Inquire of Duration – February 27, 2024


Inquire of Duration – February 27, 2024

Questions The Honorable leader of the opposition after eight years this prime minister is not worth the cost or the corruption today the conservatives received a letter from the RCMP commissioner confirming that there is now an investigation a police investig investigation underway on arriv scan the.

Conv the commissioner confirmed at committee that the Prime Minister refused to provide documents for snc level and and aaon scams can the Prime Minister commit right now to deliver all the documents and all the evidence to the RCMP with respect to the arrive scan app The Honorable minister of Public Safety Mr.

Speaker we have said for several weeks now that the r CMP is seized with the arrive can Affair primarily because High representatives from the agency sent uh documents to the RCMP and have asked the RCMP to look at this affair several investigations are underway we're going to continue Mr Speaker to be available and to give authorities all the.

Documents and information they need thank you The Honorable leader of the opposition this prime minister is not worth the cost or the corruption today conservatives got a letter from the commissioner of the RCMP indicating that the national police force is now formally investigating the arriv scam and the auditor General's report into it.

Now we know that the auditor general was the government deprived the auditor general of key documents to calculate the full cost and the breadth of the Scandal we also know that the Prime Minister refused to hand over documents in the snc Lavan and the aacan island scandals will the Prime Minister commit here and now to giving the RCMP all the.

Documents and evidence on a scan The Honorable Minister for public security Mr Speaker again the leader of the opposition seems to be uh impressed with some information that's been known in the public space for many weeks uh the RCMP have confirmed previously that they're looking in to the circumstances around arve can uh we have total.

Confidence in the RCMP to do this important work I'll remind the leader of the opposition that the president of the Border Services Agency referred these questions proactively to the RCMP and we'll continue to do whatever we need to do Mr Speaker to cooperate with the national police force and every other ongoing.

Investigation The Honorable leader of the opposition other investigation how many police investigations are they facing Mr Speaker after8 years this prime minister is not worth the cost of food today we got uh a terrible report from the charity Second Harvest which reports that this year they expect a million additional visits to food banks.

And that last year 36% of Charities had to turn people away because they were running out of resources will the Prime Minister reverse his inflationary carbon tax on farmers and food here the honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker when it comes to fight for Canadians we will take no listens from these conservative Mr.

Speaker today I just appear in front of the Agricultural committee and Mr Speaker it was shocking to see that one of their member was defending the profit margin of foreign food processor Mr Speaker at a time where we should all be fighting in this house for Canadians Mr Speaker if the leader of the opposition wanted to do something for Canadians.

Vote for c59 increase competition in this country more comp competition is more Choice better price for Canadians and more Innovation Mr Speaker Canadian understand that will he understand the honorable leader of the opposition speaker what I understand is that after eight years this prime minister this NDP liberal prime minister.

Is not worth the cost of food and if you thought that grocery profits were too high after eight years you'd think he might have done something about it but instead we now have a massive increase let's get this straight Second Harvest predicts there will be a million more visits to food banks this year than there was in last year's record breaking.

Year in fact many Charities can no longer give people food because they've actually run out in light of the failure of the carbon tax and the pain it is causing will they ax the tax so that Canadians can afford to eat The Honorable Minister for Innovation one thing Canadians know Mr Speaker is that the leader of opposition.

The preferred verb is cut Mr Speaker we all know he would be cutting when you're looking at the record on both s Mr Speaker let me tell you what we we have done in the last few months to fight for Canadians Mr Speaker we have launched the largest reform on competition in this nation history we have made sure that we have a functioning consumers.

Bureau ofair Mr Speaker we have made sure that we have now in this country more measures to fight for Canadians Mr Speaker every member of this house should be fighting for Canadians the is will the conservative fight with us for Canadians The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker after that answer just proves that after 8 years this NDP.

Liberal prime minister is not worth the cost it's not just that a million more people will visit food banks this year than in last year's record smashing year it's that now there's a large Facebook group of 800 people 8,000 people who call themselves the dumpster diving Network so desperate are are they that not only can they not afford groceries.

Or find it at food banks that they're literally dumping jumping into garbage cans to find food how desperate do Canadians have to get before this government will finally ax its tax on food The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker over the past eight years I have watched time and time again the.

Conservatives stand up to vote against the very measures that are putting money in the pockets of families to help them cover the cost of food when it comes to the canidate child benefit we stop sending checks to millionaires so we could put more money in the pockets of n out of 10 families when it comes to taxes we raise taxes on the wealthiest.

1% to cut them for the middle class when it comes to seniors we put more money in the pockets of low-income single seniors on every one of these measures the conservatives have opposed them we will continue to do what's necessary to allow families to put food on the table no matter how hard they opposed the honorable member for.

