Hallie Jackson NOW – Feb. 7 | NBC News NOW


Hallie Jackson NOW - Feb. 7 | NBC News NOW

we are coming on the air with breaking news in the Middle East those new US retaliatory strikes in just the last hour killing a key Commander after the deaths of US troops in Jordan we're going to take you live to the region with more on how it happened and what comes next then the massive search and.

Rescue out west for five Marines whose military helicopter disappeared in the middle of a huge storm the Chopper found the Marines still missing the latest on the hunt to try to save them next and the scramble on Capitol Hill to try to pass a backup plan to get more money to Israel and Ukraine or not after the Border bill went down in flames so what.

Now is this a race to Nowhere can Congress actually even function many questions very few answers as we go big picture coming up plus why some people are paying nearly 20 bucks for a Big Mac and how an imprisoned former prime minister is using AI to campaign from his jail cell we'll explain in tonight's original later on in the show so we've.

Got to get to that major breaking news first just into us from the Middle East with the US military launching a new drone strike in Iraq want to show you some of the aftermath here we are just getting in some of these images you can see what seems to be a car on fire the Pentagon says this strike has killed a senior militant commander who they say.

Was directly responsible for planning that deadly attack on US troops at a base in Jordan a couple weeks ago now this latest move again the Fallout you're seeing there Builds on the first round of retaliatory strikes in response to that attack that remember killed three American Service members and hurt 40 more and while this is all happening.

In Iraq we've got to paint the bigger Regional picture for you here too as it relates to what's happening in Gaza because these iran-backed militias say as long as Israel keeps up the fighting there these other groups will keep up their attacks in other places maybe against Americans so where does that Israel Hamas War stand it seems like.

Hope is slipping away for a potential ceasefire the US Secretary of State Tony blinkin he's in Israel tonight trying to piece together a deal that is not looking super promising because Israel's prime minister is rejecting the new offer from Hamas we've got team coverage tonight rap Sanchez is live for us in the region in Tel Aviv Gabe Gutierrez.

Has posted up at the White House let's take you to the region first Raph is standing by what else do we know about this new strike and about the Fallout hi this strike taking place at about 9:30 p.m. local time in Iraq 130 Eastern and it took place in eastern Baghdad as you said it appears to have targeted a car and US Central Command is.

Saying inside was a senior Commander with katab Hezbollah now this is one of the many Iranian backed militant groups operating across the Middle East and the US saying this Commander was directly responsible for planning and ordering this wave or part of this wave of attacks against US forces that we have seen since the start of the war in Gaza.

Of course the deadliest that attack at that Tower 22 base in Jordan killing three US service Personnel the initial wave of American strikes starting on Friday in eastern Syria and in Western Iraq but the Biden Administration was really clear that that was just the beginning and that these strikes would continue and tonight we are seeing those.

Strikes continue how so fill us in then on the as we talk about the bigger Regional picture raap where things stand with the potential then for a ceasefire it seems like you described it I think to me one night recently it stops and starts and stops and starts it seems like we're at a stop again we we are at something of a stop H.

And Secretary of State blinkin here in Tel Aviv just a short while ago trying to put a brave face on this insisting that there is still a path forward here's the state of play 10 days ago go or so CIA director Bill Burns helped hammer out this proposal agreement a framework we earlier today got the detailed Hamas counter offer to that.

They're looking for a 4 and a half month ceasefire that leads to a full ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu calling those demands delusional saying Israel will not end the war in Gaza until it achieves total Victory and you heard the Secretary of State Towing pretty delicate diplomatic.

Line earlier saying that while there are some quote non-starters in hamas's counter proposal he believes there is still a path forward it is not clear how that path is going to work but the secretary says he will follow it relentlessly Al Raph Sanchez live for us there in Tel Aviv Raph thank you Gabe let me get to you at the angle from the.

White House here and President Biden's calculations we knew that this series of retaliatory strikes would be just that a series because White House officials had described it as a campaign it seems like this is obviously a part of that hole Yeah certainly Hy this is something that White House officials have been saying now for quite some time that the US.

Would respond at a time and place of our choosing now we are not expecting a formal statement from President Biden this evening he is right now at fundraisers in New York City but what he said several days ago is what White House officials are stressing let all those who might seek to do as harm know this if you harm an American we will.

Respond and Hy of course this comes after the White House tries to strike that delicate balance after the death of those three American Service members the first attacks on Friday then there were also a separate round of attacks not directly related to the death of those three service members uh that the US carried out on Saturday that was against.

The houthi militia group in Yemen but you see right there those three Americans are what the White House are you know these these attacks this campaign of attacks which the White House says will now could potentially continue for quite some time and we expect them to continue over the next days and weeks potentially but this is.

All part of that response to the death of those three American Service members and the White House is trying to calibrate its response so it is not does not escalate this into a wider War throughout the region how do we have any indication Gabe here and I know that the White House is not going to reveal next steps as it relates to a military.

Campaign or any potential strike here but broadly speaking on what happens if these militias these Iran backed militants do continue to hold steady here in these threats to keep up their attacks well certainly H that is a big concern and as you know uh the US has responded previously uh to these militia groups for quite some time there have.

Been more than 160 attacks from these groups uh to US forces and also commercial ships uh in the Red Sea since October and the president himself has acknowledged that the US responses so far have not deterred them now the question is how far does the US go there are some that have suggested some uh some Republicans uh that uh perhaps that.

The US should come out with a stronger response and perhaps strike targets inside Iran the National Security adviser Jake Sullivan and an everyy on Beat the press this weekend did not rule that out but also was very careful not to Telegraph the next steps and they range from a wide variety of options H that include potentially a Cyber attack.

PR potentially more of these targeted strikes that we've been seeing now over the last several days but certainly as you well know hie the White House doesn't want to Telegraph exactly what yet only to say that they will respond at a time and place of their choosing and we expect that to continue over the coming days Al Gabe Gutierrez live for.

Us there on the North Lawn Gabe thanks right now the Race Against Time to try to find five missing Marines whose helicopter flew through a dangerous winter storm out west but never got to where it was going it's all developing super super quickly here's what we know these marines plan to fly from an Air Force Base about an hour north of Vegas.

To a Marine Corp station in San Diego you see it there on the map now officials say at this point as of late today they have eyes on the helicopter that has crashed in Pine Valley you see it there that's about 50 miles east of where they were going they haven't spotted any of the five Marines these troops these marines are.

On a CH 53e Super Stallion that's what it's called it's similar to the ones that you're seeing here this is a chopper that's seen its share of issues in the last few years one of the big problems with the search right now it is still snowing still raining they can't look from the air and it's not even easy terrain to look through in the first.

Place it's rugged terrain out here there's lots of rocks uh there there's truck trails that go through the area but uh in the mud and the snow it can become treacherous to travel all of it's leading to new questions now about the safety of the military's helicopters remember this is happening just a couple months after eight service members died.

In Japan when an osprey crashed so that entire fleet was grounded Dana Griffin is live for us in Pine Valley California that city that you saw on the map there you are there at the scene Dana what do we know tonight hi hi right now they are still searching for those five missing Marines in an area just beyond us we tried.

Driving up that way and as you described it is very snowy and there's even a gate that closes off that part of the forest where they are searching now they started that search late last night when this helicopter went missing from radar around 11:30 p.m. this helicopter left Cree Air Force base north of Los Vegas heading to the Marine base here in uh.

Here in myamar they searched could not find anything they started again at first light including additional resources local resources including the US border patrol calfire and the San Diego Sheriff's Office they still have not found those five missing Marines but we are told they found that aircraft around 9:00 this morning now again as.

You mentioned they were flying a CH 53e Super Stallion that is known for he for carrying heavy equipment and right now we do not know how that search is going if they have found them but hopefully hie there is some hope but just kind of looking around here and seeing some of the search and rescue crews some of them.

Have very Grim looks on their face so obviously very concerned at this hour it's very difficult very emotional and when it comes to this particular helicopter uh some questions here this super stallion as it's called as we explained Dana explain that piece of it because it's had some trouble recently exactly so this particular.

Aircraft has been in operation since the 80s and we are told or based on a report by task and purpose only about 28.5% of the Marines 174 CH 53 e can fly on any given day and this is part of an investigation because back in January Ary 2016 there was a crash between two of those helicopters that killed 12 Marines and the.

Helicopter has been in has been told that it needs more service and that's why the military spent millions of dollars trying to fix some potential uh mechanical troubles with this particular helicopter and a reminder there was bad weather in the area San Diego San Diego County got slammed with those atmospheric river systems that moved in.

Last week and this week so there is a concern that heavy rain and snow could have played a role in this that's obviously going to be part of this investigation so what what caused this helicopter to crash and why these these military members are still missing is a big question hie we hope to update you pretty soon yeah uh we're hoping for.

That update danana so many people are danana live for us there in California danana thank you so listen it's that big storm out west making that search and rescue harder in this storm that's already turned deadly in California four people killed in all after somebody drowned in a river that was higher than usual three other people were killed by.

Falling trees with this messy mix of snow and rain look at that meaning super muddy conditions with nearly 500 mudslides across the state and so much rain that 8 million gallons of raw sewage Spilled Out under the streets and beaches of La I want to get to meteorologist Bill Karen now and if all this wasn't enough there is another.

Storm on the way bill right yeah this one's a quick hitter normally this would be like okay it's going to rain in La it's going to be middle of the night by the time you wake up it'll be fine but the fact that so many hillsides are just barely holding on right now this additional storm will make them give way and that's why we have concerns tonight.

So here's where the storm is currently located it just went through San Francisco San Francisco is now done it's almost over the top of Sacramento heading here into the southern uh Southern portions of the Central Valley and so it's in over Interstate 5 exiting Hollister when you see the yellows and red this is very heavy rainfall but it's.

