Hallie Jackson NOW – Jan. 30 | NBC Recordsdata NOW


Hallie Jackson NOW - Jan. 30 | NBC Recordsdata NOW

any minute now we could see a whole new level up to this battle over the border with Republicans expected to recommend impeaching a top Biden official and huge questions over whether the president can shut down the Border himself we're live in just a second with a gut check on the humanitarian crisis and the potential.

Political Fallout also at any minute we may find out more about the president's cryptic comment that he's made up his mind on how to respond to those deadly drone attacks on US troops in Jordan who else knows what his decision is and when might the rest of the world find out then elsewhere in the region a closer look in our original tonight at the.

Accusations Israel uses hunger as a weapon of War plus an NBC News exclusive live from Beijing a word you don't often hear related to the fight against the global spread of fenel optimism we'll explain why and then our breakdown everything you ever wanted to know about the FED but we're afraid to ask ahead of a big meeting that could affect interest.

Rates your mortgage your money and more and would you let Elon Musk put a chip in your brain well somebody did why we're getting to that later on in the show hey there I'm Hy and we're starting tonight with the humanitarian crisis at the border and House Republicans pushing what they think could be part of the solution any minute set to recommend.

Impeaching the homeland security secretary want to show you this live right here a break in the debate at the moment but it's a debate to try to kick Alejandra mayorcas out of office we're watching for a vote we're watching for things to pick back up we're bringing any action as soon as we get it with Republicans accusing mayorcas of one.

Refusing to follow the law and two knowingly saying things that weren't true to get in the way of DHS oversite we want to be clear here the chances of a conviction are slim to none only one cabinet secretary has ever been impeached and convicted that was back when Hines catchup first came out 1876 that vote failed over on the other.

Side of Capitol Hill senators are working on a different plan to try to get a handle on the border allowing the government to spend more money there and giving President Biden the power to shut the border down in certain cases a power that the president definitely wants listen give me the power I've asked for the very day I got in office give me the.

Border control give me the people give give me the people to judges give me the people who can stop this and make it work R okay so does the president really need the Congressional green light to shut down the Border does he need congress's approval or can he do it himself current and former Homeland Security officials tell our team.

Technically he could do it on his own but that could be super chaotic because of legal challenges that would almost certainly pop up right away there's no commitment from Mexico which would have to get on board with a plan plus there's some questions about what's actually realistic numbers wise what we do know numbers wise comes from polls showing.

Most Americans want to see something done near nearly 3ar of Voters want more money for border security and about one in seven say the border is their number one issue ahead of the election this fall we're going to get more to the politics with Ryan Nobles in just a sec but I want to start with David Nora who is live for us in Eagle Pass Texas.

Because David what is happening on the ground where you are is critical for a bunch of reasons politically legally from a humanitarian perspective so tell us what you're seeing and hearing as Texas and the border is now in the National spotlight yeah hi I'm at the border right now this right behind me is the.

Rio Grand Crossings have actually been relatively quiet for now especially compared to last month's record-breaking Crossings that's in large part because the river is actually quite full right now what you see is a a very high very fast River so few people are attempting The Crossing but I do want to show you as you said this ultimately is about.

People and there are remnants here of the many thousands of migrants who have crossed the border here in recent weeks these are clothes backpacks other supplies that migrants discarded on this side of the river once they made it onto US territory to claim Asylum we have a pair of shoes that belongs to uh either a woman or a child we have a women's a.

Woman's bra these are things that remind you that it's often women and children who are completing this dangerous Voyage you know you also see here all around me the concertina wire that was put up by the Texas National Guard as part of Governor Greg Abbott's operation Lone Star that's the the sort of political flash point or standoff that's been.

Taken that's been playing out here in Eagle Pass in recent weeks now as far as for people who live here in Texas who live in these border communities and are having to see all of this play out in their communities you know some of them think that this is little more than just political theater earlier today I met the uh Maverick County Democratic party.

Chairwoman who basically came to Shelby Park the park that we're at here that the Texas National Guard took over and and closed off to the public to sort of argue with the Guardsmen uh uh Harang them about why she wasn't being allowed into the park and we talked to her shortly after that encounter here's what she had to.

Say the residents here in Maverick County and Eagle Pass we know the real story and everybody that's smart enough to know there has there is no danger there is no Invasion well Calli the numbers are low now because of seasonal variations but it's entirely possible in fact most border experts that I speak to expect.

Those numbers to start going up again as we see every year sometime in the spring hie David Nora live for us there at Eagle Pass David thank you let me bring in Ryan Nobles live for us on Capitol Hill so Ryan David has walked through the humanitarian angle on the ground what it's like in Texas along the border let's talk about what it's like in.

Washington right because there is a political divide here and it's sometimes getting heated I want to play it for folks Secretary of mayor's actions have forced our hand they don't want solutions they want a political issue we're losing our country down there this is a magga pathway of vengefulness this is this is the.

Political piece of it right and it is politics especially because there is a democrat-led senate that is almost certainly not going to take an impeachment seriously so what's the end game here well any impeachment hie is fundamentally a political exercise uh whether you truly do want to see the.

Person who you are attempting to impeach remove from office or not the only way that you're successful is by winning the politics over something like this and even when you don't necessarily reach the end goal that an impeachment is specified for in the Constitution you still provide or you're providing the effort and the in your.

You're somewhat showing your constituents uh that you're concerned about an issue and that's what Democrat or Republicans I should say are attempting to do here with the impeachment of Alejandro mayorcas suggesting that the administration is not doing enough to deal with the Border crisis now mayorcas and Democrats flatly.

Reject it they say they're doing all that they can in my orcus we should point out was not given the opportunity to testify in his own defense in these impeachment proceedings did send the chairman of the homeland security committee Mark green a lengthy letter seven-page letter where he says incl it says many things including this you.

Claim that we have failed to enforce our immigration laws and that is false so uh hie to your point you know there's not even a guarantee that this passes the house because Republicans have such a thin majority in the house but even if that does happen it is likely Dead on Arrival in the Senate because Democrats are in control and it requires a.

Two-thirds majority but what it's allowed Republicans to do is get the is issue of immigration front and center and place blame on the Biden Administration especially heading into a heated 2024 election just going to say around you're bringing up November right here we are end of January we are going to be talking I think we meaning.

Nationally in the political sphere are going to be talking about this issue border and immigration for the next 10 months because so many voters particularly on the Republican side of the aisle say that it is one of if not the top issues that get them to go and cast their ballots in the first place that is in so many ways the backdrop to.

A lot of the discussions happening in the building where you are is the Spectre of November that looms here yeah and you know H it's so interesting because you you started off by talking uh about how it's rare that there is agreement on the issue of immigration it's rare that the two sides can find common ground and you know I've.

Covered so many immigration debates up here this is one of the few times where actually there's a pretty broad set of parameters that both Republicans and Democrats agree on they agree there's a crisis they agree there's too many undocumented people coming over the border right now for the Social Services and the government to handle and that.

Something needs to be done and we are likely to see a bipar partisan package come out of the Senate that is the most conservative package as it relates to immigration in 40 years and Republicans in the house are rejecting it so it you know begs the question if you're a skeptical person as most of us are do you really want to solve the problem if.

You've got an opportunity to do it at least incrementally uh you know if you if you're really that concerned about it why wouldn't you at least try and find a way to get this over the Finish Line maybe they end up doing that hie that's always a possibility but right now they are locked in a serious disagreement about this path forward even though.

There's a lot they agree on when it comes to this issue Ryan Nobles thank you for being there and for that smart analysis and Reporting as always appreciated so listen any minute now we could we could find out how the us is going to respond to the deadly drone attacks that killed three US service members in the Middle East and hurt.

Dozens more with President Biden telling reporters today his mind is made up listen yes that's all he said have you made a decision on how you'll respond he says yes so what does that yes mean what is the president going to do when could it happen how much bigger could this strike or response or whatever it's going to be.

How might it be different than the strikes the US has already carried out against militants in the region the president's walking a line here on the one hand consequences he says a response for the killing of US troops on the other hand he doesn't want a wider War to pop off remember Iran denies involvement even the White House says.

Iran backed militants carried out the strike that there's Hallmarks of that I want to bring in eron Gilchrist who's posted up near the white house so the president knows what his decision is we do not know what his decision is but presumably somebody in the chain of command does too right his National Security Council maybe Folks at the.

Pentagon what do we know about that and about any potential timeline here yeah you're absolutely right obviously his National Security team has been advising him over the last few days about potential options things that he could do in response to uh the actions that were taken in Jordan that resulted in the deaths of these three soldiers uh.

And those options could be military options they could be economic options they could be diplomatic options everything would be on the table presented to the president as you said he said today yes he has made a decision about what exactly it is he wants done as a result so we know that his his National Security adviser the Secretary.

Of Defense Secretary of State and others who would be in the room for that decision-making process are aware of what the president has decided in terms of the actual execution we don't know that we likely won't know it until after it has happened because that's just the nature of how military operations work I will say that the National Security.

Council's uh one of their Chief spokesmen John Kirby a former Navy Admiral did say during a gaggle today that uh it's very possible you'll see a tiered approach not just a single action but potentially multiple actions over a period of time and so that's the the most information really that we've gotten about what exactly uh it is that.