Laie everyone should should be worried about the Liberals and ndp's love of spending but quebecers have one more reason spending isn't one of our priorities they're spending to give Canadians what quebecers already have first it was daycare then it was privately Run Dental Care while Quebec already has its own private publicly run.

System now it's quebecer drug coverage they want to offer Canadians since there simply imitating Quebec's expertise in pharmacare will Quebec have the right to opt out with with full compensation The Honorable minister of Health soon Mr Speaker there will be a bill at the House of Commons that will.

Offer the opportunity to reduce prices on drugs and to increase access to medications and I hope that all members and all here in this house will support this legislation but it's important not not to criticize something that hasn't come out yet we need to wait to for the bill to be presented The Honorable member for La.

Prie even more urgently we need full compensation and an unconditional right to opt out of dental care Quebec already has its own plan and it's public also unlike the NDP liberal plan uh which brings the private sector inter Health Care through the front door Quebec already has clearly expressed its desire to improve its own plan if Quebec.

Is innovative enough in healthcare to be imitated in Canada it must be good enough to have its expertise respected when will Quebec receive its unconditional share of federal Dental funding The Honorable minister of Health once again Mr Speaker it's clear that the block is seeking arguments and for us our attention is.

Focused on increasing the quality of health care of Canadians across the country in Quebec for example quebecers well it's essential for them for everyone across the province to receive the dental care they need and that's our objective and it's in a spirit of.

Cooperation that we can obtain this it's not through squabbles the honorable member for Rosemont la patri Mr Speaker a recent report uh has revealed that 30% of quebecers don't have a GP one out of three don't have a family doctor the Prime Minister provide promised to invest it invest and provide healthc.

Care providers but people still don't have a family doctor Health transfers uh are not coming and Quebec is uh paying for the broken Pro Promises of this government when will the liberals do their share so that all quebecers have a family doctor The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker it's notable that the Canadian.

Government $200 million extra over the next 10 years for health care and yes it does take time to find a good agreement with every Province and territory but clearly by end March there will be agreement with every Province and territory to increase the quality of Health Care and to ensure that our.

Health Care system is the best possible system in the world that's our objective and it is only possible through cooperation Kings Way Mr Speaker every Canadian should have access to the healthcare they need when they need it but a new survey reveals over 6 million Canadians don't have access to a family doctor the Liberals promised to hire.

7,500 doctors and nurses in the last election but haven't delivered and while liberals delay conservatives want to cut the healthcare people depend on when will the Liberals act to ensure more doctors and nurses are hired so everyone can get high quality And Timely Healthcare The Honorable Minister for health well thank you Mr Speaker and.

Coming out of a pandemic coming out of uh some of the most difficult times that our planet has ever faced in terms of global Health uh we have stepped forward I want to thank the member uh in the NDP for his work and for pointing out that the conservatives will cut and cut deeply when they talk about uh when they talk about uh what their plans are they.

Fail to mention to achieve them they are going to need to cut billions and billions out of Health with devastating consequences in contrast we are investing in every province in every territory of this country to make sure that we have the best health care system in the country we will be Relentless in that focus and we will not let the.

Conservatives deter us the honorable member from Regina Capel well Common Sense conservatives will ax the tax build the home fix the budget and stop the crime this NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the cost and he's going to make everything more expensive on April 1st with another carbon tax hike and the effects on Canadians are.

Devastating a new report from GoFundMe says that Canadians started 200,000 online charity drives to help raise money just to cover day-to-day expenses instead of forcing Canadians to ask for help from online crowdsourcing campaigns why doesn't the Prime Minister do the obvious thing cancel his carbon tax hike and stop making things more.

Expensive The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker last year was the hottest year on record in the planet and the conservative leader and his party continue to deny climate change meanwhile with our carbon rebate we are putting money back into the pockets of Canadian families are they going to vote against $1,200 for Ontario families.

$1,800 for Alberta families $1,200 for Manitoba families that doesn't sound like common sense to me Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Regina Capel we're going to ask the tax and leave the money in Canadians pockets in the first place Ians aren't fooled by the shell game they know the rebate doesn't cover.

All the costs of the carbon tax as manufacturers and producers raise their prices to pay their share of the carbon tax and all that gets passed on to Consumers but you know sites like GoFundMe used to be used to help children who lost their parents tragically and now Canadians are turning to crowdsourcing to help pay their food.

Bills officials say that 56,000 campaigns were started just to pay for the cost of food alone why doesn't the prim Minister just asks the tax so prices can come down before the uh honorable uh president of Treasury Board gets up to respond to that question I'm going.

