Jennifer Crumbley trial: Prosecutor affords opening statements


Jennifer Crumbley trial: Prosecutor affords opening statements

I want to introduce you to Hana St Juliano Madison Baldwin Tate M and Justin Shilling they died on November the 30th of 2021 they weren't in a car crashed they weren't sick they were murdered in an act of.

Terror committed by General crumley's 15-year-old son Jennifer Crumbley didn't pull the trigger that day but she is responsible for those deaths these kids were gunned down inside Oxford High School with this gun it's a six sour 9mm handgun purchased 4 days before the shooting by.

James Crumbley Jennifer's husband and father the school shooter this was a purchase celebrated by Jennifer on Instagram these are her words this is her post mom and Sunday testing out his new Christmas present my first time shooting a 9mm I hit the bullseye the evidence will prove that by the time this gun was bought the school.

Shooter was in a downward spiral that had begun months before the evidence will also show you that Jennifer Crumbley was aware of that despite her knowledge of his deteriorating mental crisis despite her knowledge of his growing social isolation despite the fact that it is illegal for a 15-year-old to walk into a.

Gun store and walk out with a handgun by himself this gun was gifted you will also learn that despite all of that background this firearm was not secured in a way to prevent her son from ging access to it the evidence also prove to you that even with all of that on November the 30th Jennifer Crumbley was.

Still given the opportunity to prevent these murders from ever happening instead she chose to do nothing this drawing this math worksheet was sent to her November the 30th 2021 at 9:30 in the morning that's more than 3 hours before the first shop was fired these writings that drawing created by her.

Son she was sent this by her son's school counselor when he requested an immediate meeting with her at the school that day he requested that meeting because this drawing those words suggest both weapon and injury even to someone with only limited knowledge of the shooter apparently that raised an alarm with.

Jennifer kembley because she did go to the meeting with her husband but before she did she privately communicated her own concern with her husband this will be Adit in evidence throughout the trial this is portion of a Facebook Messenger thread from Jennifer to James kembley Jennifer words in blue emergency November 30th 2021 9:35.

A.m. then she sent a picture to James his response my God WTF and then he wrote back about the vet he was at their Barn worried about their horse Jennifer's response he said he was distraught about last night and then I'm very concerned headed to his school that's at 10:12 a.m. yet despite their private concern.

The evidence presented in this trial will show to you that that meeting at the school was nothing like that school counselor or the dean of students who sat in at a meeting had ever experienced before those two individuals even with their limited knowledge of that drawing had expected the defendant or her husband to take their son home and.

Set an appointment with the mental health professional but they didn't you see you will learn that these kind of me when they occur with parents can last an hour or longer this one was abruptly ended by Jennifer Crumbley after just over 11 minutes and then she left you see this drawing alarmed.

Everyone who saw it including those who only knew the crumblies in limited settings or even to those who had never met their son before the two people in the world with all of the information all the background to put this drawing into context for James and Jennifer K and you will learn that in that.

Meeting they didn't share any of it they didn't say anything about the fact that that firearm was identical to the 6h hour 9mm identical they didn't mention how that gun was stored they didn't mention anything about his increased mental stress you'll learn that after the.

Meeting when they left they didn't Embrace him you'll learn that their home is just down the road from the Oxford High School they didn't stop by the house to look for the gun you'll learn never once did they asked their son where's the gun they did nothing they didn't do any number of tragically small and easy things that.

Would have prevented all this from happening one them will present itself during this round it's just how senseless November 30th was and that's because of all of the easy ordinary things for someone to do that nobody did what I just outlined to you is a snapshot of the evidence that will be.

Presented in this case you will hear the facts and the evidence from the witnesses you will hear from between 20 and 25 those Witnesses you're going to see over 400 exhibits you're going to hear from Witnesses who were in law enforcement you're going to hear from individuals.

Who work for Oxford High School you're hear from people who do Jennifer Crumbley in social situations and those who work with Jennifer Crumbley you're going to hear from victims in this case as well those who are inside the school November the 30th you're going to learn a little bit about the scope of the.

