Inquire Length – April 8, 2024


Inquire Length – April 8, 2024

McKinsey and company which is arguably responsible for the opioid crisis across North America does understand and it complied. The Government of Canada, not so much. Here's what some of the officials had to say: Now,.

Mr. Matthews Shea who works for privy council, again, the Prime Minister's department. Says there are privacy acts and information acts that apply above the supremacy of parliament. He also says they are guided by open accountable government.

Policy. And he thinks personal information and the privacy act is something he has to be very sensitive to. So here we have the Prime Minister's own department stating the Privacy Act and internal policies trumps the.

Supremacy of parliament. He says a big part of any of the requests is the importance as a government of working the Committee to mind a solution. So they are not actually obeying the rule of law. Not obeying the supremacy of parliament.

But finding solutions together. One of my colleagues asked him are you aware of parliament is supreme in its ability to call for documents? He says, yes, I respect the role of Parliament but again he has honoured traditions he has to follow.

Not the law. But honoured traditions. When asked whether he believes several previous rulings confirmed the supremacy of Parliament. The Pco Matthew Shea, it's not whether I agree with the ruling or not.

It's a government position. The Government position as stated by the Privy Council Office T, the Prime Minister'S Office, We Do Not Obey the Law, We Do Not Obey the Supremacy of Parliament. He then told parliament, they could hide everything they want.

Because it could possibly be tied to confidential advice to cabinet. Now I realize I'm running out of time, and I want to follow up — conclude quickly, it's very clear that the position of this government is leading other witnesses to ignore the.

Supremecy of parliament. The Government must enforce the rules. The Government must set an example and follow the rules of parliament itself. The Government must recognize the see p supremacy of particle Thank you, Madam Speaker.

>> Madam Speaker: The Honourable Member will have 5 minutes for questions and comments after oral questions. Statements by members. [Voice of Translator]: The Honourable Member for Richmond-Athabasca. >> [Voice of Translator]:.

Madam Speaker, I would like to pay tribute to a group of athletes from my heart, and they will take part in the ultratrail, the grand race with a better than of disability. this will take place — with a person with disability. And Louis barr syndrome, and.

Overcome the technical A person with a disability and a strong will to live using an all-terrain wheelchair called a Jolet. 20 or so runners will have to cover 100 kilometres with an altitude difference of over 5,000 metres, a group of.

Individuals who want to demonstrate through this enormous challenge that, together, we can ensure that our society offers equal opportunity to everyone regardless of our physical situation. Bravo to the entire team. You are an example to us all and.

An inspiration. [ End of Interpretation ] >> The Speaker: Honourable Member for Nepean. >> Madam Speaker, yesterday, April 7th marked a solemn occasion as we observe the International Day of Reflection On the 1994 Genocide Against the.

Tutsi In Rwanda. This year, we also commemorated the 30th annual service of the tragedy where over 800,000 Tutsi were killed in 100 days of unimaginable violence. It means to remember, it is a call to victims, support survivors and educate us and.

Others about the history and the impact of the genocide. This day reminds us of the devastating consequences of hatred and intolerance and reaffirm our dedication to preventing such atrocities. Let us renew our commitment to a world where the lessons of the.

Past guide us towards justice, compassion, and a future free from such horrors. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Oshawa. >> Mr. Speaker, I'm honoured to recognize the 100th anniversary of the city of Oshawa as we.

Reflect on a century of growth, resilience and community spirit, we're proud of the tapestry of achievements and shared experience that have shaped our city. Oshawa, a name first chosen to represent the original settlement near Harmony Creek.

Received city status on March 8th, 1924. From the assembly lines of General Motors to our vibrant cultural scene, Oshawa continues to thrive fueled by the passion and dedication of residents. The true architects of our success.

It's been an honour to serve as Oshawa's Member of Parliament since 2004 and I look forward to sharing the representation with our cities with the new Conservative member for Durham. Let us continue to nurture the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurialship that defined.

Oshawa for generations fostering a dynamic environment where dreams take flight and possibilities are limitless. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for St. John's east. >> Mr. Speaker, kids hungry at.

School cannot focus on learning. We can and we are going to fix this. A national school food program so kids don't go hungry at school. Over 400,000 kids across Canada, giving parents peace of mind. Helping kids reach the full.

Potential with healthy lunches and, Mr. Speaker, I thought this would be one idea that we could all agree on. But the opposition just can't seem to get on-board with helping kids out. We are here for parents and kids.

The Canada Child Benefit has already lifted over 100,000 kids out of poverty, including over 7,300 kids in St. John's East whose parents receive an average of $5,800 a year. I can't wait to see the incredible impact of the school food program.

There's no better investment for our government than in young Canadians. Thank you. [ Some Applause ] >> (Voice of Interpreter): A reminder — [ End of Interpretation ] Keep the volume of the Chamber.

Down. So great statements can be well heard. [ Voice of Interpreter ] The Honourable Member for Montcalm. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, a gentleman appreciated by all.

Having had good fortune to sit in the National Assembly at the same time as him, I can confirm this. No matter how intense partisan rhetoric, Benoit Pelletier never crossed the line of intellectual integrity and that's why he has our utmost respect.

One of the most brilliant constitutional law specialists of his generation, he embodied within the liberal family nothing less than Quebec's national conscience. He was a true federalist who believed both in the importance of Ottawa, respecting Quebec's.

Jurisdiction, and in the pride of Quebecers. Today, we see the passing of one of the last Quebecers to have defended this perspective vigorously but also intelligently and in good faith. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

Who will miss him dearly. Thank you, Benoit Pelletier. [ Some Applause ] >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Châteauguay–Lacolle. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, it is tax season. Across the country, thousands of.

Volunteers are active helping fellow citizens complete their tax returns. In our riding of Châteauguay–Lacolle, soon to be the (Speaking French) the volunteer tax clinic, the volunteer action centre of greater Chateauguay and the.

Jardine action service are on the ground helping people qualify for our excellent programs such as the Canada Child Benefit and the Canadian Dental Care Plan, the GST credit, the disability credit, the care giver credit and many more.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [ End of Interpretation ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Foothills. >> On April 6th, I hope many Canadians had a wee drama to celebrate our Canadian Scottish heritage. It is happy tartan day.

This is to commemorate the declaration of our signing of the independence of Scotland, honouring the strong bonds between Canada and Scotland and the immense influence this relation has had on our cultures. Like millions of Canadians that.

Share the Canada Scotland Canada friendship group, my wife was born in Scotland and my kids were raised to honour their Scottish heritage. It started in Nova Scotia more than 40 days ago but now tartan day is recognized across Canada to celebrate our deep Scottish.

