Israeli minister calls strike on attend staff ‘a mistake’ and ‘share of war’


Israeli minister calls strike on attend staff 'a mistake' and 'share of war'

Benny Gant a prominent member of Israel's war cabinet the main rival to prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu now is calling for early elections to be held in September that would be two years ahead of schedule speaking yesterday inside the Israeli Parliament gent said an early election would allow Israel to continue the war while signaling to the.

Citizens of Israel we will soon renew their trust in us gance a retired army General currently leads the polls by a healthy margin in recent days thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets in protest demanding those early elections prime minister Netanyahu rejected gans's call saying the current government will continue to rule until all war.

Objectives are met netanyahu's own party accused gance of engaging in Petty politics and said elections now would lead to paralysis and division Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer meanwhile who had called for new elections in his speech last month wrote yesterday on social media quote when a leading member of Israel's war cabinet calls for early.

Elections and over 70% of the Israeli population agrees according to major poll you know it's the right thing to do end quote joining us now here in studio Israel's minister of economy and Industry near barcot he served as mayor of Jerusalem from 2008 to 2018 Mr Minister thanks for being here this morning so much to talk to you about.

Just your reaction first to the calls from Benny gance also Majority Leader Chuck Schumer here in the United States for elections in this September what's your reaction well I'm I'm proud that we're a good democracy and people have different opinions uh I think that the uh uh Israel is totally United on one major thing okay and that is completing.

The war we have a fierce terrorist organization that demonstrated what they could do October 7th entering Israel raping women killing innocent people deliberately going in and uh terrorizing the country and we got to make sure that we eliminate them off the face of the Earth like they're like Nazis and Israel is United on that and so while there may.

Be different of opinions we're all deep understanding that we have to eliminate those jihadist terrorists that want to wipe Israel off the map and by the way it's not only Israel they believe in Sharia they're aligned withal Qatar and Iran uh and they want to uh they're not our friends they're not the American friends they mean Terror and Jihad and.

We will win the war with them that's what we United about and very few people would disagree with any of that of course we've said many times Hamas is a terrorist death cult the attack on October 7th was one of the most heinous we've seen in in human history the question though is the civilian casualties on the ground in Gaza and.

Most recently the death and the attack on those World Central Kitchen the Convoy seven Aid workers killed I want you to hear what the founder of world Central Kitchen Jose Andre said yesterday as he called for an investigation what he calls a deliberate attack here is they were Target systematically car by car because uh.

They were not successful in hitting they keep trying uh this happened over more than 1.5 1.8 kilomet so this was not use a bad luck situation where oops we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or or no every country obviously that Nationals including United States that had uh Nationals that die on this attack we need to have uh an.

Investigation uh that is neutral humanitarians and civilians should never be paying the consequences of War this is a basic principle of humanity at the at the time this looks like it's not a war against terrorism anymore seem this is a war against humanity itself so Chef Andre suggesting it was a targeted attack on.

His people on his Convoy how do you respond first of all it's a tragedy and we share condolences on behalf of all of Israelis I want to share with you that over 30 Israeli soldiers were kill were killed by Friendly Fire and remember that three of the hostages that escaped Kamas were unfortunately killed uh um by Israelis so this is friendly fire.

There's no intention but I'll tell you who intention who here has intentional bad causes that's Hamas when they entered Israel they came to rape and kill and slaughter people and play soccer with heads chopped heads of soldiers these are the people were against against and going after them unfortunately sometimes there are errors.

There there was was not a deliberate uh Target and I'm I'm sure that the investigation will eventually demonstrate that it was a mistake and we're it's very tragedic AA it's a big tragedy the question many have been asking though Mr Minister a military as sophisticated as yours that can have a pinpoint strike on leader Iranian.

Leaders inside Syria out in the open the world Central Kitchen trucks have coordinated with the IDF movements because it is so dangerous how on Earth does that happen it's a mistake it's the same mistake that the friendly fire killed 30 of our own people you don't think that uh uh when when an Israeli soldier is killed in Gaza by our own.

