Is there the truth is a ‘Jessie’s Girl’ available? Rick Springfield on how that track came about


Is there the truth is a ‘Jessie’s Girl’ available? Rick Springfield on how that track came about

Is there a Jesse's Girl yeah of course I mean I write from a point of truth even you know like a pop song is he got to have some kernel of Truth hello hello there thank you so much appreciate it all right Rick Springfield Cheers Cheers what's the strength this is your room.

Mhm it's a spiced pear rum Fizz so you make the rum that's in our cocktail yes it's called Beach Bar rum Beach Bar rum in this cocktail 5 Acres it's a pretty nice place this is new we're inside Rockefeller Center Rick Springfield I don't think I have to say this but musician actor writer author all those things rum maker how did you get.

Here I don't know it's uh it's kind of a hard question when you think yeah it is been a um interesting Journey and I I'm just still traveling along the road so yeah I just took some roads that uh was always there's always choices yeah and I think I took the right Forks hopefully couple of times took the wrong fork okay I would say generally it looks like you.

Took the right Forks yeah I mean I I was thinking we're talking about it today um that I came from uh a little army base in Australia but but but like a little country it was like a little Australia yeah I don't think people a lot of people know that no I know well a couple more of these might you bloody on from Australia don't.

Worry about it wait a minute is that like your real accent no my accent well that's an Australian accent but my accent but can you still go back to it yeah yeah sure I I I lived in England when I was a kid so my actual accent was it was more kind of a bit clipped like like this more British but but it had the Australian thing in it you know it.

Was more like idea like that I had know like I mean obvious ly I'll just full disclosure listen to your song on repeat over and over and over again and I mean Jesse's Girl do you love that people know you for Jesse's Girl or is it annoying no no it's I mean um I'm very grateful to at.

Least you know have a song that uh has kind of done what that has but but like I'll have a new album out I yeah it's Universal I know you have a new album I but I have a new album out and they'll play me on the interview with Jesse's girl I'm going I got me music I have some new stuff you could do did you think when you wrote Jesse's girl did.

You think going to be a h you can't plan stuff like that I thought there was better songs on the album you know I've I think I've written better songs since speak to the go and you know you the what was life like in your young years awesome amazing uh my favorite we.

Move my dad was in the Army so we moved around every couple of years but their army bases over there back in the ' 50s were not like they are here there were little enclaves out in the bush I wake up at 600 in the 5:00 600 in the morning and go and help the Milkman we had a horse and a and a buggy and you were helping deliver the milk yeah and I.

Helped Del get out of here and then yeah it was just an amazing time that's like my golden childhood yeah how does music come into that existence well we didn't have a TV um so we would listen to the radio or after dinner we had a play our piano which I have in my house now wow the actual player piano and my dad was an amazing singer but he was a career.

Officer in the Army and we you know sing all these songs and that was just what we did that's what we did for entertainment it's very bizar really think of it sounds like something from the 17th century but is it true that you dropped out of high school I was actually asked to leave High School by the principal it's a.

Little bit different well cuz I uh my last year at school I stayed away a total of 3 months cuz I discovered the guitar and I didn't want to do anything else and and you were out just playing yeah I stay home and play I drove my mom and saying she thought I was going to end up a drug addict on the streets and um but I knew what I wanted.

To do and I had no more use for school I hated I hated schools like prison too you already at that point wanted to be a musician yeah yeah about 13 I decided what I wanted to do and here comes our new staff surgeon no welcome to General Hospital nice to see a friendly face when you walk in the door people who were around in the 80s.

Remember general hospital and they think of you that way actor first and then they discovered your music but your music came before the acting yeah I just took a AC thing cuz I was you know it's a way to make money which is kind of naive because all the kids in my acting class for waiting tables to become actors please have a sip this is really.

Good this is dangerously good Rick Springfield I'm driving no you're not you have a whole team with you you're not driving no how does General Hospital come about do you you get an audition you end up on General Hospital so I went in on it because I didn't have any money and I read for it and I didn't think I'd get it because there was more soapy.

Looking guys you get it and I got it and it was the first regular money I'd ever seen in my life it was 500 bucks a week oo and that was big money for me big money and so I said I'm taking it because I cuz I had three albums out before and nothing had happened and I was said this probably nothing going to happen with this album either so let me.

Take this it ends up being the biggest album biggest selling album of your life yeah and um with Jesse's Girl on it yeah I did I mean I just had so many albums that had done nothing and I thought they were great albums and so I didn't have a lot of faith in them but I did have faith in something happening eventually so I took the the took the.

role you've written about your depression a lot yeah and I think people appreciate when someone of your statute talks about it out loud and labels it and says depression you know yeah yeah it P pulled me down for quite a few years but I went to therapy and I still have to deal with it you know because.

It's it doesn't go away yeah but it's um it's part of my drive so you know it's what keeps me pushing because part of me feels like I'm not enough you know well I think you're enough for what's what it's worth thank you during Co my husband got really sick in the very beginning luckily he's fine.

Like he's not going to with he's all good you did the one of the kindest things that anyone's done for me you sent this video through your publicist to me of you playing the guitar playing Jesse's Girl hi Kate rck Springfield here um I understand you're going through a very tough time uh and I wish you and your husband healing and.

