Hallie Jackson NOW – March 25 | NBC News NOW


Hallie Jackson NOW - March 25 | NBC News NOW

tonight fed's raiding Diddy homes you are taking a look at it happening live as we speak the hip-hop Superstar now having federal agents this is a live look at his house in Miami they are also live right now at his house in La we're going to show it to you what we're learning literally minute by minut about.

Why this is happening why they showed up at Diddy's house with their guns drawn that's coming up in just a second plus the legal can kick down the road for Donald Trump with the former president getting a win for now in at least one of the cases against him what a delay in one trial and a better payment schedule in another mean for Mr Trump's.

Complicated web of legal issues then whoever said spring has sprung is not looking at the weather our team's breaking down the snow the rain the overall misery of it all affecting Millions across the country right now Plus in baseball less than an hour from now we will hear from the sports biggest star speaking for the first time about.

The gambling Scandal swirling around him the big question everybody hopes he will answer we'll see if he does later right here on this show hey there I'm hie and tonight we are starting with that dramatic situation happening as we speak in both LA and Miami beach at the homes of sha Diddy comes you know him as Diddy formerly Puff Daddy big- time rapper Big.

Time producer Big Time Superstar and now the feds at his houses in both locations this is a live look right now on the left that's West Coast that's LA on the right that's Miami Beach you're looking at want to show you just the last couple of minutes in La agents holding what look to be guns as they walk into the home as they enter the home and you can.

See some of the apparatus there that they've brought I want to get to Dana Griffin who is following this for us now why is this happening what do we know hie still as you mentioned this is a developing story so we're learning new details minute by minute NBC News has confirmed that this is raid being conducted by Homeland Security and that.

The warrant specifically came out of the southern district of New York now we believe this is tied to sex trafficking allegations there's an investigation into claims that he may have been that the rapper may have been involved in this so we believe this is connected to that but obviously what a split screen moment here to see investigations not.

Only not only in Miami but also Los Angeles which shows that this was very coordinated and planned and remember when it comes to warrants these aren't things that are just you know done half half hazly this had to signed by a judge so this was obviously very methodical and this is a sprawling home here in California this is located in the homy.

Hills area a very wealthy area that home that we can see from that sky cam is is massive sprawling and we don't know exactly what they are looking for it could be something as small as a USB drive or it could be several boxes of documents that could prove or prove his guilt or prove his innocence so and you mentioned those guns that we saw law.

Enforcement carrying sounds like that's pretty routine because they're going into a home it's a huge home it's not secured but from what we have seen on the ground and from local reports that this was a very um easy entry there was no sort of violence or any sort of skirmish inside the home so the weapons that you may have seen there are.

Probably just cautionary um again this could take several hours considering that these are two separate homes in two different locations uh so we're waiting to get more details and we're still trying to figure out where where exactly PD is located no one has been able to confirm that at this hour so that was going to be my other question Dana is.

Where is he now I mean we don't know is the short answer huh he could be anywhere assuming that he's not here in Los Angeles because we saw from that Chopper video several people that were taken out of the home some appear to be in handcuffs and that is customary when you're doing a raid they want to check everyone out make sure everyone who is.

Who they say they are we have not seen any images of PDD which shows that he may not be in his Miami or his Los Angeles home but I'm sure over the next several minutes and hours we will get more details hie Dana in just the last maybe two minutes as you were speaking I want to say even 60 seconds and again this is.

Breaking news I'm going to give you a beat to look at your phone because we are getting in now a a statement attributable to Homeland Security investigations HSI in New York and in this statement and I'm I'm putting it up on screen because this is the first bit of sort of on the record information here that HSI New York executed law.

Enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation with assistance from HSI Los Angeles HSI Miami and our local law enforcement Partners we will provide further information as it becomes available and that's key Dana as you know because as we've been talking about information is not something we have a lot of at this moment do we know.

If there's any news conference set any kind of opportunity that we might get for our teams on the ground there to question some of these investigators or is that still TBD um that's still TBD we've got a lot of our teams uh working to try to get that information but as you can see they put out a statement but there was lot.

Not a lot of tells issu in that statement so that tells us a lot of information of what they are keeping kind of closed LIF at this point so you know again we have no idea what they're bringing out we may get a a hint as we start seeing bags or boxes brought out as far as how much stuff could you know they could be looking for but when it.

Comes to these sort of raids they have to look for something very specific they don't just go into a home and just take out an any and everything that looks interesting so there's obviously something specific that they are looking for in both of these homes and we may find out what that is or we possibly could not so obviously we'll be.

Following this very closely call Dana I'm going to let you back to the uh the reporting that I know you and the teams out west are doing thank you so much we'll be following this obviously over the course of the next couple of hours here we are also following something else tonight multiple developments for former president Trump in a place he.

Used to call home New York with a trial Now set in at least one of the criminal cases against him before election day and today you've got Mr Trump repeating his usual claims without evidence that these cases are are politically motivated listen we're going through this weaponization of our government to try and knock out somebody's political.

Opponent and so far based on the polls it's not working at all the people understand it I don't know how you're going to have a trial that's going on right in the middle of an election not fair not fair things today play out a little bit differently than expected because two big things were supposed to happen right.

Two big things were going to happen potentially today was supposed to be the first day of the former president first criminal trial that hush money case against him remember a Manhattan da accusing Mr Trump of lying on business records related to about $130,000 in hush money to try to keep Stormy Daniels former adult film star quiet about her.

Alleged affair with Mr Trump during the 2016 election that's something Mr Trump denies okay that was what was supposed to happen start of that trial also today was the deadline for the former president to post nearly $500 million in bond for a civil fraud verdict that was the expectation here's the reality on the hush money stuff it was just a.

Hearing for a future date for that trial to start we now know that's going to be April 15th that's now the new date to circle on your calendar on the Civil fraud side of things the former president is getting more time to pay less money 10 more days to post $175 million that is a win for him I want to bring in Dasha burns live for us in New.

York Laura Jared our NBC News legal correspondent is joining us well Dasha let me start with you here on the political front talk us through what you're hearing from your sources in and around Trump world and what we've heard heard from the former president today well he's already fundraising off of what he calls a victory the fact that.

Uh Trump Tower is not getting seized today but telling voters that the victory is not over that more is to be done and asking them to donate we've seen this time and again anytime uh he there's a ruling in one of these cases usually it comes along with a fundraising request but here's what he had to say about all of this outside of.

The court today listen I have a lot of cash you know I do because you looked at my statements but I would also like to be able to use some of my cash to get elected they don't want me to use my cash to get elected they don't want that they don't want me taking cash out to use it for the campaign and this is exactly the kind of.

Statement that is problematic for his lawyers who have been saying that the former president can not get enough money to pay uh that bond to to to put up that Bond so uh not so great for the lawyers but politically the former president trying to use this uh to to shout Victory and to again claim that this is an unfair persecution hie we've.

Also got with jury election starting mid April now the potential to see much more of Mr Trump in New York for that first criminal trial fair to say that New York is not known for being a big swing state Dasha but there he will be even overlaid on top of his campaign schedule how much does that uh play a factor into former president Trump getting on the road.

Doing these rallies he likes to do them on Saturdays right right I think we're going to be working on a lot of weekends hie and by the way congratulations on the on the new weekend gig but look this is certainly a blue State not going to win over a lot of new voters here but what's going to be here us the cameras are.

Going to be here right so he is going to be looking to use this as a campaign stop of sorts again it was very successful for him in the primary but a very different voter base then than a general electorate how however he has been known to to to use this to his advantage and to use it to take that time to take that airspace to suck up.

The oxygen from the room and uh hoping that that is going to be uh an advantage even if he can't be out on the trail the other thing hie is he will be leaning on his surrogates uh Donald Trump Jr Eric Lara Kimberly gilfoil the family that sort of really represents him and can rally the base in his dead hie Dasha burns live for us there in New York.

Thank you Laura let me bring you in now because if there is an umbrella theme I think to today as it relates to former president trump it is he bought himself a little bit more time on both these fronts he did though H although I have to say the April 15th date this judge really does seem to want it to be set in stone the only reason this case is not.

Starting today hie is because the defense team had accused the prosecutors of something really serious that the judge said he essentially felt like had been wasted for his time he they had been accused of prosecutorial Mis conduct for withholding documents related to a key witness Michael Cohen who we're all familiar with the judge.

Heard a lot of argument a lot of finger pointing about that today and basically found it all unfounded and at the end of it essentially said I don't even know why we're here he's finding this odd so he said I'm going to see you on April 15th and I did not get any indication that the judge appears to be at all interested in moving that trial date of.

Course the former president is very very focused on this civil fraud trial it's not a criminal case but it is his namesake company it is his control he called it his babies today in a true social post and now he got essentially the relief of a Lifetime by not having to offer up that more than 500 $450 million nut that he was going to have to.

Front himself hie he could find no lender who was willing to give him that serious amount of cash it's not like 175 million is Pennies on the dollar for like most normal human beings but it's certainly not half a billion Lura to your point here you know the other thing is just to talk about this idea of the April 15th trial date or jury selection.

To begin in this hush money trial that is the one and you and I have talked about this over the course of many months here that it seems legal experts think and frankly some political observers could be the least impactful for former president Trump and yet that is the one as you look at the the array of criminal cases against him that seems.

Of course most likely to wrap up before election day maybe even before the Republican convention and some ways it's you know it was the first filed and it appears to be the first to go even if the facts are are all well known even if legally it's not perhaps the most sophisticated even if it's State versus Federal at the end of the day it's.