The president has chosen to do that his military commanders on the ground will likely ultimately be the ones to decide exactly when and how those things are carried out Al all of this obviously driven Aaron by the killing of those three US troops we talked about as we're learning tonight that two of those service members have been postumus.

Promoted right absolutely uh there were two Specialists who were among the three who were killed and they have been promoted uh the Army Reserve has told us this evening to uh they've been promoted to sergeants uh after their their deaths here in Georgia uh obviously this is something uh that is close to the hearts of so many people.

And their families are mourning these deaths uh in a way that only military families can really understand I do want you to hear a little bit of what one of the uh Specialists now Sergeant's family had to say about about this loss listen but eventually we will like to know what happened and how how could this happen.

If we knew what we know now we would have just said I love you so much I you know we would have held on to that phone call just a little bit longer and so these three soldiers were part of an engineering company that was stationed at Tower 22 as it were we understand it we're likely asleep when that drone strike happened in Jordan I.

Can tell you hlee that President Biden spoke with each of these three soldiers families today separate phone calls the president had this morning before he left Washington uh and with the family's approval the president does plan to go to Dober Air Force Base on Friday for the dignified transfer of the remains of these three soldiers coming from.

Overseas back here to the US alley Aon gkr live for us there outside the White House tonight Aaron thank you so listen take a look at this dramatic video that's just into us today these people look like doctors and patients they are actually Israeli forces raing in a hospital in the West Bank you see it there those troops killing three.

Militants the IDF says had been using the hospital as a base to plan Terror attacks it's another indication of how the Israelis are trying to crack down not just in the West Bank but in Gaza obviously as the war continues since that October 7th Hamas terror attack the Israeli Prime Minister now saying he's not going to withdraw his troops even if.

That means ruling out the potential for a new hostage deal with some of that framework hammered out in Paris it calls for a truce in exchange for hostages Le but there's a couple of big sticking points among them how long would a truce even last Israel says it would only accept a temporary truce Hamas demands something permanent so we're waiting to.

See what comes next our own halani is embedding on a flight evacuating very sick very hurt Gins from the region people who are desperately hoping for some kind of a pause in the fighting this is happening against the backdrop of renewed hopes for a ceasefire some sort of longer term ceas fire and that will certainly be welcome.

Used for the tens of thousands of people who are in need of critical medical care just like the patients behind me on this flight I want to bring in RAF Sanchez now who's live for us in Tel Aviv so let's start there right because we're learning that a top Israeli minister is going to meet with the National Security adviser of the White House tomorrow.

Piece together these threads and where any level of optimism or pessimism is on the potential a true steel could go through so hi I spoke to a senior Israeli official earlier this is not always a glass half full person but he says there is a real chance that this framework hammered out by the Spy Chiefs including.

The CIA director in Paris over the weekend could lead to a deal he says there are sticking points he says nothing is done until it's done but the fact that it was discussed at the Israeli War cabinet last night is a sign of how seriously it is being taken we heard from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier today as you.

Said he was speaking at a settlement in the occupied West Bank and hie he is under real pressure from the far right of his own cabinet not to make concessions to Hamas and one of the things he said was that he is not prepared to release thousands of Palestinians convicted of terrorism offenses from Israeli prisons now that.

Is one of hamas's major demands that appears to be a serious spanner in the works here there may be some wiggle room under this proposal the deal is for Israel's civilian hostages Israel would have to release Palestinian prisoners in exchange but not necessarily the most senior Terror operatives Hamas says that it is reviewing the proposal that came.

Out of Paris it is not at this point rejecting it out of hand or saying that it can go ahead they are repeating their demand that the war ends as part of any deal but again hie maybe there's some wiggle room here a ceas fire for 60 days that Hamas could then extend further by releasing more hostages that could be something they could live with we cannot.

Overstate how many people are watching those talks and those discussions so closely W we're also watching obviously what has developed in the West Bank we showed that video at the top of this introduction here that dramatic video of this undercover Hospital ride again in the West Bank not in Gaza different area obviously what else do we know about it.

And what does it signal to you so these Israeli Commandos are called in in Hebrew must they are literally people who disguise themselves as Arabs they go undercover in the occupied West Bank and you see them in this Hospital in Janine the Northern West Bank 5:30 a.m. they go in they kill one operative from Hamas two from.

Islamic Jihad they appear to have shot one of these men at very close range while he was sleeping in his hospital bed according to Medical officials and the Palestinian Authority is saying storming a hospital is a war War crime the Israelis are saying Hamas once again cynically operating out of hospitals but I think what is important here hie.

Obviously the video is so striking but what happened in Janine is a potential glimpse of the future in Gaza Israel has been really clear that going forward in Gaza even when the war ends its forces are going to be carrying out targeted raids like this one and we may be seeing what happened in Janine last night H or this morning rather happening again and.

Again Gaza in the years to come Al raap Sanchez live for us in Tel Aviv thank you we've got some new details tonight after a tourist boat seemingly capsized off the coast of Cancun we're learning four people were killed others were taken to the hospital about to show you you can see some of the ambulances heading there the boat was going from an.

Island near Cancun over to the mainland when this happened you see it on the map I want to bring in Morgan chesky who's been following it so Morgan police have now detained the captain of the boat right what do they think happened yeah that is very much under debate hie we do know that this small vessel was leaving islamu head as that.

Popular tourist Hotpot just off the coast of Mexico and it was coming back with 19 people on board authorities say two of those 19 were crew 17 others according to Mexico's attorney general were Mexican tourists at some point on that short Voyage back uh this vessel began to go down why it did very much under investigation at this point in.

Time local news agencies there reported that there were some rough Seas of course whether there was a mechanical failure with the boat that is being investigated but one of the key questions here hie is what was the official capacity limit for this vessel with 19 people on board if the official limit was significantly less than that.

It could have certainly made that boat less seaworthy and contributed it to it going down we do know that because it it was only a short distance away from Shore that Rescuers were launched almost immediately members of the Mexican Navy and civil Patrol able to pull many of those passengers from the water some of them were treated at a nearby hospital.

But as you mentioned four passengers have been confirmed dead as a result of this what would be what should be a very common trip gone horribly wrong and this is not a trip that's taken rarely hie this is an incredibly popular short Voyage in fact two American divers were killed in 20122 even though they had buoys and.

Flags up by another passing boat that's the type of traffic that this path that you see on your screen is traveled with uh daily in fact and so right now as this investigation deepens uh there are some conflicting reports as to uh what may have caused this boat to go down uh and certainly the families of those victims hoping answers come sooner than.

Later Ally Morgan chesky thank you very much for that a powerful pair of storms is set to drench the West Coast with flood alerts now in place for some 10 million people ahead of those storms which are fueled by so-called atmospheric Rivers this one in particular comes from Hawaii it's nicknamed the Pineapple Express and if.

It's giving you some bad Deja Vu you might be thinking of last winter and the catastrophic flooding and record snow after more than a dozen atmospher Rivers slammed California I want to bring in meteorologist Bill Karen what are people there bracing for now oh it's a fine line hie because you need the atmospheric rivers to fill the.

Reservoirs we need the snow pack in the mountains but you don't want them so severe that we're going to have flooding and damage done and you know all those problems that we had last winter so we haven't had many we're actually behind in snowfall the rainfall is a little behind too so it's actually welcome we're happy we're getting these but now.

We have to wait and see just how damaging they'll potentially be so here's the storm now just off the coast clouds already moving in the heavy rain will moving in all day during the day tomorrow and you just showed this graphic too and the puple express is just a type of atmospheric River atmospheric River just means all the.

Warm air that's in the tropics the humid air gets sucked up by this strong storm we even get these on the East Coast sometimes when we had those big huge rainstorms earlier this winter those are atmospheric Rivers so it's not just something on the west coast we actually get them on the East Coast too so we have a scale for how severe they are uh.

Five the red that would be exceptional that's some of the ones we had last year this one's going to be kind of a middle you see a lot of you know the green moderate the Orange is Extreme so we will see wind gust up to 70 m per hour on the coastline of Oregon that's where some of the most extreme damage would be done for power outage and stuff like.

That notice California is mostly green so we're not thinking it's going to be too severe doesn't mean you can't have isolated flooding problems you mentioned about the 10 to 11 million people under the flood watches and of course the mountains will get the heavy snow and we're well behind we're only at 50% of the typical snow for this time of year.

Uh so we'll make up a little bit of that up to 6 in of rainfall possible San Francisco northwards obviously the higher terrain has the best chance of that the winds will be high along with this atmospheric River high wind warnings the coasted of Northern California also in Oregon and some of these gusts could potentially get up to.

The 50 to 70 M hour range so then you do worry about some of those power outages and you know sorry snow goes hie the last component of this up to 3 ft in the higher terrain so there's some good with these but there's also the danger if they're too severe this first one looks pretty moderate the next one is going to come in this weekend and that one's.

Targeting the Los Angeles area a little more we'll talk more about that during the week go Karen thank you very much so listen we're learning tonight the justice department is now investigating a member of Congress for potentially allegedly spending money illegally with democratic congresswoman Cory Bush of Missouri today confirming this.

