Inquire of Length – April 10, 2024


Inquire of Length – April 10, 2024

Oral questions this prime minister's incompetence is just not worth the cost with his excessive spending at the federal level he has caused so many Messes in the military immigration inflation the housing market and so many more but instead of cleaning up his own.

Mess he's just creating more problems with expensive promises promises that interfere with provincial jurisdiction why is this liberal prime minister bringing his incompetence into areas of Quebec competency The Honorable minister of Public Services Mr Speaker it's quite humorous to hear the word incompetence in the mouth of the leader.

Of the opposition when he was housing minister who created only six affordable housing units for the whole country during his term recently he accused Quebec municipalities of being incompetent on March 15th with Quebec City we started 324 affordable housing units who's really.

Incompetent here the leader of the opposition with his six units or Quebec municipalities with hundreds The Honorable leader of the opposition when I was housing Minister housing costs were half of what they are today and hundreds of thousands of housing units were created with low interest.

Rates today we learned that the Bank of Canada will not be lowering interest rates and the governor of the Bank of Canada has already said that if governments spend too much interest rates will remain high which will send people into bankruptcy will this prime minister finally accept my Common Sense plan a dollar for dooll plan to balance.

The budget and bring down interest rates The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition was just talking about the government of Quebec and I talked about Quebec municipalities now with the Quebec government we signed an agreement to create 8,000 new affordable housing units during his term as housing.

Minister the leader of the opposition created six affordable housing units and yet he called Quebec municipalities incompetent when will he agree to come with me to meet with the Quebec city leaders to apologize in person the opposition Mr Speaker I'll never apologize for keeping housing costs low when I was the Minister of.

Housing but if you were hoping for some interest rate relief today as a a mortgage holder as someone with a small business loan or a line of credit you got some bad news that the prime minister is not worth the cost rates are staying High long because as the governor of the Bank of Canada said if government spending grows then interest.

Rates will have to stay high to combat the resulting inflation why won't the Prime Minister accept my Common Sense plan to fix the budget with a dollar Ford dooll law to bring down rates The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker it's possible to be prudent fiscally and have social programs as well that's exactly what our.

Government does with the AAA credit rating with the lowest debt to GDP ratio in the G7 and with historically low unemployment at the same time we have a national school food program on the table of $1 billion Mr Speaker supports for child care and early learning as well as for renters and homeowners that's what we do on this side of the.

House every day it's a great day to fight for Canadians The Honorable leader of the oppos every day is not a great day when you're living in a tent city or when you've had your mortgage double or when when you're one of when you are uh with the fam's one in four children who can't get.

Enough food and they put forward a food program that doesn't have any food instead what they've done is doubled the national debt and driven up interest rates today we learned that the Bank of Canada is unable to bring rates down because the Prime Minister continues to make massive multi-billion dollar inflationary spending why won't he.

Follow my Common Sense plan to bring down the deficit and the rates The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker wages are growing faster than inflation under the conservatives poverty was at 14.5% when we replaced the conservatives we brought it down to 7.4% Mr Speaker we will continue to.

Invest in Canadians with the supports for affordable housing for renters for early learning and child care and because of our work we will make life fairer for Canadians unlike the conservative leader who is here for himself thank you The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker we're finding out.

Today from the Bank of Canada that the prime minister is not worth the cost in September the bank governor said that if government spending were to grow then interest rates would have to stay high that was echoed by the former bank governor and incoming liberal leader Mark Carney who IND indicated that that he does not expect rates to qu to fall.

Quickly and that that is partly because of a lack of fiscal discipline so if he won't listen to me why won't he listen to his successor and understand that he's not worth the cost of high interest rate The Honorable Minister for Innovation speaker we willon take no listens from the.

conservatives order The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker I hope the conservative will listen this time because Canadians are watching at all Mr Speaker we will take.

No lessons from the conservative on this side of the house we have a plan to build more houses we have a plan to build more prosperity in this country we have a plan to create more jobs Mr Speaker On The Other Side they have slogan Mr Speaker Canadians are smart they understand that slogans don't build homes they understand that slogan don't.

Create jobs they understand that slogan don't create Prosperity Mr Speaker every day is a good day to fight for Canadians that's what we're going to do if this goes on I'm certain that The.

Honorable member for Lai will think that it's about him The Honorable member for Lai Mr Speaker for three weeks the Prime Minister has been making pre-budget announcements in Quebec jurisdiction but not today today he is at the foreign interference inquiry so he doesn't have time for domestic in interference Health Schools housing Dental Care Child.