Encourage all members please on both sides of the house to please uh allow the person who is asking the question to ask it uninterrupted and allow the person to answer the question uninterrupted The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker the difference between that side of the house and this side of the house is that.

We don't deny the existence of climate change and we want to protect it for generations to come so I have again a question are you going to take money away from Canadian families Mr Speaker by voting against $1,200 for Ontario families $1,800 for Alberta families $1,200 for Manitoba families Mr Speaker that's taking money away from Canadians.

By telling them they're not going to have the rebates and voting against that's not common sense I'm going to ask the honorable member from St Alberts Edon please and uh to all members it's really important that we do listen to the question it's hard for the speaker uh to to understand I understand perhaps that the president.

Of the treasury board uh was referring uh to the speaker I hope the comments do fall through the speaker of course uh The Honorable member from Thornhill after eight years of this liberal NDP government carbon taxes are driving up the cost of food people are literally turning to dumpsters because they can't afford groceries a report from the.

Toronto Star says dumpster diving is a new trend so here's what you won't read in the star conservatives will ask the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime what does the Toronto Star have to write in order for this radical environment minister to show some compassion and stop the 23% April 1 tax hike for all Canadians.

The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker as I said on this side of the house will'll continue to fight climate change while putting money back into the pockets of Canadian families as I mention that means we're going to be providing rebates to Canadians money back in their pockets which the conservatives are going to vote against.

So I ask you Mr Speaker through you to the opposition when are they going to stop cutting supports to Canadians and pay attention to the most vulnerable in this country The Honorable member from Thornhill Mr Speaker the radical environment Minister who couldn't sell his own carbon tax which the Prime.

Minister had to Rebrand won't even get up and answer the question how is he going to Rebrand dumpster diving this is the minister who wants to ban cars ban roads ban Canadian energy ban straws and ban stoves and tells Canadians that they have it better we all know that after 8 years this tired government and the environment Minister are out of control.

But will someone over there stand up for struggling Canadians and let him walk back his carbon tax hike like he has to do with everything else order order The Honorable Minister for.

Innovation Mr Speaker on this side of the house we'll be standing up for Canadians every single member on this house is willing to stand on this side Mr Speaker and while the conservative would like to make a story just look at our records Mr Speaker when it comes just look at our record Mr Speaker we have led the Industrial Revolution in.

Electric cars Mr Speaker we have brought more investment order I hate to interrupt I hate to interrupt a member while they have the floor but it is important for the chair to ask all members to allow uh members to please have that opportunity I'll ask uh there are some members whose voices carry uh they know who they are I ask.

Them to please keep their voices down so I could allow The Honorable member to finish this question with 15 seconds left on the clock 15 seconds speaker I'd like to remind Kenan canans know that on this side of do we believe you can fight climate change and have a prosperous future for our children mrster speaker we brought stst in this country we.

Brought Volkswagen in this country we norval in this country Mr Speaker we have created jobs for the Next Generation fight lamage change and ensure Canada will lead in the 21st century The Honorable member for canora while conservatives will a the tax fix the homes uh sorry build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime this.

NDP order colleagues I think there's a colleagues I think it's important for.

All of us to remember I'm going to ask I think it's important for for all of us to remember the old expression there but for the grace of God I go and we've all sometimes made a mistake I'm going to ask the honorable member uh uh from canor to start his question again from the.

Top while conservatives will ask the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime crime is not worth the cost the crime or the corruption Mr Speaker one in five families are living in energy poverty and we know that that rate is even higher in rural areas like Northern Ontario Mr Speaker so why they laugh.

While they laugh about it why doesn't this prime minister finally ask his April carbon tax hike so that Canadians can afford to heat their homes The Honorable government house leader I think that Member of Parliament needs to be unplugged from the wall and.

Plugged back in Mr Speaker but here's what I hope happens when that reboot occurs I hope he'll get up from his place walk down to the leader of the opposition and say pass the fall economic statement help Canadians pass Child Care Help the moms and dads out there who are waiting for those needed supports tell that to his leader when.

Will that member instead of trying to get the leader lines right stand up for Canadians and get them the supports that they need thank you The Honorable member from canor has the floor Mr Speaker no matter.

How much they Tred to distract or deny it their plan simply isn't working the carbon tax isn't an environmental plan because emissions are on the rise more Canadians are paying more in uh the tax and they're getting back in rebates one in five families are living in energy poverty and 2 million Canadians are going to a food bank every single month.

Gross Mr Speaker how much more must Canadians struggle before they finally listen to our Common Sense plan and ask the tax where's the so I noticed and I think a lot of Canadians noticed at home how The Honorable member.