Realistically the one that's going all the other ones are bogged down and delays some of them don't even have real trial dates right now and so I think everybody should kind of get their heads around the fact that this is the one that's going to trial and it's still historic we have never seen a former president have to sit in a courtroom for.

The better part of six weeks in the middle of an election year where he is facing a potential felony here in New York hi Laura Garett live for us with a lot a lot to juggle today we'll look for more of your reporting on nightly tonight Laura thanks thanks listen let's talk about the bad weather tonight that is happening really all over the map.

Look at this snow wind storms maybe tornadoes with a massive spring system moving through the Midwest spots that got snow look at this more than a foot in some places now getting soaked with a ton of rain and Out West a dramatic rescue look at this First Responders pulling a woman out of the LA River after she fell into the water during a.

Storm there down south you've got millions bracing for the weather alerts that are stretching into the night our team all over this for you meteorologist Bill Kens standing by with the places that could see tornadoes later on but I want to bring in first Jesse kers from Minneapolis and Jesse it was snow now it's rain kind of slush might be snow.

Again bottom line it is Miz for the folks where you are yeah we need some fruit color and make some snow cones out here hie we we woke up this morning it was rain then it was wet snow then it went back to rain and it tell this just this gross drizzle out here right now uh but make no mistake there's still a good amount of.

Snow out here in the plains we're talking about more than a foot of snow across stretches of Colorado Wisconsin and here in Minnesota the Twin Cities as you mentioned hie are potentially going to be getting more snow tomorrow uh and as this heavy wet stuff was falling this morning to start the work week we caught up with some people and bottom line if.

You're from the Midwest if you're from here in the Twin Cities this doesn't really surprise people this time of year I lived in Chicago for years I can tell you you know this isn't something people look twice at uh but we asked people about it and we spoke with someone who was doing what you're seeing right there on screen digging up this wet slushy.

Slushy mess and here's what he shared with us about what he sees when the snow's falling from the sky well it's normal Minnesota yeah all I see is money falling from the the sky that's all I see this is just what we know and it's beautiful so you know you can either sit inside and be miserable or out get out and enjoy.

It in the interest of disclosure she did tell me she's working from home today unlike some of us uh so she is is not you know having to Trek out there too much she went to get the morning coffee and back to work at home but uh again we're not through this yet up here in the Twin Cities alley Jesse kersch live for us there uh we look forward to more.

Of your reporting I know throughout the night we'll see what happens next hour thanks let me bring in Bill Karen now and as we talk about what could happen next hour next couple hours where you're looking at down south it's the tornado thread right yeah same storm just the warm side of it and we've had a tornado watch that's been up for like the last 2.

Hours we haven't had any severe thunderstorms haven't had any tornado warnings and from what I'm seeing on the radar conditions aren't exactly right for you know a bunch of tornadoes still maybe one or two isolated which can do a lot of damage but nothing looks you know nothing's speaking and screaming saying this look like a huge issue this evening.

So this area of orange is what we call the enhanced risk this is the favorite area for storms right now the storms are where my hand is here Alexandria to Monroe all the way down to Lake so they're going to start heading into this more favorable environment this evening so that's why we still think there's a chance of getting a strong tornado even.

As the Sun is setting into the evening from Jackson the Meridian Hattisburg so Central Mississippi by the time these storms get to Alabama late tonight they should be weakening so here's the tornado watch and a little bit of it actually the street for area has been trimmed off so this is the main line of storms you can see it from Monroe to.

Alexandria this tornado watch goes till about 8:00 there may be one that extends after it a closer view shows you when you get a line like this we're not as concerned with tornado with this if we get thunderstorms we call supercells that are out by themselves those are the ones that usually typically produce the most damaging tornadoes doesn't mean we.

Can't get a small spin up but not like anything that's going to be big and devastating to take out a town and here's Monroe Louisiana thunderstorms over the top of you but not severe just you know a lot of lightning and just your typical downpours so the storm is over Kansas City this is the area of severe potential tonight then we still.

Have the backside of the snow and in Minneapolis yes now it was raining they are expected to get some more snow so winter weather advisory has been reposted for the Minneapolis areas we still blizzard warnings in Nebraska and where Jesse was located there we're now thinking it could be another 6 in of snow so Minneapolis by the way had about.

8 to n inches a rainy day today and now another six inches on top of it so yeah sloppy messy is uh the word for the Twin Cities Bill Karens we're going to see how the rest of it goes throughout the course of the night thank you very much we are also standing by because in just about a half an hour it is a busy Monday gang in just about a half an hour we.

Expect to hear from sh Otani the Dodgers Superstar for the very first time since his interpreter was fired last week with these allegations of illegal gambling with these allegations he stole from Otani now listen what do we expect let me just manage some of those expectations it doesn't sound like it's going to be some big spicy fireworks.

Press conference right it sounds like Otani will be reading a statement no questions but we will see if he answers the big question surrounding this Scandal did he lend millions of dollars to his interpreter like the interpreter told the SPN or will he repeat his lawyers claims that the money was stolen it is a big deal this whole thing.

Casting a shadow over the MLB and over opening day in Los Angeles for the Dodgers coming up on Thursday David Nora is joining us now talk about what Otani needs to say and what can he say given some of these investigations that have now been opened into this whole situation yeah H you know I think one of the reasons that this story has exploded.

So much and that there's been so much speculation around it is specifically because we have not heard from OT and there's been a void of information not to mention sort of changing stories lots of ambiguity it's been super murky you're right to point out that there isn't much he can say because there are criminal IRS investigations into this.

Illegal gambling ring in Orange County uh we've been told you know the AP reported we are still working to confirm that his interpreter is directly being investigated by the IRS MLB now is also investigating the entire Affair so there isn't very much that he can say remember also that Otani is a pretty famously sort of private quiet not even reclusive.

Character so I don't think we can really expect much from him to begin with and to be honest the way I feel about this is if he comes out and gives a statement that's pretty scant on details or substance it's probably not going to do much to Tamp down the speculation Howe this has also put a lot of attention but a huge Spotlight tons of scrutiny on.

This interpreter NBC News and LA are station out there was the first to report about possible inaccuracies in his bio yeah so I muhara who you know people who report on Sports and people who pay attention to this world actually just know him by on like a firstname basis he's just heay in this world he's sort.

Of a micro celebrity in his own right specifically because he has been sort of glued to Otani for for for so long right it's like he wasn't just his interpreter he was his right-hand man his Confidant his best friend um so the fact that there's been this Rift between them this supposed betrayal at least that's how aton's lawyers are presenting it now is.

Really huge this press conference today is going to be the first time really that we've seen him come out and give a statement without him acting without mizuhara acting as The Interpreter you're right too there are questions emerging now some inconsistencies in what he said as his background which universities he went to which jobs he.

Had prior to this one um there's a lot of sort of shadiness around him as a person which I think is probably only likely to grow also consider that his story changed when it comes to this too he said that that basically bailed him out to the tune of .5 million of gambling debts and then he subsequently acknowledged.

That actually oton didn't know anything about this and and then kind of quieted down and sort of disappeared from the spotlight so just tons of inconsistencies tons of murkiness and as you pointed out it has the potential to really bisch the reputation of not just the best baseball player in the league but one of the baseball players in the.

League with kind of the the purest most scandal-free reputations out there Al David Nora um listen I'm looking at my clock here about 25 minutes until we hear from shotani we're going to come back to you that's right I'm going let you go watch it report back we'll talk to you soon thank you so listen Boeing tonight is hoping to turn the page on.

Some of the safety issues plaguing the company all year with a CEO shakeup announced today Dave Calhoun becoming the latest of three top leaders to step down kind of a cleaning of the house after problems that really rocked consumer confidence stanked Boeing's stock price damaged the reputation one of the country's biggest companies you.

Can see those three leaders here now Calhoun is set to leave his post at the end of the year on CNBC a little bit earlier today saying Boeing needs a serious culture shift to get on top of the issues we have this bad habit in our company when you move it down the line it sends a message to your own people.

That wow I guess the movement of the airplane is more important than the firsttime quality of the product and we have got to get that in way more balanced okay now you know what's started a lot of this that door panel that went flying off an Alaska Airlines plane mid-flight back in January since then we've seen a lot of stuff engines.

Tires Wheels falling off right people getting hurt because of a sudden drop in altitude now listen clearly we got to be stating this very clearly here obviously not all of that can be blamed on Boeing itself versus other companies versus maybe the airlines but the fact that people even ask these questions now was it a Boeing issue when plane drama.

Happens feels like that says a lot NBC's Tom Costello is following this one for us and Tom this is huge news right not just for Boeing but for the aviation industry more broadly you had the head of the FAA as we reported on last week telling NBC news that he worries about the culture around safety at the company is that what this is Fallout from yes.

Absolutely keeping in mind you mentioned the back the max 9 door plug blowout in January prior to that remember we had 2737 Max 8 crashes overseas to kill 346 people Boeing promised then it would clean up its act it would it would drill down on safety on quality control on ensuring that there were no fraudulent practices inside boing and so now we see.

That in fact the board has taken action in part because of what uh Mike Whitaker the CEO the head of the FAA said to Lester Hol last week when he said he visited Boeing they seemed more focused on production and safety not a good message and then last week the airlines CEOs a group of them wanted to meet with boing's board but please we don't want.