Moving the last storm was stalled this is not an atmospheric River this is like your typical storm that moves in and moves out so here's the timing on this and of course we're going to keep our eyes on Los Angeles and Southern California those are the areas that had the heaviest rainfall uh earlier this week and over the weekend so for the.

Rest of today there's this line of rain I just showed you so we're going to take that through about 8:00 pm it rolls through Los Angeles right around midnight to about 2: am. by 8: a.m. it's gone it's done it's out of Southern California and then it's going to move through Arizona in Utah so what does this all mean well we do think areas in.

Los Angeles should be relatively safe from flooding from this quick half inch to inch of rain but from Riverside to Irvine southwards all the way down through San Diego down to the Mexico border this is the area of greatest concern this is where it's still been raining over the last two days where in Los Angeles the rain's kind of L up a.

Little bit we could get another half an inch to an inch from San Diego all the way up to Los Angeles and the mountains could get about 3 to five inches out of this alley so I don't expect this to cause as many problems as we just had with the last storm and as you mentioned you know almost 500 mudslides this one easily could trigger another 40 5050 G.

And even the prospect of that thinking about that bill that's tough to listen to thank you very much I know you'll keep us posted back to Washington now and the slowly sinking ship that is the Senate border bill that now has everything in it but actual border stuff any minute we're going to see this key procedural vote you're looking at the.

Senate floor live now as Su are trying to save what it can from this bill before it is fully underwater part of what could be a pointless process to show that they can actually get something done can they so what's in this bill it is stripped down look at that big x no more border stuff but but they are trying to salvage some other.

Pieces to this that some Senators see is critically important like more money to help Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan desperately needed humanitarian help for gazin new steps to fight the trafficking of deadly fenel it's all happening after the support for the big thing you saw the X over The Border measures that was torpedoed by Republicans even though.

They were the ones who said that border security was their top priority if you're like wait a second Hal this kind of sounds dysfunctional well let me tell you about something else that has happened over the the course of the last 24 hours two big failures in the house as Republicans failed to impeach the homeland security secretary as they hop.

To do or pass aid for Israel so despite the gridlock despite the chaos at least one of the four members who helped tank that impeachment vote seemingly brushed off some concerns about how voters might react to this watch big vote you took you worried about imputations back at home I mean I that can't be the north star that guides.

Your votes on man of principal NBC's Ryan Noble is live for us on Capitol Hill so I I think listen there's a lot of micro stuff we could talk about here we'll start with that but I want to get to the macro just gut check on this vote this key procedural vote it's not the vote vote but it is a vote to move it forward is it going to.

Pass or not what do you know I mean I wouldn't bet my house on it hie I I think it's uh it's very much an open question right now there there's a step between this vote uh that's occurring right now which I think is somewhat of a test as to whether or not there are 60 votes to get to the next stage and it is short of 60 votes right now so I think.

The odds are that that Republicans are at least girting up to even kill this measure without the Border Provisions included even though many of them have said that they want to see funding for Israel and Ukraine I mean it's really difficult to get anything done right now in the current environment we are here in Washington so if you've got to choose.

Between something passing and something not passing at this stage of Congress that we're in right now I'd take the not passing but we'll have to see what happens what stage of Congress are we in Ryan because I think to the external viewer seems like the stage where very little things can actually get done in an election year are they.

Wrong uh no I I think they're very right if that's their interpretation of what's Happening Here listen you know hi I've covered Capitol Hill for a significant amount of time I'm by no means the most veteran reporter here yeah but I you know I've never seen it as bad as it is right now and I mean I've covered State houses you know you know I covered New.

York Virginia so I've been through legislative malays before and and this this is a level that of which I've never seen before but can I just I'm so interested to hear you say that because you are to I mean you're such a pro on this Ryan and we're so lucky to have you and I'm thinking back to when you and I would talk last year when we had the.

Whole uh motion of AK Kevin McCarthy there was this speaker removal we hadn't seen there were these looming government shutdowns I mean it's not like this Congress or congress period hasn't had crises recently there was a point when it seemed like okay speaker Johnson's in kind of Chill Vibes maybe he's uniting people like like help us understand the.

Arc and how we should be thinking about this yeah I mean I think that perhaps there was some hope that with you know Kevin McCarthy's toxic relationship with his conference removed from the equation that somehow that would make things better but you know at some point we have to believe House Republicans when they tell us that they really don't want.

To see anything ped you know I talked to one member of the far right Eli crane today who told me today that he kind of thinks the government should shut down uh because he thinks that would send a message and time and time again when given the opportunity to find some sort of B partisan consensus uh the hard right of the Republican party just blows.

The whole thing up and that is just continuing time after time and yeah you know there was some sort of glimmer of hope with speaker Johnson but if you actually look at what's happened since he became the speaker it's all been kind of incremental steps they've passed a couple of short-term resolutions just to keep the government open but they really.

Haven't done anything major yet when confronted with major things like they are right now everything seems to be falling apart and listen to what Steve wac who is a a McCarthy Ally but a republican who's kind of the the the conscience of the Republican Party listen to what he said about the current state of.

Things when you are handed the keys to the uh you know to the kingdom as it were when when you have the majority there is an expectation that you will be able to govern and uh we have just struggled with that over and over again it's a it's a big leadership challenge that we need to find a solution for so what is that solution hie I don't.

Think anybody up here knows the answer to that question and and I do think Mike Johnson is a man of integrity and and good conscience I think he wants to make the situation better but he's been dealt a very difficult hand with a very slim majority and a group of hard-right Republicans who are going to use that leverage point every possible.

Opportunity that they have Ryan Nobles we're glad to have you uh explaining it all decoding Congress for us here on the show thanks R I appreciate it let's get some new data out today showing that for the first time in two decades the US is buying more stuff from Mexico than from China so it's more like that the toys the shoes you're buying are made there.

And businesses are turning to our Southern neighbor for things like car parts raw manufacturing materials so why is this happening couple factors end of the pandemic one and two years of escalating tensions between Washington and Beijing Brian CH is joining us now to break this down this has only happened a couple times in recent.

History right only twice in the last 30 years have we seen trade between the US and China dropped like this back in 2018 and then again during the Russian invasion of Ukraine with some sanctions what's the dynamic now and what can we expect well as you mentioned there are a few things here there's the politics but there's also covid as well as some other.

Factors here so let me explain as you mentioned interesting to see that uh Mexico eclipsed China in terms of major trade partners with the United States trade with China get this down 20% Mexico went up by almost 5% just between 2022 and 2023 as well we need to chart this out to understand the context so check this out right again China in the.

Blue line here Mexico in the yellow line here these are Imports into the United States from those two respective companies and take a look at China it's been kind of bouncing up and down you see 2018 the trade war with Trump uh with Trump having initiated against China but then we saw that rebound post 2020 and a lot of that was because.

Americans were buying a lot of things after they were trapped inside for a year went out bought a lot of goods a lot of that came from China so some of the Comedown that we're seeing here is just a normalization of Americans not needing to buy as many Goods not doing that Revenge spending anymore but another interesting thread here that.

Could be part of the gravity down is that the Biden Administration didn't scrap some of the tariffs that were put in place by the Trump Administration prior to that so there's some of that factors as well but I want to point out also Mexico as the trade relationship has changed they've really been rocketing up you could see the trend.

Line over time and actually China you've been seeing that it's kind of uh stagnating over the last let's call it five or six years a big reason for that China shifting to a services-based economy instead of as a major exporter to the rest of the world so what does this all mean well for things like Auto Parts toys shoes raw materials things.

That we used to get from China well we're getting it from other places not just Mexico as I mentioned but check out the EU South Korea India Canada Vietnam as well so maybe this strengthens the United States relationships with these countries but I do want to point out just because they're coming from those countries doesn't necessarily mean China.

Doesn't have a role in them we have to remember they still are often times the uh kind of producers of the raw materials that go to countries like India or Vietnam that then get exported to the United States so a decoupling in some cases but of course a lot of nuance in what is still very much a global economy Hy super interesting Brian Chong.

Big news uh of course there today with those numbers out appreciate it also big news as we're hearing for the first time from the head of Disney in an exclusive interview with cnbc's Julia boron in just the last hour about a new streaming service that could totally change how you watch sports Bob Iger saying tonight that like Disney plus like Hulu it is.

Their way to get ready for a world Beyond cable we've been preparing for a world where that business is not as strong as it used to be all of these things are prepared for us to Pivot as well as the world changes as the world is disrupted and by the way I'd rather be a disruptor than to be disrupted so what's Disney.

Doing they're teaming up with both Fox and Warner Brothers Discovery here and you see all the channels you're going to get if you sign up for this proposed streamer ESPN ABC Fox TBS TNT not just sport sports but like everything that's on all of those channels right there's still a lot we don't know here like importantly what does it cost who's.

Going to run it is it going to be here by football season next year are the leagues okay with this I want to bring in cnbc's Alex Sherman do we have any answers to any of those questions Alex based on the reporting that you've been doing with sources with analysts uh certainly not officially to any of them I I I can tell you that a.

Couple sources that I spoke to uh late last night uh did give a price range for me they said look this is not going to be some $30 a month product it's going to be more than that one person I spoke to said a logical price may be somewhere around the $45 range so you can think of this as sort of a skinny bundle of cable networks you know YouTube TV charges.

About $73 a month for uh a more standard bundle of cable TV uh you may pay upwards of $80 to $100 for cable depending on what your provider is so look if it's $40 or $45 that's going to be about half the price you pay for cable and you will get a smaller selection of networks but importantly you'll get ESPN and that's really the.

Driver here uh up until today the only way to access the Full Slate of games in ESPN has been to subscribe to the big Cable Bundle so this is a first this will be the first time you're able not to have to do that and what Disney announced today is they're actually going to give you a second way in the fall of 2025 to get ESPN that will be.