Investigation into security spending watch I have endured Relentless threats to my physical safety and life as a rank and file member of Congress I am not entitled to personal protection by the house and instead have used campaign funds as permissible to retain Security Services I have not used any federal tax dollars for personal security.

Services Congressman Bush who denies doing anything wrong also says her office is cooperating fully with this investigation kend delanian is joining us now you heard her say there Ken that she's dealt with what she calls Relentless threats that she's used this money as it's permissible as she said she's a progressive lawmaker former.

Black lives matter organizer which is sort of the backdrop to some of what she's talking about here what else do we know about the investigation and what triggered it h we don't know exactly what the justice department is looking at here but we have some Clues because there were two Federal Election Commission.

Complaints filed by two right-wing groups that essentially accused her of misspending campaign money not that she spent the money on security that's allowed but that one of the people she was paying for security is a man she later married and is now her husband been and an NBC news review of her campaign filing shows that her office.

Spent more than $750,000 on security since 2018 so the sums of money are significant here um and these uh complaints suggested that this would be an impermissible illegal use of campaign money essentially co-opting campaign money into personal use again uh that appears to be one of the things the justice department is.

Looking at we don't know if that's the full extent of it uh representative bush has also said that the FEC itself is investigating as well as the house Ethics Committee uh but it's also been reported that the office of congressional ethics that's a different organization took a look at this and uh took no action so uh unclear exactly.

What's at stake here but it's a significant matter for the representative Ali kend delanian thank you very much for that update and I know stands half of it coming up a lot more to get to here on the show including what we know and what we don't know about the chip Elon Musk says his company put into somebody's brain plus.

Look at this a carnival cruise ship rescuing men's strand landed on a kayak in the Gulf of Mexico how they ended up here some breaking news into us tonight A Delaware judge voiding the Tesla CEO's 56 billion pay package the Tesla CEO of course Elon Musk it basically means that payout is cancelled the judge says.

Tesla's board didn't make a fair Compensation Plan this is pretty big news in the business world the Tesla stock has slid 3% now just since markets have closed today in a statement on X which musk also owns he's reacting to this ruling saying never incorporate your company in the state of Delaware our teams are watching for more on this.

We'll have give you more as we get it another Elon Musk news would you let one of his companies put a chip into your brain well somebody did and musk is saying now that whoever it is seems to be recovering well which then begs the question actually it begs like a million questions what was this procedure who's the patient why did they get this.

Implant what exactly even is the implant what was put into their brain remember this isn't some like random surgery that musk himself did obviously not right the FDA approved neuralink for a clinical study in patients last year but the FDA tells us tonight it cannot confirm any information about any individual study they're referring us over to the company.

Musk's neurotech startup well the company neuralink hasn't gotten back to us with any more information either Emily aeta is joining us now this is two things Emily right it is pretty big medical news it is also a pretty big mystery and oh by the way it's driven by one of the most controversial people in the United.

States Elon Musk what's happening yeah it's absolutely getting people talking and it's the source of intrigue and also concern so Elon Musk is calling this product telepathy and take a look at here this is some of the limited information in The Limited details that we know telepathy really speaking to what it can do it enables control of the.

Phone or computer merely by thinking by your mind by thoughts according to Elon Musk who tweeted about it yesterday he says the first users will be people who lost use of their limbs the clinical study looking for people who are experiencing uh paralysis quadropolis and the initial results as you said Elon Musk says that they are promising now a.

Clinical study uh is expected to take six years or so and remember this is just one of numerous rounds of safety inspections these different um these different things that they have to pass before something like this can even reach commercialization so it still will be a while hi I should also know we reached out to noral link and we have.

Not heard back for comment what is it um you you you touched on one of these things I want to pull this thread the idea of this is to help people who have lost limbs for example right like that's one of the initial um one of the initial hopes for this kind of technology and I and I say that to say you know there's there's been some skepticism I think.

From from some corners of the idea of like a chip being implanted in your brain it feels like a lot yeah absolutely and understandably so but I I I think this feels like something that maybe that we would be talking about in 50 years or 100 years very futuristic but here we are the future is here now and in many respects it is very exciting.

And neur Link is one of a handful a small handful I should say of companies and researchers who are looking into this implanting uh brain chips into humans and have begun the testing process for instance in6 you may remember there was a 30-year-old who had a brain chip implanted and he was able to famously as you're seeing on your.

Screen he was able to with control through his mind fist bump President Obama in 2016 after he suffered paralysis from a car crash in another instance synchron another major uh leader in this kind of neurotechnology they're conducting a clinical study right now and they demonstrated how they're using brain chips to allow two.

People to communicate back and forth using their thoughts to control messaging systems essentially and so while these emerging neurotechnologies obviously extremely exciting for people with paralysis as a gateway to be able to and potentially life-changing Gateway I should say there's also you know the source of question and concern all over.

Social media today hi there's been references to Sci-Fi movies and concerns and I think a lot of that is stemming around the fact of okay where could this technology go what kind of Regulation can there be with this brain data privacy concerns so this is just the beginning of an ongoing conversation hie Emily aeta thank you very much sure is.

Let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one police today have arrested the son of that New Jersey Imam who was shot and killed outside his mosque earlier this month the sun along with two others are now facing gun charges police say they're looking into whether the sun was involved in the.

Death in The Killing and that the investigation is still ongoing number two ups is cutting 12,000 jobs this year because they say there's not as much demand and it's more expensive because of labor costs the job cuts are expected to hit management roles and contractors and save about a billion dollars according to the CEO number three a.

Carnival cruise ship rescuing two people stranded on a kayak in the Gulf of Mexico look at this so their boat sank these two guys ended up in this kayak how lucky are they right that the cruise ship spots them manages to get them some first aid some food a medical evaluation they were then transferred to the custody of the Mexican Navy they're.

Expected to be okay number four us figure skaters have officially won Gold in the Olympics which Olympics you ask the Olympics from two years ago remember Russian figure skater Camila valeva got disqualified yesterday we told you about it on the show because of a positive drug result so without Russia in the lead the US got upgraded to Gold Japan.

Got upgraded to Silver it is the first gold for the US in the team event albeit somewhat belatedly number five scientists releasing some new Incredible images of more than a dozen spiral galaxies look at those captured by the James Webb Space Telescope they're sort of sort of close to our own Milky Way like close being a relative term here.

Right scientists say they're going to give some new Clues on Star formation Galactic Evolution they're also pretty amazing to look at huh when we come back an exclusive follow-up to a story we've been telling you about our Janice Macky fryer getting rare access to a lab in Beijing at the center of a partnership on fighting.

Fenyl that's coming off plus a huge fire at a Texas Chicken Farm why it could still burn for another full day NBC News covers hundreds of stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our Bureau teams have done it for you this is what the tell us is going down in their regions in a segment we call the.

Local out of our Southern Bureau fire firefighters look at this trying to get a handle on this huge fire at a Texas Chicken Farm it could take days to put it out officials say it started in a building that had been under construction so it's still too dangerous to send firefighters in they see there is at this point no threat to people.

Around the area out of our Northeast Bureau First Responders in New Hampshire rescuing a woman from inside a garbage truck she allegedly fell into a dumpster right which was then picked up emptied into the truck fortunately for her somewhat miraculous L the driver noticed somebody inside right obviously stopped what they were doing the woman was.

Brought to the hospital in serious condition and out of our Western Bureau look at this Alaska buried under what's being called a pandemic of snow more than 100 in of snow falling on Anchorage so far this winter the city's on track to break the all-time record of 134 in this is not this is like really concerning the snow is causing roofs to.

Collapse it's blocking streets and sidewalks there is a positive spin-off on it look at this 20ft tall snowman people call it snowzilla in that neighborhood to an NBC News exclusive now our own Janice Macky fryer oneon-one with the woman leading us talks with China to try to stop fenel from getting into the US here's what she's saying.

After some critical negotiations today listen this is a huge issue for the United States it is a huge crisis that we need to address and we know that that working with China is an essential part of of any solution it's coming as Janice and her team get rare access to a critical lab this access years in the making allab.

President Biden agreed to lift sanctions on when he met with President XI back in November it's a move that's been key to these talks Janice is joining us now live from Beijing we're so glad to have you Janice on this story that I know has been a long time in the works here and this comes at a really important moment here because the US wants more info from.

China more cooperation more control of some of these chemicals made in China that are ingredients for fenel made somewhere else what are the chances based on your conversations here that the that the us is going to get what they want out of this well hie this is a huge global trade that we're talking about that uses.

Cryptocurrencies and the dark web and money laundering to get these chemical precursors those are the ingredients that go into making fenel from China to Mexico we should be clear in saying that China banned sentinol as a substance back in 2019 in cooperation with the US US officials have said that for the most part direct shipments from China to the.

US have stopped but stemming the flow of these precursor chemicals because there are thousands of them tens of thousands of them and most of them have legitimate uses as well this is proving more difficult and it's why cooperation on this issue is so important for the US I sat down with Jen dascal after she met today with Chinese officials here's more.

Of what she had to say the fact that we had this meeting today the fact that they brought so many different representatives to the table to match our whole of government delegation is a step forward um we obviously have areas of disagreement with China but there are areas of mutual cooperation where we can and and will.