To meet with Cal Calon that's that's a huge rebuke yeah I mean that suggests a sign ific loss or lack of confidence in the CEO and as a result of that it appears the Boeing board took action this weekend these are the top people who run this company keep in mind the following this company is a hundred years old it is an icon it is the.

Biggest exporter of American Products in the world uh and it is a giant in terms of Aviation engineering and right now it really is in trouble can I ask you about some of that may be popping up you know in the group chats or for people we've seen Rumblings of this before people who go well wait a second I don't really want to fly on a bowing like can I book.

An Airbus instead on my flight you had one person telling us I just can't step on one of those Boeing planes is the in the broader context of Transportation safety is that an overreaction and I'm not I'm not taking a dig at that person or any of these folks who talked with us but like give us the gut check give us the reality check here uh I think it's.

An NOA reaction I mean listen in 2023 we had the safest year ever for commercial jet uh jetliner performance we didn't have a single jetliner crash anywhere in the world anywhere in the world that's astonishing right uh you've got two news that's fantastic listen this is what we're striving for some of the incidents that we highlighted here like the wheel.

That fell off that's not Boeing's problem that's a maintenance problem if you buy a particular brand of car and the engine falls out that's the problem with the car the point we're making too right the fact that people even ask oh was that Boeing we wouldn't have asked that I don't think a year you're right I think some of that is also collectively.

Our fault in the media because we do start to highlight various maintenance issues that an airline has and then we think oh my God it's a Boeing so there must be a problem with Boeing not really if you buy a car and 20 years after you bought it you got a maintenance issue because you didn't change the oil that's not the fault of the car maker that's.

Your fault it's my fault so I do think it's important to draw a distinction there nonetheless Boeing clearly is in a significant issue the stocks down 26% year to date and the airline CEO is going to be leaving by the I'm sorry the company CEO out by the end of the year so just real quick then who takes over is that the most coveted job in aviation.

Or the most dreaded yes and yes I think seriously that's a very tough job because the last CEO also lost his job because of the max 8 crashes it is a massive company it's not just about the max right think about everything they build including spacecraft that still haven't gotten to the space station supposed to go next month uh they've got.

Massive issues across the entire company cultural problems and you're supposed to be the best engineers in the world Tom good luck with that I am so glad that you are here to navigate us through the next many months of this uh the next year of this thank you very much okay appreciate you so listen the humanitarian crisis in Haiti is getting.

Bigger tonight with officials in the Dr the Dominican Republic deporting hundreds of undocumented Haitians who tried to cross the border to get to safety to find food to find water and as gang violence is spreading into new parts of Haiti's Capital the president of the Dominican Republic says he won't authorize refugee camps Aid.

Organizations say nearly half of the Haitian population nearly 9 million 5 million people are having a tough time getting enough food to eat another 1 and a half million people are on the verge of famine Ellison Barber is joining us now she has made her way to the border of Haiti with the Dr talk about what you're seeing there what's happening.

Behind you yeah I mean hi these are mostly Haitians who have crossed into this area this little market a small pocket that is just on the border here they come here because they're able to get food they're able to find a little bit of water and then they get it and they head back.

Because this area closes at 5 and as you were explaining so well the Dominican Republic they're not opening their doors to allow Haitian refugees to come in they're temporarily allowing some to come in to get food some items you see people typically just carry it on their heads like this a lot of times people will come with empty wheelbarrows in the.

Morning fill it up with other things that they've been take back to Haiti to sell some people we've spoken to we met a little boy here just the other day over the weekend he was 13 years old he told us where he lived in Haiti school is still in session excuse me but he said that he skipped school and came here to sell candles because he needed.

To get money to take back to his mother and his siblings who were waiting on the other side of the Border because they don't have any food at all so people come here they get eggs uh they get bananas plantains chicken and then they walk often times for hours to take it back because there's so little options in Haiti when we're about what's.

Happening in Haiti we're talking about a humanitarian crisis a security situation and a political crisis people are hopeful that maybe there will be a new government that is actually elected by the Haitian people and things will change but until then they're doing what they can to survive and the reality here in the Dominican Republic is people who.

Try and come here and maybe stay they can't we have seen even today in the last hour a Bus full of Haitian migrants being taken all the way to the gate just behind us and I can actually walk a little this way and show you some of it bear with us cuz this is a big group this is sort of the last Rush alley where people know they only have a.

Little bit of time to get food so you can understand the desperation once we get past 5:00 these gates close and they have to get back out otherwise they'll be arrested and deported and we saw just in the last hour a truck full of Haitian migrants essentially in what was like a cage on top of a truck bed go all the way up to that gate and the door was.

Open and they were told to go home the president of the Dominican Republic he reiterated today say that this country he says they do not believe that this is their problem they do not plan at all he said in fact there will never be any refugee camps in the Dominican Republic but people are desperate right now they want something to change in their.

Country but right now they don't have very many options and what we're seeing here is people coming just to get what they can to survive and this last little bit what we're seeing right now this is that desperate push before it closes down and they can't come back here for at least until tomorrow I was going to ask Ellison I'm struck by just the near.

Constant flow of people behind you I mean it is unrelenting and that is it sounds like partly because this is the last little crush I mean this is the time crunch for today until folks were able to come back tomorrow such an ordeal yeah yeah but if you can believe it hi this is actually slow in the middle of the day it is far busier than.

This of people just on foot coming and coming and coming getting supplies and then coming back and coming back and one of the things that is so heartbreaking is that often what we're seeing pretty young children who are coming and they aren't in school right now because in PTO Prince The Gangs have closed the schools and they're trying to do what.

They can to help their fam survive and then they go back home but no one wants it to be like this they want to see a change but those negotiations for the transitional presidential Council they say they have names kcom but it hasn't moved forward in about a week hie Ellison Barbara we're glad to have you there thank you very much for bringing.

Us those stories and for bringing us that reporting on the ground coming up here on the show a lot more to get to including the county clerk at the center of Alec Murdoch's murder trial resigning today why she says it's not about those accusations from the defense of jury tampering Plus what's going on in Paris that has hundreds of waiters racing.

Through the streets the county clerk accused of tampering in Alec Murdoch's murder trial and trying to sway the jury to sell more copies of the tell all book she wrote is now resigning effective ASAP she kind of moved into the center of the case when Murdoch's lawyers tried unsuccessfully to use the allegations against her to.

Get him a retrial didn't happen but Becky Hill through her attorney suggests today her resignation is not about any of that listen so let me be extremely clear today is not in response whatsoever to anything going on with any investigation or or anything of that nature okay and I'm going to say that.

One more time today is not in response to any new development of some investigation or anything like that Marissa par is following this one she's joining us now the world knows Becky Hill's name because of the Alec Murdoch trial if her resignation is not about that then what's it about that's a great question hiy and uh.

There's what she says and then there's what we can infer so I will start by saying for those who may not have heard Becky Hill's name I mean she has been the subject of a lot of specific attention scrutiny some would say she has provided a lot lot of distractions I mean the fact that a county clerk is holding a press conference on her.

Resignation alone is significant and should tell you the kind of attention that she's received um through her time here so Becky Hill is saying herself um that she's resigning not seeking re-election specifically to focus on family priorities saying that all of this widespread public scrutiny was the major driving Factor saying it has.

Nothing to do with the investigation you heard her lawyer speaking for her just now there um and for some context has held this position for four years and she was lauded at one time by the South Carolina attorney general's office one of our producers here Juliet who's been covering this step by step um almost throughout this entire time here had.

Said and reminded me that the day that the verdict came down she was on the steps outside of the courthouse and Becky Hill was personally thanked and so um this is quite a fall from grace here more recently as we know as we've been covering here she has been the subject of Investigations by South Carolina authorities two investigations in.

Particular one into how she may have used her position her elected position for personal financial gain you mentioned the book there um but then there was another there has been another investigation into allegations of jury tampering and those investigations are ongoing they don't stop just because she announced her resignation um and as you.

Just mentioned as well the Murdoch team did try to use this as a reason to get a new trial but the court heard from the jurors and had decided against that because they heard from the jurors and most of the jurors had said that Becky Hill's comments were not a factor in their decision so um in terms of what happens next we know the deputy clerk.

Will take over the position in the temporary future and then the governor is expected to appoint a new County Clerk but hie I think the expectation and the hope is that it will be someone who will provide a lot less scrutiny and a lot less distractions moving forward M sapara thank you very much back here to Washington tomorrow the Supreme Court.

Will be confronted once again with the issue issue of abortion with justices hearing arguments over mistone right that's the abortion pill as it's often called one of two pills used in the most common kind of abortion in the country at the center of this case did the FDA Overlook some serious safety issues when it made MH prone easier to get including.

Through the mail in a piece just out late tonight here on nbcnews.com Patient Advocates and doctors now say they're worried about the potential that a dangerous precedent could be set one OBGYN tells us restricting access could mean that most people trying to get an abortion will be affected Berkeley Loveless is reporting that out he is.

Joining us now we're glad to have you here Berkeley one of the experts that you talked to called this a uniquely important case you could argue any case that makes it to the level of the Supreme Court is important but why is this one so unique yeah so as we previously reported uh medication abortion makes up nearly 2third of all.

Abortions in the United States so and this number has been steadily Rising since it was approved in 2000 and so what the Supreme Court could essentially do is roll back many of the things that the FDA has done to make this drug easier to get easier to dispense so that means getting it by mail uh not having to go into a doctor's offit to to visit.

