Hallie Jackson NOW – March 21 | NBC Data NOW


Hallie Jackson NOW - March 21 | NBC Data NOW

tonight we are starting with news just breaking into us here on that Manhunt in Idaho Police say they've caught the suspects considered armed and dangerous in that Prison Break we'll tell you how the cops trapped these two down and the homicides they're now investigating in just a second a lot to get to plus.

Goliath versus Goliath with the government taking on Apple why the AG says the company's alleged Market Monopoly kills competition costs you money and breaks the law then a major league mess for baseball's biggest star the allegations against The Interpreter for Dodgers Ace sh Otani did he steal his friends money to cover his gambling.

Debts and why hasn't Otani himself really said anything about this yet plus tonight's newsmaker Democratic Congressman Jamaal Bowman whether or not he thinks Congress can get it together in time to avoid a shutdown I'm H and we are coming on the air with breaking news here police in Idaho announc ing they've captured an escaped inmate and his.

Accomplice who they say may have murdered two people before police took them into custody so here's what we know so far these are the men that police say got away and by the way that's a live look there at that news conference that is happening as we speak so when I tell you that it is breaking news I mean it it is happening now these two guys got.

Away from correctional officers early Wednesday morning in this shootout that left two Corrections Officers hurt these officers were taking the inmate this one inmate Skyler me a known gang member apparently a white supremacist back to prison after he was being treated for some kind of injury then a car pulls up this car the driver starts shooting.

Hitting two of the officers the inmate hops in the car they all get away Montana police think they probably switch to Vehicles police say this we're about to show you is the man who was driving that car who opened fire me's accomplice now both of the officers who were shot are expected to survive but again lots of questions here about these.

Two other homicides now that police say they're investigating NBC's Adrien brus has following this for us all right bring us up to speed do police think that these homicides are connected to these now recaptured inmates that is a big piece of their investigation those homicides investigators mentioned just moments ago.

Hi in that news conference saying that there were two separate homicides meaning in two different locations two adult males investigators are on both scenes there but let's talk about that inmate first who was able to escape from custody after he was taken to the hospital for what investigators called a self-inflicted wound that happened.

Nearly 36 hours ago on Tuesday both men have been captured after that Ambush that injured three Correctional correction officers now they were found about 2 hours southeast of Boise arrested as we mentioned about an hour ago now here's what happened on Tuesday the gentleman who's 31 Skyler me was taken into the hospital for the.

Self-inflicted injury after he was treated Corrections Officers were preparing to transport him back to prison that's when his accomplice Nicholas Oppenheimer who has been working with him investigators just told us they both shared acquaintances and they had some housing overlap from December of 2020 through 2024 when his.

Accomplice was released anyway this Nicholas gentleman walks into the hospital and opens fire need is able to take off with Nicholas at some point as you mentioned hie they were able to swap Vehicles we don't know how they got that other vehicle that is still part of the investigation but investigators said when they went to arrest them there was.

A bit of a Chase but they were able to arrest them and take those men into custody without any shots being fired H Adrien brus thank you very much I know that news conference is continuing live as we speak you'll keep an eye on it we appreciate any will check back in I know next hour also tonight developing the historic showdown between the justice.

Department and one of the world's biggest tech companies with the attorney general announcing this Landmark lawsuit against Apple accusing it of monopolizing the smartphone market the company taking a hit as far as stock price tonight it's closing down about 4% Apple says the lawsuit against it would create a dangerous precedent one that's.

Wrong on the facts and the law in its words but the justice department along with these 15 states you see right here plus DC argue Apple strategically makes it harder for people to use apps and accessories that are not from Apple so like as an example think of how if you're texting a friend with an Android your text turns green how it might be.

Hard to connect a non-apple watch to your iPhone that kind of thing all of it the justice department says drives up astronomical valuation at the expense of a lot of people including the folks buying Apple stuff listen to how the Attorney General put it monopolies like apples threaten the free and fair market markets upon which.

Our economy is based they stifle Innovation they hurt producers and workers and they increase costs for consumers the case part of a bigger antitrust Crackdown overall from the Biden Administration on big Tech look at this you've already got the doj suing Google for allegedly monopolizing digital ad Services then the FTC has a.

Long running anti-monopoly case pending against meta the parent company of Facebook they're also suing Amazon Brian Chung is joining us now huge case BR and the root of it is how customers how developers are being affected here right yeah well I mean look here's what the doj is trying to argue that they're essentially trying to trap users into.

Only buying up other Apple products that if you buy an iPhone you have to buy the Apple airpods Pro you have to buy a Macbook you have to buy an iPad so they're arguing that Apple scale allows them to do that but it also makes them anti-competitive against the other players in the space like Android and by the way it's not just the hardware also.

It also includes soft software related things like thirdparty apps and their availability on the App Store whether or not third parties can use for example the nfg CH NFC chip technology that you use when you tap to pay on your iPhone so there are a number of other things on here uh but the biggest ones for most people that will be recognizable is uh.

Using non-apple SmartWatches on Apple phones but then also vice versa the Apple watch doesn't really play well with Android devices and then of course crossplatform messaging apps in fact the doj is essentially saying saying that the cultural shaming that's out there for people that have the green text messages because they're trying to text.

An Apple phone from an Android device that has the green text and then also pixelated images well they're saying that's Apple's fault for making them not play nice so this is a pretty big and wide- ranging case that of course is going to take a long time these types of things aren't resolved very quickly it could be many years before we get any.

Sort of settlement or outcome from this case Ally it's also been uh sort of long in the works I think you could say it's the third try that an AG has tried to go app or after Apple in an investigation but it's the first that's that's putting this challenge up in such a broad way talk us through that piece of it and why now yeah well I mean of course the.

Justice department would likely say that they didn't want to bring the case until they were ready with it but yeah you're right I mean this is Broad based because we talk about the green text we talk about the Apple watch but it's so wide ranging it includes the Apple wallet it includes App Store includes so many other aspects of this but look at the.

End of the day these are also very profitable businesses for apple as well and when you take a look at the number I mean it shows the scale of all this right iPhone over 200 00 billion in sales the Apple watch worth approximately $40 billion a year and then iCloud Services is a big part of Apple's pivot in the last few years $85.

Billion in Revenue but they see that as their big uh Cash Cow going forward because of recurring subscriptions for things like Apple TV and apple music so really this is the doj trying to uh tell Apple to slow down because they worry that that type of cat you know really huge growth might make them only bigger over time so again we'll have to see how.

This pans out and one goal of this might not be necessarily to uh reach the end of this court case for a settlement but maybe to in the meantime Force Apple to change some of these things to perhaps sweeten the case for a settlement we'll have to see I also want to pull on the thread just quickly that we mentioned there because it's one that fascinates.

Me it is not just Apple there have been multiple pushes from the Biden Administration to try to put some guard rails it seems around big Tech we talked about Google we talked about meta we talked about Amazon is there a connective tissue here yeah well I mean look when we talk about what the B Administration is doing it's no surprise.

That they're going after large companies Lena Khan over at the FTC has made this very clear and yes this Administration is going after Amazon it's going after Google uh the White House did Issue a statement today in response to the Justice Department's move here and they uh didn't say they wanted to comment specifically on this case but then.

Interestingly in the same breath they said the Biden Harris Administration has made clear that no Americans should pay higher prices and uh lose choices because companies break the law so clearly they are in favor of this that makes sense because this is after all from the Biden justice department but I want to point out that uh Apple is is.

Vly denying all this and they're trying to push back and saying that they will defend themselves in this case again we'll have to see how all this pans out it's going to take a long time Brian Chong glad you're with us on this one thank you stti you overseas because the secretary of state is there overseas and late this afternoon emphasizing that.

Right now is the time for a ceasefire ASAP in Gaza with the humanitarian crisis there getting worse saying Israel has got to do more listen children should not be dying of malnutrition in Gaza or anywhere else for that matter a major ground operation there would mean more civilian deaths it would worsen the humanitarian crisis there is a better.

Way to deal with the threat the ongoing threat posed by Hamas so you are seeing Tony blinkin here in Egypt meeting with Arab leaders but he is heading to Israel tomorrow significant trip significant moment for him for the Biden Administration all as we're also learning that tomorrow is when the UN Security Council will vote.

