Israel-Hamas battle: Israeli govt. confirms American-Israeli soldier Itay Chein is lifeless | LiveNOW from


Israel-Hamas battle: Israeli govt. confirms American-Israeli soldier Itay Chein is lifeless | LiveNOW from

Good afternoon I'm David mener Israeli government spokesman it's the 12th of March 2024 this is day 158 of the October 7th War 158 excruciating days that our 134 hostages have been stolen from us by the Hamas rapist Army first I will share an update on our casualties IDF fatalities since the start of the October 7th Massacre have unfortunately.

Risen to 590 that is up one since yesterday the people of Israel grieve with the family of Staff Sergeant iten aged only 19 years old from natana new intelligence released today has come to light and the IDF have re have released that II was abducted during the October 7th Massacre and then killed by.

Hamas his body is being held by Hamas one can only imagine that this news has come as a crushing blow to his friends and family we Now understand that there are 100 live hostages 34 bodies of Israelis are still cruy cruy being held the IDF and all the people of Israel share in the unbearable grief of his family we will continue to accompany.

Them at this impossible time our hearts go out to all the families of those soldiers killed in action as well as those who were murdered taken hostage and wounded May their memories be a blessing next in today's briefing an important update from the United Nations firstly Israel thanks the United States the United Kingdom Japan France for.

Joining our call to convene the UN security council's special emergency discussion on the report of hamas's section ual crimes during the October 7th Massacre accompanied in New York by family members of the hostages Israeli Jews and Arabs yesterday is the Israeli foreign minister called for the UN Security Council to designate Hamas as a.

Terrorist organization Minister Israel Kat said that Hamas must faced the harshest sanctions in the same way as Al-Qaeda the Taliban and Isis many countries have already he did Israel's call the United States Australia Canada Japan Paraguay New Zealand the United Kingdom and the European Union have declared Hamas a terrorist organization.

But if they are not Hamas and their supporters will conclude that the UN is apathetic to hamas's crimes against humanity against Israeli civilians and not least because the hostages it is abusing right now in Gaza now an update from Kat which coordinates and facilitates humanitarian Aid entering Gaza yesterday in full.

Partnership and coordination with the IDF 169 packages of humanitarian Aid were a dropped over Northern Gaza by the UAE by Egypt Jordan France Belgium and the USA in addition to that 149 humanitarian Aid trucks were inspected and transferred to Gaza to those that continue to make the false accusation that Israel is in some way stopping aid.

From entering Gaza we simply say since the start of this effort to uproot the Hamas rapist murderers from Gaza more than 16,000 trucks have entered Gaza only 1.5% were not permitted most were recoordination and entered later Kat is in constant contact with u un organizations again a reminder that.

Before this war the UN themselves say they were only 70 food trucks entering Gaza every day yesterday there were 149 the day before that there were 225 so we're working on Bold new ways with the United States and partner countries to prevent a humanitarian crisis to get Aid to civilians who need it the most while making sure that Hamas.

Cannot stealing steal it as they are doing Israel transfers an unrestricted quantity of humanitarian Aid following inspection Israel supports the plan to build a temporary Pier as well as bringing additional Aid as part of a maritime corridor from Cypress to the Gaza Strip there is no limit to the amount of Aid that can enter.

Gaza next I wanted to update you on a remarkable occurrence uh just yesterday our dedicated Security Forces Army and Police Stopped a suicide bomber a a ticking Time Bomb this WBY bomber left Janine and was on h is way to Tel Aviv he intended to carry out an immediate attack on a bus in a restaurant to maximize death he had a primed explosive.

Device and a weapon on him this attack was thwarted you know we here in Israel hear the protests in support of Hamas on the streets of London of New York and other great cities around the world they shout there is only one solution in Father Revolution it Rhymes it's catchy but it's also deadly bus bombings are.

Synonymous with the intera suicide bombings on buses targeting Ordinary People are hamas's gift to the world as the Prime Minister made clear yesterday we are the canaries in the coal mine we will destroy destroy Hamas next moving to Ramadan just after this briefing there is a special Ramadan uh discussion with some of the heads of.

The government departments here in Israel so I'd encourage you to stay on the line to listen to that briefing and you'll be able to put questions specifically on Ramadan to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs but also to uh the police and also to our own Department here now to Israel's 1.7 million Muslims making up 18% of.

Israel's total population to the families all around the country marking the month of Ramadan we would like to wish them a Ramadan Kareem as well as to our Muslim friends around the world and especially to countries which have had peace which have peace agreements may this holy month be meaningful and bring peace joy and.

Happiness to you and your loved ones Israel maintains the freedom of worship for all religions every everywhere and every site especially on the Temple Mount but at mosques throughout our country the sanctity of the Ramadan month will be kept this year as it is every single year since this country was established in.

1948 now an update from Gaza yesterday we released details of our targeting of senior terrorist leaders in Gaza we are still assessing the results of the strike the final confirmation has yet to be received and we will share it as soon as we have it but here are the details we know so far on Saturday night IDF fighter jets struck an underground.

Compound of senior Hamas leaders in the center of the Gaza Strip Maran Isa was the target Deputy only to the Hamas leader mayam MF one of the planners of the October 7th Massacre Maran Isa is Central to the to the terror triangle in the Gaza Strip with Muhammad DF and Yahya Sina also there was aiz Abu Tama chief.

Of hamas's Weaponry they were together with other terrorists we don't have final confirmation this was an underground Target a terror tunnel Target for intell for intelligent for for intelligence reasons we cannot yet verify the results of this strike needless to say every operation is planned over many hours.

Many days often cancelled due to various factors this operation was no different but we had quality intelligence it was precisely implemented by the Air Force to emphasize thorough intelligence showed that there were no Israeli hostages in the area know this we will continue to pursu to pursue Hamas leaders and everyone involved in the.

October 7th Mass Massacre not only in Gaza the people of Israel are united we are determined to end Hamas but we are also patient targeting Hamas leaders is a central objective of this war moving to the North of Israel the IDF is continuing to strengthen our Readiness to war we have more than 60,000 residents displaced in the north.

Fearing aah October 7th style Invasion we will not let that happen so we'll do what ever we can to restore security for them and bring them home if we have to do it with military means we will do so if there is a diplomatic way to achieve it fine but ultimately we will do it just this morning an unprecedented 100 Rockets were fired in a massive kah.

Barrage Israeli communities were targeted 70 Rockets were fired at the Galilee an hour lat later 30 more at the Goan area kah attempts to overwhelm our defensive Iron Dome system but iodf Jets destroyed three of the launchers used to fire 70 of those rockets that brings us to the end of today's briefing I will now take your questions in the chat and.

Just a reminder to stay on the line uh using this link for a 4M special briefing on arrangements for Ramadan m colleagues in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Israeli police the national public diplomacy directorate will update you

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3 thoughts on “Israel-Hamas battle: Israeli govt. confirms American-Israeli soldier Itay Chein is lifeless | LiveNOW from

  1. I’m SO EMBARRASSED that our President isn’t showing our interesting friend Israel the enhance they deserve. Please know, that the bulk of Individuals are for your facet; of us that aren’t are uneducated ( college with out a doubt doesn’t guarantee an recordsdata of truth) and/or seeking to have the wait on of a elevated war. We such as you Israel and we pray for you and for peace for your land!

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