Jon Stewart MOCKS Elderly Biden And Trump On The Day-to-day Demonstrate #TYT


Jon Stewart MOCKS Elderly Biden And Trump On The Day-to-day Demonstrate #TYT

Comedian Jon Stewartis catching a lot of heat for basically telling his audience the truthduring his return to The Daily Show. He says that Biden is too old. He questions his mental capacity, but hedid also try to hedge his comments about Biden by also focusing on Donald Trump. So during the recent episode of TheDaily Show, he said these two candidates, they are both similarly challenged. And it is not crazy to thinkthat the oldest people in the history of the country to ever run for presidentmight have some of these challenges.

They're both stretching the limitsof being able to handle the toughest job in the world. What's crazy is thinkingthat we're the ones as voters who must silence concerns and criticisms. It is the candidate's jobto assuage concerns, not the voters job, not to mention them. We have two candidateswho are chronologically outside the norm of anyone who has run for the presidencyin the history of this country, breaking the record that they set.

And then he tries to emphasize againhow dangerous Donald Trump is and how the Democratic Partyis really risking quite a bit by insisting on running Biden for reelection. Look, Joe Biden isn't Donald Trump. He said he hasn't been indictedas many times, hasn't had as many fraudulent businesses or been convictedin a civil trial for sexual assault, or been ordered to pay defamation chargesor stiffed blue collar tradesmen. The stakes of this electiondon't make Donald Trump's opponent less subject to scrutiny.

It actually makes himmore subject to scrutiny. If the barbarians are at the gate, youwant Conan the Barbarian standing on the ramparts, not chocolate chip cookie guy. And that's a reference to hisrecent TikTok that Biden did, which I'm going to come back to, becausewhat the there's a giant problem with that TikTok that nobody's talking about. Okay. But first, this important story. So Kamala Harris and Jon Stewartalluded to this too. And all the Democrats that come out,they're like, oh man, you should see him.

Behind the scenes, sharp as a whip. He's like, what's your questions?And he's in command of the whole thing. And Stewart kept asking,do you have it on film? Can anybody see that?Because that's not the Biden we see. If the Biden behind the scenes is thisamazing superhero, wouldn't it be amazing if he showed that in front of the scenes? No. And of course, through comedy,what he's pointing out is, of course, there's no scenes behind thethe what you see where Biden is incredible and young and dynamic and in charge.

It's absurd. They're all lying. It's so obvious. Look at Kamala Harris.What a terrible actor she is. The way that the president's demeanorin that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated, gratuitous. And so I will say that when it comesto the role and responsibility of a prosecutor in a situation like that,we should expect. That there would be a higher levelof integrity than what we saw.

Okay. Now, in terms of, Stuart's,why people are so mad at Stuart, I think there's two reasons why. Sure. He mentioned the ageand then they go false equivalency. I don't even know what that means.Biden is older than Trump. And he showed all the waysthat Trump's an idiot. Right? And he just saidthat Trump is worse than Biden. We just read you the quote, right.

I think what they're actuallyupset about is a couple things. One is this got out on TV. I mean,these barbarians online are constantly talking about the problems with Biden,but their online riff raff, we don't pay attention on TV. How dare you? Not allowed. Okay, so we should all chastise youat the same time. Okay, so. But the two points that upsetthem the most is not the age. It's that he said, don't blame the voters.

It's the candidate's jobto win over the voters, not the voters job to quiet their criticismand go, yeah, how can we help, sir? Yes, sir.What lies can we help you with, sir? They hate that.They're like, what are you doing? You blame the votersand you say it's their job. Okay? Don't you dare ever criticize Biden. And the second thing is,well, if Trump is this dangerous, why shouldn't we critique the personwe're going to put up against them? – More, not.- Less?.

No. You need to shut up and take it.Just shut up and take it. So Stewart, in those three ways,broke the code of mainstream media, which is shut up, voters, and do as we tell you. Stewart is giving them permissionto think for themselves, and that's what they loathe. We might have millions of peoplewatching this show, but you can be the difference maker because we just need1% of our audience to be paid members, and then this show can be around forever,so you can make that difference. Click join.

Now I need to understand and this this isa question that I honestly have for some members of the audience that like, insiston us just shutting up about Biden if we have anything negative to say, because wemust support him so he can beat the mightily evil and terrible Donald Trump. Okay, but are you happy with Biden?Like, but for real. Are you happy with someonewho's currently 81? Doesn't really seem to remember where heis half the time, can't speak clearly, is usually hidden from the public,doesn't do press conferences. I mean a of modern presidentsin terms of speaking to the press,.