Continue to seek to make progress hi this is how the supply chain works you have this thriving chemicals industry in China uh the chemicals are bought and sold online and they are shipped from China to Mexico to the drug cartels where they are synthesized into fenel and opioid we know is 50 times more powerful than heroin it then moves.

Into the US and it's killing so many Americans hie this is um you talk about this Janice being a global trade it is a global issue and obviously it is something that absolutely has the president's attention here President Biden meeting with President XI they talked about it now there's this followup right does it mean that there.

Is some optimism moving forward at least on this issue between the US and China which as you know a Rel it's a relationship that's been at a low point in recent years well we can call it cautious optimism that was certainly the vibe we were getting from both us and and Chinese officials that this was a.

Critical first step forward in terms of longer term impact that remains to be seen uh whether there will be the follow through that's necessary whether Beijing is capable of cracking down on such a massive industry and whether there's the willingness and of course we see these talks resume there have there's been us China cooperation before but it's been.

Derailed by politics China called off the talks in 2012 22 after Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan and they had been sputtering uh since 2020 when the US put the two police Labs on that sanctions list so in the end while there is that cautious optimism uh in these meetings and the fact that they even happened uh it's it's a reminder that.

Even on an issue as personal to Americans as the fenel crisis it it's still an issue that is secondary to politics and things could get thrown off track again if political tensions rise Ali Janice Macky frer live for us there in Beijing we're so glad to have you there Janice bringing this story this interview uh and this access to us.

Appreciate it coming up here on the show some experts say the famine in Gaza is its worst ever with Israel now being accused of using hunger as a weapon of War that's in our original next so tonight's original now with in-depth.

Reporting on a topic we've been watching and tonight we start with the controversy over the potential role of at least a dozen un Aid workers in the October 7th terror attack on Israel it's the same Aid group called unra that gives food and medical care to the two million people in Gaza so many of those gazin living in despair they are.

Desperate and hopeless now with some experts saying it's the most intense hunger crisis they've ever seen now Israel is facing accusations it's using hunger as a weapon of War our Cynthia mcfaden has more the world food program now warning the risk of famine in Gaza is increasing every single day the head of the un's.

Emergency relief agrees and says people in Gaza face the highest levels of food in security ever recorded and Human Rights Watch accusing Israel of using starvation as a weapon weapon of war in violation of the international rules of War gazin jumping on Aid trucks to get any food they can for themselves and their.

Children we are dying of hunger and flooding the few remaining barely functioning hospitals with cases of serious malnutrition Hospital workers facing the Grim reality that sometimes they don't have food to give them or themselves what else is left when there are homeless children no school schs no education no food nothing what else is.

Left we have hunger we have starvation in some places and the clock is sticking towards famine one idea of Colonel pointing the blame at eight organizations for people not getting enough food telling the Times of Israel there is no food shortage in Gaza as of now around 200 200 trucks of humanitarian Aid carrying food water and.

Medical supplies are getting into Gaza every day while that may sound like a lot the UN says 500 trucks were going in Daily before the war it's certainly not the first time even in recent conflicts that a government has been accused of starving people to win military goals starvation has been used as a military tactic going.

All the way back to ancient times Romans used starvation to defeat and Destroy Carthage in 146 BC in the United States Civil War President Lincoln signed the Libra code which instructed Union Soldiers to quote starve the Hostile belligerent armed or unarmed and AD Hitler's so-called hunger plan starved millions of people in the Soviet Union.

During World War II but it wasn't until 2018 that the UN Security Council unanimously and strongly condemned the use of starvation as a tactic of War because of the devastating impact it has on civilians of course many factors can disrupt the food supply to populations and yet Ukraine the Democratic Republic of Congo Yemen Syria are all facing.

Hunger crisis in the middle of conflict Alex Deval has studied International famine for four decades markets are disrupted trade is is disrupted food production is disrupted but where we see real risk of famine is where hunger is deliberately used as a weapon of War and Deval says the concentration of food insecurity in Gaza is the worst in the.

Last 75 years there is no instance since World War II that compares with Gaza there are and there are instances that are bigger in terms of affecting much more people much more protracted and therefore killing larger numbers none of them have inflicted the same level of Destruction and brought about the same level level of risk of mass death from.

Starvation as the current crisis in Gaza UNICEF says the war is damaging and destroying access to clean water too cases of diarrhea among children there skyrocketing because of this the reality on the ground looks like this desperate parents spending days looking for milk for their newborn I don't know how he can bear.

This weather or the living conditions there's no milk no water and hope too now in short supply Cynthia is joining us now Cynthia we're so glad to have you here we know and we've covered here on this show that even as the un's top Court wants Israel to get more supplies into Gaza right away at the same time we're seeing some.

Countries including our own the US is basically suspending funding for unra which we talked about at the top of this segment here so so what is the path forward here what have you learned in your reporting about that piece of it gosh I wish I had an easy answer for you h i mean essentially put unra aside for a moment we know that UNICEF we know.

That uh save the children we know that the world food program all say they have resources ready and able to go into uh Gaza and that they are still being blocked from doing so now 200 trucks a day is not nothing but as we report in the piece it sounds like a lot Until you realize that food insecurity was a problem even before the war there were.

500 trucks going in a day to just keep you know people's heads above water prior to war so the situation is just getting more and more dire and um you know these babies uh these babies didn't create this war so hope that we can figure out a way uh for Israel to feel that they are protecting themselves while at the same time providing much.

Needed food and water to the people who live in Gaza C fat thank you so much for bringing us that reporting tonight we've got a lot more to come here on the show including the Fed meeting tomorrow to decide what to do about interest rates something that could absolutely affect your money so what what what does that even mean what is the Fed going to do.

What is interest rate what everything you ever wanted to know about the FED coming up in the breakdown in just a sec so the FED today is meeting here in Washington with a key decision expected tomorrow on whether it'll raise interest rates yet again some the Federal Reserve has already done 11 times to fight.

Inflation it's the fastest they've raised rates since 1981 the year Donkey Kong came out in arcades so far it seems like maybe what the fed's doing is working over the last six months inflation has gone down and the economy again so far doesn't seem to be in that dreaded recession that everybody worried about especially with new numbers out.

Today showing a job market that's still pretty strong so how exactly is the Fed pulling this off Brian Chung explains in tonight's break bre down the Federal Reserve the Central Bank of the United States pulling the strings to the US economy for more than a century back in 1913 after major panics and recessions Congress and.

President woodr Wilson created the FED to keep things in check over the years Congress tweaked the fed's responsibilities after the Great Depression and other crises made it clear how the FED could better steer the economy in the late 70s Congress explicitly said to the fed you have two goals here price stability and maximum.

Employment price stability and maximum employment the two big goals of its monetary policy which it largely does through the tool of interest rates here's how the fed's structured there's a central board based in Washington DC with seven members appointed by the president serving 14-year terms right now its chair is Jerome Powell we have.

Raised interest rates by 4 and a half percentage points picked by former president Trump and reappointed by President Biden to get a better pulse on how different regions are doing there are also 12 Federal Reserve Bank outposts scattered across the country eight times a year the central board members and Federal Reserve Bank.

Presidents get together in DC for these Federal Open Market Committee meetings where they decide on what to do with the federal funds rate that's the interest rate that Banks borrow at overnight that rate then influences all the other things in financial markets Banks use it as a benchmark to base the interest rates they charge you on things like.

Mortgages and credit cards so if it's worried about inflation the FED might increase rates to make borrowing more expensive putting a damper on spending throughout the economy but if it's concerned about a recession it might do the opposite and lower rates to encourage people to buy more stuff and companies to invest the FED does this.

With its dual mandate in mind stable prices and maximum employment and it doesn't answer to the president it's independent of the White House and treasury now the FED does more than change interest rates it supervises Banks visiting them making sure they're following the rules and sometimes slapping on penalties when they aren't.

Since the 2008 financial crisis it's paid particular attention to the bigger Banks Silicon Valley Bank management failed badly the FED also notably issues the cash you use on a daily basis and works to keep the payment system safe a lot of responsibilities for a central bank steering the world's largest economy Brian is joining us now Brian.

That's a great breakdown helping people understand what this is all about and the big question of course tomorrow what are they going to do with rates the expectation is keep them as they are so is that like a good thing if you're trying to go buy a house if you want those mortgage rates to drop a little bit yeah and that's what the Federal.

Reserve has telegraphed which is the reason why markets are pricing in a 98% chance basically a foregone conclusion that they won't raise interest rates at the conclusion of their meeting tomorrow for what it's worth the expectation is a Fed could begin cutting interest rates later on this year that might provide a little bit of relief on those mortgage.

Rates and those credit card rates that we've seen have been so high again if we're kind of thinking about the airplane analogy here as you get towards that intersection you don't want to just be break checking into it you want to be softening into it that's the reason why they might be lowering those interest rates again as they as we discussed that.

Lever that they have to control essentially what direction this US economy is going especially after the big shock of the pandemic alley Brian Chong thank you very much appreciate it that does it for us for this hour we've got more coverage picking up right now tonight we could see a whole new.

