Indispensable US city declares itself a sanctuary city for trans of us


Indispensable US city declares itself a sanctuary city for trans of us

Now this a teachers union in Massachusetts is accused of being anti-semitic they just hosted a webinar with a professor who is praised Hamas for the October 7th attacks uh on Israel clay Travis joins us now great to see you clay uh let me ask you this why does anti-semitism seem to be taking such a hold at schools and college campuses.

Across America it's remarkable yeah because of this toxic identity politics I think is the root cause thanks for having me on here uh and basically what it teaches is your skin color dictates whether you're a victim or an oppressor and many young Knuckleheads on college campuses have bought into the idea that because Jewish.

People tend to be wh- skinned that despite the fact that they were the victims of a Hamas terrorist attack that they have to be considered the oppressor the colonizer and they can't understand the idea of Jewish people being victims it's particularly disappointing because Jewish people have tended to victims for basically the last 2,000 some odd years.

Uh and we just had on October 7th the deadliest day for Jewish people since the Holocaust which was in living memory for many people that are still out there uh and it feels like in many ways race relations and just basic Intelligence on college campuses have been in a retrogression for some years now very quickly clay I want to go back.

To the story before we brought you on about the Australian soccer team where half of the team are are you know transgender women or girls um I say it makes a mockery and and yet we're hearing these stories more and more what's your take well I mean this is ridiculous it's absurd and it's indefensible and what's.

Particularly disappointing is the number of feminists who won't stand up and say women sports should be for women uh men who decide to identify as women should not be wom Champions this is something we've been covering aggressively at outkick through Riley gains since I'm sure you know her story she had to swim against a man who decided to identify as.

A woman swam for three years on the pens men's team flips over becomes a woman all of a sudden and wins a women's NCAA Championship uh I I think it's everything that's wrong with sport there's a reason we divide men and women I thought Lauren was 100% right men are bigger faster and stronger uh than than women are that's a biological reality.

Some women are stronger than some men but at elite athletic competitions men are going to be bigger stronger and faster yeah it's it's I can't even get my head around here I want to get to this one clay Sacramento uh just declared itself a sanctuary City not for a legal migrants but for transgender people uh it means that no City.

Resources can be used to criminalize people who are looking for gender affirming care I mean is this going too far I I I don't have a major issue personally with adults deciding that they would be happier if they identify as a member of a different gender I think it's unlikely to make you way happier personally but if you're an.

Adult and you want to make that decision uh I'm okay with it what I really have an issue with is when we're giving puberty blockers to 11y olds or 12 year olds or when we are trying to change the biology of children before they have grown into adulthood some of these kids are getting sterilized for life they making life-altering decisions we don't.

Let kids get tattoos uh you know when they're 16 years old you can get punished for that how in the world can we let somebody decide that they want to remove their genitals at 16 or 15 or 14 that to me seems crazy that's where I would focus uh most significantly you know it was never an issue and then it has become an issue I.

Mean I hate to put it in these terms but is it a fad I mean I can't I can't understand how all of a sudden all of these young boys or young girls want to change sex well what I think it speaks to more than anything else is How Deeply uncomfortable many people are in their own skin and I think that's been.

Exacerbated by social media particularly for young people they look constantly into their phones at Instagram at at at unrealistic imagery make themselves get depressed and then I think look for a Lifeline why am I depressed they don't really know how to handle the emotions and so they swing from one vacillating idea to another maybe I would feel.

Better if I were a different gender a different sexuality it's challenging times uh and I think social media has made it worse and as you say it can be a lifelong altering uh transformation and you know God forbid that they regret it later in life but we'll leave it there clay Travis great stuff as always thanks.

For joining us hey appreciate you all thanks a lot all right

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