Peace so I thought I would uh send you healing and love and a song I want to say it on camera it it touched us deeply it was it was so like he was in a not a great head space at that point for you to come through and just.

Be like hey here's a here's something uplifting for you it was great thank you the good thing I do is to make people feel better with music it was an obvious thing to do and the right thing to do thank you so and you do that at your shows right you I think you seem to be very conscious of the the impact you're.

Having on people yeah you know they love it you know for 2 hours I want them to forget all the things that are weighing them down cuz that's what I do when I get up on stage I don't I don't think of those things I know you wrote an autobiography very open one revealing a lot about yourself then you write a.

Fiction book that does like quite well and people praise people praise it I did a followup too it's actually a very very strange story but it's a a spiritual story you know and and that's kind of what I am based on a spiritual Searcher how are you a writer in addition to being an amazing musician like how is.

That all in one person oh I think it's all connected you know I mean writing is writing really um the book is just a book is a long song that doesn't rhyme are you going to write another book yeah I'm writing scripts actually good Moment For What TV Ser uh for you know movies or TV I'm looking to do I mean everybody is but that's where my focus.

Is at the moment you've been married how long now for this is not a test no I know it's like 40 years or something yeah I think so 80 844 will be 40 years this year that's amazing been you maybe not put this part in the drink so that your wife doesn't hear that you don't know that this is no no she she's totally fine with.

It um 40 years married that's in Hollywood or in the music industry that is unusual yeah it is but uh she's a unusual human being too is she Jesse's Girl no okay is there a Jesse's Girl mhm yeah of course I mean I write from a point of truth even you know like a pop song is he got to have some kernel of Truth or it doesn't ring.

Doesn't ring accurately in people's mind know I've heard you tell a story about you were taking a class on stained glass stained glass yeah I thought I I know I've always liked to work with my hands so I thought the music the music thing doesn't work out I'll become a stain Glass Master and support and that's where Jesse's girl and she was going.

Through it yeah and I was hot for her and she wanted nothing to do with me and so I wrote a song about it worked out pretty well yeah I got the better end of the deal cuz I got wonder she knows probably not no I I lost touch with him before um okay before the song even came.

Out I know you're on tour yeah doing a a a solo show a a Duo show with aushi Richard Mar yes and uh we friends for a long time what do you love most about the new album it came out exactly as I wanted it to exactly as I envisioned it well it's great I listen to it cheers to the new album thank you there you.

go can we do a lightning round quick answers your favorite song of Who anyone I The Walrus a musician that you would like to collaborate with who you haven't worked with before weirdest thing about you wow um that goes pretty deep uh um you can pass I'm an amateur egyptologist in.

Middle Kingdom best advice you ever got never give up worst advice you ever got never give up can drive you crazy yeah no uh the worst advice um wow uh you'll never make it what advice would you give a musician an aspiring musician you got to absolutely be passionate about it you got to want it.

The artistic life is an incredible life it's got to be I don't have a choice really not to do this is all this is what I'm made to do Rick Springfield thank you so much that was a great drink cheers cheers thanks for watching our YouTube channel follow today's top stories and breaking news by downloading the NBC News.


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3 thoughts on “Is there the truth is a ‘Jessie’s Girl’ available? Rick Springfield on how that track came about

  1. I admire Kate snow. Aunt Rick Springfield is having a overview factual for 74. That facelift labored out effectively. I capture?Yeah and so, he's not exactly American. Born in England, raised in Australia. And he's so musical. He can drift between accents. That's a undeniable indicator. Of an especially musical person. And raised on an American army unsightly.I learned out by chance. I had a, Londoner, accent. Once I place on my, phony British accent. I change into informed by someone from London. They thought I change into from London. They informed me I had a Londoner accent.. I talked about that change into potentially on story of I watched too noteworthy, Benny Hill and the Monty Python's in conjunction with BBC News. We derive on PBS. So? I wager that's the Londoner accent? I thought it change into very humorous. That they thought I change into from London. I talked about oh no. I'm in the muse from Detroit, Michigan. On the obtained offended by that. As I change into at a occasion. Chatting with a bunch of French guys and French-Canadian guys. And they all thought this change into terribly humorous. So did I. It's all the Monty Python's fault! I obtained Spammed! A complete bunch unsolicited mail. Junk mail unsolicited mail unsolicited mail! Junk mail in the morning. Junk mail in the afternoon. Junk mail for dinner. Junk mail!And it already sounds. Love he had a number of of these drinks sooner than Kate obtained there. He's slightly thick in the tongue. However it undoubtedly may per chance per chance well per chance furthermore proper be 74 years of age? And rock 'n' roll burnout.And who doesn't esteem Rick Springfield? He change into colossal generic rock 'n' roll. Frail-long-established, high 40 stuff. It change into fun. I enjoyed his songs. They were factual. He's factual. And I admire him and the Dave Grohl movie known as Sound Metropolis. That change into a colossal movie. You per chance can trail free of fee right here on YouTube. It's surely one of many supreme, rock 'n' roll documentary movies of all time! With a Who's Who of hit makers. Along side Paul McCartney. It's price a witness.I had a nearly identical, adjust room to the one in the movie. Completely, mine change into higher. RemyRAD

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