Investigation you'll learn that during this trial the defendant cell phone or husband's cell phone and their son's cell phone receives they were all forensically analyzed through all that data received in addition to data obtained through cell phone towers social media search.

Warrants uh through information received through banking records GPS pings from gun ranges all this information will be presented to you and you'll be able to obtain a digital footprint of the crumbly family and you'll get an idea you get a view into the crumbly life in the days the weeks the months preceding the.

Shooting you're also going to learn a little bit about the aftermath of the shooting specifically you're going to see a pattern emerge in Jennifer Crumbley after the shooting on November 30th that pattern will include and show you that that she immediately began to downplay and downright lie about her level of knowledge of her son and that.

Weapon in that drawing on November the 30th this pattern will continue up until the time that she and her husband are found hiding from the police in Detroit this pattern will show you that her first instinct was to lie her second was to run now the evidence will show you that she didn't pull the trigger but she's.

Responsible but there is no claim that she gifted that firearm to her son knowing he was going to commit the attack there's no claim that she wanted him to commit the attack so how can she be held responsible when her son pulled the trigger and the answer is she's not charged with.

Murder she's charged with involuntary manslaughter you see murder is it's an intentional killing involuntary manslaughter by definition is unintentional it's rooted in negligence you've heard judge Matthews tell you that every crime is made with cult something called elements this is no exception you're going to.

Learn that involuntary manslaughter is committed when someone's Acts or their failures to act or their failures to perform their legal Duty were grossly negligent and that gross negligence was a cause of death a cause of death not the cause CA of death and that's very important because as you've heard and you'll hear.

Again and again in this trial that in a case such as this when somebody else was a cause of death the person who was grossing Dent can and still will be held responsible that is if the person who pulled the trigger if the shooter in this case his act was reasonably foreseeable to the defendant to the defendant specific to.

Her not to everybody else in the world not to a stranger not to a teacher but to his mother one of the two people in the world who raised him who lived with him for 15 years one of the two people in the world who had all the information necessary to put that drawing into context so what's gross nence you will.

Learn that it is a willful disregard of danger gross negligence is when you could use ordinary care just ordinary care to avoid a know known danger and you don't even though it is apparent that serious injury could occur and that's what this case is about it's about Jennifer crumley's willful.

Disregard of the danger that she knew of that's why we're here we're not here to talk about good parenting or bad parenting it's not illegal to be a bad parent we're not here to put restrictions on gun owners that's not our job that's not your job that's for lawmakers we're not here to talk about who else might be culpable or who else.

You think shares some blame you will learn about the meeting on November the 30th you may not like the fact that neither the school counselor nor the dean of students search school shoter back back that's okay that's okay because that does not mitigate Jennifer crumley's culpability you're going to learn a whole lot about.

James Crumbley and their son but James he's not on trial today he has another trial in front of another jury their son his case is over he's already been charged and convicted and sentenced for terrorism causing death and first-degree murder today is Jennifer's turn to stand TR and you will evaluate the evidence as it pertains to her in her own.

Way we're here because say when Jennifer looked at this drawing she didn't look at it the way a stranger would when she looked at this drawing she looked at it knowing the context and the origin and when someone with that kind of information looks at this the.

Unimaginable becomes predictable it becomes reasonably foreseeable that's why even though she didn't pull the trigger on November the 30th she's responsible for those deaths I ask that during this trial you listen to the testimony you review the evidence and you follow the law if you do that you will undoubtedly.

Reach a fair and just verdict if you do that you will find this defendant guilty as tered thank you

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3 thoughts on “Jennifer Crumbley trial: Prosecutor affords opening statements

  1. Solely over stepping their bounds. These oldsters must aloof no longer be charged with these murders. If they high-tail after the oldsters, the college officials who allowed him to preserve in faculty and return to his faculty room with out even taking a look interior his salvage, must aloof furthermore be charged with the murders.

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