Uh many of these things that make it much easier to get and so this could hugely limit access and so we've already seen what this happens with states that have banned medication abortion so at least 14 States uh have already completely banned medication abortion and we've seen with reports that people are essentially crossing state lines uh.

In order to get access to abortion care the FDA says medication abortion is safe and effective and a lot of doctors say it's their preference as well so what is the prep then for the potential for restrictions and to be clear we don't know what the Supreme Court's going to decide tomorrow tomorrow is just the oral arguments we won't know any.

Decision until later on in the term right so experts are predicting it could be a decision a final ruling could be sometime at the end of June um and so doctors are particularly concerned about their patients we've heard about uh doctors uh concerned about patients with disabilities who may not be able to travel to get a medication uh or who.

Live too far away from a clinic who may not be able to get access to the medication and so what I've heard is that doctors are essentially uh stocking up on the medication uh in case there's a limit to access I've also heard of doctors uh just preparing to do uh do one medication misoprostal uh it's one of the drugs used in medication abortion.

And so that's still effective but sometimes you have to take more of the medication as well um which can come with unpleasant unpleasant side effects um and so doctors are thinking about that as well and talking about their patients with that um and so there's there's a lot of operation going on for this potential scenario and just really.

Quick before I let you go there is also potentially a broader implication that goes beyond simply abortion access and that is you know the argument that is being made did the FDA mess up by even approving it in the first place and could that then put into the spotlight every other medication that the FDA appr so this yeah so this is uh potentially.

Going to affect fda's Authority on medications and so there's fears that this could you know potentially impact other future approvals in the future if it were some sort of sweeping ruling correct we'll find out I guess in a few months and the oral arguments tomorrow Berkeley good to see you thank you thank let's get you over to the five things.

Our team thinks you should know about tonight number one police in Nashville say the death of Riley strain continues to be accidental or continues to appear accidental they say remember we told you on Friday that the Missouri college student body was found in a river the initial autopsy found no evidence of anything related to Foul Play but.

Detectives are still waiting on the toxicology results number two last minute decision from Pope Francis he did not give his Palm Sunday homy yesterday yester the Vatican says it was replaced with a moment of silence and a and a prayer we've talked about it on the show the health issues that the pope has struggled with including bronchitis and.

The flu but he's got a huge week here there's a ton of stuff going on in this week before Easter number three the Florida governor has signed a bill to ban social media accounts for kids under the age of 14 and if you're 14 or 15 you've got to get your parents' permission to sign up it's supposed to take effect at the start of next year.

But it's expected to be challenged in court if it survives it could be one of the most most restrictive social media bands for kids in this country number four Chick-fil-A is ditching its decade long no antibiotics policy why because there's not enough chickens without antibiotics so instead Chick-fil-A says it'll serve chicken containing some.

Antibiotics but there's a big butt not chicken with antibiotics important to human medicine remember Health officials are worried that if people eat certain antibiotics you could be more resistant to medical treatment so that's the line the Chick-fil-A is walking here number five check it out in Paris a race with some of the best in the world is it the.

Olympics oh no it's a bunch of servers running about a mile this weekend balancing all of that look at that a tray with the essentials a croissant obviously a coffee a glass of water they are serving look at them go they are they are giving something the the race started in 1914 but hasn't been run in 13 years it was brought back just.

Ahead of the Olympics I think there's a rule that says you can power walk but you can't actually Sprint very interesting it listen that's Yan's work right there a lot more to get to here on the show including when we come back a super scary moment caught on camera in New York how one mom fought off her daughter's attempted attack her.

o NBC News covers hundreds of stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our Bureau team teams have done it for you this is what they tell us is going down in their regions in a segment we call the local out of our Western Bureau a deadly Mountain line attack in Northern.

California a 21-year-old man was killed his younger brother seriously hurt Wildlife officials say it happened around 1:00 on Saturday in the afternoon the surviving brother has had multiple surgeries but is expected to recover the mountain line was caught and has been euthanized out of our Northeast Bureau an unbelievably scary video of the.

Moments a man tries to kidnap an 18-year-old right outside of her apartment in New York look at that amazingly the girl's mom hears it she jumps into action look she's running she goes down four flights of stairs this happened back in January but the video is just being released the suspect was arrested and is now facing multiple.

Charges he's pleaded not guilty and out of our Southern Bureau Miami Police arresting a man after he led them on a high-speed chase yeah on an ATV on I95 which is terrifying to even think about at one point he was going against traffic which is Beyond dangerous somehow evading police on that ATV for about an hour police.

Finally stopped and arrested him more than 25 miles away from where the chase began you're looking at that there no word yet on what specific charges he will face overseas now Russian President Vladimir Putin late today calling the four suspects who carried out that brutal attack on a Moscow Concert Hall in his words radical islamists while.

Also keeping up his unfounded claims that Ukraine may be somehow involved 37 people were killed in that attack with the suspects charged in a Russian courtroom in just the last 24 hours these images you're looking at are disturbing you're seeing the suspects with essentially bruised faces uh swelling on their faces one of them was.

Wheeled in on a stretcher Matt Bodner is joining us now he's following all of this for us where does this go next Matt tell us more too about what we're hearing from President Putin here the Russian president as he is acknowledging now Isis has claimed responsibility thanks hie well starting with the suspect so yes the four were.

Charged today we're hearing from Russian from the Russian media and in the Russian you know uh uh judicial system that two of them uh did admit guilt afterwards now we're getting kind of conflicting and unclear information as to whether the other two suspects uh that were in court yesterday today uh also admitted guilt one of them as you.

Mentioned did not really appear to be conscious uh during the hearing for at least part of it so uh questions about that no they have been charged so the next step for them uh presumably is sentencing they're being held now uh until May 22nd uh under pre-trial protocols there is still an investigation going on they even.

Arrested more suspects today three more uh kind of the central suspect there being the most recent owner of uh what we're hearing was the getaway car uh as well as the brother and father of that former owner of the car so uh they also issued 12 search warrants and we're hearing that there's maybe up to a dozen arrests in total we just haven't seen.

Them in court yet so we're getting a picture I think uh of an active ongoing investigation uh there of course going to be a lot of questions about these confessions uh how they came about the accuracy of them just looking at uh the state of these four suspects how and then the the piece of it as it relates to the Ukraine blaming right.

Because Putin is acknowledging as we said in the introduction to you that these are that he that Isis did claim responsibility here correct yeah so this has been an interesting factor of it the the entire weekend Isis really really wants to take credit for this but the Russians seem to not want to give it uh today for the first time though we.

Really heard Putin you know he came out with these new remarks and and when he came up to the topic of the attack he he first started saying of course this was Radical islamist as you mentioned but then you know so he seemed to be walking back these claims for a second and then immediately doubled down saying that he still was not going to rule out this uh.

Ke Trace as he's been calling it these are the words he's been using and again suggested that the United States somehow uh might have been egging this on or was somehow somehow knew about it or was complicit by trying to convince the world or at least its allies that Ukraine had nothing to do with it but really there's there's a strong.

Impression from Putin's remarks that he's still trying to to work out the details of this hie Matt B we're glad to have you covering this one for us thank you big changes in the world of babysitting how one story about teenagers ended up becoming more about parents Christine Romans explains in tonight's.

backstory time now to get the backstory our behind the scenes look at how a story comes together and how it fits into our bigger picture and tonight it's a big shift in the world of babysitting maybe you were one maybe you had one but now NBC news reporting shows some parents attitudes toward babysitting is.

Changing from being pretty psych to use like maybe a teenager a neighbor who's looking to make a few bucks to now seeking out sitters with serious credentials older more experienc some parents even want to see babysitters with master's degrees listen to what one mom is telling our Christine Romance I really want my children to feel.

Comfortable and for my own self to feel comfortable knowing that they're left with competent capable very experienced people Christine is joining us now we're so glad to have you on a piece can I be honest that originated with like a conversation that you had with our team like in a conference room I mean this is really because you set out to do this.

Story about like the pack schedules of teenagers all the academic pressure cutting down on their time to babysit but this is really more about the parents you know it it really is and it's so fascinating to me because I thought this was about kids building a resume and they didn't have the time to you know.

Take care of their you know snot-nosed neighbor kid but that's not what it is at all here look care.com even says they begin uh screening people at the age of 18 so 18 years and up and car.com of course is a is a a central place to find a babysitters and we talk with a babysitter somebody who's been babysitting since she was 13 she's 20.

Now and she said she's noticed that parents are more comfortable with her as she's gotten older with more skills listen I feel like adults are more likely to trust and reach out to older babysitters and they are younger ones they feel like it's safer for their child when I was younger obviously I had a lot more restrictions like I couldn't.

Drive now that I can drive um we can go and explore the towns or do whatever they might want to do I think both things are happening kids are building a resume in high school right and they're not really babysitting as much at the same time parents aren't looking for young teen teers to babysit their kids as much what do you think that means for.

The teens right I think about I was a babysitter when I was younger you I know were a teenage babysitter as well I mean that's also like life experience it's about showing up on time it's about being responsible it's about you know figuring out even finances right budgets getting the cash from the mom or the dad on your way out the door I became a.

Capitalist because of babysitting I'm telling you right now I started to realize like the the the twins are going to be not as uh lucrative as the one kid who I know is going to take two now you know like you start to figure out which which is the best babysitting uh job to take but I think it's really interesting you know we talk to a lot of different.

