5 we should have a different level there's you know there's an unlimited bound and with.

Climate change and the storms getting stronger that their point was that we should do that now this is not something being yet considered by the National Hurricane Center H this is just a separate study that they said that and you know some scientists are and some already saying like myself Category 5 pretty much everything's going to be.

Destroyed so do we really need to say category six you know that's up for debate um it's not a perfect system and I think that's the biggest point of the study bill Karens thank you so much I know you're watching everything going on of course Coast to Coast throughout the night we'll check back in with you in just a little bit we got to get to some.

New reaction tonight to that news out of Buckingham Palace the King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer we don't know what kind or what stage it's in or when he's going to be back to his public duties after doctors said he should hold off on those for now President Biden late today says he will give King Charles a call but we already know the.

King has spoken with both of his sons about this diagnosis according to the palace with Prince Harry you see him on the left there after years of tension set to travel to the UK to see his dad at some point soon according to to a source close to both Harry and his wife Megan Markle I want to bring in Megan Fitzgerald who's outside Buckingham.

Palace a a surprise announcement here we knew there had been some health concerns for King Charles previously he was in the hospital now we're learning a little bit more about what those are with this cancer diagnosis but still so many questions about what this actually is it is apparently not prostate cancer he was treated for en large prostate just last.

Week but that's about all we know yeah H you're absolutely right I mean the details are really thin I mean what the palace is saying is that while King Charles was undergoing a treatment for a benign enlarged prostate about a week and a half ago another issue was detected after multiple tests it was in fact determined that the king has a form.

Of cancer as you mentioned what type of cancer uh the palace has not said but look we saw the king yesterday for the first time since leaving the hospital a week ago uh he was attending church service at sandream he seemed to be in good form he was walking and waving and and smiling at crowds that have gathered we do understand that he came back to.

London this morning where he uh started his cancer treatments there's a schedule of treatments um that are in place and doctors are encouraging him to postpone all of his public appearances until after the treatment is done when will that be again the palace is not said um but it's certainly something that we will be watching closely and what's.

Interesting here too as we talk about all the tension between King Charles and Prince Harry over the past couple of years is Harry apparently set to see his father soon after this cancer diagnosis do we know anything else on that end right yeah absolutely I mean look this is certainly been a deteriorating situation right since the docy series.

The Netflix docu series was released and then that was followed up by the book spare which spared no personal details about the royal family um it would have been since May Since the king's coronation that we saw Prince Harry um seeing his father seeing him in public here um and even then it was certainly an awkward um chilly reception he came.

In and then he left uh so you know tragedies um Unfortunate Events sometimes have the potential to bring families together so that's certainly something that we will be watching for uh as we suspect we will see um Prince Harry here visiting his father in the coming days hie what about Princess Kate because she is also postponing her royal.

Duties for a couple of months she she went in the hospital right around the same time we found out that King Charles did separate issue obviously she had some kind of abdominal surgery still a pretty rare moment here to have you know two of the highest profile people in the planet stepping back from some of those public duties for a.

Bit yeah you're absolutely right I mean and also when you take a look at the active royal family you don't have prince Andrew you don't have Prince Harry so it's not a deep bench here right so uh we know that a lot of the responsibilities will likely Fall on um Prince William along with Queen Camila Prince William taking care of Princess.

Kate as you mentioned she's recovering now from an abdominal surgery that was successful but she's not expected to return to her public duties until after Easter so that certainly gives the gravity of just how significant of a surgery that was so he's now meant to take care of his family take care of his wife and also pick up these duties so.

Yeah certainly an unprecedented situation that we're looking at here um as we are now looking at two active members of the royal family um that are dealing with health concerns Megan Fitzgerald live for us there outside Buckingham Palace uh a dramatic day of course there in the UK Megan thanks take it to Chile now in a horrific scene.

There with hundreds of people missing 122 people at least dead in the first of two days of national morning with deadly Wild fires ripping through the country whole neighborhoods now just piles of Ash look at that the Chilean President says people have to prepare for more bad news you've got a 100 active fires still burning even as we speak across.

Something like a 100,000 acres of land tonight there's a 9:00 curfew in place in some of the hardest hit spots Squad Vegas is joining us now how did these fires get so bad and what are they doing to try to get it under control h that curfew put in place by the president he declared a state of emergency also to make more resources.

Available so the temperatures are one of the contributing factors when you look at what caused this of course you look at what happens in places like California and it's very similar circumstances so most of the fires at least the worst fires are in Central Chile in this region of Balo there's a famous resort City B delar which has a.

Very famous music festival and Beach locations the communities in this area are the most affected now as of this weekend authorities say they had about 165 fires burning through out the country uh some of those have been contained others have already um already what's called in control but not contained and then some of those the.

Firefighters are still uh fighting now we've seen these images most of them coming from the B delar area when you hear the stories of the residents that survived that it is just incredible how they were able to get out let's hear from one of the survivors my sister forgot something her.

Wallet she had to get it out and so returned and my father stayed there she went back but the smoke there consumed him later he was intoxicated and could not breathe I think there were many bodies that died intact and this was the same case with other survivors who are returning to these homes as you can see in the images.

That have been left in ashes who are now recovering whatever they can save and also talking about the relatives that they've lost in these fires hie and no no idea how these fires started yet quad so here's what we know about the fires uh authorities say that they believe that the worst fires in these urban areas could have been caused.

By some individuals so there's already investigation in place they've also arrested some individuals but they are asking for more witnesses to come forward with information about those fires now when you look at the whole of Chile I mentioned 165 fires burning over the weekend there's a few different factors uh one is the high temperatures.

Chile was coming from a week of high high temperatures this is a heat wave affecting the entire southern part of America South America also because of the vegetation in those areas and of course the climate change we do have the alino climate pattern currently affecting that area hie guad Vega is covering all of it there for us in Chile.

Uh guad thank you so much back here at home some good news and some bad news tonight for Boeing with one set of their planes almost totally cleared to fly but another set having a sit in Boeing's factories for the foreseeable future all right all right so first things first let's start with the FAA saying today they're almost done inspecting nearly.

150 of Boeing's 737 Max 9 an announcement that comes a month to the day after that door plug in a Max 9 blew off that Alaska Airlines flight midair I know you remember that you're seeing some of that video the FAA says they've looked at nearly 94% of the aircraft they need to 133 of those planes before they fly again so okay almost done on.

That hand however there's also another headline for Boeing tonight revealing another potential issue with these 737 Mis drilled holes so improperly drilled holes on the fuselages of about 50 of their yet to be delivered planes Mis drilled holes sounds kind of scary sounds scary but tell me I'm you know I'm always going to give you the.

Straight scoop here uh unfortunately milled H holes happen from time to time and not that unusual I will tell you with this provider with Spirit Aeros systems they've had a lot of production problems over the years they've been uh cited and they've been sued over these production problems that said said this is significant and that it's another.

Black guy for Boeing and it really suggests that its entire supply chain continues to be a problem so uh we've been talking about what Boeing is doing to try to fix that the FAA today also outlined a number of steps it's going to double down on inspections double down on surveillance double down on audits inside not just boing but also this.

Company I mentioned Spirit Aeros systems trying to figure out what is the problem so that's the FAA talking about the various steps it's going to take to try to figure out how it can try to get a better handle on Boeing's problems make no mistake about it this is having a serious impact and tomorrow the FAA Chief will be on Capitol Hill uh he is.

Likely to come out with a pretty tough line against Boeing announcing these steps I told you about but in addition he's going to be on the hot seat where have the FAA inspectors been in these Boeing production plans for the last few years since the max 8 crashes killed 346 people but so talk about that the long longer term impact here to Boeing.

Because there were those two fatal crashes there was that door plug blowout just last month there's this sort of drip drip drip of news coming out about boing and some of its subcontractors here what's your sense from talking to folks in and around the company about where things go for them by the way and there's the timeline right we've talked.

About the the various crashes Lion Air Ethiopian air then we had the door plug in January listen I think uh they certainly they've used up a lot of Goodwill in the FAA uh they don't have the benefit of the doubt anymore and I think we're going to see even on Capitol Hill they don't have the benefit of the doubt take a look at what the Public.

Public Opinion PLL show on Boeing right now because before this this incident with the door plug back in December a public opinion showed about 32% trusted Boeing that's now dropped look at that and do Boeing stock price has taken a hit because of all of this drama uh over the course of the last six weeks the bottom line those numbers are not what B.

Wants to see Tom right whether they're talking about trust where they're talking about stock they don't want to see a down era they want to see an up era absolutely true that said this is a national security company it's responsible for a huge section of the United States GDP Boeing's not going out of business there's really only one.