Level up in this battle over the border with Republicans expected to recommend impeaching a top Biden official and some big questions over whether the president can shut down the Border himself we're live in just a second with a gut check on the humanitarian crisis and the potential political Fallout also maybe any minute we may find out more about.

The president's cryptic comment that he's made up his mind on how to respond to those deadly drone attacks on US troops in Jordan so who else knows what his decision is and when might the rest of the world find out then some neverbe seen video out of a Michigan court today showing the mother of a school shooter breaking down in the moments after her.

Son killed four of his classmates how that fits into the case against her plus would you let Elon Musk put a chip in your brain well somebody did why we're going to get to that in just a little bit plus we'll get to an NBC News exclusive live from Beijing a word you don't often hear related to the fight against the global spread of fenel.

Optimism we'll explain why at this critical moment later on in the show hey there I'm hie and we are starting tonight with that humanitarian crisis at the border and House Republicans pushing what they think could be part of the solution in the next couple hours set to recommend impeaching the homeland security secretary that's what you're.

Looking at live here debate uh has has paused for a moment members of Congress are eating dinner they're just like us it's a it's a minute here in this debate over whether or not to essentially kick Alejandra mayorcas out of office we're obviously watching for a vote we'll bring it to you when it happens Republicans are accusing mayorcas of.

Number one refusing to follow the law and number two knowingly saying things that weren't true that get in the way of DHS oversight I want to be clear here the chances of a conviction slim to none only one cabin secretary has ever been impeached that was back when Hines catchup first came out 1876 that vote failed still over on the other side of.

Capitol Hill senators are working on a different plan to try to get a handle on the border this one they hope would allow the government to spend more money there and give President Biden the power to shut down the Border in certain cases it's a power President Biden definitely wants listen give me the power I've asked for.

The very day I got in office give me the border control give me the people give me the people the judges give me the people who can stop this and make it work R so does the president really need approval from Congress to shut down the Border current and former holand security officials talking with our team say technically he could do it on his.

Own but that could be super chaotic because of legal challenges that would almost certainly come up right away there's no commitment from Mexico which would have to get on board with the plan and then there are some questions about what's actually realistic numbers wise what we do know numbers wise comes from polls showing most Americans want to see.

Something done here nearly 3ar of Voters want more money for border security and about 1 in seven say the border is their top issue ahead of the election this fall we're going to get more into the politics with our Ryan Nobles in just a second but I want to start with David Nora who's live for us in Eagle Pass Texas a place David that is now in the.

National Spotlight as you're talking with Texans who are driving for Miles just to be there why yeah hi so Eagle Pass is in fact now the flasho of many of these political conflicts between the state of Texas and its Republican governor and the Biden Administration between Republicans and Democrats more generally and you're.

Right uh there have been Texans driving uh in some cases many hours to come here that's because they are coming here in anticipation of a uh Convoy of uh Trump supporters self-described Patriots that is uh supposedly on its way to the Border although I should say it's not exactly clear how big this Convoy is or whether it will materialize in the way.

That its organizers say it will nevertheless I did speak to uh to one woman who drove more than 5 hours from north of Houston to be here to wait for that Convoy I asked her sort of what she thought about everything that's happening on the border here's a bit of what she had to say I think that uh there's a lot of.

Criminals coming across and pedophiles and I think there's people that need to come in but everything's not being done right there's people that need to come in she said hi she was saying that if people are fleeing a situation of true desperation they should have some way of getting into the United States at this.

Point given what we're seeing out of DC that's actually a position that you could say is from a enthusiastic Trump supporter a position that is to the left of Joe Biden and the Democrats who are trying to gain the authority to turn away pretty much every Asylum Seeker who crosses the Border hiy talk about some of the skepticism excuse me the skeptic.

M here David about the potential for a border shutdown however it were to happen whether it's with Congress whether President Biden does it on his own Etc yeah there are a lot of reasons to be skeptical but one very important one which you mentioned is Mexico so this idea of shutting down the border is.

Being talked about a lot it's I think it's useful to explain exactly what that means as far as we know again big caveat we haven't actually seen any text to this bill but as far as we know what they're talking about is that if Crossings pass a certain certain number uh the number that's been floated is an average of 5,000 apprehensions between.

Ports of Entry a day over the course of a week or if on a certain day apprehensions go above 8,500 then the president would have the authority to turn away every migrant who crosses the border illegally between ports of Entry without giving them a chance to seek Asylum that is what in this context shutting the Border down.

Means now that's very similar to The Authority that was already wielded by both president Trump and President Biden under tile 42 during the uh state of emergency of the pandemic but during that time one really really important uh part to making that work was the full cooperation of the Mexican Government because when the US turns these people.

Around and puts them back on the other side of the Border they stay in Mexico and it's up to Mexican officials at the local state and federal level to handle the accumulating numbers of migrants that that that that that get wind up being sort of stuck on the Mexican side of the Border there is no indication that the Mexican government has agreed.

To implement any kind of program in fact the Mexican Government spoke uh the Mexican president Lopez oor spoke about this at a press conference today here's what he had to say they always look to blame the migrants blame the Mexicans we are the principal commercial.

Partners of the United States in the world how is the Border going to close so no indication hie that a plan like this could actually be implemented on the ground anytime soon hie David noraga live first they in Eagle Pass we're glad to have you there David thank you Ryan Nobles has the other piece of this right because it stretches from Texas Ryan.

From the border all the way up here to Washington uh and this discussion today which is expected to go late into the night about impeaching the homeland security secretary you have made the point and it's a good one that any impeachment is a political process essentially that is the political mechanism that we have in this country.

Um what are the stakes here for both mayorcas for the Biden Administration and what are the chances that this actually happens well there's a very real possibility that Alejandro mayorcas will be the first cabinet secretary impeached in more than 150 years it's likely the house committee will vote along partisan.

Lines late tonight to refer this to the whole house and Republicans probably have enough votes to make that happen but when it comes to the politics of this the Practical implication of him actually being removed from office is remote because then he would have to be convicted by the Senate by a 2third majority and the penalty would have to.

Be removal from office and there's really no chance that that happen so what this becomes is essentially a debate over the way the Biden Administration through Alejandro mayorcas have operated and handled the situation on the border and there's a very wide differing view as to exactly how that's gone down take a listen to.

What we heard in this hearing today secretary mayor's actions have forced our hand they don't want solutions they want a political issue we're losing our country down there this is a magga pathway of vengefulness and so my orcus of course has pushed back on this he said the whole thing is just a political stunt.

And it doesn't do anything to solve the crisis at the border hie what is happening on the hill that that could actually get some traction here right because if you look at the impeachment of mayorcas potentially the house could impeach him a conviction as you point out seems extremely unlikely in the Democrat controlled Senate here what.

About these border security talks these bipartisan talks that are trying to get something done where does that stand well Senator Schumer said today that they are close to a deal but there's no text that's been released yet we expect that sometime this week the question then will there be 60 votes in the Senate to even get it to the house and.

If it comes to the house will the speaker put it on the floor so far he seems very skeptical that he'd be able to support that legislation hie Ryan Noble's live for us there on the hill Ryan thank you to the White House now because any minute now we could we could find out how the US might respond to that deadly drone attack that killed.

Three US service members in the Middle East and hurt dozens more President Biden telling reporters he has made up his mind watch yes that's it right like that's all he said he just said yes the rest up to the imagination perhaps unless you're a member of the president's Inner Circle.

There because right now we don't know what is the president going to do when could it happen how much bigger could this strike or response or whatever it's going to be how might it be different than the strikes the US has already carried out against militants in the region the president's walking a line here on the one hand consequences right.

A response for the killing of US troops on the other hand he doesn't want a wider War to pop off remember Iran denies involvement in this most recent attack even though the White House says Iran backed militants carried out the strike that that bears the Hallmarks of it I want to bring in Aon Gilchrist who has posted up just outside the White.

House for us we know the president met with his National Security team presumably they are read in on whatever decision he's made do we have any sense based on our reporting tonight of a possible timeline or the range of options that the president may be considering here so I mean h you know how this all comes together right there.

Are lots of different conversations that happen at the White House National Security Council at the department and all these things sort of come together so we're pulling together bits of information from these different places to answer your question directly on a timeline no we don't have an answer to that but we do know that the president.

Spoke with members of his National Security team earlier today before he left the White House for Florida and as he was leaving he spoke to reporters and was asked whether he had come to a decision about what his response was going to be to the deaths of these three soldiers in Jordan and the injuries of dozens of other soldiers uh and Airmen.

Who were were based at this facility in Jordan and the president said yes to that question fast forward a little bit we we were able to get some responses from the National Security Council spokesman John Kirby uh uh during a a gathering with reporters on Air Force One as it was going to Florida he said this very possible you'll see a tiered.

Approach uh not just a single action but potentially multiple actions over a period of time the defense department during their briefing today said that they were still trying to figure out exactly what group was responsible for executing the attack the Drone strike that we saw and so there's still some pieces that are coming together but now.

That the president has green lit something we know that the Secretary of Defense the chairman of the Joint Chiefs the Secretary of State and Secretary of Energy and treasury these are all members of the National Security Council they are figuring out how to operationalize the response that the President says he wants to see happen.

