How ISRO slapped the BBC within the face for its detrimental coverage of India’s location program | WA Recordsdata


HowISRO slapped the BBC within the face for its detrimental coverage of India's location program | WA Recordsdata

Joins us now from Delhi hey Newtongood to have you with us I was going to ask you how much it cost what Ijust read so 145 million bucks what is what does India hope to get out ofthis country that has extreme poverty I think more than 700 million Indiansdon't have access to a toilet a toilet s not a Pax Americana ISRO has always been more concerned with helpingIndia's space program and other state goals than competing with other space organizations aroundthe world it has made a lot of progress in space technology and research by focusing on its skillsand top goals that matter this has helped it.

Become a key player in the field of space howeversome parts of the foreign media especially in the west often said that India spent too muchmoney on space and not enough on its people take a look at this short clip India space agencywill launch a spacecraft designed to boldly go where no Asian no Asian nation has gone thank youfor being on the program there is a huge debate about a country like India investing so much inspace well I think as as recognized by India the the space technology is a very powerful one anda very important one if a country is going to progress and I think they've recognized this andthey make the investment they've been very clever about their investment because they used to buytheir satellites they used to buy their equipment but gradually they have transferred that over tomanufacturing it themselves it is commendable that.

The guest had such an informed perspective on thesubject that he was able to speak rationally about India's space endeavor on the other hand thenews broadcaster did not appear to grasp the substantial advantages that come with having aspace organization in a country such as India she continued by questioning whether thereis evidence to support the notion that space programs have a substantial effect on the generaleconomic growth and development of a country but what evidence is there to show thatcountries that have really pushed forward in terms of their space programs have seen youknow an economic benefit well I can offer the news reporter a long list of examples in whichISRO has benefited India telemedicine it's a system that links Rural and outlying regions ofIndia to experts in the country's major cities.

Patience in outlying regions have gained access toMedical Specialists they might not have had before disaster management India was able to Monitor andrespond to natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes thanks to Indian space researchorganization agriculture better agricultural practices can have multiple advantages for anation including boosting the livelihoods of its own citizens and generating foreign currencythrough exports crop forecasting isro's satellites provide data on land and crop patterns whichare used to forecast crop yields and provide early warnings about potential crop failuresdue to weather events such as drought or floods Precision farming isro's satellite imagery is usedto identify specific areas of land that require irrigational fertilizers helping Farmers tooptimize their resource usage and maximize their.

Crop yields soil mapping isro's satellite data isused to map soil types and their nutrient content which helps Farmers make informed decisions aboutcrop selection and fertilizer application weather monitoring isro's weather satellites providereal-time data on weather patterns which is used to predict and respond to weather events that canimpact crops such as heavy rainfall or heat waves education the Indian space research organizationhas helped Indian children in education in several ways like tele-education mobile scienceexhibitions and its various satellites like GSAT 11 it has played a significant rolein providing internet connectivity in India especially in remote and rural areas defensewho can forget the denial of GPS data by the U.S government during the Kargil War when Pakistanimilitary disguised as terrorists infiltrated India.

This was actually a driving force behind thedevelopment of India's navic as Satellite Systems controlled by Foreign governmentsare not guaranteed in hostile situations ISRO and drdo have contributed to India'sdefense by advancing its missile systems and providing numerous Technologies moreover itis possible that the news reporter could develop seizures after discovering that India's lunarMission has found water on the moon's surface the United States had spent a substantialamount of money on moon missions including manned missions satellite missions and lunar rovermissions Etc however it was not until October 2008 that India's chandrayaan-1 Mission which cost lessthan 50 million dollars discovered water on the moon with the help of an instrument on boardthe chandrian spacecraft called minisar which.

