High tales for San Diego County on Monday, Might per chance perhaps 6 at 6AM


High tales for San Diego County on Monday, Might per chance perhaps 6 at 6AM

All right we do start the 6 a.m. hour here with breaking news police are on the scene at UC San Diego where Pro Palestinian protesters have been camped out for 6 days thanks for joining us here at 6 a.m. I'm Chris Gro and I'm n Iran por glad you're with us here this is something we've been following over the course of the past few minutes as uh.

Things are starting to escalate a little bit so let's take a live look at the scene right now so our photographer is there uh to bring this to you where uh you can see a gentleman there that seems to be uh yelling U there's there are authorities right now by the encampment so this is new this morning over the past I would say 15 to 30 minutes or so.

We've seen more police officers uh and right across from the walkway there from those officers there's an encampment uh that encampment you can see as well has grown uh since last week when we first brought this to you live it was I believe Thursday morning when Regina was out there covering this and it was a smaller encampment and it has grown uh.

This comes after UC San Diego's Chancellor did call on protesters to disperse so now this morning which is new we are seeing these officers here at the campus as well right again in front of the guo library where that main walkway is in Camp on campus in a statement from the chancellor prip kosla says the encampment has tripled in size.

And said there is an increased risk of violent clashes yesterday a pro-israel group marched past the encampment yeah because here's the thing the the group students for justice in Palestine they responded to that statement say saying that they're disappointed but not surprised now they previous said they plan to continue camping until UC San.

Diego Cuts ties with companies connected to Israel this is again a similar sentiment that we've seen with protests here really across the US on different college campuses uh the the one thing we should point out here as we're taking a look long line there of the law enforcement uh officers we have not seen violent clashes between Pro Palestinian.

Um for uh excuse me U protesters here at this encampment and pro-israel supporters like we have seen in other areas uh there have not been violent clashes but again as we just heard the chancellor with UC San Diego is concerned that that is something that could happen because this did start off as a relatively smaller encampment and.

As he pointed out tripled in size in about three times here in just six days and a as you can as you can see this this group was previously told to disperse about 1015 minutes ago uh and as you can see it appears that many of them are starting to hold in if you will getting a lot of those wood boards up uh so we don't know uh if what will happen.

Next year but this is definitely something that we're going to continue to monitor here this group did say that on top of uh cutting ties with connections to Israel they also wanted the school to denounce the war now we do have a crew that is that is there right now uh we will have a reporter that will be on the scene relatively shortly here.

Cbsa Alex Li she is on the way to bring us the very latest and to again give us a lot of the uh key details that we uh that we are all wondering as we continue to watch uh at least this one gentleman uh continue to uh again protest there in front of uh the law enforcement officers yeah it's not certain obviously who this gentleman's affiliated with but we can.

Tell you on the side where the encampment is what's new also this morning those wooden planks Chris as you mentioned uh it looks like they brought out more of those and are laying those in front of their tent that they have had out there so the tents have been there the wooden planks it looks like a few of those are new this morning.

Bringing those out as the officers are uh lined up so uh obviously you know as we mentioned earlier the officer said they had about 10 minutes to disperse here we are at 6:04 this morning not sure what the timing is the timeline that they're giving these protesters to disperse but with the looks of it there are a few that are planning to stay I.

Mean they have those wooden planks that are up there right now setting those up in front of their tents and you know many of them have said they don't want to leave the encampment until the university Cuts ties with businesses in Israel so that was something they have been pretty clear about since the beginning of the encampment being set up.

Uh as you can see those are pretty tall wooden planks that they have up there uh likely a lot of protesters standing behind them now uh because those as we mentioned I mean those were not there you know even 30 minutes or so go those they just recently brought out as the police also have showed up no and you can tell just the escalation of this as.

Well too that the police in their right gear again that that's something that should be pointed out too this is not just simply law enforcement showing up here they've ordered the dispersement they are fully outfitted in that right gear you see those right helmets on there as well too so uh this again as we are waiting to see what happens again as.

As Neta pointed out there it does appear that several of these uh Pro Palestinian uh protesters are indeed trying to stay their ground hold their ground here uh as this gentleman continues to walk between both sides here right uh so of course this is all unfolding our photographer who's there on the scene bringing us uh obviously this live look.

And there was a moment there where we saw some of the protesters also it looked like they were chanting uh so not sure what they were chanting or saying uh but as we know this has been set up because of the Israel Hamas War many of the pro Palestinian supporters there uh want an end to this uh and obviously end to the uh connection that some of the.

Uc's have with Investments there in Israel so that's a big uh plea that they've been making throughout the days of protests we've seen you know obviously arrests made at other campuses not too far from here UCLA USC in New York hundreds of people arrested on campuses uh so we are waiting to see what will unfold here of course we will.

Have eyes there on the scene right now and as soon as anything happens we will be sure to bring that to you with live updates so like we mentioned our crew is on the way as well to bring us even more details of what we are seeing there at UC San Diego let's turn right now to our other top story this morning we do have new information about the three Surfers.

Who left San Diego last week and went missing in Baja California and Baja authorities confirmed the three bodies found Friday inside a well are those Surfers as cbs's Regina yurita is alive near the border with what we are learning about them Regina yeah well guys we know that their families were in Mexico yesterday and.

Positively identified their bodies now Mexican authorities say they will continue their investigation and they plan to punish those responsible for the Surfers murders take a listen to a little bit of a press conference with Mexican authorities State Attorney General says two men and a women are in custody and.

Are considered people of Interest this all started last Monday when Ocean Beach resident colum Robinson who moved here from Australia with his brother Jake and their friend San Diego and Jack Carter Road were reported missing now Baja authorities confirmed the relatives had viewed the bodies they recovered from a remote well about 50 ft deep the three.