Care it's the Liberals not the block who think they are governing Quebec Ottawa has the money but Quebec has the expertise if Ottawa wants to help Quebec it should just increase transfers what is this government waiting for the honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker Mr Speaker it's always a.

Good time to speak about the impacts that government Investments have for quebecers let's start with child care a$6 billion investment over four years which will help families and especially women 35,000 new child care spots which will of course help families which will reduce poverty increase gender equality help children all while respecting.

Quebec jurisdiction The Honorable member for Lea Mr Speaker this is a real budget strip teas one little piece at a time at the rate is going the budget lockdown on April 16th will be no longer than 5 minutes there'll be nothing left to announce and what will be left to spend.

After using billions of dollars to interfere with Quebec's jurisdiction I know that competence would interfere with this liberal government's brand look at Phoenix passports arrive can Asylum Seekers but that's no reason to violate quec Juris iction could this government please transfer money instead of.

Interfering The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker I'm very pleased to answer another question to give a second example of how we're working well with Quebec on housing this time 1.8 billion doll in an agreement that was signed a few weeks ago that will enable Quebec to build more affordable housing than ever.

Before which will greatly benefit quebecers especially lower income quebecers The Honorable member from Burnaby South yesterday the Assembly of First Nations made it clear that this government is letting down indigenous people right now the indigenous funding Gap in infrastructure has risen to an astronomical.

$350 billion that's not just a number on paper that means indigenous people are living in molding homes that means indigenous people don't have access to clean drinking water why did this liberal government turn their back on indigenous people The Honorable Minister Mr Speaker for decades and.

Decades Canada has underinvested in indigenous communities and this government is putting a stop to that we've increased funding for housing on First Nations by 11 100% Mr Speaker and while we know there is a long way to go I want to thank the afn for co-writing this report with us it's a very important to understand the size of the.

Gap so that we can work even more quickly to close it together then I have BN it's not just indigenous people that this government is letting down it's also Canadians living with disabilities right now Canadians living with disabilities are disproportionately living in poverty and according to Angus Street 9 % of.

Canadians support a Canadian disability benefit but this liberal government continues to delay the implementation of this benefit and the conservatives voted against it so why is this government continuing to delay enough is enough when will people get their checks when will people actually get the benefit here here theable minister for diversity.

Inclusion and and disability people with disabilities thank you Mr Speaker Mr Speaker The Honorable member knows extremely well the Canada disability benefit is another concrete step to reduce reduce poverty and to support Canadians who needed the most Mr Speaker this is our top priority we're on track to deliver the benefit Mr Speaker in the.

Spirit of nothing without us I want to take an opportunity to thank the disability Community for their Relentless advocacy and for the work that they have been doing Mr Speaker we will get it right and we will get it out for Canadians living with disabilities thank you.

Mr The Honorable member from Duffer and cin G from Ville just sent me a photo from the Orangeville food bank there's no juice there's no cereal and there's almost no diapers this is because the people who used to donate food are now lined up for food this is actually Canada after 8 years of this corrupt incompetent NDP liberal government.

That's right will the Prime Minister finally show he has even a modum of compassion for Canadians pass conservative bill c234 that will take all carbon taxes off all Farmers so Canadians can once again afford food sense The Honorable Minister for natural resources and energy it is important in.

This country and certainly Canadians understand that we address the climate crisis that is facing us there are significant costs that we are facing including issues around wildfires as we move forward if we do not address climate change but it is also important that we do that in a manard that is Affordable eight out of 10 Canadians get.

More money back from the carbon rebate than they pay in the in the price on pollution if you are going to take it away as the leader of the opposition would do you are actually attacking the poorest members in our society shame on you I'm going to ask all members please to uh not take the floor until all um.

Until the person who has the microphone has the opportunity to to all members so we could hear the questions clearly and we could also hear the answers CLE clearly The Honorable uh member from duffen C the great liberal lies the budget will balance itself and the rebate check is larger than the cost of the carbon tax everyone knows that is.

Not actually what's happened and you know who else has joined the carbon tax revolt six Premier in this country who are calling for a carbon tax Summit new forland in Labrador Nova Scotia neun Wick Ontario Saskatchewan and Alberta will this out of touch prime minister actually call this conference the carbon tax Summit or is he too busy hiding.

Because he called the premier's Liars so colleagues I'd like to remind all colleagues on all sides of the house uh that it's we must be very careful about using the word lies although it wasn't directed at an individual um it is really important that we not use language as you know that uh it can be.