Doing press conferences,I just compare him to previous presidents. He's just not around,and it's because they are hiding him from the public due to the liabilityhis age has become politically. Aside from that, look at his policies.Yes, there have been some good things. I've given him credit for the good things,mostly some economic, domestic policy. But how do you, with a straight face,look at Trump and acknowledge how evil he is while giving Biden cover as he provides the 2,000 pound bombsthat are dropped on children in Gaza? Like, are we supposed to pretendlike there's nothing evil in that, that.

Biden is like a kind old man who's justso much more moral than Donald Trump is? I know this is an offensive questionfor some people. I totally get that. I totally understand why you would feelthat way, because we've had many years now of conditioning to make us believe thatDonald Trump is novel in how evil he is. But are we really going to pretendlike what Biden engages in isn't even like we've lost the plot? Like people have become so consumed withthe Partizan politics with their tribe? I must fight for my tribe no matter what.

But what is the tribe doing for you,and what does the tribe represent? Yeah, I mean, look at how the mainstreammedia has trained people to not only expect propaganda from media,but to get angry if they don't get it. You're supposed to only representone side and not the truth. How dare you, you comedian!You're so impertinent. And they try to get the votersto help them enforce propaganda. So a comic can't tell youwhat's wrong with both candidates, that that's somehow wrong. And he should only criticizeone of the candidates.

And just do propaganda for the other one. You might have missed the pointof comedy and news, by the way. So last thing on this is, to Anna's pointabout who's the moral and immoral. Look, I think Donald Trump'sa terrible person. I think he's a con man. He's conned everyonewho's ever trusted him. And we've talked endlessly about it here. And I can't believe MAGAhas fallen for this con man. Right?Populist instinct against corruption.

Horrible decision in backing one of themost corrupt guys in American politics. But if you say because of that,Joe Biden is innocent on everything, that's just doesn't make any sense. Logically, you have to analyze.Okay, but how is Joe Biden? And unfortunately, in American politics,the media is also trained you. When our politicians votefor murder, it's fine. Ignore it, ignore it.Don't look, don't look. So we send bombs and 4 billion a year, andnow an extra 14 billion that we want to send to kill more innocent Palestinians.

There's already 28,000 dead,over 12,000 kids dead. But they say no. If you say Joe Biden is evilfor doing that, he's evil. That that's no, you're neverallowed on TV. That is an illegitimate, non-credible point of view. When everyone is decidedthat the propaganda is Joe Biden is a sweet, lovable old manwho's so much better than Donald Trump. But he's not. But he but he's he's look, he's betterin that Trump nearly ended democracy.

That's not hyperbole.He had a fake elector plot. That's real. But don't tell me he's sweet. Don't tell mehe's such an awesome moral person. No he's not. He doesn't care about thosedead Palestinian children at all. And there's 12,000 dead children,and Joe Biden doesn't care 1%. He just today said more money,no checks to Israel like no guardrails. No, we're never going to takea single dollar away. Keep murdering more Palestinian children.

So you want me to pretendhe's a moral person? He's not. He's a terrible, terrible, immoral, sickguy, as almost all of our politicians are. Have I broken your little reporter heartby criticizing politicians? Why don't you go kiss their ass again? Yeah, I just I find it vomitouswhen I hear the fearmongering coming from the mainstream Democratic Partyin regard to Donald Trump as they cosign what Israel is currentlycarrying out in Gaza, it's just it's it's hard for me to take them seriously.

It's also hard for me to take themseriously when they make the argument that Donald Trump is a threatto our democracy, he's so dangerous when they're not really acting like it. Because, again, if they genuinelyfelt that, if they really believed that, they wouldn't risk the future ofthe country by insisting on allowing Biden to run for reelection. But that's what's happening right now. So much so that certain states, likeFlorida, won't even allow for Democratic primary elections to take place.

That's what's currently transpiring. So ask yourself, is the Democratic Partygenuinely terrified of Donald Trump winning and dismantling our democracy? Because it doesn't seem like they are? If you enjoyed this video,that's because of our members. They make us independent, they makeus strong, and they make us honest. Become a member todayby hitting the join button below.

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3 thoughts on “Jon Stewart MOCKS Elderly Biden And Trump On The Day-to-day Demonstrate #TYT

  1. I would never vote for both. BUT, you can't command that Trump is to blame for the death of hundreds of youth. Biden is thought to be one of the essential worst battle criminals of the scorching history.This crime is been going down on day by day basis for months. It's no longer a in some unspecified time in the future misjudge.

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