On what would be the strongest resolution yet for a ceasefire right away tied to the release of hostages held by Hamas this is kind of a change up here right keep in mind we've talked about this on the show the US has already vetoed three of these kinds of resolutions before but now with pressure building it seems for Israel to not.

Invade Southern Gaza a bit of a shift I want to bring in rap Sanchez who's live for us from Tel Aviv it's going to be an interesting 24 hours coming up as it relates to the US posture towards what's happening in Gaza yeah hie absolutely so the US says it will bring that un Security Council resolution up for a vote Friday morning.

And as you said this is a very marketed shift three times in the past we have seen the US use its veto at the security Council to block resolutions calling for a ceasefire now it is the US putting up a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire it is worth saying those previous resolutions said ceasefire end to the fighting with or without a.

Hostage deal this new American resolution does not say that it links the ceasefire to the release of the remaining hostages held by Hamas but it is a sign I think hiy the Biden Administration really feeling the heat both at home and abroad to do more to try to get this ceasefire into place and to try to address the really spiraling.

Humanitarian crisis inside Gaza right now you talked about the linkage right in this resolution to a hostage yal what is this where does that stand right because I know that the Israeli Prime Minister has approved one of the officials in Israel to head to Cutter tomorrow to talk about this but Raph it is getting to the point where in some.

Ways it feels like Charlie Brown with the football with much much higher Stakes we've seen this before meetings to talk about some kind of a hostage deal but so far only one of those discussions has actually been successful yeah exactly hie and remember that ceasefire deal that was successful it lasted one week week the goal here is.

To try to get to a ceasefire that at least in the first stage lastes for lasts for 6 weeks a couple of positive signs if you're prepared to read the tea leaves with me here hie first of all secretary blinkin has said over the course of this trip to the Middle East his six of the region since the start of this war that he does believe the gaps.

Between Israel and Hamas are narrowing the other sign is that the CIA director Bill Burns is going to be in Qatar tomorrow meeting his Israeli counterpart the head of the Mossad spy agency as well as the katri Prime Minister and the head of Egyptian intelligence and I think it is unlikely that those very senior officials would all be taking.

Time out of their very busy schedules to go meet in the Middle East if it didn't seem like there was at least a pathway in these negotiations to get to a deal the two sides have stayed at the negotiating table despite public comments saying that these round of talks aren't going well but as you said we've been here many many times before.

And there is no indication at this point that a breakthrough is imminent hie Raph Sanchez live for us there in Tel Aviv Raph thank you so much we're glad to have you there bringing us the latest reporting big day tomorrow I'm sure we'll talk again so listen also overseas the US is rushing to try to get Americans out of Haiti out of the.

Capital there where listen gangs have basically taken over right that's the scenario look at this this is a plane bringing stranded Americans back to Miami just just in the last few hours here we also know that the US has started sending chartered helicopters to fly people out officials say 15 folks were on board that very first Chopper.

Flight they were taken to the neighboring Dominican Republic Florida is also trying to get Americans back with State chartered flights you can see some families here reuniting when one of those planes landed in Orlando officials called that an extremely difficult task the whole evacuation watch there's a lot of challenges in Haiti right now um I.

Would say it's worse than a war Zone it was actually easier to get people in and out of uh Israel than it is to get people in and out of Haiti we know there's nearly 1600 Americans still waiting to get on one of those flights based on how many people registered with the state department to get more info on how to get out of Haiti.

Guad vas is joining us now the logistics here right there this is a lift physically metaphorically literally how many people are there able to get out every day how long is this going to take uh hiy the main Challenge on the ground is getting people from the homes or the buildings where they are at now to the airport uh these flights from.

Yesterday and today went from an airport that's about 80 Mi north of Porto prince in fact the state chartered flight that landed in Orlando yesterday those passengers it was 14 passengers they used a helicopter at one point to travel within Haiti to get to that airplane uh we heard from the director of Florida Division of Emergency Management talking.

About those challenges so Florida has hired private contractors security contractors who are going door too to pick up the people that are there these are American citizens Florida is focusing on Florida residents and then they are taking those residents to the helicopter then to the plane and it's been it's it's been very challenging.

They were trying to get two flights in the air yesterday uh uh excuse me the day before and they couldn't do it because of security reasons they finally were able to get these 14 individuals on one plane yesterday now they're trying to board more uh individuals on planes today and it's just going to be very challenging because these teams have to.

Go again door Todo as they are navigating through areas that are controlled by the gangs uh they told us yesterday that another challenge is getting through roadblocks and one of the roadblocks that stopped this group that made it to Orlando was a roadblock set up by police so so many obstacles that they have to get over that's the.

State chartered flights we don't have as many details from the other flights that are being chartered by the Department of State but as you mentioned they're also using using helicopters to get people from PTO Prince into the neighboring Dominican Republic It's a shorter trip perhaps requires less Logistics because the helicopters can land in different.

Areas but again authorities in the US they don't want to share a lot of details of what they're doing there because they really don't want the gangs to know how they're operating uh but as from what we've seen now uh the planes are being chartered by the state there's doing small groups they're hoping they can get groups about 20 uh per flight.

They're using smaller Jets but the the Department of State is using larger Jets and we saw the plane today that had about 60 people coming into Mia so a very difficult task that could take a few more days as they try to get these individuals US citizens to the planes hie so you're there in Miami we saw that reunion in Orlando are those kind of the.

Two big airports folks are flying into Tampa I don't know if that's part of it so the state in Florida has chosen this airport north of Orlando Sanford Orlando International Airport uh this is an airport that they used in the past to get people into the United States uh they've done it before so they they chose that airport because it just works.

With the logistics and the space that's the one used by the state now Miami is being used uh by the federal government by the Department of State we saw that plane that landed uh that plane company is based out of Miami International but we don't have very many details from the Department of State as to why they've chosen Miami uh we also know that.

They're moving uh more people on helicopters into Santo Domingo it seems like they're just trying to go with whatever option uh is possible there what I will say is that what uh Ronda Sanz and his team is doing in Florida is different because they are focusing on Floridians the majority of Haitians in the United States or Haitian Americans.

Reside in Florida so they are focusing a different type of per se service for these Haitians when they arrive at that airport there's a Help Center and they are trying to figure out ways to help them after they have arrived so different the missions per se uh one by the federal government and another one by the state of Florida hie guad Vegas.

Thank you very much for that breakdown we'll be watching for more updates from you appreciate it so listen right now folks out in the midwest are bracing for a pretty frankly wintry start to Spring hitting tonight it's all supposed to last the snow the wind Etc through the weekend sorry 13 million people are under these witer alerts um look at this.

Some of the snow coming down already it's not a ton Bill Karens our meteorologist who is joining us now but it is still something at a time when folks just don't want to see it yeah not yet uh we're going to say sorry for about maybe the next week straight to our friends in the midwest yeah we're going to have pictures of people.

Shoveling and uh anger uh so as we watch what is developing here this is kind of like the baby storm for the Midwest the big one is Sunday to Monday we'll get into that in a second but we're going to watch this developing tonight the areas of South Dakota and eventually tomorrow morning it looks like when the worst of it will be arriving in Minneapolis the.

Morning drive around Minneapolis St Paul is not going to be fun tomorrow morning just a couple inches but the timing of it is kind of what makes it messy then by Friday afternoon Chicago is going to get a brief little patch of snow may not stick too much on many of the roads Bridges overpasses may get a coating Central Michigan and then this is all.

Just pouring rain through the South and that's going to be the story as we go through Saturday morning you're going to wake up in Washington DC to Richmond northwards up through Baltimore in Philadelphia New York City it's just an ugly start to your Saturday a lot of heavy rain is going to be heading north we're going to pour as we go throughout.

Saturday afternoon we could have some flooding is issues around the New York City area especially the bad drainage areas small rivers and streams too outside of New York City right through southern and central New England Northern New England by the way is going to get a good deal of snow out of this so let me first start with the rainfall.

Predictions South Florida could have isolated High totals of 6 Ines we're easily going to pick up one to two inches of rain all the way up the East Coast isolated cases from DC to New York to Boston could be as high as 3 to 4 Ines of rain so that's a lot of rain in a short period of time that's why we're going to have some possible flooding.

