How Florida’s “War on Woke” May perhaps perhaps Provide a Survey Into The usa’s Future | International Correspondent


How Florida's

Foreign politics Florida is used to Turning Heads for decades it's been quartered as a prized swing state where elections are won on the barest of margins and presidents are made.

Now all eyes are on Florida again and its rising star of the American Riot it is my honor to welcome America's governor Ron DeSantis surrender to the woke mob Florida hi Governor Ron DeSantis has made Florida the epicenter of the nation's culture wars zeroing in on education and the teaching of issues like race and.

Gender he defend Freedom he defends education and the innocence of our children there is a palpable fear in the State of Florida right now the governor has been crisscrossing the country pitching his Florida Playbook to a national audience I'm happy looking at the no one non-fiction book.

In America right here setting up a showdown for the Republican Presidential nomination with Florida's most famous resident Donald Trump it's not going to be pretty it's going to turn families against each other and it's it's going to be awful awful Rhonda santis is regarded as the only serious Republican rival to Donald Trump.

Even before he makes an official announcement he's having a massive influence on America so we've come to see what the man and his war on woke look like on Florida's Gulf Coast life revolves around the water I feel like I'm living in heaven honestly this is.

This is heaven on Earth right here real estate agent Mario smokehan and his family have embraced the Sarasota lifestyle since arriving here two years ago the water the beaches the weather as you can see there's beautiful real estate everywhere prices have skyrocketed with the amount of people moving here.

The mocons moved from Oregon after becoming fed up with that State's covert policies you want to drive go ahead and drive today they're taking their favorite spots Florida they say they found freedom I feel like I haven't lived in the true America.

Until I've moved here a truly free country when you get here it's just like America it's like Mooring your face you know and everybody just Minds their own business you do Your Own Thing nobody's judging you Rhonda Santos did shut down Florida in the early stages of the pandemic but.

Soon bucked the advice of federal experts he reopened schools and businesses and banned masks and vaccine mandates Americans chafing at covert restrictions rushed in by 2022 Florida was the fastest growing State and Ron DeSantis was the new hero of the right Rhonda centers did a very good job.

During covid his response to everything I have friends that are more left-leaning have told me bald things like you're gonna die if you move there there's no restrictions you're going to get coveted and you're going to die that's what I was told but once we got here and we just had that.

We're here you know all of that just sort of dissipated she does ladies and gentlemen Governor Ron DeSantis as so many states in our country grinded their citizens down we in Florida lifted our people uh when other states can sign their.

People's freedom to the dust spin Florida stood strongly as Freedom's linchpin Rhonda santis is a 44 year old descendant of Italian immigrants a Navy veteran and a father of three he's had a fast and furious rise since his first bid for governor in 2018. in that election with President Trump's.

Endorsement he won by less than half a percentage point is later he was the new Prince of the Republican Party re-elected as Governor with the biggest victory in decades.

In doctor ship while the former president was dogged by Scandal Ronda Santos owned the tagline Trump without the nonsense we are not going to tell some kindergartner that they're an oppressor based on their race and what may have happened 100 or 200 years ago parental rights targeting what he.

Decries is woke indoctrination in schools we will never surrender to the woke mob Florida is where woke goes to die across Florida Rhonda santis has found a powerful new ally in Suburban mothers run run you can make it Catalina stuby is a former Miss World Columbia who campaigns with a group called mums for.

Liberty a conservative non-profit founded in Florida during the pandemic is a pushback against remote learning and mask mandates so this is Jane I'm Natalia Natalia and what's your name Herman Herman nice to meet you it was difficult for me pandemic but I realized with the pandemic a lot of things how the.

Education system is is actually not too too good can I see your folder please because of the pandemic it really wasn't um happy with the what my my children were learning mom's for Liberty grew quickly and now claims more than 100.

000 members across the country you already did it its mission is to fight for the survival of America by defending parental rights we became like a political party every single politician was talking about education finally for the first time they were talking about parental rights.

The rights that God gave you when your child is born you have to take the entire responsibility of your own children that means you are the only one taking all the decision over your children being medical education morality religion everything you are the only one parents are the only ones taking all the decision over.

Their children hola princess that's my daughter hi vesito mom's felipity threw their weight behind Ron DeSantis in his first term as Governor campaigning for the parental rights in education bill which prohibits instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity from kindergarten.

Through year three critics call it don't say gay when an adult talk to Children about sexuality and genitalia and how they feel about coming out of the closet or whatever this is child abuse they're using the the tax money payer to push a radical agenda.

Some people would describe Rhonda sanderson's policies as being homophobic there will always be a retractors and people who criticize everyone amen I I don't share that because I love Governor descent is what what he did for our estate I love I really love and I think we need to set an example of Florida.

With Governor DeSantis for the entire world to show how a good leader can make a perfect state thank you Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has said to deliver his State of the State address Ron DeSantis has been using his electoral mandate to reshape Florida.