Its Flagship ESPN streamer service Disney has hinted about this for oh at least a year now that it was coming but we finally have a date to it so two new ways now to get ESPN beyond the traditional Cable bundle of course the question is Right given everything you've just laid out is the conflict that it seems to raise with some of.

These with cable right and Iger said he made clear with Julia that they're not abandoning it all together but he he did respond to that question let me play it what we're creating creating here is a distribution mechanism to reach consumers you know where they are today basically app-based entertainment um and you know I I think.

This was a step that we felt was one that we not only wanted to take but that one that we really should take and to to kind of cut through it Alex and to pull on the thread that you laid out there in in the previous part of our discussion here is this at is simplest terms is this basically cable light minus NBC and CBS I mean is that.

What Disney's trying to do here and is there an appetite for something like that yeah look I mean there are other cable networks that won't be a part of this too AMC A&E Hallmark Etc but yeah the two biggest ones are no Paramount Global and their Suite of CBS and all the cable networks that go along with that Nickelodeon MTB etc etc and no NBC.

Universal um and so that's probably near-term bad news for both of those companies uh because they won't be a part of this but you can think of this as a skinnier tier of cable so that's to Bob iger's point it's not going to replace cable in fact I think it's very much an open question how many people actually want this because if you don't.

Have cable at all it may be a sign you're not interested in live sports so it's this sort of slice of people that are willing to pay say $40 a month for live sports and also probably Netflix and a bunch of other streamers so the price tag starts to get up there fairly quickly but also don't want traditional cable which includes NBC and CBS which.

Has a bunch of sports certainly you know football and all sorts of things so it's that weird slice of person that's content with almost all sports but not all of them but also like sports enough to pay 40 plus dollars a month for this well we will see how Bob Iger bet pays off Alex Sherman glad to have you on the show as always thank you coming up what.

Nikki Haley is saying today after losing to nobody she she literally lost to the nobody option in Nevada's Republican primary plus a big train derailment in ch Colorado what we're learning tonight about the Hazmat response in just a sec why some people are paying 18 bucks.

For a Big Mac we'll get to that in just a second but first tonight Nikki is out campaigning for the first time in a super Tuesday State and it's a big one California but some supporters of for president Trump showed up outside they've been doing that some of his supporters at some of our events this is in Orange County you see them there.

Yelling some booing holding up Trump 2024 signs and flags here's haly's response there are more of us than there are of them they may be louder but we're mightier this is all after a not unexpected loss for Haley in Nevada's Republican presidential primary not the caucus tomorrow the primary last night she didn't lose to her main opponent in.

This Republican presidential race Donald Trump she lost to no one that's right the option that says None of these candidates the race technically just symbolic but we break down what it means for Haley the winner in Nevada's primary technically no one I'm on the fence with nobody that's literally who won nobody.

The option that says None of these candidates and that's seen as a win for former president Trump who wasn't even on the ballot the primary last night remember was only symbolic for Republicans it's the caucuses tomorrow that count toward the 26 delegates at stake in this state and Donald Trump's all but certain to lock up those but.

Trump backers who pushed the noneof the- above option hoped to deny haly even just the bragging rights of a symbolic win theoretically a symbolic win could have given her another Lifeline but losing to none of the above ends up really hurting her campaign and any momentum going forward whether on the fundraising front or when it comes to.

Media attention but Haley's not concerned she's long said she hasn't been focused on Nevada after the state party chose to also hold caucuses seen as more favorable to Mr Trump with his more loyal supporters more likely to show up we didn't spend a day or a dollar there we weren't even worried about it it's why we haven't talked.

About it her campaign looking ahead to the contest to come saying in a new statement we didn't bother to play a game rigged for Trump we are full steam ahead in South Carolina and Beyond but before that election in South Carolina later this month comes Nevada's caucuses tomorrow where former president Trump has campaigned and has predicted Victory.

Already boosted by his backers pledging to show up I voted none of the above for the primary here and I'll be at the caucus on Thursday and then another signal there's been all these questions right is Nikki Haley going to stay in this race through to Super Tuesday her team today is announcing a new leadership team in.

Massachusetts one of seven states her campaign manager says Haley is targeting for that election early next month we'll stay on top of all things Politics as always but let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one Russia seemingly feeling more and more isolated because of its war with Ukraine is.

Teaming up with China in the Arctic which is Raising some National Security concerns here in the US a new private intelligence report says while Russia didn't really want China there now he thinks this could be a potential counterbalance to alliances led by America number two the Biden Administration is putting in place.

Stronger standards for deadly pollution from stuff like tail pipes and smoke stacks the EPA says this could prevent thousands of premature deaths every year while industry groups say it could hurt manufacturing jobs and maybe even lead to the shutdown of power plants number three ever wanted to skip a late night call or text from your.

Boss me personally never I would never do that but I'll Australia wants workers to be able to ignore unreasonable messages from their bosses after hours and then find any bosses that don't listen this bill is going to be introduced in the parliament in Australia later this week and a government official says a majority of.

Senators there support it Number Four The Guinness Book World Records tells NBC they're going to reconsider denying the prize to a guy in France who spent eight years making this Eiffel Tower that's 2 feet taller than the world record out of more than 700,000 match sticks so it's an Eiffel Tower built from match sticks that's enormously tall.

But Guinness said the match sticks weren't commercially available so this guy says he followed the rules maybe he'll get that record we'll see number five Coke is out with a new drink you ready for it spiced Coca-Cola we don't what does spiced mean I don't know nobody Coke hasn't said apparently it kind of tastes like.

Raspberries there's also a zero sugar version it is Coca-Cola's first new permanent drink in North America in 3 years Coke says it's trying to bring in the next generation of consumers will you be a part of that next Generation spicy Coke or I guess spiced coke maybe like a chai Coke I don't know we'll see all the news you ever would want to.

Need right here on this show coming up what happens when a solar eclipse collides with a major league baseball team's opening day so inflation seems to be coming for your favorite fast food with some folks get fed up skipping the drive-thru look at this in some spots a Big Mac meal can.

Set you back as much as $18 at one Connecticut location now it's a rest stop so like take that for what it is but the Egg McMuffin is seven bucks if you zoom out a little bit the price of going to restaurants are getting takeout overall is up 5% that's higher than the overall rate of inflation Christine Romans is joining us now so in like.

Plain English speak Christine we've been talking about how inflation generally overall is cooling that seems to not be the case for fast food but so how is it that the stuff that's supposed to be are cheap eats isn't actually that cheap anymore yeah it isn't and and quite frankly it's labor cost and those food inputs that um these fast food execs.

Have been passing on to Consumers and I think consumers have hit Peak inflation fatigue they're saying hey wait a minute 12 bucks 13 bucks 14 bucks to run with my kids to get a couple things that's not cool and you see even in the McDonald's earnings the CEO says look we notice that people make 45 Grand or less they it's cheaper for them to go buy.

Groceries than to eat here they're not eating here as much because they'd rather go to the grocery store because grocery prices are actually in some cases falling so I I think it's Peak inflation fatigue and you really see it at these fast food food places let's say these prices start to go back down right because inflation overall is starting to.

Cool off if the prices come down are these companies incentivized to then lower prices we often talk about corporations jacking them up I feel like it's way less common to be like wow that's cheaper than I thought it would be so here's what they're doing um they've been trying to get a broader income spectrum of customer right so.

They've been you know kind of glamming up their burgers and offering some new uh franchise like cosmics and and a lot of other companies are doing this too uh but what you're seeing now is like for example Taco Mill they are saying they have 10 things on their $3 or less menu their value menu and they're really promoting the cheap stuff again and.

McDonald's saying we're going to this is going to be the year of for ability we get it we get it that people want value and affordability so you'll see some lower price options probably on that menu as well and you know you look at many of the other places they've seen foot traffic down they've seen uh sales that disappointed every place but.

Chipotle Haley Chipotle raised prices 10% and saw sales sales and foot traffic rise so Chipotle bucking the trend a lot of these other companies are saying okay we get it people are sick of inflation we got to give them some cheaper we have to make fast food cheap again so what are we supposed to do if we have a hankering for a little you know bean.

Burrito so look some of these places are going to have like family menus or like big big orders that you can get like a bundle so look at that and see maybe if that helps you there use the apps from the fast food restaurant sometimes they have you know special perks the other thing that you can do here like KFC for example is just starting rewards so.

There might be new brands that are going to start some rewards and get this you see the second item on this list I find this quite controversial I find this quite controversial tell me look well I mean I've been known to order a kids meal when I'm ordering my all my other kids you know meals but if I'm going to go and Splurge in McDonald's I know.

Exactly what I want I I don't want a little hamburger in a little box I really do want quarter pounded with cheese the whole bit you know so if if you want to save a couple bucks maybe the kids bill is right for you but I don't know I I I'm I'm personally not on that c in that camp Christine Romans with a controversial take I mean you're.

Really planting your anti-k kids meal flag girl it is on the record we appreciate your honesty I not like to editorialize and I don't like anybody to know my opinion except about the kids meal Fair love it um got you I got you back on that one Christine thank you so much appreciate it NBC News covers hundreds of other stories every day and.

Because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our Bureau teams have done it for you this is what they tell us is going down in their regions in a segment we call the local out of our Western Bureau look at this this cargo train derail today in Colorado hundreds of gallons of diesel spilling officials say The Spill has been.

Contained and fortunately nobody was heard they're going to inspect the tracks before things start back up again also out of our Western Bureau Police say somebody's in custody after climbing to the top of this thing in Vegas that's the sphere if you watch the Grammys that's where you to was playing the other night apparently this is the same.

