Israel Claims U.N. Humanitarian Back Workers Had been Fervent In Oct. seventh Assault


Israel Claims U.N. Humanitarian Back Workers Had been Fervent In Oct. seventh Assault

Several countries,including the United States, Britain, Germany, Australia and more have decidedto temporarily pause or suspend funding for the UN Relief and Works Agencyfor Palestine Refugees in the Near East. So 12 out of the 13,000 members of this agency, also known as Unwra, havebeen accused by Israel of being involved in the October 7th Hamas atrocities. Israel's allegations are pendingan investigation, but until then, 2 million people who depend onthis organization for humanitarian relief are in a very dire situation.

So let's talk aboutthe timeline of events. I should start this off by notingthat first, you have the International Court of Justice coming out with theirpreliminary ruling indicating that it is, in fact, feasible that Israel iscarrying out a genocide in the Gaza Strip. And then they proceeded to provide Israelactionable things to do and to basically prevent a genocide from happening. And that includes allowing forhumanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip. A day after that,Israel comes out with these allegations against two members of Unwra.

Unwra Commissioner GeneralPhilippe Lazzarini said. Israel provided the agency withinformation about the alleged involvement of several Unwra employeesin Hamas's October 7th attack, without specifying further, he said Unwralaunched an independent investigation. Immediately. The UN fired nine peopleeven before any investigation took place. Israel makes the allegations. The UN takes it super seriously,fires nine people. Some of the alleged individuals have diedsince the October 7th attacks.

But really what's important to focus onhere is that since 12 out of 13,000 people working for this agencywere accused of working with Hamas, now you have all of these different countriessuspending financial support to the organization, which is the largestorganization providing humanitarian relief to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The timing is especially convenientfor Israel, which I'm sure enjoyed being able to distractfrom the International criminal, Court of Justice and their ruling,their preliminary ruling to instead focus on what UNRWA's been up to now.

Israeli spokesperson Mark Regevtold the BBC that an Israeli hostage who was released said that she was held ina house of someone who worked for Unwra, and the claim has not beenindependently verified yet. So far, none of this has been verified. It's just accusations by Israel and weneed to go through an investigation, UN Secretary General Antonio Gutierrezsaid 12 Unwra employees were implicated in the alleged misconduct. Of those, nine were immediatelyidentified and terminated, one is confirmed dead and the identityof two others is being clarified.

And so the consequences include at leastnine countries suspending funding to Unwra, which includes the United States,Canada, Australia, Germany, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands and Finland.The EU has refused to suspend funding. Understanding the importanceof the organization as a whole. And Scotland also refused to, suspendfunding to Unwra, and I give them a lot of credit for doing that, because the idea ofsuspending funding, because 12 people out of 13,000 people were allegedly implicatedin Hamas atrocities would be ridiculous. Okay, so first of all,this is actually, super easy. If you lived in the real world where logicmatters, etc. but if you live in the.

Propaganda world that we actually live in,then it becomes, a giant issue. So why is it easy find out if anyoneactually, worked with Hamas to help do the attacks of October 7th and then fire them,prosecute them, arrest them. 100%, and. Then but don't do anything to the peoplewho didn't work with Hamas. Wow, that's so hard. So, wait, we're supposed to shut downan entire aid organization because a couple people did something bad in it? Well, what if nine people in Israelhelped Hamas on October 7th? It's not impossible.

Right. So should we end aid to Israel? I'm just trying to follow the logic here.So let me. No, hold on.Let me tell you why they're doing this. Anyone that is helping the Palestinians isa target so that you dig, dig, dig until you find dirt, and then you don't say,hey, we found dirt on Bob and Susie. You say, I found dirt on the organization,shut it down, shut it down. And a lot of the Western governments, theywant to do whatever Israel tells them, and they're just looking for an excuseso they can tell their voters who don't agree with Israel, who actually don't wantto murder Palestinians so they can tell.

Their voters, oh, we had to shut it down. We sent we stopped all aid to thatorganization because everyone inside that organization is guilty. That's absurd.So why why are they stopping Unwra? Why did they target Unwra one? Because the UN is doingan investigation of Israel. So they're striking back against the UN.But much more importantly, they're the onesthat are helping starving Palestinians. Now, if you cut off the one placewhere Palestinians are getting help,.

They're going to be more desperate. Now, remember, cabinet ministersin the Israeli government have said we want to drive them into Egypt. Right? And so if they're so desperateand they're starving and you go here, here's a little food in Egypt, and you go,well, there was nothing we could do. I mean, they went they went voluntarilybecause the only place where they could get food or medical attention was in rightin the South, where we stuffed them and then bombed them and starved them.