Roots. Last weekend, many Canadians donned their kilts with their colourful family tartans, listened to bagpipes, maybe did a Highland fling or tossed a caber at a Highland games. I would encourage all Canadians next year to join with friends.

And family and celebrate happy tartan day. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Surrey–Newton. >> [Speaking alternate language] Mr. Speaker, this month marks the fifth anniversary of Sikh heritage month. This act which I introduced as.

Private Member's Bill received royal assent on April 30th, 2019. Sikh heritage month allows us to celebrate and educate nations about the inspirational role that Sikh Canadians have played and continue to play in communities across Canada.

On April 20th, Khalsa Kay and Vaisakhi will be celebrated in Surrey–Newton, the annual event will attract over half a million people of all faiths and backgrounds. These celebrations signifies commitment to equality while upholding the spirit of selfless.

Service and unity. I thank Sikh Canadians across our nation who, over the past 125 years, have helped build Canada into the country it is today. [Speaking at nail lang alternat] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Halifax.

>> Mr. Speaker, it's widely acknowledged that schools play a fundamental role in assisting our youth in their intellectual and personal development. Today, I rise to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the sacred hearts school of Halifax. Throughout its history, Sacred.

Heart remained committed to the mission of the founder and her conviction that education has the power to bring about societal change. Over the years, Sacred Heart provided generations of students with an exceptional experience, one focused on educational.

Excellence, community and, of course, heart. They have demonstrated their students can be the best in the world all while still being the best for the world. Sacred Heart alumni are making significant contribution to our country notably in medicine and.

Research and culture so congratulations to Sacred Heart on their 175th anniversary and thank you for the many contributions you make to Halifax and to the world. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Sherwood Park–Fort.

Saskatchewan. >> This Prime Minister used to say that no relationship was more important to him than Canada's relationship with Indigenous people and yet this NDP-Liberal Government is using Indigenous contracting to funnel money to well-connected.

Government insiders in ways that produce more actual benefit for Indigenous communities. This is a gross betrayal of taxpayers and of Indigenous peoples. David Yao is the arrivescam contractor, we still don't know what he actually did for the.

Money. Yao's two-person company benefited from an Indigenous contract set aside even though no Indigenous community saw money. Indigenous leaders warned the liberals' approach to contracting is encouraging shell.

Companies and others to gain advantage in procurement processes all to the detriment of legitimate people of Canada, communities and businesses. It's time to end the corruption, to respect taxpayers, and to insist that Indigenous contracting policies actually.

Benefit Indigenous peoples not well-connected NDP-liberal insiders. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member nor Brampton south. >> [Speaking alternate language] Mr. Speaker, this week, Sikhs in Canada and around the world are celebrating Vaisakhi and Khalsa.

Day. That is why today's Sikh Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast came together to celebrate this official celebration on the Hill where they attended a Lee-day long religious — followed by — I want to welcome and thank.

Everyone who took the time to celebrate with us today. Vaisakhi is a time for Sikhs to reflect on their faith, history and values. As they come together as a community to celebrate equality and selfless service. This April, we also celebrate.

The fifth anniversary of Sikh Heritage Month, acknowledging the achievements of Sikhs as they have been an integral part of Canada's history and reflect on the teachings of the guru who established Khalsa in 1669. On behalf of the residents of Brampton south, I wish everyone.

In Brampton and across the world happy Sikh heritage month and happy Vaisakhi. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for York–Simco. >> Mr. Speaker, can you hear that? That's the sound of stomachs.

Rumbling from coast-to-coast-to-coast. It's no wonder. With millions of Canadians lined up outside of food banks every month, but the hunger doesn't stop there. Every time Canadians see sky-rocketing price of meat,.

Butter and vegetables, hungry. Every time they see the numbers on the gas pumps ticking up and up, hungry. Every time they hear about another liberal ethics scandal, hungry. Every time they look to buy a home, pay rent, or renew their.

Mortgage, hungry. Every time their car is stolen and drug use and crime rises in their community, hungry. Every time they see this out of touch Prime Minister hike their taxes again, hungry. Canadians are hungry for new leadership from a Conservative.

Government that will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, stop the crime, and bring home a Canada where Canadians aren't going hungry anymore. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Calgary Shepard.

>> The financial post headlines says it all. Under this Prime Minister, our national debt has more than doubled, more than all other prime ministers combined. The consequences are spiralling inflation, sky rocketing interest rates hitting every.

Single Canadian family. Now, rents and mortgages have doubled. Food banks see record visits in the millions and where is the Liberal Government? Well, it's M-i-a, missing in action. This year alone Canada will.

Spend $46.5 billion to service the debt, more than we spend on health care annually an entire country. After eight years of the NDP-Liberal Government common sense conservative demand a dollar-for-dollar rule. It's common sense.

We need to stop the wreckless overspending, stop inflation and stop punishing Canadian families. After all, this is how Canadian families balance their own budgets every single month. So enough is enough. My constituents know that this.

Prime Minister's just not worth the cost and after the next carbon tax election, we'll finally have a conservative government. [ Some Applause ] >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Sherbrooke.

>> (Voice of Interpreter): Thank you, Mr. Speaker. There are people who know how to leave a positive mark on their community like a Sherbrooke couple to whom I would like to pay tribute today. Originally from Madagascar, they worked hard to first become.

Owners of a pharmacy in Sherbrooke's east end where they served our community for 28 years. They have also made it their mission to give back to their community. Involved in the world traditions festival, (Speaking French).

And several community kitchens, they also financially support a number of Sherbrooke community initiatives passionate about the arts, the couple are also active in the cultural community, notably at the Sherbrooke Museum of Fine Arts. With their children, they.

Founded (Speaking French) to contribute to the development of urban projects promoting a mix of residential, commercial and cultural activities. This inspiring couple is a source of pride for Sherbrooke. Patrick and shamika, a huge thank you for all you do.

I wish you a happy retirement. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: I know that everyone's getting excited for Question Period, we still have a few S-31s to do so keep the conversation as low as possible. The Honourable Member for Vancouver Kingsway.

>> Mr. Speaker, I rise to bring to parliament attention the outstanding contributions of progressive intercultural community services to British Columbia and Canada. This superb Social Services society has been helping individuals in our communities.

For decades. I wish to congratulate them on their resounding success of their megajobs fair held recently in Vancouver Kingsway. This event matches the talents and energy of workers with the aspirations and needs of employers.