Guy who's been arrested before for scaling a highrise in Vegas and climbing some other tall buildings across the country to protest abortion and out of our mid westbo the Cleveland Guardians are pushing back the start time of their home opener because Cleveland is going to have a total solar eclipse that same day right before the game was set to.

Start officials say 200,000 people are expected to visit the city to watch the eclipse the team says it'll put out the new start di in the days to come probably a good move you don't want to be playing baseball right pre- Eclipse mid Eclipse to some promising results in cancer patients now that some doctors.

Say could be the dawn of a new age when it comes to this disease and how we treat it new vaccine aimed at preventing those that have fought cancer from actually getting it again are giving patients a new sense of hope here's Dr Natalie Asar vaccines hailed by doctors and public health officials for.

Unequivocally saving millions of lives but in the wave of the covid pandemic as controversial as ever with vaccine exemptions in American schools at all-time highs as hesitancy Soares now they want us to inject experimental gene therapy in this environment the future of cancer prevention emerging yes vaccines for cancer after multiple.

Rounds of chemo radiation and a double mastectomy doctor said Jennifer Davis was cancer free but she still couldn't shake the fear the thought that it could come back you know was very terrifying now she's living with a sense of hope all thanks to an experimental cancer vaccine every time that I have a headache or an ache or pain that I don't.

Think that it's cancer now and to have that weight lifted has just been amazing in 2021 Davis became the first person in the world to receive the Cleveland Clinic's breast cancer vaccine targeting triple negative breast cancer or tnbc it's currently in Phase 1 clinical trials tested on tnbc survivors trying to prevent recurrence when that.

Recurrence occurs it tends to be much more aggressive and then it becomes a battle to try and keep the patient alive Dr Kamar says 42% of women who are treated for triple negative breast cancer have a recurrence within 5 years and doctors say before there wasn't too much they could do but this new vaccine two decades in the works hopes to change.

That here's how it works women produce a special lactation protein called Alpha albumin that only occurs when they are breastfeeding but it can pop up again in many triple negative breast cancer cases so the vaccine teaches the woman's immune system to recognize that protein kill it and kill the cancer cells in the process too it tricks the vaccinated.

Person's immune system phase one trials show early signs of a good immune response and minimal side effects such as lumps or irritation at the injection site phase two intends to test just how effective it is at stopping recurrence of the cancer it's part of a growing medical movement instead of searching for for a cure for cancer use vaccines.

To try to eradicate different types and several show promising early data a Holy Grail idea is really thinking of a vaccine in a preventive measure will they work as great as the promise you know because if they do potentially would be Limitless it may be years until these vaccines become mainstream going Beyond just cancer survivors to everyone.

If people take them for Davis it was simple it wasn't something that I was scared of or nervous about um I really was a lot more fearful that the cancer would return and I can't thank Cleveland Clinic and anxa enough for the outlook on life that they've given me our thanks to Dr Natalie AAR for that reporting and while the doctors and.

Researchers say they're hopeful about their results they also say access is still a challenge here this form of breast cancer is twice as likely to happen in African-American women so doctors are encouraging people to participate in these trials that help future Generations a lot more to get to coming up here on the show including how.

Pakistan's former leader is using AI to campaign from jail we've got that in just a minute so tonight's original now with in-depth reporting on a topic we've been watching and tonight it's Pakistan with two bombings at separate election campaign offices just one day before a.

Huge election to elect a new Parliament it's killed dozens of people in a Country Now on edge already rattled by a surge in attacks as a widely popular former leader is now using AI to campaign from prison Josh Letterman is following all of it for us twin explosions ripping through political offices in Southwestern.

Pakistan one day before a landmark election killing at least 30 people officials say in a country where politics and deadly violence have often gone hand in hand so far no claim Nam of responsibility but it's just the latest upheaval in a tumultuous election that's seen major arrests rallies shut down.

Covert campaigning and even artificial intelligence all shaking Pakistan's political system to its core one of Pakistan's most popular politicians former prime minister and cricket star Imran Khan is in prison recently convicted of exposing State secrets and other charges allegations his supporters say were cooked up by Pakistan's.

Powerful military as part of a down to keep Khan and his party the PTI out of power but with KH Behind Bars his PTI party is waging one of the most unconventional campaigns in modern history holding virtual rallies on Facebook and Tik Tok and relying mostly on women for in-person campaigning the police can't easily.

Detain women this volunteer says and get this his party says it's now using AI voice generation to create new con campaign speeches posted on YouTube based on notes from lawyers who met with K in jail our people are being oppressed and their families are also being harassed the voice says but in a world of deep fakes and misinformation could.

AI generated campaigning open up a Pandora's Box how can voters know what's real what we see in foreign elections in Pakistan and elsewhere is almost like a practice run of what we're going to see in our own elections in November 2024 so this is a canary in the coine the parallels in American politics are already clear like whether former.

President Trump could be president if he were convicted and sentenced to prison and how he or any other candidate could hypothetically blast out AI generated messages from behind bars a hospital bed or even from the grave we need three things education stamping of automatically generated content that's called watermarking and the third thing.

Is Advanced detection technology those Solutions ways off putting the whole system's credibility at stake whether voters believe what they're seeing is authentic and that elections are free and fair Josh Letterman is joining us now Josh it is a fascinating look at frankly a lot of different threads in Pakistan.

Here when it comes to the AI piece to be clear what's happening there as it relates to AI is apparently sanctioned by by this candidate the the big concern right is what happens when it is not sanctioned when that Tech is used without permission from a candidate that's exactly right we've already seen examples of that in the United States hi.

It was just last month uh that President Biden was the victim of a robocall obtained by NBC news that perverted uh to be the president calling voters in New Hampshire telling them not to bother voting in the primary there it was not him uh it was not his voice and in fact uh AI experts who analyzed that call for NBC uh determined that it was almost.

Surely a deep fake that was generating by Ai and so the threat is already here because you are going to have some candidates who are doing this intentionally who are doing it with the candidates permission such as Imran Khan in Pakistan but then there is the risk of doing it without candidates consent and the question is how are voters.

Supposed to be able to tell the difference now in the US the Federal Election Commission is under pressure to actually regulate this they have said they're considering it they have not made a decision and there are also calls for new laws in the United States to make it mandatory to actually label something that is a deep fake as AI.

Generated so that people know exactly what they are getting but so far this is really the wild wild west alley Josh Letterman uh it's just so fascinating we're so glad to have you bringing it to us tonight thank you coming up here on the show also oversees what Prince William just said in one of his first outings since his father's cancer.

diagnosis Prince Willam speaking for the first time today since his father's cancer diagnosis as William is now back to Royal duties since his wife's surgery because remember Princess Kate was also in the hospital for a bit so what did he say watch youness how grateful are you for.

The public support you've received in recent weeks so you hear him there asked about being grateful for the public support the prince is getting to a Gala dinner tonight to raise money for a London charity and earlier today hosting a ceremony to hand out Awards on behalf of his father remember the king is stepping.

Back now from public duties for a bit while he deals with this cancer diagnosis and apparently gets some treatment and say William's brother Prince Harry heads back home to California after visiting his father just about 24 hours ago you see the prince's motorcade pulling in there to Buckingham Palace Royal expert Tim art.

Is joining us now um still some questions about what this cancer diagnosis is related to what the treatment looks like and now you have the sons stepping in Prince har already home very quick visit Prince William obviously stepping into the public Spotlight more yes Prince William had really an.

Opportunity tonight Hy to um give a bit more information to the public about his father's condition after the clip that you've just shown he went on to make a speech and this was a a fundraiser for the air ambulance service in London now he chose I think quite pointedly not to say anything about his father's condition at all merely to thank people.

For their messages of support and you know we talked initially about Prince Charles I'm sorry King Charles as he now is being uh very open about about his condition but the palace are traditionally reluctant to talk about medical details when anybody in the royal family is ill and we really we don't know any more than we did after.

That very brief statement uh a few days ago so what kind of cancer is the king suffering from we don't know what kind of treatment is he receiving we don't know the palace has said he's obviously in good spirits and so forth but we know no more details than that at all and that only really just leads to to speculation I'd love to get your sense.

Of this Tim because sometimes our International based correspondents you know we have a a mostly but not entirely American audience and sometimes our correspondents who live overseas especially in London will say hey things are sometimes covered a little bit differently in Us Media than in the British media can you give us a sense.

From your perspective of how this is being received this critical moment for the royal family this very high-profile moment for King Charles in the UK specifically well you know H I thought it was quite quite revealing watching that that clip that you just showed of a question being uh shouted at Prince William seemed to be rather significant.

That whoever was there asking the question didn't at least say how is your father what kind of you know is he good spirits the media here tippy toes around the RO family on occasions like this they speculate uh but but it's not the same is as it is in the United States you know we we're not as blunt we're not as direct with the royal family.

Particularly uh over issues of health and and we respect the privacy of the royal family maybe I would have thought a more direct question perhaps could have been asked of Prince William tonight but it wasn't Tim you we're glad to have you your perspective your analysis as always thank you so much appreciate you being with us and that.

Does it for us for this hour we've got more coverage picking up right now we're coming on the air with breaking news in the Middle East new US retaliatory strikes in just the last couple of hours killing a key Commander after the deaths of US troops in Jordan we're going to take you live to the.

Region with more on how it happened and the brand new details we are just getting in the last 15 minutes from a Us official as to how this all unfolded plus the massive search and rescue out west for five Marines whose military helicopter disappeared in the middle of a huge storm the chopper found the Marines still missing the latest on the.

Hunt to try to save them next then even more storms already deadly are on the way to the West Coast as folks are just starting to dig out of mudslides the record rainfall the flash flooding we're going to bring you the latest and the brand new detail is from Disney's CEO on everything from that big sports streaming deal to gaming to yes Taylor.