Disturbing uh and can disturb the Affairs of the house The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker look on this side of the house we actually believe in facts and we believe in science The Honorable member makes statements that actually have zero basis in fact 200 economists in this country signed a letter last to two weeks ago.

Saying that 8 out of 10 Canadians get more money back the Parliamentary budget Officer says that 8 out of 10 Canadians get money back they can make up all the things that they want to but the facts are on our side it is an issue that addresses affordability for Canadians particularly those on Modest incomes it is a plan to address climate change.

Those Reckless irresponsible conservatives on the other side of the house should be ashamed again I'd like to remind members to please stay away from language that could be uh that certainly it's getting close closer and closer to unparliamentary the honorable member from chaak Hope after 8 years of this.

NDP liberal government many Canadians can no longer afford to feed their families last year 2 million Canadians visited food banks in a single month alone but instead of bringing down the cost of food the Prime Minister increased the carbon tax on groceries by 23% on April 1st clearly this prime minister is not worth the cost instead.

Of making things worse will the Prime Minister finally cut the cost of food by adopting conservative Bill c234 to take all carbon taxes off of farmers in next week's budget yeah that's right the honorable government house leader it's important that we talk in this house about all of the supports.

That we're providing to Farmers and uh the agricultural community in the context of our fight against climate change Mr Speaker but I would also point out that after having conservative Senators threaten female senators on amendments on this bill this is a conservative private members bill that they can prioritize at any moment and.

Bring to a vote in this house it's up to them C2 34's fate is decided on the conservative side of the house Mr speak right The Honorable member from chilak Hope Mr Speaker this liberal government is completely out of touch with ordinary Canadians who can't feed their families with phony liberal photo ops Canadians are already lining up at the food banks.

In record numbers and increasing the carbon tax on farmers and food is only making things worse 70% of Canadians want this government to a the tax and half a dozen premiers are demanding an emergency meeting on the carbon tax crisis so will the Prime Minister stop hiding and hold a carbon tax conference with the premier and listen to their.

Plans to ax the tax right The Honorable Minister for natural resources and energy thank you Mr Speaker again I would implore the conservatives in opposition to actually use facts when they actually make statements 200 economists in this country have validated the fact that the carbon price is the most efficient way.

To reduce emissions and is done in a manner that is Affordable when Premier Mo actually came before the uh the committee a couple of weeks ago journalists actually called the statements that he was making which are the same as what this fellow is making a parade of nonsense and completely dishonest I totally.

agree The Honorable member for sh Mr Speaker after eight years of this liberal prime minister rents have doubled and our youth can no longer dream of buying a first home record lines at food banks everything this prime minister touches just Withers he's breaking everything everything in Ottawa.

And now he wants to bring his incompetence to Quebec with these centralizing pre-budget announcements will the Prime Minister finally understand that this is just making things worse for quebecers The Honorable Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker on the contrary.

We are investing to build housing in Quebec for example The Accelerated housing Fund in Quebec has enabled us to sign an agreement with the province $1.8 billion to build 8,000 affordable housing units throughout the province the conservatives are against that investment it's incredible we will continue to invest to.

Improve the situation and build affordable housing more quickly The Honorable member Mr Speaker how can we trust this government when we think of the way they manage everything the border the forces arrive can EI everything this government does goes wrong for eight years and now they're adding insult injury by interfering with.

Quebec jurisdiction does this prime minister understand that this will make the situation worse for quebecers and all Canadians The Honorable minister of Public Services my colleague the minister for housing spoke about the 8,000 affordable housing units that will be built by.

Quebec municipalities we already know that the leader of the opposition had six affordable housing units built when he was Minister of Housing and what the member may not know is that is an own riding there is a project that built 163 affordable housing units which is about.

25 times more than his leader managed to build throughout his entire term and throughout the entire country the honorable member forier now in the expression area of jurisdiction there's the word jurisdiction when you have a toothache you don't call up the barber and you shouldn't call up the Federal Government.

Either Federal dental coverage is still not available and yet already everyone is mad at Ottawa seniors are mad because they were promised free dental care but instead they're going to have to pay dentists are mad because Ottawa is blaming them and all this because Ottawa which knows nothing about the matter promised free dental care without.

Totting up the Bill why not instead act like the tooth fairy and slip the money under Quebec's pillow The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker it is essential that everyone throughout the country and each and every quebecer can receive dental care that is our objective and that is what.