I want to recognize the CEO whose extraordinary leadership steers this great organization. His vision, skills, and compassion are key to their success. I also wish to recognize long-time Vancouver Kingsway resident Inderjit Hundle,.

Respect and care for elders is a model for us all. And we remember the founder of PIC. Let's celebrate all who work for pix who are committed to building an inclusive Canada where everybody's potential can flourish.

>> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member. Honourable Member. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Bloc Québécois I offer condolences for Jacob singer, an aid worker for the World Central Kitchen, he moved to the United.

States where he lived with his wife and their one-year-old baby. He was in Gaza to help. He was in Gaza like thousands of aid workers to restore a little hope to a place that has been devastated since the start of the conflict with Israel.

In times of war, when the worst atrocities are often committed, we must remember those who are ready to sacrifice their lives in the name of humanity and fraternity. Thank you, Mr. Flickinger, for your selflessness and generosity.

Let us hope world leaders finally find a solution to this interminable and intolerable conflict. [ End of Interpretation ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Battleford Lloydminster. >> Mr. Speaker, the costly and.

Punishing carbon tax is hurting Canadians. Families are being forced to choose between filling up their tanks, heating their homes or feeding their families. Not only have Conservatives given this NDP-Liberal Government several opportunities.

To action the carbon tax, seven of ten provincial premiers, municipalities across the country and millions of Canadians came out in opposition to the April 1st hike. But what was the Prime Minister's response? Let them eat cake.

Last week, 26% hike on gas, heat and groceries is another hit to Canadians who cannot afford it. Today, in Lloydminster and provincial border communities across the country, Canadians are protesting this devastating carbon tax. The Prime Minister cannot keep.

Ignoring the pain and the suffering that his ineffective and costly carbon tax is causing them because in the next election, Canadians won't let him. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Halifax West.

>> Speaker, seniors in my riding can count on a team delivering ten pound produce bundles for just $5 and with new support from the United Way those bundles are now completely free and double the number of seniors will receive them. This is great news for residents.

Of Fairview and Clayton Park and it's made possible by the vision of the United Way and the selfless efforts of the volunteers at Chebucto links. This is why we're launching a national school food program. Because when we tackle issues alongside community.

Organizations, big things get done. To Rachel and her entire team, thank you. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: Order. I have the honour to inform the house that the Clerk of the House has received from the.

Chief Electoral Officer a certificate of the election and return of Mr. Jivani, member for the electoral district of Durham. [ Some Applause ] >> Mr. Speaker, it is an honour to present to you Jamil Jivani, the Honourable Member for.

Durham. He has taken the oath, signed the roll and now takes the right to claim his seat. >> The Speaker: Will the Honourable Member take his seat. [ Applause ] Oral questions. [ Speaking French ].

[ Some Applause ] >> (Voice of Interpreter): When the common sense conservatives want to build moments, cut taxes, fix the budget and stop crime, the Prime Minister's not worth the cost. After eight years of inflation and about inflation, we have a.

Pyromaniac who is fanning the flames of inflationary fires with oil instead of water. We want to bring — can the Prime Minister recognize with all of this billions in spending it's getting hot and expensive for taxpayers? [ Some Applause ].

[ End of Interpretation ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Natural Resources. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Conservatives if they want to talk about the economy, we'll be happy to do so, with two million Canadians more, we've.

Lifted three million Canadians out of poverty since we came to power and we will continue to invest in Canadians rather than cutting programs such as what the Conservatives would do. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable leader of the official opposition.

>> (Voice of Interpreter): The Conservatives want to fix the budget to reduce inflation and interest rates but the Prime Minister's not worth the cost. Mortgages, according to the lead economist of Scotiabank, inflationary deficits from this Prime Minister are driving up.

Interest rates by 2% and preventing the Bank of Canada from reducing them. Canadians may lose their homes because of these big announcements with billions of dollars in inflationary spending. Can the Prime Minister recognize.

That his spending and mortgage rates are not worth the cost? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We are going to invest in Canadians and that is why we're going to help every generation.

To move forward by building more homes faster and by making life more affordable. This Conservative leader does not believe that everyone deserves a fair chance. We want to put fairness first. [ End of Interpretation ] >> We do have a common sense.

Conservative plan to axe the tax, build the homes, and fix the crime, while this Prime Minister is not worth the cost after eight years on inflation with all his multibillion dollar announcements, he is like the pyromaniac pretending to be a fireman except the hose is.

Spraying gas on the inflationary fire rather than water. According to the Scotiabank's chief economist, these inflationary deficits are driving up mortgage payments. Doesn't he realize that all of his spending is putting the heat and the costs on our home.

Owners? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Natural Resources. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This government has a plan for an affordable and prosperous future. We have a plan that is focused on ensuring that we are building.

More homes faster, making life more affordable and growing an economy that work for all Canadians. The Conservative leader has no plan for affordability other than a bunch of tag lines. He has no plan for addressing the environment.

He has no plan for the economy. We believe in ensuring that Canadians have a fair chance to succeed, and we are acting on that. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable leader of the official opposition.

>> Mr. Speaker, our plan is to axe the tax and cap the spending to bring down inflation and interest rates. We will have a carbon tax election. And people will choose whether they want to quadruple the tax to 61 cents with the NDP and the.

Prime Minister or axe the tax under my common-sense leadership. But in the meantime, people can't afford to eat. So will the Prime Minister show a little bit of compassion and accept my common-sense demand to axe the tax on farmers and food?.

>> The Speaker: The Honourable Member of housing. >> Mr. Speaker, it is laughable when I hear the conservative leader talk about affordability. He mentioned in a previous question some concerns he has around housing policy. His plan to build more homes, is.

To cut investments in home building, to raise taxes on those who are building homes, and when it comes to actually changing the way cities build homes, his deputy leader held a press conference to explicitly declare the conservatives are siding with the NIMBYs.

We're creating market conditions to get more homes built and change the way cities build homes so we can solve the housing crisis. >> The Speaker: The Honourable leader of the official opposition. >> They caused the housing.

Crisis, Mr. Speaker, under his role as Housing Minister, the amount of a paycheque necessary to make payments on an average mortgage has gone up to a record smashing 64% from 38%, and he's the only one, along with his Prime Minister, that wants to raise taxes on home building.

A massive carbon tax on the building materials that go into assembling those homes. So will the Prime Minister, instead of hiking the tax, accept my common-sense demand to axe the tax on farmers, food, and housing at the same time? >> The Speaker: The Honourable.