Troops I've met some of the families it's part of War I was a combat officer in the first Lebanese War unfortunately we had people killed from you know our own soldiers killed so they're friendly they're good people those folks that actually helped Israelis on our side as well and so there's no doubt in my mind that the people that pushed the button.

Did not they thought this is terrorists that's the mistake and I'm sure that uh it'll be uncovered but again uh we have to realize who we are against this is unintentional and the terrorists everything they do is intentional and we have to eliminate them off the face of the Earth exactly the way that we eliminated all the Nazis in the second.

World war we didn't leave a fourth of the Nazis uh to recover and to maintain the Nazism we go into in in houses in Gaza and you see Nazi material translated to Arabic they're trained to kill Jews that's the major that's their goal that's their intention are you concerned though Mr Minister about the number of Civilian deaths among the Gaz.

And population not only that but the famine that now has taken place because Gaza is cut off again no one contests what you're saying about Hamas we say it every day on this show and have for a very long time especially after the Hideous attack of October 7th but is Israel concerned about the human suffering inside Gaza number one and the.

Number of Civilian deaths that have been incurred since this attack began we're concerned about 134 uh hostages here's a picture of some of them these girls are under Tunnels for half a year raped tortured this is what we're concerned about we're concerned about those victims in Israel that were murdered uh.

Slaughtered little children that were put in the oven uh women that were raped and killed while they were raped by terrorists by jihadists so we're concerned about those how do we eliminate these folks and by the way they're funded they're funded by Qatar and Iran yeah they are they Qatar is a big enemy yes they are Mr Mayor mayor.

Can I ask you a question I'm so glad you brought that up so I have always looked at Hamas as Nazis they're terrorists have you always looked at Hamas as Nazis unfortunately yes and it was demonstrated October 7 what they do yeah so so you always have have most of the Israeli people always looked upon Hamas as.

Nazis well you know some of the people in Israel because we seek peace thought maybe one day they will prefer peace than War October Benjamin nyaho what about Benjamin nyaho what what about him did has he always looked upon Hamas as Nazis well you're talking about qatal or Hamas uh um you knowas I think that everyone understands.

That hamas's Charter is to destroy Israel and by the way not only Israel so you've always known this I mean yeah we know the charter so so so let me ask you this question and I can't get an answer and maybe maybe we're just not covering in the Press maybe you can help me out why did Benjamin Netanyahu send the head of mad to DOA.

Three weeks before the worst attack back on Jews since the Holocaust and told cutter to continue funding Hamas I think if anything October 7 shattered that concept and and it's my understanding but you just said you always knew they were Nazis I always knew they were Nazis I would never give we we were always angry that cter funded.

Hezbollah and Hamas I want to know why did Benjamin Netanyahu do that let me ask you this why did Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump know in 20 8 the sources of hamas's illicit funding and they still did nothing they wanted that money to get to Hamas I'd like to know why because we don't know in America or have there been any.

Investigations in Israel that this point I'm sure we'll investigate it and I totally agree with you that Qatar is a wolf in sheep's clothes and they're no no no no no I must I must correct you Benjamin nety who was asked by the leaders of Qatar do you want us do you want us Qatar to give money to Hamas this was in.

September and netanyahu's representative said yes of course you're feeding that wolf and you're telling that wolf to feed the Nazis in Gaza so explain to me CU I really want to know why was Benjamin Netanyahu and his government funding they were allies with cutter in the funding of Hamas why I think it's a mistake and it was uncovered October 7th.

October 7th demonstrated that if you think you could buy quiet Peace by funding Hamas it's a huge mistake and it's clear to me why did Benjamin Netanyahu knowing that their Charter said that they were to kill Jews and eradicate Israel why would any leader of Israel work to to fund that organization.

To the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars and work with cutter to fund humas I think that question should be asked and we'll get an answer we'll ask when are we going to get the answer we've been asking it for six months when are we going to get the answer at the end of the day once we finish the war all these CH ches will will rise and.

