Israel-Hamas warfare: Unique ceasefire deal involves 6-week cease for hostage release | LiveNOW from FOX


Israel-Hamas warfare: Unique ceasefire deal involves 6-week cease for hostage release | LiveNOW from FOX

Welcome back here on live now from Fox and you are taking a live look over at the Israel Gaza border now over the last several weeks there's been a lot of talk about possible deals on the table to release the remaining more than 100 hostages that are still being held by Hamas at this hour The Washington Post now reporting details of the latest.

Proposed deal to which we are told that Israel has broadly agreed and Hamas is considering again all of this negotiation still underway at this point this would include a six-week pause in the war with Israeli forces withdrawing from populated areas of Gaza as well as a big boost to humanitarian Aid I want to talk about this and other topics here.

So let's bring in Aviv Ezra the acting cul general of Israel in New York joining us now live thank you so much for taking the time to be here with us today thank you so much for having me again all right well first off I just want to get your thoughts overall because I mentioned this but over the past couple months here we've heard.

Several possible deals that have been on the table to get the rest of the hostages released does it appear that we are any closer to a deal actually being uh made here and those hostages being released well after the atrocities of October 7th as we have discussed in the past our two goals were as follows first of all to make sure that this does not.

Happen again but the second of course which is not less important is to bring back our hostages originally they were 240 and the first release of hostages we did everything we can to make sure that we could create a situation where they come back home at this point we have about 136 and we work very closely with our allies like the United States of.

America but also with the mediators like Qatar and Egypt that have a direct line with the Hamas to make sure that we bring back our hostages alive today sooner rather than later now the idea is that we will Embrace any opportunity to do that either in diplomatic measures and this is the Diplomatic path that I've described right now but also we.

Understand that without beefing the military pressure Hamas will actually not move forward in a deal like that they are not humanitarian they have not become humanitarian and the only way to get them to make that deal is when they understand that their life is under threat and that's why we are beefing parallel to the Diplomatic pressure.

We're beefing also the military pressure in the southern part of Gaza and you kind of touched on this already but just kind of explain to me the US involvement in this deal because we know that cutter is uh very much involved in this but what about the US overall we're very grateful for our uh us partners strategic partners for being.

Involved in this first of all because there are US citizens among the hostages if you remember the atrocities were not just towards Israelis and Jews but there also towards US citizens there were about 30 of them that were butchered and there were around 10 of them that were abducted so the United States also of course focusing on US citizen but also.

In the understanding that if we do not get and I refer you if we do not get our hostages back home safely there will not be an ending to this uh uh uh military campaign and U and in this sense we are highly appreciative both to the administration from the president through secretaries of the state secretaries of defense National Security.

Adviser they're all very instrumental in assisting us to reach out to players like Qatar that unfortunately were uh for many years very close to Kamas and now they are the only channel that really can make a difference in bringing these hostages back we will once again Embrace every opportunity to make it happen and we want to make sure that.

Parallel to that of course we will make a differentiation between Kamas which is a monsterous killing machine and between the innocent uh civilians that are there how has the US relationship with Israel changed over the past several months since the war did break out back on October 7th how has the relationship.

Between the two changed has it changed you know we don't see any de daylight between Israel and the United States when it comes to their strategic goals which is first eradicating hamas's capabilities meaning we don't want to make we want to make sure that they do not have the ability to go after us again because we know they have the W.

The willingness they would like to go after us again in their words again and again and again we need to make sure that we deprive their military capabilities of doing that and second of course agreed with the fact that we want to bring the hostages so there's no daylight in the Strategic goals with the United States and Israel and when I'm.

Here also in New York I meet also uh members of Congress US senators we see a bipartisan bamon support for that we see it on the state level I'm I've had amazing interactions with Governors here the governor of New York the governor of New Jersey the governor of Pennsylvania Governor of Ohio they're all strongly in support of Israel's.

Right for self-defense and Beauty for self-defense and also on the municipal level one of the amazing leaders here is the mayor of of New York city that has come very strongly in support of Israel's rightful self-defense and we know that Israel has placed these allegations against some of the employees actually a large amount of.