From canor was able to ask his question uh relatively free of interruption I'm going to ask the honorable Minister uh to uh respond minister of environment and climate change Mr Speaker while conservatives still debate whether or not climate change is real while some of those members say that climate change is actually created by Body Heat from.

Humans others say that carbon dioxide is good for the planet Mr Speaker 200,000 farmers in the last decade 200,000 farmers in the last decade say have experienced the impacts of climate change making food costs going up there's no link between carbon pricing and food price but there is a link between carbon climate change impacts.

And food prices what's the conservative response more climate change Mr Speaker order colleagues order have the honorable member for shefford yesterday MPS from all parties.

Liberal conservative new Democrats and the block unanimously voted to do uh away with two classes of seniors for old AG Security payments remember that the government decided to limit benefit increases to those aged 75 and over well in committee MPS from all parties voted to end this bad idea All That.

Remains is for the government to Grant the Royal recommendation so that we can put an end to these two classes of seniors will they do it will they give a grant roal recommendation to Bill c319 The Honorable labor since 2015 we've been here for seniors the ois increase was the right.

Thing to do as seniors are running down their savings and and need health care we also enhanced the gis as well as old age security introduced a new dental care system thank you The Honorable member for LAX when it comes to Asylum Seekers the.

Minister of immigration has some cheek since 2021 Quebec has been asking the federal government to reimburse costs and share the burden of welcoming newcomers for three years and today the minister as the nerve to assert and I quote that he never got the impression that Quebec really wanted to sit down he complained that from one day to the next.

Quebec throws expenses at him at press briefings does he realize that if he' pay his debts since 2021 and if he negotiated instead of hiding there wouldn't be a problem today The Honorable minister of immigration I think it's fair to talk about the reality imagine if 5i send a 500 bill when we're talking and next.

Time I have a press conference and I double the bill without justifying the doubling of the expenses we need responsible government and I'm talking about people in my writing in the downtown Montreal who welcome assignment Seekers and they haven't received one cent for Quebec government we have to justify these.

Cents we're ready to work with the government of Quebec the member for Lex s Mr Speaker the bill would be lower if the federal government processed Asylum Seekers with an acceptable time frame time frame and that's a liberal David ortel uh who reminds us this in the journal de Montreal Quebec under Philip kuar experienced the same issues in 2018.

Already Quebec was asking for the federal government to shorten delays uh what should take a maximum of 60 days shouldn't take a minimum of 60 months six years later nothing's changed according to the former liberal Minister the federal government's in action is Criminal when will the minister finally tackle these Criminal inhumane and.

Extremely costly delays The Honorable minister of immigration refugees and citizenship the member is partly right true there is a historical flow of people coming to Canada to seek Asylum there's an 50 or 60% increase there's more work to be done but it doesn't involve sending money to Quebec that is not spending on a silent Seeker.

Seekers it has to be fair and there are a lot of people moving to Ontario and we help them there too and we need first and foremost to treat these people humanly we're ready to do this and I hope Quebec is as well The Honorable member from leads Grenville Thousand Islands in R Lakes well Common Sense conservatives will ask the tax build the.

Homes fix the budget and stop the crime after eight years of this NDP liberal prime minister he's not worth the cost the crime or the corruption and today the commissioner of the RCMP confirmed that their Scandal plagued $60 million arve scam app is in fact under RCMP investigation now we've seen before this prime minister use powers of the.

Executive to try and shield himself from Criminal investigations like he did with his trip to the aaon island and an snc lavalin Scandal both seeing him found guilty of breaking the ethics act will the Prime Minister fully cooperate with this RCMP investigation The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker not only will the.

Government cooperate with the RCMP at every occasion in fact it's the government that referred a number of these cases to the RCMP my friend has just realized what the RCMP confirmed some weeks ago that they are looking into the issue of arrive C Mr Speaker our government thinks it's important that the auditor.

General's report be followed carefully and we think it's important for parliamentary committees and other investigations to determine the facts in this issue before we throw mud Around the House of Commons here here The Honorable member from needs Grenville islands and VTO Lakes well if the minister and his colleagues thought.

That the auditor General's work was so important they wouldn't have voted against the audit that the leader of the opposition and Common Sense conservatives voted for and that's how we found out about this $60 million Scandal that lands at that Minister's feet and now we have the RCMP investigating them twice before the.

Prime Minister has used the powers of the executive to Shield himself from investigation in criminal investigations with the RCMP our question is simple this time will the prime Minister interfere in the investigation again or will he allow the RCMP to do their work The Honorable Minister for uh public.

Works thank you very much Mr Speaker yes I'd like to underscore the remarkable work of the auditor general her support to the rcmp's operations as she has mentioned several weeks ago uh she's already said this publicly on several occasions um perhaps we could find the member to find places where she said that she said clearly that she was.

