Israel’s Response to EU’s Palestine Recognition & Raoof Hassan Transgender Guru


Israel's Response to EU's Palestine Recognition & Raoof Hassan Transgender Guru

There are three or four very important news, one is that Khwaja Sarao has rebelled against his Guru, apart from that, Israel and Palestine have been accepted by three countries, after that Israel has suppressed and threatened Europe, apart from this, PTI Secretariat The police has raided above, what is the story behind it, that is also important. Coming to that, let us start with Israel. Today, three countries have given a message about destroying Israel among them. There is Norway, there is Northern Ireland and there is Spain. They told India that we will accept it and it is not that these are the first three countries, before this about 143 countries have accepted Palestine, Pakistan.

Is also included in it. And some others, but in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, they have not accepted. Well, now almost the same number of countries, perhaps two-four more countries have accepted Israel. Muslims are not the owners of Mamalakandam, they have accepted Israel. So, this is an important development because it has been accepted by the European countries, so this is a very important thing, Pakistan has accepted it, yes, in 1988, on 15th November, they had declared their independence, Palestine has The next day i.e. on 16th November, Pakistan had accepted the state of Palestine in 1988. Pakistan.

Does not accept the government of Gaza. This is a noteworthy fact. Well, see this, I told you that those who watch my videos know that I had told you earlier also that ever since this war started, I was telling you that everyone has left it, every Muslim and Pakistani should leave Saudi Arabia, everyone is saying that it is okay to kill them, I used to think for a long time. Yaar ya Allah hoga hoga, what do you mean in a date, sometimes someone or the other stands with the oppressed, but here no one stood and I had mentioned in a video a few days ago that my heart believes and I There was a live discussion in a live program and there it was also said that my heart believes that this time we will get help, we will get the blessings of the European Americans,.

What are you seeing in the university, people? We are standing, spending the nights outside, it has been almost a month. At our place, Jamaat Islami spent two days there, blew them away, they okayed the road, and is he the son of an army officer and also of Jency? There was a vehicle inside which he was killed, there was an attack in Islamabad, this does not happen in these countries, it is true that a big atrocity took place in America and it was found out that and this too, let me tell you that last week the Sindh government, the People's Party government had announced this. That the New York Police will train the Sindh government, they are already training you people, they told you how to kill, how to oppress, does the same happen there too? They kill people,.

Kill blacks. Yes. The only thing here is that there is no problem in killing someone who is not the child of a rich father or a general, but there it is that those who kill the Tasu Majbi Tasur or the Tasu of Rango breed, but the work is done by both the police . It is a good thing that Khwaja Sarao has said, isn't it? Let's talk about one more thing. Yes, but the important thing will remain that is Ban Gavar, who is their security minister, who had also been in touch with me recently and whose great understanding speaks for me. And when they made this announcement, after that they have not yet accepted, three countries have announced that we will recognize them from such and such date next month and then open the clean house, then Israel got angry and Israel said, I will give you yours. I want to tell you.

That we will not allow a statement about the state of Palestine. We will not allow anyone to give a statement about the state of Palestine. Who has given the statement? Has it been given by the European countries or has they basically threatened the European countries? They have said that we will not allow you to accept who you are, let alone accept them, we will not even allow you to give a statement and where has he issued this threat , he went and stood in front of Gumbad Sakhra, they do not go there, most of the time now he There is a wall nearby, which is called Deewar Garia in Urdu. They go there and worship, they only go there and do not go there, but their claim is that dome of Sakhra, which they call Temple Mount, from where even Hazur had reached Meraj and The rest.

Are his big moments there, so he went there specially, they were evacuated and after going there, he announced that these are the Jews, they are the ones who walk in it. They show things in symbols, like their different, if you see the symbol of a Free Mason, then they definitely like to talk in symbols, so this is a symbolic one. He told them that if you people, if Europe does not listen to us, then this is the place. Which we can demolish and capture, that is, I am talking in light words, so basically that threat could have been made sitting anywhere, but the purpose of making it sitting there is that on top of it we Will capture and along with this he has said another phrase that this Temple Mount i.e. Gumbad Khara which we.

Consider as Masjid Aqsa, Masjid Aqsa is actually not a small building but it is its compound and inside this compound the Prophet had offered Namaz to the Prophets. That's why it is important for us, and this dome, which was Sakhra, looks golden, it was built later, it was built after a long time, the building above it is good, so he has gone there and issued a threat, this is a big message. It was delivered to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the next important thing is that those who are watching the live stream, please do like it before the first one, if you have only three likes then please do like it so that we can make efforts so that it can reach more people, it is an important thing. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are very happy, yes,.