We will do in the spirit of cooperation I will will continue to work with the government of Quebec Thea is always trying to pick arguments and find problems whereas our government is finding Solutions and ensuring that everyone gets the health care they need the.

Honorable member for jier Mr Speaker Ottawa could send money to Quebec's Insurance health insurance program for dental care Quebec is ready to do that but Ottawa is instead creating red tape redundancy and is making everyone mad even though the program hasn't even started yet with.

Housing Ottawa could give the money right away but instead it's going to lead to a constitutional conflict until 2025 the federal government is not like King Midas instead of touching things and they turn to Gold it touches things and they turn to mold why continue interfering with Quebec jurisdiction why would we let them do that when.

Everything takes longer and is ultimately worse The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker the system for dental coverage is simple people will receive a card and with that card dentists throughout the country can use the same system as they do with any other kind of dental insurance and then very.

Easily patients will receive necessary Services if Quebec wishes to manage the system that's not a problem we can work together however it's absolutely essential that the service be available immediately for quebecers and that's what we'll do the honorable member from battlefords Lloyd Minster thank you Mr Speaker after eight years of this prime.

Minister Canadians are struggling to put food on the table food banks received a record 2 million visits in a single month last year alone and Mill and a million more Canadians are expected to visit food banks again this year the carbon tax is driving up the cost of grow groceries and everything else struggling families are desperate for.

Relief in next week's budget so Mr Speaker will the Prime Minister ax the carbon tax on Farmers so the food prices can go down the honorable Minister for natural resources and energy thank you Mr Speaker once again The Honorable member is is saying things that are devoid of facts and in fact what she is proposing.

Will actually take money away from folks who live on Modest incomes eight out of 10 families get get more money back than they pay in the price on pollution and it works directly inverse to income it's those people that live on most modest incomes that would be most impacted by their plan to cut the carbon rebate that is reckless that is irresponsible and it.

Puts at risk people who live in this country on Modest incomes the chair did not uh hear the comments by the minister unfortunately I wasn't paying attention but there is so important for members to stop not use language which can be uh which can be disturbing to the Affairs of the.

House The Honorable member from Battleford Lloydminster actually Mr Speaker Canadians are painfully aware that this prime minister and his NDP liberal government are not worth the cost last week's carbon tax hike is driving up theost cost of gas groceries and Home Heating families are struggling like I said to put food on the table and.

They cannot afford higher costs next week next week's budget must take the foot off the gas of the rising grocery prices so once again Mr Speaker will the Prime Minister ax the tax on farmers and make food more affordable for Canadians question absolutely The Honorable Minister for natural resources and energy thank you.

Mr speaker I would suggest to my honorable colleague across the house who is from the the great province of Saskatchewan that she go and have a conversation with Dr Brent doter at the University of Virgina who has said eight out of 10 Canadian families get more money back and it's those that actually live on Modest incomes that do the best.

On a net benefit basis it is an affordability program but it is also a program to address the climate crisis which imperils the future of our children the fact that these folks have zero plan to address the climate issue and they don't seem to care at all about it is reckless and it is irresponsible I'm sure certain all.

Members would like to listen to the uh honorable member from North Peterboro South ask his question and to receive uh a question an answer and response The Honorable member thank you Mr Speaker this prime minister has a superpower it's the ability to spend other people's money but I'd like to remind him that it's not his money he's spending it's.

The hard-earned dollars of Canadians he is clear he has no respect for Canadians or their hard-earned dollars Mr Speaker he's just not worth the cost will his government commit to a pay you go rule in the upcoming budget to help fix the financial disaster they caused The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker an accurate.

Representation of the facts would be the following first of all we have a AAA credit rating that's by an independent objective Observer of our economy second of all with regards to expenditures we on this side of the house invest in Canadians especially in vulnerable Canadians $10 a day Child Care Early Childhood learning and education a.

National school program meanwhile they vote against they vote against Dental Care they vote against pharmacare Mr Speaker every day is a great day to fight for Canadians and that's exactly what we'll do The Honorable member from North humbl Peterboro South thank you Mr Speaker while the Liberals deflect deny and.

Gaslight Common Sense conservatives will remain laser focused on the affordability crisis bill c234 is back before this house and the Liberals have a chance to help Canadians by reducing food costs by reducing the burden on Farmers which will ultimately make everything more affordable will they finally give Farmers a break will they.

Finally give Canadians a Break by reducing and eliminating the carbon tax on Farmers The Honorable government house leader bill c234 as a conservative private private members bill that that party can elect to bring to this house for a vote at any time I would invite The Honorable I would invite The.

