Jamie Dornan on being a girl dad, ‘The Vacationer’ Season 2, more


Jamie Dornan on being a girl dad, 'The Vacationer' Season 2, more

Jamie Doran is a Golden Globe nominated actor whose memorable roles include the rather creepy guy in the hit show the fall and an Irish patriarch in the Oscar nominated film Belfast and now he's back for season two of The Tourist Jamie plays a man who gets amnesia after an accident and has no idea who he is or why people are after him and we want to.

Get to all of that Jamie I just have to tell you though my daughter's first grade class is here today they're Milling about I don't know if you saw them they're during the hall that's amazing I mean she's also the best mom ever that she's created brought but you're a girl dad and what's what's the best part of.

That just all of it the the Monumental challenge of it you know there that's the that's that's we never see them from the front that's just that's just your family I've never seen them from the we don't know I don't know what happens on the other side there I presume they're just as cute from the front I don't know um yeah no.

Like it's the best I I just I I don't know any other way you know three girls so I just don't know how I'd be as a a boy dad or I'm not sure I could deal with the energy I'm I'm someone who has a lot of energy anyway I'm quite uh hyper often so I don't we wouldn't cope if there's three hyper boys in the H with well you're kind of a sensitive.

Type too right I'm very sensitive too and I think that is beneficial to be a girl dad definitely I just love it like it's mad like it's mad and they often just you know any version of two of them it's usually okay and for the third and they're just yeah I have I have three children and three is a hard it's a it's a strange.

Arrangement a strange Arrangement good way say so you met your wife 14 years ago today today yeah I did well we're sorry that you're with us and not with her where is she I think the the the picture at the Oscar is probably a better picture than I no that one is the best what's happening on that is that an Indo a.

Movie to kill Barb and star go to visitar Bob and star we feel like we are Bob and star we love that movie you don't do yourselves a disservice you know um but yeah so we had a bit of a cuz that was all dur Co and they sent these packs with like blow up seats and pada making sets and all this stuff so we had a bit of a premere at our at our.

House um but yeah yeah 14 years ago uh today my wife has been here in New York with me she left this morning uh we've been having a bit of a holiday and yeah you met her on a staircase we met her on a on a on steps uh in our friend's backyard in La um and she was sat on a step and I was outside and I was introduced to her uh and then I then.

Proposed to her on the same step not that night that would be thought about it I thought that would be that wouldn't be that cool um so but you know a few years later proposed there on on those steps and then our friends sold that house in LA and they chipped off a little bit of the step so I have you know way people.

Have a piece of like the Berlin wall and stuff I have a piece of the step that we met on on a little sort of bag yeah how that let's talk about your project because this is kind of an interesting concept you're a guy with amnesia so how does one go about preparing for a ro like that like what do you even do the total opposite of how you usually.

Prepare you know cuz usually you're you're you're finding all this or if it's not on paper already um you are developing a whole backstory of the character if if it's not given to you and this time you're actively trying to avoid knowing anything about it it's actually a really nice exercise cuz as an actor you're always just trying to.

Keep it fresh it should be that every piece of information you hear is is new information but for this character it really is he really is hearing the stuff for the first time and um it's a great way of sort of keeping you like just uh like sort of ready I felt you know and and just trying to keep really closed off to any sort of influence of what you.

Could know about this guy you know so it was it a they're very different exercise for me I have to say going in but um I did love it well we have put the Rolling Hills of your home country of Ireland not only behind you to make you feel comfortable but also this season takes place there your character's going back to figure out who you are yeah yeah so.

The first series was in uh the Australian nightback which is a very different vibe to this um and actually ends up being a totally different character in the show you know a big part of the identity of the first series was the Australian nightback and a huge part of the identity is is is Ireland yeah they didn't kind of get all the.

Answers they they needed to and in Australia so they come up with a plan to like go back to Ireland try to find out some people who really did know him before the accident before he lost his memory and piece together who this guy was and why a lot of people seemed to want to kill him yeah it's action-packed you're doing all of these crazy stunts.

Yeah I love do that you'd like to do that I yeah I still feel like I I'm I feel pretty able still just and I think while I still feel like that I want to do that I want to push that yeah although I am uh the day I land back from New York I'm getting an MRI scan on my back so maybe.

Um oh no did you injure yourself I'm just listen I'm just you know you get to that stage we have a great chiropractor and physical therapist yeah if you're here for longer you got to see Jason Jason's Jason's the guy big up Jason all right all right thank you so much season 2 you guys is great the tourist hits Netflix on.


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