Other competitor out there that's Airbus they're not going out of business and it's in the United States interest that they do well that's so interesting Tom Castell we're so glad to have you thank you lots of news on that front today appreciate it there's a committee in the house voting on whether to send articles of impeachment against the homeland.

Security secretary over to the Full House of Representatives and here's your spoiler this thing is expected to pass we can't call it till it does but that is the expectation that this whole impeachment issue moves to the floor later on this week that's happening even as there's also this different border battle Brewing on immigration here and.

It is really coming to a head with some Senate Republicans tonight rejecting some of the immigration reforms that Republicans have been calling for for years these four Senate Republicans already coming out against this brand new bill joining a ton of colleagues on the other side of the hill in the house including speaker Mike Johnson who.

Declared it essentially DOA even though there's a lot in this bill that Republicans have said is on their wish list total border shutdowns more money for new hires and deportation flights a stricter Asylum process however lot of trouble right now getting some real Republican momentum behind this thing perhaps a non-coincidental split screen.

Former president Trump keeps bashing this plan today calling it a I'm quoting here a highly sophisticated trap you see it there NBC sahul Kor is one of the members of our team following this on Capitol Hill Forest we've just learned in the last couple of minutes from our producing team on the hill there that Senate Republicans are set to sit down.

In the next hour right to talk about this whole thing is that a good sign for the fate of this immigration bill is that a bad sign for the fate of this border Bill we will find out hiy I think we'll see coming out of that meeting whether Senators end up saying well I'm not going to support this it's a bad Bill or.

Whether the tide turns right now at this moment it's certainly looking like an up pill climb for this bill to ultimately get the votes uh to pass the Senate where it will need 60 it's really quite dizzying to cover all of this hie because this is the most conservative border security and Asylum restrictions bill in decades this is you know as.

Recently as six months ago this would have been a dream come true for conservatives that President Biden would sign on to all these measures without any of the democratic priorities uh that they had wanted like legalization for dreamers docka Provisions that sort of thing uh let's take a look at what some Senate Republicans are saying about this.

The wh does not look great on the Republican side Senator Steve Dan the nrsc chairman says he can't support a bill that doesn't secure the Border he's a Noe Mike Lee says the deal is even worse than we thought no one who cares about our own border security should support it Josh Holly is a note Ted crw is Ted Cruz is a no we can count to 19.

Senate Republicans who have already come out against this bill that's getting close to half the Senate Republican conference uh Senator Chris Murphy the lead Democratic negotiator and Senator Langford made their case for the bill uh they spoke to our colleague Ryan Noble let's play what they said we did exactly what Republicans.

Asked of us and now those same Republicans are saying we've changed our mind this is the starting uh uh proposal and if people want to be able to make changes on it let's make changes on it but the worst case scenario is to do nothing and the Senate has expected to start voting on this Wednesday hie that's when it will need 60 votes to.

Move forward or it could stop right then and there sah hook capore live for us there on Capitol Hill sahul thank you so much lots to talk about lots to cover we'll check back in with you in the team tonight right as we were coming on the air here actually right before we walked into set jurors in Michigan wrapped up day one of deliberations in the.

Unprecedented trial of the mother of a convicted school shooter tomorrow morning they're going to be back to pick up where they left off we're talking about Jennifer Crumbley of course today in court as the judge read the jury instructions before those men and women went off to decide whether or not crumblyy deserves prison in time for.

What her son did the judge telling jurors that it isn't enough that crumb's actions made the deaths of four students possible but that they have to find that those students died because of the direct result of what she did not her son but her she's facing multiple involuntary manslaughter charges one for each of the four students her son killed.

Hana St Juliana Tate Meir Madison Baldwin Justin Schilling what's at staycare up to 15 years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines if she's found guilty her husband James Crumbley will be tried separately next month same charges Maggie vesa is joining us now so listen a significant step forward in this jury today in this case today.

Because the jurors now have it it is now in their hands they are done for the day they'll be back tomorrow morning and the judge made clear as we know a verdict has got to be unanimous talk us through what you see as sort of the biggest considerations on their plate at the moment yeah exactly hie so in Michigan this has to be a unanimous verdict on.

Any of the four counts or all of the four counts that could go one by one they could parcel these out but the legal language is same count to count right so it seems logical from a Layman standpoint that if it's guilty on one or not guilty on one it might apply to all one would think but remains to be seen the thing that's kind of been the.

Biggest point that we've been chewing on the jury actually asked a question about just a couple hours into the seven hours of deliberations today is what exactly the prosecution has to prove because in the uh jury instructions this morning the judge said hey the prosecution can go through one of two Avenues this is what we're talking about here the First.

Avenue is that Crumbley was grossly negligent in how she stored the weapon the gun that she and her husband had given their son and how they stor the ammo and that that allowed Ethan to get access to the gun leading up to the shooting and then kill four classmates that's Avenue number one or the jury could decide the prosecutors cleared the.

Bar for Avenue number two that she failed to perform what they call her legal Duty as a parent and exercise reasonable care this is according to Michigan uh State statutes and basically protect other people from being hurt by her child based on what she knew and that implies kind of his mental health uh concerns those red flags that we.

Heard about during the trial things like he had heard hallucinations and texted his mom or seen hallucinations in the house texted his mom about that he had written on that homework assignment a drawing of a gun and written the thoughts won't stop help me and things like blood everywhere so they say with all of these red flags she should have.

Had reasonable concern and protected other people from her child so the jury can find either one of those Avenues and say the prosecution cleared the bar on just one of two and here's the crazy thing prosecutors uh also the judge said didn't have to or I should say jurors don't have to agree on which Avenue prosecutors kind of successfully went.

Down they can have disagreements as to which bar the prosecution cleared but as long as all 12 think that either one of those has been cleared that's how we get to a guilty verdict in this case so jurors had a lot of questions about that and people at home are confused the jury was too for a little bit of time they also had questions about why Ethan.

Crumbley himself didn't testify in his mom's trial why he didn't for instance get on the stand and talk specifically how he got access to the gun that day how he got the key to get it out of the gun box but that is because the judges said he made it clear that he would plead the fifth if he took the stand therefore he was not called so again we.

Are at the end of day one of jury deliberations they will come back tomorrow the judge has said and then you talked about James crumley's trial that's set for next month where we could see a lot of this argued all over again hi Maggie vesa thank you so much coming up here on the show Canadian police finally announcing charges in a hockey.

Scandal that has rocked that country for years what we're just learning and what the NHL is doing about it plus why Jacob lordy is under investigation in Australia got to talk about this new update tonight in a scandal that is upending the hockey world and forcing the NHL and really all of Canada to face.

Questions about the sports culture that's because police in Ontario are finally announcing charges you see it here against five players related to an alleged 2018 sexual assault and apologizing to the victim on behalf of the London Police Service my sincerest apology to the victim to her.

Family for the amount of time that it has taken to reach this point you see the five players there the big name Flyers goalie Carter har each is charged with one count of sexual assault with Mike mlod facing a second charge the four who are still in the NHL are on leave all five say they're not.

Guilty in a scandal we have been following for more than a year on this show the Scandal that's led to Big Money settlements parliamentary hearings in Canada and a ton of criticism of the police chap Brewers all over this this one for us today and sha light on specifics in today's pressor but heavy on the idea that both hockey and this.

Particular Police Department are facing a lot of questions about why this moment took so long as now in the last hour We're hearing from the victim's lawyer tell us more yeah H You know despite it being a pretty extensive press conference that we saw earlier today there are still a lot of questions that many people have.

About how this case was handled the police chief you mentioned he did apologize but he couldn't apologize and couldn't detail why it took nearly 6 years to get to this point of charges now being filed and really the questions go toward the timeline that you have here that the police confirmed in the press conference earlier today you have.

In June of 2018 the allege assault immediately H or it happens and was immediately reported the police confirming that timeline then after about 8 months the case was closed police saying at the time there wasn't enough evidence essentially to move to the next uh of this process and then everything changed in 2022 after the.

Victim and she wants to be called the victim here rather than an accuser according to police after the victim filed that civil lawsuit against the number of players in organizations now while that lawsuit H was settled it sparked a lot of outrage and it also sparked a review of that original investigation that review was kicked off.

In July of 2022 and then last month you had all five of The Players uh surrendering so we are also hearing from the from the victim in this case through her attorney I wanted to put up a statement uh from what we're hearing from that side right now they say it takes an incredible amount of Courage for any Survivor of sexual assault to.