Into a model Republican state he's expected to focus on hanba and cultural issues as he eyes a run for president he's lowered taxes while investing in law enforcement and tightened abortion regulations while loosening gun laws but it's his intervention in the public school system that's tabbed a deep well of emotion.

One of the reasons Rhonda santis has been able to push so much of his agenda is because of the amount of support he has in Florida's state legislature Republicans hold super majorities in both Chambers it means that there's very little resistance to some of these really controversial bills being passed at the opening of the legislature for.

2023 Ron DeSantis is due to give his State of the State address Madam president the governor of Florida let the governor be received on the agenda for this session is a proposed expansion of the ban on teaching gender identity and sexual orientation until year nine that would also prohibit the use of preferred.

Pronouns in schools we must continue our momentum with K-12 education by in fortifying parents rates our schools must deliver a good education not a political indoctrination children are not guinea pigs for science experimentation we cannot allow people to make money off mutilating them.

If they keep adding on these laws more more Trump kids will die what message do you want to send to the governor transgender people and the binary people end up stop being afraid of us we will stand strong we will hold the line You Won't Back Down and I can promise you this you ain't seen nothing yet thank you all.

God bless you thank you outside the chamber the governor takes questions from chosen journalists and defense opening the public school system to scrutiny we've been able to empower parents with our curriculum transparency they go in and say you know if I'm going to send my 10 year old daughter I don't.

Think I want this there with all these graphic images that's not appropriate because I can tell you when parents object to it at school board meetings across the country they usually are told you have to pipe down because it's too graft to even discuss in the school board meeting so if you can't discuss in the school board meeting how is it.

Appropriate for these kids tonight's school board meeting is just getting underway but it does I don't know why the GOP took forever to come down this path this is probably going to be a winning ticket to win over new voters who would otherwise never vote for Republicans because their kids have a brighter future now yeah I mean I used.

To get you complain about I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Rhonda Sanders has extended his influence from the state legislature down to the local level thank you Jack good job Florida's school boards decide how schools in their districts operate.

They're made up of elected positions last year Ron DeSantis became the first governor in the state's history to endorse and fund candidates all right 19.02 public hearing for a required instruction for human growth and development open public hearing Madam chair there are five speakers on this item.

We've come to a school board meeting in Leon County members of the local chapter of mums for Liberty have come to object to its sex education curriculum the first we will have Priscilla West in the 314 pages of Leon County's middle and high school curriculum the word woman is not used not once the word man.

Is only used once the word anal is used 33 times there are several lessons in this curriculum that don't follow Florida statute 1003.42 that says quote teach abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage is the expected standard for all school age students while teaching the benefits.

Of a monogamous heterosexual marriage by the way I couldn't find one time that marriage was referenced in this curriculum thank you for your comment next speaker Brandi Andrews I honestly just envisioned a little girl going to school that day she learns what a clitoris is she goes home.

And starts masturbating what does that do for her future now is she going to set her superintendent Rocky Hannah clashed with the governor over covert policies he's now being investigated by the Department of Education over allegations he let his personal views influence his work I've been with our school district 35.

Years or I've never seen so much scrutiny before I know there's a lot of you up there that view us as your enemy we're not we're parents these are our kids thank you for your comment I've never seen anything like this this attack by the governor in the legislature saying horrible things about our public schools that are completely.

Untrue that gender identity conversations are being had to second and third graders which is totally false that we're teaching critical race theory in our high schools which is totally false it's all this misinformation and participated teachers against parents and it's just sad foreign.

There is a palpable fear in the State of Florida right now you wonder if you're going to do something that might be perceived as legally wrong so the normal pressure on a teacher to come in the classroom do your best job meet every learner's needs bring every child to their full potential on top of.

That we wonder are we going to say the wrong thing English teacher Anita Hatcher is a 36-year veteran of the public school system have you ever seen any signs of teachers trying to impose a certain ideology on students trying to in the words of the governor indoctrinate them not ever not in any state I've taught in.

Not ever where do you think that comes from I can only guess based on my life experiences that the governor of the state of Florida has some deep seated fear that is coming out as prejudice and coming out as legislation and he's tapping in to this fear that other.

People have and he's making a political career out of it for Anita it's personal do students ever confide in you tell you things that they're not comfortable telling their parents absolutely and not only do students confide in me it was the teachers that my child confided in.

Before he talked to me that saved his life and ate his 17 year old son Ethan is transgender she sent him to live with family in another state because she feared for his safety in Florida my heart breaks every day that I'm not with him when he was a baby I prayed over his crib that he would be independent.

Because I was a 41 year old new mother and I got exactly what I prayed for so it really is about doing the right thing when it's the hardest thing you've ever done foreign battle unfolding at new College in Sarasota it has major implications for governor DeSantis and his plan to.

Influence what students learn in Florida it is a gorgeous day but it's going to be a warm one we do have a window I'm back in Sarasota on the Tranquil grounds of new College these public Campus of less than 700 students calls itself a community of free thinkers it's now at the center of the governor's War over education Ron.

