Israel-Hamas battle: Israeli airstrike kills 7 World Central Kitchen wait on employees


Israel-Hamas battle:  Israeli airstrike kills 7 World Central Kitchen wait on employees

179 of the October 7th War 179 days on our determination to achieve our war aims Remains the Same number one of course to destroy Hamas number two to bring home our hostages and of course to ensure that Gaza never becomes a threat to us again this will be a short briefing because I want to leave time for your.

Questions which you should put in the chat together with your news Outlet I want to update you on five key items the first is the sad news that we heard overnight about the world Central Kitchen incident the Prime Minister has said that unfortunately in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people.

Innocent people in the Gaza Strip the Prime Minister said it happens in war we will check it to the end we are in contact with the governments and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again end quote I would point you to the comprehensive statement made by IDF spokesman rear Admiral Daniel hagari so I will not repeat word for.

Word everything that he said needless to say we see these deaths as tragic whatever our inquiries turn up the world Central Kitchen employees fulfill a vital mission of bringing food to people in need genuine a workers are the unsung heroes in all conflicts the IDF is a professional military which abides by international law we are examining the.

Case thoroughly and transparently through the fact finding and assessment mechanism an independent professional and expert body this is especially painful because we have worked closely with W wck in their Noble mission of helping bringing help bring food and humanitarian Aid to the people of Gaza and not to be stolen by.

Kamas you should know that wck also came here to help Israelis after the massacre of the October 7th so they were in fact one of the first NOS uh to get here we will get to the bottom of this it's a tragic tragic issue next an important issue on hostage negotiations from the prime minister's office on behalf of the mosad this afternoon the negotiating.

Delegation of the mosad shinb and the IDF will return from Cairo this has been another intensive round of talks our Egyptian Partners have been helpful mediators I can report that the mediators formulated an upto-date proposal for dealing with Hamas Israel expects the mediators to take vigorous action regarding Hamas to.

Advance the negotiations towards a deal the state of Israel continues to make all necessary efforts all necessary efforts to free the hostages from the hands of Hamas and return them to their F to their friends and families here in Israel next I want to deal with Iran for the past six months Iran has sought to destabilize the.

World Iran is behind kah Iran is behind Hamas Iran is behind behind the koutis atrocities using proxies in Lebanon Syria Iraq Yemen it's always Iran the Prime Minister recently told a group of visiting Congress men and women that Iran's formal policy has shifted from ideological to practical Iran is seeking the destruction of the.

State of Israel Iran is not only our enemy Iran is the enemy of the US UK France Germany and all free Nations so we have to win there is no substitute for victory now an update from our Parliament the knesset in Jerusalem and their passing of a bill for the temporary ban on.

Alzer's operations here in Israel I want to share five important points with you one Al jazer has actively harmed Israel's security their staff participated in the October 7th massacre number two as the Prime Minister has said and I quote it's time to remove the mouthpiece of Hamas from Israel number three we are the Third Country the third.

Country in the region to take such action we note European Partners have banned Iran's Iran the Iranian mouthpiece press tv and the Russian mouthpiece RT number four the IDF have revealed that I ID that the IDF have revealed that Al jazer journalists and Hamas terrorists have often been one and the.

Same people and number five rather ominously like the Oscars but for terrorists Hamas awarded Al jazer winners for their coverage so we say very clearly freedom of the press yes freedom for jihadis no and finally we've been asked uh about the prime minister's condition uh I'm.

Pleased to share that he has been discharged from hadasa a km hospital he thanked the wonderful medical staff for all the good wishes of so many for a speedy recovery the Prime Minister continues to hold his daily routine including consultations and convers and conversations that brings us to the end of today's brief briefing I will now.

Take your question in the chat please State your news outlet and i' be happy to receive your questions now thank you very much okay so there's a question from James William of Zenger international news and he ask is there any update on the tragic accident in the fog of war that killed seven Aid workers from the.

World Central Kitchen and also what is the reason that ships left Cyprus with aid for Gaza and are now returning with the food that were meant to deliver thank you uh thank you Jim for your uh question uh in this statement uh we shared uh our um grief for this very very unfortunate incident this tragic incident and the loss of these innocent.

