Israeli Spokesperson Gets DEFENSIVE Over Gaza Dying Toll #TYT


Israeli Spokesperson Gets DEFENSIVE Over Gaza Dying Toll #TYT

Let me ask you about something that isa painful truth, and that is the fact that tens of thousands of Gazanshave been killed since this began, and many of them are innocent people. The hospital's been obliterated. There are bodies everywhere.Obviously, it's no longer functional. You say this is necessaryto eradicate Hamas? But I do wonder when you talk aboutinconvenient truths, how does Israel justify killing so many innocent people? A tough question for Israeli spokeswomanTal Heinrich, following news that the.

Israeli Defense Forces carried out threeback to back drone strikes that killed international humanitarian aid workerswith the World Central Kitchen, nearly 32,000 people have been killed in thePalestinian territories since the start of this insanely brutal war on October 7th. Two thirds of those slaughteredconsist of women and children. So to me, what stands out about howHeinrich responded to Burnett's question was just how lazy Israel has beenin coming up with better talking points to justify the mass slaughterof innocent people. They just keep resorting back to the sametired statements that trigger collective.

Eye rolls among the internationalcommunity, and increased rage for me. To take Hamas's numberswith a huge spoon of salt. Not a grain of salt, because I cantell you the facts and the truth, according to our assessment and the factsthat we have, and that is that we we eliminated more than 13,000 Hamas,Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists. We took out, you know,19 of of the Hamas battalions out there. Wrong. That's a lie. And she knows it. In fact, last weekend, Israeli publicationHaaretz spoke to members of the IDF.

Who say that the number of Hamas militants killed is likely around 9000, not 13,000. But even that lower number has been calledinto question because the IDF classifies every male they kill as a terrorist. They write that a host of reserveand standing army commanders who have talked to Haaretz cast doubt on the claimthat all of these were terrorists. They imply that the definitionof terrorist is open to a wide range of interpretation. It's quite possible that Palestinianswho never held a gun in their lives.

Were elevated to the rank of terrorist,posthumously, at least by the IDF. In practice, a terrorist is anyone the IDFhas killed in the areas in which its forces operate, says a reserve officerwho has served in Gaza. One senior officer in Southern Commandalso told Haaretz that, quote, it's astonishing to hear the reportsafter every operation regarding how many terrorists were killed. You don't need to be a genius to realizethat you don't have hundreds or dozens of armed men running through the streetsof Khan Yunis or Jabalia fighting the IDF. It's not that we invent bodies,but no one can determine with certainty.

Who is a terrorist and who was hit afterentering the combat zone of an IDF force. In addition to this reporting,veteran Israeli diplomatic correspondent and CNN political analyst Barak Ravidbasically shared some pretty fascinating details from hisown reporting about IDF operations. Take a look. To call ita misidentification or a mistake. You know,that's the understatement of the century. Okay. And this is not an isolated incident. The reason that we talk about it hereis because it's w.a.c.k.

It's a very well known and famous NGO. But those incidents happenevery few days in Gaza. – We've seen this.- Throughout this entire experience. Exactly. This is not how a professionalmilitary conducts its operations. And for years, the IDF was considerednot only here in the US, but in the West overall, as a very professional military. Just a few weeks ago,three Israeli hostages that managed to escape their captors were killedby Israeli soldiers who fired at them even.

Though they were holding a white flag. Okay. And, you know, I spoke to, an Israelireserve officer who was in the same unit of those soldiers who shot those hostages. And I remember him telling methat the orders are basically from the commanders on the groundis just shoot every man in fighting age. Pausing here to deliver some honest truth,as we do in our news coverage as well. TYT is facing challenges, guys,as the entire industry is. You know who could make the difference?You.

If you hit the join button below,it's going to make all the difference and keep us in business. We appreciate you. Thank you. Should every man in fighting age who careswhether they're terrorists or not. So please tell mewhy I should take a lying propagandist like Heinrich seriously. While rejecting the likelyunderestimated death toll reported by the Palestinian Health Ministry. And I say underestimatedbecause the Health Ministry's numbers.