We'll deal with them right now we're focused on winning the war and I'm can I ask you I need to ask you another question I want to ask you another question because you brought this up yes you brought it up and it is so sickening that think about the Israeli women that were beaten.

Raped murdered the Israeli grandmothers who were burned to death the toddlers who were shot in their beds for 10 hours some of these people waited for Benjamin netanyahu's government to come and rescue them those people whose faces you were holding up they sat and they waited in shelters their children saw their parents shot parents saw some.

Children shot and they kept waiting for netanyahu's government to come rescue them 2 3 4 7 10 in some cas cases 13 hours where was Benjamin Netanyahu where was the IDF where the were the Defense Forces over those 12 13 hours while the worst Slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust was unfolding within 40 50 miles of of of of.

Of of Netanyahu let me answer you we will investigate that we were caught by surprise and there are many many uh faults many faults let me ask the how could you how could you be caught by surprise how could you be caught by surprise when you had hamas's plans for a year Netanyahu had Hamas Terror attacks for a year answer why they act.

On it these faults will be uncovered and there are many many challenges and we will investigate everything honestly believe me everyone in Israel right left we all want to go down to the Deep to to investigate have deep investigations on this issue okay but this is not the time right now we have to focus on winning the war with all due respect this is not.

The time to interrogate and ask these questions and I agree we should ask question all due respect I would say if if Israel a country that is absolutely necessary uh to to to freedom and democracy in the Middle East in the world if if Israel has been LED in this position by a leader that allowed all of these.

Things to happen how in the world do you trust that leader to make the right decisions in the most important War since 1973 well we're a democracy and we have our rules and we obey the rules of democracy and right now the Israeli government government uh and by the way the war cabinet which is expanded.

Including the folks that were on opposition were all United to win the war and we want to focus with your permission not on what H what was wrong on October 7th or what led to it many mistakes many problems we're putting all that aside at this point and we're all United winning the war and I want to emphasize we got to bring back those 134.

Hostages that are sitting right now in the tunnels raped uh tortured it's just terrible and I think the world should focus on that and number two focus on that wolf in in in sheep's clothes that's uh uh of course Qatar and Iran that are funding it giving uh Safe Haven to Kamas leaders this should be off the chart and we we.

Must realize that they're a big enemy of Israel and let's right now Focus how to win the war when we finish the war all these questions will arise we will deah they they funded years through dire and I want to ask a question about that because and every every victim in this has been mentioned by you sir except for civilian Starving in Gaza and I just.

Want to point out that you never even when asked you didn't mention that I'm not going to ask because I I heard uh but I want to ask you given the questions that Joe has just raised and given the the gravity of the situation is Benjamin Netanyahu fit to leave at this moment first of all I do have to answer we don't want anybody any.

Civilian uh to suffer and we collaborate with the world funding helping uh the innocent people the innocent people in Gaza that 80% of them 70 80% of them support October 7th we don't want anybody to to starve or anything and we will be uh helpful to the world uh collaborating and helping them and by the way there's no president no.

Presidents in the world when you have a war that you help your enemy this is the first time in all wars that Israel is willing to help the gazen people not to starve we want to make sure that they move away when we target when we enter Rafa we we're telling them move aside don't give shelter to the terrorists and you'll be safe if you give shelter to.

Terrorists you're at risk and this no other Army H in the world has such you know uh honesty and and and and and consideration of our enemies and this is something we're proud of and we'll continue doing as we've said many times Hamas hides behind civilians it's what it does unfortunate it Gaza it's part of the plan they don't mind their own.

People dying because they think it makes Israel look bad but why do you put the word innocent in quotes when you mention them the the women and children who are suffering who don't have a choice but to live in Gaza why do you put that in quotes because we saw who came in I'm talking about the families the women and children are they not innocent generally.

