Interrogate Period – February 29, 2024


Interrogate Period – February 29, 2024

Oral questions The Honorable member from Wellington Halton Hill Mr Speaker not only did the government neglect National Security not only did they cover up things they continue to skirt responsibility yesterday the minister of Health said no high officials.

Involved in the the um micrology lab will be held responsible if there's no one responsible who within the cabinet will know who is responsible The Honorable minister of Health thank you very much Mr Speaker at the beginning it's important to say that Health agencies are independent.

Particularly in terms of National Security and it's our government that created a process to make sure that all the information is available and it's really important for two Canadian citizens who were very well known as scientists did bad things like this and there is an investigation underway with the.

RCMP and this is very important Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Wellington hton Hill Mr Speaker the Canada China Committee in 2019 could have done exactly the same job as the ad hoc committee did and we could have had the documents 3 years ago the ceases assessments released yesterday make it clear the PRC is and was actively.

Recruiting top Canadian scientists to plunder Canada's research in intellectual property the assessments also make clear that the PRC wants to weaponize this civilian research for military purposes against us and our allies knowing what we know now will the government halt all collaboration between the Winnipeg National.

Microbiology laboratory and any entities and individuals in the People's Republic of China The Honorable Minister for health well thank you very much Mr Speaker and uh I want to say that an attack on our national security by Foreign Nations be it China or Russia represents an attack.

On democracy and represents a direct attack on every member of this house and that I share his outrage that China or any country would attempt to interfere in our process the public health agency which is one of the most respected agencies in the world hired two Canadian citizens who are eminent eminent uh uh and wellknown scientists in Canada who.

Lied it is the public health agency that discovered that it is the public health agency that fired them and that's why there's now an RCMP investigation about their actions The Honorable member from Wellington Halton Hills the documents Mr Speaker reveal a shocking disregard for Canada's national security they reveal a government that is completely asleep at.

The switch on National Security in the Machinery of government they reveal government employees collaborating with beijing's government and with the biological weapons unit of the people's Liberation Army equally shocking are the health Minister's comments he said yesterday there is there was no evidence of actual breaches at the lab and no.

Sensitive information actually left the country the documents say otherwise does the minister stand by those comments The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker the two Canadian scientists in question were well known for their work in bology uh and had spend uh their time working on uh uh Health treatments for those that were.

Suffering from viruses uh they are collaboration there is absolutely no evidence of the thing that the member opposite is suggesting and I do not think that it is it is at all appropriate to suggest that they were involved with weaponization or things of this nature when we're they have all the documents they can see all the.

Information they've been we have waved all the normal considerations not only of National Security Mr Speaker but of uh employee relationships that normally are kept confidential it was our government that did that that that's why they have this The Honorable member from Cumberland Colchester speaker scientist working with Ebola at Canada's only.

Level four lab collaborated with the People's Republic of China Army Major General sadly the story does not end there Dr Chu was able to gain access to the lab for students from China and it gets worse a scientist from The Academy of military medical Sciences the research arm of the pla known to work on biology enabled Warfare how did so many.

Citizens from a hostile superpower gain access to Canada's top lab is it because the Prime Minister admires China's basic dictatorship The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker uh some will attempt to National Security concerns to play partisan games I think that's unfortunate and let me just give an example with respect to Ebola the.

Exchange of Ebola in 2019 was done in the context of trying to work with China and other countries on finding solutions to Ebola which exists in so many different parts of the country at that moment in time in 2019 the relationship with China was in a different place the information that was shared was through legitimate channels it has nothing to do.

With this issue it was absolutely no one and handled with complete control I think it's very very important to not mischaracterize National Security for partisan interest I'd like to remind all members to ensure that they don't use language which would be unparliamentary directed at any of their colleagues The Honorable.

Member from Cumberland Colchester speaker that Minister's comments are Reckless and untrue before March 31st 2019 the PRC did not have a containment level four lab how can I be so specific about the date this is the date on which a scientist at Canada's top lab the national microbiology lab shipped dangerous pathogens including Ebola.

Virus to the Wuhan Institute of virology this scientist had a history of visiting and collaborating with with the pla since 2016 when did the minister of health and the Prime Minister know about the Espionage and blatant violation of our sovereignty and when did they decide to cover it.

Up The Honorable minister of Health the exact opposite of a cover upic her it is actually this government that created the process that released these documents so they they actually refused to participate in this process the second thing that I will say uh Mr Speaker with respect to our national security interest that it is essential.

When we're dealing with National Security to recognize two things that the party opposite is saying that they would support a partisan interference in the public health agency of Canada that if they were in government they would see it as acceptable for political interference into that process no it's at an arms length and rightfully it is.