Was developed by NASA in fact India's chandrianproject paved the way for additional scientific exploration and experimentation to be conducted byNASA on the moon the lunar reconnaissance Orbiter which has a price tag of over 500 million dollarsand the lunar crater observation and sensing satellite which has a price tag of 80 milliondollars are two of the most notable examples apart from legit scientific contributions to thespace Community ISRO has challenged the idea that only rich countries can afford to participate inspace research by showing that exploring space does not have to be a costly endeavor isro's MarsOrbiter Mission also called mangalion was also a technology demonstration mission India was theonly country to reach Mars on its first try even before the Chinese whose first attempt in 2011was failed and took nine more years to reach Mars.

ISRO reached this milestone for less than 73million dollars which is a lot less than it costs to make a Hollywood movie for example theMartian cost more than 108 million dollars to make scientists also learned more about thesurface of Mars because of the mission ISRO has put out severalhigh-definition pictures of Mars which in my opinion looks stunning duringthe Mars conjunction in May and June 2015 Indian scientists used data from the MarsOrbiter mission to study the solar Corona when the Earth and Mars are on opposite sides ofthe Sun the sun's Corona can be seen as a bright ring around the moon during a solar eclipsescientists were able to study the solar Corona and places where the temperature changes quicklybecause of this rare event scientists use the data.

They got from this event to study the temperaturedensity and magnetic field of the solar Corona this helped them learn more about how theSun works and how it affects space weather India has also given its neighbors likeAfghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan the Maldives Nepal Pakistan and Sri Lanka access to a specializedsatellite the satellite is also known as the sarc satellite and it can be used for a wide varietyof purposes Beyond Simple satellite Communications these include weather and disaster warning andmanagement navigation education and e-governance Agriculture and more as of March 26 2023 India hadlaunched 422 satellites for 34 different countries India has also become known as a trustworthy andaffordable place to launch satellites which has brought business from all over the world in thepast few years the country has sent satellites.

Into space for countries like the US Canada UKFrance Israel Italy Japan Australia Brazil Etc now India's space agency has reached a point where itis actively contributing in astrophysics research India's astro-sat Space Telescope scientificachievements are too many to enumerate in August 2020 astrosat detected extreme ultraviolet lightfrom a Galaxy 9.3 billion light years away from Earth it has also witnessed the emergence of blackholes astrosat has discovered rare ultraviolet bright burning stars in the Milky Way astrosatdetected a gamma ray emission on January 5th 2017. it was unclear whether this incident was relatedto the gravitational wave signal detected by ligo on January 4 2017 from the black hole merger eventastrosat helped in differentiating the two events India is also developing new technologiesfor more cost-effective space missions such.

As small satellite launch vehicle which isdesigned to provide a cost-effective option for launching microsatellites weighingup to 500 kilograms into low earth orbit I can point out more accomplishments of ISRO suchas the India's reusable launch vehicle which has successfully performed its autonomous Landinghowever listening to isro's accomplishments may cause the BBC's brain to whirl and cause it tocollapse into the ground where India is about to launch its astronauts into space while the UK isstruggling to send a satellite into Earth orbit instead of criticizing India for why itis spending money on Space BBC should have asked whether India could help itscountry in the field of space technology I am certain that India would never back downin terms of assisting other countries in space.

Technology just as it did for the UnitedArab Emirates to reach Mars which made the UAE the first Arab country to do so however ifyou're good at something never do it for free I I I think it is aha

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3 thoughts on “How ISRO slapped the BBC within the face for its detrimental coverage of India’s location program | WA Recordsdata

  1. I dont accept as true with gow the enviornment is elope I accept as true with if we constructed houses off the bottom farmed off the bottom and constructed rivers on high of river and oceans on high of oceans and we suited the animals on the bottom treasure they werq our family that the aliens woild uncover us a higher manner.Rather then that I in point of fact feel even wirh suffering Within the occasion you would possibly perhaps perhaps be ready to slump to arrangement that you would possibly perhaps perhaps believe to smooth While showing the most compassion as doable to the animals and folk