Report to the police and participate in the criminal justice system that is certainly true for em yet she remains committed to seeing this process through and hie before in the hours before that press conference that we watched earlier today we saw those who were accused of this sexual assault appear in court it was a short hearing just about 15.

Minutes but we can expect to see that in court in court again in late April I think one of the big questions here sha is the way that the NHL is handling this or is expected to handle this too because we've talked a lot on the show about the big picture issues that hockey faces broadly when it comes to addressing sexual assault this is.

Landing I mean this is huge news in Canada where the hockey culture is kind of like football culture here right so talk through the NHL talk through what we saw at the All-Star Game this weekend because there just hasn't been a huge commitment to trying to get ahead of this it sounds like the NHL wants to see how this all plays out.

Right Hal and you know the language that we heard from the commissioner was very strong he used words like abor he said uh it was reprehensible horrific unacceptable but then he said this right after listen here and so at this stage the most responsible and prudent thing for us to do is await the conclusion of the.

Judicial proceedings at which point we will respond as appropriate at the time the NHL did conduct its own investigation so we're not going to learn the results of the investigation or see any consequences from that investigation until these legal proceedings take place and they're not expected to move that quickly I.

Mentioned we're not going to see these uh those accused players uh or those accused um uh those accused of sexual assault in the courtroom again until April so it's going to be a slow process and you have the NHL essentially saying we're going to let that process play out before we really evaluate what we should do on our end sha Bruce we glad to have.

You covering this one for us thank you let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one the mayor of Dearborn in Michigan is ramping up security after a Wall Street Journal oped called the city I'm quoting here America's Jihad Capital he says that particular oped you see it there by Steven stalinsky has.

Created a rise in islamophobic rhetoric targeting the city which already has a really big Arab American population listen to what he said on MSNBC that piece was extremely inflammatory and upon it being published we received many of calls from Faith leaders across the community who no longer felt safe President Biden referencing Dearborn.

Online saying we need to condemn hate the Wall Street Journal did not reply to requests for comment number two you know Jacob Alli he is under investigation for allegedly assaulting a radio producer in Australia the producer says he went up to allori who's obviously a super famous actor they were at a pub went up to him and jokingly asked asked for his bath.

Water a reference if you've seen salt burn to a scene in that movie he says all Lordi told him to stop recording and then got in his face demanded he delete the footage touched his throat even Lord's team did not immediately reply to NBC's requests for comment number two the father of Chief sorack Patrick Mahomes has been arrested and charged.

With driving while intoxicated he was released on bond yesterday he also faced a DWI charge back in 2018 this of course is just 6 days before his son is set to play in the Super Bowl this weekend reps from a home his father have not responded to requests for comment number four a new study found the weight loss drug tepati can drastically lower blood.

Pressure um Monaro you see the box that's like its you know Market name if you will Zep bound that's another one researchers say that this particular drug really lowered the blood pressure of obese adults who took it for about 9 months but they say we need some more research to figure out stuff like the long-term impacts on the heart number.

Five the next World Cup final get ready MetLife Stadium in Jersey beat out Texas in California remember the 2026 World Cup spread across the continent mostly here in the US but also in Mexico and Canada for the final however get ready for bucolic East Rutherford that'll be a nice one for you there when we come back new information new details just into us.

Now Nikki Haley says she's asking for Secret Service protection we'll explain why and the impact of potential threats plus how the Coast Guard ended up saving a puppy stuck in a shipping container for days and the first Ivy League school reinstating SATs to get in after making them optional just a few years ago we'll explain the.

180 we got to get to some breaking news coming into us from the campaign Trail as our team is learning that Nikki Haley of course the Republican presidential candidate has asked for Secret Service detail as she goes about South Carolina and other parts of the country campaigning I want to get to Ali Vitali.

Who is covering the Haley campaign and has confirmed this news for us Ally from Spartanburg South Carolina what is behind this it seems like it's being motivated by threats that Haley says she's facing yeah look and Haley said this as recently as Friday hie saying that an increase in threats on the campaign.

Trail is sort of part of life on the trail these days as a politician so certainly not what you want to hear but you and I have done these presidential campaigns before there always comes a point with these candidates where they want to see a ramp up in security and where there's usually a request for Secret Service protection now I'm out to.

The Secret Service to confirm this with them and to ask for any more details that they might have but this is confirmed to me by the Nikki Haley campaign a spokesperson there confirming comments that Haley made earlier today to the Wall Street Journal where she cited that increase in threats as a reason why they've reached out to secret.

Service for Secret Service protection now we're standing here outside of one of her events in Spartenburg you and I both know it's pretty easy to identify Secret Service protection once it is in place I am not yet seeing signs of that here but of course that's something that we'll now keep an eye on as we head into really one of the next phases of this.

Race where there's only two candidates left on the Republican side of course a binary between the former president Donald Trump who already has Secret Service protection from his time in the White House to now Nicki Haley being the former un Ambassador former governor of this state and now asking for that secret service protection herself Callie.

And wasn't her house swatted at some point in the last couple of months Ally yes multiple times and that's something that we learned learned of course well after it had happened that was earlier this year right at the turn of the year around January 1st or 2nd but certainly we've seen the reporting around some of this when she talks about.

An increase in threats that's one of the things that we've heard but certainly at campaign events I can tell you she usually has her own law enforcement protection so many of these candidates already have that but of course this is an escalation in security Ali Vali live for us there on the campaign Trail in Spartanburg with that developing news.

For us tonight from the Haley campaign Ally thank you so much speaking of the Republican campaign Trail this week Republicans in Nevada are going to be making their pick in a presidential race that has dozens of delegates on the line and for the first time this year people have the chance to vote on two separate days in two.

Different processes only one of which actually counts yes it is messy it is mystifying GOP officials saying they've been inundated with thousands of phone calls from confused nevadan so how does it actually all work and why is former president Trump favored to win we explain in tonight's breakdown even before the election in.

Nevada a declaration of Victory from former president Trump I'm pleased to announce we just won Nevada he hasn't technically won Nevada not yet but he almost certainly will even though he's not even on the primary ballot sound confusing join the club doesn't make much sense to me I think our voting system frankly is a mess here's the deal.

In Nevada this year registered Republicans will have two election dayses and they can participate in both on Thursday a caucus like what we saw in Iowa people gathering in gyms and cafeterias but up first tomorrow a more traditional Primary people lining up to cast ballots ballots that do not include Donald Trump's name as you see here.

Because candidates cannot compete in both contests and this year only the caucuses count for NADA Republicans when it comes to delegates do the caucus not the primary the primary is meaningless so how did we get here in 2020 the Democratic side dealt with complaints of inconsistencies and Reporting problems in caucuses.

Especially in Iowa so the Dems who controlled Nevada at the time passed a law to move to a primary system instead Nevada Republicans wanted to stick with the caucuses and under the new law the state party can so they are partly because experts say caucuses favor former president Trump who has a more loyal base of supporters more likely to.

Show up he would certainly benefit more from the caucus system and so for a lot of people in the state it's also viewed as a way to boost his candidacy relative to the other Republicans do you think this was done to be able to help Donald Trump in Nevada oh I absolutely believe that's exactly why it was done former Clark County Republican chair Chuck Muth.

Worries this new process will turn off voters because of how messy it seems I've been warning how stupid this was and what a public relations disaster it was going to be and I hate to say that I told you so but I don't hate saying I told you so because I did tell them that this was going to happen and anybody could have looked at that and seen it.

Now confusion and conspiracies online one post accusing the establishment of shoving Nikki Haley down our throat another outraged and disgusted Mr Trump isn't on the primary ballot wash County Republican party some GOP County Chairs reporting thousands of phone calls from mad and mystified Republicans the phone is ringing off the.

Hook I got to have a short concise answer that not only answers their question but gives them the direction on how to succeed Nevada GOP chairman Michael McDonald telling the Associated Press this fall until we get voter ID and we get the mail-in ballot situation under control the only pure way to have this is through a caucus the state's.

Governor Joe Lombardo has endorsed Mr Trump saying for all practical purposes the race is over as for Nikki Haley she is not competing in the caucuses but her name is on the primary ballot talk to the people in Nevada they will tell you the caucuses have been sealed up bought and paid for for a long time and so that's why we got into the primary but.

We're going to focus on the states that are fair still keep in mind even if Haley were to win the primary tomorrow it would be a hollow victory since she would not get any delegates with 26 of them on the line that's no small Hall considering Mr Trump won 32 in New Hampshire and Iowa combined only Nevada's caucus winner can claim.