Already communicating with the RCMP to make sure she gets the information from brownford Brand Mr Speaker breaking news today from the Ethics Committee the RCMP have now confirmed they investigating the $60 million plus arise scam boondoggle while Common Sense conservatives will ask the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime.

This NDP PM is not worth the cost crime or corruption after8 years will the Prime Minister cooperate with the RCMP in their criminal investigation or will he yet again try to obstruct have the honorable minister of of public services and procurement we know how good the conservative party is in providing slogans and doing all sorts.

Of those things it's a bit strange however that this is breaking news because it's been known for many weeks now that the RCMP and the other General have been working really well together and they'll be keeping working together working together really well that's what their job is about from brunford Brandt perhaps the.

Minister needs to review the evidence from the Ethics Committee a two-person consultant company working under of their basement doing no it work received 20 million tax dollars talk about hitting the taxpayer Lottery this sham of a company is already under RCMP investigation today we learned the RC m p is investigating this into all kinds.

Of criminality so I'll ask again will the Prime Minister fully cooperate wave all cabinet confidences or will he hide again and obstruct jail The Honorable Minister for Public Public Safety Mr Speaker my honorable colleague learned something today that has been known in the public domain for a number of weeks Mr Speaker we have said from the.

Beginning the government's responsibility is to ensure that taxpayers money is always managed well in this case Mr Speaker in this case Mr Speaker the auditor general identified a number of opportunities that needed to be investigated and where the government will follow all of the recommendations and Mr Speaker if people have done.

Something inappropriate with taxpayers money they will be held to account The Honorable member from nun people in the North are paying enormous amounts for food as the CEOs of the grocery chains make millions of dollars nun have said for years that nutrition North is not working and this government.

Is ignoring them nutrition North is keeping many Northerners in poverty as the subsidy is going to CEO profits not lowering food prices why is this Minister patting the pockets of Rich CEOs instead of helping Northerners afford their groceries here here The Honorable Minister for Northern Affairs uh thank you Mr Speaker and I.

Thank the member for that very important question uh we know that price food prices in the north are too high affordability is a real issue in the north uh our government is absolutely committed to ensuring that 100% of the nutrition North retail subsidy is passed on directly to Northerners we have worked and we will continue to work with.

Territorial governments with IND partners and with people who live in the North and the Arctic uh to to bring prices down there's a lot of work to do we are committed to getting it done you're here The Honorable member from Hamilton Center Mr Speaker personal support workers of the backbone of our senior.

Care system they relieve young families worried about how they will take care of both their children and their parents but despite everything they do many of these workers cannot retire with the dignity they deserve and for three years years this liberal government has promised SEIU and other Healthcare units help with building a retirement savings.

A $50 million commitment yet not a single dollar has flowed to these workers new Democrats demand better for our Carew workers so will this liberal government honor their commitment and release the funds that these healthcare workers deserve before the fiscal year The Honorable minister of Health First of all Mr Speaker let me uh say.

Huge thank you to personal support care workers uh during the pandemic uh which was a time so difficult for all of us it was enormously difficult for personal support workers who did extraordinary work uh and we did uh make a commitment to support provinces it's the provinces uh who have principal responsibility for this we expect them to step up and.

Support personal support workers we've said we're there to help them but it's their lead and they need to make sure that these individuals are compensated uh and acknowledged in the way that they deserve The Honorable member from New Market Aurora Mr Speaker last November our government tabled legislation to ban the.

Use of replacement workers in federally regulated Industries a commitment from our 2021 election platform this is something that the labor movement in Canada has been asking for since before Canada was a country this will make both the collective bargaining process stronger and make employers and unions focus on the.

Negotiating table where the best deals are made will a minister of Labor explain to this house how our bill to ban replacement workers will strengthen the collective bargaining process in this country The Honorable minister of Labor Mr Speaker and I want to thank the member from New Market Aurora for the question Mr Speaker we are Banning.

Replacement workers we are we are Banning replacement workers because we believe in collective bargaining because the best deals are made at the table because bigger paychecks are negotiated at the table because better Labor Relations and long-term stability are created at the table let's keep that bargaining table.

Free and fair with the so with the full support of every MP in this house with unanimous consent let's vote to move Bill c-58 let's make some history let's ban replacement workers The Honorable member for me cut the taxes build the homes fix the budget stop the crime that's the common sense conservative plan common.

Sense is also getting to the bottom of the vastness of the arrive can Scandal now the block may be able to turn a blind eye to millions of wasted dollars the conservatives however we want to get to the bottom of the arrive can Scandal so will the RCMP Co cooperate and will the minister cooperate The Honorable minister of.