  2. Read this to know about our previous and achievements. Feeble India's Achievments:1. Brits yell they gave us education. Nonetheless, we already had damaged-down universities treasure nalanda, takshashila, vikramshila, and plenty extra over thousands of years ago. 2.Indians had ideas of calculus earlier than west treasure quite a lot of sequence for pi, energy sequence for sine and cosine, inverse tangent sequence, and plenty extra. These sequence had been made by Madhava, who was once a medieval indian mathematician and astronomer. 2. Aryabhatta invented sine feature. 3. Bhaskara II gave as much as date definitions of sine and cosine. 4. Sushruta carried out advanced surgeries treasure mind, cataract, rhinoplasty, limb, and plenty extra over 2000 years ago. Surgery was once invented in Egypt first, nevertheless we made many contributions to it.5. Maharishi Kanad, a philosopher, proposed the premise of atoms in 600 BCE. 6. Brahmagupta invented the formula to search out out the dwelling of cyclic quadrilaterals. 7. Decimal Plan.8. Binary quantity system by pingala.9. Ayurveda. 10. Bhaskara I talked about that the at the very most sensible point the velocity of swap is zero. 11. Varahamihira predicted water on Mars thousands of years ago. 12. Sridharacharya invented the as much as date-day quadratic formula. 13. Solutions to quadratics. Up to date India's Achievements:1. Har Gobind Khorana synthesized the essential synthetic gene and demonstrated the role of nucleotides in protein synthesis. He also artificially synthesized coenzyme A and carried out an enormous role in cracking the genetic code. I reccomend you analysis and be taught extra about him. He shaped as much as date genetics. 2. Chandryaan 3 touchdown on the south pole of moon.3. Mars Mission.4. Sun Mission (Aditya – L1)5. Fiber optics by Narinder Singh Kapany. 6. Jagdish Chandra Bose was once one amongst the pioneers in wireless dialog earlier than Marconi and transmitted indicators earlier than him.7. Discovery of millimeter waves by Jagdish Chandra Bose. 8. Discovery of cholera toxin by Dr. Sambhu Nath De. 9. USB by Ajay Bhatt. 10. Pentium Chips by Vinod Dham. 11. S.N. Bose made contributions to quantum mechanics treasure Bose-Einstein condensate and laid the foundations for Higgs Boson. 12. Quantum Statistics by S.N. Bose. Also, Boson particles are named after him. 13. G.N. Ramachandran chanced on the triple helical building of collagen protein and deepened our realizing of sickle cell anemia.14. Ramachandran station, which is a instrument mature to visualize which angles can amino acids absorb proteins. 15. Venki Ramakrishnan chanced on the excessive resolution atomic building of ribosomes, which presents us a deeper realizing of how ribosomes device proteins. 16. Airplane by shivkar bapuji talpade in 1895, though we are no longer definite how correct here’s.17. Cervical Cerclage first described by Sirodkhar.There are a astronomical option of extra indian greats you would possibly perhaps perhaps believe to smooth analysis. Examples: Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, C.V. Raman and Raj Reddy (one amongst the pioneers in AI along with McCarthy).These brits committed horrific atrocities against us and introduced synthetic famines, which killed 100s of millions of Indians. They also r*ped teenage indian girls and supplied them to s*x slavery. They did the same with youthful girls folk. This caused a range of putrid stds. They also shot indian kids with rifles and flogged them with their whiplash instrument or whatever it is some distance. Ps, we had developed ship building industries and textile industries. They destroyed it. No longer handiest that, Westerners issue you about these inventions, nevertheless by no manner insist indian origins. No longer handiest that, these folk call us feeble, but gape at our damaged-down architecture.Hundreds of our inventions had been wrongfully attributed to Westerners. Also, I make no longer know why Greece is even handed Western when their custom is nothing shut to Western. They did no longer believe a civilization of their very have, so that they’d to acceptable Greek and Roman identity. If Greece and Rome did no longer exist, they’d originate calling Egypt, Babylon, and Sumeria as Western 😂😂. Well karma is a b**ch, anglos and diverse western nations are on a decline and I bet they won’t even exist in the arrival years since they save no longer appear to be reproducing and being overtaken by immigrants. Haha, they’ll revel of their demise.

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