Issues this is a foot of snow for Northern New England and then as I mentioned the Midwest this is kind of the baby stuff tonight only about 3 to 6 in bism marked in Minneapolis but hi here is how we're looking with the next system so this is the East Coast one I just talked about this is Saturday coming out of Montana significant.

Snowstorm Sunday that'll last into Monday and here's what one of our forecast models this is the one that blends them all together these are the snow totals out the next 5 days so this is the baby storm and then the big one Sunday Monday Minneapolis 2 feet of snow St Cloud almost at the 3 fet of snow you know this is rough estimates right now.

Hi but this has historic snowstorm written on it I know that's that's more snow they've only had 14 inch all winter in Minneapolis that's crazy yeah I know yeah they're they're bracing for it uh Bill Karen you're going to be busy later this weekend next so thank you appreciate it keep us posted listen tonight our team is getting an exclusive.

Look at a surgery that's making history doctors at Mass General saying they just implanted the first Pig kidney into a living person it's it's a genetically modified kidney from a pig going into this man that man 62-year-old Richard slamman who got the new kidney Saturday he's now recovering well could be headed home as soon as this weekend listen to.

What one of his doctors said a little bit earlier watch I think the continued success of this groundbreaking kidney transplant represents a true milestone in the sense that it also uh could be a potential breakthrough in solving one of the more intractable intractable problems in our field Dr AE s is joining us now so Dr s.

This is super interesting and when he talks about one of the problems right these referencing it's the 100,000 people who need an organ transplant right now 90,000 or so need kidneys specifically people can sometimes wait years and years for it to be their turn yeah hie we have a we have an organ shortage problem in this country about.

100,000 people on the weit list and hie for kidneys specifically uh people could be waiting three to five years uh to get one and and you know when people are waiting for a kidney you can see here on the left here the most common um organ that people are waiting for when compared to to liver pancreas heart or even the lung I with h when you're.

Waiting for a kidney transplant that often means you are in kidney failure meaning you could be tied to a dialysis machine something you have to go to three times a week and if you miss that then you start to get flooded with these toxic fluids in your body so it is really really something that people are really excited about a lot of people are.

Looking forward to this just reading the reaction and the comments to this online has been really really heartwarming for people just looking for some sort of Hope frankly for for what has been years and years of waiting well hope especially after we've seen and we've covered here on the show before other kinds of um frankly Pig organ.

Transplants like in the last couple of years when two men got Hearts they each only lived a couple of months afterwards I mean there are obviously risks associated with this kind of thing yeah so so with this there's with any surgery there's risks of you know every time you cut somebody open there's infection and things like that but hi with this one.

What critics are pointing to is potential viruses um the things that infect pigs primarily get into our body um so that's really something that we're going to be watching for and we're talking about you know survival after this I wouldn't read too much into the two-month numbers Al just because people who tend to go for these things tend to.

Be pretty sick and out of other options so it's really hard to say how long these will last in the long run well you say out of other options it's not even like this is officially really an option for people right it's not approved by the FDA officially this was like a carve out kind of a special case because animal to human organ transplant is just.

Not allowed right now do you see that changing potentially yeah one day you know in order for this to actually become common practice so it's going to have to be a multicenter trial um with people getting this in all different sorts of places but for those out there who are waiting there is something we can do today hie if you haven't already.

Please sign up to be an organ donor at organdonor.gov you really can save lives you know while we wait for this to come up definitely something you want to do in the meantime Dr o thank you very much it's good to have you on this coming up some breaking news just into US Medicare expanding coverage for one of those big weight loss drugs to more patients why.

Experts say it could be Millions more could get access to something that for now is pretty expensive so right now the biggest star in baseball sh Otani he's headed back from the Major League season opener in South Korea and flying right into the middle of a huge controversy here at home with the Dodgers firing otani's.

Longtime interpreter over what otani's reps call a quote unquote massive theft so listen to this you might have heard about this already because it's everywhere otani's lawyers are talking about The Interpreter and look at this this is an interpreter who's been by otani's side for years now right every picture you see of Otani you probably.

Are seeing his interpreter as well ever since his debut in 2018 but now these allegations that this interpreter stole money to cover millions of dollars in illegal gambling debts The Interpreter told ESN the debt was from betting on the NBA the NFL college football and international soccer not betting on baseball which is obviously banned by.

The MLB Otani hasn't made any statements yet and before today's game when he was inside the clubhouse he was avoiding reporters avoided questions has not really talked about it Liz CZ is joining us now so what is up with this because there's been some back and forth reporting with ESPN saying that The Interpreter says Otani logged onto his.

Computer himself and paid the money but now he's being accused of stealing it did he borrow the money from sh Otani did he steal the money from shotani do we know hly there are so many questions right now about this story and so many conflicting reports so bear with me as we kind of walk through this because.

It's really confusing and no one really knows right right now so basically what happened is the LA Times learned that um otani's name was Associated or coming up in a federal investigation into a multi-million dollar illegal sports betting scheme here in California when they started asking questions then The Interpreter muhara decided to do an.

Interview with ESPN where he said oh yeah so T knew about this he was trying to help me out he didn't do any of the bets himself he decided to pay the money to pay off my gambling debts as a friend but then as ESPN's writing this story before they could publish it they say that a spokesperson for Otani came forward and said that's not true that's.

Not what happened and then The Interpreter came back to ESPN recanted that said disavowed that and said actually he knew nothing about it Otani didn't do it it's all my fault and I take responsibility and then otani's attorneys came out and said that Otani was the victim of this uh massive theft so the question really is was Otani.

Involved or was he a victim that's really the debate right now we don't really know that's super interesting and the other piece about this too right like boy the timing because right now the MLB is supposed to be like Yay our season opener in you know in South Korea for the first time ever like and now there's this shadow that has been cast.

Over the season that by the way doesn't look like we're going to just snap our fingers and it's going to go away like you laid out all these questions here this is a thread that reporters people experts will be pulling on for weeks probably absolutely I mean this was this big week it could have been this huge Triumph week for Otani right um it's his.

First week as a Dodger opening game yesterday in South Korea where he was with his interpreter in the stands you saw them chatting and again he's this Superstar right now his record 10year $700 million contract people comparing him to Babe Ruth there's nobody more famous in baseball right now than Otani and he's someone who's known for.

Actually keeping pretty private remember we just sort of found out that he got married it's he's not very public with his uh private life and so he's someone very focused on the game and now this is a huge distraction for him and for the Dodgers the other thing is and we said it and I think it's worth repeating is that so far this interpreter has not.

Been accused of betting on baseball at least hasn't said that that he's bet on baseball which and by the way Otani is not accused of that either not accused of betting at all right but I do think people will hear this and go wait a second like maybe there's some Pete Rose that comes up in people's minds very different scenarios here but the bottom.

Line is this like this could be a huge deal for Otani moving forward um and he's somebody who as we said it sounded like based on some reporting from The New York Times some PR folks were posted up by his locker like you know before the game today I mean not speaking to the media right now yeah definitely not we have not.

Heard a peep from him there's a lot of chatter is this a Pete Rose situation but as you mentioned hie he has not been accused of any um illegal sports betting or doing any bets and also even The Interpreter whether or not Otani knew or not right now the reports are that it was simp L betting on other sports not baseball but that said California it is.

Illegal to do any sports betting at all in this state so he's wrapped up in that again we'll see how this unfolds Liz CZ thank you very much for unpacking that one just a real talker today thanks what went wrong before a hot air balloon crash in Minnesota we'll tell you how the folks inside this thing are doing now where do you see.

It so here we are it's Thursday in the nation's capital and here we are again because tomorrow there's a deadline for the government to maybe run out of money now things look somewhat decent I think for Congress to be able to get something done to avoid a shutdown they today got the text of a 1.2 trillion bill to fund.

The government keep the lights on basically but do you want to bet on the odds that the House and Senate can move fast enough to get it to the president's desk by tomorrow night I will tell you that lawmakers have to read the 1,000 12-page Bill jump through some procedural hoops and passed the bills on the floor by midnight tomorrow to avoid.

A shutdown joining us now is democratic congressman from New York Jamal Bowman Congressman it's good to have you back on the show thank you for having me good to be here listen I know from from my years covering Washington you know very little motivates uh some of your colleagues there in the capital more than a weekend and the prospect of.

