Iran assault on Israel: IDF says ‘majority’ of 200+ drones intercepted | LiveNOW from FOX


Iran assault on Israel: IDF says 'majority' of 200+ drones intercepted | LiveNOW from FOX

And welcome back here to live now from Fox I'm Andrew craft we're approaching the bottom of the hour here uh it's a good place to reset about where we are uh in this uh very scary scary night for Israelis up and down the country from the north to the South uh and the kind of silver lining in all of this is that the IDF says it has intercepted with the.

Help of the United States a majority of the projectiles uh that it faced incoming from Iran the are drones cruise missiles ballistic missiles as well here so let's get a reset let's rely like we have so much so uh from Fox News Foreign Affairs correspondent Trey yst in Israel with some great reporting he just filed this report let's.

watch Israel putting its forces on high alert Saturday night shutting down its airspace as Iran launched dozens of drones and missiles toward the country the attack retaliation for a strike on Iran's consulate earlier this month that killed two top Iranian generals Iran blames Israel for that strike though the.

Israelis haven't taken responsibility rumors of War have been swirling in the intelligence Community ever since Israel readying its defenses in response trying to shoot down the drones before they reach Israeli airspace Israel also directing residents in several areas to stay near bomb shelters this is a severe and dangerous.

Escalation our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of riness a post on X by the Iranian government through their permanent mission to the UN said the attack can be quote deemed concluded and warned the us against getting involved though US military officials tell Fox they have already shot down at least one Iranian.

Drone President Biden returning to Washington Saturday night convening a meeting of the National Security Council the White House maintaining its commitment to Israel is Ironclad saying in a statement the United States will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran before this Iran had.

Only targeted Israel through proxy forces and avoided direct attacks tonight's event fueling fears about the possibility of a broader Regional war in Tel Aviv Trey in Fox News Trey thanks so much in the meantime uh you saw that photo and tre's report I think it's worth um showing you yet again uh that is a meeting there in The.

Situation Room President Biden says this I just met with my National Security team for an update on Iran's attacks against Israel our commitment to Israel's security against threats from Iran and its proxies is Ironclad and if we maybe could take the photo full I just want to point out who's in the room you see there CIA director Bill Burns.

You see there Director of National Intelligence ail Haynes you also see Secretary of State Anthony blinkin uh and on the other side of the table next to President Biden National Security adviser Jake Sullivan Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin next to him the chairman of the Joint Chiefs General CQ Brown as well there so that is uh the.

National Security team in full focus in The Situation Room gaming out some of these scenarios as well we're going to continue to game out some of these scenarios but I think uh it is safe to say from the reporting um that the barrage by Iran is largely over uh and so I think that is significant it's worth noting we're going to be.

Reiterating that and repea that as well alongside our guest uh foundation for defense of democracies uh expert and our friend Hussein Abdul Hussein he joins me um Hussein thanks for being with us here on such short notice uh but we know you study this region of the world so well you're very knowledgeable about this and that's the news at this now bottom of.

The hour um that it is over the barrage is done are you hearing that too well it looks like it in judging by history the time when Iran claimed that it responded to America taking out kasim sumani they did they had a similar pattern they fired the missiles and at the same time their foreign minister at the time jaad zarif said that it was.

Over so I see a repeat now coming through the UN so to my mind this looks to be over so far now I think we'll probably be waiting for to see what what Israel's response would be but that that'll be a different story altogether you know who's saying just yesterday we heard from president pres Biden when asked about uh Iran's plans to do this.

Uh with a one-word answer in reply he said simply don't uh clearly Iran did not heed that message was that a failure of deterrence on the Biden White House's part here or was Iran going to go about this anyway remember all throughout last week uh us officials have been working through back channels to get to Iran to tell them to stop they didn't heed those.

Warnings uh were they futile in hindsight do you think well I think now is the chance for this Administration to uh prove itself to show what it mean when it says don't uh and to show that it is consistent in its message and prove that it really stands with Israel which which we heard tonight and.

Which we've been hearing over the past few days so uh Iran clearly didn't listen to Washington even though we're told that there was a lot of back Channel conversation between the two sides now it's it's incumbent on this Administration to show us what it means and what would be the consequences when Iran doesn't listen to to what America.

Says and when Iran tries to push the whole region to the brink of full scale War just across the region not like over small areas uh from Iran to Israel probably with other players involved north and south east and west what about the US role in all of this obviously were instrumental in helping Israel intercept a majority of these drones um.

