“Is The Artist A Little one!?” Current Portrait Of Kate Middleton On Tatler Camouflage SLAMMED


“Is The Artist A Little one!?” Current Portrait Of Kate Middleton On Tatler Camouflage SLAMMED

Um I want to draw your attention to the latest edition of tatler magazine now tatler of course is the British Society Bible all the good and the great love a bitter tatler and if you make the front cover you know it's kind of up there that's a big thing it's an honor to be on the front cover and I I know over the years artists and designers like to get.

A little bit quirky they like to kind of tease a little bit um you know you see different images of famous people we saw the portrait of the king the other day it was a bit unconven I thought it was amazing by the way the portrait of the king but to some people it was it was unconventional to others apparently it was demonic uh goodness me uh but tatler.

Decided they wanted to pay tribute to the Princess of Wales for its latest cover to honor her strength and dignity well what they did uh they got this British Zambian artist called Hannah usor to to paint a picture okay so if you're watching all right on uh TV right now or one of our digital feeds YouTube whatever um you can appreciate you can't.

See this if you're listening if you many of the millions listening on radio I'll explain let's have a little look at what the artist came up with to show the strength and dignity of Kate here here it is have a look at this and there no no no the real one the real one no the actual the actual oh that is that is it it's worse than I.

Remembered when I saw it five minutes ago sorry is is the artist an adult can I just no it's a it's a a kid right a Hannah usor the artist is a child it has to be a child that is like let me try and get the age right on this I reckon if you were quite good at drawing as an 8-year-old and somebody.

Said draw the Princess of Wales that is what you would draw that's what you'd come up with this is I I mean remember Kate's not been very well I think it's the last kind of stuff she needs to see so this is to pay tribute to her strength and dignity and what we have been given is uh quite literally.

A child version cartoon version done in what appears to be crayons of the princess I mean it doesn't it kind of sort of looks like her but not loads I think that's as near as I can get and there it is again it's I tell what it is it's the it's the one you would have seen for people of a certain generation there used to be a program.

Called Vision on and vision on was one of the first programs they did with sign language um and it it was about art and Tony Hart was on there and they had a section on it called the gallery where people kids would send in their pictures that they' drawn for the gallery and they would get shown and they would have a little um they show.

The picture would say you know Jami mmi's age five or something and there was the monaa there we me and Mist used to set this that 5-year-old never drew that not in a million years uh that's the picture that would have been sent to Vision on without any doubt or a blue Peter competition of some sort so if you're an eight-year-old that's a good.

Picture all right I'd say that's a good picture if you're eight that's a pretty good picture of Kate um if you're a full-blown artistic adult I'm a little surprised that the Crayons didn't get shot happened enough that day I mean it's a striking photograph there's no doubt about that but you know what Kate's not alone on this one uh now.

Her name might not be familiar to all Brits is Gina Reinhardt Gina Reinhardt is Australia's richest woman she must be one of the world's richest woman as well uh she's worth 22 billion uh a mining magnet so I I'm guessing that's a family business and she's currently the chief recipient she's demanded that her poor trait be.

Removed it's up there in the National Gallery of Australia it's in the capital camera uh lots of people have gone to see it she was hoping that bearing in mind her status her wealth her dominance her Fame her notoriety would surely mean that an artist was going to celebrate her incredible ongoing status always dominating Australian news in some shape.

Or form never out of the headline lines in some shape or form so they got an artist who came up with this have a little look at this now you can see a picture if you're looking at this again let me describe it if you're not so the real Gina is on the right and she looks like how old's Gina do we reckon Adam I'm saying mid-50s.

Would that be fair she she might be a little older maybe that's a younger photograph of her um the person that Drew the picture that went into the national G oh she's 70 that's a younger picture definitely anyway the person that Drew the picture of for the National Gallery in O um was clearly a psychopath by the way I mean that's.

Somebody who's got to be you know you need your brushes tied up frankly taken away never to be seen again um I mean that is horrific I mean that really is a proper there's no there's no rid you can't even you could get Brian Su or any of those great art critics to look at that and no one would go I see what the artist was doing here I tell you what.

The artist was doing here taking the P that's what the artist was doing I mean Gina is a 22 billionaire 22 billion billionaire um and divides the room clearly from time to time and I reckon the artists thought I know what I'm going to do paint Gina Reinhardt here's an easel here's a brush what could go wrong I'm going to have some right fun.

Here I think they were probably off their face when they did it frankly maybe drawn with their feet or perhaps they just utiliz the family pet to draw it um but it's very funny and I think it's you know it's kind of B it's satirical really I would suggest uh will Kate like her picture on tler we wait and watch with interest.

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3 thoughts on ““Is The Artist A Little one!?” Current Portrait Of Kate Middleton On Tatler Camouflage SLAMMED

  1. Hideous true unreal how did that painting discover permitted to be on the quilt of Tatler . Was Princess Catherine even requested if she approves it at all ?! Tremendous admire to Catherine whereas she goes by arrangement of a tough time factual now ?! Severely no longer factual .

  2. The artist is a hideous sugar. She is attempting to stick it to Catherine, the Princess of Wales. Let's be correct, nobody would earn this sketch (it’s no longer a portrait) has meanness written all over it. I am definite there are true artists who would bask in to bask in this likelihood, as a change here’s what you chose. I wouldn't fade advance that journal in the event that they paid me and NO, IT LOOKS NOTHING LIKE CATHERINE. She couldn't even space up to map a waist.

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