Swift a look at the exclusive interview from our friends over at CNBC then no winner literally in the Nevada Primary no nobody the option nobody actually won we'll tell you what Nikki Haley's doing to try to move past it in tonight's breakdown a little later on in the show we got to start though with some major breaking news just into us from the.

Middle East with the US military launching a new drone strike in Iraq you are seeing some of the aftermath here look at this this obviously seems to be a car on fire the Pentagon says this strike has killed a senior militant commander who they say is directly responsible for planning that deadly attack on US troops at a base in Jordan.

A couple weeks ago you're seeing more of the Fallout from that that retaliatory strike just today there we're getting some new details in just the last 15 minutes about how all this unfolded with a Us official telling NBC news that the president ordered this strike early last week that Iraq was notified right after the strike not before that they waited.

For the timing to be right before actually initiating this the latest move Builds on the first round of retaliatory strikes in response to that attack that killed three American Service members and hurt 40 more and while this is all happening in Iraq we've got to paint the bigger Regional picture for you here too as it relates to what's happening in.

Gaza because these Iran backed militias say as long as Israel keeps up the fighting there these other groups will keep up their attacks in some other places maybe against Americans so where does that Israel Hamas War stand it seems like hope maybe slipping away for the potential for a ceasefire you've got Secretary of State Tony blinkin there he.

Is in Israel tonight trying to piece together a deal that isn't looking super promising because the Israeli Prime Minister who's there on the right is rejecting this new offer from Hamas we've got team coverage on all of it developing tonight Raph Sanchez live for us in the region in Tel Aviv Kelly odonnell posts It Up near the White.

House and Raph let me start with you on what we're learning about this new strike and what could come next so hie this strike taking place in eastern Baghdad around 9:30 p.m. local time that's 1:30 p.m. DC time as you said the US military or Us official rather saying that this strike was in the works from the moment that President.

Biden gave the US military the order to retaliate following that deadly drone attack in Jordan that killed three US service Personnel this strike killing a commander with KB Hezbollah that is one of the iranian-backed militant groups that has been operating across the Middle East and is responsible for this wave of well over a 100 attacks on us.

Facilities since the start of the Gaza War now this appears to have been a Precision drone strike targeting a car as it moved along a busy street in Baghdad the US military says is conducting a battle damage assessment but at this point there is no indication that any civilians were harmed it is worth noting hie the US did not inform.

Iraq ahead of time the Iraqis were very upset on Friday at this wave of us strikes which took place largely in desert regions in the west of the country this was a strike in the heart of the Iraqi Capital it is much more sensitive you can see enormous Crow crows nearby and this is likely to put further strain on the relationship.

Between Washington and Baghdad Al ra I'm going to ask you to stand by for just a second because Kelly O'Donnell I want to go to you on this one here Raph talked about the sort of Iraqi factor in all of this with the notification process that's one of the new details that we're getting in just the last couple of minutes here from a Us official tell us.

More about what you are hearing and some of the calculations inside the White House we knew that this response to the attack in Jordan would be a campaign that the US would retaliate over a period not just of a single day right but over a period of days or weeks walk us through it well good evening hie you and Raph have laid out all the pertinent.

New details but for some context I think it's important for our audience to understand there are different kinds of strikes that have been playing out there have been those that are in direct response to the Drone attack in Jordan that killed three American soldiers and injured a few dozen others that's what this is about tonight and then.

Separately there is an ongoing campaign that involves the US and Allied Partners uh that is attacking the hooti uh Insurgency if you will that has been carrying out its own campaign of attacking Commerce on the water in the region connected to Israel but not in every instance so there are military strikes we've been hearing about over a.

Period of days but their intention and their motivation really come from a couple of different parts of the Pentagon Playbook so tonight again is about a response to the attack by drone in Jordan that killed Americans we were told that the president had approved this as a uh a part of a menu of options that the.

Military was considering and then as is always the case when the strike actually takes place that is a battlefield assessment by those commanders who have been empowered by the president's authority to make a decision at the right time that can include things like tracking that vehicle of course to determine is the suspected Commander in.

That vehicle as Raph indicated no civilian casualties have been detected at this point and we have the imagery from the ground of the burning car which gives you a sense of how chaotic it can be but the US is saying that they believe they had one kill in this strike of someone they believe is directly responsible so that gives you a sense of.

How this all fits together and there's also Kelly as you give us the the context that you so expertly and capably do the broader diplomatic Regional picture here with the secretary of state in the region for the fifth time now since the war between Israel and Hamas began what a protracted difficult set of problems that have been for generations.

And that is on Vivid display when you see Anthony blinkin meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu and trying to resolve issues that have been uh tearing at the heart of Israel and Gaza over these last few months is there a pathway to try to get a postconflict uh idea of how the US believes the president uh certainly believes there should be a two-state.

Solution Netanyahu is still taking a very hard line and wanting to make certain they can eradicate any military capability of Hamas inside Gaza so it is a sensitive time and certainly as Raph indicated when you have a strike inside another sovereign country one which we have a partnership with Iraq uh that is always highly sensitive hiy Kelly OD all.

Live for us there outside the White House Kelly thank you Raph let me go back to you as we talk about the Diplomatic piece of things as we talk about the secretary trip as Kelly has laid out and as we talk about the potential for some kind of a possible ceasefire um these militant groups as we alluded to at the top of the show say.

They're going to keep up their attacks so long as this war continues and yet right we are also seeing Benjamin Netanyahu again today being very clear that that this these attacks will go on and and that is that has been his position from the start that's right H and we have a pretty serious Gulf between Israel and.

Hamas tonight Hamas is saying it will not release the hostages without an agreement to end the war Israel is saying it will not ends the war until it destroys Hamas and Secretary of State blinkin here in Tel Aviv tonight has the unenviable task of trying to bridge that Gap that Gulf what feels like a zero sum situation it feels like if there is.

Going to be wiggle room it may involve Israel's saying yes to the first stage of this proposed ceasefire deal without necessarily committing to an end to the war in Gaza and withdrawing all of its forces that would allow both sides to say they haven't yet crossed their own red lines but this is a very very difficult diplomatic path Ali Raph.

Sanchez up late again for us tonight in Tel AV with so much news in the region Raph thank you so much let's bring you back here to home because right now there is a Race Against Time to find five missing Marines whose helicopter flew through a dangerous winter storm out west but never got to where it was going the whole thing's developing.

Really fast so here's what we know these marines I want to show you this on the map here you see it they plan to F fly from an Air Force base north of Las Vegas to a Marine Core station in San Diego but now officials say they have eyes on this crashed helicopter somewhere else in Pine Valley that's about 50 miles east of where they were.

Headed they haven't found any of the five Marines yet these marines were onun a what's called a super stallion CH 53e it's similar to what you're looking at here this is a chopper that's seen its share of problems over the last few years and with the search more broadly one of the big issues is that it's still snowing still raining they can't search.

From the air and this isn't even easy terrain to look through in the first place it's rugged terrain out here there's lots of rocks uh there there's truck trails that go through the area but uh in the mud and the snow it can become treacherous to travel all of it's leading to new questions about the safety of the military's helicopters.

Remember this is happening just a couple months after eight service members died in Japan when an a spray crashed and that entire fleet ended up grounded Dana Griffin is live for us where this search is happening in Pine Valley what do you know Dana right now hly there's no update yet from officials on if they have found.

Those five Marines we do know they found that helicopter around 9:00 this morning and if they have found those Marines they are likely to notify the next of kin first before they even release those names right now we have seen search and rescue crews coming here to the staging area we s just saw a caravan within the last 30 minutes we could see their.

Vehicles covered with mud and snow as you mentioned this is a very steep rugged terrain so right now they are only able to search on foot because of the weather that has been coming and going the rain the snow they cannot fly any aircraft to try to locate them sooner so this aircraft has as you engine has had a.

Trouble pass but it's unclear if weather played a role or if this was possible uh operator error but those are obviously things that investigators will be looking into as this investigation continues hie talk about this helicopter in particular this kind of helicopter the the super stallion because um there there have been some flags raised in the.

Past about it absolutely so the super stallion is known for carrying heavy equipment there was another crash that happened in California over 5 years ago involving that same type of helicopter in that crash four Marines were killed now this helicopter has been used since the 80s it's one of the oldest in the fleet only.

About 28% of the Marines use the 147 of the CH 53e they can only excuse me only 25% of these these helicopters can fly on any given day as of 2016 because of some of these crashes including one that happened in January of 2016 which killed 12 Marines we know that there was also that crash in 2018 that killed four and so there is a concern about whether.

There was a possible mechanical issue on board again it's still still too early in the investigation to determine that but that's something they will likely be looking into once they get that aircraft and start to investigate but right now H the focus is on locating those five marines that is going to be the focus throughout the night and the Hope here.

Is that all five are still alive and maybe they were able to make it out that that's actually an interesting thing that they mentioned during the Press conf confence is that if they are alive they had equipment to keep them warm in this cold weather so that is obviously the hope that they are safe we'll keep you updated once we learn more hie Dana.

Griffin thank you so much for that update it is that big storm out west we've been talking about is Dana reference that makes that search and rescue harder part of a storm system that has turned deadly elsewhere in California four people killed with this messy mix of snow and rain leading to very muddy conditions nearly 500 100.

Mudslides across the state maybe more to come and so much rain that 8 million gallons of raw sewage Spilled Out under the streets in beaches of La I want to get to meteorologist Bill Kens because Bill even after all this there is another storm on the way and that's particularly dangerous because of how wet the ground is right now yeah we just.

Saw Los Angeles going to a new flood watch they had been taken out of it because they are concerned with the same thing as you just mentioned Hale yes it's only going to be maybe 4 hours of rain but it's going to come down hard and they're worried about the hillsides that are barely holding on that they could give way you know additional mud.