Nevada's delegates and move one step closer to the nomination Nevada will show up and we will deliver you 100% of delegates for the state of Nevada to Donald J Trump okay so we're watching this week there's one more twist to tell you about you know that primary tomorrow remember the primary not the caucus the winner.

Could end up being none of the above which is a ballot option that some Trump backers are pushing to deny Haley even a symbolic Victory we're going to have a complete coverage right here for you on NBC News Now of all of it NBC news also covers hundreds of other stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our.

Bureau teams have done it for you this is what they tell us is going down in their regions in a segment we call the local out of our Midwest Bureau police are looking into the murders of two women whose bodies were found close to each other in Indiana officers say they were killed in similar ways that they both lived in or had ties to the area we.

Don't know yet how they were killed or any formal indication of whether the murders were connected out of the Northeast Bureau Mike Santino aka the situation from the Jersey Shore shared this ring cam video of a pretty scary moment at home in New Jersey his 2-year-old son Romeo choking on pasta you can see him go over to his son Pat.

Him on the back eventually they got the pasta out he says they are now taking CPR lessons he's not going to be serving that kind of pasta anytime soon wants to share this to help raise awareness too out of our Southern Bureau group of coast guard inspectors look at this saving a puppy who was trapped in a shipping container for more than a week.

In Texas there's the pup they'd been doing some random inspections when they heard some barking they tracked down the dog found her she was tired and hungry but very happy to see her Rescuers they say officials think she was in a car in a junkyard when she got trapped she has since been named Connie the container dog Connie now recovering at an animal.

Shelter so let's take you to Dartmouth College today announced it's bringing back the SATs and the acts for new applicants that means Dartmouth is now becoming the very first Ivy League school to change their mind after they made those tests optional a few years back during the pandemic the school says it's basing the research or basing the.

Decision rather on some new research it has you might remember during covid right a lot of colleges including all the IVs they decided to drop requirements for standardized testing testing centers shut down obviously kids couldn't go and take the SAT or the acts but there was something else that played too this sort of long simmering concern.

And backlash against standardized testing even before the pandemic with some arguing that it affected lower income students negatively or students in underrepresented communities I want to bring in more Barett to talk more about this it's it's a it's a big deal and kind of a big flip here more because for years there had been this discussion.

Around whether standardized tests like the acts and the SATs were really the best way to try to create these communities of kids getting getting accept into college but now here's Dartmouth coming and saying wait a second we're bringing it back why I think questions are still going to circle about what's the best way to.

Assess how students get accepted into schools but Dartmouth is really leaning on This research that four of their Prof their professors did they dug into admissions data and they compared years from where testing uh was required to when testing was optional and they actually found that testing that standardized testing combined with high.

School grades where it was a better predictor of success for the student in their school and that's different than just the high school grades on their own or High School standing on its own and they also found that they were able to ID uh it was helpful in iding applicants who are the first in their family to go to college uh or lower middle inome.

Families and those from rural or urban areas now I love how graphs can break this down so seamlessly so I want you to take a look at this graph that's on your screen basically the research shows that you can see a linear relationship between the students SAT scores and their cumulative first year GPA at Dartmouth and so basically the higher.

Their SA score in high school the higher their GPA once they actually got to college and researchers didn't find what they're calling a strong predictive value for comparisons like this against just the GPA or that high school class rank on its own and if you look at this next chart uh it'll show actually how it benefits that diversity that we talked.

About basically uh this SAT scores show you can see that blue line is when applicants admitted uh their test scores and that red line on the left is when they excluded it and so you can see how it uh does it benefit those less Advantage applicants the research found and this was actually the same for first generation applicants as well and so we.

Know that there's a lot of stress a lot of emotion around who gets into what college how the test how you prepare for the testing how you prepare your applications but even though there's a lot of that stress that's constantly circulating around these questions of you know what makes it fair uh this is something that Dartmouth is really.

Leaning on in terms of having a promising what they call a diverse class especially up against that recent Supreme Court decision restrict affirmative action real quick uh Mora thank you so much I appreciate it appreciate you joining us here to talk through all of that so interesting and I think the quick question right is Will.

Other Ivy Leagues follow suit we will have to see Mora thank you coming up here on the show new details in a DC crime spree that led to the death of a former Trump Administration official why violent crime is going up where I'm sitting but going down in nearly every other big city in the.

Country we are learning more tonight about a former Trump Administration official who died this weekend after being shot during an apparently random carjacking spree we're talking about Mike Gil shot while he was sitting in his car waiting to pick up his wife right in the heart of downtown Washington when this attacker got into.

Gil's car shot him in the head violent attacks in DC are piling up and spilling into neighborhoods that typically haven't dealt with this kind of violence making some folks who have lived here for a while feel pretty unsafe there have been more and more calls for something to be done some kind of a solution here including from former.

President Trump who has promised to essentially occupy the capital with federal troops if he wins the election kend delanian is joining us now for former president we'll get to the politics in a second Ken as you are there for us now in Washington but let's get to the sort of facts of the matter here because violent crime is going down.

In a lot of cities across the country but not here in Washington why are we an outlier it depends on who you ask call but there are a few facts that are Beyond dispute one is that the police police department has a staffing crisis they are at the lowest number of police officers in decades despite offering $225,000 signing bonuses people do not.

Want to be a police officer in DC it's also true that police and DC solve violent crimes at a lower rate than in some other cities and then you have what critics including some police officers would say which is that there is a perception if not a reality that criminals are not hel held accountable in DC by DC judges they're set free um.

After being arrested for violent crimes and they're not receiving stiff sentences when convicted of violent crimes there may be other factors that work but the bottom line is that well as you said crime is down 10% or more violent crime in most major cities across the country it's up 39% over the last year in DC and a stunning 55% when.

It comes to Violent gun crime Ali it is also becoming as you well know Ken a flash point right crime in Washington on a national level here because yes here in Washington we are obviously the nation's capital there is an interest that somebody like a president or former president has in this city and you've got former president Trump pledging a.

Kind of federal takeover here yeah that's right this is such an easy issue for Donald Trump and the Republican party to capitalize on and as you said on Truth social he is uh broadcasting about uh his former uh Administration official Mike Gil saying that he's a highly respected member of the Trump Administration ruthlessly and.

Viciously shot in the head and he said the federal government must take over DC of course that's hyperbole hle that's not going to happen but what is true is that the Republicans are making hay about violent crime and the Democrats seem to be avoiding talking about it the other piece of this too that I think is stunning for folks in Washington just to.

Get a little local here Ken is where some of this crime is happening right and and I mean the Mike Gil was shot I think 10 blocks something like that from the White House I mean right in the heart of downtown Washington near the convention center if people know where that is where these law firms and lobbying firms are.

That is right and that is the sad reality when it's happening in poor communities it gets less attention when it spills into the downtowns of major cities and affluent communities that's when a lot of more people start to care about it and you're seeing that in Washington DC hlee yeah it is uh certainly an issue that I think people.

In Washington are looking at Kendall lanan thank you so much that does it for us for this hour but we have so much more ahead tomorrow because Gabby Douglas the Olympic gymnast is joining us and she's got an exclusive announcement are you dying to hear what it is so are we we'll see you tomorrow with Gabby right here on NBC news now.

We've got more coverage picking up right now we are coming on the Air Tonight with a ferocious and deadly storm lashing Southern California cars swamped in muds from landslides look at that totally washed out roads nearly half a million people without power with officials saying the Relentless downpour is about to get even more intense we'll.

Take you live to where it's happening then that stunning Revelation from Buckingham Palace King Charles has cancer set to step away from the public eye we'll tell you who's rushing to be by his side and some of the important details the palace is leaving out plus we take you inside the US hunt for houthi weapons in an exclusive on board.

A key Navy ship in the middle of the Red Sea with both the US and militant group saying they are not backing down and the mixed bag for Boeing tonight why some of their newest planes are really close to getting cleared to fly while another glitch means some 737s aren't leaving the factory anytime soon then the brand new update and apology in a yearslong.

Sex assault Scandal rocking the hockey world we're breaking it down a little bit later on in the show hey there I'm H and tonight we start with that dangerous and deadly situation out west massive mudslides one example in the Hollywood Hills in La we're about to show you with storms in California pummeling the state look at this this is what it is like so.

Much water in some places it is just ripping land down these Hills damaging homes people have to evacuate already we're seeing falling trees that have killed at least three people Millions more still in danger in California and the risk I mean look at that you can see the scale of some of the destruction here the risk is not even close to being.