At an arms length they are the ones that identified these Canadian citizens these eminent scientists were lying and they took action order colleagues The Honorable me The.

Honorable member foran the court of appeal has just handed down its ruling on the state secularism law Bill 21 which is has a broad consensus in Quebec quebecers want to clear separation of religion and stap and that's what this law guarantees now that the appeals court has handed down its ruling it's clear that the next step.

Is the Supreme Court we saw it with Bill 101 and we'll see it again with Bill 21 what we're asking all isse simple can you please stay out of it either directly or indirectly because Quebec knows what's good for Quebec thank you have the honorable Minister of Justice I appreciate the question and.

Obviously the court has just rendered its decision I will read it and we will will reflect on it but I'd like to say the message again that we've always given we will always be here to defend the charter of Human Rights and if this ruling does get to the uh Supreme Court will be there to intervene The Honorable Member First San I repeat Quebec knows.

What is good for Quebec we know that French is not only our official language but also our common language and that it must be protected we know that equality between men and women men is non-negotiable in Quebec just like we know the best way to protect religion is to have versus state to have none and that's what Bill 21 is about and that.

Too is a broad consensus in Quebec so will the liberals who say they don't like bickering commit to not going against the will of quebecers on Bill 21 then I have the honorable Minister of Justice Mr Mr Speaker I've always all our government has always underscored that we'll always be here to defend the Canadian.

Charter this includes freedom of expression and freedom of religion and equality nevertheless if this ruling does make it to the Supreme Court of Canada we'll be there to intervene The Honorable member from bery South the arrive Canada drama never stops remember we told the Liberals that.

They could asked public service to do the work that was required they said no it's not possible well it turns out that the arrive can contract was awarded to a DND employee a public servant actually did the work under the Liberals public money going to private Consultants tripled why are the Liberals trying to give the conservatives a run for their.

Money and how much money they can waste on private Consulting here here The Honorable Minister for National Defense actually want to thank the member for the for the question because I think it's an important one Mr Speaker as soon as we were made aware that the CEO of Delan was a d andd employee we've taken immediate action to suspend all.

Contracts with Delan and I can confirm for this house that all active contracts with delion have been suspended we've also I can also confirm to this house that the member in question has also been suspended the matter will be thoroughly investigated thank you Mr Speaker colleagues once again I'm going to ask colleagues to please uh be.

Respectful of the questions that are asked and of course of the answer given for many reasons one of them of course is that members who require the use of translation can't hear uh through the their uh earphones if uh members are shouting in terms of the response then I have the honorable member for bernabe South a six person.

Family and a pregnant woman live under a highway in Montreal they were kicked out of their apartment they cannot find affordable housing this is the result of the Liberals and the conservatives who have lost more than a million units of affordable housing will the liberals or are they ashamed of their track record or are they too.

Disconnected from reality The Honorable minister Mr Speaker we know that every person in Canada has a right to a home it is a fundamental right we doubled funding for communities to fight against homelessness and to make sure everyone has a roof over their heads Mr Speaker we know there's a lot of work to be done.

But unlike the conservatives it's not through bickering with municipalities that we'll get there we need to sit down with everyone and find a lasting solution to homelessness in Canada thank you The Honorable member from cirk inter Eastman this prime minister isn't worth the cost the crime the corruption or the coverups after.

Hiding the winipeg lab documents from Canadians for over three years we finally know why the Liberals blocked Parliament we know that Dr Chu had close and clandestine relationships with entities of the People's Republic of China and collaborated with military scientist the people's Liberation Army is a no in security threat to Canada so.

Why did the cut prime minister cover up this breach of National Security instead of arresting these Spies The Honorable minister of Health well I'll answer the first part of the question as I suspect they're going to have other questions on the second element on the first order it was uh the first offer was TR have all.

Parliamentarians uh look at the documents through nsic cop that was an immediate offer some opposition members said that that wasn't a full that wasn't a good answer because they wanted to make sure that if there was a need for redactions to be released they wanted a process so I as house leader at at that point in time suggested an ad hoc.

Process that would ensure that an independent Arbiter would make the decision about releasing those documents I would remind the member again that it is an independent decision of the public health agency to make redactions I'm sure he's not suggesting that anything else other than that should happen list The Honorable member from selker.

Interlake that house leader actually sued the speaker Mr Dr Chu maliciously shared technology and materials from the wiip GLS with M Major General Chen one of beijing's top commanders at the The Academy of military Medical Science the academy is described in the CIS documents as the highest medical research institution of the people's.