Public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker I would first like to commend my colleague who I much appreciate I'd like to commend him on his uh skill at repeating his leaders slogans so they're really great with the slogans but not so great at following the news because for weeks now the auditor general has been working with.

Many organizations including RCM the RCMP to get to the bottom of the issues mentioned in her report published a few weeks ago The Honorable member for well if my colleague had better awareness of what's going on in Canada Mr Speaker he would know that after eight years of this liberal prime minister 2 million Canadians use food.

Banks each month in fact food banks have to in fact wait in line themselves to have enough food for the people waiting in line for food at the food banks and that's what this Canada is under this prime minister the BL Kika and the Liberals found a way to spend UH 60 million for an app that should have cost 80,000 so will the Prime Minister fully.

Cooperate with the RCMP or will he once again engage in an arrive scam cover up the honorable Innovation Minister Mr Speaker Mr Speaker what Canadians see on TV is a conservative party that is against all measures against everything Mr Speaker every time we have presented measures to help Canadians they have systematically voted.

Against them it's important to know that Mr Speaker they voted against reforming the competition act that's one of the most important reforms in Canada so Canadians are watching the conservatives on TV they see them here's a question for the conservatives Mr Speaker will they vote in favor of our bill to offer consumers better choice and to improve.

Competition in Canada it's time for the conservatives to do something for Canadians The Honorable member for char Mr Speaker the RCMP commissioner was very clear this morning saying that there should be a full investigation into RCMP but then the RCMP commissioner said in committee that the Prime Minister had blocked the.

Snc Lavan investigation and the aaan investigation so will the Prime Minister confirmed that he will fully cooperate in the G on the rcmp's investigation without blocking or hindering it The Honorable Public Safety Minister well Mr Speaker once again I'm very happy that my colleag has noticed something that's been well known for a few weeks now my.

Colleague the minister of procurement and public services confirmed that the auditor general investigated contracts to the cbsa and that is a worrisome situation but now of course Mr Speaker the government's responsibility is to ensure that measures are in place to ensure that this does not reoccur and it is our duty to cooperate with law.

Enforcement and police agencies which will investigate the honorable member of char but you know what in 2021 the government voted against an inquiry by the auditor general so you know 10,000 people had to quarantine because of arve scam a tool which was not at all working so Mr Speaker can the Prime Minister confirm once and for all that he will.

Not hinder the rcmp's investigation can he confirm that he will give all the documents that we need so that we can fully shed light on what happened with ar RVE scam The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr speaker now we have given many answers to this question many times but there's.

A question we've asked that remains unanswered given the politics of intimidation insults given that the leader of the conservative party likes to do give insults and intimidations will he in fact meet the municipal Council of Quebec next week to tell elected officials in Quebec why the conservative.

Leader is calling Quebec officials incompetent The Honorable member foru I ask the member for to please let the colleague whose turn it is ask her question once again the member for B Liu thank you arrive can is the consequence of the federal government's dependence on dubious Consultants JC strategies a Twan.

Operation that doesn't offer any Services pocketed 20 million and they're not the only ones Dian another twom men firm that once again doesn't offer any Services got 8 million 99% of dian's contracts are with the federal government and it's hard to know what Delan is actually doing with our money because LA Press has reported that Delan.

Operates in two tax Havens how many other companies like this is the federal government handing our money to and what is it doing to make sure that they repay our money The Honorable Minister thank you Mr speaker now the Aran situation is of course unacceptable and that's why work is ongoing.

Investigations are being conducted now as for tax Havens that's just as in unacceptable we have a competent team with the tools they need to investigate they can investigate any file as soon as it becomes necessary The Honorable member for dependence on dubious Consultants is not limited to arrive can nor is it.

Limited to liberals the conservatives themselves under har Stephen Harper awarded millions in contracts to coridel a company that offered no services that was founded by the same two people who pocketed 20 million for arrive can thankfully the committee will be investigating all the contracts awarded to these two individuals but we need to.

Take things further will the government commit to disclosing all the contracts since 2004 between both the conservatives and the Liberals and all the companies that offer no Services other than finding subcontractors countable minister of.

Public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker Mr Speaker just under four years ago Canada exper Eren the worst Health crisis in a century the worst economic crisis since the 30s we had to close the border at the request of then president Trump there were hundreds of people.

Dying each week in Long-Term Care Homes everywhere across the country so we needed to take action quickly and effectively that's what we asked the public service to do but the public service did have to follow rules unfortunately some of these rules were not followed that is what the auditor General concluded then I have sorry The.

