Israel genocide ruling: Govt react to ICJ world courtroom decision on Gaza, Hamas battle | LiveNOW from FOX


Israel genocide ruling: Govt react to ICJ world courtroom decision on Gaza, Hamas battle | LiveNOW from FOX

Welcome back here on live now from Fox and I do want to get back into the headlines here as the world Court will not throw out genocide charges against Israel for its military offensive in Gaza but also will not order a ceasefire announcing its decision on the eve of international Holocaust Remembrance Day the international court of justice did.

Demand that Israel try to contain death and damage in its military offensive that decision coming after South Africa the court to order Israel to Halt its operation claiming genocide Israel of course denying those claims of genocide I want to bring in tal Heinrich and Israeli government spokesperson to talk all about this and T thank you so much.

As always for taking the time to be here with us of course my pleasure to be joining you today Josh as always well first off I just want to get the Israeli government's take on that decision that was handed down there by the world Court well the international Court rightly rejected South Africa's Preposterous.

Attempt to undermine Israel's basic rights to defend itself as you know on October 7th Josh we were attacked by the most brutal monsters terrorists out there called Hamas the Hamas terrorist regime in Gaza they raped they mutilated they burned entire families alive uh they killed 1,200 Israelis they kidnapped 250 more they are the ones.

With genocidal intent you know they they write it it appears on their Charter uh they say it they chant it they act on it we don't need any more proof of their genocidal intent and what did South Africa do well they're decided to play advocate for these devils and um this entire case pushed by South Africa is is shameful and it's a it's a distortion.

It's a it's a distortion of the Holocaust it's an insult to the memory of the Holocaust you know the the the term genocide was coined to describe the Holocaust and um only one by the way of the 17 justices uh sitting on on the court aan Barak that Israel sent to represent us um that Israel sent to uh this case he he is the Holocaust.

Survivor and my country was one of the first countries to join the the genocide convention because we know what genocide is because we're committed to the concept the principle of never again and we're acting in Gaza right now to eliminate the Hamas terrorist regime because we said never again and we mean it you know our goals in this war as we.

Defined them on October 8th the war that we didn't start and we didn't want they were Justified a day after the massacre and they're Justified today and will continue to be justified for as long as this goes and the goals are to eliminate the Kamas terrorist regime to bring all hostages back home and we also welcome the Court's um unequivocal uh uh.

Decision in that respect that they called for the immediate unconditional release of of the hostages we definitely appreciate that and we also want to make sure that Gaza will never ever pose a terror threats to Israel again and while we're doing these things uh we are making sure that we're doing everything humanly possible on our end to minimize.

Civilian casualties in Gaza and to minimize the civilian suffering in Gaza as Hamas are trying to do exactly the opposite when they're using their people as human Shields when they're hiding uh underneath and inside civilian structures uh they think that they will give this give them some kind of uh immunity um so uh we are committed to.

The laws of armed conflict and and we will continue to do so did Israel overall think that this case case was going to be thrown out altogether as we know the court uh did kind of say that this is going to go on for a while but said that they do feel they should investigate did Israel think that it was going to be thrown out.

Altogether oh well you you see we we believe that um this this case is entirely meritless secretary Lincoln by the way called it Merit meritless a few weeks ago because South Africa's accusations are are baseless they they're factually baseless they're unfounded they're an inversion of of reality and and of the facts on the.

Ground um we expect the the court um you know to today was an interim verdict so to say it's an interim stage we expect the court to reject South Africa's Flames as it reaches the the merits uh merits phase of of these uh proceedings you know I maybe to to better communicate uh what what happened today or what South Africa was expecting would.

Be the result of today uh to uh your American audience let me just uh describe this Josh you know uh Israel on October 7th was attacked on on a magnitude of nine of of rather 2 911s okay if you compare the the size of the population and so forth proportionate um and uh what South Africa was was basically uh trying to push is that.