Kids a 13-year-old for example who's been doing this or she's 16 now she's been doing it since she was 13 um and she's really sort of growing and gaining money and understanding how to use money but I'll tell you something interesting in my day you know my parents got a teenage babysitter on the weekend my mom was a stay-at-home mom today A lot of.

People are two income families and guess what they do on the weekends they do stuff with their kids you know they SP they they spend more time with their kids or their kids are already in daycare so they're not getting a babysitter on the weekend and it also varies like depending on where you live I would think right I mean I think.

There's some differences based on your community based on your neighborhood like I know in my friend group my mom group it's actually hard to find a babysitter teen or not period on a Saturday night yeah that's absolutely true it depends on where you are and the pay is really varied over the place too like out here on the East Coast.

Babysitters get a lot higher pay um because a lot of times they're competing with nannies in some cases you know who are more than happy to do extra hours um and in the midwest maybe they pay a little bit less but there more availability it all kind of depends on where you are but that you know that that right of passage it's not quite as.

Entrenched as it used to be Christine Romans uh it makes me think of the babysits Club books that I read religiously when I was a teenager too thank you so much fascinating conversation glad to have you on for backstory that does it for us for this hour we've got more coverage on a busy breaking news day picking up right.

now tonight feds raiding the homes of Diddy on both coasts what we're learning literally minute by minute about a potential sex trafficking investigation that may have set off some of the dramatic scenes you're seeing right here we're going to take you live to La we're also going to take you live to big news.

In baseball because in just the last 10 minutes we've heard from the sports biggest star speaking for the first time about the gambling Scandal swirling around him why sh sho Otani is now calling his longtime interpreter a thief and a liar in so many words plus the legal can kick down the road for Donald Trump with the former president getting.

A win for now in at least one of the cases against him what a delay in one trial and a better payment schedule in another means for Mr Trump's complicated web of legal issues then whoever said spring has sprung is not looking at th is weather our team is breaking down the snow the rain the overall misery of it all affecting Millions right now and.

Boeing hoping a CEO shakeup can settle some turbulence what's ahead for whoever will lead the company NeXT is it the most coveted or the most dreaded job in aviation that's later in the show hey there I'm hie and tonight we've got a dramatic situation unfolding in LA and Miami beach at the homes of sha Diddy comes you know him as Diddy formerly.

Puff Daddy you've got the feds raiding his houses in both locations this is the split screen and I'm looking this is live you are looking live right now at helicopters above his homes again East Coast and West Coast at one point in La agents entered holding what appeared to be guns executing this warrant now remember comes according to what sources.

Are telling NBC News is the subject of a federal investigation this is all coming on the heels of a wave of civil lawsuits against the rapor star over the past few months in November Cassandra Ventura also known as the singer Cassie who used to date Combs accused him of abuse and rape and then settled with him the next day on terms that have not been.

Disclosed not long after three other women filed lawsuits against him in New York making similar accusations then just last month the producer on com's latest album accusing him of sexual harassment and assault now we should note that Diddy Sean comes denies all of the allegations Dana Griffin is following this one for so we're seeing.

These live pictures coming in tonight it is news that is uh dramatic to say the least what else do we know yeah yeah hie this has been going on for at least the last couple of hours uh at least here in Los Angeles a source familiar with the matter tells NBC news that three women and a man have already been interviewed by the southern district of New York in.

Relation to sex trafficking sexual assault and the solicitation and distribution of illegal narcotics and Firearms again related to sha Diddy Colmes The Source also says three additional women have interviews scheduled so we now know that he is the subject of this investigation so far we've seen investigators going in with.

Several cardboard boxes so that tells us that there are several items that they are likely looking for and this has gone now from that civil from several civil cases to now a federal investigation so H this is extremely serious and as you mentioned you know there have been several sexual assault lawsuits filed against comes in recent months including.

A lawsuit from former from his former girlfriend and R&B singer Cassie and that was settled last year another of colm's accusers was a woman who said that the rap producer raped her two decades ago when she was just 17 years old we have yet to hear from Sha D Colmes himself we still don't know his whereabouts we know that he was in Los.

Angeles seen in Los Angeles several days ago we are working to get new developments but I want to read you just some some of the the the statements that we've received so far including from investigators who confirmed that this is an HSI Homeland Security investigation they said that it executed a law enforcement action in in in New York as.

Part of or excuse me in Miami and Los Angeles this is part of a New York investigation and also I want to read you part of the statement that we got from cassy's lawyer they issued that just moments ago in light of this raid it reads in part that they will that they are they are they say this was hopeful this is hopefully the beginning.

Of a process that will hold Mr col's respon able for his depraved conduct they add that they will always support law enforcement when it seeks to prosecute those that have violated the law so obviously a very full a developing situation right now as we learn new details and we hope to find out pretty soon where Coles is.

Located hie Dana Griffin thank you very much I know you're going to be watching all of this develop over the next couple of hours as it's earlier where you are in the west coast maybe we'll get more as the night goes on thank you also out west we have just heard from Dodgers Superstar show an who says he has never bet on baseball with a huge gambling.

Scandal swirling around him and specifically around his interpreter listen thank you very much for coming uh I wanted to be here uh today to be able to talk uh I'm sure it was very tough it's been a tough week for fans and team officials and I'm very grateful that the media has been patience patient in this process uh just on a personal note I'm.

Very saddened and shocked that someone who I'm trusted has done this so I never bet on baseball any other sports or never have asked somebody to do it on my behalf uh and I have never uh went through a bookmaker uh to bet on Sports okay that's obviously Otani and an interpreter there a different interpreter than the one who was fired.

Last week with these allegations of stealing money basically of illegal gambling so Otani remember the big question for Otani what was this money stolen from him from him did he lend it to his interpreter Otani is making clear tonight that it was stolen he says his interpreter has told lies I want to.

Bring David Nora in who is joining us now again this all happened in just the last literally 16 minutes or so what else did he say was it enough what's your sense hi I was actually surprised by how kind of substantive and complete and direct this statement was you know I I was expecting something like there are.

Investigations that I'm cooperating with and can't say very much other than that but you know he actually gave a very clear version of his account of things which is the version of events that says that epe simply stole this money from him that he was not aware that this money was being stolen until just a few days ago that he was not aware of any of.

This until basically epe brought it to his attention you know there there's the bit that you played at the top there where he says very clearly this is the question everyone was asking themselves he says he addresses it directly and clearly I have never bet on baseball or any other sport that's the first thing everyone was.

Asking themselves the other thing that really stood out to me is that he says that the day that he found out about all of this when when um when they were just playing in Korea he says that epe admitted to him in a one-on-one meeting in their hotel admitted to him that he was sending money to the bookmaker using his account so he claims that mizuhara.

IE mizuhara his interpreter uh came clean to him and basically said I've been stealing money from you taking it directly from your account and wiring it to this illegal bookie in Orange County now the reason that this was really confusing and complicated for a while is because mizuhara The Interpreter initially had a version of events that.

Said that Otani lent him this money to ba to bail him out of the scambling debts but but the reason it's extra confusing Howe is because otani's reps his the like PR crisis firm that he hired and the people who were representing him initially backed up that claim in interviews with ESN and then retracted it right so it wasn't.

Just mizuhara who changed his story it was actually otani's reps themselves what Otani is saying now is that he wasn't involved in any of that he himself didn't become aware of any of this until there was this sort of confusing meeting in the in the Dodgers Clubhouse in Soul where he realized that mizuhara was talking about something.

Sketchy and then he kind of confronted him about it and was like what is this and then you admits to him like I've been stealing millions of dollars from you um look if this was the question of whether this was theft or not I think should be answerable with a sort of you know Federal Criminal inv a this is the kind of thing that like forensics like.

There are wire transfers it should be possible to answer that question obviously the investigation has to run it's course we're not going to know the answer to that question anytime soon but I do think that Otani in this press conference gave enough detailed information with enough Clarity and enough substance that it should we at.

Least know what his position is now and that should I think put some of the speculation to bed and because this was speculation that was overshadowing to such a degree MLB's opening week right Dodgers opening day coming up in just a few days I mean this was like a Hu this is not just like an LA Dodger story it is a broader baseball story and one of.

The questions I mean again this is an interpreter eepe as you say who was alongside Otani constantly I mean every picture of sh Otani also had a picture of his interpreter in it as well it seems that's a bit of an exaggeration but not by much right I mean these two were in so many ways tied at the hip there is an inherent trust too that.

Comes with somebody who is quite literally translating the words for somebody else right like there is an inherent level of trust there and I think one of the questions that we had talked about actually last week when the story first came out or maybe it was earlier I guess it was last week was you know Otani there had been no allegation.

That he had bet on baseball illegally and he's making very clear that absolutely did not happen that's what he's been saying that's right again he came out and very very clearly unambiguously said that I I I think you're right that because this was a really big liability particularly the information void and.

The murkiness and the speculation was big liability not just for Otani not just for the Dodgers but for all of Major League Baseball I I'm sure he was under a lot of pressure to come out and say something clearly you know the other thing I would say is his relationship with mizuhara they were very close friends by.

All accounts it is surprising I guess not impossible to conceive of but it is surprising that he would have been able to keep the secret from his good friend for so long this crippling gambling addiction that ran up to the tune of you know millions of dollars but stranger things have happened Ally David Nora boy it is an avalanche of news here tonight.

Thank you for bringing us some of it appreciate it also an avalanche out east with multiple developments for former president Trump in a place he used to call home New York with a trial Now set in at least one of the criminal cases against him before election day as it all is going down today Mr Trump is repeating his usual claims with no.