Getting home what are the chances here are you confident that both your chamber and the Senate can get this thing done to avoid a shutdown what's up I'm pretty confident uh that we are going to avoid a shutdown now keep that ain't it pretty confident it's not it's not 100% confident I mean look we have to look at who's in control of the house right and.

We just had a year of the least productive uh Congress in history so we know what we're dealing with here and keep in mind we just received a bill over a, Pages 2 a.m. this morning so we're still going through the bill we're still reviewing the bill it seems like we have the votes to pass it so that the government doesn't shut down but I have.

Major concerns with the bill first and foremost the decreasing of funding for public education that's a huge problem for me as a former educator and also the lack of funding for unra we have a humanitarian crisis in Gaza children and people are starving to death death this is not the time to decrease funding to the only organization that's providing.

Humanitarian Aid so I have concerns with the bill we're still reviewing the bill but we can't let the government shut down even partially so hopefully we can get it done can I just ask you I think this is I want to say the sixth time this year right this fiscal year that Congress has kicked the can essentially to try to avoid a shutdown that's not.

Normal like that's not the normal course of procedure here for for congress um especially an election year what is the Hope for Congress to get anything done besides the bare minimum that is keeping the government up and running why why are we like this I guess uh because we have Maga Donald Trump controlled Republicans in control of the.

House of Representatives right now and this is why election ma elections matter this is why everyone needs to be involved engage register to vote come out to vote because when you get the wrong people in the office these are people they want to defund the federal government they want to defund housing defund Education defund Health Care and.

They want to do it while PE the American people are struggling mightily from dayto day and existing within a plantation capitalist system and so unfortunately magga Republicans are controlling everything and that's why we're at this point and that's why the elections this year matter tremendously so everyone needs to be involved and.

Engaged one thing the house did do of course is vote to essentially give Tik Tock a clock or else have it be banned right either sell off B sells off or else Tik Tok is banned you obviously voted against that and you gave some reasons for your vote on Tik Tok I want to play it for folks we can't get a child care bill.

Passed but y'all want to ban Tik Tock we can't get affordable housing in our communities but y'all want to ban Tik Tok we can't fully fund our Public Schools but y'all want to ban Tik Tok so it seems like the point you're making is that this maybe should not be priority number one but I wonder how you respond to some of your colleagues who raise.

What they see as very serious National Security concerns about China's access to data of Americans you know it's interesting uh and I said this before the ranking member of the intelligence committee voted no uh and voted against the ban on Tik Tock so if the ranking member of the intelligence.

Committee is not in favor of this bill that tells me we have to go back to the drawing board we need comprehensive social media reform and we keep talking about Tik Tock our data is sold on an open market to third parties including China we have no idea what it where it is we have no control over it and there's no legislation to do anything.

About it there's no privacy legislation as it relates to social media there's that deals with the mental health challenges that many of our kids suffer as it relates to all of social social media so for me it's always been about expanding the conversation to all of social media assessing the harms and then doing something about it.

Legislatively and then also well over a 100 million million users are on Tik Tok every single day many of them young people many of them are getting politically activated engaged and motivated during this precious time in our country's history and we cannot turn those young people away so how do we ensure our national security have.

Comprehensive social media reform and make sure our young people are engaged uh in our political process we need to do all three and this bill doesn't do any of that uh Congressman Bowman thank you so much for your time for talking us through some of those big headlines coming out of the Hill today appreciate it thank you let's get you over to the.

Five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one a Mississippi judge sentencing the last two former deputies of the self-proclaimed goons Squad today in the torture and abuse of two black men in a racist attack Brett maplan will serve more than 27 years Joshua Hatfield 10 years in federal prison the group of six.

All pleaded guilty last year number two Medicare is now going to cover that popular weight loss drug wovie for patients who have a higher risk of heart disease so why does this matter well experts say it could mean that Millions more Americans could get access to this drug after the FDA expanded approval for it saying it can be prescribed to people.

Who are overweight or have obesity to reduce their risk of heart disease number three the Biden Administration announcing today it'll forgive nearly $6 billion in student loan debt for about 77,000 people that's through a program that helps teachers nurses other Public Service workers about 380,000 other workers will get emails letting them.

Know they'll have their debt canceled within 2 years number four nearly half a million Starbucks branded cups are getting recalled because they can overheat and break and if that happens while there's hot coffee in it that doesn't feel good so far they've gotten a reports of people getting hurt apparently these cups sold as part of.

Last year's holiday gift sets at places like Target and Walmart officials say if you have one obviously stop using it bring it back for a refund number five yet another example of genen Z discovering what US Millennials have known and loved for a long time that's the Facebook poke folks you know a little poke you click a little finger on.

A profile you say hi to a friend maybe it's like you're just like flirting a little bit you know this was like before sliding into DMS was a thing fell off the face of the Earth but now meta says this new design tweak makes it easier for people to find since that change pokes have gone way up especially among 18 to 29y olds well you're welcome.

Millennials Paving the way for you that's all I've never felt so old NBC News covers hundreds of stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our Bureau teams have done it for you this is what they tell us is going down in their region in a segment we call the.

Local out of our Western Bureau officials say somebody with a gun hijacked a bus then crashed into multiple cars and into a really fancy hotel in La want to show you some look at the damage there security cameras caught a lot of it look at this so here's the bus that is so scary straight up running a red light going officials.

Say the bus driver and a woman in another car were hurt we don't know how they're doing police arrested the suspect about an hour after the crash very scary there out of our Midwest Bureau take a look at this a hot air balloon crashing into a power line in Minnesota o you're about to see like a flash when the actual oh that's it.

That's the impact the balloon L look at that it deflates I mean the whole thing it just runs out of air officials think maybe it was hit by a big gust of wind the basket then fell 25 ft to the ground three people were in it but amazingly fortunately nobody was seriously hurt that's incredible and out of our Southern Bureau the Miami Marlins.

Announcing a new deal at their ballpark all you can eat seats if you have that kind kind of ticket you can go to the concession stands as much as you want for basically everything except for alcohol up until the seventh inning how much is it going to cost you 52 bucks a pop available at the Marlin's first game listen I don't want to editorialize on a.

News story but like have you seen concession stand prices 52 bucks a pop for seats and concessions that's a steal man all right Delta come uh Elon musk's neuralink showing off what it says its brain chips can do what we're learning from the new video of the first person to get this implant next Super interesting today is we're.

Finding out more about the person who got that brain implant from Elon musk's neuralink startup the company streaming this live video showing this guy playing chess online controlling the cursor with his mind essentially you see him here and this question had been who remember when we found out that somebody got one of these chips implanted people thought.

Who who did this we now know Nolan arba he's 29 years years old he's the first person now to let musk's company put a chip in his head our bog said he became a quadriplegic after a diving accident about 8 years ago listen I mean it's not perfect I would say that they we have run into some issues I don't want people to think that.

It is like this is the end of the journey there's still a lot of work to be done um but it has already changed my life Dr Natalie AAR is joining us now that is powerful testimony from him making clear right it's the beginning of a long road ahead but it is still a huge step forward the device was put in is called the brain computer interface tell.

Us more about how it works yeah so I'm going to try to explain it hele but it's very possible that I really won't understand what I'm saying and that you may not understand what I'm saying I think that what that speaks to is that there's so much about the brain that scientists still don't actually understand let me let me put it to you.

This way if you have a spinal cord injury you are unable to get a message from your brain to your muscles so you might say I want to move my hand but I have an injury in the spinal cord so that message neurologically can't get to that body part and what this is trying to do is basically bypass that with a neuralink app and a computer so they.

Essentially implant surgically implant a chip into your brain they then wirelessly send all these brain signals to this neuralink app which decodes it and then turns that into actions that's actually how it's described on the website and you know that's how it's been described by other people who tried to analyze what it does you know there.

Are billions of neurons in our brain and there are trillions of synapses in our brain hi that are constantly communicating um and this is essentially again sort of an artificial way of bringing that those synapses and connections and those thoughts into actually a movement bypassing normally what would be the spinal cord and doing.

