Huawei has arrive roaring relieve, China educated warns


Huawei has arrive roaring relieve, China educated warns

New secretary of state Anthony blinkin meeting with xingping in Beijing earlier as he wraps up his three-day trip to China xiin ping telling blinkin that China is quote happy to see a confident open prosperous and thriving United States and he hopes the US can also look at China's development in a positive light blinkin also meeting with China's.

Foreign minister for nearly six hours who told blinkin quote the China us relationship is beginning to stabilize but warn that negative factors were increasing here's blinkin this morning on this trip watch I'm pleased to announce that earlier today we agreed to hold the first uspc talks on artificial.

Intelligence to be held in the coming weeks we'll share our respective views on the risks and safety concerns around Advanced Ai and how best to manage them we also spoke about ways that we can continue to grow People to People ties between our countries particularly educational exchanges so what did ultim me get done.

From this another meeting with us officials in China joining me now is Hudson Institute senior fellow Atlas organization founder and the author of the decisive decade Jonathan DT War Jonathan always pleasure anything strike you about blink's trip this time well um look Maria I mean I don't think this is time for Deton with the.

Communist Party of China I mean going over there and talking about what we can cooperate on as they undertake the most significant military buildup in modern history a major nuclear buildup as they continue to ship Fen all into the United States killing tens of thousands of Americans every year the idea that we're going to have these working groups and.

Discussions over you know high-end technologies that are patently dual use in Military and strategic competition I mean just we're not in a point in this competition where we even have a grand strategy that is anything you know looks anything like something focused on winning so um you know I I personally am losing my patience a bit with some of.

These meetings I mean at his press conference this morning he talks about having a working group with the Communist Party um of China on fentanyl just after Congress released a report that explains that the CCP is directly subsidizing the manufacture and export of fentanyl so you know I I just don't find um this terribly useful I mean it.

Was also supposedly blinkin was over there to explain to them that there would be serious consequences for their support for Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and if that's true I mean that's the kind of meaningful uh message that has to be delivered but um classical diplomacy is about VI it is about organizing the international.

Order so that our interests ultimately Prevail over um you know the most potent adversaries there are and I think um you know this is not in my view the diplomacy of Victory it's not the diplomacy of shaping the international order um against our main adversary I mean there is some of that there was a great visit um with Japan's prime.

Minister and with South Korea but I think we really need to be focused I mean the state department has to be focused on a global contest against um you know the these this this horrific regime in Beijing and and I think um you know the years of Engagement we did it for 40 years um we transformed China from an agrarian State into um you know.

An industrial and technological superpower and you know I don't think there's anything that we have left to give that will improve this relationship it's now about focusing on defeating them in geopolitical um you know sort of global competition well that's not what we hear from Anthony blinkin I mean you know just a minute ago when he's telling.

Us that we're going to share information on AI something tells me the Chinese are not going to share anything with the US in terms of how they're using AI particularly as they apply AI to their military as you just said there's a story in the journal this morning that says States take on China in the name of National Security I thought it was.

Interesting because it goes through the stakes that have the states in America that have actually been tough on China uh like uh for example uh they talking about uh Governor Glenn yunan also Christin gnome has been tough you know saying you can't can't come here and buy land in South Dakota next to our military installation same thing that.

Governor Glenn yunan has said about Virginia are the states doing more than the actual federal government to protect this country necessarily Maria I mean the thing that we have to realize is that beijing's strategy towards the US is at a very granular level I they actually have approaches to individual states to.

Individual cities to you know um sort of uh you know the legislatures inside um American states so they they are looking at how to play our system I mean that's been true for a long time and a lot of it has to do with the trade ties um you know you have some of the China lobbying groups in Washington explaining that um you know every state has its own trading.

Relationship with China that sort of thing so I think it is important for our states to get smarter on this for our Governors to understand how this works I mean I think unfortunately when we saw Governor Nome go over um to have his photo ops with Beijing um and and discuss electric vehicles and those sorts of things I mean you know we're.

Not yet I think focused as a nation on how to win this game other than in Congress which has had some very encouraging work come out in a bipartisan way but I think we do have to learn how to play this um you know across the board it's not just uh Washington versus Beijing it's going to be the whole country is going to have to.

Get um into this game and figure out how to uh how to compete and you part of this is going to be about you know the prosperity of our own State systems and you know building trade ties with other countries that are actually our friends learning how to offset that large chunk of trade with China which can be done at a state level I think that is going to.

Be important yeah and and it includes other constituents that uh Beijing has tried to Lobby like CEOs business like Hollywood like universities but you mentioned Congress Florida Senator Marco Rubio and New York congresswoman Elise stonic calling on the administration to block all sales to Huawei after the blacklisted Chinese company released a.

Computer powered by Intel's new AI processor chip they write to Commerce Secretary Gina Rondo this this would be unacceptable and a failure to enfor Force export controls against a blacklisted champion of the CCP which is actively working against the security interests of the United States we urge you to reconsider this damaging posture.

And immediately revoke all export licenses to Huawei Jonathan a word on Huawei because you've done an incredible amount of work on this I wrote all about this in my book the cost which came out in 2020 Huawei is the ccp's main tool of surveillance is it not in terms of surveilling other countries Huawei.

Equipment is used all around the world and now you've got these two lawmakers urging jior Rand the Commerce Department not to give business to Huawei and put these pipes in American homes and businesses because they're spying on us well look Huawei has come roaring back I mean this is very distressing I mean they're at the end of 2023 their total.

Revenue was $100 billion dollar so that would put them squarely in uh you know in the fortune uh Global 100 probably so you know one of the biggest companies in the world and they've really been allowed to grow back um there was a lot of success and a lot of focus I think in the Trump Administration on um getting them out of the alliance system pushing.

Them out of the us we got them out of Australia out of the UK I mean India banned Huawei long ago and they banned Tik Tock too by the way without any real economic damage to themselves um but you know Huawei as the FBI told us years ago um is is just at the centerpiece of China's um intent to dominate um International uh telecommunications.

Infrastructure I mean their chairman of their board was for former employee of um China's State security services you know all of the it's a long list we all know that but they've been able to come back most of this uh revenue is in the China market and and their access to American Technology has allowed them um to produce new products uh one of which.

Was announced during Gina rando's visit the um the the handset that they released um and they're still a somewhat international company and they've got a lot of Revenue in Europe uh Middle East Africa and some in Asia so so we have a big job to do when it comes to Huawei um it's I think it's it's um unfortunate that they've come back and we've got to.

Focus on finishing the job yeah all right Jonathan great to have uh this chat we so appreciate your time this morning Jonathan DT Ward joining us on communist China and

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3 thoughts on “Huawei has arrive roaring relieve, China educated warns

  1. What? This dinky prig thinks he's John Boulton Jr. And the realm doesn't favor to any extent further of that! Despite the topic, the largest thing is to support communications open. I'd heard Blinkin used to be going abet all over again to China in disclose to wag his dull ignorant finger in Xi's face at shut range. We don't favor to any extent further of THAT either. I'm sure others perceive this sense I truly accept as true with observing Blinkin in “in the china store” going abet to China to assemble a idiot of himself all over again. It's fancy when Fox announced Biden's “victory” in Arizona. Although no so earth shattering, as we've radically change inured to earth shattering events since then. I state it's correct helplessness (in the face of SUCH IDIOTS)

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