Minister of Infrastructure and Housing. >> Mr. Speaker, it's interesting, he's put his plan on the record and his plan includes putting the GST back on apartment construction for hundreds of thousands of middle-class homes in this.

Country. He has one of the worst records in the past decade of anyone when it comes to getting homes built when he had the position responsible for housing in parliament. Mr. Speaker, while he was minister, they built exactly.

Zero new apartments, zero could he operative units and only six affordable housing units across the entire country. We are helping get hundreds of thousands of homes built in this country and we will do what it takes to solve the crisis once and for all.

[ Some Applause ] >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for La Prairie. >> (Voice of Interpreter): After PharmaCare, dental care, and MAiD, you'd think we had seen the last of federal interference in Quebec's.

Jurisdiction. No. The Liberals have announced they also want to tell Quebecers how to build housing. This is the same government that lost control of immigration, created arrivescam which is unable to pay its own employees.

Through Phoenix, a monumental passport crisis and unable to manage its own borders. Imagine, this same government wants to lecture the provinces and Quebec. Are they not at least a little embarrassed? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The.

Honourable Minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, investing in housing in Quebec, is the Bloc against this? Investing in our daycares? Is the Bloc against this? Making sure that our young Quebecers go to school with full.

Tummies, is the Bloc against this? If that's the case, may they do like the Conservatives, Bloc/Conservatives seem to be on the same side. It's the Bloc Conservative Party. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The.

Honourable Member for La Prairie. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Prime Minister has the gall to add if the provinces don't want to bend to his conditions they don't have to take federal money. Do you know what we call that,.

Mr. Speaker? We call that blackmail. And not with federal money. There is no federal money. It's Quebecers' money. This government incapable of doing its own job has no legitimacy to deny Quebecers their share of the money they.

Pay in taxes. The Prime Minister cannot take the money of Quebecers hostage, he needs to stop playing political games. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Bloc is not the Government of.

Quebec, we're in discussion with the Quebec government and in fact the Quebec minister said this week that they're convinced that they can find agreements that will be win-win, Mr. Speaker. That's what the Quebec government thinks and that's.

What we think. It's win for Quebec and a win for Quebecers. It's just not a win for the Bloc. Once again, they are doing the same thing as their friends, their Conservative colleagues and it's the same thing today.

It's the Conservative-Bloc together. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Burnaby South. [ End of Interpretation ] >> — money the Conservatives gave away to big corporations when they were in power?.

$60 billion in free money. Now, imagine what we could have done with $60 billion. Instead of giving them to corporate hand-outs we could have build a million affordable homes. The Liberals love to criticize the Conservatives but they.

Maintain those same corporate hand-outs. My question to the Liberals: Will they stop the free ride for CEOs, will they stop the $60 billion in Conservatives corporate hand-outs and start investing in homes that people can afford, start building a.

Life that people can afford? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Natural Resources. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you to the Honourable Member for the question. Fairness is extremely important for Canadians. It is important that we are.

Building a society that is socially just, that is prosperous and environmentally sustainable. Our budget is going to focus on building more homes faster, making life more affordable for Canadians and growing an economy for the future.

We are very proud of the work that we are doing. We are certainly ensuring that fairness informs everything that we do. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Burnaby South. [ End of Interpretation ].

>> — nothing to say about the Conservative corporate hand-outs that they maintain. [ Voice of Interpreter ] The last time Conservatives were in power, big business got a big hand-out. A blank cheque for $60 billion. A gift that the Liberals kept.

Up. This money could have been used to build millions of affordable housing units. This is the price of voting Conservative. Will the Prime Minister commit today to reversing the Conservatives' $60 billion.

Hand-out to big business, “yes” or “no”? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, I'd like to thank my colleague for his question. It's really important to invest and to build a lot of houses.

Quicker and more affordably. [ End of Interpretation ] — necessary to ensure that we can solve the housing crisis. We are working at the same time to help grow the economy as we put money on the table as we announced this week to create an acquisition fund for non-profits.

Who maintain affordability permanently on top of the affordable housing fund investing billions of dollars to put a roof over the head of the most vulnerable. Mr. Speaker, we will do what it takes to make sure everyone in this country has a safe and.

Affordable place to call home. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Calgary forest lawn. >> Last week, this woke Prime Minister hiked this carbon tax scam 23% despite a majority of Canadians making him spike the hike. As we see record smashing food.

Bank usage across the country. Farmers will pay another billion dollars in this scam making the cost of groceries even more expensive. After eight years, this NDP-Liberal Government is not worth the cost. Will he pass Bill C-234 in its.

Original form next week or is it his agenda to push even more families into the food banks? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of employment and & workforce development. >> Mr. Speaker, I would like to know if Members of the.

Conservative Party who come from Alberta have paid particular attention to what premier Danielle Smith said about the Canada carbon rebate when she said she manages the finances of her own house and it turns out that the Canada carbon rebate gives her family more money than.

She puts in the price of pollution. Guess what, she lives in rural Alberta, so she gets even more, Mr. Speaker! That's a plan. I don't know what they're talking about! [ Some Applause ].

>> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Calgary Forest Lawn. >> What we would like to know is what his next job is because after the next election — [ Some Applause ] — they know after eight years this liberal NDP government is not worth the cost.

Why is this Prime Minister hiding, why doesn't he show some guts, call this meeting so the premiers can tell him to shove his carbon tax where his poll numbers are, in the gutters? [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: I know we've been away for a couple weeks,.

And we're looking forward to seeing each other but try to keep our comments as — as possible. The Honourable Minister of employment and workforce development. >> Mr. Speaker, it's nice to see how focused that particular M.P.

Is on me and my career. Guess what? My colleagues on this side of the aisle and me, we're focused on the Edmonton of Edmonton centre, focused on Albertans, Canadians, making sure they can pay their bills, making sure they have good jobs, making sure.

They're fighting climate change, having enough to eat, and less hot air. We're fighting for Canadians each and every day! [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: It's great seeing all of you guys, too, this is awesome.

The Honourable Member for Haldimand-Norfolk. >> After eight years of this liberal-NDP government, cost of living is out of control. Farmers are suffering and food has become unaffordable because of the carbon tax. Almost two million Canadians are.

Going to the food bank every single month. Yet on April 1st, the liberal-NDP government increased the carbon tax by 23%. Will this Prime Minister stop punishing Canadians and farmers and pass Bill 234 in its original form?.

>> HonourabHonourable Minister. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I think it's time the Conservative Party stop trying to mislead Canadians. The price on pollution is effective, a fact underlined by 200 economists across this country that said it is about –.