Imagine if if three months after 911 uh some someone would would have told America well you can't go after Bin Laden and also you can't run Security checks at airports this is what South Africa basically wanted they expected the courts to tell Israel well stop defending yourself even though Kamas uh uh these rapists and and they still uh.

Holding your your your your your women your daughters in over there for more than 100 days in in the terror dungeons uh committing acts of of sexual violence uh stop going after the the terror masterminds of Hamas and just forget about your stolen people and um I I think that this is insanity this is what South Africa expected and uh we are uh.

We we welcome the decision of of of the Court uh so so far because it says that Israel H can continue to defend itself that's what we're doing and I know that net Yahoo had initially said regardless of what the icj does rule the war does continue and the fight against Hamas continues as well right well you see we we are committed.

To the laws of armed conflict we are um as we are conducting our war in Gaza We are following international law and and we will continue to do so you know regardless of of of the proceedings in in theh because we are committed to international law you know on our end we're really taking unprecedented steps already to make sure we minimize the Civ.

Civilian casualties and civilian suffering in Gaza uh you reported these uh we dropped I think 15 million leaflets we called on the uh a population to evacuate from the combat zones we designated special uh um humanitarian Aid zones uh safe zones that the population has evacuated to and we uh secure these humanitarian.

Corridors so Corridor so that the civilians in Gaza with whom we have no fight you know our war is with Hamas not with the PO the gazen population um Kamas are the ones who are putting them at Harm's Way when we want them to get out of harms way um so and and on on the humanitarian AIDS you know that this week I think it was on Monday uh truck.

Number 10,000 of humanitarian Aid entered Gaza because Israel is facilitating the entrance of of these trucks and we place no limits on the entrance of water food and and medical supplies and Sheltering equipment to to to Gaza uh and and Kamas are the ones who are stealing some of these trucks as you saw in some of the videos that.

You've also shown your audiences uh they are the ones who want to see uh more civilian suffering in Gaza because they think that Israel will take the fire and international pressure for their sick methods of War my last question here before I let you go t where do things stand on any kind of ceasefire deal the negotiations.

To get those hostage is released so we want to see all the hostages back home immediately and unconditionally and as you know the plight of the hostages is certainly the top of Minds for every person in Israel also of the Prime Minister our troops on the ground and and the whole government and uh they are at the top of Mind in.

Every decision-making process that we take now we are continuing to pursue every possible Avenue to try to bring to to the release of more hostages and uh you and I I talked about it before we believe that the that the only way to to create the conditions to reach maybe another framework that will see the release of more hostages like the.

Framework that we saw back in November uh through International mediators is to continue to exert military pressure on Hamas and and and hit them hard uh we're eliminating uh much of their Force thousands of terrorists have been immobilized or we we neutralized them already um and back in November They begged for a breather in the fighting in.

Fact the terrorists on the ground are also begging for a breather right now uh but the hardliners in the negotiations uh right now as our defense minister yav Galant described it are the uh Terror Master heads the ones were sitting in in luxury villas in in hotels in in in Cutter um so we will continue to do everything possible uh and we're working.

These diplomatic Avenues behind the scenes as well as on the ground hitting Kamas hard and and and we hope that these efforts will eventually yield uh uh the release of more hostages we're doing everything possible an our end this is the number one humanitarian issue in Gaza right now um and it has been such since October 7th The Plight.

Over hostages all right tal Hinrich Israeli government spokesperson as always thank you so much for taking the time to join us and help break down the latest details and the latest uh headlines that have emerged we appreciate it as always thank you so much Josh

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3 thoughts on “Israel genocide ruling: Govt react to ICJ world courtroom decision on Gaza, Hamas battle | LiveNOW from FOX

  1. 1:18 listen to this nefarious lady, “burned total households alive “ what a lie, all these so referred to as atrocities are being dedicated by Israel, who has been killing these folks for the past 70 years, how can everyone overlook that so embarrassing

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