Honorable member to talk to his host leadership and we'll get on with the vote for c234 we here The Honorable member for Mr Speaker rent is expensive groceries are expensive everything is expensive Quebec is are suffering while the CEOs of big grocery stores are gilding their pockets on.

Their backs instead of making this lot pay their fair share the Liberals are giving them a $60 billion doll gift thank you who thank you to the conservatives who gave this money our money when they were in power money that could be invested in Social and affordable housing in health or in the fight against climate of the climate.

Crisis but no the liberal prefer to give it to re Rich CEOs why do the Liberals continue to Guild the pockets of big business The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker I'd like to thank my colleague for his question Mr Speaker my colleague will admit that we do invest for the most vulnerable Canadians throughout the country we also invest in.

Child care we invest in housing and my colleague knows full well that the best way to stabilize grocery prices is to have more competitivity in our country that is exactly what we have done with the biggest competitivity reform in history everyone here knows that we want to help Canadians and that is what we are doing.

And what we'll continue to do sorry The Honorable member from Winnipeg Center thank you Mr Speaker the Liberals child care plan forgets child care workers 96% whom are women many facing a burnout crisis and the recent liberal announcement fall short of what experts are calling for childhood Educators need better wages and working.

Conditions to improve retention and recruitment meanwhile the conservatives are pushing privatized child care that would even hurt workers even more when will the minister stop with the disrespect and deliver a Workforce strategy that allows workers to live in dignity The Honorable Minister for families children and Social Development.

Thank you Mr Speaker and I thank my colleague for the question and her continued advocacy on behalf of Early Learning child care workers our government continues to work with the provinces and territories as evidence most recently with our budget announcement which includes loan forgiveness for Early Childhood.

Educators who choose to work in Rural and remote communities where we see the need for more Educators and more child care spaces will continue continue to work on the workforce strategies with the provinces and territories to support this Workforce The Honorable member from St John's East Mr Speaker tourism is one of.

The most important pillars of Atlantic Canada's economy in my writing of St John's East the b island Heritage Society number two Mind tour and Community museum is a Hidden Gem recognized as a world-class destination they are helping attract tourists to experience for themselves what our community has to offer this in turn.

Supports our local economy can the minister for Co tell us what efforts are being made to help our booming tourism sector grow even more specifically in Atlantic Canada The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker big things are happening on the east coast in February I was with the minister of.

Tourism to announce a signing of the Atlantic Canada agreement on tourism this $30 million agreement gives a major boost to more than 7,500 tourism businesses throughout Atlantic Canada this support creates yearr round opportunities fuels Innovative marketing grows their indigenous product and brings more visitors to our beautiful.

Corner of the world with their breathtaking Landscapes delectable Cuisine and renowned Hospitality our region has so much to offer and we're pulling out all the stops you put Atlantic Canada on your bucket list this year the honorable member for Lis Mr Speaker after eight years this prime.

Minister is simply not worth the cost $500 billion later and without controlling spending this is the result the cost of rent has doubled one child in four in Canada does not have enough to eat and 2 million Canadians have to go to food banks that is the liberal record after eight years of this prime minister's.

Mismanagement and because the Prime Minister has invaded provincial jurisdictions Quebec's lives have become worse the same for Canadian's lives will the Prime Minister withdraw from provincial jurisdictions and stop making life worse for quebecers and Canadians The Honorable Minister for public services and procurement thank.

You Mr Speaker my colleague is right to speak about the cost of living the cost of living is important for middleclass families and lower class families what is interesting is that they are against child care benefits that reduce child poverty by 50% every month they're against dental care for children and now for seniors they are against investments.

In child care services that in Quebec have shown us how important it is for gender equality and now they seem to be against investments in housing despite the fact that the conservative leader didn't do much for housing when he was a housing Minister The Honorable member for Luis thank you Mr Speaker I like to mention to the minister that.

Most things that he mentioned we voted for however what makes us angry and what makes Canadians angry is that this government has absolutely no efficiency when it comes to taking care of its own business passports the armed forces the Border immigration the cost of living and the cost of living the list is long Mr.

Speaker that is government in action what's this government doing right now it's it's uh butting into provincial jurisdictions it's not their business so they can't even handle their own business but they try to get into provincial businesses when will the government finally step up and respect its own jurisdictions rather than.

Butting into provincial jurisdictions The Honorable Minister for public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker first of all I would like to remind my honorable colleague that in his writing there are about 12,000 families who every month on the 20th of every month get the Canada childcare benefit that's.