[ Interjections ] Effective way to reduce emissions that ensures we address affordability — [ Interjections ] — and premier Scott Moe last week said he explored alternatives to carbon pricing but he found they were too.

Expensive! My goodness, we've been saying that for years! [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Haldimand-Norfolk. >> Canadians can't afford to live because of the carbon tax. Common-sense Conservatives will.

Axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime. After eight years of this liberal-NDP government, rent and mortgages have doubled. The Liberal-NDP government is not worth the cost or the corruption.

Will this Prime Minister commit to immediately passing bill 234 in its original form, cancel the carbon tax and once again make life affordable for Canadians? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Natural Resources. >> This is the fundamental problem with this remade.

Conservative Party where policy is based on ideology and ignores facts. 200 economists from across this country underline that the price on pollution enhances affordability for those on modest income and addresses climate change in an effective.

Manner. Even Scott Moe and Danielle Smith have said that and these folks sit on their hands, the climate-denying conservatives. It's time they listen to people who know what they're talking about and abandon their plan to simply let the planet burn!.

[ Some Applause ] >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Charlesbourg– Haute-Saint-Charles. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, I was in Trois-Rivieres last week where the housing vacancy rate is.

0.4%. Yet a new CMHC report shows that construction will drop drastically over the next year. As a result, CMHC predicts that demand will drive up housing prices. It doesn't make sense. Does the Prime Minister realize.

That people will end up in the streets because of his insane policies? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My colleague is right to raise the issue of costs and.

Affordability of housing. Particularly in Quebec. That's why it's so surprising that the Conservatives are against investments that we're making for affordable housing including social housing in Quebec. First, they perhaps noticed a.

Few weeks ago we announced that we will be reaching objectives for affordable housing construction and secondly, they still haven't apologized to the best of my knowledge for the accusations, insults they made with respect to Quebec Members of Parliament including those.

Locally. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Charlesbourg– Haute-Saint-Charles. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, what we saw over the past week are only photo-ops because current programs that.

Are being announced as new have been in place since 2017 and since then, nothing has almost been done with these programs so once again, photo-ops. They don't work. What we're seeing now is that for eight years now, there's been out of control spending.

Will the Prime Minister finally listen to the head of the Bank of Canada and stop his uncontrolled spending that do nothing but drive up interest rates? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter):.

Mr. Speaker, if my colleague is looking for photo-ops, I would ask him to come with me to visit a project in his riding. We haven't seen him for the past few weeks since the project was announced and there was a few weeks ago. Hundreds of housing units were.

Built, rather than the mere six units that his leader built when they were in power. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Longueuil–Saint-Hubert. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, if Ottawa wanted to accelerate housing construction.

In Quebec, they would pay Quebec the housing money. We're ready. We have our own standing programs, we're the only ones in Canada. Simply announcing unconditional transfers would suffice but, no, the Liberals are threatening to.

Deprive Quebec of this funding. If it refuses their conditions. And we're announcing — we have a housing crisis, people wanting funding not bickering. Why not pay Quebec its share without strings so we can do the work now, not in 2025? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The.

Honourable Minister of Infrastructure and housing. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, like my — while my colleague is looking for disputes, we're looking for a solution. Yes, there's a housing accelerator fund, there are.

Discussions under way. We have reached an agreement for several billions to build affordable housing for all provinces so we're going to continue to make the necessary investment to address future housing in Quebec and across the country.

>> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Longueuil–Saint-Hubert. >> (Voice of Interpreter): It's not just a Quebec question of jurisdiction because when the government gets involved, it takes longer. It's true.

Quebecers want the government to work together but the Federal Government is not doing it. The Liberals have said it themselves, they want to squabble until January 2025 to impose their conditions. Who does this help today? What does it help to know there.

Will be no construction starts in 2025? Because the Federal Government is not working as a team. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The HotheHonourable Minister of Transportation. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, my colleague is.

Talking about squabbles but they are the undisputed champions of these squabbles. They seem to take inspiration from them. That's their whole lives. It's the raison d'etre to bring these two Ottawa. And as I've said, Mr. Speaker,.

We're investing in housing unlike the Conservatives and they are going to vote with the Conservatives, though. We don't want children to go to school hungry but they're going to vote against that. That's the new Bloc-Conservative alliance.

>> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Longueuil–Saint-Hubert. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, we are lacking 5.8 million units by 2030 and the Liberals still find time to squabble instead of taking action.

If their priority was to accelerate housing, they would give money to Quebec. Are they trying to accelerate housing or slow their slide in the polls? The new Liberal housing announcements are taking hostage Quebecers struggling to find.

Housing with their own money for electoral purposes. In the midst of a housing crisis, is this putting priorities in the right place? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The HotheHonourable Minister of 3 transportation. >> (Voice of Interpreter):.

Mr. Speaker, once again, we are in discussions with the Government of Quebec but the Bloc is not speaking on behalf of the Quebec government. Actually, they are campaigning against the current government. Against the Parti Quebecois. And in the meantime, we are.

Reaching agreements with Quebec on housing, on daycare, on regional internet access, on many measures, Mr. Speaker. Why? Because it's good for all Quebecers and what's good for Quebecers, it's bad for the Bloc Québécois.

[ End of Interpretation ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Kelowna–Lake Country. >> Mr. Speaker, it's shocking the average Canadian family must now spend 63.5% of their total pre-tax household income in order to afford a mortgage for.

The typical home in Canada. Now, it's even way worse in British Columbia where that's 106%. 100% is someone's entire income. No wonder families are in a financial crisis where they can barely afford to live or feed themselves and this is after.

Eight years of this NDP-Liberal Government. Will the Prime Minister actually build the homes, not bureaucracy and photo-ops, in his budget? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Infrastructure and Housing. >> Mr. Speaker, I take the.

Question with a heavy dose of irony considering we've invested $31.5 million through the housing accelerator fund in that member's constituency. Moreover, Mr. Speaker, this is a fund that not only she but every Conservative Member of Parliament vows to take apart.

Should they form government. Where they will cut funds for housing, we will make the investments. Where we cut taxes, they will put them back on. We are doing what it takes to make it easier to build homes faster and putting Canadians to.

Work in the process. >> The Speaker: Honourable Member for Kelowna–Lake Country. >> A heavy dose of reality is after eight years of this liberal-NDP government and all of their spending and photo-ops, things are worse.

And just today, RBC concerned that Canada's housing crisis is only going to get worse under Liberal policies. They said 26% of Canadian households can afford a single detached home today. A couple decades ago, that was 49%.