Slides so the storm we're talking about moved on Shore this afternoon areas from San Francisco in the Bay Area you're done the storm is moving very quickly so that's the difference the last one stalled this one is flying through and it'll be knocking on the door here not too long in areas from Santa Barbara and Los Angeles it'll be after the sunsets.

More or less La we're talking more towards the midnight Santa Barbara probably around 10 p.m. but you can already see the rain moving into San Louis abiso and that will kick to the South I mentioned Los Angeles went under the flood watch we're also all the way down from Oceanside to San Diego that's about 19 million people once again big.

Huge population centers we're worried about the hillsides giving way the mudslides or debris flows in the heavy rain and obviously anyone below that to the South so the mountain areas 1 to three Ines of rain La San Diego downtown areas still could get about 3/4 inch to an inch uh before this storm this would even be a significant rain event on a.

Normal day in La um of course you just finished up with 8 in in this last storm and looking ahead once we get done with this tonight we get a break so Friday looks good we dry things out sunny skies on Saturday we love that that looks great Sunday looks good too hie the next significant wet weather period that's going to happen in the west this is.

Going to be towards after Valentine's Day the week after that weather pattern change across the country much of the country gets significantly colder than normal but we all know how warm it's been across the country this going be a little shock to the system and then we're going to start getting back to a little more elino is pattern with storms.

Coming into the the West so we get about a 7-Day break and then we should get another sequence of storms hopefully not as bad as this last one but uh that's your heads up we got about a week Bill Karen you're stay busy my friend thank you very much for bringing us the latest to Washington now and the slowly sinking ship that is the Senate border bill.

Which now has a lot of stuff in it except for the actual border piece of it and to be honest it's not looking good for this version either you've got Senate leaders trying for hours now to try to take a key procedural vote and save what they can from this big Bill as our team puts it an attempt at resuscitating what now looks like yet.

Another doomed version of this legislation it is a bill that would salvage or at least try to some Aid to Ukraine Aid to Israel humanitarian aid for gazin support indopacific Partners against China and fend off trafficking of deadly fenel but obviously you see that big red X nothing related to The Border that's because those pieces of.

This proposal were torpedoed by Republicans despite of course their push for border Security in the past adding to all the dysfunction by the way this is coming a day after two Republican failures in the house after they did not PE impeach the homeland security secretary as they hoped or pass aid for Israel here's what one of the four.

Members who helped tank the impeachment vote had to say after big big vote you took you worried about implications back at home I mean I that can't be the north star that guides your votes on manag principal NBC sou hore is up on Capitol Hill for us and I was struck by the latest information from our producing team and your team.

That's there on the hill which is this vote is still open which in plain English means nothing is actually happening at the moment because this whole thing seems kind of doomed is that a fair read it's certainly a waiting game right now hie The Vibes among Republicans about this uh supplemental and foreign aid package without a border.

Deal went from somewhat positive in the morning to somewhat negative right now this vote has been held open for hours basically what's going on as Chuck Schumer the majority leader is giving Republicans time to get in a room figure out their angst sort through you know what they're what they're dealing with right now and come and come back to.

Democrats and say this is what we want to move forward with this right now there are 60 votes needed for this package and they don't have those 60 votes yet only eight Republicans as I speak are voting to move forward with this eventually that threshold uh from a simple majority to advance is going to rise to 60 and this is going to be this.

Is going to be filibustered so Schumer wants to know from them specifically what their demand is and right now they're stuck in a bit of a doom Loop because four months ago they said no Ukraine Aid without border security Democrats ultimately came to the table and said okay let's do a border deal they cut a deal Republicans picked their.

Negotiator he signed off on it Mitch McConnell the minority leader signed off on it then Republicans knifed it and said that was not good enough now they're back to Ukraine Aid are they going to move forward with it without a border package some Republicans right now which is part of the angs are saying we're not going to move forward with it.

So it's a a doom Loop headed to Nowhere unless something changes uh in the foreseeable future this is probably headed nowhere that just even that the Doom Loop headed to Nowhere like it's just so vivid right and like I will tell you that when we talk about dysfunction RIT large in Congress right grid LW chaos I hear push back sometimes from.

People around the hill who are like well wait a second we actually do do stuff the media just doesn't necessarily cover it right like smaller pieces of legislation Etc give us a gut check because if you look at approval ratings for congress right now Gallup pulls this very consistently they have for years now I mean 7 % of Americans disapprove.

Of the job that Congress is doing it is the thing that unites probably most of us right if you look at where the numbers are 8 and 10 Americans don't like the job that they're doing here on Capitol Hill in the building where you're standing how are we supposed to be thinking about this in an election year can Congress get anything done or.

Are we looking at gridlock until a new Congress gets voted in well Congress does do small things you know they name a lot of post offices they do a lot of small bipartisan bills as well that don't get a lot of attention yes it's true those things happen but those things don't have major consequences uh you know to most people's lives they.

Don't uh deliver a tangible Improvement to their lives or to Global Affairs as it exists in this situation so I think the American public just has higher expectations of Congress than what they are seeing right now which is why the approval ratings are so bad uh I think a lot of Voters especially older voters remember a time where Congress wasn't so.

Dysfunctional and they have a different standard for what to expected and a lot of younger voters are just frankly tuned out because they think Congress is run by a bunch of old people who don't understand you going through and who don't care about their their wishes so just like a super quick question I know we're out of time do you think just as.

Somebody who has covered the hill for a long time based on the reporting that you're doing and the people you're talking to can it be fixed can we get to a place down the road where the system works again it depends on the election in the foreseeable future it depends on the election and who wins the election uh there are certain lawmakers and.

Certain factions who have been become very comfortable with chaos and those are the magga aligned Trump aligned factions in both the house and the Senate I think that's become very clear right now over in the recent uh you know recent history but uh it's going to take an election at the very least hi to to sort through this sore we'll see what.

Happens in November thank you so much let's get to some new numbers out today showing that for the first time in two decades the US is buying more stuff from Mexico than from China so it's more likely that the toys the shoes you're buying are made there and businesses are turning to Mexico for stuff like car parts and raw manufacturing material why.

Couple factors end of the pandemic years of escalating tensions between Washington and Beijing Brian Chong is joining us now this has only happened a couple times in recent history right only twice in the last 30 years have we seen trade between the US and China drop like this back in 2018 and then again during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

With some sanctions what's the dynamic now and what can we expect well as you mentioned there are a few things here there's the politics but there's also covid as well as some other factors here so let me explain as you mentioned interesting to see that uh Mexico eclipsed China in terms of major trade partners with the United States trade.

With China get this down 20% Mexico went up by almost 5% just between 2022 and 2023 as well we need to chart this out to understand the context so check this out right again China in the blue line here Mexico in the yellow line here these are Imports coming into the United States from those two respective companies and take a look at China it's.

Been kind of bouncing up and down you see 2018 the trade war with Trump uh with Trump having initiated against China but then we saw that rebound post 2020 and a lot of that was because Americans were buying a lot of things after they were trapped inside for a year went out bought a lot of goods a lot of that came from China so some of.

The Comedown that we're seeing here is just a normalization of Americans not needing to buy as many Goods not doing that Revenge spending anymore but another interesting thread here that could be part of the gravity down is that the Biden Administration didn't scrap some of the tariffs that were put in place by the Trump Administration.

Prior to that so there's some of that factors as well but I want to point out also Mexico as the trade relation ship has changed they've really been rocketing up you could see the trend line over time and actually China you've been seeing that it's kind of stagnating over the last let's call it five or six years a big reason for that China is.

Shifting to a services-based economy instead of as a major exporter to the rest of the world so what does this all mean well for things like Auto Parts toys shoes raw materials things that we used to get from China well we're getting it from other places not just Mexico as I mentioned but check out the EU South Korea India Canada Vietnam as.

Well so maybe this strengthens the United States relationships with these countries but I do want to point out just because they're coming from those countries doesn't necessarily mean China doesn't have a role in them we have to remember they still are often times the uh kind of producers of the raw materials that go to countries like.

India or Vietnam that then get exported to the United States so a decoupling in some cases but of course a lot of nuance in what is still very much a global economy hie super interesting Brian Chong big news uh of course there today with those numbers out appreciate it we are hearing now for the first time from the head of Disney in an exclusive.

Interview with cnbc's Julia Boron just the last couple hours about a new streaming service that could totally change how you watch sports Bob Iger saying tonight that like Disney plus like Hulu it is their way to get ready for a world Beyond cable ESPN has always made a promise to sports fans that it will serve them.

Wherever they are when you know whenever they want Disney's teaming up with Fox and water Brothers Discovery here and look at all these channels you'd get if you sign up for this proposed streamer ESPN ABC Fox TBS TNT not just their Sports Programming but like everything that they show okay but there is still a lot.

That we don't know here what does it cost that's probably one of the biggest questions who's gon to run this thing is it going to get here by football season are the leagues okay with this Julia is joining us now live from Burbank fresh off that conversation we are so glad to have you on the show Julia we'd love to see you especially on the heels of this.

This tell us more about this interview right because the the question is is there a concern that like a streamer plan like this a kind of Mini bundle is going to accelerate the end of cable as we know it you know that's exactly what I asked Disney CEO Bob Iger I said if you're offering a service like this that has.

All of this live sports from Disney Warner Brothers Discovery as well as Fox is that just going to accelerate cord cutting and get more people to drop their pay TV bundle take a listen to his an answer this is a big step in that direction to serve the sports fan that has not signed up for the multi chel Channel linear TV.

Or that maybe was disenfranchised and didn't want it this is a way to do that so he was really saying that this is not about accelerating cord cutting but rather helping out cord Nevers people who have never paid for a TV bundle or maybe people who' have already cut the cord so it's all about meeting their their customers meeting sports.