About $500 every month non- taxable for these families which reduces poverty by 50% in his writing unfortunately one of the first things that the conservatives did in 2016 was to vote against this child care benefit that is beneficial to millions of families and children in his riding in in.

Canada The Honorable member from thank you Mr Speaker after eight years this prime minister is simply not worth the cost of his own incompetence his inflationary Pol policies have increased the cost of everything rent has doubled inflation has reached record levels violent crimes make our streets less and less safe.

Quebecers have less and less purchasing power after having almost shattered in arwa now the Prime Minister has passed the last two weeks announcing that he now wants to shatter various provinces including Quebec can the Prime Minister simply just mind his own business for once the honorable Minister for.

Innovation Mr Speaker what we hear is the party of in action speak to us if we were to listen to the conservatives Mr Speaker to do nothing is to solve all the problems no Mr Speaker the people watching us at home know that we have to invest in housing that we have to invest in child care that we have to invest in green future and wants to talk about.

Success let us just look at the biggest private investment in Quebec in history we managed to attract the biggest investment in Quebec in history we believe that to invest is to succeed not only today but in the future as well you remember from like the minister has often said people at home.

Knows that after eight years the prime minister is the only one responsible for his own incompetence his own field of incompetence it's not for nothing that Quebec doesn't want him to have him around anymore he wanted to interfere in housing and Quebec have seen the price of their rent double he wanted to interfere in the lives of the middle.

Class and he's shattered young people's dream of becoming homeowners one day and now workers middle- class workers have to turn to food banks when the Prime Minister interferes Quebec's foot the Staggering bill will the Prime Minister finally listened to Common Sense and and put aside his plans to meddle further in areas where he has clearly shown he has.

Absolutely no skill or competence The Honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker I don't think that when it comes to competency and skill we have any lessons to learn for the conservatives every time we have been here for Canadians the conservatives have always voted against they're Against Child Care they're against investments in housing.

They're against Investments for seniors Mr Speaker if we were to listen to the conservatives we would say no to everything but no in today's real world those who are doing well are investing in our country we're investing in healthcare in education and in housing Mr Speaker those who are confident will.

Invest in their population that's what we do Mr Speaker The Honorable member for long s thank you Mr Speaker there are many tangible measures we can take to tackle the housing crisis I proposed 12 of them this very morning and I'm ready to discuss them with the Liberals at any time they have my number because their.

Only measure right now is to impose ill-conceived conditions upon the provinces otherwise Arta will cut off the funds the prim minister is bluntly telling the provinces that refuses blackmail you want us to respect your areas of jurisdiction then do without Federal money Mr Speaker it's our money in short.

No concrete measures just threats to the provinces and municipalities so is this the Liberals plan it sounds like a conservative plan the The Honorable Minister for development Mr Speaker I'm happy to hear the question from my colleague because I read the report that he's.

Mentioned and he worked upon that report in the report he put forth a number of stakeholders and these stakeholders have spoken positively of housing rights interveners that have commended the fact that we want to build more houses here we're not going to just write reports we're going to build houses The Honorable member for.

Long s Mr Speaker 's conditions aren't speeding up housing construction they're slowing them down instead of paying the money now so that Quebec can actually go to work the Liberals are bickering until 2025 the money they're holding back is for infrastructure Like Water Works and waterways that's the first step unless.

The Liberals want perhaps housing without drinking water on a wasteland imagine we're just at the stage of putting in running water we're not even talking about building buildings yet and already the federal government is hampering everything slowing everyone down so why not just pay the money now and tackle the housing crisis right.

Now The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker the whole light blue dark blue rhetoric over on the other side it's all the same we can't on the one hand say that we want to help people and then vote against or say that you're going to vote against measures that we have announced.

This week the one that he has just mentioned is in last week's announcements we have announced a fund to help house builders a fund to defend rental rights we've announced a fund to make sure that we will have an industrial catalog to build more rapidly Mr Speaker on this side of the house.

We're not just writing reports we're building houses The Honorable member for Bel Mr Speaker under the Liberals one child in four goes hry after eight years the cost of housing has doubled people are sleeping in tents and the use of food banks has now become the norm the prime minister is failing in his own responsibilities and his inflationary.

Spending is creating chaos and he has the sheer nerfed electure the provinces by invading their areas of jurisdiction with his incompetency will the Prime Minister listen to the Prem of Quebec who is urging him to withdraw from our era of jurisdiction and simply mind his own business for.