The CMHC forecast in 2025-26 housing starts will even be lower than in 2020-2021 so this Prime Minister is not worth the cost and the corruption. Will the Prime Minister actually build the homes not bureaucracy and photo-ops in his budget? >> The Speaker: Honourable.

Minister. >> Mr. Speaker, we are going to put forward policies that are going to help solve the national housing crisis. We know higher interest rate environments have made it difficult to build homes. That's why we are cutting taxes.

On new home construction. Which they oppose. It's why we're putting more money on the table to build new apartments, which they oppose. It's why we put money towards incentivizing changes for cities, which they oppose. And just this past week, their.

Deputy leader held a press conference to proudly declare that they were siding with the NIMBYs when it came to municipal zoning reforms. We need to do everything we can to make it easier to build homes more quickly and cost effect lively.

It's a shame the Conservatives oppose it at any stage. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Chicoutimi–Le Fjord. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, there's still more bureaucracy than common-sense solutions.

This Prime Minister is not worth the cost. In Saguenay, in just 24 hours, a landlord received over 200 requests for his apartment. And apartments are becoming increasingly rare and expensive. Mr. Speaker, in his next budget, will this Prime Minister finally.

Build housing and stop adding red tape? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister of public services. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The next budget is coming up and we already know there will be.

Other measures for housing and my colleague needs to know that only two months ago we signed with the Quebec government an agreement for $1.8 billion and this will provide the largest number of new housing units in the history of Quebec. This is an exceptional event.

That stems from extraordinary collaboration. Unlike the Conservatives who are just squabbling and insulting people, provinces and municipalities in particular, we are working for Quebecers with hundreds of thousands of units for the coming years.

[ End of Interpretation ] >> Mr. Speaker, a young dad in Toronto feels stuck, he can't afford to leave his parents' home and like many Canadians, is feeling hopeless. 85,000 people in Toronto alone are waiting for social housing. And it's because 30 years of.

Liberals ignoring the problem while the gut and cut Conservatives lost over 800,000 affordable homes. Are the Liberals going to keep throwing money at rich developers for luxury condos or will they start to build social and affordable housing Canadians.

Desperately need? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Infrastructure and housing. >> Mr. Speaker, let me begin by congratulating my friend and colleague on his recent appointment. I look forward to working with.

Him to defend housing for the most vulnerable in the months ahead. With respect, Mr. Speaker, we have put investments on the table. There is building affordable housing for low-income families over the past number of years.

And accelerating that work. The upcoming federal budget is going to include one-and-a-half billion dollars to help non-profits acquire social housing so it can be kept affordable forever. We have made in the Fall Economic Statement an additional.

Billion dollar investment to build more affordable housing stock and we're working with provinces and territories by putting federal money on the table and using federal leadership to help solve the housing crisis including for the most vulnerable.

I'm looking forward to continuing this work alongside my colleagues. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Nunavut. >> Grocery prices in the north are still sky high. In the latest fire, a jar of pasta sauce is over $10.

When I ask the Minister of northern affairs about the broken nutrition north program, he pointed to internal reviews and studies. Indigenous peoples and northerners do not need more studies. They need to put food on the.

Table! When will the Liberals stop the delays and fix Nutrition North so people can put groceries on the table? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of northern affairs. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

I want to thank my colleague for her question. We know that affordability is an issue for all Canadian families, and we know that it is even a larger issue across the north. That's why, in our time in government, we have doubled our investment in programs like.

Nutrition North, added programs like the harvesters investment program to have people to have affordable food that come from the land. We'll continue to work with the territories and all communities to support them in achieving affordable food and nutritious.

Food for their communities. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Scarborough–Agincourt. >> Mr. Speaker, no child should go to school hungry but we know for many families that is the reality. For parents of young children, a.

National school food program would help them food their children and reduce their food costs. By providing consistent access to nutritious meals, we can set kids up for success. Can the Minister of families, children and social development.

Update this house on the progress of building a national food program? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister for Families, Children and Social Development. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I know my colleagues and fellow moms and dads on this side of.

The house agree that no child should go to school hungry. And that's why we announced just last week a $1 billion investment through Budget 2024 for a national school food program. This program will ensure that children who arrive at school.

Hungry have access to food, ensuring additional 400,000 kids will be able to access this food. We will work with the provinces and territories and Indigenous partners to roll this out. We know that Conservatives voted against this but we're doing –.

>> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Elgin–Middlesex–London. >> Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the NDP-Liberal Government Canadians cannot achieve their goal of owning a home and continue to struggle amidst this crisis.

According to a recent report in “The Globe and Mail,” Canada needs to complete 320,000 housing units annually from now until 2030 to meet the demand. Canadians have had enough and must see this crisis managed properly. This Prime Minister is not worth.

The cost nor the corruption. Will the Prime Minister stop basing this budget on bureaucracy and photo-ops and actually build the homes? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Families. >> Mr. Speaker, quite the contrary.

You know, I have the opportunity to speak with many moms and dads across this country about the programs that we've been putting in place to support them. I recently spoke to Chris who lives in Peterborough, she's a Trent University student, she shared the impact of our waving.

Of the interest on student loans. She shared the impact on being able to access ten-dollar-a-day child care, as well as the Canada Child Benefit. These programs have saved her tremendously and helped her and her daughter get ahead.

>> The Speaker: Honourable Member for Elgin–Middlesex–London. >> Mr. Speaker, Canadians need a home and Canada has not built fewer homes than in the 1970s where our population was half of what it is today. We need 320,000 units being.

Built before 2030, this requires a record pace of construction which will already exhaust an already-burnt-out workforce. Canadians need solutions. This Prime Minister is not worth the cost. Will this Prime Minister stop making announcements and just.

Get the houses built? [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of housing — Families. >> — moms and dads across this country affording a home, Mr. Speaker, access to ten-dollar-a-day child care and get back into the workforce.

We're seeing record numbers of women, of moms get back into the workforce, giving them the opportunity to contribute to their family finances and be able to afford a safe place to live. Contrast that to the Conservatives' fear mongering.

On this side of the house, we're doing the hard work to support families. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Mégantic–L'Érable. >> (Voice of Interpreter): After eight years of this Liberal Government, finding.

Housing in Canada is a nightmare. It's ironic to see the ministers and Prime Minister's traveling the country boasting how incompetent they have been in terms of housing. And the proof is that the CMHC reminded them last year that.

Average home prices doubled last year and that is under the Liberals. Will next week's budget finally be used to build homes or is it going to increase red tape? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter):.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Obviously, next week's budget is going to contribute to even more housing but let's think about the numbers. 6 and 8,000. The Conservative leader across the country created 6 affordable housing units but in the past.

