Irregular: Uncover about Princess Diana’s iconic apparel headed to public sale


Irregular: Uncover about Princess Diana's iconic apparel headed to public sale

Princess Diana an icon adored worldwide her Regal presence shining in the public eye from her fairy tale wedding to Charles in 1981 a global spectacle with 750 million people tuning in to see the dress to that picture perfect outfit to dance with John Travolta at the White House the so-called Revenge dress following marital upsets and the cool.

Casual oversized sweatshirt and shorts still copied today her fashion choices reflecting the highs and lows always in the spotlight Princess Diana's unparalleled sense of fashion and resounding style was her way to make connections she was an influencer long before social media Diana used fashion to send messages in so many ways you.

Could really tell when she was feeling happy or feeling sad depending on the clothes that she was wearing you could tell when she was feeling brave you know you could really relate to Diana away from the glamour Pomp and pageantry the Caring Heart of the people's princess always wide open to those in need that common touch and special.

Demeanor capturing headlines and making a point her charity work breaking down barriers to create HIV awareness in the 80s famously shaking hands with an AIDS patient and visiting Angola campaigning against landmines just months before her death her sons William and Harry once United by a close upbringing and deep love for their mother now distanced the.

Brothers choosing different paths each carrying on with her Legacy despite the strained relationship she taught me that everyone has the potential to give something back now some of Diana's collection of styled defining dresses suits bags and shoes heading to auction for charity like this glamorous gown a showstopper Silk and Lace evening dress.

Worn in the80s and a simple floral shirt dress Dian as captivating influence transcending time and making a difference even today and one of the items you saw there those emerald green satin heels are up for auction guide price between two and $4,000 so one lucky buyer could.

Literally walk in Diana's Shoes Savannah if they fit Kelly thank you so much yeah like Cinderella joining us now Martin Nolan the executive director and co-founder of Julian's auctions in Los Angeles Martin good morning good to see you good to be back this is the largest collection of Diana's dresses to go up for auction in a quarter of a century.

Since her own auction in 1997 so why now and how did this come to be well incredible over 150 items going on the auction block people can start bidding today at Julian's auctions so we sold a dress in December for a world record 1,1 140,000 and because of that record amount it got press and then then of course people started to come to us and.

Say we have this to sell we have that to sell so we built this sale we're still building it in fact on the auction of course is June 27th in Los Angel it's coming from different collectors who have these items yeah this particular dress beautiful Mar AR bed gown comes from Pat care and she bought these two dresses actually at the auction in 1997.

And here's Diana wearing it this blue ball gun with the silver stars it's beautiful she wore it more than once didn't she yeah she was in touch with fashionon Diana but also she loved to shine a spotlight on designers that were not very well known Murray arbed created this she wore to Phantom at the Opera premere 1986 and again at a lunch in in.

1987 and to Cinderella ballet this is Victor edstein it's beautiful black evening dress yeah it's actually magenta silk underneath the black lace Savannah you can see that now though yeah you can see that so Victor edin designed this and of course he's very famous for he designed the dress that she wore when she danc with John Travolta at the White.

House November 1985 with um of course President Reagan and Nancy Reagan dancing alongside so again this is just an Exquisite beautiful design gown and here we have the the quintessential 80s power suit you like to rock this look she did and that was 80s 90s the power suit was the thing to have but she sort of made it nice with by color with the.

Navy trim the gold buttons she wore this in many times as well in Hong Kong at the military base and she also wore it um in London in in the early '90s so 1989 opening the Red Cross in Hong Kong as well so that's very special this is a pretty day dress she wear this with the kids sometimes this is for a Chic mom yeah she wore it to Williams School.

Sports day Harry school and St Mary's Hospital and again this is something that's fashionable today Savannah I felt like Kelly K was channeling that this Little Flower I think that going on let's show the accessories real quick this hat yeah it's unusual to have accessories from Diana in the auction Savannah this Philip Somerville hat.

Again worn in Australia 1985 he sort of advised her about wearing these wide brim hats Etc and the matching shoes and bag how is that absolutely by rain which is a very famous Brides designer again just incredible stylish Chic Diana all right Martin thank you again the auction takes place in person and online on June 27th.

And now over to our own style icon Al Broker Than so much nobody wants to buy these suits though let me hey thanks for watching don't miss the show every weekday at 11:00 a.m. eastern 8 Pacific on our streaming Channel today all day to watch head to all day or click the link right here

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