Honorable member from Calgary midnapore Mr Speaker after 8 years this prime minister is not worth the cost crime or corruption this government spent a minimum a minimum of $60 million on a r scan it could even be more we don't know because there's missing documentation it middleman GC strategy got 20 million doll for doing no actual work the top.

Cop in the RCMP announced today a full investigation into a rise scan so today the Prime Minister has a decision to make will he cooperate with the RCMP or will he obstruct Justice like he usually does question The Honorable Minister for public works thank you Mr Speaker again this question has received multiple.

Answers including from our colleague the minister of Public Safety if the conservatives are trying to find new questions to ask me I suggest a couple of them why for instance during the 8 years of our government have we built 10 times more homes than during the 10 years of the conservative government why has poverty Fallen by half in Canada why.

Is the Canada child benefit taking out of poverty 400,000 children and their parents every single month and a couple other questions Mr Speaker of which we would be interested to hear from the conservative members The Honorable member from Calgary midnapore Mr Speaker even the auditor general said that a crisis situation is no excuse for this.

Lack of value for money for Canadians conservatives have put forward today a motion related to a rise scam to get money back from the contractors who did no actual work there is one person one person in this chamber who can make that decision Mr Speaker the Prime Minister the Prime Minister has the power to make the decision to get the money back for.

Hardworking commit commans so will the Prime Minister commit today to getting the money back for Canadians or will he Sher his responsibility like like he usually does The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker on the contrary our government has said from the beginning that those that have misused taxpayers.

Money will be held to account and once the investigations that the cbsa for example has ordered internally once the RCMP report is completed if in fact money was misappropriated of course the government will take all the steps to recoup that money Mr Speaker we've said from the beginning that anybody who mishandles taxpayers money will face the.

Consequences and that's exactly what this government is doing the honorable member from Sherwood Park Fort Saskatchewan Mr Speaker those who misuse taxpayers money will face the consequences in the next election while Common Sense conservatives will ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime the NDP liberal prime.

Minister is not worth the cost crime or corruption after 8 years we've heard today ministers telling us as that RCMP criminal investigation into corruption in their government has become so commonplace that after 8 years it's not really news anymore Mr Speaker I'm old enough to remember a time when it was a big deal that the RCMP investigated the.

Government it's been too many times and it's time this government be held to account now finally will the minister tell us whether or not this government will cooperate with the RCMP investigation The Honorable member The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr.

Speaker just because my honorable friend asserts something with manufactured indignation doesn't make it true what we've said from the beginning Mr Speaker is that we take the responsibility to manage taxpayers money very seriously that's why when the Border Services Agency identified irregularities they began an internal investigation and they.

Referred the matter as is appropriate to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Mr Speaker our government will always do what's necessary to hold everyone to account who may have misused taxpayers money here The Honorable member from Winnipeg South Center Mr Speaker indigenous tourism has.

The power to create jobs to transform the tourism industry and to advance reconciliation indigenous tourism is valued at over 1.2 billion and supports over 30,000 jobs across the country in November the minister of Tourism announced the creation of the micro and small business component of the indigenous tourism fund can the minister.

Tell us how our government is supporting the indigenous tourism industry in order to ensure its continued growth thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable minister of Tourism thank you Mr Speaker I thank my colleague for his question the indigenous tourism fund seeks to advance economic reconciliation today at the.

International Conference on IND ous tourism our government announced over 79 projects unlike the conservatives who want to slash the indigenous tourism fund on this side of the house we believe in their future support indigenous tourism and we will always support their communities to make their own decision choosing their own path and.

Growing the tourism sector on their own pace you Mr thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Cumberland Colchester Mr Speaker let's make a contrast while sense conservatives will ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime this prime minister is tripping over his feet trying to save his reputation by.

Covering up yet another Scandal he's not worth the cost the crime or the corruption will the Prime Minister release all the Winnipeg lab documents today or will the shame and embarrassment be too much to endure the honorable minister of Health well Mr Speaker speaker uh you know when.

It comes to redactions it was the public health agency that conduct them and I would ask the opposition if their position is that a government should be involved in redacting documents that's a deeply disturbing thing for them to hold as a proposition instead what happened is we asked Parliament and it was actually our suggestions the.

Conservatives refused to look at the documents or or participate eventually they did to ensure that parliamentarians could look at what information was there and make a decision if the redaction done by the public health agency were or were not appropriate the process worked it was a process that we uh introduced and it was one that they supported event.

The Honorable member from Cumberland Colchester well speaker let's make a contrast again two scientists that are only high security lab collaborated with the Beijing government at least one Beijing military scientist was allowed in the lab members of parliament including liberals have said that it is essential for the government to release.