Evidence that these cases he says are politically motivated we're going through this weaponization of our government to try and knock out somebody's political opponent and so far based on the polls it's not working at all the people understand it I don't know how you're going to have a.

Trial that's going on right in the middle of an election not fair not fair well we'll see about the timing we'll get to that in a second but let's keep in mind what went down today things plan out differently than expected because two big things right two big things were supposed to happen today first it was supposed to be day one of.

The former president's first criminal trial on the hush money case against him I know you remember that that's when this Manhattan da is accusing Mr Trump of lying on business records related to this hush money payout allegedly $130,000 to keep Stormy Daniels quiet about her alleged affair with Mr Trump during the 2016 presidential election Mr.

Trump denies it now also today there was this big deadline for former president Trump to put up nearly half a billion dollars in bond for a civil fraud verdict separate case that was the expectation that's what was supposed to happen here's what really happened we got a new trial date April 15 that a judge has set for that criminal trial.

And in the Civil Trial the Civil fraud side of things I should say the former president's getting more time to pay less money he now has 10 days to post $175 million Garrett H is in New York Laura Jarrett is live for us with the legal angle I think you what do you call it Garrett the legal firm of Garrett and Jarrett.

Because that's what we got tonight breaking this one down for us one of the things that you like to say often is that there is no such thing as two separate lanes for Donald Trump there is no such thing as a legal Lane and a political Lane it is all the same L and that was in pretty Stark Rel today we're fine we're fine fine.

Don't yeah and just for the record I think it's Jared and Garrett it just sounds better that way but I will say this is a perfectly good example that's okay that's okay we're still working on our signage and business cards but look I think this is a perfect example of the way in which Donald Trump's campaign and the legal elements have all melded.

Together in such a way that they really can't be separated he's not doing public events he's not talking about much of anything else he's certainly not on his social media plat for and he's based all of his fundraising around this idea that he's being victimized here but I think what we saw today was Trump get a little bit of breathing room when he had.

Otherwise been essentially cornered it seemed legally speaking today in addition to those comments about you know kind of attacking these cases as somehow Biden based which doesn't even really make sense when you're talking about State cases and a president you know the federal system here we heard a lot of talk about cash and about money.

And about what Mr Trump says he might do with the money that is suddenly more available to than it was 24 hours ago here's a little bit of what he had to said about that with a fact check on the other side know the Bond's been reduced are you going to start putting money into your campaign you haven't done that.

Since 2016 well first of all it's none of your business I mean frankly but uh I might I might do that I have the option but if I have to spend 500 million on a bond I wouldn't have that option I'd have to start selling things Al the reality is Donald Trump has not put put any money into his campaign since 2016 and then he later.

Converted that money to a loan and paid himself back from the money he was getting from his supporters and so I think this speaks to the idea of Donald Trump the rich guy kind of central to his political mythology it was important to project that again today having dodged a bullet with a bill he could not have paid now suggesting the money's.

Fine no big deal on we go Garrett super quick I know you got to go over to Nightly in one second here but April 15th for that criminal trial start date for at least jury to begin that would put Donald Trump in New York right not exactly like a well-known swing state how does that affect his campaign rally situation well look the the nice thing.

For Trump is the timing here because if you start in mid April you go through perhaps the end of May that's typically a relatively slow time in the presidential campaign calendar most candidates are focused on fundraising during that time period anyway having already locked up the nomination and I would argue that standing in the hallway.

Of the courthouse behind me or down the street at 4 Wall Street where the former president spoke today he could probably get just as much if not more media coverage than he could at a high skill gymnasium in Shaban or at a flying rally in Georgia so the options will still be available to him to campaign on the weekends and the spotlight will be right.

Here on New York City I see both Shaban and Georgia in your future in a few months Garrett H live for us in New York thank you we'll look for you on nightly uh the other half now of our legal team Laura Jarrett is joining us now because if there is an umbrella theme I think today as it relates to former president trump it is he bought himself a little.

Bit more time on both these fronts he did though hi although I have to say the April 15th date this judge really does seem to want it to be set in stone the only reason this case is not starting today hie is because the defense team had accused the prosecutors of something really serious that the judge said he essentially felt like had been wasted.

For his time he they had been accused of prosecutorial misconduct for withholding documents related to a key witness my Cohen who we're all familiar with the judge heard a lot of argument a lot of finger pointing about that today and basically found it all unfounded and at the end of it essentially said I don't even know why we're here he's finding.

This odd so he said I'm going to see you on April 15th and I did not get any indication that the judge appears to be at all interested in moving that trial date of course the former president is very very focused on this civil fraud trial it's not a criminal case but it is his namesake company it is his control he called it his babies today in a true.

Social post and now he got essentially the relief of a Lifetime by not having to offer up that more than 500 $450 million nut that he was going to have to front himself hie he could find no lender who was willing to give him that serious amount of cash it's not like 175 million is Pennies on the dollar for like most normal human beings but it's.

Certainly not half a billion Laura to your point here you know the other thing is just to talk about this idea of the April 15th trial date or jury selection to begin in this hush money trial that is the one and you and I have talked about this over the course of many months here that it seems legal experts think and frankly some political.

Observers could be the least impactful for former president Trump and yet that is the one as you look at the the array of criminal cases against him that seems of course most likely to wrap up before election day maybe even before the Republican convention and some ways it's you know it was the first filed and it appears to be the first to go even if.

The facts are all well known even if legally it's not perhaps the most phisticated even if it's State versus Federal at the end of the day it's realistically the one that's going all the other ones are bogged down in delays some of them don't even have real trial dates right now and so I think everybody should kind of get their heads around.

The fact that this is the one that's going to trial and it's still historic we have never seen a former president have to sit in a courtroom for the better part of six weeks in the middle of an election year where he is facing a potential felony here in New York hi Laura Jarrett live for us with a lot a lot to juggle today we'll look for more.

Your reporting on nightly tonight Laura thanks to weather now and bad weather happening really all over the map snow wind storms maybe even tornadoes with this huge spring system moving through the Midwest some spots that got snow more than a foot of it coming down in some places now getting soaked with rain instead out west take a look at this.

Dramatic rescue First Responders pulling up a woman out of the LA River after she fell in during a storm down south you've got millions bracing for some of the alerts stretching into the night our team is all over this me meteorologist Bill Karen standing by with the possible tornado threat Jesse kers in Minneapolis looking can I say this friend looking.

Pretty Miz that's disgusting and I'm sorry h i I don't know if I can't even say anything to match that so I may as well just toss it back to you but here's the deal we woke up we had some rain then we had some snow then it went back to rain here uh we are expecting more snow in the Twin Cities potentially tomorrow but potentially the bigger.

Concern here is we've got a lot of standing water around now you've got all these puddles you can see the the the drip off the side of this awning where our crew is staying dry um and that can lead to ice which then can lead to its own set of Hazards so there's that concern here in the Twin Cities but across the plains we continue to see a.

Good amount of snow today as much as 12 in over a foot uh in some areas in Colorado in Wisconsin and here in Minnesota and I mentioned that we're expecting more snow in the Twin Cities tomorrow and this is just one part of the country experiencing uh some winter weather headaches carrying over into spring and we're not through this yet as.

I know Bill will talk about in a second uh it's across multiple stretches of the country that we're still seeing these weather headaches tonight hiy okay Jesse uh thank you much I'll let you go get inside our thanks to your crew as well Bill Karens you heard that toss from Jesse candidly the threat of tornadoes what's the deal because we know that as.

The sun goes down as we start to head into the night that's when it's really sort of the scary moment are people going to hear alerts if there is a tornado Etc yeah the thread exists but it doesn't look ominous so that's the good news so yeah we in the springtime from here on out we're going to get a lot of severe weather events it's just.

That time of year you know tornado season peaks in May by the way April is the second most June's the third most so we're getting into that season and sometimes they overachieve and sometimes they underachieve right now tonight looks like an underachiever that's fantastic we'll take it so this is the area that we've been concerned with all.

Day long the yellow shows a slight risk the Orange is a higher risk a more concentrated risk of the storms would be so they're forming now in Louisiana and through Southern Arkansas and then tonight they're going to head into Mississippi so we still have a ways to go with this but we just didn't get the re air Mash recovery it was kind of.

Cloudy sometimes you actually need the sun's energy to get the fuel to the atmosphere to get these big storms if it's cloudy all day it's actually a good thing and that happened for a good portion of the day so we still have this hatched area the air MK the air itself is spinning so if we get storms that form they could Spin and drop a big.

Tornado but we just haven't had really big storms forming yet and that's good again so we've had this line of thunderstorms but we haven't had what we call discret thunderstorms thunderstorms out ahead of this line those are the supercells those are the ones we would be concerned with earlier we were watching Alexandria we did have a severe.

Thunderstorm warning with this but that has now been dropped so right now no tornado warnings none reported and hopefully we'll keep it that way as we go through the evening the other problems obviously the storm is still powerful over the top of Omaha sitting here and behind it we still have snow still a treacherous drive through.

Western Kansas and Interstate 70 80 is not fun either through Nebraska blizzard warnings continue in these area and later on tonight as the storm moves northwards that snow is going to return to areas that were rain today like where Jesse was there in Minneapolis so as far as the snowfall additional tomorrow and this is going to be another slap in the.

Face this purple is 9 Ines from delute to just outside the twin CI so yes not done yet three days in a row of stormy weather for our friends in the plains all right well we're sending them lots of sunshine Vibes Bill Kens thank you very much to business now and Boeing tonight hoping to turn the page on some of the safe issues plaguing the company.