It via a computer and an app how does this compare to some of the tech that already exists that for example um people with ALS might use to control screens with their eyes yeah so it's it's the same and it's different so what the ALS technology is it's something called an eye gaze device and in this what the person with ALS is able to do.

As long as they can move their eye muscles is that they are staring at a computer screen it has infrared cameras that are mounted on the computer screen and the person stares at a word or a phrase or a letter for an extended period of time and ultimately the computer is able to then say that word so it's different because.

It's not like the person is moving that it's anything with their mind they're literally identifying what they want to be able to communicate using using their eyes and the computer is picking up on that it's all it kind of all has that same sort of sci-fi feel but my goodness the neuralink and other you know bcis these these brain computer interface you.

Know companies it feels kind of out there you know and when it's used for good it'll be great I know a lot of people have already said are we making superhumans out of this but it's not only for spinal cord injuries but for people with Parkinson's and for cognitive you know deficits I mean kind of sounds like the sky's the limit on.

What this could potentially do I mean again the beginning of what could be this like really interesting New Frontier Dr Natalie AAR thank you so much it's great to see you that does it for us for this hour we've got more coverage picking up right now and I we're starting with breaking.

News just into us in the last hour on that Manhunt in Idaho the suspects now caught according to police after this violent Prison Break how the cops tracked them down and two homicides they're now investigating that are related in just a second more on that as we get it then it's Goliath versus Goliath with the government taking on.

Apple while the AG says the company's alleged Market Monopoly kills competition costs you money and breaks the law plus hundreds of Americans desperate to get out of Haiti tonight we're breaking down the complicated process as the US tries to rescue people from a country overrun by gangs plus a scientific breakthrough making history a.

Pig kidney put into a living person for the first time how much of a game changer this actually is then a major league mess for baseball's biggest star the allegations against The Interpreter for Dodgers Ace sh Otani did he steal his friends money to cover his gambling debts and why hasn't Otani himself said anything yet more on that later in the.

Show hey there I'm hie and we're coming on the Air Tonight with this breaking news in just the last hour police in Idaho announcing they've captured an inmate and his accomplice whose Escape left two correctional officers shot officials also saying that these suspects May have murdered two people before police took them into custody.

Here's what we're hearing in just the last little bit watch we are investigating two homicides at separate locations in nesp and Clearwater counties these are potentially tied to this incident okay so if you're like wait a second how did this happen right so correctional officers are taking this.

Guy Skyler me to the hospital he's a known gang member apparently a white supremacist he was going back to prison after being treated for some kind of injury when this car suddenly pulls up the driver inside starts shooting hitting two of these officers so me gets in this car takes off gets away Montana police say they probably switched.

Vehicles after that switched cars police say this is who is driving this car and open fire me's accomplice essentially now both of the officers who were shot are expected to survive but obviously still a lot to unpack here NBC's Adrien brus is following this one for us so you heard the officers there say that they think that these two homicides may be.

Connected to these escapes who were on the run for a couple of days before now finally being captured do anything else about those victims hiy that's what investigators are trying to sort through right now but we can tell you these men are now in custody after nearly a 36h hour Manhunt but not before path of Destruction three.

Officers injured two of them are still in the hospital right now and now police are investigating the deaths of two adult males in separate locations at one scene investigators say they found handcuffs listen in our folks are still on the scenes of those homicides it it has not been that long since we found this out so we're.

Still investigating we did find the shackles at the scene of one of the homicides so that's one of the ways that we tied them together and we are learning more about the man who police say helped me escape that is Nicholas umau there was some overlap while the two were serving time in pray and that's what we learned about.

An hour ago from authorities that's his photo on your screen officials say they were even in the same housing unit at some points now his accomplice was released in 2024 and we will learn more about his criminal history soon we do know they have mutual friends me was serving a 20-year sentence list linked to some other violent crimes and me is.

Also linked to a known white supremacist gang and has tattoos on his body for example the number one on one cheek and the number 11 on the other as I mentioned hie you see those tattoos on his body uh there investigators say they did relay this news to the two officers who are still in the hospital that were injured and the police chief saying.

Their spirits lifted when they learned these two men are now in custody H listen I think you've laid out capably here the many questions that still remain because there are a lot sure these two are in custody but again question is not just about obviously those homicides but so many other pieces including how this was allowed to happen.

At all right how me even escaped in the first place talk about the accountability piece of this you know that is a big question and the leader with the Department of Correction says it stops with him they are going to look and examine to see what gaps if any are in place now they did mention me was at the highest level of security they even.

Altered his transportation to the hospital keep in mind he was transported to the hospital because of a self-inflicted wound somehow this gentleman who helped him knew where the gaps were and that is what investigators and lawmakers are going to look at because moving forward they said they don't want to put any other officer.

Safety in Jeopardy or people for that matter hie Adrien brus thank you very much for that obviously more to come on that story we'll be following it let's bring you back here to Washington and this historic Showdown between the justice department and one of the world's biggest tech companies with the attorney general announcing a landmark.

Lawsuit against Apple accusing it of monopolizing the smartphone market basically having a monopoly company taking a hit to stock stock price at least it's down about 4% Apple says the lawsuit against it you see it here would create a dangerous precedent one that's wrong on the facts and the law in its words the justice department along with.

The 15 states you see here plus DC say that Apple strategically makes it harder for people to use apps and accessories that aren't from Apple so like an example right you know how you um if you're texting a friend with an Android the little bubble turns green or how if you have a watch that's not an Apple Watch it might be harder to connect to.

Your iPhone not as intuitive all of that the justice department says drives up astronomical valuation at the expense of a lot of people including the folks who buy Apple stuff listen to how the Attorney General put it monopolies like apples threaten the free and fair markets upon which our economy is based they stifle Innovation.

They hurt producers and workers and they increase costs for consumers the case part of a bigger Anti-Trust Crackdown from the Biden Administration on big Tech you have the doj already suing Google for allegedly monopolizing digital ad services and the FTC has this long running anti-monopoly case pending against Facebook's parent.

Company meta they're also suing Amazon Brian Chung is joining us now so there's a lot of pieces to this right um what is Apple's next move here after the Landmark suit yeah well I mean Apple has said in a statement that they are going to defend themselves again against this and here's the language that they Ed quote if successful it referring to this.

Doj complaint would hinder our ability to create the kind of Technology people expect from Apple where Hardware software and services intersect we will vigorously defend against it now again we have to remember that the doj's broad complaint here is that apple is essentially forcing consumers allegedly to stay inside the Apple ecosystem that.

If you own an iPhone you're going to have to own a Macbook you're going to have to own Apple airpods you're going to have to own an iPad you're going to have to own an Apple Watch you have to stay inside the ecosystem now they're arguing that that's driving prices up because if you can only buy Apple things and they can charge people whatever they.

Want but then Apple's defense as suggested in that statement makes it sound like well they're saying well if our products are just good and they are better because they work really well then how is that antitrust issue so again this is going to be a very interesting back and forth between the doj and apple and as we know with these.

Types of cases it could take a very long time to litigate hie we're talking about I mean listen the iPhone is maybe one of the most popular devices in the world right like it's it's just in everybody's fingertips and the justice department is basically saying Apple got there by kind of making people's lives harder if they didn't actually use other Apple products.

I mean that's what this comes down to yeah and you know we were talking about the hardware implications of this right everybody's familiar with the Apple watch and it is indeed true that it's not as easy to pair an Apple Watch with an Android phone as it is with an iPhone but again these are profitable businesses and maybe that's one.

Explanation for why Apple wants to keep people within the ecosystem $200 billion do Plus in sales for the iPhone the Apple watch worth approximately $40 billion a year the iCloud service by the way that's a huge Cash Cow for them going forward $85 billion in Revenue but the projections for where they could see people subscribing to Apple TV and apple.

Music a real big part of their future now we have to remember that it's not just those things that are facing the consumer that are part of this lawsuit as well uh the doj also claiming that perhaps Apple's not playing nice for third party apps on the App Store there's also a very interesting allegation about the Apple wallet right.

You can use tap to pay only through the Apple wallet as is but uh there's an argument from the doj that they're not letting thirdparty players have as much access to what they call NFC chip technology as the Apple wallet itself does so there's a lot of software implications for a lot of companies that want to see apple open up and things.