Uh Aid workers we will get to the bottom of what happened we have spoken to uh their governments and we've also Daniel hagari has spoken to the uh founder of uh wck this is a tragic incident uh it has uh cast a dark cloud uh over this country in a very very difficult time so we will get to the bottom of what has happened on the second point you.

Mentioned about uh the aid shipment uh I would encourage you to put that question to Kat uh I don't have any information about that next question please you have a similar question from David Clement of the news Forum in Canada he asked regarding the aid workers who were killed as it reported that there was a Canadian among them has the Israeli.

Government spoken with their counterparts in Ottawa Canada about the death and can you provide any more information on that thank you very much uh for your question um so I've made clear that the Prime Minister has spoken to uh other governments that have been affected by this tragic uh case this is an absolutely uh horrifying idea as I.

Mentioned in my briefing that Aid workers uh genuine Aid workers are really the unsung heroes in icts uh around the world uh they make sure that Aid goes to the people that need it most and in our case uh try to stop Hamas from stealing uh that Aid war is a terrible thing uh this was not a war that we started or a war that we wanted.

But nonetheless this is a a tragic case but we will get to the bottom of what's happened thank you the next question please uh one more related question um from Riley Stewart of Australia Broadcasting Corporation and he asked the IDF has said that it is working with the central uh World Central Kitchen to help complete its duties in Gaza what.

Hope do other organizations have for their safety in Gaza given that the IDF has confirmed it fatally bombed wck Convoy thank you very much for your uh question Riley so we are carrying out uh an in uh an inquiry into what has happened here we've said that this is a tragic case I mentioned to you as well.

Already that uh these are unsung heroes of uh Wars around the world and especially here uh in our battle with Hamas to try and get Aid to the people that need it most uh in Gaza um we will work extremely hard uh in fact we are positively uh trying to get as much Aid into Gaza as possible uh the figures are now more than 200 trucks going in uh.

Every day I remind you that food trucks before this war there were 70 food trucks uh a day going in uh the last count was more than uh 200 so we're working extremely hard to get as much Aid as we can and get it to the people that need it the most next question please we have another question now from Joel poock of.

Breitbart News and he asked can you respond to claims by the White House Al Alaba correspondent that Israel killed 300 people at the shifa hospital and they were found with their hands tied uh thank you very much for your question Joel um I haven't seen those reports and there's certainly nothing I can uh comment on I can give you an.

Update on our latest from Al shifer uh alifer unfortunately ceased to be a hospital it turned into a a a a terrorist base um in fact I I think that when the history books are written on Urban Warfare uh whether at Sandhurst or at West Point I think this will be an example of a case where Israel has gone to remarkable lengths remarkable lengths.

To get civilians uh to get the the sick the patients in the hospital out of Harm's Way and to allow us to root out to root out the terrorists the latest figures we have are more than two 200 terrorists that we eliminated in this action and um 500 terrorists who we've apprehended so those sorts of reports I think are uh a fallacy they're just not.

True um I think that this has been independently uh confirmed uh by uh genuine sources genuine sources and not uh by the source which you uh mentioned next question please we have a question from Frederick at interplanetary television and he asked following the attack of Iran's Embassy in Damascus Iranian.

President razi declared that the attack on the embassy quote will not go unanswered the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood has also called for Muslims to attack Israeli embassies around the world has prime minister netan who already instructed to put in place special security measures to protect Israeli embassies and Personnel.

Worldwide and if so which ones and additionally will Israel's National Security Council release new security recommendations for israeli's living outside of Israel in light of the escalation with Iran Fred thank you um very much for that question uh I don't need to tell you that uh all of uh Israel's embassies.

Around the world and all uh all of Israel's people around the world um are already on an extremely high alert they have been since the dastardly attack The Invasion attempt of our country on the 7th of October so I haven't got anything more to sh to share with you nor can I uh give any comment on um any attack U uh which uh you mentioned in your uh uh.