The documents why are the Liberals still covering up the Scandal are they afraid of the embarrassment this liberal government needs to release those lab documents today for all Canadians to see The Honorable minister of Health well Mr Speaker I'm in the awkward position of agreeing uh we are actually the ones who said the documents uh need.

To be looked at by parliamentarians we were the ones that introduced a process that asked parliamentarians to get together uh unfortunately the conservatives said no eventually they did participate and then parliamentarians had an opportunity to take a look at the redactions done by the public health agency and now those.

Uh those documents after the work of parliamentarians who done will be shared and that's exactly what we wanted to happen to make sure that there is maximum public exposure at the same time respecting our national security law then I have the honorable member for this is unreal I don't know how they even look themselves in the mayor at.

Night now Mr Speaker we the common sense conservatives are going to ask the test tax build the homes fix the budget and what's more stop the crime this liberal government they allow violent criminals to serve their sentences in the comfort of their living rooms and they're allowing this in partnership with the block iqua a teenage girl was lured by a.

Former police officer who is serving a sentence at home I'll give you another example a woman was attacked at knife Point by her ex-husband who had been arrested twice for domestic violence when will the Liberals stop their softon crime policy icies and protect victims instead of criminals The Honorable Minister of.

Justice and attorney general of Canada well if this is a the matter here is about intimate partner violence and domestic violence and that is a top priority on this side of the house now we have addressed the situation in two ways in both c75 and in c48 in in terms of conditions for.

Release on bail For Those who commit this type of crime we will always fight against domestic violence and we will protect men and women everywhere in Canada The Honorable member from King's hands speaker last week the minister of Agriculture was in Malaysia and the Philippines on a trade mission to promote and secure new markets for our.

Agra food products instead of taking a team cat approach to Pro promoting trade and speaker I will say they've been bit iffy on trade just ask Ukraine the conservatives decided to Gaslight and critique the minister for simply highlighting the import colleagues I'm actually having difficulty hearing uh the louder part of.

The question I'm going to ask all members uh on all sides to please carry your conversations A lot quieter so that we can hear the the member who is far away from the chair uh The Honorable member has I'm going to give him 20 seconds add 5 Seconds 20 seconds to his question so speaker as I was saying the conservatives are not very happy on.

Trade right now but the minister was in the Philippines and Malaysia promoting trade and the importance of seafood industry to Atlantic Canada can the minister update this host on his trade Mission and educate the member from Thornhill on the importance of lobster to Atlantic Canada thank you Mr The Honorable minister of Agriculture.

And Agra food Mr Speaker I thank my honorable colleague for giving me another opportunity to promote worldclass Canadian product including Lobster uh farmers and Fisheries expect their government to open new market and in fact that's just what we did um I officially open the new indopacific trade office that will help promote.

Canadian Agriculture and seafood products I always promote Canadian products overseas when I'm overseas Mr Speaker no matter in the government or opposition and it's vitally important that we promote the Fishers and farmers who work so hard for their dollar The Honorable member from Vancouver East more than 8 million.

People in Sudan have been displaced through 10 months of War this has been devastating for people in Sudan and their family members in Canada the special immigration measure for ukrainians set important standards and it should apply everywhere else Canada show that we can help those uh facing war and persecution.

220,000 ukrainians got to safety but the Liberals put an arbitrary 1,000 pron limit for people in Gaza and 3,250 for Sudan will the minister lift these caps so that no Canadian family in war zones is discriminated against The Honorable Minister for immigration refugees and citizenship thank you Mr Speaker.

As member well knows the pathway for people fleeing war in Sudan opens today we worked on this with a number of Sudanese umbrella organizations uh on this important measure so that Canadians are really showing and opening their doors to people fleeing War I'm always ready to be more flexible as we see the situation.

Evolve and it's clear that we as Canadians need to do more when it comes to in particular this forgotten war that uh obviously is getting less media attention than all the other devastating Wars around the world but we're prepared to do more and we'll continue to work with the umbrella organizations to make sure that they can welcome Sudanese.

People fleeing War thank you great The Honorable member from Victoria Mr Speaker 30% of the screening officers at Victoria's Airport have lost their jobs without due process and with no access to an appeal their employer wanted to keep them on but the Canadian Air transport security Authority interfered undermining Labor Relations.

And costing people their jobs to make matters worse the minister of Transportation refuses to meet with them yet again the Liberals are dropping the ball when it comes to protecting workers why is the minister refusing to meet with these workers and their Union The Honorable minister of Labor I Thank The Honorable member for her.

Question and I can say certainly today of all days we certainly stand with workers and we stand on with a stable and fair working environment I will look into the situation that you described immediately thank you Mr Speaker it being 318 the house will now proceed to The Taking of the Deferred recorded division on the.


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