Like the App Store so again this is a really wide ranging case and it'll be very interesting to see kind of the cards fall on the many different types of issues that the doj brought up at this complaint a ton of layers on this and Brian Chong thank you very much really appreciate it um lots to get through on that one let's take your.

Overseas because the Secretary of State late this afternoon emphasizing now is the time for a ceasefire in Gaza ASAP as the humanitarian crisis there is getting worse saying Israel has got to do more children should not be dying of malnutrition in Gaza or anywhere else for that matter a major ground operation there would mean more civilian deaths it.

Would worsen the humanitarian crisis there is a better way to deal with the threat the ongoing threat posed by Hamas this came during a news conference in Egypt you see the secretary there with Arab leaders he's heading to Israel tomorrow and what's going to be a really critical day that's when the UN Security Council separately is going to vote on.

The US's strongest resolution yet for an immediate ceasefire tied to the release of hostages held by Hamas that's important but it is a change up since the US basically has vetoed three of these similar resolutions before now of course pressure building for Israel not to invade Southern Gaza I want to bring in rap Sanchez who's joining us now live.

From Tel Aviv it's going to be an interesting 24 hours coming up as it relates to the US posture towards what's happening in Gaza yeah hie absolutely so the US says it will bring that un Security Council resolution up for a vote Friday morning and as you said this is a very marked shift three times in the past we have.

Seen the US use its veto at the security Council to block resolutions calling for a ceasefire now it is the US putting up a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire it is worth saying those previous resolutions said ceasefire end to the fighting with or without a hostage deal this new American resolution does not say that it links.

The ceasefire to the release of the remaining hostages held by Hamas but it is a sign I think Calli the Biden Administration really feeling the heat both at home and abroad to do more to try to get this ceasefire into place and to try to address the really spiraling humanitarian crisis inside Gaza right now how you talked about the linkage.

Right in this resolution to a hostage yal what is this where does that stand right because I know that the Israeli Prime Minister has approved one of the officials in Israel to head to Cutter tomorrow to talk about this but Raph it is getting to the point where in some ways it feels like Charlie Brown with the football with much much higher.

Stakes we've seen this before meetings to talk about some kind of a hostage deal but so far only one of those discussions has actually been successful yeah exactly hie and remember that ceasefire deal that was successful it lasted one week the goal here is to try to get to a ceasefire that at least in the first stage lastes for lasts for.

Six weeks a couple of positive signs if you're prepared to read the tea leaves with me here Hy first of all secretary blinkin has said over the course of this trip to the Middle East his six to the region since the start of this war that he does believe the gaps between Israel and Hamas are narrowing the other sign is that the CIA director Bill Burns is.

Going to be in Qatar tomorrow he's meeting his Israeli counterpart the head of the Mossad spy agency as well as the katri Prime Minister and the head of Egyptian intelligence and I think it is unlikely that those very senior officials would all be taking time out of their very busy schedules to go meet in the Middle East if it didn't seem.

Like there was at least a pathway in these negotiations to get to a deal the two sides have stayed at the negotiating table despite public comments saying that these round of talks aren't going well but as you said we've been here many many times before and there is no indication at this point that a breakthrough is imminent hie Raph.

Sanchez live for us there in Tel Aviv Raph thank you so much we're glad GL to have you there bringing us the latest reporting big day tomorrow I'm sure we'll talk again just as we've been on the air here we're hearing from the state department that more than 160 Americans have now gotten out of Haiti with the help of the government because.

Gangs have essentially taken over that country look at this plane it's bringing stranded Americans back to the US it arrived in Miami that's where it's flying into just a few hours ago the US has also started sending chartered helicopters to fly out some Americans 15 people on board that first Chopper flight they were taken just across the.

Board to the Dominican Republic there Florida's also trying to use State chartered flights to get people back you see some families reuniting in the last 24 hours when one of those planes landed near Orlando officials said the logistics here super complicated there's a lot of challenges in Haiti right now um I would say it's.

Worse than a war zone it was actually easier to get people in and out of uh Israel than it is to get people in and out of Haiti we know there's nearly 1600 Americans still waiting to get on one of those flights based on how many people registered with the state department to get info on those evacuations guad.

Venegas is joining us now from Miami International Airport we talked about those flights arriving one in Miami we just saw today the Orlando one yesterday can you talk us through um from some of those families from some of those people who are now back home what they went through what they had experienced Hy it was a nightmare trying.

To get to the airport where this plane took off from one of the biggest challenges is getting these individuals US citizens from their homes and bringing them to the area where they can board that flight uh we heard from Kevin Guthry he's a director of Florida Division of Emergency Management who said they've had to hire private.

Contractors security teams that are going door too to bring them just so that you can understand how difficult this is originally they had two flights scheduled for Tuesday that didn't make it out because they couldn't get these US citizens to the plane so they had to wait until Wednesday to finally get one plane out with 14 individuals we saw.

Some of the images including children on this flight so it's been quite difficult being able to transport the people to where the planes take off let's hear from one of those who was on that first flight that flew into the Orlando area the biggest part the biggest stress about this was that we were dealing with little kids not adults so that made it.

Even more stressful on the parents and um made it it it was just scary it was just scary now we know from Florida State authorities that part of those challenges are getting them through a lot of roadblocks or areas that are.

Controlled by the ganks now we also have these other chartered planes that the Department of State is coordinating we don't have a lot of details as to how they are coordinating passengers to get to the airport but the airport that the the plane that came into Miami today and Orlando yesterday that's an airport that's 80 Mi north of PTO Prince so.

Someone that's in the capital would have to transport themselves or get help from these security teams to go 80 Mi North to the airport from where these planes are leaving and then there's also the mission with the helicopters that are taking off from PTO Prince and going to the Dominican Republic where then these US citizens will figure out a way to get.

To their next destination so different missions taking place with all of these challenges getting the individuals to the planes where they can finally make their way to the United States hie guad Vegas live for us there in Miami there's a lot going on thank you also a lot going on out in the midwest which is bracing for a pretty wintry start to.

Spring all this wind and snow is set to last through at least Monday 13 million people under winter alerts you can see some of the snow coming down a little bit there in North Dakota meteorologist Bill Kens is joining us now um you know winter didn't winter all winter long and now it's deciding to drop a bunch of snow like that's kind of rude I think.

Mother Nature has a good sense of humor that's the only thing I can really say because everyone thought they were free and clear they're like woo this is you know winter was the easiest winter ever and now people are going to be like okay you know this just it's kind of cruel uh so here's how the forast is shaping up this is Storm one this is one that's.

Going to move in tonight and tomorrow morning it's going to make travel very difficult around the Twin Cities early tomorrow heading over areas of Wisconsin and Michigan during the day this goes into the Northeast what a mess for Central and Northern New England snow sleep freezing rain it's just going to be treacherous and then heavy rain in.

The Mid-Atlantic we'll talk more about that and then here comes the next storm behind it hitting the West Coast as we go through Saturday Sunday this moves into the Heartland and the Northern Plains and a heavy snow events taking place and so why is this such a big deal yes it's the Northern Plains they get storms in March but this winter as hie.

Was mentioning it's been so easy I mean Minneapolis has had 14 Ines of snow this winter last winter was the third most snowiest winter they ever had they had 90 in last year they've had 14 normal is about 51 by the time we're done by 7 days from now we're going to get this number close to the normal uh there's a chance for one to two feet of snow in.

Many areas of Minnesota uh some areas a few spots especially Central Minnesota and Western portions could get higher right now our computer models are telling us easily one to two feet from Aberdine to O Clair and St Cloud and Minneapolis are right in the heart of this and the worst of it looks to be Sunday night and then Monday morning.

That's when things will just probably be shut down so let me give you the timing on this and let's also talk about the Heavy Rain threat because this has changed hie and the last hour since we talked so all of this is coming up the Eastern Seaboard and over the last 2 days the predictions have been getting heavier and heavier with the rain you.

Know pouring maybe even some Thunder mixed in and because of this we're now under flood watches for areas of you know Washington DC up the East Coast into the New York area so from I95 towards New York up to 4 in as possible definitely 2 to 3 in and now we got 28 million people on Saturday in flood watches U this is how the winter is gone.

