Israeli Airstrikes Fracture Meals Aid Workers In Gaza


Israeli Airstrikes Fracture Meals Aid Workers In Gaza

Seven international aid workers withthe World Central Kitchen have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuhas taken ownership of the deadly strike but brushed it off as a mistake. But was it? I think it's important for Americansto judge for themselves, for the international communityto judge for themselves. As we learn more and more detailsabout the three separate airstrikes that happened back to back,which led to the killing of these seven.

Humanitarian aid workers coming fromdifferent countries around the world. Now, video from the scene showedsome of the aid workers for the charity, which was founded by celebrity chef JoseAndres, were wearing bulletproof vests. But let's talk about how it went down. And this is accordingto reporting from Haaretz. So the charity says a convoy of three,three vehicles had been traveling in a conflict free zone in two armored carsmarked with the charity's logo. In fact, if you look at someof the footage, you'll see that one of the airstrikes hit one of the vehiclesin this convoy, right on top, where you.

Can clearly see the logo for the charity. They were on their way to a humanitarianaid warehouse in central Gaza. After unloading 100 tons of aid at thatwarehouse, the convoy proceeded to travel back on a pre-approved, pre-approved routethat the IDF knew about. They knew about their existence.They knew their exact coordinates. This was something that they actuallycoordinated with the IDF in an effort to remain safe, as they'retrying to deliver this humanitarian aid. Now, they claim that they gave the IDFtheir exact location, sources tell Haaretz.

It was then when the IDF wasgiven the order to carry out the strike against the aid workers. So here's how the convoy was hit. And you read about the detailsand it's just absolutely devastating. So the first vehicle in this humanitarianaid convoy was hit by a missile, from an Elbit Hermes 450 drone, which is manufactured by Israelis. According to Haaretz,people can be seen emerging from that vehicle trying to escape and getinto the second vehicle in the convoy.

At that point, the IDF does anotherdrone strike to hit that vehicle. At that point, the third vehicle in theconvoy attempts to save the individuals who were hit with that drone strike or tryto get those passengers into the third convoy or third vehicle in the convoy. And at that point,Israel carries out the third drone strike. All seven individualsin this convoy were killed. And if it seems unlikely that Israel wouldintentionally target and kill members of a humanitarian aid convoy, keep in mindthat back in late November of last year, Politico actually reported this.

I just want to give youa few excerpts here. The Biden administrationhas been providing Israel with the location of humanitarian groupsin Gaza for weeks to prevent strikes against their facilities, but Israelhas continued to hit such sites. The information included GPS coordinatesof a number of medical facilities, and information on movements of aid groupsin Gaza to the Israeli government for at least a month, according to threepeople familiar with the communications. Still, Israel has launched operationsagainst Hamas in or near aid sites, including hospitals, leading to thedestruction of buildings and the blocking.

Of fuel and other critical supplies. And so in this particular case, theargument that's being made by the Israeli side is, well, the IDF thought that therewas an armed terrorist within that convoy. – Yeah, yeah, yeah.- Okay. So of course there's noevidence of that at the moment. Let's go to Haaretz, where they report,according to sources, acquainted with the details of the incident, the operationroom in charge of securing the route identified an armed person on the truckand suspected this was a terrorist. Just suspected.

So let's do three drone strikeson the suspicion that there might be an armed terrorist within the convoy,which there's no proof of. By the way, by the time preparationswere made for the attack, the truck arrived at the warehousetogether with three World Central kitchen vehicles carrying seven volunteers. Minutes later, the three vehicles leftthe warehouse without the truck, on which the armed person was allegedly sighted. At some point while the convoy wastraveling on the authorized route, the operations room ordered the droneoperator to strike one of the vehicles.

All seven volunteers were killed,and I just I need to give Associated Press a little bit of credit for how they framethis, because this is absolutely correct. Throughout the war, they write,Israeli forces have shown readiness to inflict widespread destructionwhen they believe a suspected militant is present, or when ground troopssee a tactical need to strike home. Homes with families sheltering insideare leveled by strikes almost daily. The military has struck ambulancesand aid vehicles, saying that armed fighters were in them. So this tends to be the tactic that youhear from the IDF in regard to why they.

Carry out these strikes, knowing full wellthat the strikes that they're carrying out are going to kill innocent civilians andin this case, humanitarian aid workers. Yeah. So, if you still think that Israelis not killing civilians on purpose, you're either a giant schmucktotally blinded by your bias, or you're an American politician bribed by AIPAC.Illegally bribed? Or you're a mainstream media reporterwho's afraid to say things that are true. But now, these days, most of the reportersare saying things that are true because it's super obvious.

This is. And when you kill civilians on purpose,there's a name for that. It's called terrorism. And right now Benjamin Netanyahuis easily the world's largest terrorist. So let me explain,because these are not just, oh, insults. These are backed up by facts.So let's take this one apart. So at this in the beginning of this conflict with, Hamas, I am such a sucker and a dupe, that I might havebelieved Israel if they had done this on.

October 8th or October 17th or 27th, etc. I probably would have believed them,even though they had already murdered so many journalists,and so many innocent Palestinians. Like, of course, Shireen Abu Aqlehassassinated one of the most prominent Palestinian journalistsand an American citizen, and they shot her in the neck witha sniper with no conflict anywhere around. So Israel has been purposelymurdering journalists and aid workers and Palestinians now for decades. So. But nonetheless, I probably wouldhave been enough of a dupe to believe.

