‘Jellyfish’ stumps UFO experts | Banfield


'Jellyfish' stumps UFO experts | Banfield

And joining me now to talk about the significance of these latest videos is Nick Pope he's a UFO investigator who formerly advised the British defense Ministry on all things related to the Unexplained objects that sometimes we see in the sky um Nick thank you for being here so the last time there were groundbreaking videos there was just.

Death silence right and then there was an explosion a cacophony of noise that led to the Congressional hearing so I feel like we may be in that lull right now the before the storm but what are your thoughts well it's very interesting the timing because actually this coming Friday the uh intelligence Community.

Inspector General is going to be briefing the house oversight committee it's a a classified members only briefing it's actually about uh the David grush complaint but you know you can almost guarantee that this will come up even though it's not really within the remit of of the um IC IG and the timing as I say it's it's it's really.

Interesting is this a distraction uh to throw people off or or is it to focus attention on this but either way this this I'm sure has got congress's attention and Congress like everyone else is waiting for the Pentagon to confirm that this is genuine footage which I'm sure it is and then to say well what what is your assessment of.

What we're looking at because if these things are flying over sensitive US military establishments with impunity what if this was a nuclear facility sure I mean that that that's part of the concern is that the journalist has said that one of the videos is over a nuclear facility and it flies in between you know some of the buildings at at the.

Facility so Jeremy Corbell has some pretty strong thoughts about the material that that he says was leaked to him and that brings me to what you just said this Friday our hearings they're in camera we're not allowed to be part of them but it's the intelligence Inspector General if you and I are watching this video right now and if Jeremy Corell got.

His hands on it from from his Source his military Source I think it's a pretty good conclusion that the uh Intel Inspector General has it and that it won't not be discussed on Friday is that fair I think that's absolutely Fair it would be like the elephant in the room even if he says look I'm not here to discuss these videos I'm here to discuss.

The the complaint uh you know the the Congressional Representatives won't won't worry about that sort of thing they'll say come on you know this is the big story of the week you must uh be talking to other people in the intelligence Community you must be talking to the Department of Defense what's the line on this so it will be.

Discussed I'm sure okay so the big question I have is that since we're looking at a base um allegedly a base in Iraq a milit a US military base in Iraq and since Jeremy corell's other video suggests that this same kind of object the jellyfish flies over an American nuclear facility um I does it not just naturally since these.

Are American Security interests does that not naturally gravitate us towards thinking this is likely foreign spycraft extremely sophisticated foreign spycraft because if it's if it's UAP if it's if it's alien if it's extraterrestrial surely they're interested in other than just us Americans well you would think so.

Although to be fair UAP does seem to be a Global phenomenon but look this reminds me of the whole Chinese spy balloon Saga you know this flew under the radar for years until it didn't and then we shot one down and then we shot another three down but didn't talk about what those were and now something like this happens and one wonders how many.

Other times has this gone on at US military facilities and what has to happen before people sit up pay attention and say we we need some answers to this because if if this is the sort of thing that's flying over nuclear facilities well it's over our missiles it's over our nuclear submarines what's.

Next do you gravitate towards foreign spycraft or do you gravitate more towards um an extraterrestrial a UAP that we can't explain well I think oam's razor suggests that uh these things are more likely Russian than Martian or or or Chinese perhaps in in this context but you know I never rule out anything and.

Until we have more data on this I don't think we can rule out the Extraterrestrial hypothesis but yeah China is probably the number one uh Suspect with this and if they're running rings around our sophisticated air defenses and flying with impunity over these sensitive facilities uh we need answers and we need action not not just.

Platitudes we need to stop this happening not just talk about it after the event can I ask you then why is it that uh American uh interests I I know it's a global phenomenon to have uaps Etc to to see these things but it's it's not as typical to have the Australians or the Europeans or the Chinese or the Russians.

Uh with this jaw-dropping sort of discovery which is again kind of leads me back to the foreign adversaries and and spycraft that's beyond our capability of understanding scary in itself yes I mean to be fair I think the US government is more open about this than others so these things probably are happening in Russia and China as well.

And we're not just not hearing about it we know that the five eyes intelligence sharing Alliance is engaged they've had one meeting at least on UAP so the UK uh probably has these sorts of incidents uh Australia New Zealand and Canada too but uh you know quite the extent of this is still unknown but uh whatever it is as I say the the American people deserve.

Answers Congress should be pushing for answers the world is waiting Nick Pope I sure hope that we are going to get answers after Friday I you know obviously we won't get them right away there's a reason they keep those things quiet so that they can vet whatever information they may release but um I need you on speed dial for this.

Thank you for for being with me tonight I appreciate it

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