“Institutional Stage Virtue Signalling!” ICC Seeks Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu AND Hamas Leaders


“Institutional Stage Virtue Signalling!” ICC Seeks Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu AND Hamas Leaders

I want to talk now uh in about the international criminal court so one of its prosecutors has said that he wants to arrest both the Israeli and Hamas leaders now very interestingly um this application has been made the ICC judges in the heg will now determine whether they believe the evidence is sufficient to issue the arrest warrants so the.

Arrest warrants may not actually happen for Benjamin Netanyahu and also hamas's leader Gaza yaha sinir now interestingly there's a lot going on in Israel at the moment Ben Gant is a rival a political rival to Benjamin nanahu but he is nonetheless defending him in this he says drawing parallels Benny Gant says between the leaders of a democratic.

Country determined to defend itself from the Despicable Terror to leaders of a bloodthirsty Terror organization is a deep Distortion of justice and blatant moral bankruptcy well I'm delighted that rear Admiral Dr Chris Parry who's a former NATO commander and also former Royal Navy Commander um Chris do you think this is um a deep Distortion of.

Justice and blatant moral bankruptcy what do you think well I I don't think it does much for the credibility of the international criminal court uh we've already got Vladimir Putin in the frame for his invasion of Ukraine and the atrocities that have been happening there but to think that there's any sort of.

Equivalence between the prime minister of a democratically elected country and the leader of an international terrorist organization I think is ridiculous and I think the Jud judges are going to have to be very prudent in the way they address this to see uh how they bring charges if they do indeed bring them uh to the court themselves there are tens.

Of thousands of gazin who are dead this is a war and there are some who believe that massive human rights abuses some say genocide I disagree with that but there are some that say that Netanyahu should be held accountable for this uh do you not think that has any Credence at all Chris well I think um uh Benjamin Netanyahu will be held accountable by.

The Israelis themselves I don't think it needs to go outside that until the end of the war um I think the tale is yet to be told about that war we've seen the casualty figures have been distorted uh we've seen lots of disinformation and misinformation and that is not really evidential quality at a court uh that claims this sort of jurisdiction and a.

Lot of uh as you say disinformation misinformation by news organizations that should know better saying officials in Gaza have told us this the the uh the authorities in Gaza have told us this no Hamas terrorists have told you these numbers which have been disputed by the United Nations I have no doubt that many many people and many.

Innocent civilians have died in Gaza and I don't want them to die I want this war to end as soon as possible but nonetheless we have to not suspend our critical thinking simply because a terror organization tells us something what do you think happens now Chris in terms of this I mean we now know that the ICC judges will determine whether.

They believe the evidence is sufficient we're also told the time frame can apparently vary weeks or even months can happen no doubt there'll be pressure from many of the usual quarters for Benjamin Netanyahu to as some people would put it face Justice well I think he's facing Justice every day in the court of public and.

Also Israeli opinion um um but I'm afraid to say until this war is over and as I say you get evidential uh quality information uh then there's absolutely no point in proceeding uh you're not going to get your hands on Benjamin Netanyahu anymore than you are going to get your hands on sinir or Vladimir Putin so in some ways.

It's it's institutional level virtue signaling uh and I'm afraid to say until the war is over we can't judge this um it's like trying to indict the Nazi Ro criminals before we'd actually got to Berlin institutional virtue signaling institutional level virtue signaling I like that I might steal Chris um I think I might steal that phrase um I think I.

Think your your fee will be zero pay for that one I really like it um I mean is there any point to this other than what they're doing because we've seen from the ICC there' have been a number of questionable judgments yet it is meant to be the world Court essentially but it's political of course in many of its uh directions as well perhaps in this as.

Well uh Peter I think across the whole judicial sphere right now we're seeing political interference right from what's happening in the United States uh against uh your political Rivals all the way through uh to this sort of thing and I think we can introduce a new phrase we can call it lawfare as opposed to Warfare uh and it's totally corrupting.

Both the political processes and indeed the judicial processes it's totally discrediting uh what law is supposed to be for and Chris just your uh reaction as well to another story which uh no doubt will have major implications right across the region the death of Ibraham REI in a helicopter crash um I don't think I'll be uh perhaps holding too.

Many minutes of silence for him who's a deeply horrible person but what does this mean for the area and for Iran do you know Peter two nights ago I gave a presentation to a high level group of businessmen in London and I said I thought there would shortly be a crisis in the Iranian leadership and we could have a counterrevolution I didn't think.

That obviously um the powers that be up above would bring that to fruition quite so quickly um the fact of life is this is going to cause a huge crisis in the Iranian leadership but I don't think the Ayatollah Ki has got much left time on this Earth um he5 isn't he yeah yeah but he's also quite ill as well um and although of course every death.

Diminishes us um the fact of life is everybody looking forward to the succession now his sonaba wants to take over but he's not that popular with the Iranian revolutionary guard I think in the short term Muhammad mbar who's the vice president will probably step in but we shouldn't be in any doubt that there's going to be a real crisis.

At the top of the organization just one other person in that helicopter crash Peter uh Amir Abdullah Haan who is the foreign minister is right at the center of all the networks that run the terror and also the Diplomatic pressure that comes out of Iran in the Middle East he died too uh so this is a major blow the Iranian regime and I think there's going.

To be real instability and as I said possibly counterrevolution uh within the next year 18 months uh do you think it was the fog or do you think we need to uh be a bit more critical in terms of what actually happened here pet you know I I spent most of my career in helicopters and I can tell you if you mix mountains with fog and you.

Fly below the level of mountains it normally ends up in the helicopter crashing it's what we used to call press on itus in the fleet a on uh you press on despite the conditions um I got away with it once in south Georgia um but most people don't you know what I actually watch those documentaries brilliant documentaries from often very.

Critical of the BBC but very very good documentaries about the mull of canar shanuk uh crash and I watched those those two documentaries recently so I know a little bit of what you're talking about probably 0.00001% of your expertise um Chris thank you very very much indeed that's rear Admiral Dr Chris Parry who is a.

Former NATO commander and ex Royal Navy Commander so thank you to him

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