Fans wherever they already are he was he was trying to say that they were also going to make as much money from this as they would if say ESPN was included in a pay TV bundle it's just so interesting because we talked we've talked a lot about on the show and like full disclosure we we love streaming here on NBC news now that's our audience is.

Watching us but we talk a lot about how live sports really drives viewership right now so the ESPN of it all is super interesting what's also interesting is the way that this conversation that you had with Iger his earnings call Disney stock is like way up after the closing bell he made some news with you uh and elsewhere about this deal with Taylor.

Swift that's just out a deal with the maker of fortnite what how do you read that more broadly well look I think Iger again is really focused on meeting their customers where they are and figuring out how to connect with younger consumers that's what Disney is always about making sure their brands are.

Resonating with younger consumers and he announced in our interview that they are doing A1 and A5 billion investment in epic games that's the maker of fortnite to together create a new immersive game that would feature Disney characters as well as Disney intellectual property this is the first for them to do this kind of partnership listen to his.

Explanation of why it makes sense this represents probably our biggest foray into the game Space ever which I think is is not only timely but an important step when you look at the demographic Trends and you look at where gen Alpha and gen Z and even Millennials are spending their time in media it's pretty dramatic in terms of the um.

Amount of time spent in games so no launch date yes yet for this Disney version of fortnite or Disney um addition to to that that whole ecosystem it certainly seems like they're working to get it out as soon as possible um and and that there's this huge opportunity here to not only use it to generate new Revenue but also to promote Disney's.

Brands and maybe get people to tune in on Disney plus Julia bson just a great interview super newsy we're so glad to have you break it down for us here on the show thank you so much thanks got a lot more to get to as well right here including the surprising thing researchers say could be hidden underneath Saturn's Death Star looking.

Moon plus by big prices for Big Mac have some folks saying they're fed up with how much they're paying at the drive-thru tonight Nikki Haley is out campaigning for the first time I'm in a super Tuesday State and it's a biggie California with some supporters of former president Trump showing up.

Outside we've seen that in the past at some of these Haley events they were yelling some booing holding up signs and flags here's how Hy responded there are more of us than there are of them they may be louder but we're mightier it's after a pretty big loss or at least a loss that is not unexpected.

In Nevada's Republican presidential primary not the caucus that's tomorrow this is the primary mostly symbolic she lost not to her main opponent in the Republican race Donald Trump but to nobody here's how the winner in Nevada's primary technically no one I'm on the fence with nobody that's literally who won nobody.

The option that says None of these candidates and that's seen as a win for former president Trump who wasn't even on the ballot the primary last night remember was only symbolic for Republicans it's the caucuses tomorrow the count toward the 26 delegates at stake in this state and Donald Trump's all but certain to lock up those but.

Trump backers who pushed the noneof the above option hoped to deny Haley even just the bragging rights of a symbolic win theoretically a symbolic win could have given her another Lifeline but losing to none of the above ends up really hurting her campaign and any momentum going forward whether on the fundraising front or when it comes to.

Media attention but Haley's not concerned she's long said she hasn't been focused on Nevada after the state party chose to also hold caucuses seen as more favorable to Mr Trump with his more loyal supporters more likely to show up we didn't spend a day or a dollar there we weren't even worried about it it's why we haven't talked.

About it her campaign looking ahead to the contest to come saying in a new statement we didn't bother to play a game rigged for Trump we are full steam ahead in South Carolina and Beyond but before that election in South Carolina later this month comes Nevada's caucuses tomorrow where former president Trump has campaigned and has predicted Victory.

Already boosted by his backers pledging to show up I voted none of the above for the primary here and I'll be at the caucus on Thursday and then another sign that Haley is looking to stay in this race at least through super Tuesday there have been all these questions of how long is she going to be in it her team today is.

Rolling out a new leadership team in Massachusetts one of seven states that the campaign manager says Haley is targeting for that super Tuesday election happening early next month we will watch watch all things politics related as always but first let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight.

Russia apparently feeling more and more isolated because of its war in Ukraine is now teaming up with China in the Arctic raising some big National Security concerns here in the US a new private intelligence report says while Russia didn't really want China there now it thinks this could be a potential counterbalance to alliances led by the.

US number two the Biden Administration is putting in place tougher standards for deadly pollution from soot from things like tail pipes Smoke Stacks the EPA says it could prevent thousands of premature deaths every year while industry groups say it could hurt manufacturing jobs and maybe close down power plants number three every wanted.

To skip a late night call or text from your boss first of all boundaries second of all look at Australia they want workers to be able to ignore unreasonable messages from their bosses after hours and F any bosses that don't listen to that guidance this bill is set to be introduced in the Australian Parliament later on this week and a.

Government official said a majority of senators there now support it number four today astronomers say there's probably a big ocean hidden under the Frozen crust of Saturn's moon named mimus you can see right here kind of looks like the Death Star it's giving Star Wars the ocean's estimated to be between 5 million and 15 million years.

Old experts say this Moon could be an interesting spot to look at how life may have formed number five Coca-Cola is out with a new drink ready for it spiced Coke spiced spiced with what nobody knows yet but it apparently tastes like raspberries there's also a zero sugar version It's Coke's first new permanent drink in North America in 3 years just.

Don't call it New Coke the company says it's trying to bring in the next generation of consumers so there you go spiced Coca-Cola folks we cover it all right here on news now coming up the pope clapping back at critics of lgbtq plus people getting blessings plus how far this scorpion traveled hidden in a woman's backpack.

G inflation seems to be coming for your fast food with some people getting no pun intended fed up look at this in one spot a Big Mac meal could set you back 18 bucks as high as that at one Connecticut location it's a rest stop so like you know grain of salt there but an EG buffin $7 zooming out a little bit.

The price of going to restaurants are getting takeout overall is up 5% higher than the overall rate of inflation Christine Romans is joining us now so in like plain English speak Christine we've been talking about how inflation generally overall is cooling that seems to not be the case for fast food but so how is it that the stuff that's supposed.

To be are cheap eats isn't actually that cheap anymore yeah it isn't and and quite frankly it's labor costs and those food inputs that um these fast food execs have been passing on to Consumers and I think consumers have hit Peak inflation fatigue they're saying hey wait a minute 12 bucks 13 bucks 14 bucks to run with my kids to get a couple.

Things that's not cool and you see even in the McDonald's earnings the CEO says look we notice the people who make 45 Grand or less there it's cheaper for them to go buy groceries than to eat here they're not eating here as much because they'd rather go to the grocery store because grocery prices are actually in some cases falling so I I.

Think it's Peak inflation fatigue and you really see it at these fast food food places let's say these prices start to go back down right because inflation overall is starting to cool off if the prices come down are these companies incentivized to then lower prices we often talk about corporations jacking them up I feel like it's way less common.

To be like wow that's cheaper than I thought it would be so here's what they're doing um they've been trying to get a broader income spectrum of customer right so they've been you know kind of glamming up their burgers and offering some new uh franchise like cosmics and and a lot of other companies are doing this too uh but what you're.

Seeing now is like for example Taco Mill they are saying they have 10 things on their $3 or less menu their value menu and they're really promoting the cheap stuff again and McDonald's saying we're gonna this is going to be the year of affordability we get it we get it that people want value and affordability so you'll see some lower price options.

Probably on that menu as well and you know you look at many of the other places they've seen foot traffic down they've seen uh sales that disappointed every place but Chipotle Haley Chipotle raised prices 10% and saw sales sales and foot traffic rise so Chipotle bucking the trend a lot of these other companies are saying okay we get it.

People are sick of inflation we got to give them some cheaper we have to make fast food cheap again so what are we supposed to do if we have a hankering for a little you know bean burrito so look some of these places are going to have like family menus or like big big orders that you can get like a bundle so look at that and see maybe if that helps.

You there use the apps from the fast food restaurant sometimes they have you know special special perks the other thing that you can do here like KFC for example is just starting rewards so there might be new brands that are going to start some rewards and get this you see the second item on this list I find this quite controversial I find this.

Quite controversial tell me look well I mean I've been known to order a kids meal when I'm ordering my all my other kids you know meals but if I'm going to go and Splurge in McDonald's I know exactly what I want I I don't want a little hamburger in a little box I really do want quarter pounder with cheese the whole bit you know so if if.

You want to save a couple bucks maybe the kids bill is right for you but I don't know I I I'm I'm personally not on that c in that camp Christine Romans with a controversial take I mean you're really planting your anti-k kids meal flag girl it is on the record we appreciate your honesty I not like to editorialize and I don't like anybody to.

Know my opinion except about the kids meal Fair love it um got you I got you back on that one Christine thank you so much appreciate it we got to get to now some breaking news just into us now from Capitol Hill from here in Washington attorney general mer Garland is telling lawmakers that a special counsel has wrapped up his investigation into.

President Biden's handling of classified documents I'm just looking at the letter it is just into NBC News in the last five minutes or so now Garland is not laying out the details of this special counsel report special counsel Robert her this new letter just says that the investigation has concluded but it could mean that we.

Might get to see it soon because the AG goes on to say that he will produce to Congress this report report and the letter from Council after completion of the White House's privilege review meaning after the white house looks at it for anything related to executive privilege remember what this is about it's related to President Biden's.

Alleged mishandling of documents at his Delaware home and DC office office now remember unlike former president Trump's handling of classified documents there is no expectation that we would see any criminal charges against the president here we are going to keep an eye on this obviously if we get any news on the actual contents of this report we'll.

Bring it to you as soon as we get it NBC News covers hundreds of other stories International stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our International Teams have done it for you here's some of what they're watching in a segment we call the global out of Ecuador officials say the lead contaminated cinnamon we.