When Pakistan and Saudi Arabia will be accepted by them, after this Pakistan and Saudi Arabia will get this opportunity that look, now they have taken forward the discussion on our two state solution, although three countries By accepting this, Palestine will not get any rights, it will not get any rights, but by using it as an excuse, whatever Pakistan and the century is, may happen in the coming few days, within a few weeks, if not in a few days, then within a few weeks or months. Accept Israel and today they will be very happy that it is good that they have done this, now we will accept Israel, that is, they have fulfilled their deal, they have fulfilled their deal, here I will tell you another important thing. Let us consider.

The demand made by the International Court of Justice for Nitan Yahoo and the rest of his clan, that red warrants should be issued for him, they have not been issued, what has been demanded has been demanded, neither about that. In this she has said that two things, one is Israel, she has not signed it, she does not believe in the International Court of Justice, she has got it right, second thing is that Palestine has not been declared a country by the United Nations, it is not a country. One country does not accept him as the court, when both of them are in the middle of Kim, then this question was asked to the representative of International Co. that how will this happen again, how will your jurisdiction be done, then he gave a reference that in 2015 This question was raised that even at that time, during.

The war in Gaza, if we come to the court for justice over the atrocities that have taken place in Gaza, will it come under our jurisprudence, then on one side their bench was sitting. So the bench had decided that of course, one country does not accept us and the other country does not accept us, but it exists physically in the world, Gaza exists in the other world and humans live there and there is some kind of oppression on them. If it happens and someone will come to us about it and take this case, it is our signatory country, then we will definitely listen to it and it will be in our jurisdiction, they have given this ruling, that is why you will see that South Africa had taken this case. Well, if there is any Muslim, then we are good people, but South.

Africa has taken whatever it was, it has now filed an application in the International Court of Justice for the Red Bat, after that this incident happened today, well, it is a very long matter. It has happened but this is important for you all to know. Well, the last thing is that Israel has done one more thing in response, it has issued threats and secondly, it has announced to withdraw its Safar from these three countries. Now he will bring pressure through America, will do various things, now he will move forward, after what Khwaja Sarao said yesterday, today Khwaja Sarao, who was the eldest of Pindi, said that we respect our Guru, Guru has done wrong. He has used us, he has used us, he has used our community, he has used the Guru and the Guru has used the Guru of the jungle, now the name gets changed,.

The Guru of the jungle has done a very wrong thing, he has seen the important thing in this, it is a joke. In your place, see how much humiliation they have used to humiliate. Those people who understand and read, the educated people living in Europe, they will know Glasgow Smile. Have you seen Joker movie? Have you seen Joker, the character is on his face here and there. It's tough. You guys have seen it called this. Glasco Smile. What is this Glasco Smile? There, when you have to take revenge from someone or there are gang members among them, they want to take revenge, then they do not kill that person but they make a cut on his face. What happens by making a cut? The mark of the cut does not go away, so whenever he looks at his face, he goes anywhere. It is your face, it.

Is your representative, it is your identity, it is the one which makes the glass smile. The purpose was to humiliate the glass by making it smile and A permanent mark of writing for others as well as for yourself that whenever you look at the mirror, whenever you get up and go anywhere, you will feel that there is a mark on it, so basically an attempt has been made to make the glass smile. It is said that his name was lovely but this is for taking revenge and insulting, but look at the actions of Allah, people are being insulted since yesterday, people are insulting the entire Guru gang, people have exposed them, so are these and the silent Mujahids. Khamosh Mujahid has also woken up. Khamosh Mujahid always comes to know later. Khamosh Mujahid said, Yes, 200 Khusraes are eunuchs, they have.

Been recruited by the Internal Wing, ISI and they are doing all these things and will do more, so they will always be punished. It is known after the incident, it is not known earlier that the incident of 9th May started happening, that too later it is known that he is not a silent Mujahid, basically he also seems to be a Khusar Khusar (Khwaja Sarao ki), it is good to me, isn't it? The community in Pakistan is very strong, they know each other personally, so they are anyone's disciple, apart from big gurus, even small gurus find them immediately. I would demand that along with correcting them, they should also find them. Those who brought in front of him were these three-four Khusra and one of them was a Commando Khusra because you must have seen the picture, he was also wrapped in a sheet in the heat and.

