Jesse Watters grills Satanic Temple spokesperson


Jesse Watters grills Satanic Temple spokesperson

When I was a young tot kicking back in the class everybody looked forward to the after school program drama club was for anybody who wanted to be the next Brad Pitt Debate Club you know the people aspiring to be the next Supreme Court justice but that wasn't really a club guy the next screw that falls out is going.

To be you sure what was that eat my shorts But whichever Club you chose it was to make you a better person you know help me make friends expand your horizons and today there's a new program that has been trying to take hold in our schools Satan clubs one Virginia town is already.

Seeing it firsthand BM Williams primary school has introduced the after-school Satan Club organized by the satanic temple the club promotes activities centered around the seven fundamental tenets of satanism these tenants are the satanic equivalent of the Ten Commandments and this obviously has upset parents one mom.

Spoke to Fox watch this was truly when parents showed up it had a record turnout parents and opposition were the majority turnout overwhelming majority turnout when we're discussing Satan clubs in our Public Schools We are failing our children we are feeling our children these are frightening images this is a frightening.

Ideology um it's it's the responsibility of the adults in the room to stand up and speak up for the parents we have to do better I get it we don't want Satan being promoted to our children Prime time's been covering these satanists for a while a few months ago I don't know if you remember we went to Satan Khan to.

Find out what these people are all about Satan represents carnal desire what does Satan look like me Satan looks like whatever you want Satan to look like in your mind the biggest misconception about satanism is that we sacrifice children we eat babies and we don't like kittens and that could.

Be the farthest from the truth we love kittens we love babies oh so they like kittens what else are they about well we still have some questions so let's ask the satanic temple spokesperson Lucian Greaves all right Lucian if Satan is evil I thought nice to meet you too if Satan's evil why.

Should kids be in an evil Club well obviously we don't view Satan as evil and it really doesn't matter to us what your mythology is surrounding Satan you need to ask yourself if your distaste over us identifying as Satan is is strong enough that you would abandon the principles of free speech in religious liberty I always thought Satan.

Was like sex you know like when you're 18 Satan sex do your thing but I don't know if I would want Satan in schools you understand how parents feel right well parents can feel that way and many parents feel similarly about Evangelical after-school clubs and in fact we put our club in place to offer an alternative against Evangel an.

Evangelical Club that's explicitly designed to convert children and get them to proselytize to other kids so if parents don't want to send their kids to an after-school Satan Club they can send them to an Evangelical Club there's other religious clubs really I think the controversy just evades the issue as to whether or not we're willing to allow.

Government functionaries at school boards or whatever to Simply shut down somebody's religious liberty or Free Speech because they don't like it so you're kind of doing it to tweak the system I get it what are these tenets of Satanism can you enlighten me yeah I think the tenants are very pro-social they're almost Universal I.

Would think and and I think as time goes on we'll kind of converge on a consensus morality but as but we don't have to I mean people we're not looking to convert people into Satanism we're not even teaching children about satanisms give me a tenant one should strive to act with compassion and empathy with it to All Creatures.

Within reason oh that sounds fine all right uh you might like it yeah maybe I don't know about all that are you married by the way uh no I'm not no okay I just I was just wondering all right so you're probably gonna go to hell right I I don't believe in hell we're a.

Non-theistic religious group all right I thought maybe you wanted to go to hell I know what do I know I need to learn more about something that's a better party than heaven and work you know I mean you have one place where all the sex lists kind of go after they live a celibate an interesting life but how it might might be okay all right we gotta go.

Um I'm probably gonna butcher your name again almost had it thank you very much have a great night yeah have a happy and gay holiday hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else.

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3 thoughts on “Jesse Watters grills Satanic Temple spokesperson

  1. Atheistic satanism is a crock of sh*t, a blatant imposture. It's an oxymoron and an absolute impossibility. On the different hand, proper satanism (theistic) is set chaos, depravity and destruction as beliefs and aims on a mass scale, and ritual apply because the model to carry out those targets. It quantities to social self-sabotage the least bit ranges; subsequently, it's additionally unreachable and self-defeating on memoir of it's not sustainable in the end. Satanism isn't a religion; it's a cult. There would possibly perhaps be a huge distinction.

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