Oh, look at that. They crossed the border. That's it. Now we own Gazaand Jewish settlers run in, run in. – Lunatic settlers just grab all of Gaza.- That's exactly right. And in fact, there was a conferenceby settlers for settlers in Israel over the weekend where you havehigh ranking Israeli officials attending and giving keynote speeches. We're going to get to that in a moment,because I think it's important to to talk about that and its relationto this entire Unwra story.

But before we do, I just wantto also give you some historical context in regard to the Israeli government'streatment of Unwra and how they've wanted to delegitimizethat UN agency for a very long time now. Number one, that agency wasestablished after the Nakba. So Nakba happens in 1948 and then in 1949. Unwra is created in orderto provide support and humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugeeswho were driven out of their homes, driven out of their land, and pushedinto the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Okay, now, when that happened,Israel was really irritated with the fact.

That Unwra not only considered those whowere pushed out of their land and homes as refugees, but that their descendants,that their their children were also considered refugees. Now, why are they considered refugees? Well, because they're livingin the Gaza Strip. They don't have their own state. They don't have the rightto self-determination, none of that. They have no rights. And their lives are completely controlledby the Israeli government.

And so since they're livingin horrible conditions in Gaza, Unwra continued offering, you know,humanitarian aid to those refugees and the descendants of those refugees. Israel can't stand that and has alwayswanted to delegitimize that organization. So congratulations. They make the allegations against 12people without an investigation, nine of them immediately get fired. Okay. And by the way,Israel could be totally right about that.

I think that there should bean investigation. And if they're found to have aidedand abetted Hamas, they absolutely should be prosecuted andthey should be brought to justice 1,000%. And if it is true that they carriedout those atrocities or aided and abetted those atrocities, I'm disgustedby the fact that they have jeopardized the funding of this critical organizationin order to do what they did. So I've got no love for themif they are found guilty of what they have been accused of by Israel. But with that in mind,think about what this means.

Jank. Israel doesn't wantto offer humanitarian aid. They don't want to be the onescarrying out the humanitarian aid in Gaza. They've made that clear, and they havenow succeeded in pulling funding, critical funding away from the onemassive humanitarian aid group that was giving humanitarian aid to Palestinians. So what's the future of Palestiniansgoing to look like now? So one of our members suggested that,hey, why doesn't the IDF, give the aid to the Palestinians instead of, you know,worrying about Hamas, for example,.

Taking some of the aid, right? No, to be fair to the IDF, that's,you can't have them do that because they'd be sitting ducks and so they couldget killed while trying to give the aid. So I'm fair. Don't do that. That'll just get the IDF kidsand some you could say their terrible whatever you can want. But remember they're justthey got drafted right. And some of them might enthusiasticallywant to be there some. Might hate being there, right?.

But I don't want him getting killed,so that's not the right way to go. But then the Israel says, okay,but Hamas stole two loaves of bread so that we shouldn't send aidbecause Hamas might take some. Okay. So we're not going to deliver it. Hamas might take some.So you shouldn't give any. And now some people, the UN didbad things, so the UN shouldn't give any. Look at that. It looks like there's no wayto help the Palestinians ever. If you listen to Israeli logic and thatanyone who does is of course terrorist,.

That's anti-Semitic, etc., etc.. Now. So let me ask you this question. So we just told you very clearlywe're against the guys. If they turns out they eightand nine of them already fired. So very likely. Okay. So if they helped on October 7ththey should definitely fight. And on top of that we'readding they should be arrested. So now the Israeli governmenthas killed 20 times the number of civilians as Hamas does.

Where do I go to get the peoplewho help them fired? Because, I mean, I'm told that if youhelp terrorists kill civilians, that that should get you fired. And that makes sense. I agree. So, but the terrorist Benjamin Netanyahuhas killed 20 times the civilians that the terrorist Hamas did. And I'm I'm I'm beingperfectly consistent. If you're disagreeing with me,then you're just flat out wrong. You're saying, oh,I want to call the other side bad guys.

But when we do the same exact thing,I don't want you to call me bad guys. I want them fired, but not me fired. Okay, well, you're inconsistent,you're unprincipled, and you don't actually care about the issue. You're just being blindedby your prejudice. – Yeah, and.- By the way, I mean, it is. It's amazing that, like, genocidalstatements by liberal politicians within the Israeli governmentis totally fine, right? The genocidal statements. That's okay.

The conference that members of Israel'sgovernment attended over the weekend. Totally fine. What am I referring to? Well, over the weekend, right wing Israeliministers joined thousands at an event calling for the resettlementof the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. I mean, they've alreadystolen a ton of land. Let's steal more of it. And so Bezalel Smotrich and Ben-Gvirboth keynote speakers at the event. Of course, the conference dubbedsettlement brings security. – Oh, does.- It does Israel look more secure?.

