Investigating mystery triangle UFO spotted above U.S. marine heinous


Investigating mystery triangle UFOspotted above U.S. marine heinous

And for tonight's future of everything we're going to talk about UFOs because it is my hope that in the near future we figure out whatever the heck has been going on in our skies and if you follow a lot of the UFO incidents involving the U.S military you might have seen a lot of people talking about several videos of what looks like a triangle seeming to.

Hover over a base out of 29 Palms here in California this was all released in the last day by documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell take a quick listen those are not alone round it says Loom rounds fall yeah and nobody shoots in a five gun section there's more lights around it.

We got UFOs yeah Jeremy Corbell and the co-host of the podcast weaponized at George Knapp say they have been looking into this since 2021 there's another uh image right there he says according to reports from Witnesses the whole thing only lasted about 10 minutes from 8 20 when it appeared to 8 30 when it blinked out according to Corbell it was seen by.

More than 50 people many of them Marines at Camp Wilson who came capture those images but they they just couldn't explain what they saw you look in the picture you can see like a black triangular shape why are these not flares uh because they stayed there for a solid 10 minutes just in the same spot and flares don't sit in one spot.

For 10 minutes and Jeremy Corbell himself joins us right now in the studio so Jeremy real quick set the scene for us here yeah so this happened back in 2021 and I of course I thought it was flares at first a bunch of Marines started coming to me I was able to find them within 36 hours.

They saw a craft so this is not something lights in the sky they actually saw the body the shape of the craft and you see that in the low light photo so they basically said you know what's going on what is this and I was worried about the reporting process we dug into it for a number of years luckily they shot up Lumen flares so you.

Can see the difference of what a lumen flare is and most flares they last within one minute to three minutes max this object or I'll say craft because you can see the body of it sat there from 10 some reports up to 25 minutes unmoving so this is why I thought it was important bringing it out to the public trying to crowdsource and figure out.

This UAP it's just an unidentified the point is we're trying to identify and and we're trying to identify something that happened over a military base with a lot of military service members all around we reached out to the Pentagon I know the Marine that you spoke to said that they ruled out flares but the Pentagon tells us that there was.

An airspace uh tactics and instructor course happening around the same time and there's video of that training I think we have some of that video that has been Declassified you can see Choppers through night vision you can see Tracer fire you can see flares and then right at the end there are a couple of seconds uh showing something that's.

In it's kind of in a similar shape to that triangle do you think that that could be the same thing some of this exercise that you're seeing right here those appear to be flares kind of in a triangle shape do you think that that could be what these marines saw yeah so that's the question is were these flares the problem is is the duration and all.

Of the witnesses that saw the body of a triangular a triangular shaped craft so initially that was my thought but over for these years from working with people it they saw the craft itself the body of it and that's what you see in that low light video now I don't know it's a huge base it's almost a thousand miles wide so showing me a video we need to know if.

It identically matches up to the time look I'm trying to solve the case too but I can't discount the Marines that are telling me they saw the craft and one of the interesting things about this case is so that is Declassified video that we're seeing right now of the training exercise the Pentagon says that they had no report of UAP activity and.

There is a a procedure now for uaps to be reported all the way up to the Pentagon they're saying that there were no reports given is that what you're hearing from the Marines did they ever try to file a report with the government yeah so that was the problem we weren't getting information now we've seen that over and over and over remember the 2004.

Tic Tac event that UFO event was during a training exercise the 2019 uap's during a training exercise there's always training going on there at that base so that's what we're trying to get is better transparency to move that information up and better reporting process people should not have to be calling journalists they should be.

Reporting it through the normal chain of command but that is not happening now one other question I mean as soon as you posted that everyone was talking about the Phoenix Lights like one of the most well-documented UFO Mass sightings there's been what did you think when you saw this did you think Phoenix Lights as well well.

When you see that five section of lights that shows that there it appears to be a very similar visually to the Phoenix Lights but the size was about half the size of a football field when they could see the body of The Craft and that's what just keeps coming back at me I want to know the truth too I want to see proper reporting but that connection.

Between an object in the sky with the Phoenix Lights is because of the body of the craft you can see it in the low light photo you can see it and that's what the witness tell me so I don't know man this is an unidentified that's UAP when you're reporting this stuff you just got to try to figure out what it is and I think the next number of days is.

Really going to highlight how these types of Investigations work so you can't say what it is but you can't say what it is it is unidentified that is a UAP but let's find out together that's why we put it out asking the public and anybody else that was there to help fill in the voids Jeremy Corbell hey man great to see you thank you thanks.

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3 thoughts on “Investigating mystery triangle UFO spotted above U.S. marine heinous

  1. I bear in ideas when Jeremy Corbell used to be working with Invoice Cooper and “hour of the time”. why is there NOTHING on the online about this? I bear in ideas him working the “hour of the time” net net site channel after Invoice Cooper died.

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