Over further north in San Jose watch this Rescuers are using a raft to pull out three people three dogs and nine puppies after they were trapped in this flooding 30 million people under flood watch hundreds of thousands don't have power police reporting dozens of road Rescue calls people are trying to maneuver through the rain don't do that.

Right don't drive through uh deep water like that that can be very dangerous the airport in Santa Barbara is shutting down till further notice meteorologists say this area has not seen a storm this bad since 2010 schools are shutting down counties across the state issuing evacuation warnings there are states of emergency for some of the spots most at.

Risk of flash floods even Disneyland is closing its doors early today I want to bring in s Brock live for us on the ground in Napa give us a sense of what it's looking like where you are because this storm could potentially be historic dumping so much rain in such a short amount of time on this state yeah it's really split in the.

Sense that you have mud slides and all that flood water you were describing in Southern California the risk here in Northern California had been the wind event and I will say this there have been three confirmed fatalities so far from the storm all three of them have been giant trees that have been uprooted and Fallen onto homes or onto human.

Beings on top of cars that's what we're seeing here it happened in Santa Cruz County SU County which is where Yuba city is a little bit farther Inland look behind me right now and I'm not talking about trees like this size I mean trees like this size this is a Douglas fur tree okay the width of this trunk hie is double me take a couple steps with me.

For a second so we can really understand the breath I mean look at the size of this the people that live in this home where this fell over at 2:30 in the morning are an older couple in their 80s hie we're talking about Ron and Linda Ray they were here early hours it actually ended up in their living room you can see a p piece of the branch that.

Punctured the living room the wall itself they were a couple of rooms behind on the same floor so luckily they weren't directly exposed to it but they're just lucky to be alive right now and if you want to talk about height this isn't just the only tree of this size on their property okay there are redwoods were in California the average.

Redwood is about 200 to 240 ft tall two on the side they have another couple cluster of redwoods on the other side of the house weren't sure if they were going to come down this is not even the only house today that I've been to where I've seen split the physical house I spoke with a man by the name of Derek Bowerman.

Another part of Napa today he was in the house with his four children they were in one part in a bedroom on the second floor of the of the property he was in the living room and all of a sudden this giant redwood tree comes crashing through at 5:00 a.m. take a listen I was on the couch about 6t away from where it fell and I was asleep and.

Uh 5:00 a.m. you were in that room I was in that room right there first of all why were you asleep on the couch in that room we got four kids Saturday night and they're all okay they're all fine it the branches had hit their window but didn't penetrate through so he's counting his lucky stars also we're talking about cars and close.

Calls I interviewed a man named Shannon today who showed me his car this is a pickup truck the the tree came down as he was getting out onto the street so remove tree branches to just drive by his wife was in the passenger seat she was fine but you'll see as you open up the dri's side there's this giant chunk of tree that came through the roof of.

The car and compressed the compressed the roof down would have split where his head would have been except he wasn't in the car at the time these are the close calls that we're seeing all over just this one town in northern California hle close calls again and again and while it looks anywh you are Sam it is a very different picture further south and the.

Danger obviously uh still very much there Sam thank you so much appreciate you being with us got to take you overseas now with some new reaction tonight to that news out of Buckingham in Palace that King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer we don't know what kind or what stage or when he's going to be back to his public duties after.

Doctors said he should hold off on those for now President Biden said he's going to give the king a call but we already know the King has spoken with both of his sons about the diagnosis per the palace with Prince Harry you see him on the left there after years of tension set to travel to the UK to see his dad at some point soon according to a source.

Close to Harry and his wife Megan Markle I want to bring in Megan Fitzgerald who's live for outside Buckingham Palace we still don't know a lot about this right but there was a question because he was treated for an enlarged prostate just last week there was a question of could this be prostate cancer for King Charles the palace says no that is not.

The case but that's about it right I mean G tell us what other and I know the details are spare but what else we can kind of glean from some of this yeah H you're absolutely right I mean the details are thin here but what we are learning from the palace what they have confirmed is that when King Charles went in for that procedure for.

An enlarged prostate about a week and a half ago uh they found another issue and then after multiple tests it was in fact confirmed that the king does have a form of cancer but look you know we saw him yesterday for the first time since being released from the hospital a week ago and he seemed in good form he was at sandream he was walking uh to and from.

The church service he was waving smiling at at people um and then of course he returned today to begin his treatments for cancer um what kind of cancer we don't know doctors are encouraging him to postpone all of his um engagements until after treatment is done when will that treatment be done again uh these are the details that the.

Palace have not yet confirmed um but they do say that the king is in treatment and is dealing with some form of cancer hie what does it mean from a practical standpoint to see the king step back on some of his responsibilities in the UK what does that mean sort of practically for people there.

You know it's a good question uh we're looking at so to speak a thin bench here right you know prince Andrew Prince Harry they're no longer active working Royals right so a lot of the responsibility likely going to have to fall on the shoulders of Prince William and queen Camila Prince William as you know is taking care of his wife who just.

Recover is recovering from um planned abdominal surgery but it was a pretty significant deal because she's not going to be able to resume her duties until likely after Easter so he's busy tackling that a lot of the responsibility will be shared between him and queen Camila and keep in mind hie we're talking about King Charles.

With a very packed schedule uh so there's a lot of Engagement that he has on his agenda I just have to say Megan too the prospect of Prince Harry coming back to see his father I mean after the candidly the bad blood that he's written about Harry has for years now um that that is I think another piece of this that has people kind of reacting in this.

Moment to what's happening absolutely I mean we have seen what is likely this deteriorating situation since that Netflix docu series was released then of course it was the bombshell book that Harry released the tell all book uh the last time he saw his father was in May for his coronation that was a chilly reception he came in.

He flew right back out but you know tragedy uh you know terrible encounters things that happen in people's lives certainly a health scare has a potential of bringing families together so that's certainly something that we'll be watching for hie Megan fitzgeral with a late night Force there at Buckingham Palace all of this news of course coming.

Out late today Megan thank you let's bring you back here to Washington and a split screen right now over at the capital just blocks from where I'm sitting on the one side you've got the house rules committee so a specific house committee voting right now on whether to send articles of impeachment to the Full House against the person you.

See here the homeland security secretary that's probably going to pass the committee that means it's going to go to a full vote later on this week fine watching that other side of the capital Senate side of the capital you've got a divided Senate Republican caucus looking at this border bill this huge deal bill that's come out that negotiators have.

Been working on for months now with Republicans specifically divided on a deal that a lot of them have been saying for years that they'd like to see you've got four Senate Republicans at least coming out joining a bunch of colleagues in the house to oppose this bill you see those Senators there what's in the bill things Republicans had had on their wish.

List previously total border shutdowns more money for new hires and deportation flights a stricter Asylum process so what's behind this why are Republicans backing away from it well there's a question of politics here at least from former president Donald Trump he keeps bashing this plan today calling it a highly sophisticated trap in his words I.

Want to bring in NBC's ryyan Nobles who is joining us now as we speak Ryan I think that Senate Republicans are either getting ready to or are huddling behind closed doors to talk about this and let me just lay this out for people who aren't following this the way that you are or that I am negotiations have been going on for months right immigration is.

Always a thorny issue for any Congress we've seen that over the course of the last 20 30 years if you will negotiations have been happening there's finally now a bill to be looked at and it's getting a thumbs down from a lot of folks on the Republican side in the house and some in the Senate is it DOA it doesn't look good right now to be.

Honest with you hie and and many of those Republicans are emerging from that meeting and uh the list is growing of Republicans that are opposed to this measure incl they're coming out of the meeting that started 10 minutes ago well they're coming in and out of the meeting as they go you know you know how these meetings work yeah but some of the but.

Some of these people that we're hearing from uh that are either coming going into or coming out of that meeting are telling our reporters that are stationed around it that they're no the list is growing some suggesting uh that the this measure should be delay a vote that's scheduled for as early as Wednesday and so if you just look at the list that we.

Know our hard knows you've got folks like uh Steve Danes who's of course in leadership in charge of The Campaign Committee he said I can't support a bill that doesn't secure the Border I'm a no Mike Lee the Border deal is even worse than we thought Josh Holly says that the Border deal is a huge middle finger to the working people Ted Cruz says that.

They shouldn't just vote no but hell no the reason that we're showing you this is that it's not that they're just opposed to it but they're very very vocally and hardcore opposed to it now it's important to point out hie we don't expect most Republicans to vote this that they don't necessarily need most Republicans to vote for it in the Senate.

But they do need at least 10 and there's also the possibility that they're going to lose Democrats so they probably need even more than 10 in order to get this over the Finish Line I talked to both of the key negotiators in this Senator James Langford of Oklahoma senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut this is what they told me about why this measure should.

