Jim Cramer seems at the wealth introduction from the Dow’s 40,000 milestone


Jim Cramer seems at the wealth introduction from the Dow's 40,000 milestone

My mission is simple to make you money I'm here to level the playing field for all investors there's always a b Market somewhere and I promise to help you find it may have money Starts Now hey I'm Kramer welcome to May money welcome to crr America other people make friends I'm just trying to make you a little money my job is not just to.

Entertain but to teach you so call me at 1800 7.3 CBC twet me Jim Kramer I took the Dow 40,000 hand in my hat in my hands I I had it right there I noticed the bill the writing couldn't been a finer baseball cap and then I put it down and not on my head but right on the desk my day job on the setup Sark on the street I wouldn't put it on was I.

Concerned about a jinx if it was we didn't avoid when the D dipped 197 points today it was the SB inched up 9% the Nas Game 65% nice gain there led by the semis but I don't think wearing the Hat was about a jinx it's something else that's a lot more pernicious frankly you see way back in the ' 80s and 90s we celebrated each.

Millennial Milestone of the way up oh they were hard fought sometimes we seem trapped like when theal was stuck in the 200000 from July of ' 87 till January of 1992 a crash like we had in October of 87 can do that sort of thing there are other times we just Bree through the Milestones lots of hats on those with.

Like beautiful days up then came the turn of the Millennium and while the Dallas somewhat held in there the 77% collapse of the NASDAQ was too much for people to handle a whole generation of investors vanished many never came back those that did came back they got crushed by the Great Recession when those round numbers reversed and.

Reversed hard cut by more than half at the bottom that's when I gave up on the hats what go was a hat for Dow 14,000 when the Dows 7,000 yeah it did get that gloomy before March of 2009 now though I'm beginning to rethink my negativity about the Hat what is so bad about celebrating the immense wealth creation granted I know that the D isn't.

As representative as the sp500 no kidding but it still resonates why embrace the Hat get some ideas first it has been almost 20 years since the Great Recession that decline was bruising because we had what was known as systemic risk being the entire economic system was in Jeopardy as I survey the.

Landscape here I just don't see anything like that happening now you could argue that we didn't see it the other time either but oh contr a lot of people saw the financial crisis coming I was screaming about the danger they know nothing back in the summer of 2007 for heaven sake that was so long ago that two new generations the Millennials and.

Gen z may have forgotten it with you know some of these guys Gen X maybe it's ancient history however these are people who for the most part still have a very negative view of the stock market and their financial future future I think they want to make money in it but they don't know how maybe they need to be lured back in by being a little more.

Positive that's really the issue we My Generation the Baby Boomers have closed the door we're often pictures the last generation that genuinely believe that we have it better than our parents I wonder if by not even showing interest in Dow 40,000 am I doing my job maybe I should demonstrate some confidence maybe this Market deserves a little positivity.

Second okay there are 30 stocks in the Dow it's not all that Diversified the winners for the last 10,000 points though were Diversified American Express caterpillar Goldman Sachs MC were four of the top five stocks JP Morgan where CEO Jamie Diamond told people that succession is well underway finished eth he says the timetable for retirement is.

Not 5 years anymore that plus the decision to limit BuyBacks at high prices course that stock to Tumble $9 or 4.5% today what matters to me though is that Dow 40,000 was a team effort not just Tech the biggest worry surrounding this Market is that it's been led by a handful of tech stocks but this Workhorse venerable index is truly.

Diversified enough to show you that many areas of the economy are still doing very well these stocks should have been hurt by the feds 11 straight rad hugs they should have been crushed by the inflationary spiral they should have been annihilated by supply chain problems during Co none of that happened again maybe give me the Dow 40,000 hat.

Third's the biggest issue what the heck is the matter we're celebrating when stocks go up don't we want to make money don't I want you to make money we have so much negativity that surrounds us we're drowning in it all of a sudden something positive falls into our laps a major Milestone is passed does it really make sense to scoff at it 42 years ago.

With the D hovering at 1080 I came down here right down the block started my lifelong Obsession advising people to own stocks I was surrounded by people who told me that I was out of my mind for one you recommend stocks I had people tell me I was going to crush Everyone by telling that this stock or that stock was worth bu when the market.

Was giant joke when I got my chance to do so the next year what happened I was inundated with words of caution from people who knew a heck of a lot more about the business than I did they they'd seen recession station impeachment resonation they didn't buy in Ronald Reagan's entire uplifting rap Hollywood actor what did he know so what.

Happens well first the D Drops back to 777 August of 1982 I apped to work at Goldman Sachs because I really believed I'd be right I was one of the few people that applied I got hired as a summer associate in ' 83 when the Dow was back over 1,000 I felt like I was in Jellystone National park down here all kinds of bears bears on Tech Bears on.