We don't want to hurt innocent people okay uh but what you saw in the attack on October 7 is innocent civilians entering Israel and taking part of those atrocities and when you pull them the majority of them the huge majority of them support October 7th they give cover to the to the to the terrorists and and it's very unfortunate what we want is.

Friendly neighbors like the Emirates like the Saudis that want to seek peace that their education system in in in the Emirates has changed to seek peace right now all of the children that are getting educated in Hamas in in in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria are trained to kill Jews they get a million dollar a million dollars to kill a Jew the 7% of the.

Budget of the Palestinian Authority is for people that killed Israelis Unfortunately they have to change their Charter they have to move from wanting to kill Israel wanted to be to to to be jihadists and by the way again if God forbid they have their way Europe is next the US is next it's not about Israel it's about a holy war.

Against all non-muslims this is what we're facing and we will win the war we have no choice but to win the war we will finish Kamas we have no choice no Nazi survived the second world war and none of the Kamas will survive this war they started this war we will end it but do you agree that women and children who may not have a choice but to be in Gaza.

Who don't have a choice who are starving some of whom have been killed that they are innocence in this conflict we have no quarrel with them we will do everything we can not to hurt innocent civilians you know in the war in Syria half a million civilians were killed and over 5 million fled in Ukraine yeah hundreds of thousands of people killed.

And four or five million people fled in Gaza I didn't hear the world trying to ask and rescue people okay if they do we'll we we'll help if we have to help them in Aid and food uh we will we will allow that that's fine let me ask you about the 134 hostages the whose families we've had on our show and whose stories are just agonizing and harrowing.

And whose faces we show on our show all the time what is the best hope as you see it to bring them home negotiating with Hamas is probably feudal they're a terrorist death cult they don't want to return the hostages what do you say to the families what is the best hope to get the hostages home we all agree and I speak to them uh a lot I I met the.

Family the families of these young ladies young girls uh that are hostage you see the pictures of them in captivity and how they look before they can't sleep at night and they all understand we all understand that we have to put pressure on Kamas we have to put pressure on Kamas uh and in that process um hopefully uh we'll be.

Able to bring them home we cannot surrender to Kamas we will never surrender to Kamas it's again not only the challenge of Israel it's a challenge of the Free World we understand that very well you know I was about a month ago in the Emirates speaking to some of the emiratis and and many many people in the moderate Arab world that understand.

That this alignment of uh Muslim Brotherhood hamasa Qatar and Iran and I want to mention Qatar that Qatar is an enemy of the state of Israel and not only the state of Israel and there are billions and trillions of dollars they're buying their way in uh in America and other places they're buying their way in.

Trying to influence their strategy ideology their Jihadi ideology they're doing it in a very friendly way funding the universities funding buying a channels not just El jazer and others they're buying their way in and they are again a wolf in sheep's clothes they're an enemy and they're giving Safe Haven toas leaders this is very a big.

Challenge M Mr Mayor I I I agree with you on just about everything you said I mean they I think they've made a big investment in Newsmax recently they want to influence uh if I'm wrong uh I'll I stand corrected but I think I I read that they are cutter is one of the largest contributors to American universities over the past decade over.

The past 15 years you can see the impact of that on college campuses it is pushing the debate to extreme levels some of the professors at some of America's Finest institutions have positions on this issue that are extreme and I I say all this uh to to once again and I want to end on on on a unifying note but I just.

Have to say again if they are so terrible I hope the people of Israel will get an answer from Benjamin Netanyahu on why he was asking them asking cutter to fund Hamas three weeks before all the rapes and the killings and the kidnappings were going on do would you do do you I take it you want the answer to that.

Question right I do I do and uh before before uh we get an answer to that it's a big huge change that we need to bring in policy we have to make very very clear the Qatar is probably the biggest enemy of Israel because with Iran which is a physical War uh we know how to uh to to win the war with them we know how to beat kisala and Kamas okay but Qatar.