Men were actually on vacation surfing near anada that's when investigators believe thieves killed the three after they attempted to steal their truck and when the Surfers resisted they were shot and killed the thieves then allegedly got rid of the bodies by dumping them in a well near the coast investigators are still searching the remote area for.

Additional evidence meanwhile the state department is advising Americans to reconsider traveling to the state due to crime and kidnapping I should also add that a fourth body was discovered in that whale this is a body of another man who had been missing in that same area and has no relation to the Surfers that's the latest information we have.

Coming from the US Mexico border I'll send things back to you Chris anetta thank you thank you so much Regina we do want to go back here to UC San Diego where uh we have started to see some movement here now while we didn't have the camera up there on our broadcast of course we do have uh our producers and directors there monitoring it there.

Behind the scenes we're keeping a very close eye on this uh it does appear to be some sort of movement uh some sort of development we do see some of those police officers there uh in and what appears to be a lot closer to that encampment not clear if they've taken anyone into custody yet uh but it it does appear that there has been some.

Movement here uh where they are definitely getting an inching very much closer to this encampment as we said this encampment has been pretty much up for about a week now here prop Palestinian uh supporters uh protesting that war in Gaza wanting UC uh as well as UC San Diego to cut ties with Israel as well as other companies that support.

Uh Israel in this uh again in this conflict that we see going on in the Middle East but as our photographer Julio vasque here moves to get a different Vantage Point uh you can see sort of the border and the outline of this encampment which it does appear it is that again it looks like all of a sudden all of the protesters kind of.

Fled to the opposite side of that encampment and a lot of the officers did as well there's still that line of officers that you see in front of you but it looks like they've almost done a full 360 around the encampment circling it and now there are other students that are inside of the encampment you can see our photographer julu Vasquez walking to.

That opposite side where it looks like they've just started to kind of fill that perimeter as well and now students are on either side oh they're trying to you can see continue through uh what should point out too with the intense that you're seeing right there just behind where this gentleman is there's a medic tent that they had set up at the.

Encampment not sure what this person's telling our photographer but um he's trying to just get an idea of what is happening there as those officers have circled near the IC tent um and from this point it's hard to tell what's going on uh as our photographer now pans to the other side uh that's where you can still see there are.

Protesters there they're not necessarily dispersing there are a few uh that are still lining up and we saw those wooden planks being put up as uh more protesters are just you know kind of holding their ground and officers may be trying to circle around the entire encampment it's hard to tell if this Point what they're doing it looks like.

Our photographer did get access past that person uh to see what's going on here so they're a little bit closer together yeah this is again this is that again it does appear that they've they've made access here into the encampment again those officers as Evan pointed out were on that Far Side uh of this encampment and now it does appear.

That they've since uh seemingly crossed the line so to speak again they were given the order to disperse uh that was several minutes ago um not clear if this this is going to be one big movement like we've seen on other campuses like at UCLA where again you you'll see lines of officers moving uh in one force again just move through an encampment to make.

Sure uh that they clear that out or if this is going to be uh going in at several different points uh as you could see the protesters here now trying to form some sort of a human shield in front of those officers like one of those officers earlier on you could see him grabbing uh part of you know a box and moving it to the side so what it.

Looks like they may have done I mean previously when we were looking at this shot just 20 minutes ago the officers were outside of the encampment they were not actually entering the encampment at all now we see them on the opposite side starting to what looks to be remove belongings from those protesters and I'm imagining what we see here is that those.

Protesters having seen those police come to the other side have now started to fill that side as well I mean they're using as you see those wooden kind uh there's you know an umbrella a table a folded up table that someone's using as well to basically block between the officers and themselves and yeah I mean the officers were not on this side of.

The encampment they were not on this side of the walkway at all they stayed on the other side but uh just in the past few minutes we saw them walk around it looks like it's a medic tent but you can also see it says take what you need food water things like that that theyve set up at that encampment as we've been mentioning they've been there six days.

Now uh last week it was a lot smaller it has certainly grown there are more tents uh more people involved in this Pro Palestinian protest as they are trying to stand their ground and say they don't want to leave until the university Cuts ties with any uh investments into Israel so that's a big part of one of their major pleas that they have and that's.

Something we've seen at campuses around the country where many UCLA here yeah unfortunately UCLA as we mentioned last week did turn violent uh we saw fireworks things like that being thrown and people were arrested USC as well there still an encampment there on campus but some arrests have been made at other college.

Campuses until today we haven't really seen you know the interaction of police and protesters here at UCSD we've seen pro-israeli and pro Palestinian protesters marching without any uh violence without any arrests needing to be made and at this point because of what the Chancellor said that's likely why a police are appeared the chancellor.

Concerned for any violent clashes saying since the encampment has tripled in size uh they wanted to disperse the crowd and disperse the protesters and typically this has been a conversation between local law enforcement and the university itself and like thata mentioned it seems like that's what happened here was a discussion that was had for police to.

Come in uh okay it looks like they are still on all sides essentially of that encampment and again on that opposite side that our photographer was previously at it does look like they were starting to almost enter to where the camp tents were as uh our photographer kind of gets an idea of what's going on police they're talking.

With them as well we're going to uh take a quick break right now and we will be right back with the very latest there live from UC San Diego we'll see you in a few minutes

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3 thoughts on “High tales for San Diego County on Monday, Might per chance perhaps 6 at 6AM

  1. That is a extinguish of our money!!! It's apparent pro Palestinians are NOT violent so traipse abet to work SDPD, there are ladies & youngsters in home violence who want your back to STOP the violence!!!!😢

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