That this might have been an accident. But at this point, guys, number one here,they admit they knew what it was. Did you hear what Anna said?They said, oh yeah. We thought there might have beena terrorist on board. That's. But they're not saying we didn't knowthat it was aid workers. We didn't knowthat they were delivering food. We didn't know that it washumanitarian relief for Palestinians. No, they saying we do know that.

And we knew we were murdering them,but we thought it was justified because maybe there was a terrorist on board. I mean, just complete disregardfor human life. Like that's it.There's no argument about it. If you're making an argumentthat it was an accident. No, you be more precisewith your language. You're. It was not an accident. They very, very, very clearly saidwe did it on purpose. We meant to murder those peoplebecause we thought it was justified.

Because if there's one Palestinian onboard, there are goddamn terrorists and will murder anyone near a Palestinian. So that's the Israeli government now. Okay. But more overwhelming. So why is it my opinion even changedin the last six months? So where I can now say I'm absolutelycertain they're doing it on purpose? Well, look at the evidence, guys.196, humanitarian aid workers killed so far in this conflict. That is three times more aid workersthan killed in any conflict in the same.

Period of time, three times worse than theRussians, than Assad, than you name it. Okay, so you're sayingyou have to admit that this is true. If you say that all of that was a mistake,then the IDF is the world's most incompetent military. They're just they don't knowwhere they're shooting at all. I know. Oops, oops. We killed three times morethan the worst butcher in the whole world. We killed three times more aid workers. Okay, how about the journalists?99 journalists killed the worst.

In a conflict in this period of time. Since they started recordingthese numbers in 1992. Oops, oops. We did it again. We murdered all those journalists.All by accident. We killed more than Putin. We killed more journalistslike Putin, okay? And let alone all the other dictatorsin the world. But it was. You're asking us to believethat was all an accident.

That's insanity, let alone a six year oldgirl again, Israel told the coordinates of a six year old girl inside of a car. Her family is being killed already.They're saying, do not kill her. We're sending an ambulance.Israel says, go ahead, send the ambulance. You know what they do? They track the ambulance,murder the six year old girl and everyone inside the ambulance. You're telling me that was a mistake?But then we saw people surrendering. White flags, no shirts,including Israeli hostages.

And yesterday we shared with youHaaretz inside Israel. Great reporting, pointing out. Yeah, there are kill zones and the IDFwill murder anyone inside a kill zone, even if they are unarmed and civilians. Right. And that's why they kill theirown unarmed civilians, because they're like, oh, they're inside a kill zone. Murder everyone here. Oh, oops. They turned out to be Israelis.

We care about their lives implicitly. You don't care about the Palestiniansyou've been murdering. And by the way, why is this,such a giant news event? Because they killed seven peoplewho were largely foreigners from. Yeah, very. Because the Palestinian livesdon't matter to Israelis or Americans or to these Western governments. They don't matter at all.Butcher them, butcher them. 32,000. You think Israel accidentally killed.

23,000 women and children? Come on.Who's that stupid enough to believe that? No. I'm sorry. I know it's not. Mainly not stupidity at all.It's mainly deep, unwavering bias. Israel is the good guy.No matter how many people they murder. No, sorry. They're not right now. It's not permanent, guys. And it has nothing to dowith religious background. But right now, Israel is clearly oneof the worst governments in the world.

They have massacred more peoplethan almost any government. Now they're murdering civilian workers.Finally. Why? Let's get to why they did this.Why did they? I mean, this is going to drawinternational condemnation. There's an Australian and a Polish worker,an American, a British. All the governments are goingto have to pretend to be upset with Israel and then send them billions of dollarsand more bombs and jets. Oh, we. Oh, we are so mad.

You killed our citizens. Where's my money? Give me the AIPAC money.Give me the donor money. Okay, send them more weapons.Kill them more. Who cares if they're Americans?Kill more, says Joe Biden. Be honest. Joe Biden's a monster. Okay, so why do they do it? Because now that organization,along with several other aid organizations, have withdrawn from Gaza. So now the Palestinianswill starve quicker.

Mission accomplished for the terroristthat Benjamin Netanyahu is. Number one terroristin the world right now. Thanks for watching The Young Turksreally appreciate it. Another way to show supportis through YouTube memberships. You'll get to interact with us more.There's live chat emojis, badges. You've got emojis of meAnna John Jr. So those are super fun. But you also get playbackof our exclusive member only shows and specials right after they air. So all that, all you gotto do is click that join button.

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3 thoughts on “Israeli Airstrikes Fracture Meals Aid Workers In Gaza

  1. The idf is a terrorist organization bustle by a dictator in Israel, who don't care about innocent lives in Gaza, there desires to be a corpulent ceasefire, the UN would possibly perchance aloof no longer be retaining a terrorist organization who's doing genocide intentionally on innocent unarmed other folks, in gaza. Terrorist govt in isreal desires to be arrested and save in jail for genocide. These inappropriate Jewish other folks abhor foreigners they feel you don't admire any rights in their non secular inappropriate dictatorship. Jews are the 2d most racist other folks within the full world Jewish other folks would possibly perchance aloof no longer be listened to about how to behave with foreigners.

  2. The Israeli govt are terrorists, Israel is now not any longer a nation, because it's a non secular holy spot, it would possibly maybe never be a nation, imagined to be controlled by a world workforce from the UN, it's a ancient non secular spot no longer a nation, that potential they're no longer imagined to admire IDF terrorist organization who are the most racist other folks within the world, they desires to be disbanded. And would possibly perchance aloof recede Israel for the rest of their lives.

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