Told you about that ended up in some fruit pouches in this country probably came from one Processing Company the FDA says those pouches are linked to like hundreds of lead poisonings here Ecuadorian officials say the processing plan is not operating right now and that they're still investigating out of the Vatican the Pope's responding to critics.

Of his decision to let priests bless same-sex couples he's calling it hypocrisy telling an Italian magazine that nobody's upset if he blesses a businessman who in his words exploits people and out of Ireland check this out the Scorpion apparently made its way from Kenya to Ireland in a woman's luggage.

Luggage yikes an Irish Zoo there says she reached out saying the Scorpion had been in her bedroom for more than a week before she noticed it H it says the apparently the Scorpion is now safe and sound and secure in its venomous unit but if you needed some nightmare fuel tonight we got your back how's that.

For just horrific terrifying let's get to some better news how about we to some promising results in cancer patients that some doctors say could be the dawn of a new age when it comes to the disease and how we treat it new vaccines aimed at preventing those at a f cancer from actually getting it.

Again giving patients a new sense of hope here's Dr Natalie AAR vaccines hailed by doctors and public health officials for unequivocally saving millions of lives but in the wave of the covid pandemic as controversial as ever with vaccine exemptions in American schools at alltime highs as hesitancy Soares now.

They want us to inject experimental gene therapy in this environment the future of cancer prevention emerging yes vaccines for cancer after multiple rounds of chemo radiation and a double mastectomy doctors said Jennifer Davis was cancer free but she still couldn't shake the fear the thought that it could come back you know was very terrifying.

Now she's living with a sense of hope all thanks to an experimental cancer vaccine every time that I have a headache or an ache or a pain that I don't think that it's cancer now and to have that weight lifted has just been amazing in 2021 Davis became the first person in the world to receive the Cleveland Clinic's breast cancer vaccine.

Targeting triple negative breast cancer or tnbc it's currently in phase one clinical trials tested on tnbc survivors trying to prevent recurrence when that recurrence occurs it tends to be much more aggressive and then it becomes a battle to try and keep the patient alive Dr Kamar says 42% of women who are.

Treated for triple negative breast cancer have a recurrence within 5 years and doctors say before there wasn't too much they could do but this new vaccine two decades in the works hopes to change that here's how it works women produce a special lactation protein called Alpha lact albumin that only occurs when they are breastfeeding but it can pop up.

Again in many triple negative breast cancer cases so the vaccine teaches the woman's immune system to recognize that protein kill it and kill the cancer cells in the process too it tricks the vaccinated person's immune system phase one trials show early signs of a good immune response and minimal side effects such as lumps or irritation at the.

Injection site Phase 2 intends to test just how effective it is at stopping recurrence of the cancer it's part of a growing medical movement instead of searching for a cure for cancer use vaccine to try to eradicate different types and several show promising early data a Holy Grail idea is really think of a vaccine in a preventive measure.

Will they work as great as the promise you know because if they do the potentially really would be Limitless it may be years until these vaccines become mainstream going Beyond just cancer survivors to everyone if people take them for Davis it was simple it wasn't something that I was scared of or nervous about um I really was a lot more.

Fearful that the cancer would return and I can't thank Cleveland Clinic and anx enough for the outlook on life that they've given me our thanks to Dr Natalie Asar for that reporting and while the doctors and researchers say they're hopeful about their results they also say access is still a challenge here this form of.

Breast cancer is twice as likely to happen in African-American women so doctors are encouraging people to participate in these trials to help future Generations a lot more to get to coming up here on the show including how Pakistan's former leader is using AI to campaign from jail we've got that in just a.

minute so tonight's original now with in-depth reporting on a topic we've been watching and tonight it's Pakistan with two bombings at separate election campaign offices just one day before a huge election to elect a new Parliament it's killed dozens of people in a country now on edge already rattled by a.

Surge in attacks as a widely popular former leader is now using AI to campaign from prison Josh Letterman is following all of it for us twin explosions ripping through political offices in Southwestern Pakistan one day before a landmark election killing at least 30 people officials say in a country where.

Politics and deadly violence have often gone hand in hand so far no claims of responsibility but it's just the latest upheaval in a tumultuous election that seen major arrests rallies shut down covert campaigning and even artificial intelligence all shaking Pakistan's political system to its core one of.

Pakistan's most popular politicians former prime minister and cricket star Imran Khan is in prison recently convicted of exposing State secrets and other charges allegations his supporters say were cooked up by Pakistan's powerful military as part of a Crackdown to keep Khan and his party the PTI out of power but with con Behind Bars his.

PTI party is waging one of the most unconventional campaigns in modern history holding virtual rallies on Facebook and Tik Tok and relying mostly on women for in-person campaigning the police can't easily detain women this volunteer says and get this his party says it's now using AI voice generation to create new con.

Campaign speeches posted on YouTube based on notes from lawyers who met with K in jail our people are being oppressed and their families are also being harassed the voice says but in a world of deep fakes and misinformation could AI generated campaigning open up a Pandora's Box how can voters know what's real what we see in foreign elections.

And Pakistan and elsewhere is almost like a practice run of what we're going to see in our own elections in November 2024 so this is a canary in the coal mine the parallels in American politics are already clear like whether former president Trump could be president if he were convicted and sentenced to prison and how he or any other candidate could.

Hypothetically blast out AI generated messages from behind bars a hospital bed or even from the grave we need three things education stamping of automatically generated content that's called watermarking and the third thing is Advanced detection technology those Solutions a ways off putting the whole system's credibility at stake.

Whether voters believe what they're seeing is authentic and that elections are free and fair J Letterman is joining us now Josh it is a fascinating look at frankly a lot of different threads in Pakistan here when it comes to the AI piece to be clear what's happening there as it relates to AI is apparently sanctioned.

By by this candidate the the big concern right is what happens when it is not sanctioned when that Tech is used without permission from a candidate that's exactly right we've already seen examples of that in the United States H it was just last month uh that President Biden was the victim of a robocall obtained by NBC news that.

Perverted uh to be the president calling voters in New Hampshire telling them not to bother voting in the primary there it was not him uh it was not his voice and in fact uh AI experts who analyzed that call for NBC uh determined that it was almost surely a deep fake that was generated by Ai and so the threat is already here because you going to have.

Some candidates who are doing this intentionally who are doing it with the candidates permission such as Imran Khan and Pakistan but then there is the risk of doing it without candidates consent and the question is how are voters supposed to be able to tell the difference now in the US the Federal Election Commission is under pressure to.

Actually regulate this they have said they're considering it they have not made a decision and there are also calls for new laws in the United States to make it mandatory to actually label something that is a deep fake as a generated so that people know exactly what they are getting but so far this is really the Wild Wild West T Josh.

Letterman uh it's just so fascinating we're so glad to have you bringing it to us tonight thank you coming up here on the show also overseas what Prince William just said in one of his first outings since his father's cancer diagnosis Prince William speaking for the first time today since his father's.

Cancer diagnosis as William is now back to Royal duties since his wife's surgery because remember Princess Kate was also in the hospital for a bit so what did he say watch your Royal Highness how grateful are you for the public support you've received in recent week so you hear him there asked about.

Being grateful for the public support the prince is getting to a Gala dinner tonight to raise money for a London charity and earlier today hosting a ceremony to hand out Awards on behalf of his father remember the king is stepping back now from public duties for a bit while he deals with his cancer diagnosis and apparently gets some treatment and.

Say William's brother Prince Harry heads back home to California after visiting his father just about 24 hours ago you see the prince's motorcade pulling in there to Buckingham Palace roal expert Tim art is joining us now um still some questions about what this cancer diagnosis is related to what the treatment looks like and now you have.

The sons stepping in Prince Harry already home very quick visit Prince Prince William obviously stepping into the public Spotlight more yes Prince William had really an opportunity tonight hie to um give a bit more information to the public about his father's condition after the clip that you've just shown he went on to make a.

Speech and this was a a fundraiser for the air ambulance service in London now he chose I think quite pointedly not to say anything about his father's condition at all merely to thank people for their messages of support and you know we talked initially about Prince Charles I'm sorry King Charles as he now is being uh very open about about his.

Condition but the palace are traditionally reluctant to talk about medical details when anybody in the royal family is ill and we really we don't know any more than we did after that very brief statement uh a few days ago so what kind of cancer is the king suffering from we don't know what kind of treatment is he receiving we don't.

Know the palace has said he's obviously in good spirits and so forth but we know no more details than that at all and that only really just leads to to speculation I'd love to get your sense of this Tim because sometimes our International based correspondence you know we have a a mostly but not entirely American audience and sometimes our.

Correspondents who live overseas especially in London will say hey things are sometimes covered a little bit differently in Us Media than in the British media can you give us a sense from your perspective of how this is being received this critical moment for the royal family this very high-profile moment for King Charles in the UK.

Specifically well you know hie I thought it was quite quite revealing watching that that clip that you just showed of a question being uh shouted at Prince William seemed to be rather significant that whoever was there asking the question didn't at least say how is your father what kind of you know is he in good spirits uh the the media here tipy.

Toes around the Roy family on occasions like this they speculate uh but but it's not the same is as it is in the United States you know we we're not as blunt we're not as direct with the royal family particularly uh over issues of health and and we respect the privacy of the royal family maybe I would have thought a more direct question perhaps.

Could have been asked of Prince William tonight but it wasn't Tim you we're glad to have you your perspective your analysis as always thank you so much appreciate you being with us and that does it for us for this hour we've got more coverage picking up right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on.

The NBC News app or follow us on social media

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3 thoughts on “Hallie Jackson NOW – Feb. 7 | NBC News NOW

  1. The congress with Maga folk in there used to be supreme indulge in a bunch of idiots who know nothing regarding the regulations and regulations regarding to the occasions that took place to the arena and the allies ate looking at and awaiting those illeterates republicans appearing indulge in the kids in classic faculties.

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