Week, we've signed an agreement with Quebec to build 8,000 housing units just for Quebec. So unfortunately, my Conservative colleagues in Quebec are not supporting the Liberals. So hopefully they will be able to contact us.

>> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, what the Minister needs to know is when the Member of Carleton was a minister, all housing was affordable in Canada, Mr. Speaker. Now the Liberals have doubled home prices for all Canadians. Young people would think they'll.

Never be home owners, seniors can no longer pay their rents, they have to stay in substandard housing, Mr. Speaker. 80% of people are going to have to renew their mortgages but they're worried they won't be able to make their payments. Mr. Speaker, once again, will.

The Liberals finally use common sense next week by announcing that they're going to build housing and not just create more red tape? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

My colleague is right. All affordable housing built by — all six units of affordable housing were affordable. But we're going to build hundreds of thousands of affordable housing units under the agreements we've signed.

Just in Quebec, we're talking about 8,000 social housing units that are planned for next month, that's an historic agreement. And we signed it with the Quebec government. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Jonquiere. >> (Voice of Interpreter):.

While the Federal Government encroaches on Quebec's areas of jurisdiction, it should look at its own areas of jurisdiction. The Prime Minister has finally admitted that immigration levels have exceeded our integration capacity but who's the irresponsible person who.

Increased permanent immigration without thinking of houses, schools or health care? Who is this wreckless individual who called people xenophobic when we talked about immigration capacity? Mr. Speaker, if only we knew who this person was.

It could be even the same person who's wracking up debt. Does the Prime Minister know the name of this irresponsible individual? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter): What the member across the way.

Doesn't want to recognize is that we have an excellent relationship with the Quebec government. I visited with the minister to see where we can work together. We agreed we want to partner to ensure that temporary people here who have the services they.

Need. Thank you. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Jonquiere. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Since the Prime Minister's responsible for the largest population increase since 1957, many people think — are blaming.

Him for the housing crisis. Sure he lit the fire but is he trying to put it out? Did he lower immigration targets? No. Did he lighten Quebec's loads in terms of asylum seekers by sending them elsewhere?.

No. Has he reduced temporary immigration? No. He wants to hike it to two million, that is the highest level since last year. But the highest in history. Now that he sees that there's an.

Integration capacity problem, is he going to fix it? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister of Immigration. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Bloc Québécois should watch the news because we said that we were going to reduce the level.

Of immigration from 7% to 5%, so where would they think — where do you think that we should cut them and they should need to be specific? Because they all have temporary workers in their riding. So they need to be clear on what they want.

[ End of Interpretation ] >> Speaker, Canadians are clear on the two most important economic issues we face. Inflation and high interest rates. And they understand that government deficits cause inflation.

Run-away deficits cause run-away inflation. This year's deficit is expected to be 7 billion higher than forecast. To say this is run-away is an understatement. The Bank of Canada governor is clear deficits are the main.

Factor keeping interest rates high. Will the Prime Minister cap his run-away spending with a dollar-for-dollar rule to bring down interest rates and inflation? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Natural Resources.

>> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is important that a responsible government addresses issues around affordability, it addresses issues around environmental sustainability, it invests in growing a clean economy and it has a sound fiscal management strategy.

We are doing all of those things. On the other side of this house, we have a Conservative Party of Canada who simply wants to cut and to cut and to cut. They will cut affordable child care. They will cut dental care.

They will cut the national schools program. They will cut the entire climate program. They will cut investment in growing a clean economy for the future. [ Interjections ] My goodness, such an.

Irresponsible position that these folks are taking… >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Calgary centre. >> Mr. Speaker, this government is throwing taxpayer money at a wall without any thought about execution and it's making matters worse for Canadians.

It's a whack-a-mole approach to economic policy. Obviously after eight years of this NDP-Liberal Government Canadians can't afford this Prime Minister. His excess spending nor his corruption. Scotiabank says that rate cuts.

Could be delayed by high government spending. Next week, the Minister of Finance will table her budget. It is time for the deficits to stop. Will the Minister commit to a dollar-for-dollar reduction in order to bring inflation and.

Interest rates under control? >> The Speaker: The Honourable HonourableMinister of National . >> Mr. Speaker, on this side of the house we will always be there to support Canadians, especially vulnerable Canadians. While maintaining a prudent fiscal position, including a.

Triple “A” credit rating, Mr. Speaker, and the lowest debt-to-GDP ratio in the G7. We've been there for seniors with increases in the GIS and the OAS. We are there for school children with a national school food program.

We are there for millenials and Gen Z with affordable housing and rental accommodation. Mr. Speaker, on this side of the house, we know how to do prudent as well as providing for the most vulnerable in this country. Thank you. >> The Speaker: The Honourable.

Member for Charleswood–St.James–Assiniboi a–Headingley. >> You know what's keeping interest rates so high, Mr. Speaker? Liberal deficit spending. That's what. Now we can add Scotiabank to the.

Long list of economists saying after eight years this NDP-Liberal Government cannot worth the cost. Record-high deficits are keeping housing, food and fuel at record-high prices. Will the Prime Minister fix the budget and adopt our.

Common-sense Conservative policy by bringing in a dollar-for-dollar rule to bring down inflation and interest rates? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of treasury board. >> Mr. Speaker, unlike the party opposite, we actually know the.

Role of the independent Bank of Canada which is to set monetary policy. While we are prudently managing taxpayer dollars, we will continue to invest in Canadians. Because of our policies, 86% of women between the ages of 25 and 45 are in the workforce.

That's the Canada Child Benefit and that's ten-dollar-a-day child care. Every single time the party opposite has an opportunity to support Canadians, they vote against, Mr. Speaker. That's not common sense at all. >> The Speaker: The Honourable.

Member for Richmond Centre. >> Mr. Speaker, young Canadians in my community of Richmond and across Canada are struggling to find housing that fits their budget. We're scaling up our efforts to build more homes and build them faster at prices Canadians can.

Afford. Through the housing accelerator fund, our Federal Government is investing over 35 million in the city of Richmond to fast track the construction of a thousand home over the next three years and 3100 homes over the next decades.

Can the minister share with my community of Richmond and communities across British Columbia how our government is supporting housing in Budget 2024? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Infrastructure and housing.

>> Mr. Speaker, let me thank my colleague for his advocacy for his community that gets house of Thoms build over the next number of years. In the upcoming federal budget, we'll continue to put measures on the budget, adding tends of thousands of new rental units,.