DeSantis says the college has been captured by woke ideology it is on camera and are you Prince camera yeah yeah so you'll see we have like a big taped off area and with all cameras it's gonna be a jungle okay he's overhauled its leadership appointing six conservative members to its board today they'll vote on a motion.

To abolish the college's office that provides support programs for people of different races genders and sexual orientations the governor wants these offices scrapped at all state colleges and universities arguing they create division this is discrimination it should be gone it's inclusion.

Good afternoon everybody the makeup of the board means the vote is a foregone conclusion but students and parents have turned out anyway to be heard this is the time for a public comment the end of a minute your time will be done the microphone will cut off or we ask that you please yield to the next.

Speaker thank you Muslim is a student here who is now looking at transferring which I know doesn't matter to you you've been very clear that you are happy to help relocate students who don't support your vision for their school I hope that the kind of educational derailment and utter disrespect you're currently showing my.

Child is never suffered by one of yours thank you this has been a hostile takeover of the top five public liberal arts colleges that we call home it's absurd that some of these trustees couldn't even be here today because they don't even live in Florida.

They were handpicked by DeSantis because of their commitment to culture War grifting time is up okay so we had the motion it's been seconded can we do a roll call vote on that please trustee bowerline yes trustee carp yes trustee Keenan no trustee Kessler.

Yes trustee Ruffo yes trustee Ruiz no trustee Spalding yes trustee spear yes chair Jinx yes Vice chair Crystal Dean yes motion passes Ocean passes okay student Sam schaaf says it's all about politics not education as an authoritarian figure in Florida.

With unlimited power to do as he pleases he gets to basically make this his testing ground to begin taking over institutions and he's obviously doing this in a way to posture for his presidential campaign to boost his resume among the um Ultra conservative base and.

It's it's disheartening that we are just like political Pawns in his game of politics and Optics foreign in 1940 in Central Florida I entered white people's houses through the back door I drank from the colored water fountain.

I sat on the back of the bus and even as a child that hurt Dr Marvin Dunn has been an educator for more than 50 years he's one of Governor desantis's most outspoken critics I was teaching at Florida International University for four years before DeSantis was born.

And now he comes and tells me uh what I can to come out teaching my classroom this is outrageous that's something we won't stand for it Dr Don has spent decades researching and teaching Florida's black history he claims the governor is trying to sanitize it the experience of black people in.

Florida has been very very violent and we should not be surprised at that Florida was a part of the Confederacy during the Civil War a lot of people have those racist attitudes came down into Florida and blacks paid the price for that legislation known as the stop woke act.

Which says racial history can't be taught in a way that indoctrinates students or instructs them to feel guilty because of their race I was the principal of a high school for 15 years 15 years if one of my teachers had told a white student you should feel guilty for what happened during slavery that teacher would have been out of my.

Building that day and when it stood for it it's not happening in Florida I don't know a single school where white kids being told you should feel guilty it is the scientist's big lie and most people believe this why do you think the governor has introduced this particular piece of.

Legislation the governor has introduced this legislation because he wants to be president the governor is doing this to attract extreme right wing of his party and he's intentionally creating a monster just so he could be the one to slays it this woke mob thing he came up with.

This is going to be the next president of the United States I hope not Dr Don has responded to the stop woke act by organizing what he calls teach the truth tours today he's brought a group of students and their parents to the former town of Rosewood the main reason I want you to walk all the way.

Here was to be able to see and us and that bus was downtown Rosewood that's where the Juke Joint was some of y'all you want to know what a juke joint was that's why people party the clubs once a thriving mostly black community Rosewood was burned to the ground in 1923 after a white woman claimed to have been assaulted by a black man.

Survivors fled into the surrounding swamps this path is what remains of a railroad that allowed some people to escape lies were saved on this Railroad Track by a white man and his wife white people helped us in Rosewood and that should be recognized this was the path to safety that makes this spot Secret.

Dr Don has purchased this land and hopes to turn it into a park no governor no president can take our history away amen and that's why we're here not to make anybody angry not to upset anybody we're here for our own purposes with the help of the students he's planting roses and azaleas flowers that.

Bloomed here 100 years ago I don't think most Americans white or black conservative or liberal like what's going on this definitely play well in Florida but will it work in Pennsylvania will it work in Michigan Ohio even if he wins the presidency even.

Those are two terms this is a side track for our country this is not us this will pass America enters unchartered Waters this week as former president Trump was indicted on 34 criminal charges we do see this bump in the in the polls for Trump trump widening his lead after.

The news of the indictment came out whether or not this type of momentum can be sustained all right Donald Trump continues to hold a substantial lead over Rhonda Santos as the preferred Republican nominee the Florida governor is yet to confirm.

His running Donald Trump and his supporters are preparing for a fight I never had a warm and fuzzy feeling background DeSantis so I mean I voted for him he's so far he's been a good good Governor but this presidential run we won't be happy we'll have to choose and I'm afraid.

Governor DeSantis will be on the losing side um

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