And all these things could happen over the course of a period of time as opposed to one instance of a strike or an economic sanction or something like that H we may see several things Aaron gochris live for us there outside the White House Aaron thank you I know you'll be uh staying close to a camera for for the next hours and days to come.

Appreciate it I want to show you now some dramatic video that's just into us today look at this these people look like doctors and patients you're about to see they are not they're actually Israeli forces raiding a hospital in the West Bank you see it there these troops killing three militants the IDF says had been using the hospital as a base to.

Plan Terror attacks it's another indication of how the Israelis are trying to crack down not just in the West Bank but of course in Gaza obviously since the War Began there after that terror attack October 7th with the Israeli Prime Minister now saying he is not going to withdraw his troops from Gaza even if that means.

Ruling out the possibility of a new hostage deal with some of that framework hammered out in Paris calling for a truce in exchange for hostages released there's a bunch of sticking points there but one of the biggest sticking points how long would a truce even last Israel says if it were to happen it would only be 10 temporary Hamas says they want a.

Permanent ceasefire so as we're waiting to see what happens next there our halani is embedding on a flight evacuating very sick very hurt Gins from the region people who are desperately hoping for a ceasefire of any length just some kind of pause in the fighting watch this is happening against the backdrop of renewed hopes for a.

Ceasefire some sort of longer term ceasefire and that will certainly be welcome news for the 10 of thousands of people who are in need of critical medical care just like the patients behind me on this FL let's bring in rap Sanchez now who is live for us in Tel Aviv so let's start there right because we're learning that a top Israeli.

Minister is going to meet with the National Security adviser of the White House tomorrow piece together these threads and where any level of optimism or pessimism is on the potential a true steel could go through so hi I spoke to a seniors isra official earlier this is not always a glass half full person but he says there.

Is a real chance that this framework hammered out by the Spy Chiefs including the CIA director in Paris over the weekend could lead to a deal he says there are sticking points he says nothing is done until it's done but the fact that it was discussed at the Israeli War cabinet last night is a sign of how seriously it is being taken we.

Heard from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier today as you said he was speaking at a settlement in the occupied West Bank and hie he is under real pressure from the far right of his own cabinet not to make concessions to Hamas and one of the things he said was that he is not prepared to release thousands of.

Palestinians convicted of terrorism offenses from Israeli prisons now that is one of hamas's major demands that appears to be a serious spanner in the works here there may be some wiggle room under this proposal the deal is for Israel's civilian hostages Israel would have to release Palestinian prisoners in exchange but not necessarily the most.

Senior Terror operatives Hamas says that it is reviewing the proposal that came out of Paris it is not at this point rejecting it out of hands or saying that it can go ahead they are repeating their demand that the war ends as part of any deal but again hie maybe there's some wiggle room here a ceasefire for 60 days that Hamas could then extend further by.

Releasing more hostages that could be something they could live with we cannot overstate how many people are watching those talks and those discussions so closely ra we're also watching obviously what has developed in the West Bank we showed that video at the top of this introduction here that dramatic video of this undercover Hospital R again in the.

West Bank not in Gaza different area obviously what else do we know about it and what does it signal to you so these Israeli Commandos are called in in Hebrew mustar they are literally people who disguise themselves as Arabs they go undercover in the occupied West Bank and you see them in this Hospital in Janine the Northern.

West Bank 5:30 a.m. they go in they kill one operative from Hamas two from Islamic Jihad they appear to have shot one of these men at very close range while he was sleeping in his hospital bed according to Medical officials and the Palestinian Authority is saying storming a hospital is a war crime the Israelis are saying Hamas once again.

Cynically operating out of hospitals but I think what is important here hie obviously the video is so striking but what happened in Janine is a potential glimpse of the future in Gaza Israel has been really clear that going forward in Gaza even when the war ends its forces are going to be carrying out targeted raids like this one and we may be seeing.

What happened in Janine last night or this morning rather happening again and again in Gaza in the years to come hie ref Sanchez live for us in Tel Aviv thank you want to get to some new video now coming out of a Michigan courtroom today showing the moment the mother of a mass shooter broke down in the back of a.

Police car after her son opened fire at his high school back in 2021 here it is like I just my son just ruined his life I never see him again you hear her say we're not bad people that's Jennifer Crumbley she is on Tri right now in an unprecedented case looking to hold her accountable for what her son did in that shooting both.

Crumbley and her husband James are both facing four counts of involuntary manslaughter which could put them in prison for up to 15 years those four counts one for each of the four students killed by their son in that shooting Hana St Juliana Tate Meir Madison Baldwin Justin Schilling Adrien brus is joining us now and Adrian that clip we.

Saw is just one piece of a pretty long video of crumb's reaction to the shooting in the moments after it happened just some of the evidence presented by prosecutors today tell us more hiy that video is 49 minutes there are stretches of silence and in it as Jennifer Crumbley sits in the backseat of that squad car we see her experience.

A range of emotions at one moment she wept and then soon after she was angry and that anger was on display watch and listen I never any mental issues like I never he's never he's never exerted any type of anger he's never exerted anything like he's just like one of those mellow BL back kids he's we've always had a and hope talk about stuff.

Like I don't get it I don't get what happened Jennifer Crumbley seen there trying to wrap her head around what had just happened today inside of the courtroom prosecutors are using images we also saw from inside of the home to paint this picture of gross negligence in the case against Jennifer Crumbley we saw photos of unsecured weapons in the.

House where Ethan Crumbley lived in his bedroom right here you're looking at paper targets that were hanging on the wall with visible bullet holes we also saw a whiskey bottle sitting next to a bed and also the case that the murder weapon was stored in in the master bedroom opened people might remember Adrian and some of.

The other details of this this this came up at the time that this shooting happened that there was um a concerning drawing that school staff had talked with his parents about a Michigan school official today told jurors he felt he had no grounds to search the backpack of Jennifer crumb's Son before the shooting happened can you explain that yes so.

That was the former dean of students who had only been with the school four months or so at the time of the shooting he said had no grounds to search because there were no allegations of vaping and there were no allegations of possessing a weapon these are rules outlined by Michigan state law by contrast he felt Ethan Crumbley was going to hurt or harm.

Himself specifically he thought Ethan was going to try to end his own life based on the images on that math worksheet that has been brought up over and over again that worksheet showed bullets it showed a gun which resembles we now know the murder weapon and it also had the message on there saying the thoughts won't stop help me and I'm.

Paraphrasing here Crumbley also wrote my life is useless so that former dean of students was concerned about Ethan crumblyy that's why the parents were called to the school and told their child needed to receive Mental Health Services or counseling that day or within 48 Hours hiy Adrian brought us Adrian thank you so much much with those.

Developments late today out of that Michigan courtroom appreciate it some new details tonight after a tourist boat seemingly capsized off the coast of Cancun we're learning four people were killed others taken to the hospital you're about to see some of those ambulances there the boat was going from an island near Cancun to the mainland.

When this happened Morgan chesky has been following the latest force uh Morgan do we have any sense of what happened why because this was a relatively routine route it's super popular with tourists I mean anybody who's been to that area knows this air this uh this location where this happened yeah hi this was an incredibly.

Routine route and right now investigators are looking at multiple factors because it could be that a combination of things went wrong in order to cause this vessel to go down late last night the route itself just a few minutes ride from Cancun to the island of eastout muhad is a very popular tourist destination this vessel.

In particular had 19 people on board 17 of those were confirmed by Mexico's attorney general to be Mexican tourists who were going to Islam madis for dinner and then on their way back is when something went tragically wrong that boat started to go down local news agencies reported that the waters around that area were choppy and that there.

Were relatively high winds although we don't know if weather is solely to blame here one aspect of this that's being put under the microscope h is what was the official capacity on this specific vessel we're still awaiting to hear that from Mexican authorities with 19 people on board if it was for a significantly less number that could have absolutely.

Contributed to it not being seaworthy and could have caused it to go down the way in which it did Mexican Navy and civil Patrol were able to respond relatively quickly uh and pull many of those passengers from the water we've learned some of them were treated at a nearby hospital but as of last check four were confirmed.

Dead as a result of this very normal Journey that went absolutely horribly wrong Ali just to put in perspective for you how high traffic an area this is uh two American divers were killed back in 2022 while diving in this area despite having flags up as required and buoys they were struck fatally struck by a passing boat hiy Morgan chesky thank you.

Very much for that reporting a powerful pair of storms is set to drench the West Coast with some flood alert flood alerts going into effect for like 10 million people ahead of those storms fueled by something called the Pineapple Express that's an atmospheric River coming from Hawaii if it's all giving you some bad Deja Vu you may be thinking of last.

Winter and the terrible flooding and record snow after more than a dozen atmospheric Rivers slammed California meteorologist Bill Kens is joining us now California needs rain California doesn't need tons of rain that's what you're worried about it's always the second storm that I'm always more concerned about typically the first.

Storm the ground you know hasn't really rained in a while it can absorb it better when you get the second storm right behind it that's usually when you get the significant flooding and that would be this weekend after we get done with the first one so you just mentioned the Pineapple Express all that is is a fancy term for this atmospheric river.

That starts in Hawaii and then comes into the West Coast obviously they call it that because the pineapples of Hawaii so this one is not particularly strong and it's also moving kind of quickly so that's good it's going to give a good dose of rain good dose of snow hopefully not cause too many problems they have a scale for these things and this one is.