Pass we did exactly what Republicans asked of us and now those same Republicans are saying we've changed our mind this is the starting uh uh proposal and if people want to be able to make changes on it let's make changes on it but a worst case scenario is to do nothing and what I found interesting in my conversations with both these men is.

That they're trying to convince their colleagues to look at the substance of this but I I fear we might be past that already hie this has just gotten into the water as a political issue and once there becomes a political issue it's hard to try and spool things back into the real if you will okay what you just said is so interesting to me Ryan right.

Because there would be a practical impact from a piece of legislation like this as we have been covering with our reporters on the ground in Texas are reporters on the ground along the border now for months what's happening there right in this humanitarian crisis that that is happening you also now have in an election year as you point out the.

Spectre of politics coming into this because I think some folks might be looking at this going wait a second this is like the dog catch in the car right Republicans have been trying to chase some of these pieces in this bill for a long time but now uh it is not something that they seem to be able to get behind yeah the simple fact is nothing's going.

To happen and the crisis is going to get worse uh and that has got to be a frustrating thing for people that actually care about fixing the issue at the border but there's also the other National Security components involved here you've got funding for Ukraine to the tune of $60 billion funding for Israel funding for the indopacific all.

That right now off the table if they can't get this measure through Ryan nobl live for us there on Capitol Hill always good to have you friend thanks for uh running around today getting all that sound appreciate it let's get you some rare exclusive reporting now that NBC News is getting on us operations in the Red Sea in the Middle East our own.

Courtney QB embedding with the Navy on the USS Eisenhower as the US is launching retaliatory strikes against houie Rebels those Rebels pledging to hit back any minute saying they're going to keep up their attacks until Israel stops fighting in Gaza the US making Promises of its own saying America will only keep pushing forward with its own.

Military campaign I want to bring in Courtney cuby who I believe is is joining us now live from Bahrain Courtney it's incredible exclusive reporting take us inside what you are seeing and how it connects to the bigger picture in the region so the mission that we went out to cover is really to defend against the.

Houthi rebels in Yemen there the Iranian back group that have been firing missiles drones even unmanned surface vessels or sea drones they've been firing them into the Red Sea in the Gulf of Aiden for weeks now and while most of the projectiles they fire off are not successful they Splash in the wall or they're shot down several have gotten.

Through and have seriously damaged some ships so this is a it's a coalition effort to defend these Waters but what we've been really focused on the last several days is what the US has been doing either unilaterally or in some cases with their British counterparts and that's to send uh to conduct air strikes uh both for man aircraft and.

Then also to strike into Yemen from the sea with tomahawk missiles we we were looking at how exactly that happens and we got very rare exclusive access on board the USS Eisenhower it's an aircraft carrier where all of those Jets and surveillance planes are taking off to fly these missions into Yemen in addition to that hi we got onto the USS.

Mason it's a destroyer also in the area they're one of the ones who've been firing off tomahawk missiles so again this whole mission here is to try to stop the houthis from continuing to threaten the Commerce and military ships actually in the Red Sea Courtney um is there anything that you've seen in the course of your.

Reporting there because you've been on the ground I know working at has surprised you anything that you didn't expect to see as you are now getting some of this incredible access to what's happening with these military operations yeah I was really surprised by the VA the number of aircraft that took out took off to carry out that.

Attack on uh Saturday night there were more than two dozen US military aircraft for this and you know I I kept trying to get a sense of why that was you know they they struck a lot of targets more than three dozen targets at 13 different locations so when you think about it that way they really had to spread out off a across a large geographic area of.

Yemen but to see all those aircraft taking off one after the other after the other it's not the first time I've seen carrier flight Ops frankly not even on the Eisenhower but to see just the volume that they sent out for this the other night and and also the it was a good insight into how the process works and happens here so I think a lot of.

Viewers may think of strikes that happen it's oh they they the US sees something and they go in and take a strike well that's a dynamic strike that happens but in the cases of what we had uh we saw on Sat Saturday night that's considered a pre-planned Mission so it goes all the way up to the White House for the approval makes its way down and then the.

Men and women who we spent the last several days with they're the ones who do the final level of planning and then ultimately execute that mission Courtney QB we're so glad to have you there uh our thanks to you to your team for stay up so late for us there live in Bahrain thanks Court we got to get to some breaking news back here at home because.

We are learning several people are missing after an avalanche at a ski resort in Nevada it's Northwest of Las Vegas Police are confirming this in just the last couple of minutes they say search and rescue is en rot the conditions obviously very hazardous this of course is coming on the heels of that Avalanche we saw last month in.

California near Lake Tahoe turned out to be deadly one person was killed I want to bring in Bill Kens who is tracking this for us what's happening with this particular area of Nevada has it been just a ton of snow bill is it that the temperatures are so Divergent what's up it's the atmospheric river that hit California that is going right over the.

Top of where Lee Canyon's located here um they had 17 in of snow reported yesterday I haven't seen their snow report from the heavy snow that's coming down today from social media posts from skiers and snowboarders they said it was you know coming down hard uh there's cars off the roads on the way to them out in and out the the actual Resort so.

Um here's Mount Charleston and Lee Canyon is located right about where my finger is here it's tall I mean there the peak is at 11,000 ft the base is about 8,000 ft it's plenty high enough that this is all snow that we're seeing here coming down um here is Las Vegas by the way it takes about 45 minutes to about an hour to do the drive heading up.

To here uh to the ski resort and one other thing to note hie I was just looking at it this Resort actually closed three weeks ago from an avalanche when a Backcountry skier died um so this would is their second significant Avalanche in about 3 weeks uh there were no Avalanche warnings that were out but obviously with the atmospheric River in.

The heavy snow predicted there are winterstorm warnings uh was well known how hard it was going to snow we don't know if it was an avalanche in the back country or on the resort at this point we don't know if the people missing have beacons on them which is what is common when you have back countries here you're supposed to have these emergency warning.

Beacons in case you do get caught in avalanche they can help find you uh the other issue is now local time it is 320 in Las Vegas and the sun sets in about an hour and 45 minutes um you can imagine that they're rushing and try to do this as quickly as they can in the middle of a big snowstorm that's not showing any signs of ending as we go.

Throughout the night tonight so extremely difficult conditions are only going to get worse in about 2 hours from now when the Sun goes down very scary very dangerous Bill Kens please keep tracking that I know we'll be checking back in with you as we get any news or any updates appreciate it take you down to Chile now with a horrific scene there.

Hundreds of people missing 122 people killed in deadly wildfires that have been ripping through the country today the first of two days of national morning in the country after how bad this has been you see it here whole neighborhoods just piles of ass look at that car burned out one of so many the Chilean President says people have to.

Prepare they have to brace themselves for more bad news that's because 100 fires almost are still actively burning across something like 100,000 acres of land there's a curfew that goes into place tonight 9:00 in cha in some of the hardest hit spots guad Vegas is joining us now tell us what we need to know about the push to get them under control.

How they spread so quickly and what we think caused them uh hie well we we do have some good news when it comes to the weather so one of the reasons why these fires spread so fast according to authorities where the winds we also had high temperatures last week record high temperatures in Chile all of that is changing so the forecast now indicates.

That they will have uh less wind and also it won't be as hot as it's been so we we had that number shared by authorities of about 165 fires over the weekend they are also now informing that the worst fires uh have either been controlled or they've they're not burning any longer so we're seeing a map of the most affected areas this is.

Central Chile the area the region of valaro VI Del Mar is is the most well-known City this is a resort City where a lot of communities were burned to the ground we can see these images of the surroundings of viya Delmar a lot of the people that are speaking about what it's like or what it was like for them to escape the Flames are now also.

Talking about relatives that they lost in the fires let's hear from one of them my sister forgot something her wallet she had to get it out and so returned and my father stayed there she went back but the smoke there consumed him later he was intoxicated and could not breathe I think there were many bodies that died.

Intact and hi we're also seeing images coming from some of the firefighters that have been fighting these fires a lot of them are volunteers there was a video from a group of volunteers who were driving through the National botanical garden and as they were driving they were scared because they didn't know of the vehicle was going to.

Be safe in those Flames hi and they saw people outside of their vehicle that they then had to rescue more than 90% of that National botanical garden uh did burn in these fires incredible images being shared by these firefighters guad Vegas thank you very much for that reporting we're standing on top of this story for sure back here at home some.

