Irregular first see at Condé Nast Traveler’s 2024 Sizzling Checklist


Irregular first see at Condé Nast Traveler's 2024 Sizzling Checklist

Travel lovers Rejoice Kan Nash Travelers music for this a great music right it's sort of like islanding like giving you the vi right so this is going to be the best segment you're going to see all morning along here at CBS News uh Kan n Travelers annual hot list is here and we have an exclusive first look at the diverse.

Range of hotels restaurants and cruises that made the cut to tell us more about some of the favorites the executive editor of conas traveler Aon Florio is joining us here live in studio 57 good to see you good to see you guys all right so let's get into it uh I want to know because I'm a big hotel guy my wife is an Airbnb guy she's she's an Airbnb.

Like person I forgot what you said to me you said something like you know I require a certain C amount you said something Frenchy yeah I'm not a SN but I require a certain level of comfort when I travel so where are the best places to stay this year well yeah you're with you're with the right company on that one um so yes it's.

Very exciting today our annual hot list comes out uh you know this is the list of the top hotels restaurants and cruises the hotels are really the heart of the list um and you know we we just we put together this amazing list that we joke every year you know we put out the hot list today tomorrow we start on next year's list so it's an always on.

Thing that we're doing we're scouring those hotels keeping on top of what's opening up and then of course we're going we're reviewing we're having so many conversations about what's going to make a hotel really really great um you know there's a few highlights this year I me I I heard you you guys mentioned Jamaica before I have to say.

Unfortunately did not make the list this year always next year um but you know we have some great hotels from you know right here in New York City I think one of the most exciting hotels to open up is the fifth avenue hotel don't know if you've been recommended for a station I stayed there once it was fantastic really Whimsical really fun like a riot.

Of color um and then you know we've got some amazing places offshore too Boutique places like in uh mares there's a place called frasia Farmhouse which is stunning so what is that called frasia Farmhouse frasia Farmhouse okay yeah there it is frasia Farmhouse oh mayorca yes so let's talk about mayor.

That's like you know we know it's it's always on the list so why did it jump out to you this year okay I do have to say mior is one of those places that everybody is talking about right now it is so hot right now you have to go what I love about the hotel we've included this year which is a hotel called coron is that um not only is it so Chic and.

Stylish and boutique it's from this fashion photographer named Kate Bellum and it really feels like you're staying at like the creative House of like this great creative set of people but it's really affordable and one thing I really want to make a point of is that a luxury hotel does not mean it's going to break the bank always so for your wife who.

Might prefer Airbnb there are some Alternatives that you know you can stay in these amaz ing places and still make it feel accessible to a lot of people okay one one more that was on the list for Hawaii Hawaii's a fan favorite we like I like the andas in in Maui but you've got some a place I don't know uh yes so we actually have what's a reborn.

Hotel uh the Kona Village on the big island Rosewood has taken it over it is incredible they've brought in this amazing designer named Nicole Hollis who's based in San Francisco you know she's really done a great job of the place she's gotten rid of that whole sort of Hawaiian Flora Hotel kit which you know frankly we could say goodbye to.

And she's really made it very earthy really honored the local environment and this place is amazing like I I have to say it probably has the best hotel bar anywhere in the world and they just in the anded into a hotel sit outside you can see the volcano it's total total magic can we talk about cruises because I think I feel like.

Cruises are like they've made a comeback you've got that massive ship that was you know just set sale and then that crazy Cru that everyone was on Tik Tok you know they were going down to like uh the the the AR not the Arctic but Antarctica right so people are talking about cruises absolutely and I think Cru is actually one of the most exciting.

Part of the industry I do because it's evolving so much I mean really the the industry is really giving us reason to sort of you know dispel those misconceptions or those preconceptions we might have have of cruising because what I love about cruises is that they can take you to these places that really are inaccessible otherwise so we've got.

A great many many many great ships on the list but one of the ones I'm most excited about is Seaborn Pursuit um it's sailing this area of Australia called the Kimberly which is really wild very very hard to reach and kind of the only way you can explore it is if you've got a ship to take you there so you know cruising is a great option um really.

Quickly dining yes okay so the part of the list that I might secretly be most excited about this year is the restaurant list it is the biggest restaurant list we've ever had of course we've eaten at all these restaurants and we've eaten up many others that didn't make the list importantly um a few highlights looking for volunteers for.

Next year's list absolutely I will sign you up um a few highlights include this great place in Miami called Mattie it's bright it's cheerful I had a colleague go down there he was texting me while he was eating there saying this has to be on the list and then you know finally I do want to mention um I don't know if you guys have been there if you've not.

Been there you've seen it all over Instagram C do everybody talking about love it just made dining fun you know it makes dining fun again sometimes we take fine dining a little too seriously and this is champagne chicken nuggets you're dancing on the tables at 7:30 at night and it just makes things it's it's on the list for us too that sounds like fun.

Yes Aaron thank you so much that was great it's always great having you thank you

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