Liberation Army of the PRC and has offensive biological weapons capabilities and one of his objectives is to transform the result of basic civilian Research into mil military applications and biotechnologies the Chinese military can now make more biological weapons and potentially use them against Canadians and our allies.

Why did the Prime Minister cover up this national security threat that's a great question The Honorable minister of Health I've already said that the documents uh first were released and then and then the additional redactions were actually commenced by us the second point is uh when the member says maliciously uh we don't know what their.

Intention was that's the purpose of an RCMP investigation secondly these were these are individuals uh that that I am deeply concerned about like the member opposite and in a process of due process we understand what they did with respect to the Chinese government the military and the government and Academia and scientists are all part of their.

Military that means that any connection that they had whatsoever would have touched that and so I think it's careful colleagues it's hard to hear for the chair to hear the response if uh members are not satisfied with the response uh Sometimes the best opportunity is just to listen to it in silence and let it stand on its own The.

Honorable member from uh cirk Interlake East Health Minister should actually re the ce's documents that actually describes all the breaches that were done and the Espionage that was carried out at the prime minister's top Public Health Labs in Canada Beijing military scientist Dr Yan was given unfettered access to all the labs and the computer.

Systems at the Winnipeg Labs which were covertly shared by Dr Chu with Beijing instead of stopping this Espionage the Prime Minister decided to cover it up why did the Prime Minister put his admiration for the basic dictatorship of the Communist Party in Beijing ahead of the public safety of Canadians The Honorable minister of.

Health Mr Mr Speaker I think it's important to step back and really consider what the conservative party is saying here uh that the at the end at the time in which they were hired the these two Canadian citizens were eminent scientists uh who were Well published and well regarded throughout North America uh the fact that they lied and.

Misrepresented themselves Mr Speaker is reprehensible colleagues I'm going to ask members please respect I ask a member from mayor Mishi Grand Lakes please uh to keep his comments to himself until the when he will have the floor at the time that he asked a question The Honorable minister of Health has 15 seconds left on the.

Clock so I would hope what they're not suggesting is that if they were in power that they would have uh interfered politically told been abled through Clairvoyance to know that these eminent scientists who at this point in time had no reason to believe that they were anything other than Canadian scientists who were doing good research that they.

Would have interfered politically with Clairvoyance and got rid of them before The Honorable member from shal Mr Speaker yesterday we learned that there were documents with respect to the Winnipeg lab and the worst is Con confirmed there was a leak from the Chinese Communist party and the first represent person uh represents a serious.

And credible threat uh to Canada's economy was able to access this level four laboratory why did he not uh protect Canadians the Prime Minister The Honorable minister of Health China Russia or any other country well well this is an attack against our democracy the House of Commons and every.

Member here and it concerns me greatly and this is the reason why we have measures now to ensure that we protect our Public Safety with policies that are as strong as possible to make sure our objective of in uh is not compromised the honorable member for o sha Mr Speaker the minister said that the Prime Minister well the.

Prime Minister said he admired the basic dictatorship of China and this lab in Winnipeg was working on some of the most dangerous viruses in the world and there were dangerous path pathogens that were passed on to the Chinese party does he realize that the our national Safety was in Peril M The Honorable Minister what.

Canadians realize today well when we're talking about National Security it's not a partisan issue and if there's something we won't take lessons on for the conservative party is protecting National Security on research and Science in Canada we are the government that did the most to protect science in this country to protect IP to.

Help our universities and research centers to identify risks Mr Speaker last January we published a list that indicates our research interest use research institutes rather that not do uh business The Honorable member for sha Mr Speaker does the minister on know that on March 31st the Ebola virus was sent.

To uh Beijing through Canada uh we sent a weapon to a country that is building up its stock of biological weapons does the Prime Minister realize that his government failed because the Chinese government is developing biological weapons and he's putting our security at risk The Honorable minister.

Of innovation Mr Speaker rather than talking about facts what what we hear from the opposition today is politicizing National Security and I think that all colleagues that were elected to this chamber their first responsibility is the security and health of Canadians as I said last January we did publish a list.

For entities uh that are protected to protect National Security and IP will always be here to defend National Security in Canada The Honorable member member for Drummond the court of appeal is clear Bill 21 is constitutional and does not pose a problem the fact that we've.

Recognized the right of quebecers to to create their own rules means we've turned the page but there are few people who continue to contest it what will the liberal government choose to do respect the will of quebecers with this appeals court decision or continue bickering with.

Quebec The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general of Canada Mr Speaker I'd like to underscore that our government is clearly committed to defending the rights of Liberties protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and free freedoms particularly in terms of the right of freedom of of expression and the right to equality our.

