Israel-Hamas warfare: Israeli infantrymen fireplace airstrikes in Rafah | LiveNOW from FOX


Israel-Hamas warfare: Israeli infantrymen fireplace airstrikes in Rafah | LiveNOW from FOX

Good afternoon uh ladies and gentlemen Shalom I'm David mener Israeli government spokesman today is day 213 of this war our war aims remain the same firstly to bring home all 132 remaining hostages still brutally imprisoned by Hamas in their Terror dungeons secondly to destroy Hamas uh militarily and politically and thirdly.

To sure that Gaza never again poses a threat to Israel today we here in Israel begin our challenging remembrance season with Holocaust Martyrs and heroes Remembrance Day yam hosah today Israelis commemorate The Six Million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and their collaborators and for the Jewish.

Resistance in that period in the words of the Prime Minister last night at the opening ceremony of the yasawa Israel's national Holocaust Memorial yadvashem in Jerusalem I quote 80 years ago in the Holocaust the Jewish people were totally defenseless against those who sought our destruction no Nation came to our Aid today we again.

Confront enemies bent on our destruction I say to the leaders of the world no amount of pressure no decision by any International Forum will stop Israel from defending itself as the prime minister of Israel the one and only Jewish State I pledge here today from Jerusalem on this Holocaust Remembrance Day if Israel is forced to stand alone.

Israel will stand alone but we know we are not alone because countless decent people around the world support our just cause and I say to you we will defeat our genocidal enemies never again is now end quote next to our fallen soldiers IDF fatality since the start of the October 7th Massacre have unfortunately risen to.

612 the people of Israel grieve with the families of first sergeant Ruben Mark morai assulin agent just 19 from ranana first sergeant idot Testa was 19 from Jerusalem first sergeant tal shavit was 21 from kfal giladi and Sergeant Mikel Rosal was just 18 from Rishon liton the Hamas rockets that killed.

These men were fired from Rafa targeting the Kim shalom humanitarian crossing a Crossing that facilitates Aid deliveries on a daily basis Aid that the civilians of Gaza count on Rafa is where our IDF soldiers have yet to enter it contains the last four Hamas.

Battalions these soldiers left their families and their loved ones to defend our nation all four fell fighting Hamas in Gaza yesterday there are no words of mind that can assuage the terrible pain for their families May their memories be a blessing next an operational update in recent hours the IDF has informed gazin.

In eastern Rua to evacuate temporarily towards the expanded humanitarian area we have made Garin aware through Flyers dropped SMS messages phone calls and media broadcasts in Arabic the text of the Flyers is available from the IDF website they call on residents of certain specified neighborhoods to relocate to specified humanitarian safe.

Zones because the IDF will be operating against the terrorist organizations in these areas for their safety the IDF urges them to evacuate immediately to the expanded humanitarian area in Al in the alasi area warnings have also been issued that Gaza City is still a dangerous active combat zone and to avoid returning north of w of w Gaza.

Warnings have also been made to stay away from the Eastern and Southern Security fences the IDF announced the expansion of the humanitarian area in elmasi the area will spread from De Al Bala in the north and up to the South and in the East to the center of Kan Yunis a map has been provided in these areas expanded.

Humanitarian uh Aid will continue gazans have been alerted that the IDF will continue fighting the terror organizations and we have made gazans aware that Hamas seeks to use them as human shields in Rafa the IDF is not an army that seeks to conquer and occupy ours is an army that seeks to liberate to.

Liberate Gaza from Hamas next an update from Kat on the influx of humanitarian Aid the amount of humanitarian Aid going into Gaza has significantly increased and continues to increase in recent weeks close to 100 food Aid trucks travel to Northern Gaza daily which was previously thought to be a problematic area with food with the.

International Community and un agencies in Gaza in talks between Israeli and un Representatives including the world food program none of them indicated a risk of famine in Northern Gaza they noted that the humanitarian situation is improving and that there is a variety of goods in both warehouses and Market markets in.

The north markets in the North and the South are bustling noting the improved situation International or organizations stated last week that the volume of goods transported to Northern Gaza must be reduced I'll repeat that that the volume of goods transported to Northern Gaza must be reduced since the quantities are too high in relation to.

The population Israel has established various Aid routes including airdrops the maritime route and land Crossings to deliver Aid to Gaza there are currently two Crossings for Aid delivery to Northern Gaza and two in the South with over 350 trucks entering Gaza daily 350 trucks entering Gaza daily mostly carrying food enough food for all the.

People for all of civilian gazans the issue has never been about getting Aid into Gaza but getting Aid to the civilians of Gaza who need it the most before it is looted and stolen by Hamas so more food and enter Gaza every single day food water medical supplies without limit and shelter the humanitarian Aid arrives at the Gaza Strip by sea by air.

And land so that's the end of our briefing today we now take your questions which you should put uh in the chat with your news Outlet thank you very much first question please or reversed if the hostage release negotiations make progress so I didn't quite hear that.

Question could could I ask you to repeat it might Thea evacuations be put on hold or reversed if the hostage release negotiations make progress so again I didn't uh perhaps if you turn that speaker off um if you turn that speaker off you'll be able to hear the question the speaker the speaker over.

There speaker there just repeat the question if you could thank you m evacuation be put on hold or reversed if the hostage release release negotiations make progress thank you I believe that's a question from uh Dan Williams if the uh Gaza negotiations will continue um and uh if it will.

Affect the operation uh in Rua um Dan thank you for that question so um look we have stated many many times that the Israeli government is committed to do whatever it is that is needed to get our hostages home we want our third 132 hostages home 37 of them un have unfortunately uh 37 37 of them have unfortunately uh been killed um by Hamas.

