Israel-Hamas war: Terrorists attack IDF squaddies with weapons, Israeli govt. says | LiveNOW from FOX


Israel-Hamas war: Terrorists attack IDF squaddies with weapons, Israeli govt. says | LiveNOW from FOX

Good afternoon I'm Israeli government spokesperson Elan Stein this is day 115th of the October 7th War since last update one soldier has fallen in action sergeant major reserves Elan is remembered as a dedicated father by his wife and two children his wife said in her e eulogy you were so happy when Ethan was born you loved being Ethan's.

Dad you will be missed so much by him who's going to play basketball with him who's going to make him Pancakes on Saturday morning who is going to explain to him how planes fly Gilly our daughter who just recently learned to say Dad and you won't be able to see her grow and become an amazing person the people of Israel thank eliran for his service and.

Will never forget him we Comfort his family and friends in their time of grief major jager's death brings the idea of death toll since October 7th to 557 the entire nation continues to cry bring them all home now the fate of the 136 hostages becomes more and more concerning with every minute that passes there are young children and elderly.

Grandparents suffering in the territ tunnels there are sick people whom we still do not know if they have received the medicines that they require there are women being held by S istic rapist terrorists and their babies andas one and four year old the trauma they have experienced for the past 115 days is unconscionable every heart in this.

Country breaks for them and year yearns for their safe an immediate return we are doing everything in our power to rescue them from the Hamas terrorists as soon as possible yesterday talks concluded at the intelligence Summit in Europe attended by Israeli us Qatari and Egyptian officials the meeting was.

Defined as constructive however there are still significant gaps in the side and the sides we'll continue to discuss at additional meetings to be held this week a terrorist carried out a ramming attack in Kaa after which he attempted to attack IDF Soldiers with an axe the terrorist was neutralized shortly afterwards a terrorist attempted to stab.

IDF soldiers guarding a military post near to COA that terrorist was also neutralized this week it was brought to light that 12 unra employees were involved in the October 7 ma Massacre 300 praised it and there are reports that two Israeli hostages are being held by unra employees in Gaza there are more unra workers who will be exposed.

Following thorough investigations we are sure on Saturday the Prime Minister repeated Israel's commitment to achieving all goals of War eliminating Kamas return in all of our hostages and ensuring that Gaza never again constitute a threat to Israel for years the state of Israel produced evidence of radical jihadist teachings in unra.

Schools the state of Israel applauds the increasing numbers of Nations who have suspended their unra fundings including the United States Germany Great Britain the Netherlands Australia Italy Finland Austria France Japan and others it's about time that for foreign aid dollars stop ending up lining the pockets of violent terrorists the people of Gaza.

Deserve better I Echo the sentiments of the Minister of Defense y AF galand who said that major changes need to take place so that the international efforts funds and humanitarian initiatives don't fuel Hamas terrorism and the murder of Israelis terrorism under the guise of humanitarian work is a disgrace to the UN and the pr principles it claims to.

Represent the UN Secretary General announced the initiation of an internal review of un's activities in the Gaza Strip Kut released exclusive footage of crowds of gazans expressing anger over their plight chanting down with Hamas now an update regarding humanitarian Aid entering Gaza Koga reported that yesterday 88 trucks came.

In carrying 470 tons of food 440 tons of water and 210 tons of medical supplies additionally two tanks of fuels and four tanks of cooking gas were received Israel has excess capacity to inspect a trucks to those calling for more Aid to enter this trip the message is simple send more inside GAA 12 bakeries are.

Producing 2 million Pizza breads daily and planning is taking place for the creation of more today between 10:00 a.m. and 2: p.m. the IDF paused operations in a shabura neighborhood in Rafa to enable the movement of humanitarian Aid that's all the updates for today I will take your.

Questions Joel Pollak from Breitbart News asks does Israel intend to comply with the icj order and if so how will it deal with the issue of so-called statements inciting genocide Israel abides to international law because because we're a democratic Democratic country and that is according to our um liberal ethics so we will.

Continue to do so and the icj the fact that they asked us to do so aligns with what we've been doing so far so that is okay by us and the rest of the things that I we're still learning and we will give the needed information in a few days um so that's regarding the court in haake the next question comes from hennah Julian of the Jewish press she.

Asks security heads from Saudi Arabia Jordan Egypt and the Palestinian Authority met in Riyad to discuss plans for the day after the war in Gaza on the agenda was a proposal to form a new Palestinian government that would oversee Gaza do you have a comment what we know for sure is that we can we must make sure that Gaza will not.

Be a threat to Israelis and that means that we need to make sure that they have all the powers to rule themselves but none of the power to impose a threat and be able to murder Israelis these are the things that we have to make sure that happens in the day after so that is all the questions for today we'll see you tomorrow in our next.

Briefing thank you

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