Government has clearly expressed concerns with respect to the preventive use of the notwithstanding Clause if it does this decision guess does get to the Supreme Court will be there to intervene The Honorable member for Drummond uh yes we're talking about respect for Charter and Court decisions as well because despite what the.

Liberals say Bill 21 has nothing to be criticized for it is legitimate it is a pillar pillar for living together in harmony which quebecers want and liberals fears are unfounded now that the appeals court has rendered its ruling will the government commit to not contesting this bill 21 either directly or indirectly The Honorable.

Minister of Justice and attorney general of Canada Mr Speaker like the Prime Minister has already said as I've have already said said our government is committed to defending the rights and Liber Liberties of Canadians protected under the charter nevertheless we well we have to protect freedom of religion and expression we've also said that our.

Government has clearly expressed concerns with respect to the prevented use of the notwithstanding Clause if this case does go before The Supreme Court our government will intervene The Honorable member for it's worrisome the liberal liberals want secularism without any.

Trace they don't want us to say anything they want to make it in significant but separating religion and state does mean something it means that we respect the beliefs and the non-beliefs of each other and they never get involved in the relationship with the state Bill 2 1 has true implications and the appeals court has.

Recognized this and the use of the notwithstanding Clause is not only constitutional but legitimate for Bill 21 The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general of Canada Mr Speaker as mentioned by the Prime Minister and myself we are clearly committed to defense defend the right rights and freedoms in the Canadian Charter notably.

The right to freedom of religion expression and right to equality on several occasions you've also said that we have serious concerns with the prevented use of the notwithstanding Clause if this case does get heard by the Supreme Court our government will be here you The Honorable member from St.

Albert Edmonton Mr Speaker after8 years this NDP liberal prime minister isn't worth the cost or the coverup for 3 years this prime minister covered up a terrifying national security breach at Canada's highest security lab hiding the fact that the head of special pathogens was actively collaborating with top Beijing military scientists engaged in.

Biod defense and biot terrorism so in the face of that will the Prime Minister accept responsibility for this colossal failure on his watch The Honorable minister of Health well Mr Speaker I've answered that question in numerous occasions but let me address the preposition to the start of that question where he says the uh.

The working together with another political party uh he doesn't want to do that and I get that he's used to making partisan points and not Reaching Across the aisle and collaborating but you know what happens when you collaborate Mr Speaker when you work together you get National pharmacare you get the ability to say to those that have diabetes that.

You've got your back and you've got medication you say to women we're going to give you real freedom freedom over your sexuality Freedom over your Reproductive Rights that's what happens when when you stop focusing on partisan politics and you start focusing on results The Honorable member from Edmonton sorry St Albert Edmonton what a.

Disgraceful answer from this Minister a national security culture begins at the top with the Prime Minister this is a prime minister who said that he admires beijing's basic dictatorship this is a prime minister who over the past 8 years has repeatedly ignored beijing's interference so in the face of that is it any wonder that under this Prime.

Ministers watch top Beijing military scientists had unfettered access to some of Canada's most sensitive biological Secrets The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker in the first order that isn't true uh what is true is that the public health agency of Canada which is one of the most respected agencies in the world that was there for us throughout the.

Pandemic uh is entirely responsible for its operations and the truth is that they there were two individuals hired they were Canadian citizens eminent scientists well-known and well respected across Canadian across Canada and indeed around the world who lied to the public health agency of Canada the public health agency of Canada then took the.

Very responsible action of firing those individuals turning the matter over to the RCMP where they currently are under investigation Mr Speaker where are they where are they the honorable member from St Albert Edmonton had the opportunity to ask two questions if I'm certain he could speak to his house leader to ask more questions in the.

House but until that time please I'd ask him to uh wait his turn until he has the microphone until he has the floor The Honorable member from uh Lennox adding evidence speaks otherwise after eight years this liberal NDP prime minister is not worth the cost nor the cover up he can't be trusted to keep our people safe yesterday the entire nation was shocked.

To learn that this government granted two people's Liberation Army assets full access to secret research in a top secret Canadian lab this represents the biggest security breach since the Cold War and this happened under a prime minister who famously said his he admires China's basic dictatorship Mr Speaker how can Canadians trust a prime.

Minister that fails to take National Security seriously yeah The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker uh the representations made by the member uh are are inaccurate and I would invite people to read the documents which have been fully redacted but this is this is the contrast Mr Speaker between a party that is focused.

On partisanship and difference uh when and you what you talk the the member obiously talks about uh working with another party and what that might accomplish what about Dental Care Mr Speaker when we focused on cooperation we were able to get dental care done for this country we're able to make sure that nine 9 million Canadians 3 million.