Kind of in the middle the main concern could be the high winds in the coastline in the Pacific Northwest specifically in Oregon notice California is not high on the scale for impacts with this first one that could change though on Saturday and Sunday especially SoCal uh with the second one so here we are 5:00 p.m. tomorrow storm moving on Shore San.

Francisco Bay Area the evening Rush will be the heaviest rain for you and the strongest winds then it moves on onshore and Inland as we go throughout the day on Thursday scattered showers behind it so again it's quick it's in and it's out so the main impacts obviously we have to worry about heavy rainfall and the potential any flooding that's why we.

Have about 10 to 11 million people under flood watches we have winter storm watches that are up for the high elevations it looks like it's mostly the central Sierra had the best chance of getting that 2 to three feet of snow areas like Mammoth Y national park isolated totals up to 6 Ines of rain that's where we worry about the flooding.

From San Francisco up to Napa northward up the coast in Seattle and Portland not too much for you the mountainous areas will get a little more but the you know the Inland valleys not so much the high winds mostly concerned Northern portions of California and the coastline of Oregon could gust 50 to 70 mph and some of the bigger cities will be in the 40.

To 50 m per hour range but I don't think we're going to get too many power outages in the main cities the coastal locations could be a different story so this is kind of the primary event tomorrow hle and then we'll set our sights on the weekend well you're going to have a busy one I know Bill we'll probably see you back here later on this.

Week appreciate it we are learning tonight the justice department is now investigating a member of Congress for allegedly misspending money with Democratic Congress Corey Bush of Missouri today confirming this investigation into security spending listen I have endured Relentless threats to my physical safety and life as a rank.

And file member of Congress I am not entitled to personal protection by the house and instead have used campaign funds as permissible to return Security Services I have not used any federal tax dollars for personal security services congresswoman Bush who denies any wrongdoing as you heard there also says her office is cooperating fully with.

This investigation got a lot more to get to here on the show uh including more on some of our biggest stories and more on our original and our breakdown here tonight including a really rare shark in Sydney Harbor what we know about the victim's condition and a new warning from toy Toyota by the.

Company's telling the owners of tens of thousands of cars stop driving AI is going to try to help out some tourists at this year's Olympics we're going to explain in our five things but first Elon Musk making headlines today would you let his company put a chip into your brain well.

Somebody did and now musk is whoever it is seems to be recovering well okay so that begs the question actually that begs like a million questions what was the procedure who's the patient why did they get this implant what exactly is this implant what do they put in this person's brain now listen this is not obviously some random surgery that like.

Musk himself did no this is like an FDA approved clinical study the FDA said yes neuralink this company this startup can test this on patients but the FDA says it cannot confirm any information about any individual study they referred us to the company but neuralink hasn't gotten back to us with any more either Emily aeta is joining us now this is two.

Things Emily right it is pretty big medical news it is also a pretty big mystery and oh by the way it's driven by one of the most controversial people in the United States Elon Musk what's happening yeah it's absolutely getting people talking and it's the source of intrigue and also concern so Elon is calling this product telepathy and take.

A look at here this is some of the limited information The Limited details that we know telepathy really speaking to what it can do it enables control of the phone or computer merely by thinking by your mind by thoughts according to Elon Musk who tweeted about it yesterday he says the first users will be people who lost use of their limbs the clinical.

Study looking for people who are experiencing uh paralysis quadriplegia and the initial results as you said Elon Musk says that they are promising now clinical study uh is expected to take six years or so and remember this is just one of numerous rounds of safety inspections these different um these different things that they have to pass.

Before something like this can even reach commercialization so it still will be a while hi I should also know we reached out to noral link and we have not heard back for comment what is it um you you you touched on one of these things I to pull this thread the idea of this is to help people who have lost limbs for example right like that's one.

Of the initial um one of the initial hopes for this kind of technology and I and I say that to say you know there there's been some skepticism I think from from some corners of the idea of like a chip being implanted in your brain it feels like a lot yeah absolutely and understandably so but I I think this feels like something that.

Maybe that we would be talking about in 50 years or 100 years very futuristic but here we are the future is here now and in many respects it is very exciting and norlink is one of a handful a small handful I should say of companies and researchers who are looking into this implanting uh brain brain chips into humans and have begun the testing.

Process for instance in 2016 you may remember there was a 30-year-old who had a brain chip implanted and he was able to famously as you're seeing on your screen he was able to with control through his mind fist bump President Obama in 2016 after he suffered paralysis from a car crash in another instance synchron another major uh.

Leader in this kind of neurot Technology they're conducting a clinical study right now and they demonstrated how they're using brain chips to allow two people B to communicate back and forth using their thoughts to control messaging systems essentially and so while these emerging neurotechnologies obviously extremely exciting for people.

With paralysis as a gateway to be able to and a potentially life-changing Gateway I should say there's also you know the source of question and concern all over social media today hi there's been references to Sci-Fi movies and concerns and I think a lot of that is stemming around the fact of okay where could this technology go what kind of.

Regulation can there be with this brain data privacy concerns so this is just the beginning of an ongoing conversation hie Emily aeta thank you very much sure is let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one Broadway icon cheetah Rivera has died today at the age of 91 she's a two-time Tony winner she was in.

Chicago Kiss of the Spider Woman she was known for playing Anita in Westside Story Rivera's daughter says she died after a brief illness number two police today arresting the son of that New Jersey who was shot and killed outside his mosque earlier this month the son along with two others are now facing gun charges police here they're looking into.

Whether he was involved in his father's death the investigation they say still ongoing number three Toyota is warning the owners of a whole bunch of older Corollas about 50,000 cars to stop driving them immediately go get them fixed because their airbag inflators could explode we're talking about 2003 to 2004 Corollas Corolla Matrix cars.

Some of the rav 4S from 2004 to 2005 so if you're driving around a 20-year-old RAV four you should pay attention to this Toyota did not say whether any injuries or deaths prompted this do not drive warning but it's something you should know about number four Paris is planning to integrate AI into some of its systems to help tourists visiting.

For the Summer's Olympics they're going to give out handheld devices that can translate between French and 16 other languages right on the spot thousands of transportation workers are going to get them ahead of the games it's to help basically anybody who's like lost on the Metro there number five scientists releasing some of these incredible new.

Pictures new images of more than a dozen spiral galaxies look at this all of them captured by the James Webb Space Telescope they're kind of close to our very own Milky Way although close is a relative term scientists say they're going to give him some new Clues on how stars form on how galaxies evolve popping a gummy and looking at those man.

You got a night when we come back in NBC News exclusive our team going one-onone won with the woman leading us talks with China to stop the spread of fentanyl plus researchers finding a deadly flu among Penguins why they're so worried about what could happen if this thing gets to Antarctica.

Next NBC News covers hundreds of international stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our International Teams have done it for you here's some of what they're watching in a segment we call the global out of Pakistan a court sentencing former prime minister Imran Khan to 10.

Years in prison for revealing State Secrets his lawyers say this trial was illegal that they weren't able to defend Khan or cross-examine anybody they're promising to fight this ruling the cricket player turned politician is already serving a three-year prison term and there are a bunch of other cases pending against him his supporters say.

They're meant to sideline KH ahead of parliamentary elections out of Australia a woman's been seriously hurt after a rare shark attack in Sydney Harbor according to officials there she is fortunately in stable condition but her right leg's been hurt experts who reviewed images of the bite marks say she was probably attacked by a.

Bullshark and out of the faulin islands researchers have found about 35 Penguins dead from Aven flu remember that's a disease that has decimated bird populations all around the world now there's some good news here faland Penguins rarely travel to Antarctica about 800 miles to the South scientists are worried that if this flu does get to.

Antarctica it could spread very fast among Penguins there because they gather in such big and tightly packed colonies to an NBC News exclusive now our own Janice Macky fryer one-on-one with the woman leading us talks with China to try to stop fenel from getting into the US here's what she's saying after some critical negotiations.

Today this is a huge issue for the United States it is a huge crisis that we need to address and we know that that working with China is an essential part of of any solution Janice and her team also getting access rare access to this lab you see it here the President Biden agreed to lift sanctions on when he met with the.

Chinese president back in November a move that has been key to these talks Janice is joining us now from Beijing we're so glad to have you Janice on this story that I know has been a long time in the works here and this comes at a really important moment here because the US wants more info from China more cooperation more control of.

Some of these chemicals made in China that are in ingredients for fentel made somewhere else what are the chances based on your conversations here that the that the us is going to get what they want out of this well hie this is a huge global trade that we're talking about that uses cryptocurrencies and the dark web and.

Money laundering to get these chemical precursors those are the ingredients that go into making fenel from China to Mexico we should be clear in saying that China banned fent as a substance back in 2019 in cooperation with the US US officials have said that for the most part direct shipments from China to the US have stopped but stemming the flow of.

These precursor chemicals because there are thousands of them tens of thousands of them and most of them have legitimate uses as well this is proving more difficult and it's why cooperation on this issue is so important for the US I sat down with Jen d after she met today with Chinese officials here's more of what she had to.