H I know the did you go check out the cherry blossoms by the way yet obviously I did a whole story on Stumpy Bill where you been I watch watch I recorded it and I know I watch all your stuff on the weekends the catch up from the week that's what I do but uh yeah yes I did see the cherry blossoms you know why because they blow they're going to be.

Gone right like by Monday but after this weekend they're probably going to be gone 2 to three inches of rain and then 30 to 40 m per hour winds I know no they're not going to last through that they're just too delic I know but that's why it's so lovely to go see forward to seeing your pce on by the way oh I'll send it to you thanks Bill appreciate.

You thank you very much appreciate it so listen tonight our team is getting an exclusive look at a surgery that is making history look at this doctors at Mass General who implanted the first Pig kidney into a person a modified genetically modified Pig kidney that's a living man on that table there 62-year-old Richard slamman he got his.

New kidney Saturday he's recovering well which is incredible he could be headed home as soon as this weekend listen to what one of his doctors said earlier I think the continued success of this groundbreaking kidney transplant represents a true milestone in the sense that it also uh could be a potential breakthrough in solving one of the more.

Intract intractable problems in our field Dr a Sall is joining us now so Dr s this is super interesting and when he talks about one of the problems right these referencing it's the 100,000 people who need an organ transplant right now 90,000 or so need kidneys specifically people can sometimes wait years and years for it to be their turn.

Yeah hie we have a we have an organ shortage problem in this country about 100,000 people on the weight list and H for kidneys specifically uh people could be waiting 3 to 5 years uh to get one and and you know when people are waiting for a kidney you can see here on the left here the most common um organ that people are waiting for when compared to.

To liver pancreas heart or even the lung um but H when you're waiting for a kidney transplant that often means you are in kidney failure meaning you could be tied to a dialysis machine something you have to go to three times a week and if you miss that then you start to get flooded with these toxic fluids in your body so it is really really something.

That people are really excited about a lot of people are looking forward to this just reading the reaction and the comments to this online has been really really heartwarming for people just looking for some sort of Hope frankly for for what has been years and years of waiting well hope especially after we've seen and we've covered here on the show.

Before other kinds of um frankly Pig organ transplants like in the last couple years when two men got Hearts they each only lived a couple of months afterwards I mean there are obviously risks associated with this kind of thing yeah so so with this there's with any surgery there's risk of you know every time you cut somebody open and there's.

Infection and things like that but hi with this one what critics are pointing to is potential viruses um the things that infect pigs primarily getting into our body um so that's really something that we're going to be watching for and we're talking about you know survival after this I wouldn't read too much into the two-month numbers Al just because.

People who tend to go for these things tend to be pretty sick and out of other options so it's really hard to say how long these will last in well it's you say out of other options it's not even like this is officially really an option for people right it's not approved by the FDA officially this was like a carve out kind of a special case because.

Animal to human organ transplant is just not allowed right now do you see that changing potentially yeah one day you know in order for this to actually become common practice so it's going to have to be a multicenter trial um with people getting this in all different sorts of places but for those out there who are waiting there is something we.

Can do today hie if you haven't already please sign up to be an organ donor at organdonor.gov you really can save lives and you know while we wait for this to come up definitely something you want to do in the meantime Dr o thank you very much it's good to have you on this coming up new details on Russia launching its biggest attack on keev in.

Weeks plus services at a whole bunch of DMVs Coast to Coast going down today we'll tell you what official says behind this National outage by some museums in New York are being forced to address some new Beyonce ads.

That's coming up in the five things but first right now baseball's biggest star sh Otani is headed back from MLB's season opener in South Korea flying right into the middle of a major controversy here at home that's because the Dodgers have fired otani's longtime interpreter over what otani's reps call a massive theft now this interpreter.

Always by otani's side right constantly really since his debut back in 2018 every picture of sh Otani has interpreters in it right pretty much but now the allegation is that he The Interpreter stole money to cover millions of dollars in illegal gambling debts The Interpreter telling ESPN that the debt was from betting betting on the.

MBA the NFL college football international soccer not betting on baseball that's important that's as you know prohibited banned by the MLB thing is we haven't heard from Otani on this he hasn't made any statements yet he avoided the Dodgers Clubhouse when reporters were inside before the game LZ corit is joining us now and this.

Is interesting right because the New York Times is reporting that there was like a couple of PR reps stationed up right by otani's locker before the game now they're on the plane they're flying home but there is a major Spotlight not just on Shi Otani but on the MLB more broadly right as it's trying to kick off its.

Season yeah I mean there's a lot of questions right now this has been a really big week could have been a really big week triumphant week for Otani his first week in the Dodgers right and he's such a big figure right now in the MLB and now it's being sort of overshadowed by this Scandal that he's at the center of right now and it's a complicated.

Scandal because there's conflicting accounts of exactly what happened if you believe otani's attorneys they are saying that their client Otani was the victim of a massive theft by his interpreter his longtime interpreter and his very good friend like you mentioned they're always seen together and they're saying that the interpreter stole.

Millions of dollars about 4 .5 million to pay off his gambling debts the thing is this all began because LA Times reporters saw that otani's name was surfacing in a federal investigation into a multi-million doll illegal sports betting scheme here in Southern California so they started asking questions they asked the MLB questions.

And as they started probing into that the um the uh spokesperson for Otani made The Interpreter available for an interview to ESPN and The Interpreter said yes Otani was aware he did not do any of the betting he simply was trying to help me pay off my gambling debts he's my friend he was helping me out but then as.

ESPN's writing that story before they can get it published they say that a spokesperson for Otani disavowed that said that's not true and then The Interpreter came back and said never mind that's not what happened Otani had nothing to do with it he never knew about the payments so there's these contradicting accounts and the big.

Question is was Otani involved did he know about it how did he know about it how much did he know or was he really a victim like his attorneys are saying are we going to know when are we going to know how are we going to know that's the question and and there's so many questions right now and we don't know because like you mentioned Otani.

Has not said anything his uh PR reps were hiding him from the locker uh he was ignoring reporters last night the um Dodgers manager was asked about it after the game in South Korea they said no comment we're not going to talk about it so at this point the big question will be when or if Otani comes forward and speaks about this we do know that this.

Is his very good friend we're talking about I mean they were literally seen together at the game in South Korea yesterday looking friendly and chummy like nothing was going on they're always seen together their wives are apparently friends they have a long history and so you know we'll see we'll see what they say yeah I mean do we know I I don't.

Know Liz I want to put you on the spot because I don't have the schedule in front of me do you know when the Dodgers next game is that's why I do not know the answer to that's okay you know that's the next moment right probably later this week when we're going to have the opportunity to get.

Some of these answers um Liz CS you are the best thank you so much sorry H I should weigh in on that I'm until Thursday actually that's a shout out to whatever producer is sitting right next to you so thank to thank you to you and to them so maybe later this week we'll know more Liz thank you I'm Sor to put you on the spot appreciate it over to.

The five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one a spokesperson for an Arkansas airport says that executive hurt during a shootout with federal agents this week has died remember the shooting happened early Tuesday when ATF agents tried to serve a search warrant at the man's house not clear what that warrant was.

For officials say it's all part of an active investigation number two late breaking into us tonight New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez announcing in a video that he's not going to file for re-election as a Democrat hinting at a run as an independent perhaps instead remember of course Menendez is facing Federal bribery charges he denies any.

Wrongdoing in the case and says he hopes to be exonerated before the general election number three life expectancy in the US ticking up a little bit to 772 years according to the CDC that's not up by much but it is uh an increase of course after the number went down for the last couple of years before that it's still lower than pre-pandemic.

Levels number four several States reported problems at the DMV today because apparently the group that gives the software to the DMV says there was a cloud connectivity problem it meant you basically do no work on driver's licenses or car titles for hours today the connection is back up now but perhaps not soon enough for the folks.

Who are showing up trying to get some stuff done number five several museums in New York including the Guggenheim the Whitney Etc say they did not know about projections on their buildings apparently promoting Beyonce's new album you see it here this ain't a country album This is a Beyonce album Cowboy Carter her album cover photo it's not.

Clear how long these are up for Beyonce posted this map like showing the Guggenheim on her insta story last night she didn't say anything else NBC News has reached out to Beyonce's team for comment we haven't heard back when we come back why emergency Serv serves at some hospitals in Kenya are getting put on pause plus new details tonight around.