All year with a CEO shakeup announced today Dave Calhoun becoming the latest of three top leaders to step down he's the biggest name and what kind of a cleaning of the house after problems that rocked consumer confidence tanked Boeing's stock price and damaged the reputation in one of the country's biggest companies Calhoun will leave his.

Post at the end of the year we learned today and he was on CNBC today saying Boeing needs a serious culture shift to try to get on top of some of the issues we have this bad habit in our company when you move it down the line it sends a message to your own people that wow I guess the movement of the airplane is more important than the.

Firsttime quality of the product and we have got to get that in way more balance now you know the biggest headline from this of course what started this was that door panel flying off an Alaska Airlines plane mid-flight now since then there have been some other issues not all Boe related you know Flames from engines tires and wheels falling off.

People hurt after the sudden drop in altitude on a lat am flight again to be clear not all of that can be blamed on Boeing itself versus other companies versus Airlines Etc right it's not all Boeing's fault but the fact that people even ask the question is it a Boeing issue when plane stuff happens that says a lot about where the company is right.

Now NBC's Tom Costello is joining us now Tom this is huge news right not just for Boeing but for the aviation industry more broadly you had the head of the FAA as we reported on last week telling NBC news that he worries about the culture around safety at the company is that what this is Fallout from yes absolutely keeping in mind you mentioned the back.

The max 9 door plug blowout in January prior to that remember we had 2737 max8 crashes overseas to kill 346 people Boeing promised then it would clean up its act it would it would drill down on safety on quality control on ensuring that there were no fraudulent practices inside Boeing and so now we see that in fact the board has taken action in part.

Because of what uh Mike Whitaker the CEO the head of the FAA said to Lester Hol last week when said he visited Boeing they seemed more focused on production than safety not a good message and then last week the airlines CEOs a group of them wanted to meet with Boeing's board but please we don't want to meet with Cal Calhoun that's that's a huge rebuke.

Yeah I mean that suggests a significant loss or lack of confidence in the CEO and as a result of that it appears the Boeing's board took action this weekend these are the top people who run this company keep in mind the following this company is a hundred years old it is an icon it is the biggest exporter of American Products in the world uh and it.

Is a giant in terms of Aviation engineering and right now it really is in trouble can I ask you about something of that may be popping up you know in the group chats or for people we've seen Rumblings of this before people who go well wait a second I don't really want to fly on a bowing like can I book an Airbus instead on my flight you had one.

Person telling us I just can't step on one of those Boeing planes is the in the broader context of Transportation safety is that overreaction and I'm not I'm not taking a dig at that person or any of these folks who talked with us but like give us the gut check give us the reality check here uh I think it's an overreaction okay I mean listen in 2023.

We had the safest year ever for commercial jet C uh jetliner performance we didn't have a single jetliner crash anywhere in the world anywhere in the world that's astonishing right uh you've got two news that's fantastic listen this is what we're striving for some of the incidents that we highlighted here like the wheel that fell off that's not.

Boeing's problem that's a maintenance problem if you buy a particular brand of car and the engine falls out that's the problem with the car point we're making too right the fact that people even ask uh oh was that Boeing we wouldn't have asked that I don't think a year or two ago I think some of that is also collectively our fault in the media.

Because we do start to highlight various maintenance issues that an airline has and then we think oh my God it's a Bo so there must be a problem with Boeing not really if you buy a car and 20 years after you bought it you got a maintenance issue because you didn't change the oil that's not the fault of the car maker that's your fault right.

It's my fault so I do think it's important to draw a distinction there nonetheless Boeing clearly is in a significant issue the stocks down 26% year to date and the airline CEO is going to be leaving by the up sorry the company CEO out by the end of the year so just real quick then who takes over is that the most coveted job in aviation.

Or the most dreaded yes and yes I think seriously that's a very tough job because the last CEO also lost his job because of the max8 crashes it is a massive company it's not just about the max right think about everything they build including spacecraft that still haven't gotten to the space station supposed to go next month uh they've got.

Massive issues across the entire company cultural problems and you're supposed to be the best engineers in the world Tom Castell good luck with that I am so glad that you are here to navigate us through the next many months of this uh the next year of this thank you very much okay appreciate you to Haiti now and the humanitarian crisis there that is.

Getting worse and worse as we speak with officials in the Dominican Republic deporting hundreds of undocumented Haitians who have tried to cross the border for safety to get help to get food to get water and as gang violence is spreading into new parts of the Haitian Capital the president of the Dr says he will not authorize refugee camps.

Eight organizations say nearly half of hades's population nearly 5 million people are having trouble feeding themselves another one and a half million are on the verge of famine Ellis and barber is joining us now from right on the Haitian Border in the deal are talk about what you're seeing there what's happening behind.

You yeah I mean hi these are mostly Haitians who have crossed into this area this little market a small pocket that is just on the border here they come here because they're able to get food they're able to find a little bit of work and then they get it and they head back because this area closes at 5: and as you were explaining so well the.

Dominican Republic they're not opening their doors to allow Haitian refugees to come in they're temporarily allowing some to come in to get food some items you see people typically just carry it on their heads like this a lot of times people will come with empty willbs in the morning fill it up with other things that they then take back to Haiti to.

Sell some people we've spoken to we met a little boy here just the other day over the weekend he was 13 years old he told us where he lived in Haiti school is still in session excuse me but he said that he skipped school and came here to sell candles because he needed to get money to take back to his mother and his siblings who are waiting on the.

Other side of the Border because they don't have any food at all so people come here they get eggs uh they get bananas plantains chicken and then they walk often times for hours to take it back because there's so little options in Haiti when we're talking about what's happening in Haiti we're talking about a humanitarian crisis a security situation.

And a political crisis people are hopeful that maybe there will be a new government that is actually elected by the Haitian people and things will change but until then they're doing what they can to survive and the reality here in the Dominican Republic is people who try and come here and maybe stay they can't we have seen even today in the.

Last hour a Bus full of Haitian migrants being taken all the way to the gate just behind us and I can actually walk a little this way and show you some of it bear with us cuz this is a big group this is sort of the last Rush alley where people know they only have a little bit of time to get food so you can understand the desperation once we.

Get past 5:00 these gates close and they have to get back out otherwise they'll be arrested and deported and we saw just in the last hour a truck full of Haitian migrants essentially in what was like a cage on top of a truck bed go all the way up to that gate and the door was open and they were told to go home the president of the Dominican Republic he.

Reiterated today that this country he says they do not believe that this is their problem they do not plan at all he said in fact there will never be any refugee camps in the Dominican Republic but people are desperate right now they want something to change in their country but right now they don't have very many options and what we're seeing.

Here is people coming just to get what they can to survive and this last little bit what we're seeing right now this is that desperate push before it closes down and they can't come back here for at least until tomorrow I was going to ask Ellison I'm struck by just the near constant flow of people behind you I mean it is unrelenting and that is it.

Sounds like partly because this is the last little crush I mean this is the time crunch for today until folks were able to come back tomorrow such an ordeal yeah yeah but if you can believe it hie this is actually slow in the middle of the day it is far busier than this of people just on foot coming and.

Coming and coming getting supplies and then coming back and coming back and one of the things that is so heartbreaking is that often what we're seeing are pretty young children who are coming and they aren't in school right now because in PTO Prince The Gangs have closed the schools and they're trying to do what they can to help their family survive.

And then they go back home but no one wants it to be like this they want to see change but those negotiations for the transitional presidential Council they say they have names carec but it hasn't moved forward in about a week hi Ellis and Barbara we're glad to have you there thank you very much for bringing us those stories and for bringing us.

That reporting on the ground still ahead the clerk at the center of Alec Murdock's murder trial resigning rather abruptly why she says it has nothing to do with those accusations of jury tampering plus celebrating the Festival of Color look at that how people across India are welcoming in Spring today that's in the.

Global we'll be right back the county clerk accused of tampering an Alec Murdoch's murder trial and trying to sway the jury to sell more copies of the tell all book she wrote is now resigning effective immediately she moved to kind of the center of the whole case when Murdoch's lawyers tried to use.

The allegations against her to get him a retrial that was not successful with Becky Hill today saying through her lawyer her resignation is not about any of that watch so let me be extremely clear today is not in response whatsoever to anything going on with any investigation or or anything of that.

Nature okay and I'm going to say that one more time today is not in response to any new development of some investigation or anything like that Marissa par is following all of it for she is joining us now explain then why she is deciding to step down right now Hey hie so uh Becky Hill saying she's resigning and not seeking re-election so.

She could focus on her family really direct her priorities there saying the widespread public scrutiny was a major factor in her decision here's a little bit of what she had to say earlier I look forward to all of the future holds and will finally remember the true amazing friendships that I have made while serving the incredible people.

Of colon County and so as we fix our eyes forward I would like to announce also that my resignation as Clerk of Court will be effective immediately thank you and hie you heard her lawyer going through Great Lengths to stress that this has nothing to do with the investigations that remain ongoing by the way um and she has been the subject.

Of a lot of attention a lot of scrutiny and arguably has been a a large distraction here and the fact that a county clerk is holding a press conference to announce her resignation is also pretty significant here she has had this position for four years for those who don't know and she she has been previously lauded widely laed by.