Seniors will have access to dental care they're voting against that they're against that are they against pharmacare are they against the other fruits of cooperation that come from Calgary sorry colleagues rather colleagues.

Again colleagues it is very important for us for those of us uh who have the ability to speak both languages it's a clear advantage of being in the house that we don't require the use of the headsets but for those of us who do require it it's very difficult for them to hear the questions or the answers if there's too much noise in the house I.

Ask all members out of respect to all their colleagues in each of our each and our respective uh each of your respective caucuses is to please listen respectfully to the answers and to the questions so that those of us who require uh the use of earphones can do so The Honorable member from uh Nimo lady Smith Mr Speaker the number of.

People unable to find an affordable place to live in Nimo lady Smith is staggering and what have the Liberals done cut the reaching home funding to Nimo by 60% and the conservatives plan gut funding and leave it up to Rich developers who just so happen to be their biggest donors Nano needs more.

Support not less the mayor of Nano is calling for federal support will the minister provide the funding required for truly affordable housing in Nimo here here here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you very much Mr Speaker I'm happy to take up the specific matter with the member who just raised it after question period to know.

More about that specific case in Nimo but what I will say is that this federal government is absolutely committed to ensuring there's greater Supply Supply is always what underpins a housing crisis in this country and every other country that's experiencing exactly that we need to see more building and that's why we've incented the private sector by.

Lifting GSD on the building of private of excuse me of apartment rentals we've moved forward to work with municipalities to see zoning changes where so much of this is dealt with in terms of affordability thank you very much Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Edmonton St Kona Mr Speaker new.

Democrats are delivering diabetes medicine and devices and contraceptives for all Canadians today three contraceptives are life changing for women across this country but shamefully Danielle Smith said she doesn't want that for Alberton my constituents are outraged and the conservative leader when he was asked by the media about.

This literally ran away so we didn't have to talk about fairness for women will this government ensure that they sign agreements with all provinces so all women all Canadians have access to the The Honorable minister of Health Access to medication for diabetes uh is.

Not just a question of social justice it's a question of saving lives it's a question of prevention it's a question of uh reducing costs enormously across this country and I can say and specifically with Alberta that I've had very constructive conversations with Adriana lrange who's been willing to work and find compromise find that.

Common Ground unfortunately across the aisle that's not what we see uh today the leader of the official opposition with the conservatives uh ran away when asked if he would support diabetes medication refused to answer whether or not he would slash contraceptives for women they they are already against Dental I'd really like to know where.

They stand for pharmacare The Honorable member from Pon The Honorable member for ponac Mr Speaker journalists and newsrooms are one of the pillars of our democracy in Canada and in rural communities uh like ours they play a role that's even more fundamental in.

December the minister of Heritage reached an historic agreement with Google to provide $100 million of funding to newsrooms can she give this house an update on how and when newsrooms but especially local media will have access to this funding thank you The Honorable minister of Heritage.

Thank you Mr Speaker and despite of month despite months of opposition from the conservatives last year we adopted the online news act which allowed us to reach an historic agreement with Google that's $100 million funding that Google's going to invest in local media that would never have been available had the conservatives been in power and.

Yesterday Google launched its open bid office to ask for eligible newsrooms to apply Canadians can be sure that on this side of the house we are always going to stand up uh to ensure that technical Giants pay their fair share to protect Canadian citizens thank you I would just like to ask the member for Paul PA ja to respect people taking.

The floor The Honorable member for Regina Capel confused because it's not conservatives making a link between these scientists and threats to National Security it's the government's own security agencies themselves saying that these individuals quote were collaborating with foreign entities that present a threat to the security of.

Canada we're talking about research with pathogens and deadly viruses while at the same time these individuals were on the payroll of the people's Liberation Army from the Communist Regime in Beijing now rather than inform Canadians and come clean at the outset the government wanted to overdrive to cover it up how could the Prime Minister be so.

Callous and selfish that he would try to protect himself rather than the security of Canadian have sorry The Honorable Minister for Innovation speak I'm very happy to answer to my colleague because Canada shown leadership when it comes to Nationals agre Mr Speaker that's something the conservative will not want.

To allight the Canadians but let me refresh their memory because they tend to be selective when it comes to the facts on the 16th of January Mr Speaker we announced that we will bend funding for research in sensitive areas with 100 entities around the world Mr Speaker we work with our FIS allies we work with Research Center in this country we work.

With University Mr Speaker Canadians know that we will always put National Security First and defend the interest of Canada The Honorable member from Regina Capel they want to give themselves a gold star that finally 3 years later after fighting Kicking and Screaming to keep these documents hidden that now they've been released only.