Employees that are part of the unrwa and the US has cut its funding and so have several other countries too uh that organization there what does that say to you about the US stance and the other country stance on where things stand there in the Middle East unra is a un organization and the fact that we have.

Substantially can prove that their personnel have been involved in the atrocities in including and not limited to but including uh storming our communities including uh supporting the atrocities including holding kidnapped uh uh hostages it is truly mindboggling that a un a staff that is under the payroll of the UN is committing and is.

Taking part of of a humanitarian of of a uh of crimes against humanity it's really mindboggling so what we have done is we have sent these documented proofs to the US and to many other countries around the world that are supporting unra and both the United States both the UK Canada Australia ital Italy have actually decided to withdraw that the.

Support for unra because it's once again unbelievable ungraspable and unimaginable that un uh teams that are under the payroll of the UN are committing these crimes against humanity I want to by the way these are not just just not rotten this this has to be a full reform because this is not just I pinpointed a few examples but.

There are more that illustrate the fact that we're talking about a serious problem here of course well also I want to get your take on this as you are here in the US does it appear that most Americans do support Israel in this war against Hamas yes we H we see uh the post very clearly there's a strong understanding.

On behalf of the general Republic in the very very high numbers of supporting Israel's a I would say War for self-defense and War for uh our values there's understanding that we're not fighting just for Israel but we are actually a beacon of light for the Free World in a challenging area and therefore we see it across the board.

Both in the general population and in many in many other uh uh segments of the populations we do have a challenge with a more younger crowds I would say the 18 to the 24 and my take on it is that we need to do a the context obviously is very complex and there needs to be a kind of an in-depth approach to it some of these uh youngsters are receiving.

Their information uh from U from Tik Tok or from social media or 15 second segments and I think we need to do a better job to make sure that these misconceptions that are there that are out there uh will be clearer to them in terms of understanding real reality and on that same note what do you think is the biggest misconception people out.

There have about the war overall one of the biggest misconceptions that we deal with is the fact that people were thinking that Israel October 6 has occupied Gaza but those who know their history know that in 2005 Israel has unilaterally disengaged from the Gaza Street meaning that October 7th when they attacked us.

There was no occupation there there was no settlements there were no even one single soldier so that's a huge misconception there the second one is that when you know we see these uh one of these uh uh demonstration that happened next to our c that actually happened October 88 way before the military campaign and we hear these.

Chants down there of people that I think best case scenario are not educated worst case scenario do mean what they say when they call from the river to the Sea Palestine will be free which is actually a genocidal cry against the mere exist IST of Israel it's not about policy it's not about differentiation in politics it's about the fact that they.

Want Israel eradicated off the map so I hope that people in this sense in the best case scenario as I said don't really understand which river and which sea and they need to be more educated on that but worst case scenario if they really mean it these are genocidal acts regardless of what we do it's not about what we do it's about who we.

Are all right Aviv Ezra there acting Cil general of Israel in New York thank you thank you so much as always for taking the time to join us be here with us and break down some of the latest headlines of the war is there anything else that you want to add here before I let you go thank you so much for continuously educating your viewers and the most.

Important thing for us is to make sure that we will not in any way share perform give up until we bring back our hostages and until we make sure that these atrocities will not happen again all right thank you again for taking the time to be here with us this morning we appreciate it thank you very much.

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3 thoughts on “Israel-Hamas warfare: Unique ceasefire deal involves 6-week cease for hostage release | LiveNOW from FOX

  1. Ezekiel 37:26chapter context same that blueprint reproduction saveMoreover I will invent a covenant of peace with them; it will seemingly be a permanent covenant with them: and I will status them, and multiply them, and ought to quiet status my sanctuary in the course of them for evermore.[comment: Jesus Messiah is The Sanctuary. When you receive him, you will understand everything happening] ❤

  2. Lol…Israeli forces are running out of bombs and ammunition to continue the killing spree in Gaza because the US can maintain told them they won't provide them again. They furthermore appear to maintain mosey out of strategies on how to rating the hostages out as they've been touting round, therefore the resort to making a deal with Hamas. Shameless tons. Imagine Hamas asserting They're quiet discovering out the ceasefire deal, the opposite folks u boasted that u would assign away with fully.

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