Once the honorable Minister for public services and uh procurement uh yes Mr Speaker we're happy to do so with the collaboration of the municipalities of Quebec including lii and the government of Quebec 8,000 affordable housing units over the next few months that is the highest level of affordable housing units built by a.

Government for Quebec since the beginning of of Quebec's Inception that is why we're working hand inand with the government of Quebec they're talking about fields of jurisdiction and competencies but the least competent is the leader of the conservatives who in his time built six entire housing units remember from St Albert EDM excuse.

My St St Albert Edmonton Edmonton Mr Speaker yesterday at the public inquiry it was confirmed that ce's briefed top liberal officials that Beijing interfered in the nomination on behalf of the member for Dawn valy North today the globin mail is reporting that a top liberal broke the law by leaking classified information that resulted in.

The member for Dawn Valley North being tipped off that he was being monitored by cus so who broke the law what is the name of that top liberal The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of Public Safety speaker thank you I thank the member for the question in regard to the fact that unfortunately foreign.

Interference is a problem that some foreign State actors have taken to try to undermine our democracy but Mr Speaker it's not new and that's precisely why we have taken this matter so seriously it's precisely why we have initiated a number of steps to strengthen our democracy and Mr Speaker we've all agreed to the inquiry and we.

Want to allow that work to continue so Canadians have a full picture of the issues around foreign interference The Honorable member from St Albert Edmond Mr Speaker that non-answer is completely unacceptable enough of the coverup only a handful of liberal officials were briefed by cus we now know that a top liberal broke the.

Law undermined the work of cus and put the partisan of the Liberal Party ahead of national security so when did the Prime Minister first learn of this criminal leak and did he refer it to the RCMP The Honorable par secretary to the minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker all parties in this house agreed to the terms of reference for justice hoges.

Inquiry Mr Speaker it's important for Canadians and all members of this house that foreign interference is not partisan it's important that we allow Justice hog to continue in this work so that Canadians can have a full picture surrounding any attempts of foreign interference in this country Mr Speaker an interm report will be delivered in.

May and I look forward to the recommendations on how we can strengthen our democracy The Honorable member from Yukon speaker our government signed bilateral agreements with all 13 provinces and territories this past March a few weeks ago in in my writing three agreements were announced with the.

Territorial governments to invest a total amount of nearly $86 million to improve health care access and services for the Yukon can you elaborate on what this health investment means for those living in the Yukon and for all Canadians to the minister of Health thank you I'm certain that The Honorable.

Member from Yukon wasn't asking the speaker to elaborate but indeed the minister of Health to elaborate the honorable Minister I you Mr Speaker would also be uh very enthusiastic about the bilateral agreements that have been signed across this country and I want to thank the member for Yukon not only for his extraordinary work as a member of.

Parliament but as a physician and a chief medical officer uh the work that he's done to promote public health and better health for Canadians across the country really has to be commended and I was so proud to be with him in in uh in the Yukon to make an announcement that's going to see more doctors more nurses reduce backlog improve access to care.

Make sure that we allow our seniors to age at home it's part of a $200 billion plan to take action across the country The Honorable member from Leeds Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes after eight years of this NDP liberal prime minister we know that he's not worth the cost or the corruption and we've seen that with the $60 million.

That he spent on his failed arrive scam last year alone he spent $21 billion on outside consultants and his favorite handpicked Consultants GC strategies are being hauled before the bar of this house to answer questions under threat of imprisonment for lying to parliamentarians in the inquiries about this liberal Scandal it's a historic.

Tool for historic levels of corruption so in the budget next week will the Prime Minister cut the corruption in his government The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker as we have said time and time again when it comes to the procurement process Canadians and all par.

Parliamentarians expect the process to be followed expect laws to be followed and Mr Speaker this is precisely why we have supported the work of the committee cbsa has already initiated a number of measures to improve the procurement process Mr Speaker we will continue to make those improvements so Canadians have trust in our procurement.

Systems The Honorable member from th sorry R Leeds Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes the procurement system that they're presiding over is so broken that millions of dollars are being paid to firms who add no value and do no work to contracts just last year $21 billion on outside contracts and this NDP liberal.

Government isn't worth the cost or the corruption of their $60 million arrive scam that's on GC strategies paid 20 million ion doll but did no work and added no value for their failed arrive scam Canadians got lies fraud and forgery will they cut the corruption in their budget next.

Wednesday and ask all members please to not take the floor while another member is speaking that's recognized by the speaker in particular I might ask a member from I believe it is from Tim James Bay to please make sure that his comments uh are done when he has a microphone when he has a floor The.