Because conservatives demanded it let's remember the facts they ignored and refused to comply with four parliamentary orders they took the unprecedented step of taking the Speaker of the House of Commons to court to keep these documents hidden and then they called the snap election hoping it would all go away if this was all just an.

Administrative issue then why the cover up the honorable minister of Health speaker in the first order uh one of the things that is disturbing about what the me the member is supposing is that if he was in government uh and I hope that that doesn't happen uh that they would interfere in the redaction process and they would be involved in it uh we.

Obviously did not do that particularly not with National Security uh what we did do and in fact the member opposite and I had a conversation about this first I suggested immediately that they see the documents at nsic cop he said that wasn't good enough so I created an ad hoc committee the ad hoc committee gave them the opportunity not only to.

See the documents but put to an independent Arbiter whether or not they should be released publicly we did that together the documents are released they're now before us then I have the honorable member for megab Mr Speaker the prime minister is recognized for his ad admiration for the for chin basic dictatorship after 8.

Years he El lefted he let the Chinese Communist Party interfere in our elections he turned a blind eye to the interference of with the Chinese diaspora and with this Winnipeg lab batter we see that there are people who represent a credible and serious danger to compromise Canada's national security will the Prime Minister finally admit.

That he tried to cover up these documents to protect himself instead of protecting Canadians The Honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker people listening at home must be saying well where were the conservatives on January 16th they must Wonder because on January 16th Mr Speaker we announced as a government.

That we were going to ban funding may I urge members please who have not been recognized to wait their turn and that way we'll be able to have a proper discussion instead of uh shouting across the aisle The Honorable Minister please continue 22 seconds remaining Mr Speaker.

I hope that the conservatives will listen this time because on January 16th Mr Speaker we banned research in sensitive areas uh to work with a 100 different companies we are are working with our allies to protect science to protect intellectual property and to predict the work that is done by our universities Mr Speaker we are always.

There to defend cada's interests The Honorable member from where was the minister Mr Speaker in July 2019 when two scientists were expelled from Canada Mr Speaker by uh by CIS that was in 20 9 that was more than four years ago Mr Speaker what we learned yesterday is that the Prime Minister ignored four.

Parliamentary orders to produce papers he took the speaker to court which is has never been seen before for the worst cover up in history why did the Prime Minister choose to protect himself instead of Canada's national security I have the honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker people listening at home must be.

Shocked we have just told conservatives once again that not only the Prime Minister but all members of the government on this side of the house we take National Security seriously on January 16th we did not ban ban one research entity but 100 so we are protecting universities and colleges from this type of thing so.

That's the type of measure we're putting in place to protect Canada's interests we always stand up for science The Honorable member from monan when it comes to Health Care quebeckers want care not threats a year after after having forced Quebec to accept an increase in health transfers that covers only one six of their needs.

The federal government is now threatening Quebec to that it will steal $900 million if we don't submit our conditions by March 31st the Liberals are once again playing political games at the expense of quebecers with our own money when will the Liberals finally stop taking ill people hostage and pay Quebec the Argent that or the money that.

It's entitled to The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker I understand that the bla just likes to squabble but when I spoke with Minister leel it is clear that her objective is to cooperate and to find Solutions in our health care System I think that Canadians and quebecers want politicians members to find.

Solutions not to pick fights and that is why I am very sure that we are going to find an agreement with Quebec The Honorable member from monan Mr speaker pharmacare is not coming anytime soon Bill c64 refers to principles to consider when working towards the implementation of national Universal pH pharmacare otherwise in.

Fact that actually sounds like a collection promise to me the NDP is sold out very cheaply but if one day after having discussed these principles to consider when working towards the implementation of pharmacare if uh Ottawa comes up with a pharmacare plan that Quebec has already will Quebec be able to withdraw with full compensation.

No strings attached The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker on the contrary this year for the first time in the history of the country everyone with diabetes everyone who needs contraceptives will be able to have access to them that is such an historical announcement that it will change the.

Lives of so many Canadians e even if Quebec already has such a program yesterday I had a good uh conversation with Minister Zu on this topic and I think that we will reach an agreement with Quebec very soon hold them in nor folk Common Sense conservatives will ask the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime after8 years this.

Liberal NDP prime minister is not worth the cost the crime or the corruption never before in the history of this great nation have so many people have to resort to food banks thousands are now resorting to the dumpster diving because they can no longer afford the cost of food true will this prime minister show some compassion and cancel the April 1.