Finance Bears on bonds Bears on the government area Bull in sight but the stock market well left those people behind except for a couple times when the Bears were in charge you got to admit that when you get a run from 1,000 to 40,000 they're a little celebra warranted are we supposed to be as underc confident negative as everyone.

Was at Dow 1000 should we not be skeptical but we we but but be newless should we be newless who believe in nothing certainly not the idea that stocks deserve to be at these levels that they should be much lower that these prices are real that it's all Alchemy no benefit of the doubt for the Bulls okay we don't need to be Che.

Leaders but we do need to acknowledge the reality acknowledge that the market however temporarily got to these levels that they're not exalted they're just higher than they used to be and that's because the companies these stocks represent are doing so well that they can make you a ton of money if you sell some of these stocks right here if you.

Want to take profits you can you aren't going to knock these leadership stocks down with your selling the prices are the prices to be incredibly oxymoronic get realistic about it so maybe bring me one of those hats I wear proudly for what the dowall is accomplished not what it will accomplish we went from 1,000 to 40,000 I can bear witness sure we can go.

Down we went from 1,777 when I got started I could have tossed the down 1,000 hat and go and become a lawyer I didn't WR call here's the bottom line I'm not asking for noise makers or champagne here no trophies but baseball cap without 40,000 on it hey lose two zeros and that's where we were supposed to be if I listen to my bearish.

Betters 40 odd years ago turns out my betters they know nothing Miller in Colorado Miller hey how's it going today Jim this is Miller and Allan calling from Denver booya how you doing I am doing well how about you what's happening oh I'm doing well hey first time on the show I wanted to ask you about Alibaba stock you know.

It's had a cheap valuation for quite some years now you know free cash flow is improving just wanted to get your thoughts on the stock you know and risk that investors should be aware of you know I was talking to my buddy Dave teer he's got a huge position he was one of my thousand bosses that I had at Goldman and we both admit I mean this is just.

One of the cheapest stock it's the cheapest stock in the world cheapest major stock in the world if you can stomach owning a stock that is from China buy it it's what I have to say and buy some more if it goes down let's go to Tom in California Tom booah J thanks for having me on toage over the years thank you uh my qu.

My question is Tesla buy sell or hold great question it's a what I call a down stock there's the preponderance of of people who come in do want to sell it uh I don't want to bet against the stock down here at 174 but I would buy it in scale that would mean buying let's say you want 100 you buy 25 here 25 at one at uh 150 25 125 and then 100 at 25 20.

And then 25 at 100 that's the only way I can recommend it because it is a falling number right now an in Indiana an hey I'm a grateful Club member thank you for everything thank you hope you like the piece this weekend about yes Nvidia yes but I'm still back on the piece you know about cutting your losses.

Or battling a stock with world class anyway thank you for that thank you yeah Constellation Energy you know you do the piece then I hear you know it's like your pesti then you know there's Dows Jim fitling and then there's a hert on the street piece Friday in the Wall Street Journal yada yada yada right what about starting a position up here I'm.

For it I'm for it uh we've done enough work with ceg uh and with Joe Dominguez to recognize that this is the the power company that the all the tyers scalers want it's the cleanest power it's nuclear power and even though it's run an incredible amount I think it can be bought let's go to Paul in Florida Paul boah sir Jim it is Paul from.

Florida there we go and we we've been listening since 2002 so our question is this what are your thoughts on monday.com symbol m n d y and have you looked at the options very well I know a lot of people feel that it's going to get a takeover bit I can't uh acknowledge anything I don't know.

Anything about a takeover bit I do know this my Monday is a very good uh salesforce.com minis salesforce.com uh you call maybe a junior salesforce.com is the way to put it and they're very smart people I would not bet against them uh okay maybe I have to bring me one of these I don't know the D 40 d 40,000 aware proudly for what the Dow.

Has accomplished I don't know what it'll do in the future but I do believe that we must have faith it's the right call on mad money tonight Contour brands has been outwear the the apparel sector so I'm finding out what's making the parent company of Lee and Wrangler fly off the shelves since you be all aboard the region.

Cruise Lines I've got the CEO to see if the company's latest quarter cons sended sailing hire and P out to earnings cross the tape after the bell and sit down with the Cyber Powerhouse CEO to find out more because once again it looks like well let's just say another tough day stay.

Don't miss a second of Mad Money follow at Jim Kramer on X have a question tweet Kramer # mad mentions send Jim an email to madmoney cnbc.com or give us a call at800 743 CNBC miss something head to madm money. cnbc.com

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3 thoughts on “Jim Cramer seems at the wealth introduction from the Dow’s 40,000 milestone

  1. I desire a balanced portfolio with improve investments, accumulate investments, and moreover focal level on dividends to manufacture as much as $20K monthly, my challenge is selecting the most attention-grabbing shares that can possible stay on a recession. How fabricate i’m going about this Jim?

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