So we will do whatever it is whatever is Poss whatever is possible to bring our people home and I mean that whatever whatever is needed to bring our people home next question please did Israel inform the United States in advance of today's evacuations uh thank you for that question about whether we inform the us about this uh.

Uh about this latest operation so uh as I think you will probably get tired of hearing me we work uh very very closely side by side with our American friends uh the US has been uh Israel's closest friend for decades we're working side by side uh shoulder toosh shoulder on this effort our uh War aims uh I think are replicated both for us and the Americans.

That that is is of course to uh bring our hostages home uh to defeat Hamas militarily and politically and to ensure that Gaza can never be a threat to us again so yes of course we are working extremely closely with our American friends if so did the United States approve the move thank you for that question uh.

Thank you for that question um the question was whether the US approved the move as I said to you in my previous uh uh answer we work extremely closely with our American Allies uh our war aims are replicated both in Jerusalem and in Washington DC we both of us want to destroy Hamas to ensure that Gaza uh never again poses a threat to us and of.

Course to return all of our 132 hostages so we are working extremely closely with the us next question please has CIA director Burns visited Israel or will he visit Israel during its current Middle East War uh thank you for that question that's probably a question for uh Mr.

Burns directly um I'm the spokesman for the Israeli government so I think uh any questions like that could probably be best addressed to um Mr Burns himself next question please Joe poac from uh brab news I can can you comment on reports that an ammunition shipment from the US to Israel was delayed uh thank you for that question.

Joel I haven't seen those reports um I haven't got any information on that whatsoever uh if you have any questions like that of a practical nature uh I could recommend um contacting the IDF uh spokesperson spokesman directly thank you next question please another question from Joel is the message to the residents of Rafa an attempt to convince.

Kamas to accept to accept the deal on the table or is it the actual to an attack inas onas in the town um so uh thank you for that question uh the purpose of the operation in Rafa is to do exactly what uh the IDF have stated uh Rua contains the last four Bastion battalions of um Hamas uh we cannot leave them uh in power uh it.

Has been stated quite clearly that if we do that they will simply uh retake Gaza and also of course um the uh they will simply retake Gaza and um consequently they will attack us again because that's precisely uh what they have said um next question please Jonas Bishop uh Swiss TV srf what is Israel's.

Timeline from Rafa evacuation order anding ground Invasion sorry I can't hear the questions Maybe if you tell me without the microphone so uh that's a an operational question uh which uh uh obviously we won't be sharing our um operational uh tactics uh live over the air but as we.

Have said uh the message has gone out to certain parts Eastern parts of Rua uh to um for civilians to move out of Harm's Way we've got no uh we've got no problem with ordinary GS we don't want to harm them we're going after Hamas Hamas uh is our enemy and they will be defeated it's one of our three War aims that we've made extremely clear at the end of this.

War Hamas will no longer form a threat to Israel uh from Gaza or or anywhere else for that matter uh we're doing this not only for us we're on the front line of this Terror but we're doing it for the entire world because Hamas and their brand of Iranian backed Iranian backed Islamic fundamentalism can no longer be a threat to this country and of course.

It's a threat to the entire world the entire free world that is so we're going after Hamas they will be defeated but of course we will do everything in our power and I mean everything to get our hostages out uh diplomacy uh fighting the terrorists we will do whatever it takes to bring our people home next question.

Please austral evacuation are and there's no place how you respond is is thank you uh for that question so we've established uh safe humanitarian zones and the reason we've established these safe humanitarian zones is because we want to move innocent civilians out.

Of uh Harm's Way unfortunately uh what we've seen in the past is uh Hamas have fired directly upon us from uh safe uh zones but this will not deter us we will move hamama uh we will move uh innocent people out of Harm's Way and then go for uh Hamas uh our battle is not with the people of gazit it's with the people of with the genocidal terrorist Army um of.

Hamas so in terms of uh um the legal aspects of this of course we take legal considerations extremely uh uh we take them extremely seriously all of our actions are within um um uh are are legal and that consideration is always made in our battle but ultimately we were attacked on October the 7th by an organization that says to.

Us very clearly that they wish to do October 7th again and again and again uh all countries around the world including Australia should simply ask themselves this question what would you do what would Australia do if it was attacked by a genocidal terrorist Army whose expressed aim uh was to destroy all of of uh all of your country and to kill.

All of your inhabitants our war is a war of self-defense uh we have no problem with the ordinary people uh of Gaza we're going after Hamas and they will be defeated our interest ultimately is for peace in this region uh you know we were getting very very close to widening The Arc of uh peace with the Abraham Abraham Accords we want to get back to the.

Abraham Accords we want to get back to uh peaceful relations with all the peoples in this region uh because all of us all of us here deserve to live in peace uh and Harmony and of course uh it's in all of our interests to destroy Hamas I think most uh countries around us whether they say this publicly or not all of these countries are in favor of.

Destroying Hamas to get back to ensure that this a genocidal terrorist organization can no longer be a threat to this to the Civilized world next question please Shalom uh thank you for that question yes uh Kim Shalom was attacked um you know the absolute absurdity uh of Hamas.

Uh sending projectiles Rockets over to destroy and um Target Aid going into uh you know going into Gaza to Fe feed ordinary uh Garin but this is this is Hamas this is exactly who they are they want to maximize uh civilian casualties that's that's what they're trying to do um you know where there is hunger in uh Gaz it is hunger orchestrated by Hamas.

And this is a classic example uh of their tactics uh we have warned about this whether the International Community has taken us taken our word for or not this was a classic example of Hamas trying to disrupt Aid coming in to Gaza to feed ordinary gazans um as to the practicalities of the current situation at Karen Shalom please uh direct your.

Question directly to Kat who are on the ground and the experts in the matter

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