Carbon tax hike that's the right thing to do The Honorable parliamentary secretary that colleague is from Ontario where I'm from Mr Speaker and the climate rebate that ontarians will receive is over $1,100 that's for a family of four Mr Speaker I'm not surprised though to hear that member and the conservatives.

Continue to bring up these points they want to take money out of the pockets of Canadians today historic legislation tabled in the House of Commons on pharmacare the leader of the opposition ran away when asked if he would support pharmacare when it comes to student loans and helping students when it comes to EI pensions in particular are nowhere.

To be seen they want to make Cuts they're a party of austerity Mr Speaker The Honorable member from halman Norfolk Mr Speaker Canadians are getting back far less from this government than they're paying in carbon tax according to Second Harvest this year we'll see a 30% rise in the demand for food charity in some regions where I live in Southern.

Ontario we produce food to feed the entire nation yet so many families there still do not have enough income to cover basic food expenses why won't this government just do the right thing cancel the 23% carbon tax hyp on April 1st so that Canadian families can afford food again yeah do the right thing The Honorable government house leader Lum.

Doom member who wants to take Canada out of the UN needs to know a little bit of good news for a change Mr Speaker we've had many months of good news for Canadians just recently statistics Canada announced that in January we gained 37,000 new jobs and there are 1 million more Canadians Mr Speaker working before.

Than before the pandemic the unemployment rate is at 5.7% and wage growth wage growth is outpacing INF inflation and that's even more true for women you'd think that member would care about such things The Honorable member from alford's Lord Minster Mr Speaker Common Sense conservatives will ax the tax.

Build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime because after 8 years Canadians know that this prime minister is not worth a cost crime or corruption life has never been more expensive in this country 1 million Canadians will be relying on food banks this year alone and still this prime minister is hellbent on hiking the carbon tax up by.

23% on April 1st m Mr Speaker why won't the Prime Minister cancel his carbon tax increase and help make life more affordable for Canadians the aut more government house Speaker I think the Canadians have had enough of the gloom and doom coming from over here they're deliberately ignoring the truth about how our government has.

Supported Canadians qu The Honorable government house leader Mr.

Speaker 2.3 million Canadians have been lifted out of poverty since this government took office and started caring about Canadians by putting supports in place that those guys had spent all their time cutting families throughout Canada have seen their child Keys care fees slashed.

In many cases down to $10 a day thanks to this government and this bill c35 that we're getting ready to pass today The Honorable member from Vancouver Center Mr Speaker black mental health week begins next week it's a time to amplify black voices and support equity in mental health it is time to correct the disproportionate lack of.

Black Health researchers so we can deliver culturally appropriate Mental Health Solutions it is time to act to improve the wide Gap in health outcomes for many black Canadians that is the result of historical and systemic anti-black racism can the minister of mental health and addictions tell us what her department is doing to improve.

Access to cult culturally safe and informed Mental Health Services for black communities across the country The Honorable Minister for mental health and addictions thank you Mr Speaker and thank you for to the member she is such a tremendous Advocate on so many issues that matter to Canadians black communities across Canada continue to.

Experience social and economic inequities which have persisted for far too long and have negative impacts on their mental health we know there's more more work to do Mr Speaker and we're committed to doing the work together through programs like the mental health of black Canadians fund we are supporting organizations to develop.

Culturally safe focused knowledge-based programs with capacity to improve the mental health of black Canadians and meet their needs we'll keep working with the black community across Canada Mr The Honorable member from Leeds Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes common sense caner AES will ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop.

The crime meanwhile after 8 years of this NDP liberal prime minister Canadians know he's not worth the cost the crime or the corruption and just yesterday we learned that in the prime minister's $60 million arrive scam one of the contractors who has paid Millions is actually a bureaucrat for this NDP liberal government that's why Common.

Sense conservatives passed a motion in this house demanding that this government produce all of the documents on this prime minister Scandal will he stand in his place and commit to releasing every last page The Honorable minister of National Defense Mr Speaker 24 hours 24 hours after we became aware that the CE CEO of.

Delan was a d andd employee we've taken action Mr Speaker we have suspended all contracts with Delan we have suspended the employee and we have launched an investigation on how this person became an employee D in the first place Mr speaker we will act to ensure that we protect the Integrity of our institutions and our.

Government The Honorable member for leads Grenville Thousand Islands and RTO Lakes well uh Mr Speaker let's offer it a little louder for those in the back what we're looking for is a commitment from this government to release every page of those documents because after8 years it's clear to see that these liberals aren't worth the corruption.

With their NDP liberal prime minister it's very clear a $60 million scandal with people in their basements getting paid $20 million not doing any it work and now we have that Minister's uh staff who are getting paid millions of dollars while Canadians are lined up at Food Bank so another question and I'll say it loud so the minister can hear it will.