Say the fact that we had this meeting today the fact that they brought so many different representatives to the table to match our whole of government delegation is a step forward um we obviously have areas of disagreement with China but there are areas of mutual cooperation where we can and and will continue to seek to make.

Progress hie this is how the supply chain works you have this thriving chemicals industry in China uh the chemicals are bought and sold online and they are shipped from China to Mexico to the drug cartels where they are synthesized into fenel and opioid we know is 50 times more powerful than heroin it then moves into the US and.

It's killing so many Americans hie this is um you talk about this Janice being a global trade it is a global issue and obviously it is something that absolutely has the president's attention here President Biden meeting with President XI they talked about it now there's this followup right does it mean that there is some optimism moving.

Forward at least on this issue between the US and China which as you know a Rel it's a relationship that's been at a low point in recent years well we can call it cautious optimism that was certainly the vibe we were getting from both us and Chinese officials that this was a critical first step forward in terms of longer term.

Impact that remains to be seen uh whether there will be the follow through that's necessary whether Beijing is capable of cracking down on such a massive industry and whether there's the willingness and of course we see these talks resume there have there's been us China cooperation before but it's been derailed by politics China called off.

The talks in 202 to after Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan and they had been sputtering uh since 2020 when the US put the two police Labs on that sanctions list so in the end while there is that cautious optimism uh in these meetings and the fact that they even happened uh it's it's a reminder that even on an issue as personal to Americans as the.

Fenel crisis it it's still an issue issue that is secondary to politics and things could get thrown off track again if political tensions rise hie Janice Macky frer live for us there in Beijing we're so glad to have you there Janice bringing this story this interview uh and this access to us appreciate it coming up here on the show some experts.

Say the famine in Gaza is its worst ever with Israel now being accused of using hunger as a weapon of War that's in our original next so tonight's original now with in-depth reporting on a topic we've been watching and tonight we start with the.

Controversy over the potential role of at least a dozen un Aid workers in the October 7th terror attack on Israel it's the same Aid group called unra that gives food and medical care to the two million people in Gaza so many of those gazin living in despair they are desperate and hopeless now with some experts saying it's the most intense.

Hunger crisis they've ever seen now Israel is facing accusations it's using hunger as a weapon of War our Cynthia mcfaden has more the world food program now warning the risk of famine in Gaza is increasing every single day the head of the un's emergency relief agrees and says people in Gaza face the highest levels of food.

Insecurity ever recorded and Human Rights Watch accusing Israel of using starvation as a weapon of war in violation of the international rules of War gazin jumping on Aid trucks to get any food they can for themselves and their children we are dying of hunger and flooding the few remaining barely.

Functioning hospitals with cases of serious malnutrition Hospital workers facing the Grim reality that sometimes they don't have food to give them or themselves what else is left when there are homeless children no schools no education no food nothing what else is left we have hunger we have starvation in some places and the clock is sticking.

Towards famine one IDE of Colonel pointing the blame at eight organizations for people not getting enough food telling the Times of Israel there is no food shortage in Gaza as of now around 200 trucks of humanitarian Aid carrying food water and medical supplies are getting into God every day while that may sound like a lot the UN.

Says 500 trucks were going in Daily before the war it's certainly not the first time even in recent conflicts that a government has been accused of starving people to win military goals starvation has been used as a military tactic going all the way back to ancient times Romans used starvation to defeat and Destroy.

Carthage in 146 BC in the United States Civil War President Lincoln signed the Liber code which instructed Union Soldiers to quote starve the Hostile belligerent armed or unarmed and AD of Hitler's so-called hunger plan stared millions of people in the Soviet Union during World War II but it wasn't until 2018 that the UN Security Council.

Unanimously and strongly condemned the use of starvation as a tactic of War because of the devastating impact it has on civilians of course many factors can disrupt the food supply to populations and yet Ukraine the Democratic Republic of Congo Yemen Syria are all facing hunger crises in the middle of conflict Alex dval has studied International.

Famine for four decades markets are disrupted trade is is disrupted food production is disrupted but where we see real risk of famine is where hunger is deliberately used as a weapon of War and Deval says the concentration of food insecurity in Gaza is the worst in the last 75 years there is no instance since World War II that compares with Gaza.

There are and there are instances that are bigger in terms of affecting much more people much more protracted and therefore killing larger numbers none of them have inflicted the same level of Destruction and brought about the same level of risk of mass death from starvation as the current crisis in Gaza UNICEF says the war is damaging and.

Destroying access to clean water too cases of diarrhea among children there skyrocketing because of this the reality on the ground looks like this desperate parents spending days looking for milk for their newborn I don't know how he can bear this weather or the living conditions there's no mil.

No water and hope too now in short supply Cynthia is joining us now Cynthia we're so glad to have you here we know and we've covered here on this show that even as the un's top Court wants Israel to get more supplies in a Gaza right away at the same time we're seeing some countries including our own the US is basically suspending funding for unra.

Which we talked about at the top of this segment here so so what is the path forward here what have you learned in your reporting about that piece of it gosh I wish I had an easy answer for you h i mean essentially put unra aside for a moment we know that UNICEF we know that uh save the children we know that the world food program all say they have.

Resources ready and able to go into uh Gaza and that they are still being blocked from doing so now 200 trucks a day is not nothing but as we report in the piece it sounds like a lot Until you realize that food insecurity was a problem even before the war there were 500 trucks going in a day to just keep you know people's heads above water.

Prior to war so the situation is just getting more and more dire and um you know these babies uh these babies didn't create this war so hope that we can figure out a way uh for Israel to feel that they are protecting themselves while at the same time providing much needed food and water to the people who live in Gaza Cynthia MC fat thank you so.

Much for bringing us that reporting tonight we've got a lot more to come here on the show including the Fed meeting tomorrow to decide what to do about interest rates something that could absolutely affect your money so what what what does that even mean what is the Fed going to do what is interest rate what everything you ever wanted to.

Know about the FED coming up in the breakdown in just a sec so the FED today is meeting here in Washington with a key decision expected tomorrow on whether it'll raise interest rates yet again something the Federal Reserve has already done 11 times to fight inflation it's the fastest they've.

Raised rates since 1981 the year Donkey Kong came out in arcades so far it seems like maybe what the fed's doing is working over the last six months inflation has gone down and the economy again so far doesn't seem to be in that dreaded recession that everybody worried about especially with new numbers out today showing a job market that's still.

Pretty strong so how exactly is the Fed pulling this off Brian Chung explains in tonight's break down the Federal Reserve the Central Bank of the United States pulling the strings to the US economy for more than a century back in 1913 after major panics and recessions Congress and President wood Wilson created the FED to.

Keep things in check over the years Congress tweaked the fed's responsibilities after the Great Depression and other crises made it clear how the FED could better steer the economy in the late 70s Congress explicitly said to the fed you you have two goals here price stability and maximum employment price stability and.

Maximum employment the two big goals of its monetary policy which it largely does through the tool of interest rates here's how the fed's structured there's a central board based in Washington DC with seven members appointed by the president serving 14-year terms right now its chair is Jerome Powell we have raised interest rates by 4 and a half.

Percentage points picked by former president Trump and reappointed by President Biden to get a better pulse on how different regions are doing there are also 12 Federal Reserve Bank outposts scattered across the country eight times a year the central board members and Federal Reserve Bank presidents get together in DC for these.

Federal Open Market Committee meetings where they decide on what to do with the federal funds rate that's the interest rate that Banks borrow at overnight that rate then influences all the other things in financial markets Banks use it as a benchmark to base the interest rates they charge you on things like mortgages and credit cards so if it's.

Worried about inflation the FED might increase rates to make borrowing more expensive putting a damper on spending throughout the economy but if it's concerned about a recession it might do the opposite and lower rates to encourage people to buy more stuff and companies to invest the FED does this with its dual mandate in mind stable.

Prices and maximum employment and it doesn't answer to the president it's independent of the White House and treasury now the FED does more than change interest rates it supervises Banks visiting them making sure they're following the rules and sometimes slapping on penalties when they aren't since the 2008 financial crisis it's.

Paid particular attention to the bigger Banks Silicon Valley Bank management failed badly the FED also notably issues the cash you use on a daily basis and works to keep the payment system safe a lot of responsibilities for a central bank steering the world's largest economy Brian is joining us now Brian that's a great breakdown helping people.

Understand what this is all about and the big question of course tomorrow what are they going to do with rates the expectation is keep them as they are so is that like a good thing if you're trying to go buy a house if you want those mortgage rates to drop a little bit yeah and that's what the Federal Reserve has telegraphed which is the.

Reason why markets are pricing in a 98% chance basically a foregone conclusion that they won't raise interest rates at the conclusion of their meeting tomorrow for what it's worth the expectation is a could begin cutting interest rates later on this year that might provide a little bit of relief on those mortgage rates and those credit card rates that we've.

Seen have been so high again if we're kind of thinking about the airplane analogy here as you get towards that intersection you don't want to just be break checking into it you want to be softening into it that's the reason why they might be lowering those interest rates again as they as we discussed that lever that they have to control.

Essentially what direction this US economy is going especially after the big shock of the pandemic alley Brian Chong thank you very much appreciate it that does it for us for this hour we've got more coverage picking up right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social.


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