Additional support to help non-profits acquire housing that they will keep affordable forever, it includes new investments in affordable housing and new strategies to build homes more quickly by incentivizing home building and factories with members like this.

Advocating for their community, we can put a plan on the table that will solve the national housing crisis. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Durham. [ Some Applause ] >> Mr. Speaker, Durham region is home to many millenials who.

Dream of owning a house one day. For eight years, this Prime Minister has been promising affordable housing and yet things are only getting worse. Millenials know this Prime Minister is not worth the cost. The Liberal-NDP government continues to announce expensive.

Photo-ops in the lead up to the federal budget. But we know, as ■millenials, tht we deserve better. How can we ever believe any of these broken promises from the Liberal-NDP government again? [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable.

Minister of Infrastructure and Housing. >> Mr. Speaker, let me begin by offering my sincere congratulations to our newest colleague in the House of Commons. It's wonderful to have you here. What he may not realize,.

Mr. Speaker, being new to the House is that his leader is actively campaigning on commitments to build fewer homes than we are already projected to build. He may not realize that the Conservative leader has promised to raise taxes on home building.

He may not realize the Conservative leader has pledged to cut funding for home building and he may not realize that his party held a press conference last week to say they don't want to do anything on municipal reforms and have decided to side with the NIMBYs.

Mr. Speaker, over his time here, I hope he comes to see the light and gets with a plan that would build more homes. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Kamloops–Thompson–Cariboo. >> Mr. Speaker, after eight years of this Liberal Prime.

Minister's radical safe supply agenda, we see lives being put at risk. After this NDP-Liberal Government decriminalized hard drugs, nurses now in northern British Columbia are being told to allow patients to use hard drugs in their rooms and have.

Weapons in their hospital rooms. This, Mr. Speaker, is unnair and unsafe for workers and patients. Mr. Speaker, when will this Prime Minister wake up and realize that his radical drug policy just isn't worth the cost? >> The Speaker: Honourable.

Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. >> Mr. Speaker, every healthcare worker in this country deserves to be safe in their place of work. That's why this government passed legislation exactly for that reason.

I too am concerned about the reports of BC government taking the necessary actions to address the concerns raised by healthcare providers. On this side of the house, Mr. Speaker, we're saving lives. On that side of the house they're busy with slogans and.

Stigma. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Cumberland–Colchester. >> Mr. Speaker, 300% more government-issued opioids are being seized by police in British Columbia. More drugs on the street mean.

The street prices for opioids are falling across this country and that's what we're seeing. This delusional NDP-Liberal Government wants you to think that giving out free drugs to most vulnerable is a cure. But Canadians know this is nonsense.

When will this narcissistic Prime Minister who's not worth the cost, crime or corruption end this cruel and… [ Interjections ] [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: I'll remind the Honourable Members to be judicious in their –.

[ Interjections ] — I will let the Honourable Member maybe rephrase this. The Honourable Member for Cumberland–Colchester. [ Interjections ] >> You know what, Mr. Speaker, what I would like to say here is given the fact that I practice.

As a physician a long time, that's a diagnosis, Mr. Speaker! [ Interjections ] >> The Speaker: Maybe we'll have a quick chat after Question Period. The Honourable Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. >> Mr. Speaker, while the.

Conservatives want to sow fear and stigma, on this side of the house we know we have to stick to the facts. The RCMP said there is no evidence to suggest widespread diversion of drugs — however, any diversion is illegal in this country.

Whether it's medication for ADHD, pain management or anything else. Those are the facts, Mr. Speaker. [ Interjections ] 70% of the overdose deaths are from an illegal toxic poisoned supply and the challenge the.

Member to actually read the data. [ Interjections ] [ Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Egmont. >> Mr. Speaker, the fishery is the backbone of Canada's coastal community.

And Liberal Member of Parliament will always be there to stand up for fishers, their families and our fishing community. On February the 8th, the House of Commons Standing Committee On Fisheries and Oceans adopted a motion proposed by Liberal Member of Parliament to launch.

The official five-year review of the fishery act. Can the Minister of fisheries and oceans explain the significance of the Fishery Act Review to coastal communities to this House. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister.

[ End of Interpretation ] >> I would like to congratulate the Liberal members for moving forward with this important review. Coastal communities know that the fisheries have done more than just regulate fishing but is also a key — ecological.

Protection and reconciliation. This review is the first steps towards a Fishery Act that work better for all communities on all coasts. I look forward to seeing the committee recommendation at the end of the study. [ Some Applause ].

>> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Timmins–James Bay. >> This government promised to ban the A R 15, that's the weapon used to murder 20 six-year-old children at sandy hook and yet on Thursday the conservative leader was tweeting that the government wasn't going.

After the A R-15 but hunting rifles. It's a little wondered he's endorsed by Alex Jones notorious for taunting families of children murdered by the AR-15. Will the minister confirm is the government going after hunting rifles or the AR-15 or is this.

The conservative leader being the real deal of disinformation for the likes of Alex young? >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Public Safety. >> Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my colleague for his question and salute his long service in this house on behalf of the.

People of northern Ontario. Mr. Speaker, I share… [ Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Public Safety. >> I never had that much applause, Mr. Speaker, in the House before. Mr. Speaker, I share our.

Colleague's concern about the Conservative policy with respect to gun control. We have said from the beginning, law-abiding hunters and sports persons are not the subject of this regulation. Mr. Speaker, what we're doing is taking away guns that were.

Designed to kill people on the battlefield and we're also prepared to compensate the people that bought those guns lawfully. It's something the Conservative Party will undo. We're committed to keeping Canadians safe.

>> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Member for Richmond–Arthabaska. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, since I've been a member here, every February, we receive the list of projects that were accepted or refused under New Horizons, a program.

Improving the lives of seniors. Unfortunately this year, for a reason we weren't told, we haven't had access to this information, so we can't help our local organizations. I've sent three emails, made five phone calls and even sent a fax to the office of the.

Minister of Labour. and Seniors but I didn't receive an acknowledge of receipt. Mr. Speaker, it's very discouraging. In order to do our work properly, we would like the minister to explain why we're.

Not getting this information and will the situation be rectified? Thank you. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The Honourable Minister. [ End of Interpretation ] >> Mr. Speaker, I thank the Honourable Member for the question and even a fax, so I've.

Got no excuse there. I will dig in deeper and get the answers that the Member's looking for. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. >> The Speaker: That's all the time we have for Question Period today. [ End of Oral Questions ].

Following discussions amongst representatives of all parties of the house I understand there's an agreement to

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