Don't include Palestinians who remaintrapped under the rubble of buildings. America's 2,000 pound bombswere dropped on. And honestly, even if it were true thatIsrael took out 12 to 13,000 Hamas militants out of the 32,000 people whohave already been killed, that still means that Israel is confessing to slaughtering20,000 innocent people in just six months. How the hell wouldthat help Israel rehab its image? It's amazing. Perhaps the laziness in Israel's publicrelations campaign stems from the sense of entitlement the United States governmenthas encouraged for our Middle East ally.

Israel can do no wrong. Even when they're committing war crimes,they're doing nothing wrong. And if Israel intentionally firesthree back to back drone strikes that end up killing aid workersfrom several different countries, you can bet your ass the obvious war crimewill be reclassified as Israel's right to defend itself, as John Kirby did. Is firing a missile with peopledelivering food and killing them. Not a violationof international humanitarian law. Well, the Israelis have already admittedthat this was a mistake that they made.

They're doing investigation.They'll get to the bottom of this. Let's not get ahead of that. Your your question presumesat this very early hour that it was a deliberate strike, that they knew exactlywhat they were hitting, that they were hitting aid workers and did it on purpose. And there's no evidence of that. I would also remind you, sir,that we continue to look at incidents as they occur. The State Departmenthas a process in place.

And to date, as you and I are speaking,they have not found any incidents where the Israelis have violatedinternational humanitarian law. And lest you think we don't take itseriously, I can assure you that we do. We look at this in real time. They have never violatedinternational humanitarian law, ever, in the past 5 to 6 months. I'm telling you, the State Departmenthas looked at incidents in the past and has yet to determinethat any of those incidents violate international humanitarian law.

That was disgusting. So according to John Kirby, by the way,shooting at starving Palestinians who were surrounding humanitarian aid trucks,remember, that happened not too long ago, didn't break international war crimesor international laws, according to John Kirby. Right. Not a problem at all. The collective punishmentof starving Palestinians by refusing to allow sufficienthumanitarian aid into the region, not a war crime, according to John Kirby.

By the way, the strikes, the drone strikesin question were intentional. Anyone who says otherwiseis lying to you intentionally. So. The three trucks in the convoywere clearly marked, as you can see here with the charity's logo. The World Central Kitchen plays by theIDF's rules and coordinates with Israel's military, so Israelis know exactlywhere their convoy is as they attempt to deliver aid to starving Gazans. But the IDF thought maybe, maybe theysaw one armed man in the convoy, and that unfounded speculationwas enough for them to strike the convoy.

Not once, but three times, to ensureeveryone was killed for good measure. In other words, the IDF felt it wastotally fine to kill a group of innocent people on the slight possibilitythat one person was an armed terrorist. Among those killed was a dual USCanadian citizen, an Australian woman, a Polish man, three British nationals anda Palestinian driver, all innocent people. The IDF flaunts its war crimeswith impunity. Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime ministerof Israel, regularly boasts about ignoring weak demands from the Bidenadministration, and in turn, Biden rewards him with billions of dollarsin weapons transfers, including one worth.

Roughly $2.5 billion this week alone. The decision follows the visitby Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant to Washington this week. The new arms packageis meant to include 1800 of the most destructive bombs used in Gaza. The United States has quietly approvedand delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to Israelsince October 7th. That includes thousands of munitions,small diameter bombs, buster bunkers, small arms and other types of lethal aid.

You know, there was a time in Americawhen our government at least had the ability to feel some degree of shameor embarrassment over war crimes. Now they defend Israel as its militarycarries out atrocities regularly. I remember back in 2007, US troopsslaughtered civilians and two Reuters journalists in Baghdad in what is nowknown as the Apache helicopter scandal. Americans were left in the dark aboutthe extent of our military's brutality towards civilians until years later, when,in 2010, Chelsea manning leaked video of the horrific incident to Wikileaks. In the video, an Apache helicopterunleashes fire on a gathering of ten men.

Among them were two Reuters journalists,both of whom, by the way, were murdered in this attack. The attack either maimed or killedthe men, and a van of first responders arrived to assist the wounded. Much like the IDF's decision to carryout a second and third drone strike on the humanitarian aid convoy as workerstried to flee to safety, the army fired on the van with first responders. The driver was killedand his two children were wounded. The video leaked by Manningalso included the soldier's flippant.