Good good news and some bad news tonight for Boeing with one set of their planes almost totally cleared to fly but another set going to have to sit in Boeing's factories for the foreseeable future all right so first things first right the FAA says they're almost done inspecting nearly 150 of Boeing's 737 Max 9 an announcement that comes a month.

To the day after that door plug blew off that Alaska Airlines flight in midair the FAA says they've looked at most of the planes 94% of them so far that they need to inspect before they fly again okay fine there's that but there also another headline for Boeing tonight revealing another possible issue with its 737s MISD drilled holes or holes.

That were drilled improperly on the fuselages of about 50 of their yet to be delivered planes NBC's Tom Castello is joining us now miss drilled holes sounds kind of scary sounds scary but tell me I'm you know I'm always going to give you the straight scoop here uh unfortunately Mis drilled holes happen from time to time and not that unusual I.

Will tell you with this provider with spirit arol systems they've had a lot of production problems over the years they've been uh cited and they've been sued over these production problems that said this is significant in that it's another black eye for Boeing and it really suggests that its entire supply chain continues to be a problem so uh.

We've been talking about what Boeing is doing to try to fix that the FAA today also outlined a number of steps it's going to double down on inspections double down on surveillance double down on audits inside not just Boeing but also this company I mentioned Spirit AOS systems trying to figure out what is the problem so that's the FAA talking about.

The various steps it's going to take to try to figure out how it can try to get a better handle on Boeing's problems make no mistake about it this is having a serious impact and tomorrow the FAA Chief will be on Capitol Hill uh he is likely to come out with a pretty tough line against Boeing announcing these steps I told you about but in addition.

He's going to be on the hot seat where have the FAA inspectors been in these Boeing production plants for the last few years since the max 8 crashes killed 346 people but so talk about that the longer term impact here to Boeing because there were those two fatal crashes there was that door plug blowout just last month there's this sort of.

Drip drip drip of news coming out about Boeing and some of it subcontractors here what's your sense from talking to folks in and around the company about where things go for them by the way and there's the timeline right we've talked about the the various crashes Lion Air Ethiopian a then we had the door plug in January listen I think uh they certainly.

They've used up a lot of Goodwill in the FAA uh they don't have the benefit of the doubt anymore and I think we're going to see even on Capitol Hill they don't have the benefit of the doubt take a look at what the Public Public Opinion PLL show on Boeing right now because before this this incident with the door plug back in December a public opinion.

Showed about 32% trusted Boeing that's now dropped look at that and Boeing stock price has taken a hit because of all of this drama uh over the course of the last weeks the bottom line those numbers are not what B wants to see Tom right whether they're talking about trust where they're talking about stock they don't want to see a down era they.

Want to see an up era absolutely true that said this is a national security company it's responsible for a huge section of the United States GDP Boeing's not going out of business there's really only one other competitor out there that's Airbus they're not going out of business and it's in the United States interest that they do well.

That's so interesting Tom Castell we're so glad to have you thank you lots of news on that front today appreciate it lots more coming up here on the show including an act in India getting a ton of backlash after faking her own death why she says she did it for the public good plus the NBA says it'll play on glass for the first time we'll.

explain a new update for you tonight in a scandal that has truly upended the hockey world and that's forcing the NHL and really all of Canada to face questions about the sports culture you've got police in Ontario finally announcing charges against five players related to an alleged 2018 sexual.

Assault and their apologizing to the victim on behalf of the London Police Service my sincerest apology to the victim to her family for the amount of time that it has taken to reach this point you see the five players there the big name Carter Hart the Flyers goalie each of these players is charged with.

One count of sex assault Mike McLoud facing a second charge all five say they're not guilty the four players here who are still in the NHL are on leave and just in the last hour the victim reacting to today's news through her attorney saying it takes an incredible amount of Courage for any Survivor of sex assault to report to the police and.

Participate in the criminal justice system system going on to say that is certainly true for her sha Brewster is covering this one for us we've been following the Scandal on this show for more than a year now it has led to Big Money settlements it's led to parliamentary hearings in Canada it's led to a lot of criticism on the police.

End of it here and of Hockey Canada too we're hearing from some of these entities in just the last little bit talk us through it yeah that's exactly right hiy Hockey Canada releasing a statement first saying that they fully cooperated with this entire investigation and saying that they promise to continue that cooperation as.

This case moves forward the CEO of Hockey Canada releasing a statement that you see on screen right now saying that it recognizes that in the past we have been too slow to act and that they are working urgently to put in place necessary measures to regain the trust of Canadians that's me paraphrasing a little bit but let's take a step back.

Here and police confirmed this in the uh press conference today it was a lawsuit filed against Hockey Canada and other organizations that really led to the charges that we saw here today if you look at the Timeline that police confirmed today the alleged assault happened in J in June of 2018 they say that it was immediately reported an.

Investigation was opened up but then closed about eight months after that but in May of 2020 that's when everything changed because Hockey Canada settled a lawsuit out of court and news of that settlement caused outrage and also caused the London Police Department to go back and review the initial case and that led to charges being filed we saw.

The players appear in court earlier today but hie at that press conference the lead detective said that it was really the outrage from that initial news of settlement that led to new tips new Witnesses and new evidence in the case and that's despite the police chief and Lead detective not detailing what those measures were the NHL commissioner.

Was asked a lot about this at the All-Star Game this weekend Gary bman I want to play a little bit of that and so at this stage the most responsible and prudent thing for us to do is await the conclusion of the judicial proceedings at which point we will respond as appropriate at the time any more detail about why he's taken.

That approach Shaq yeah it goes back to the idea that the National Hockey League has done its own kind of external investigation they hired a firm essentially to go and do their investigation we know it was a 12mon long investigation they say that they interviewed all of the members of that 2018 junior hockey team uh they did.

Not interview the victim they say that they were ready to present the findings of that investigation to the Players Association but because of these charges being filed and we got win that these charges were being filed late last month when that happened they said that they're going to now put a pause on it they're going to let that process play.

Out and then they will release the findings of their internal investigation by the way Al it's not just the NHL you also have Hockey Canada completing their own investigation they too because of an appeal are holding on to the results of those investigations especially with this new case now check Brewster there's a lot going on appreciate you walking us.

Through it all let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one snap today which owns Snapchat says it's laying off something like 500 people or 10% of its Workforce snap says it's trying to make can tackle its top priorities and keep growing this is on the heels of other layoffs at places like Amazon Google and.

Microsoft with some of those tech companies getting hit number two LA Police have arrested a suspect in this dog napping we told you about remember this somebody drove off with a dog a little Frenchy a couple weeks ago the owner jumps on the hood of the car to try to save her pup that's what happened turns out uh that person who took the.

Dog has been arrested but it is not clear whether that little Frenchie pup has been found number three the NBA is set to play on glass for the first time ever at some of its All-Star events coming up in a couple weeks it's an LED Court that'll display things like stats and replays and even some animations to track players apparently it feels a lot.

Like playing on wood just in case the actual All-Star game itself will be still played on a wooden court number four a new study looking at sea sponges suggests the world has warmed up more than we thought over the last 300 years why SE sponges well apparently they're kind of like the tree rings or ice course they can show us how the.

Environment changes over time researchers say industrialization before 1900 had a big bigger impact than we knew that's true means we have less time they say to turn things around when it comes to climate change still some scientists are skeptical they say we can't take away all of that from a sea sponge number five Gap is bringing in.

Really high-profile fashion designer Zach Posen as its creative director Company's trying to turn things around after years of struggling sales this is one of the first big moves from gap's new CEO who called Zach Posen a great fit and we come back some developing news tonight on Nikki Haley why the Republican presidential candidate is.

Asking for Secret Service Protection Plus a messy situation in Hong Kong what has some soccer fans there so upset some developing news now from the campaign Trail as our team is learning that Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is asking for Secret Service protection we're asking for comment now.

From the Secret Service but I want to bring and Ali Vitali who's joining us now what is behind this it seems like it's being motivated by threats that Haley says she's facing yeah look and Haley said this as recently as Friday Hy saying that an increase in threats on the campaign Trail is sort of part of life on the.

Trail these days as a politician so certainly not what you want to hear but you and I have done these presidential campaigns before there always comes a point with these candidates where they want to see a ramp up in security and where there's usually a request for Secret Service prot protection now I'm out to the Secret Service to confirm.

This with them and to ask for any more details that they might have but this is confirmed to me by the Nikki Haley campaign a spokesperson there confirming comments that Haley made earlier today to the Wall Street Journal where she cited that increase in threats as a reason why they've reached out to secret service for Secret Service protection.