Will we be involved at all will we play a role in Israel's retaliation do you think I think there's a lot of room for the United States to be in involved in retaliation without actually having our military getting its hands uh dirty or involved in the war there's a lot of support Logistics technology uh air refueling uh you name it there's a lot.

Of tools and facilities and resources that we can make available to our Israeli allies without actually having the US military getting involved now I think this is the reason why Iran said out loud that we are going to war or we are going to strike Israel uh but America is not part of this and America better stay out of this so the Iranians.

Realize that if if they strike uh the US will support one way or another I think that's something that scares them to an extent they understand uh uh the amount of our resources so we'll see whether you know what kind of supports we offer Israel as the as they prepare their response will the Biden BB relationship recover after.

This do you think this will become another rallying point for Israelis behind BB Netanyahu well I think it's in the best interest of both sides to put Politics on the side and stick to policy and to uh focus on what's at hand the Iranian danger to the Jewish State and I think as long as we're thinking clearly uh.

There's no need to think who's in charge in Washington or who's in charge in in Jerusalem uh we're to Allied Nations regardless of of who's the ruler here or there so I think if if this kind of thinking is is you know is persist I think you know things will go smooth okay but there's a fear that we might always go back to politics each side.

Will try to cater to its own domestic audience and I think you know I don't see it happening now thankfully but if we go back that's not something that I'd want to see at least I want to put up this uh tweet Alon Levy uh the government spokesperson there for Israel with this photo uh hus sayin prime minister Netanyahu is on the phone with.

President Biden right now after the late night War cabinet and security cabinet meetings there so uh kind of each side putting out their respective photos and media about some of these conversations and phone calls uh that have taken place you know we would be remiss who if we didn't bring up the Israel Hamas War the war that is currently ongoing in Gaza.

How is this related to that is this so indirect and and tangential or is it directly um related to what's happening in Gaza help us make those those connections if there are any uh what we know is that this whole what we see tonight started because Iran planned October 7 Israel took out the rgc Iranian General General zahedi who.

Was in Damascus meeting with six other generals this is the guy who Hamas theologized by saying that by thanking him by as as the guy who helped plan the October 7 Massacre uh so we know that Israel went after him for his role in October 7 and this is why we're here now uh so now that the war in Gaza has a bit receded to the background with with.

Israel making so much gains except for RAF I think the focus has turned on the you know what what all of us call the the head of the octopus now we're not dealing with the arms anymore isra is not dealing with the arms whether it's Hamas orah now the focus is on Iran itself and we see the war now happening between Iran and and Israel with no.

Proxies in between them okay what about the Rafa operation uh is that completely off the table is that completely sidelined after tonight or or will Israel Go full forward with it I don't this is off the table and I think that Israel is low lower the intensity of the war in Gaza because Clearly Now Hamas doesn't have the.

Ability to hurt Israel the Israeli population or the Israeli economy anymore uh but this does not mean that the Hamas problem has disappeared and this does not mean that what we see in Gaza right now is sustainable for either side on the long term uh so I think Israel can put uh Gaza the Gaza war on a shelf for now to deal with Iran and I.

Think this is in the best interest of Israel is now we'll focus on Iran and after that you know I think if if Iran gets hit if Iran wi to an extent whether politically or on a military level I think we will see Hamas act and behave differently Hamas acts and behave in such a way because they think that they have support from a powerful party which.

Is in tahan I think if if things change in Iran itself uh maybe that that will reflect on Hamas and on RA in the future okay yeah I want to put that tweet up again from Alon Levy with the photo of BB there uh talking on the phone with Biden we're getting some more reporting on this phone call Hussein uh according to Jackie Hinrich at the white house uh.

An Administration official says the call has ended and it lasted around 25 minutes before we let you go I mean what do you think was said on the phone call well to my mind 25 minutes is a long phone call it's comprehensive it's you know it doesn't look like you know they just exchanged the uh uh uh pleasantries or not between the two.

Sides so they must have talked uh about things in depth I think um probably U BB nany offered his assessment offered his next plan and heard what President Biden had to say I wouldn't say that there's a lot of disagreement at least judging by the public statements of both sides I think he uh more or less probably got the US blessing for whatever Israel.

Plans to do next uh Iran all right Hussein Abdul Hussein with the foundation for defense of democracies um thank you for making time for us tonight can't thank you enough uh and we'll talk soon

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