Honorable parliamentary secretary to the ministry of Public Safety thank you Mr Speaker it's ironic coming from conservatives that these very same companies that were also awarded contracts under conservative leadership for millions of dollars that conservatives did nothing to fix the procurement process but Mr Speaker rest.

Assured Canadians can know that our government takes this exceptionally seriously it's precisely why we've already implemented changes something that conservatives ignored for years we are not going to do that we are going to build trust in the procurement system something conservatives have failed The Honorable member from.

Sherwood Park Fort of scottw Mr Speaker this house will make history when one of the favorite contractors of this NDP liberal government is hauled before the bar the Parliamentary secretary just said that GC strategies got contracts from conservatives actually speaker you know when GC strategies was founded in 2015 was founded in 2015 and business.

With this liberal government it get the sole source for the arrive scam app so can the government explain why this company got so much work after being founded in the same year that they took government and will this government finally cancel their costly criminal corruption The Honorable government hous leader the.

Member across uh knows not to use such language and he knows that there's no evidence for the kind of language that he's using that supports that the the government as well as opposition parties all voted to bring this gentleman before the bar of the House of Commons expecting answers parliamentarians are entitled to answers we voted to get the.

Answers just like they did Mr speaker thank pretty St The Honorable member from Winnipeg South Center Mr Speaker our government has been unwavering in its support for our Ally Ukraine with the values of all democracies threatened by Russia's illegal Invasion we have been there every step of the way doing our part to.

Ensure Ukrainian Victory my riding of Winnipeg self Center is home to thousands of Canadians of Ukrainian descent and in recent months we have welcomed thousands more fleeing the war back home earlier this year this house passed the Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement unfortunately conservative opposition prevents to this Parliament.

From signaling unanimous support there is good news however Mr Speaker can the minister of international trade inform this house of important developments related to this critical The Honorable Minister for international trade I want to inform Canadians and.

This house that uh in Ukraine and Ukraine Parliament have as the Canada Ukraine trade despite conservative opposition despite their opposition Ukraine's Parliament unanimously passed this agreement and have called this agreement one of the most modern high standard agreements in.

The world I'm looking forward to putting this Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement in use because I'm going to take a business delegation to Ukraine so we can work on their rebuilding thank you Mr Speaker well done I know it's Wednesday and people are all excited let's have the last couple of questions The Honorable member from.

Courtney alberty Mr Speaker First Nations in BC have suffered enormous loss through their 200-year history of colonization including the devastating loss of language and culture although Nations continue to make tremendous progress revitalizing their languages the Liberals new formula on funding means a 60% cut to language programs in.

BC preserving and revitalizing Indigenous languages is an essential step to reconciliation will this re government remember its most important relationship with First Nations and act with urgency to ensure sustained and long-term funding to language programs in British Columbia The Honorable uh The Honorable.

Minister for indigenous Services well Mr Speaker let me just first say that I fully agree with the member officite about the need to uh preserve indigenous languages and restore them when they've been so cruy ripped away from First Nations communities for decades indeed Mr Speaker in my own writing with tawa uh Tribal Council uh provides First.

Nation language training and support for First Nations communities all through Northern Ontario supported by this federal government I'm very proud of the work they're doing and we will continue to work on this uh preservation with First Nations across the country The Honorable member from Spadina Fort York.

The government's defense policy our North strong and free is the latest in Liberal smoking mirrors it rightfully abbreviates into NSF which Canadians know means non-sufficient funds spread out 20 years it has insufficient funds and by insufficient I mean Zer dollars this year there's nothing for tactical helicopters Maritime sensors and.

Military housing Mr Speaker with calf members using food stamps and sleeping in tents liberals provided nothing for housing in 2024 and 2025 is a prime minister aware that his facade policy will keep calf personnel and their families intense for years The Honorable Minister for National Defense thank you very much Mr.

Speaker and and and perhaps I should send a copy of our our new policy update for defense to the member op because it's quite clear he hasn't read it but what I can tell this house Mr Speaker is this a is a historic investment in new capabilities in maintaining the equip in ensuring that we can not only support the members of the Canadian Armed Forces.

But also grow our numbers there is money for housing there is money for other supports and Mr Speaker there is a new Focus for the Canadian Armed Forces in the defense of Canada that will make us strong at home to help us be strong around the world that ends question period I.

Understand I believe there is a point of order I recognize the member for B Mr Speaker there has been consultations amongst

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