‘HE WILL EXPOSE THEIR CORRUPTION’: Bartiromo sounds off on ‘pick up Trump’ crowd amid ruling


‘HE WILL EXPOSE THEIR CORRUPTION’: Bartiromo sounds off on 'pick up Trump' crowd amid ruling

Morning Trump supporters raised more than $600,000 to help pay for the former president's $355 million New York civil judgment since we began the program the GoFundMe page has seen a jump of more than $14,000 take a look at where we are right now Trump is now at $615,000 raised from supporters Trump was also.

Banned from running his business as you just heard in New York and applying for bank loans for three years his two sons Eric Trump and Don Jr are also being barred for two years and they're also being forced to pay up $4 million a piece there as well Michael Lee your reaction to all of this yeah Maria um this was a communist show trial okay.

This was a directed verdict not for everything but for a lot of it all right and for there to be fraud there has to be a victim and the alleged victim in this trial uh not only testified they were thrilled with the business of Donald Trump but they profited handsomely okay a and to go a little deeper into that okay real estate State.

There are multiple ways you can value it so the assumption that trump overvalued it uh is just ludicrous okay you only know the true value of real estate especially the real estate he was getting loans against if you sell it right so a bank is always going to take a conservative estimate of what they can get in a fire sale so for them to go.

After him for this and accuse him of this not only threatens Trump and for Kathy hokel to come out and say oh you have nothing to worry about doing business in New York it just goes to show that we have now uh jump the Rubicon and uh the laws and the equal eyes of Justice are a thing of the past in the state of New York Okay and like.

Another thing like you look at this judge and just look at him I mean if that was a character in a movie would you believe that's a real person well I mean even even more than that you have to ask yourself why they go to the length that they go to actually try to take him out chrisha you know why this I've never seen seen such.

Deep-seated hatred anywhere why do they go to such lengths to contort the law to try to get him and take him down I think I know the answer the answer is is because he will expose their corruption and he's not afraid to spew it out and talk about it wrap his mouth off on it he's not afraid to do that he exposes their corruption and their ineptitude.

And that's what they're afraid of chrisha that's my take 100% And I actually worked with a candidate who was running directly against Leticia James and during the last election cycle and this is what she promised she wanted to get Trump this was part of her campaign this is part of Alvin Bragg's campaign this is what they ran on and this is.

Exactly what they're doing because this is election interference they do not want Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States and they are threatening him they are going after him every way they can and um for Kathy hokel as Mike was alluding to to come out out and say oh no um this is just Donald Trump this is not going to be any.

Other Business Leaders in New York actually she's uh instead of assuaging the public she's admitting to the political nature of this trial by saying oh no this is a one-time exception this is exactly what they're trying to do they're trying to get him off the ballot and this is why people are the fundraising is what it is people see.

Past this they see that this is a hit shop and and yet no lawsuits over the fact that a Chinese National is now on the board of the Federal elections Commission in San Francisco how come I'm not seeing more about this and why isn't anybody pushing back on such an notion she's not even a legal citizen she can't vote and yet she's on the federal.

Elections Commission in San Francisco well I mean you're probably one of the few people who's following this story and it's so amazing that you are because realistically they don't the mainstream media does not want people to follow these stories this is why we're seeing a 4,000% increase in Chinese Nationals who as you mentioned are being sanctioned by.

The CCP coming into our country this is all part of a greater scheme a greater plot to overthrow our current government our democracy as it is today I mean it hate to sound so dramatic but we're at this point in time when the president of the former president of the United States who's running for office is being kicked off ballots going to the Supreme.

Court and being charged with 91 indictments I mean this is outrageous oh it's it's uh it's dramatic all right chrisha for sure

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