‘Horrific’ violence in Haiti after PM announces resignation: Orphanage owner


'Horrific' violence in Haiti after PM announces resignation: Orphanage owner

54 P the hour this morning the US military announced a new team of Marines has been sent to Haiti to bolster security at the US Embassy there comes as violence in Haiti spirals out of control and now that prime minister Ariel Henry announced he will resign once a transitional presidential council is established gangs that control the.

Majority of Haiti's Capital are demanding a say in the country's political future joining us now is Jerry strob founder and president of the Santa Kiara Children's Center in Porto Prince Jerry it's always great to see you I know that you've lived in Haiti off and on for so many years you have an orphanage there your wife is a doctor.

There what is the situation like for the people of Porto Prince today oh well the people in Porto Prince have been suffering not only during this Insurrection but for the last two years uh the violence has been extreme gangs would rush through some neighborhood and literally burn down a 100 Shack homes and force all the people out and uh.

People were afraid to go out on the streets and then this last week it's been uh really intensified all the schools have closed there was no Transportation uh we're running out of food our orphanage is running out of water and diesel fuel uh so it's been it's been pretty horrific and Jerry I mean diesel fuel is.

So important for you and for your orphanage you've got more than 40 kids there how is this affecting that organization male well we have to uh the gas stations are all closed so we have to go out and go on the black market and we're paying uh I just got uh gas and fuel which we had to transport in our car uh the other day we're paying like.

$10 a gallon for gasoline so uh and you have to pay cash so you know people are really really that you know 5 million patients are suffering from acute hunger uh for nearly nine years that I've B here I've encountered people hungry and thirsty but not just for food and water but for some sense of justice and relief from the uh Perpetual hopelessness and.

And the Mindless violence it just they don't see any any solution coming yeah and so important that you talk about that Jerry because it is a a situation that has such profound Deep Roots roots that are in many ways watered by the blood of innocent Haitian people I'm just wondering Jerry where do you find the hope and where is the Hope.

For the future of Haiti a country that is so extraordinary it people are so extraordinary I'm just thinking even from the 2010 earthquake all of the issues that they've been dealing with but do you find Hope do they find hope well I was here during the earthquake and I suffered post-traumatic stress from that experience what is.

Amazing it's somehow no matter how bad it is they're able to dig deep down inside themselves and joke and laugh for me it's the children uh every time I feel like I want to just get on a plane and get out of here which I can't do anymore uh I just have to go downstairs and see my kids and they make me smile I've known most of them all their lives.

All of my kids are throw away abandoned kids uh who this trip I was supposed to go to Cuba with a little two-year-old girl needed the surgery and the flight was cancelled it took me a month to work through all of that stuff get her uh get all the documents needed and she even has her own you know passport now she only two years old but yeah it's.

Right now it's very tough people are feeling they don't they're glad Ariel is gone but they don't want another clone of him and they want a voice at the table uh because no one is caring out for the needs of the poor which are so critical most people in my neighborhood have no no running water no toilets uh it's it's every day is a.

Struggle for survival and Jerry how is it that we all can help not only you your organization but how can we help Haiti I don't know I mean it's it's such a complex issue for me it's I mean everything is about it's about funding because during this time the shortage of of food the short the price of.

Everything is going up and that's that's a huge huge problem with that I don't I don't think there are any Simple Solutions here the gang the gangs are never going to approve a provisional or a transitional government you know they're the ones who did all the killing and now they want amnesty in a place at the table I I really don't know how this.

How this is going to resolve and so part of the problem is many of the politicians were the ones who empowered The Gangs uh so it's it's it's a difficult situation to understand I me it would take me a lot of time to explain just what's what's going on Jerry let's keep in touch of course I very much appreciate what you do and how.

You do it Jerry stro thank you for being with us this morning thank you Jose

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3 thoughts on “‘Horrific’ violence in Haiti after PM announces resignation: Orphanage owner

  1. 🗝️Resolution ✍️✅ 🗝️ 🏹❌Caricom⛔ OEA⛔Core Community⛔US ⛔ Canada⛔ and France ⛔❌ambassador has to step with the exception of Haiti political choices.Let Haitian folks think who they need for their chief.It's none 🚫 of 👉Caricom industry they need to cease it's all Towards/violated the Haitian constitution it's all illegal, it's all illegal or depart, depart, depart now.

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