Question just there I would just say that Daniel uh hagari ha the rear Admiral Daniel hagari from the IDF has stated very clearly that the installation um in Damascus was not an embassy it was not a civilian building it was a military building an Al's Force military building disguised as a civilian building in.

Damascus so any semblance that this is somehow um you know that this was somehow a um a do a civilian Embassy is plainly not true and the IDF has made that crystal clear next question please we have a question now from Rohit of ITV News and he asked what impact do you think last night's killings will have on the relationship with the UK can you see.

Why some senior figures in the UK believe this is a moment for the government to review its relationship with Israel the relationship between um Britain and Israel is a long and intense one um I would say and I think it's no secret to say that Israel is uh our closest partner uh in Europe uh and uh.

That sorry that the UK is our closest uh partner in Europe it's a very important relationship um it is also no secret that Israeli uh is the Mad has prevented numerous numerous attacks on British soil from terrorists they have saved many many many lives of UK citizens that's not a secret that's already out there and um security personnel and.

Former security Personnel in the UK will confirm that fact this has been a tragic a tragic incident uh the killing of these innocent uh Aid workers we will get to the bottom of what happened and we will adjust uh we we will adjust practices um as a result of those investigations again we say again that this is an absolutely tragic uh incident.

Our prime minister has already made clear that he has been in contact uh with his counterpart Parts in other other countries uh this is a terrible thing that has happened because the work of wck has been so important in ensuring that Hamas is not able to steal the Aid sell it onto the black market and then um put it onto the black market for.

Vastly increased prices unfortunately you know no one in Hamas is hungry absolutely no one I can guarantee you with that fact so that is why we're working extra hard to get as much Aid into the into Gaza as we possibly can you know we're up to 200,000 sorry 20,000 20,000 trucks Aid trucks food humanitarian needs tents um uh you know.

Medicines we are trying our hardest to let as l in as much Aid as we possibly can because of course we have no beef with the people of Gaza our beef is with Hamas it's a terrorist organization it has brought nothing but misery to its people to the people of Gaza and we need to liberate Gaza from Hamas to build a.

Better future for gaza's people thank you next question please final question from orle harpen of ABC BC News Australia and she asked what does Israel say to claims that Israel targets ambulances and humanitarian Aid convoys after what we after we have seen numerous such cases including most recently last.

Night thank you for your uh question so it is frankly obscene to say that uh Israel uh does anything of the kind we have worked very very hard to get more Aid uh into Gaza as I mentioned before 70 food trucks before this war more than 200 today an average of about 150 every uh single day so the the idea that um that we are targeting Aid convoys is is.

Uh is nothing short of nonsense uh that said we are uh investigating this tragic case it is a tragic case innocent people have lost their lives we will get to the bottom of what has happened uh this is a war again a war that we did not want a war that we did not start but we will work hard to bring an end to Hamas to free to free.

Gaza from Hamas and to build a better future for us the people of Israel but of course all of our neighbors in this region there are no further questions thank you thank you very much there'll be another briefing uh tomorrow at the same time please try and uh stay safe thank you bye-bye all right so that was the very.

Latest daily Israeli government briefing again we are following this breaking news here on our live now from Fox feeds and in our studio as it relates to the Israel Hamas War again Israeli air strikes in Gaza were being told they led to the deaths of seven Aid workers and if you're just now tuning in good morning to you I want to provide some.

Perspective of this we're told by our content Partners over at the Associated Press an apparent Israeli air strike killed seven International Aid workers with the world Central Kion and their Palestinian driver the charity Sayang today in a potentially major setback to efforts to deliver Aid to by sea to Gaza where Israel's offensive against tamas.

Has pushed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to the brink of starvation the food charity founded by celebrity chef Jose Andre saying it will immediately suspend operations in the region the source of fire late Monday could not be independently confirmed but the Israeli military did Express sincere sorrow over the deaths while stopping.

Short of accepting responsibility we know Admiral Danel hagari the top military spokesperson said in a statement that officials are reviewing the incident at the highest levels he says an independent investigation will be launched that will quote help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again so this is a developing.

Story and of course you will get the latest developments right here on live now from Fox

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