‘In actuality creepy’: Extinct Australian PM on Trump’s admiration for Putin


'In actuality creepy': Extinct Australian PM on Trump's admiration for Putin

The Republican Party under Donald Trump and particularly the right wing of the Republican Party are very sympathetic to Vladimir Putin I mean I've been with Trump and Putin uh Trump is in awe of Putin he's uh when you see Trump with Putin as I have on a few occasions he's like the 12-year-old boy that goes to high school.

And meets the captain of the football team my era it is really creepy it's really creepy that's former Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnell weighing in on the this week on the relationship between former uh president Trump and President Vladimir Putin and and Willie our own Jonathan lamir got an up close.

And personal view uh of that really creepy relationship I think uh Russian thugs manhandled him and threw him out of the room after that that yeah but yeah up close and personal where again Donald Trump said he trusted Vladimir Putin more than he trusted his own intelligence Chiefs that he had appointed yeah uh a moment in Helsinki.

That no one will ever forget John and also it's so fascinating to hear another world leader who's actually been in private rooms and just watched that Dynamic to have him say it now out loud that the thing you think about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin is true yeah seeing that Insight uh you but it's what we all saw on display I mean in Helsinki.

And the handful of other times that that the Trump and Putin met and it seemed that just even the body language was so obvious who was who was in charge of that particular setting uh and Trump seemed so eager to please uh whatever Vladimir Putin wanted and we know of course that happened uh behind the scenes and and even with uh with policy.

And again we're at a moment now where the Russia questions continue to dog Trump as well as they should his his praise of his praise of Putin uh heading into this year's election now we know that the the informant that was at the heart of the Republican house committee's efforts to impeach Joe Biden was a russan was may have been a Russian.

Asset so these questions still persist it's the exact relationship between Trump and Putin and if nothing else Trump and his colleagues useful idiots for Moscow and Joe as we know Donald Trump dreams of the kind of power that Vladimir Putin has which is power without restraints of say a constitution a congress a media that holds him in.

Check and now he said some of these things out loud this time around in a way he wasn't quite so explicit about last time right you know it doesn't make sense none of it has made sense from the very beginning you can have people writing op beds on the Trump right talking about oh no Russian hoax no Russian connection no.

Russian this no Russian that well you know they're going to have to go a long way to explain his bizarre behavior over the years uh starting on our Show when he said that you know yeah Putin May kill people but we kill a lot of people too in the United United States but at least Putin is a strong leader you fast forward to the invasion and Donald Trump.

Is saying that you know Vladimir Putin's brilliant with his invasion uh uh then saying he would end the war in Ukraine in a day doesn't take as Wall Street Journal Dan hener said doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure out how that would look and he talked about Munich 1938 uh and now of course just uh if you.

Look now Chris right now the Ukrainian troops are being killed they are dying they are on their back hill the Russian Invaders are pushing them forward why because Donald Trump told Mike Johnson don't help the ukrainians by Omission help Vladimir Putin and Mike Johnson Speaker of the House said okay you know I think uh there used to.

Be guard rails in the cold war that you we would ask ourselves I mentioned this before you'd say well can Stalin kill people he's head of the Soviet Union can he kill people if he wants to he this people don't of course he could and we want it all the way up through cruff can he still kill people when he wants to I don't know but here's a guy that naali I.

Thought that would stop a lot of people say well I'm up to I don't want to fight on on behalf of Ukraine but I don't care about General the politics of the Eastern European countries and the people in the near Perimeter of Russia but he's killing people right I would think that would make people the most Pro Trump person in the world say well.

Wait a minute we're not on that guy's side he's a killer but they have it nothing seems to work in in the old guard rails where people say to a point you know you can be with somebody and you say well let's try to way to De Hillary I thought for a while was going to try to deal with Putin in a different way but you just got to recognize the.

Guy's a killer well they're politically unored they are when it comes to politics they are morally unored and it is so shameful caddy that you actually have Republicans n gingr for one saying oh Donald Trump is navali here you have navali dying in a Russian goog um and and in the most most awful way and you have Donald Trump flying.

Around under 757 in his country club in in South Florida um and and again getting in trouble for what one judge said raping a woman that doesn't sound like Naval behavior for stealing nuclear secrets for lying to the FBI lying to this to the justice department about whether he still had the documents.

Refusing to return those documents doesn't sound like navali and yet they shamelessly draw a line between naly and Donald Trump it is it is I I've used the word before over the last week or two is so grotesque and they do it completely and utterly without shame yeah

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3 thoughts on “‘In actuality creepy’: Extinct Australian PM on Trump’s admiration for Putin

  1. Lawful fancy the GOP, the Australian Liberal Party is controlled by non secular nut instances. Malcolm Turnball was modified by Peter “Voldemort” Dutton, a christian extremist.Australian Sky News, simply fancy Fox News, is a conservative propaganda machine stacked with Liberal Party stooges. Evidently, Sky News also devoutly panders to Diaper Donnie, whilst attacking someone who doesn't part their toxic fascist ideology.

  2. Comments beneath tells the shortcoming of awareness of Americans when it involves global political affairs. So the largest diplomatic failure after WWII created at some stage in Biden Admin is Trump's fault. OK.Within the '90s Americans promised Russia will not dissipate east of Germany. They did. Relief when Russia voluntarily gave as a lot as soviet diagram/ communist, US grew to become their reduction and left them to die.In 2008 Putin acknowledged at NATO summit they develop not favor Ukraine in NATO. Americans did not listed. Within the period in-between all jihadi teams in Syria, Chechenia and the Taliban were sponsored by US, plus so known as Arab Spring that modified secular dictators with fanatical non secular teams.Preserve vote blue for WW III other folks! And don't forget, blame is on Trump!

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