Guys was led in part by the right wingNicola Organization, a group advocating for the expansion of Jewish settlements,which are considered illegal by international and humanitarian bodies. But I mean, what good does that do? They've completely delegitimizedthemselves, to be quite honest. The event called for Israelto rebuild settlements in both Gaza and northern parts of the occupied West Bank. Taking stage at the conference, Ben-Gvircalled on Netanyahu to be courageous, saying now was the time to develop Israelisettlements in Gaza and to encourage.

Palestinians to leave the enclave. Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrichsaid that the country is at a crossroads and that without settlementthere is no security. So since we I mean,now this is repeated, right? This isn't the first time we've heard farright politicians in Israel's far right government saying these kinds of things. So can the United States pull fundingto Israel, since they have, people saying genocidal things or things in favorof ethnic cleansing within the government? No, of course we're not going to do that.

That doesn't delegitimizethe government of Israel, does it? – Yeah.- Ben-Gvir is a literal terrorist. He was convicted.He was convicted of aiding terrorists. He has pictures of Israeli terroristson his giant pictures of them, posters of them in his living roomthat he brags about, hey, this terrorist killed 29 innocent Palestinians. I love this guy. That's why there's a giant picturein my living room. Every time I go, I look at that terroristand love him so much.

The most effective terroristin the history of the world is Yigal Amir, who assassinated Yitzhak Rabin,part of these lunatic right wing settler movement in, in, in Israel. So let me ask you something. If you love Israel and you want Israelto be a flourishing, peaceful democracy and a safe haven for Jews, which I do. Do you think the settlementshave brought Israel peace and security? Legitimate question. Or do you think that maybe, hey,occupying these people for 75 years.

Seems to have agitated them,that we thought they were going to be our good servants and know their role,and that they were just going to know that they should just be occupied forever. And they are. They hate us. I can't believe they don't like us whenwe've been occupying them for 75 years, and we took half their country first. Now we're taking a lot of the West Bank,and now we're thinking of taking all of Gaza. I don't know why they don't love us.

I don't know why we don'thave peace and security. I'm sorry, but it doesn't take a geniusto figure out why you don't have peace and security and the occupationand the settlements, and you'll very, very likely have peace and security. I know what you think. No way. Those Palestinians are monsters.They're all savages. They'll never want peace. You know that? You sound like a savage when you say that.Okay. Anyways,so you had a peace deal with Egypt.

It worked. These are facts.These are all obvious, overwhelming facts. Peace deal with Egypt that Israel did. It turns out the Egyptianswere not savages. They honored the peace dealfor decade after decade after decade. And you didn't haveanother war with, Egypt. Why? Because you made a peace deal.Oh, look at that. Peace brings you peace and security.War brings you endless war.

Settlements and occupationbring you endless war. Israel will never be safe and secureif they don't end the occupation. That is the most obvious thingin the whole wide world to everyone outside of Israeland Washington DC. The rest of the world is looking like, are you guys schmucks? Are you the dumbest people in the world?Yes. You think that the occupantthat the occupation keeps you safer? That's the number one reasonyou're not safe. What did you think?.

That they were all goingto bow their heads and go? Of course Israel will be our. We will be the servants.They can do anything they want. We love them. We love them. We're so sorry. We'll never fight back. We'll you.You thought they were going to do that? How stupid do you have to beto believe that? No. They're going to fight you to the endof time because you're occupying them. If that breaks your heart,take it up with Israeli leaders.

Because they're going to they're goingto drive you into endless war. Israel's never going to be safewith monsters like Ben-Gvir, Smotrich or whatever the hell his name is. And Netanyahu, all terrorists,all 20 times worse than Hamas. If you enjoyed this video,that's because of our members. They make us independent, they makeus strong, and they make us honest. Become a member todayby hitting the join button below.

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3 thoughts on “Israel Claims U.N. Humanitarian Back Workers Had been Fervent In Oct. seventh Assault

  1. TYT why don't you halt blatantly lying and misleading your viewers. UNRWA has been properly documented and reported over time of HAMAS infiltration, UNRWA team of workers teaching jihad, violence, and martyrdom. TYT form you in actual fact enlighten it became once most fantastic 12 folks fervent serious about 90% of Palestinians voted in and supported Hamas. UN Watch and other organizations have reported these elements, they were skipped over and vilified . I form no longer have to listen to the UNRWA and UN's blatantly unfounded self-serving statements that they were bowled over once they knew for years about the total elements plaguing that program. I form agree that the Palestinians need wait on but their are other organizations that might well bring that wait on in so please halt with the unfounded replacement that most fantastic the UNRWA can provide relief. It furthermore saddens me that the democrats are so crammed with racist anti semitic hatred in opposition to jewish folks they willingly blind themselves to the elements on the ground. You gained’t ever have a two recount solution with UNRWA working the expose with out being disbanded or radically modified in the device it operates.

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