The South Carolina attorney general's office and for those who may not remember I want to show you this image from the day the verdict came down it is striking um these images of everyone turning back to look at her to thank her clapping for her everyone smiling so this really illustrates what has clearly become a very fall far from gra uh far.

Fall from grace um more recently we talked about these investigations she has been under investigation by South Carolina authorities for two things uh specifically looking at whether or not an elected elected position was being used for personal financial gain as well as an investigation into allegations of jury tampering and as we mentioned these.

Are ongoing they don't just go away because she resigned um now there were attempts from Murdoch's team to use this these investigations to get a new trial but the court heard from the jurors and decided that that wasn't necessary uh most of the jurors had said that no comments from hill hill was no in no way uh shaped their decision to find him.

Guilty and so that was dismissed but now right now the the big part of this is the search is on for her replacement and as that continues we know the deputy clerk is going to be assuming a temporary position but um obviously the Hope here that whoever assumes this position and takes over for her will not provide the same distractions Callie yes.

Perhaps lower profile Marissa paraa thank you so much let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one the White House says it's disappointed that the Israeli Prime Minister pulled a delegation of highlevel leaders that he was going to send to the US it's a pretty dramatic retaliation after the US.

Did not veto a ceasefire resolution passed by the UN Security Council demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan with the US abstaining from Mostly ceremonial vote instead of vetoing like it has in the past Israel now saying any chance of a deal to get hostages out and actually stop the fighting is about 50/50 number.

Two King Charles nephew says the king is hugely frustrated about how long it's taking him to recover from cancer he says the King was in good spirits after he was diagnosed fat back in February but that he's struggling now with stepping back as he recovers number three HBO reportedly delaying season 3 of euphoria it wasn't.

Going to Premiere until 2025 but now HBO says they're still writing scripts and will'll let their cast a bunch of superstars do some other things in the meantime number four next Powerball drawing is in a few hours somebody could win really big you know our rule here we don't talk about Lotto unless it's worth your while and at this point it's $800.

Million and with Mega Million at $1.1 billion it means the combined jackpoint is close the combined jackpot I should say is close to $2 billion fine that hits the bar that's a big deal that's a lot of Lotto right there right as always I feel compelled to remind you the odds are not in your favor but good luck and if you win remember.

Me you're realist all right number five take a look is this the Paris Olympics no it is the Paris waiters race apparently look at all these servers they're carrying the coffee the glass of water yes that's a croissant on the tray as well they're racing through the city look at them go they are.

Serving yes the race started in 1914 it hasn't been run in 13 years but was brought back pre- Olympics lot of medals to be given out for that but you know what any server deserves a medal for what they do and the work that they do there you go comeing up a ton of doctors in South Korea are stepping down we'll tell you why and what it means for the.

Hospitals there plus what Russian President Vladimir Putin is now calling the suspects in the mass concert shooting next NBC News covers hundreds of international stories every day and because it is tough to read or watch or listen to them all our teams around the.

World have done it for you here's a look at what they're watching in a segment we call the global out of Ecuador police say the country's youngest mayor and one of her staffers her communications director were shot and killed over the weekend remember the president declared a state of emergency in January because of a surging gang violence there police.

Think the two were killed inside their rental car they're investigating out of South Korea top doctors are now submitting resignations to support thousands of interns and residents who have been on strike for weeks who've been telling me about this they're protesting the government's plan to boost the number of Med students.

Officials say they need more doctors to care for the country's population which is getting older and out of India millions of people across the country are taking this to the streets look at this it's the holy celebrations the Hindu Festival of Colors all across the country people getting together they dance they sing and then of course.

There's the powder and all different bright colors it's just gorgeous the celebration marks the beginning of Spring also oversees Russian President Vladimir Putin late today calling the four suspects who carried out the brutal attack on a Moscow Concert Hall in his words radical islamists while also keeping up his.

Unfounded claims that Ukraine is somehow involved 137 people were killed in that attack but those suspects charged in a Russian courtroom in the last 24 hours we're going to show you some of those images we have to warn you they are disturbing you can see all of the suspected gunmen are looking like they're very badly beaten with bruising.

And swelling on their faces one of them was even wheeled in on a stretcher Matt Bodner is following all of this he is joining us now so in addition to giving us the latest here talk us through the Putin of it all right because he is now acknowledging it seems more and more the Isis claim of responsibility for this attack well that's right H it was a very.

I think interesting statement from President Putin today uh just some background on it uh he'll occasionally just televise what appear to be ordinary meetings with you know a conference call with various ministers that's where this came up and it'll just go on Russian television uh in it today of course as you mentioned he he finally used the.

Word radical Islam to to describe these attackers and there was you know a situation over the weekend where it looked like he was trying very hard not to say those words and really uh hammer this point home that according to the Russians uh that they think there was somehow a Ukrainian uh involvement so some of the other things he said though.

You know other than doubling down on that was that the United States was somehow you know hinting that was somehow complicit that it's now trying to convince uh its allies he called them satellites and other countries around the world that there is no ke Trace is the wording that uh Putin is using but there continuing to look into it and I.

Think if you're maybe slightly confused about what he's trying to say here that's a a correct feeling I think he's he's a little bit all over the place but I think he's still trying to figure out exactly what he thinks happened here Russia of course I think was very much blindsided by this uh uh we can see there was not much of a security.

Response uh in the moment at all so I think he's trying to understand how this happened he and he doesn't yet know how this all fits together but he's still trying to play with this idea and I think it speaks to something very important about Vladimir Putin that we should all keep in mind is this worldview of his um I dare say paranoid.

But you know he he's always talking about when he's talking about foreign actors foreign countries uh doing things that Russia doesn't like they very he very rarely talks about them in any way that that describes them as having you know free will or agency that they're always acting on someone else's behalf usually the CIA if he's if he's really.

Speaking uh openly about it so I it's it's a key Insight here and I think the big question is where he takes it and he keeps talking about Ukraine so I think the obvious the obvious concern is that all of this is directed onto Ukraine in the anali Matt Bodner uh thank you so much for reporting on this more to come I know in the days ahead appreciate it.

Some big changes in the world of babysitting how one story about teenagers ended up becoming more about parents Christine Romans explains in tonight's backstory time now to get the backstory our behind the scenes look at how a story comes.

Together and how it fits into our bigger picture and tonight it's a big shift in the world of babysitting maybe you were one maybe you had one but now NBC news reporting shows some parents attitudes toward babysitting is changing from being pretty psych to use like maybe a teenager a neighbor who's looking to make a few bucks to now seeking out.

Sitters with serious credentials older more experienced some parents even want to see babysitters with master's degrees listen to what one mom is telling our Christine romance I really want my children to feel comfortable and for my own self to feel comfortable knowing that they're left with competent capable very.

Experienced people Christine is joining us now we're so glad to have you on a piece can I be honest that originated with like a conversation that you had with our team like in a conference room I mean this is really because you set out to do this story about like the pack schedules of teenagers all the academic pressure.

Cutting down on their time to babysit but this is really more about the parents you know it it really is and it's so fascinating to me because I thought this was about kids building a resume and they didn't have the time to you know take care of their you know snot-nosed neighbor kid but that's not what it is at all here look care.com.

Even says they begin uh screening people at the age of 18 so 18 years and up and car.com of course is a is a a central place to find uh babysitters and we talked with a babysitter somebody who's been babysitting since she was 13 she's 20 now and she said she's noticed that parents are more comfortable with her as she's gotten older with more skills.

Listen I feel like adults are more likely to trust and reach out to older babysitters and they are younger ones they feel like it's safer for their child when I was younger obviously I had a lot more restrictions like I couldn't drive now that I can drive um we can go and explore the towns or do whatever they might want to do I think both.

Things are happening kids are building a resume in high school right and they're not really babysitting as much at the same time parents aren't looking for young teenagers to babysit their kids as much what do you think that means for the teens right I think about I was a babysitter when I was younger you I know we a teenage babysitter as well I mean.

That's also like life experience it's about showing up on time it's about being responsible it's about you know figuring out even finances right budgets getting the cash from the mom or the dad on your way out the door I became a capitalist because of babysitting I'm telling you right now I started to realize like the the the twins are going.

To be not as uh lucrative as the one kid who I know is going to take two naps you know like you start to figure out which which is the best uh babysitting uh job to take but I think it's really interesting you know we talk to a lot of different kids a 13-year-old for example who's been doing this or she's 16 now she's been doing it since she was 13 um.

And she's really sort of growing and gaining money and understanding how to use money but I'll tell you something interesting in my day you know my parents got a teenage babysitter on the weekend my mom was a stay-at-home mom today a lot of people are two income families and guess what they do on the weekends they do stuff with their kids.

You know they they they spend more time with their kids or their kids are already in daycare so they're not getting a babysitter on the weekend and it also varies like depending on where you live I would think right I mean I think there's some differences based on your community based on your neighborhood like I know in my friend.

Group my mom group it's actually hard to find a babysitter teen or not period on a Saturday night yeah that's absolutely true it depends on where you are and the pay is really varied all over the place too like out here on the East Coast babysitters get a lot higher pay um because a lot of times they're competing with nannies in some cases you know who.

Are more than happy to do extra hours um and in the midwest maybe they pay a little bit less but there more availability it all kind of depends on where you are but that you know that that right of passage it's not quite as entrenched as it used to be Christine Romans uh it makes me think of the babysitters club books that I read.

Religiously when I was a teenager too thank you so much fascina conversation glad to have you on for the backstory that does it for us for this hour we've got more coverage on a busy breaking news day picking up right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social.


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