Now we're standing here outside of one of her events in Spartanburg you and I both know it's pretty easy to identify Secret Service protection once it is in place I am not yet seeing signs of that here but of course that's something that will now keep an eye on as we head into really one of the next phases of this race where there's only two candidates.

Left on the Republican side of course a binary between the former president Donald Trump who already had Secret Service protection from his time in the White House to now Nikki Haley being the former un Ambassador former governor of this state and now asking for that secret service protection herself hi and wasn't her house swatted at some point.

In the last couple of months Ally yes multiple times and that's something that we learned of course well after it had happened that was ear at the the January or but certainly we've seen the rep around of this when an increase in threats that's one of the things that we've heard but certainly at campaign events I can tell you she.

Usually has her own law enforcement protection so many of these candidates already have that but of course this is an escalation in security Ali Vali live for us there on the campaign Trail in Spartanburg with that developing news for us tonight from the Haley campaign Ally thank you so much speaking of the Republican campaign.

Trail this week Republicans in Nevada are going to be making their pick in a presidential race that has dozens of delegates on the line and for the first time this year people have the chance to vote on two separate days in two different processes only one of which actually counts yes it is messy it is mystifying GOP officials saying they've.

Been inundated with thousands of phone calls from confused nevadans so how does it actually all work and why is former president Trump favored to win we explain in tonight's breakdown even before the election in Nevada a declaration of Victory from former president Trump I'm pleased to announce we just won Nevada he hasn't.

Technically won Nevada not yet but he almost certainly will even though he's not even on the primary ballot sound confusing join the club doesn't make much sense to me I think our voting system frankly is a mess here's the deal in Nevada this year registered Republicans will have two election days and they can participate in both on.

Thursday a caucus like what we saw in Iowa people gathering in gyms and cafeterias but up first tomorrow a more traditional Primary people lining up to cast ballots ballots that do not include Donald Trump's name as you see here because candidates cannot compete in both contests and this year only the caucuses count for Nevada Republicans.

When it comes to delegates do the caucus not the primary the primary is meaningless so how did we get here in 2020 the Democratic side dealt with complaints of inconsistencies and Reporting problems in caucuses especially in Iowa so the Dems who controlled Nevada at the time passed a law to move to a primary system instead.

Nevada Republicans wanted to stick with the caucuses and under the new law the state party can so they are partly because experts say caucuses favor former president Trump who has a more loyal base of supporters more likely to show up he would certainly benefit more from the caucus system and so for a lot of people in the state it's also viewed.

As a way to boost his candidacy relative to the other Republicans do you think this was done to be able to help Donald Trump in Nevada oh I absolutely believe that's exactly why it was done former Clark County Republican chair Chuck Muth worries this new process will turn off voters because of how messy it seems I've been warning how stupid this was.

And what a public relations disaster it was going to be and I hate to say that I told you so but I don't hate saying I told you so because I did tell them that this was going to happen and anybody could have looked at that and seen it now confusion and conspiracies online one post accusing the establishment of shoving Nikki Haley down our throat.

Another outraged and disgusted Mr Trump isn't on the primary ballot was County Republican party some GOP County Chairs reporting thousands of phone calls from mad and mystified Republicans the phone is ringing off the hook I got to have a short concise answer that not only answers their question but gives them the direction on.

How to succeed Nevada GOP chairman Michael McDonald telling the Associated Press this fall until we get voter ID and we get the mail-in ballot situation under control the only pure way to have this is through a caucus the state's Governor Joe Lombardo has endorsed Mr Trump saying for all practical purposes the race is over as for Nikki Haley she.

Is not not competing in the caucuses but her name is on the primary ballot talk to the people in Nevada they will tell you the caucuses have been sealed up bought and paid for for a long time and so that's why we got into the primary but we're going to focus on the states that are fair still keep in mind even if Haley were to win the primary tomorrow.

It would be a hollow victory since she would not get any delegates with 26 of them on the line that's no small Hall considering Mr Trump won 32 in New Hampshire and Iowa combined only Nevada's caucus winner can claim Nevada's delegates and move one step closer to the nomination Nevada will show up and we will deliver you 100% of.

Delegates for the state of Nevada to Donald J Trump okay so we're watching this week there's one more twist to tell you about you know that primary tomorrow remember the primary not the caucus the winner could end up being none of the above which is a ballot option that some Trump backers are pushing to deny Haley even.

As symbolic Victory we're going to have a complete coverage right here for you on NBC News Now of all of it NBC News covers hundreds of other stories each day hundreds of international stories too and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our International Teams have done it for you here's some of what they're watching in.

A segment we call the global out of India actress Punam Pandi is facing major backlash after faking her own death couple days ago a post went up on our Instagram you see it here they say we we've lost her to cervical cancer they say she died a day later Pandy posted saying she's alive and was just trying to raise raise.

Awareness for cervical cancer she was basically defending what she did the post let me tell you the comment section not thrilled people are saying like worst awareness stunt highly not appreciated out of Hong Kong some fans are Furious after paying hundreds of dollars to see Len Messi in action only for him to sit out the whole game 40,000.

Fans showed up for the soldout match between a Hong Kong team and Messi's team inter Miami the government there said it was deeply disappointed that Messi never took the field they threatened to cut some of the sponsorship money they gave inter Miami's head coach said he didn't want to risk Messi's injuries getting any.

Worse and out of France parisians voting to Triple parking fees for SUVs in the city starting this fall people who don't live in Paris are going to have to pay nearly $20 an hour to park their SUV there parage wants to discourage with the city calls bulky polluting cars they want to become totally bikable coming up some new details and a crime spree.

That's led to the death of a former Trump Administration official why violent crime is rising here but going down in nearly every other big city in America we are learning more tonight about a former Trump Administration official who died this weekend after being shot during an apparently random.

Carjacking spree we're talking about Mike Gil shot while he was sitting in his car waiting to pick up his wife right in the heart of downtown Washington when this attacker got into Gil's car shot him in the head violent attacks in DC are piling up and spilling into neighborhoods that typically haven't dealt with this kind of violence.

Making some folks who have lived here for a while feel pretty unsafe there have been more and more calls for something to be done some kind of a solution here including from former president Trump who has promised to essentially occupy the capital with federal troops if he wins the election kend delanian is joining us now for.

Former president we'll get to the politics in a second Ken as you are there for us now in Washington but let's get to the sort of facts of the matter here because violent crime is going down in a lot of cities across the country but not here in Washington why are we an outlier it depends on who you ask Calli but there are a few facts that are.

Beyond dispute one is that the police department has a staffing crisis they are at the lowest number of police officers in decades despite offering $225,000 signing bonuses people do not want to be a police officer in DC it's also true that police and DC solve violent crimes at a lower rate than in some other cities and then you have what.

Critics including some police officers would say which is that there is a perception if not a reality that criminals are not hel held accountable in D by DC judges they're set free um after being arrested for violent crimes and they're not receiving stiff sentences when convicted of violent crimes there may be other factors that.

Work with the bottom line is that well as you said crime is down 10% or more violent crime in most major cities across the country it's up 39% over the last year in DC and a stunning 55% % when it comes to Violent gun crime Ali it is also becoming as you well know Ken a flash point right crime in Washington on a national level here because yes.

Here in Washington we are obviously the nation's capital there is an interest that somebody like a president or former president has in this city and you've got former president Trump pledging a kind of federal takeover here yeah that's right this is such an easy issue for Donald Trump and the Republican party to capitalize on and as.

You said on Truth social he is uh broadcasting about his former Administration official Mike Gil saying that he's a highly respected member of the Trump Administration ruthlessly and viciously shot in the head and he said the federal government must take over DC of course that's hyperbole how that's not going to happen but what is true is.

That the Republicans are making hay about violent crime and the Democrats seem to be avoiding talking about it the other piece of this too that I think is stunning for folks in Washington just to get a little local here Ken is where some of this crime is happen happening right and and I mean Mike Gill was shot I think 10 blocks something like that.

From the White House I mean right in the heart of downtown Washington near the convention center of people know where that is where these law firms and lobbying firms are that is right and that is the sad reality when it's happening in poor communities it gets less attention when it spills into the downtowns of major.

Cities and affluent communities that's when a lot of more people start to care about it and you're seeing that in Washington DC hie yeah it is uh certainly an issue that I think people in Washington are looking at kend delanian thank you so much that does it for us for this hour but we have so much more ahead tomorrow because Gabby.

Douglas the Olympic gymnast is joining us and she's got an exclusive announcement are you dying to hear what it is so are we we'll see you tomorrow with Gabby right here on NBC news now we've got more coverage picking up right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social.


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