They commit stand in their place to getting Canadians money back for their corruption The Honorable Minister for National Defense thank you very much Mr Speaker and I'll simply remind the member opposite how quick reacted this information became became to our attention yesterday and since that time we have suspended all D contracts with.

Delan we've suspended the member and we've launched a thorough investigation that will determine how this individual became to be employed M Mr Speaker we are demonstrating colleagues um especially the member from brownford Branch who's about to get up to ask a question uh just to remind that I expect all.

Colleagues to have respect for each other uh and to wait their turn to speak uh when they're recognized by the chair and at that point when they have the opportunity to speak I will also request that all people listen to that member The Honorable Minister has 15 seconds left on the clock thank you very much Mr Speaker um I I don't want to repeat what.

I've already said except to remind the members of this house that when this information came to our attention we took immediate action we took the steps necessary to protect Canadians interest and to remove this individual from our employee The Honorable member from brownford Grant Mr Speaker Common Sense conservatives will ask the tax we will.

Build the homes we will fix the budget we will stop the crime while after eight years this NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the cost crime or corruption yesterday we learned that yet another company received 8 million tax dollars for the arrive scam but it gets better this one owned by a National Defense bureaucrat the the rough continues.

Yesterday parliament passed our motion to force the government to release all documents and to repay taxpayers will the government end the cover up and release the documents yes or no The Honorable Minister for National Defense Mr Speaker the member opposite began his question bying about all the.

Things that the conservatives proposed to do at some disappoint in the future but Mr Speaker let us remember what they did when they were in government where they cut the defense spending for example to less than 1% of GDP L when they cut the resources of the police our national security intelligence advisers.

All of the people whose job it is to protect us and to maintain the Integrity of our institutions they cut them and Mr Speaker we've been rebuilding the government to get the work done and we are prepared to take the action necessary.

I'll ask the honorable member from South for St Margaret's pleaseed to wait his turn to ask a question The Honorable member The Honorable member FR Fred Mr s in Quebec we're fortunate enough to have uh tourist attractions that Shar people here in in Canada and.

Abroad the tourism contribution represents more than three% of employment in 2% of the GDP whether it be for sustainable tourism AGR tourism outdoor experiences indigenous tourism or rural tourism can the minister tell us how our government is going to maximize the the growth potential of this sector thank you The Honorable.

Minister of Tourism thank you Mr Speaker I'd like to thank my colleague for his question and he can tell everyone in his writing and every uh and all quebecers that as of today the tourism growth uh uh fund is ready to receive applications from um all kinds of uh companies and associations in order to choose projects and uh make.

Tourists experience better conservatives don't believe in tour tourism they want to uh cut everywhere in segy and guest Bay but on this side of the house we stand up for tourism in Canada thank you The Honorable member from South Okanagan West cutney Mr Speaker last Summer's wildfires devastated communities across Canada and the.

Minister of emergency preparedness has admitted that the upcoming Wildfire season will be even worse Canadians want their government to take decisive action and according to last week's Abacus poll 74% of them want to see this done through a new National Wildfire fighting force but the Liberals are taking a go slow approach the Wildfire season is.

Already starting so when will this Government Act to create a national Wildfire fighting force That's right The Honorable Minister I want to thank the member for the question in fact actually we're taking immediate action taking the lessons learned from not only last year but previous years as well first and foremost we need to make.

Sure that all the resources that we put in place go directly to fighting wildfires and that's to the local level so we have already trained approximately 500 firefighters Mr Speaker putting more Personnel to support on the recovery yes we are reviewing the overall National system as well any support that we provide we're going to make sure that it.

Actually has the Maximum Impact thank you The Honorable member from kitner Center Mr Speaker we're learning that Palestinians in Gaza have been shot and killed while waiting for Aid at a time when the UN reports at least a quarter of those in Gaza are one step from famine meanwhile Amnesty International reports that Israel has failed to comply.

With the icj ruling requiring them to take immediate steps to prevent genocide including allowing humanitarian Aid in in light of this when will this government reinstate UNR funding which millions of Palestinians rely on for food and call on Israel to follow the icj ruling here The Honorable Minister for foreign.

Affairs the stories coming out of Gaza are extremely preoccupying this is catastrophic I would call this a nightmare scenario so at all times International humanitarian law must be respected and both parties must respect the icj ruling and we need to do more to make sure that humanitarian Aid is going into Gaza and at all times civilians.

Must be protect protected thank you so much this brings to an end a question period I see The Honorable member from rean Capel is rising

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