And cruel communications,which demonstrated a disregard for human lives, including one in the American crewshouting or starting off with a laugh and then saying I hit him. Another responds a little later oh yeah,look at those dead bastards. After ground forces arriveand the children are discovered, the American crew blamed the Iraqis. Sounds familiar. Well, it's their fault for bringing kidsinto a battle, says one. That's right, says another.

Manning, who worked in the Army as anintelligence analyst, leaked the video and hundreds of thousands of other piecesof classified information, which was then published by Julian Assange on Wikileaks. The leak was so embarrassingfor the United States military that the Obama administrationdecided to throw the book at Manning. Assange has also been targeted by the US,and is currently fighting attempts by the Justice Department to extradite him forcriminal prosecution here in the states. Of course, Obama excused the war crimescommitted by the Bush administration because he wanted to look forwardand not backward.

But Manning paid a hefty pricefor revealing what our government didn't want us to know,that our military had done something terrible and indefensible in Iraq. It was a huge scandal. Manning was arrested that same yearand faced 22 charges, including aiding the enemy, a capital offense. Manning was subjected to inhumanepretrial conditions for months. She was later sentencedto 35 years in prison. But in 2017, then President Obamacommuted all but four months.

Of Manning's remaining sentence. It turns out killing two Reutersjournalists used to be considered a huge scandal worthy of weeks and weeksof coverage and condemnation. Israel's war on Gaza has already resultedin the deaths of around 100 journalists. Intentionally targeting civilians. Used to be an atrocity worthy of,worthy of, you know, condemnation worthy of a lengthy news cyclein which the condemnation plays out. Now, the murder of civiliansis justified by our government, as long as they falsely blame the slaughter on Hamas,using them as human shields.

Right. That's the other talking point. John Kirby lies to our faces to defendsome of the cruelest crap I've ever seen. And he does it regularly. It makes me sick. While I don't condone withholdinginformation from Americans about how our military behaves at war, I just want youto think about why they did it. I can't help but feel rage over the factthat our government went from understanding how bad intentionallykilling civilians was to openly making excusesfor atrocities on behalf of Israel. I guess I take some solace in knowingI'm not alone in feeling that way.

Palestinian American doctor Thayer Ahmed,for instance, walked out of a meeting with President Joe Bidenand Vice President Kamala Harris. And honestly, who can blame him? We are not satisfiedwith what has taken place. There has been no concrete steps. But keep in mind, we're very concernedabout the people that are over in the Gaza Strip that are in Palestine right now,who are not just starving but are facing the threat of a looming Rafah invasion. And so I was able to share that withthe president and let him know that out of.

Respect for my community, out of respectfor all of the people who have suffered and who have been killed in the process,I need to walk out of the meeting, and I want to walk out with decisionmakers and let them know what it feels like for somebody to say somethingand then walk away from them and not hear them out and not hear their response. CNN shed more light on the meeting,reporting that what was supposed to be an iftar dinner to break the Ramadan fastwas changed to a meeting because participants didn't feelcomfortable having a celebratory meal. While hundreds of thousands in Gazaare on the brink of famine.

Honestly, I think many of themare already experiencing it. It's another example ofthe administration's fraying relationship with the Muslim American community. Other attempts at holding meetingsin key states have been hampered by declined invitations,and relationships with important community groups have frayed since the war began. Look, Biden needs the support of Muslimand American and Arab Americans to win critical swing states like Michigan. But he's literally willing to hurt hisown chances at getting reelected, which he.

Claims would lead to the end of Americandemocracy as we know it, just to defend Israel and supply them with more bombs.It's depraved. And he cannot set himself apartfrom Trump as the decent one when he's funding and greenlighting the annihilationof innocent lives in Gaza, period. If you enjoyed this video,that's because of our members. They make us independent, they makeus strong, and they make us honest. Become a member todayby hitting the join button below.

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3 thoughts on “Israeli Spokesperson Gets DEFENSIVE Over Gaza Dying Toll #TYT

  1. 6:18 So, Israel goes ahead and off’s a bunch of abet workers, and now they’re taking part in detective on their very enjoy crime scene? Severely, it’s treasure a horrid film field. Now, I’m no merely professional, however isn’t it a joke when the perpetrator will get to be the executive investigator? It’s treasure letting a financial institution robber lead the forensic team on the crime scene.

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