Is using their money and their Capital to buy their way in and and they're funding Isis they're buying Hamas they're funding all the terror around the world and they look like really nice guys well they're not they're an enemy of the world I'm just shocked Mr Mayor that Benjamin Netanyahu your own prime minister didn't know that.

Three weeks before the attack because I sure as hell knew it and most people in America knew it I want to finish up on on a point that you brought up that I think is a very important point this an a point we've said on this show so much of what you said I want you to know we've said this show since October the 7th you know it is fascinating that that.

When when 500,000 uh Arabs were killed in the Syrian Civil War I didn't see protests on college campuses I didn't see people screaming and shouting at the United Nations when Palestinians were slaughtered in Syria I didn't see it you know we've said it on this on this show it's not a secret other Arab Nations.

Don't want the Palestinians in their countries they treat them terribly and often Palestinians are slaughtered and and we were complaining about it here we were protesting about it here the killing of 500,000 Arabs by Assad but nobody else seemed to be concern it only seems that when Jews are attacked by Arabs and Jews defend themselves against.

Arabs it's a classic double stand world that's when the world uh adopts its double standard that's said and and we agree uh we agree on that and we agreed on that that said obviously we believe here that what's been happening the last several months hurts Israel in the long run but I I want I want to finish by asking you hold up can you hold up those.

Hostages again um do you think that Hamas do rate and brutalize those women do you think there's any hope of those women if they're still alive in under the tunnels of Gaza being raped.

Every day do you think there's a chance that Hamas will ever bring them home to their families I hope so all of us in Israel pray that they come back home safely speaking to their families we're all one big family in Israel uh and this is something that uh you know you wake up in the middle of the night thinking.

About them as if though they're like our daughters our daughters are there and imagine your daughters there and you know that they're held by monsters just Monsters uh and that's why we're fighting we're fighting because we understand that we're fighting to make sure that none of this HP ever happens again we're fighting to kill all those.

Terrorists the Jihad terrorists that are trained and and and and educated to kill Jews and we understand that it's not only us we're on the same line you know they call us Israel the small Satan and you know who the big Satan is it's the United States of America and Qatar is buying their way in public opinion in the United States as if though they're.

Not of sweethearts they're not they're enemies of the West and they're trying to do everything they can to bring Jihad and the Sharia La all the world that's their Charter and they're not our friends and we have to remember that they're an enemy and we will fight them if only Benjamin Netanyahu knew that uh in September uh before the attacks uh I.

Want to expand this out really quickly and then let you go I mean you you say it's not just Israel it's the United States it's also Jews whether it's Jews on college campuses in America whether it's Jews across Europe whether it's Jews across the world anti-Semitism this is a world war against Jews there are 15 million Jews alive today because of the.

Holocaust and because of everything else that has happened so this is a war against all Jews wherever Jews are um and and I just I just ask you uh for all the the the Israelis that are in the streets now saying bring those families home the protests Rising begging for a ceasefire a permanent ceasefire that would bring those hostages home and end.

The war in Gaza um what do you say to those family members and to those thousands of thousands of Israelis saying yes bring the families home let's have a ceasefire we all have the same goal and that is to defeat Kamas and bring them home okay and the cabinet that we now have uh the war cabinet which I'm by the.

Way not part of but I support uh the cabinet is is working on um what is the right solution how's the best way to get there and it's certainly not to stop the war we have to finish Hamas off huge majority of Israel understands that of Israelis we will do that and the world needs to give us credit that indeed we will do everything we can not to hurt.

Innocent people on the one hand but we have to finish and kill those Nazis eliminate them off the face of the Earth so that they will not try to do that again because if they're successful if God forbid we're not you will see this in Europe you will see this in the United States the jihadist you will fuel Jihad around the world we will not let.

That happen Israel's minister of economy and Industry the former mayor of Jerusalem near barot we'll have you back soon many more questions thanks for being here hey everyone MSNBC has a new and improved app you'll get realtime alerts and Analysis live blogs in-depth essays video highlights and the best 2024 election coverage download the new.

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