Israel-Hamas war: ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas leaders | LiveNOW from FOX


Israel-Hamas war: ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas leaders |  LiveNOW from FOX

Welcome back to live now from Fox right now we're following breaking news as the IC that's the international criminal court the prosecutor for the IC is seeking arrest warrants against Netanyahu and the hamash chief in the death of the Iranian president and the Iranian foreign minister let's listen in now.

Officials including the two individuals subject to the present application as well as based upon several hundred authenticated videos photographs and audio recordings many of which were taken and shared by victims and eyewitnesses themselves this systematic deprivation resulted from a decision to.

Impose a total Siege on Gaza by completely closing the three border crossing points Rafa kamam shalom and arz for extended periods of time and by arbitrarily restricting the transportation of essential supplies including food and Medicine through the border crossings after they were reopened The Siege the total Siege also.

Involved cutting off crossborder water pipelines from Israel to Gaza which is the principal source of clean water for the population in Gaza it was cut off for prolong periods beginning on the 99th of October 2023 and it was accompanied by the cutting off or hindering of electricity supplies to Gaza from the 8th of October.

2023 until today that conduct took place alongside attacks that kill civilians including people queuing for food the obstruction of Aid delivery by humanitarian organizations and attacks on Aid workers that forced many of those same humanitarian organizations to either cease operations or limit their.

Life-saving efforts in Gaza the tragic effect of the use of starvation as a method of warfare against gaza's civilian population is acute it's visible and it's widely known and it's confirmed by multiple Witnesses and victims including local and foreign medical doctors that starvation has caused and.

Continues to cause deaths malnutrition dehydration and profound suffering among the population famine is already present in some areas of Gaza and it is imminent in others my office charges Netanyahu and Gant as Co perpetrators and as superiors in the commission of these alleged.

Crimes Israel like all states has the right to defend its population it has every right to ensure the return of hostages that have been criminally and callously taken those rights however do not absolve Israel of its obligations to comply with International humanitarian law intentionally causing death.

Starvation injury and suffering to the civilian population including so very many women and children are criminal means to achieve military and political goals that's what we allege as I have repeatedly underlined since last year in Egypt in Israel and in Palestine and again this year those who do not comply with the.

Law should not complain later when my office takes action based upon solid evidence that Day Has Come Today We underline in the clearest possible fashion that international law and the laws of armed conflict apply to everyone no foot soldier no Commander no civilian leader no one can act with.

Impunity nothing on Earth can justify willfully depriving human beings including women women and children babies the old and the young of the basic necessities required for life nothing nothing on Earth can justify hostage taking or the targeting and killing of civilians the independent.

Judges of this international criminal court are the sole object as to whether the necessary standard for the issuance of warrants of arrest have been met the judges of the international criminal court must be now given the space to do their work and to dispassionately and objectively review.

The evidence that we have submitted should the Learned judges approve my applications and issue the requested warrants I will work closely with the regist of the court to apprehend the named individuals I call upon and count on all states especially State parties to their.

Own statute to approach this application and the subsequent judicial decision that will be rendered with the same seriousness they have shown in other situations I also stand ready to work with non-state parties in our common pursuit of justice and accountability it is critical in this moment that my office and all parts of.

The Court continue to conduct our work with full Independence and impartiality and I insist that all attempts to impede to intimidate or to improperly influence the officials of this court cease immediately my office will not hesitate to act pursuant to the provisions of article 70 of the Rome statute if such.

Conduct continues and persists we will also submit further applications for warrants of arrest if and when we determine after independent and objective analysis that the threshold of realistic Prospect of conviction has been met my office is advancing multiple and interconnected addition lines of.

Inquiry including concerning reports of sexual violence during the 7th of October attacks and in relation to the large scale bombing that has caused and continues to cause so many civilian deaths and injuries and so much suffering in Gaza I renew my call for all parties to.

The current conflict to comply with these basic principles of law with without any further delay I also wish to emphasize that the principle of complimentarity at the heart of the Rome statute will continue to be assessed by my office as we take action in relation to the alleged crimes and alleged.

Perpetrators and as we move forward with other lines of inquiry but complimentarity requires us to defer to National authorities only when they sincerely engage in independent and impartial judicial processes that do not Shield suspects from accountability and which are not a.

Sham it requires thorough investigations at all levels addressing the policies and actions underlying these applications today I wish to underline one message very clearly it's my strong conviction that if we do not demonstrate our willingness to apply the law equally if it is seen as being applied.

Selectively we will be creating the conditions for its complete collapse and in doing so we would be loosening the remaining bonds that hold us together the stabilizing connections between all communities all individuals the safety net to which all victims look to in times of suffering this is the true risk we face.

At this perilous moment now more than ever we must collectively demonstrate that International humanitarian law the foundational Baseline for human conduct during conflict applies to all individuals and applies equally across situations addressed by my office and by the.

Court this is how we will prove tangibly in real terms for all victims that the lives of all human beings wherever they may be have equal value

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