The health of King Charles what the queen has to say coming up NBC News covers hundreds of international stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our teams around the world have done it for you here's a look at what they're watching in a.

Segment we call the global out of Ukraine take a look at the security camera footage from the flower shop showing the moment a Russian missile strike hit keeve look at that o it's the kremlin's biggest missile attack on the Ukrainian capital in weeks at least a dozen people were hurt it ends it's been a month-long pause on Russian attacks in.

That City out of Kenya thousands of doctors suspending emergency services at public hospitals today the escalation of a national strike that launched last week these docks are protesting poor pay working conditions they say the government failed to act on promises made during a different strike a few years ago the Kenyon Health Ministry is.

Now recruiting doctors in their place and restarting emergency services in one of nairobi's public hospitals ahead of court order talks between the government and the doctor's Union and out of Northern Ireland Queen Camila says King Charles is doing very well that's her quote very well as she was meeting with locals on a visit to Belfast today we.

Know that the king's been battling this form of cancer we don't know really what kind that's forced him to step away from public duties earlier this year less than 18 months into his Reign back in Washington Congress now has just about a day to try to pass some legislation to keep the government from shutting down here we go again here we.

Are 24 hours to go there's a little glimmer of optimism as lawmakers got the text of a$ 1.2 trillion bill that would keep the lights on today but then there's the whole process of what comes next right what are the odds that both the house and the Senate can move fast enough to get it to the president's desk by tomorrow night well.

They got to read like a thousand Pages they got to jump through some procedural Hoops they got to pass the bills on the the floor by midnight to avoid a shutdown let me bring in somebody who knows this process well Democratic congressman from New York Jamal Bowman Congressman it's good to have you back on the show thank you for having me good.

To be here listen I know from from my years covering Washington you know very little motivates uh some of your colleagues there in the capital more than a weekend and the prospect of getting home what are the chances here are you confident that both your chamber and the Senate can get this thing done to avoid a shutdown what's up I'm pretty.

Confident uh that we are going to avoid a shutdown now keep that Ain it pretty confident it's not it's not 100% confident I mean look we have to look at who's in control of the house right and we just had a year of the least productive uh Congress in history so we know what we're dealing with here and keep in mind we just received a bill.

Over 1,000 Pages 2 a.m. this morning so we're still going through the bill we're still reviewing the bill it seems like we have the votes to pass it so that the government doesn't shut down but I have major concerns with the bill first and foremost the decreasing of funding for public education that's a huge problem for me as a former educator and also the.

Lack of funding for unra we have a humanitarian crisis in Gaza children and people are starving to death death this is not the time to decrease funding to the only organization that's providing humanitarian Aid so I have concerns with the bill we're still reviewing the bill but we can't let the government shut down even partially so hopefully we can.

Get it done can I just ask you I think this is I want to say the sixth time this year right this fiscal year that Congress has kicked to the can essentially to try to avoid a shutdown that's not normal like that's not the normal course of procedure here for for congress um especially in an election year what is the Hope for Congress to.

Get anything done besides the bare minimum that is keeping the government up and running why why are we like this I guess uh because we have Maga Donald Trump controlled Republicans in control of the House of Representatives right now and this is why election ma elections matter this is why everyone needs to be involved engage register to.

Vote come out to vote because when you get the wrong people in the office these are people they want to defund the federal government they want to defund housing defund Education defund Health Care and they want to do it while PE the American people are struggling mightily from day to day and existing within a plantation capitalist system and so.

Unfortunately magga Republicans are controlling everything and that's why we're at this point and that's why the elections this year matter tremendously so everyone needs to be involved and engaged one thing the house did do of course is vote to essentially give Tik Tock a clock or else have it be banned right either sell off ban sells off or.

Else Tik Tok is banned you obviously voted against that and you gave some reasons for your vote on Tik Tok I want to play it for folks we can't get a child care bill passed but y'all want to ban Tik Tock we can't get affordable housing in our communities yall want to ban Tik Tock we can't fully fund our Public Schools but.

Y'all want to ban Tik Tok so it seems like the point you're making is that this maybe should not be priority number one but I wonder how you respond to some of your colleagues who raise what they see as very serious National Security concerns about China's access to data of Americans you know it's interesting uh and I said this before the ranking.

Member of the intelligence committee voted no uh and voted against the ban on Tik Tok so if the ranking member of the intelligence committee is not in favor of this bill that tells me we have to go back to the drawing board we need comprehensive social media reform and we keep talking about Tik Tock our data is sold on an.

Open market to third parties including China we have no idea what it where it is we have no control over it and there's no legislation to do anything about it there's no privacy legislation as it relates to social media there's nothing that deals with the mental health challenges that many of our kids suffer as it relates to all of social.

Social media so for me it's always been about expanding the conversation to all of social media assessing the harms and then doing something about it legislatively and then also well over 100 million million users are on Tik Tok every single day many of them young people many of them are getting politically activated engaged and.

Motivated during this precious time in our country's history and we can't cannot turn those young people away so how do we ensure our national security have comprehensive social media reform and make sure our young people are engaged uh in our political process we need to do all three and this bill doesn't do any of that uh Congressman.

Bowman thank you so much for your time for talking us through some of those big headlines coming out of the Hill today appreciate it Elon musk's neuralink showing off what it says its brain ships can do what we're learning from the new video of the first person to get this implant next super interesting today as we're finding.

Out more about the person who got that brain implant from Elon musk's neuralink startup the company streaming this live video showing this guy playing chess online controlling the cursor with his mind essentially you see him here and this question had been who remember when we found out that somebody got one of these chips implanted people thought who.

Who did this we now know Nolan arba he's 29 years old he's the first person now to let musk's company put a chip in his head arog said he became a quadriplegic after a diving accident about eight years ago listen I mean it's not perfect I would say that they we have run into some issues I don't want people to think that.

It is like this is the end of the journey there's still a lot of work to be done um but it has already changed my life Dr Natalie AAR is joining us now that is powerful testimony from him making clear right it's the beginning of a long road ahead but it it is still a huge step forward the device was put in is called the brain computer interface.

Tell us more about how it works yeah so I'm going to try to explain it hel but it's very possible that I really won't understand what I'm saying and that you may not understand what I'm saying I think that what that speaks to is that there's so much about the brain that scientists still don't actually understand let me let me put it to you.

This way if you have a spinal cord injury you are unable to get a message from your brain to your muscles so you might say I want to move my hand but I have an injury in the spinal cord so that message neurologically can't get to that body part and what this is trying to do is basically bypass that with a neuralink app and a computer so they.

Essentially implant surgically implant a chip into your brain they then wirelessly send all these brain signals to this neuralink app which decodes it and then turns that into actions that's actually how it's described on the website and I you know that's how it's been described by other people who tried to analyze what it does you know there.

Are billions of neurons in our brain and there are trillions of synapses in our brain hle that are constantly communicating um and this is essentially again sort of an artificial way of bringing that those synapses and connections and those thoughts into actually a movement bypassing normally what would be the spinal cord and doing.

It via a computer and an app how does this compare to some of the tech that already exists that for for example um people with ALS might use to control screens with their eyes yeah so it's it's the same and it's different so what the ALS technology is it's something called an eye gaze device and in this what the person with ALS is able to do.

Is long as they can move their eye muscles is that they are staring at a computer screen it has infrared cameras that are mounted on the computer screen and the person actually stares at a word or a phrase or a letter for an extended period of time and ultimately the computer is able to then say that word so it's different because it's not like.

The person is moving that it's anything with their mind they're literally identifying what they want to be able to communicate using using their eyes and the computer is picking up on that it's all it kind of all has that same sort of sci-fi feel but my goodness the neuralink and other you know bcis these these brain computer interface you know.

Companies it feels kind of out there you know and when it's used for good it'll be great I know a lot of people have already said are we making superhumans out of this but it's not only for spinal cord injuries but for people with Parkinson's and for cognitive you know deficits I mean it kind of sounds like the sky the limit on what this could.

Potentially do I mean again the beginning of what could be this like really interesting New Frontier Dr Natalie AAR thank you so much it's great to see you that does it for us for this hour we've got more coverage picking up right now thanks for watching stay updated about.

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