You had seen his shoes, you had seen the Commander's and the Commando Khusra, he was laughing and the FIR. It has been registered, but PTI has rejected the FIR, whatever it is, saying that we do not agree, okay, okay, yes, ICC has also talked about this, look at their freedom in the arms of sacrifice, the people of Gaza have sacrificed it. Today they got that right, did they get theirs or did we sacrifice anything, we also sacrificed nothing, it happened, it is okay, now come from Pakistan, the important news from Pakistan is not from PT, it is what is there and why did you say it? Before this, Am Amka of IC said that firstly we.

Will discuss and settle the matter secondly we should not hurry up, secondly ICC has talked about releasing the phone, we reject it, this is what happened from here, a small news. Let me give it to you and then I will come to Pakistan PTI. Those people who were stranded, students, are coming back and have taken KP price, they have not imposed big charges. Okay, let me tell you about our story. We came forward today and suddenly reached PTI secretariat. What happened inside there and [music] Sune sa ka before that sayhi pam tha tumne mooj rahna kal night ka jab ho ba aa sane ka last night mujhe Iran Nam Mila Saab.

's attack on top of attack, then they said that you are outside When the time came to leave and what habits should he maintain, he came out today and after coming out, he went straight to PTI's secretariat, there he talked to the people, Fajan Saheb also held a press conference today, he told that Fajan Saheb had given his Let me show you the statement that he made, behind the smoke of very important democracy, Farde Wah's glory remains intact. The public said that he does not accept the glory of that person Wahid and he also said that when he and the police arrived to arrest Hama. So Hamad left from there and from there he has to go to Peshawar and after getting bail , he has to face the decision of the next cases but he also said that he was present there and.

Later he said that yes, I have to give these eunuchs to them. Ca n't catch but they have come out to catch us, so this was an important development in this. Now this PTI Imran Khan Sahab, the matter of Hijra has reached Imran Khan Sahab last night. Well, one Imran Khan's relative came forward a while ago. A couple of hours ago, Imran Khan Sahab, after talking to the lawyers today, has demanded that the appearance of Imran Khan Sahab is to be held again on May 30 in the Supreme Court. They have demanded that the Supreme Court should be shown live. The Qazi is scared. His first paint is in the street, so how can he show it live, but it is his wish whether it gets fulfilled as soon as it.

Happens or not. At this time, let me tell the country another song of Fasan Saheb, not Wazir Azam at this time. Element has been running for 76 years Have to do it, now the time has come to tell about your aa, stay in the milk, listen to the talk about the good, he has been a cancer patient, now it is okay, something is better and his aa is 70 plus, so this is what it is, isn't it, he is quite an ad guy and this If he was bigger than thin, he was attacked. This means that he would probably have been stronger and would have fought, but after seeing the news, he became crazy. Whatever is there in Iran, it will happen. Sadar was buried in Pakistan.

Work started later, there will be a funeral there too, I don't know why I have decided to go now, oh most important news, my friend, sorry, I was thinking the same thing, the matter has gone out in my heart. Imran Khan used to say, call Donal, call Donal, here he should testify, he should come and tell whether he had said what Imran Khan meant, what kind of God is Allah, really, today the FIA ​​prosecutor made this demand. I have asked the judge from Islamabad High Court to produce Donal Lu, he will come and testify against Imran Khan, look at this, man, Allah is amazing, here he will be a disgrace, but the court has caught him because he is the one who did not come, she is the one in the court. If he does not come to Juridiction then he will not come. If he does not come then what.

Will they do with him? They will gain time and it was their plan to not take the cases for two-three-four months. This was the plan that if these people had to be called, they would have called them earlier. By the way, even if you call him, he will not come, there is an option of video link, but in view of the elections that are going to be held in America, he will never do that, if we are there, our man will go and win the title in Pakistan on video link. If he is appearing before the court and this news starts spreading, then it is a big embarrassment for him and he knows what threats he has made, what he has done and all this will come out after which he will be able to win whatever two-four seats he gets in the elections. There has been a little bit of that too, that too will go away, hence America has become backfoot. Now let us see that Israel's threats work.

And these three countries stick to their word. France has said that it will not accept, but for now, but If they have also said that these three countries have talked to the rest of the European countries and some of them and some other countries have also agreed, then Let's See Israel will find out who is ruling the world, especially which issue Europe faces. Controls whether he will stick to his decision or not. Thank you very much to all of you for commenting. Jakla, I read, I will reply later. Do ya bestas Rizwan, successful, thank you, good, rest, Tola, thank you very much, Alam Walek.

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